What can you learn from the older generation? What we can learn from the older generation

Choice of colors

- Father, why are you screaming?
- Yes, you can be heard in Europe too! What's happened?
- Dad, you must be holding the watch a millimeter from your face. Put your hand down and let's talk.
- You're still screaming. Put your wrist down and let's talk.

Generation Z lives in a different world, where thanks to the rapid scientific and technological progress barriers between the physical and virtual world practically collapsed. We call it the phygital world.

Today you can buy something both in a regular store and on the Internet. You can write and send a regular letter, or you can send an email. You can work in the office or remotely. And so on. Choice is great, but having it gives rise to a lot of controversy. As a rule, they come down to clarifying the question of which solution is better - virtual or real.

Generation Z is different in that it does not see the difference between the virtual and the real at all. What is there to argue about?

Observe Generation Z to learn how they manage to combine the real and the virtual in their consumption habits, life and work.

Personalization is critical to Generation Z

A typical conversation between a parent and their Gen Z child:
- Father, the Gremps gave me a Kanye West CD for my birthday.
- Great!
- Wasted money, don't you think?
- Why? I thought you loved Kanye?
- I love it, but not all the songs. It would be better if they gave me Gramps gift Certificate on iTunes so I can put together my playlist.

Like all generations, Gen Z has faced teenage insecurities, the urge to “find your game,” and the simultaneous desire to demonstrate their uniqueness. There are things that never change. But it’s much easier for Generation Z to create a whole image that makes them stand out from the crowd, because they were brought up in a highly personalized world.

From Twitter tweets, Instagram posts, and Facebook pages, my generation has a variety of ways to identify, personalize, and communicate a personal brand to the world. It's super easy! All you have to do is look through my Facebook feed and within seconds you'll know what I love.

The opinion of a representative of generation Z

From funds mass media before politics and beyond, Generation Z has unprecedented power to choose and control their preferences. This is a wonderful thing if you use it for good purposes.

What we can learn from Generation Z: technological advancement, open-mindedness, determination.

Generation Z is characterized by practicality

A typical conversation between a parent and their Gen Z child:
- Jonah, next semester you have one elective subject. Why don't you take art history?
- Why her?
- To learn more about art.
- For what?
- What do you mean?
- How does this relate to at least one of my goals? I would like to take courses that will actually be useful to me in the future.

Modern youth are dependent on technology and absorbed in political pseudo-activism, and they are also confident that there are no losers in this life. In fact, big and small businesses are trying to trick them out of money, and they are the losers, although mom and dad spent their entire lives convincing them otherwise. We are smart enough to use a proxy and view a web page that is banned in our country, but we still believe that liking our userpic has a hidden meaning. In general, we have a lot to learn from those older than us.

1. Cheap beer

Live or even home-brewed beer will not impress anyone if you can only drink half a liter. A few sips of beer is not what you need for a party. Yeah, cheap beer is no different good taste, but there are situations when the amount better quality. Drinking games were invented to bring strangers closer together and begin to understand each other. Learn to drink crap so everyone around you can get drunk and make friends. In addition, because of your aesthetic attitude towards beer, the prices for it are inflated by incredible prices, so life will force you sooner or later to switch to cheaper options. Who said that the next generation should never be like the previous one?

2. VKontakte should not be turned on at parties

We have tablets, players and computers on which gigabytes of music are stored, and each song can be found in 15 different formats. Take time and create a playlist suitable for your evening or put a friend in charge of the music who always spoils your acquaintance with girls: he embarrasses you or steals your friends from under your nose. Sitting and choosing music on VKontakte or waiting for the next funny video to load is not only boring, but also idiotic - and you insist that you are not idiots. Let everyone dance from the heart.

Online friends are not your friends until you meet in real life.

We live in the era of social networks; making friends through Facebook and VKontakte costs nothing. However, it is worth remembering: if you talk to a person every day on Skype, Viber, or exchange messages on VKontakte, this does not make him your true friend. Friends also communicate in all of the above ways, but they also meet in real life. They could theoretically be anyone, as long as you haven't seen them in person.

3. Understand before you react.

4.You're not special

Why should you be? We understand that as you read, your jaw dropped lower and lower, but such is life. Yes, guys, none of us are special. It doesn’t matter who convinced you otherwise, he had his own reasons. There are billions of people on Earth, there are guys much stronger, smarter and funnier than you, and we are all insignificant. When Yuri Gagarin looked at our planet from space, he once again reminded us all that we are only scratching around on the surface of a blue ball, lost in the Universe, and by chance we write words and commit actions. We are small and stupid, and this is the truth of life. And there is nothing offensive in the truth. Take it for granted.

Generation Z are people born in the early 2000s. Now they are approximately 18 years old or younger, they do not let go of gadgets and do not at all look like representatives. Let's find out how they differ from you and me and what good things we can learn from them.

They prefer to do everything themselves

They take on things that are beyond their competence with interest. While others are looking for someone to take their business to, Gen Z is researching information that will help them close their knowledge gaps. How they do this is discussed below.

Learn on Youtube

While older generations are signing up for courses to learn a new skill, younger people are opening up Youtube. If something remains unclear to them, they sign up for an individual consultation.

Generation Z sees no point in absorbing information that is not needed. They are aimed only at obtaining necessary knowledge to solve this or that problem. And not a byte more.

Live on the Internet

They have blogs, channels, they share their lives on the Internet and enjoy it. People who grew up in the Internet era do not worry about the disadvantages of virtual life. And challenges to “live one day without the Internet” are considered stupid, so you won’t expect such a step from them!

Quickly switch from task to task

Send an SMS, write an important letter, watch a video on Youtube, monitor a star’s page - and all this in five minutes. Representatives of Generation Z instantly switch from task to task without getting tired of it.

But there is reverse side medals: they don’t have enough for long-term tasks. They cannot do the same thing for a long time.

They want to move forward...

Development is the motivator for Generation Z when it comes to work. They may prefer a well-known company to a small one, because they believe that they will grow faster personally where the range of tasks is wider and where they can move forward.

Older people are commonly portrayed in the media as technologically backward. Surely you yourself have seen the photo taken by your grandmother with her finger covering part of the lens. Or have you heard stories about “accidentally” infecting your computer with viruses. But Australian scientists have proven that all these are just stereotypes. And young people have a lot to learn from the older generation in terms of using gadgets.

Social media

Yes, yes, older people use them too. IN in social networks 67% of Australians over 65 are registered! A quarter of them check their account every day. And although these figures are much lower in comparison with the rest of the population (out of 88% of users, 62% log into social networks every day), the fact remains that older people are also not as far from progress as it might seem at first glance. Moreover, in some aspects we need to start following their example.

Older Australians very rarely access social media during their commute, lunch break or before bed. They never use smartphones in the bath or toilet (40% of people aged 18 to 29 do this).

Multitasking is not typical for older people. Only 25% of them can use social networks while watching TV. Everyone else shares these matters.

Developing Healthy Habits

Research has shown that blue light from our smartphone screens can suppress the production of chemical substances brain responsible for drowsiness. Disclaimer mobile phones V evening time improves sleep.

Older Australians don't upload to social media. a large number of content, do not chase likes, monitor a small amount celebrities don't subscribe to a huge number of groups. Thanks to this, they have no desire to constantly log into social networks, and they are not at all worried when they fail to do this (for example, if the Internet suddenly disappears). In younger people it is more like an addiction, and the fear of missing out on something important is at a very high level. high level.

Differences in the use of new technologies

Older people do not strive to keep up with technological developments. They know how to find alternative options that will be understandable to them. Such people use modern technological innovations to achieve a narrower range of goals. For example, only 36% of older Australians access social media on their smartphone. And this is compared to the average, which is 74%. In addition, 65-year-old people very rarely use phones for listening to music, watching videos or online entertainment, preferring more traditional devices.

Chasing friends

Who is on your friends list on social networks? Acquaintances, relatives, former employees, classmates, classmates... You haven’t communicated with some of them for a long time, but you still can’t unfriend them. For the older generation, everything is completely different. They add only those people with whom they actually communicate. According to statistics, the average number of Facebook friends for young Australians is 239. People over 65 have 68.

Two way training

As we see, in terms of modern technologies It’s not just the younger generation that can teach older people something new. We can also start to follow their example. For example, give preference to real rather than virtual life, spend less time on social networks and finally stop going to the toilet with gadgets.

How often do you go to scroll through your Instagram feed or read news on various websites? Do you consider yourself addicted to your smartphone or do you only use it for calls?

Let's be honest. Did you really know exactly what you wanted at the age of 15-20? And if so, tell me honestly, now, when you’re old, this is exactly what you’re doing? And you’ve been working towards this all your life, step by step, and are you sure that you did everything right? Congratulations, from the point of view of world statistics, you are among the 2% of people who did not change their field of activity, did not work in a non-core job and did not receive an education that has nothing to do with their primary or is not related. The data is inexorable: the vast majority of people decide on their “calling” by the age of 25-30.

Things to learn: the realization that the world is changing so quickly that at the age of 15-20 making some Important Fundamental Decisions and blindly following a once chosen plan is at least naive. When I was 15, the Internet seemed like something stupid to chat with. Now I am managing a large Internet project. Did I know about this at 15, could I have chosen this as my life’s work? No, no and NO.

They don't make plans for years ahead

Our grandparents knew how to save. Many have accumulated very significant sums. And they lost everything in the early 90s. Our mothers and fathers knew how to save. Many have accumulated very significant sums. And they lost everything in ’98. We knew how to save. Many have even accumulated quite significant sums. We lost some in 2008 and the rest in 2014. Hello, do you really think there is any point in planning your life? Our children understand that the world is unpredictable, and if you have the opportunity to do something now, you should do it. Nobody knows what will happen in a year, what kind of multi-year planning?

Things to learn: bring yourself joy here and now. I love traveling, but I always thought that first... And then... and only then... And my daughter taught me to spend money on studying Angkor Wat in Cambodia, fly to Athens for my birthday and generally count, that while there are countries in the world whose roads have not been trampled by my feet, there is no need to postpone this for a future that may not come.

They don't dream of cool cars and big salaries.

I bought my first car at 19 and thought I was incredibly cool. A personal car as a symbol of cool still lives in my head. I was horrified when I found out that no one - literally - N I K T O - of my daughter’s friends, friends of their friends, acquaintances and friends (let’s make a reservation: I’m talking about Moscow) even thinks about buying a car as some kind of achievement.

Why do they need a car? Public transport your luck is fast and inexpensive; in other situations, you can take an affordable taxi. It's easier, cheaper and more practical than bothering with technical inspections, gasoline, taxes, maintenance and repairs.

Things to learn: delegate, you don’t have to carry everything on yourself. Don't buy unnecessary things, use resources wisely. Show-offs are a thing of the past, what matters is convenience.

They only want pleasure

I remember very well how I thought that every penny I saved should be put into a savings... okay, into a savings paper envelope. I denied myself, let alone a full-fledged trip to a cafe, because in my head there was “this is for the wealthy.”

I still have a hard time throwing out torn tights (but I’m working on myself), because “well, they’re still good enough, why throw them away right away.” I kept a set “for guests” in the closet and drank from chipped cups. These kids walk out of the store wearing something they just bought because it's cool! Yes, perhaps in a year there will be famine and nightmare. And then who will appreciate a cool new sweatshirt?

They have no Goal

Well, okay, a choice has been made, a decision has been made, but what about globally? What do you children want - in a global sense? They crumple, moan and do not understand what we want from them, and we are like: there must be a PURPOSE in life! Cretins.

None of us has any idea what the meaning of life is, and for what purpose of the universe we were all born. All that is in our power is to live this life so that there is something to remember, or to take a reverse photo before death, in which there will be a treadmill covered in sweat and blood.

Things to learn: There is no point in overcoming difficulties; they will never end. If you overcome some, others will appear. No matter how much you brush your teeth in the morning, by evening they still require cleaning. Therefore, do what is necessary, but remember every day: if you were not happy today, you deprived yourself of joy for a whole day of your life.

They don't set reference points

Many of us grew up in the paradigm of “get married by 25, have your first child by 30, have your second by 35, open your own business by 40.” Change the dates, change the goals - the essence of the matter will remain the same. We had a clear plan for achievement, limited by specific time frames.

These children live by the principle of “whatever happens.” I was shocked when I asked my then-young daughter who she thought was a young mother. She answered: “The one who recently gave birth.” Age did not fit into the understanding at all! They don't consider 40-year-olds old, they don't consider 60-year-olds feeble. They are very specific comrades: they evaluate only this one person, his capabilities and potential.

Things to learn: We are very different, we have different paths and different priorities. No one should be placed in a Procrustean bed (sorry) of standards, indicators and age limits. People are individuals. They are not obliged to correspond to any statistical data, much less be condemned for it.

They are ready to go to any country where it is good

No patriotism! If everyone leaves, who will raise Russia from its knees? Yes, they are ready to raise, no, really. Create the conditions. They do not mind! They simply (see above) do not want to sacrifice anything, endure and wait. Are you not ready to provide suitable conditions now? Well, excuse me, there is only one life, and not as long as we would like. If you don't buy it, others will buy it.

They don’t care, honestly, which country to raise, because they don’t care about all the countries in the world. They raise their standard of living, and that’s all.

Things to learn: there is only one person at home. And if you don’t take care of yourself first and foremost, very soon you will find yourself dependent either on other people, or on circumstances, or - surprise - on the system that enslaved you. The world is very big and very diverse. And it’s stupid, stupid to limit yourself to the framework that you’ve come up with for yourself.

They don’t understand people, their criteria are blurred

One day my daughter excitedly told me about some events in their teenage get-together. Now it doesn’t matter at all what the matter was, what was important was something else. In her speech, the names of the participants in the situation slipped in every now and then. “And then Frol says...”, “And Lena at that moment...”, “And then Salim comes...”, “Well, Yulia and I...”, “And when Nathan called... »

They have no respect for family

They don’t clean their rooms, don’t want to take part in washing dishes, they don’t care about their summer cottages and collections of Colorado beetles. They do not share their secrets and do not understand what a “clan” is.

Things to learn: they initially do not want to depend on anyone. They are ready to take responsibility for their lives and do not want extra “anchors.” You may not like the word "extra", but this the harsh truth: We are all born and die alone. And in this life you should rely only on yourself, this gives a huge head start in achieving any peaks and mental stability. Believe me. Better yet, try it.

These children believe that there is only one way to be confident: to believe only in themselves. At the same time, they love us. Loving and depending are different stories.

They are ready to spend years searching for themselves

We were scared. But they don't. At 15-20, they honestly say: we have no idea who we are or why. Wait and see. That is, they stole our formula of uncertainty and turned it into their slogan. They really want to live and see. They don't need guarantees. They are ready to take risks and act according to the situation.

Things to learn: believe in yourself. Nobody told them that it would be good, but they are still not ready to sacrifice in the name of potential success. They bet on themselves and win, because at this time we are sitting in our kitchens, calculating the risks and not deciding on anything.

We have raised wonderful children. We can definitely be congratulated on this.