How to make normal eyebrow shape. How to make perfect beautiful eyebrows at home


If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then correct design Eyebrows are a way to “open up” your gaze, give it expressiveness, and also distract attention from imperfections on the face and soften its shape. Nowadays, every beauty salon offers the services of a eyebrow designer - this is the name of a specialist who corrects eyebrows. But not everyone can afford such pleasure. If you want to know how to do beautiful eyebrows at home - step by step photos and the videos will help you.

Shape selection

For eyebrows to truly look beautiful, their shape must be in harmony with your face type. Professionals highlight the following options:

  • Classic Arched eyebrows are universal and suit almost everyone. A beautiful curve visually lifts the eyelids and makes the face look younger;
  • Rounded. They were considered the standard in the 60s of the last century, and now they are popular among girls with sharp, rough facial features, as they visually soften the oval;
  • Horizontal. They widen an elongated face, hide the sharpness of the chin;
  • Eyebrows like a house or triangular. A very exotic option - used by owners of an inflated center of the eyebrow arches, in which the face looks eternally surprised, in order to remove this expression;
  • Broken The line is also universal, and also looks the most natural of all. It will give depth to the look and well-groomed image as a whole.
  • Rising. Look beautiful with oval or rounded shape faces, but categorically do not fit the square, rhombus, triangle type.

If you decide to correct your eyebrows at home, first decide on the desired shape - for clarity, use the following photo.

If you, without sufficient experience, are afraid of making mistakes, contact universal method, beloved by all masters. The step-by-step process looks like this:

  1. Arm yourself with two cosmetic pencils - for eyes, lips, eyebrows. Place one of them on the wing of the nose so that it takes the position of line A in the photo below. This is how the level of the inner part of the brow arch is determined;
  2. Points B and C indicate the location of the break, the highest part of the arc;
  3. You get the D line by placing the pencil directly from the outer corner of your eye to your nose. The eyebrow should not fall below this line.

The model in the photo has already had her eyebrows corrected using this method - as you can see, her face looks beautiful and natural. While repeating the described manipulations step by step at home, do not forget to carefully mark the resulting guide line with a pencil.


The easiest way to get beautiful eyebrows is to pluck them with tweezers. Keep nail scissors on hand as an auxiliary tool. Best time for plucking - late evening, since the skin in this area is sensitive and it takes time for a calm recovery. Wash your face with foam, apply aseptic cream around your eyebrows, and after it is absorbed, proceed step by step:

  1. Designate desired eyebrow shape light pencil;
  2. Remove extra hairs first from the bridge of the nose, then under the eyebrow. First wipe the tweezers with alcohol;
  3. Pluck at home hairs from the top eyebrows are not recommended, they are better here trim with scissors, having previously combed it (see photo). Do the same with hairs that stand out from the general mass;
  4. Make transitions as smooth as possible. Pluck hairs exclusively in the direction of their growth;
  5. Constantly control symmetry eyebrows, the naturalness of their lines;
  6. Having finished the manipulations, use a cotton pad remove fallen hairs. Apply anti-inflammatory cream to the affected area.

Some ladies, when correcting their eyebrows at home, make a terrible mistake - they shave them. Such a technique can ruin a naturally beautiful form once and for all, and is therefore unacceptable.

Correction with cosmetics

Beautiful eyebrows can be created quickly and easily using decorative cosmetics, in particular eye shadow and pencil. This method is used in cases where the shape suits you, but you want to slightly highlight the area above the eyes.


At home, you can create beautiful eyebrows with a pencil in two ways:
First. If all you want is to just make your eyebrows darker, tint them right along the hairs;
Second. When the eyebrows are sparse or short, additional hairs are required - do it with short, thin strokes.

The pencil must certainly be special - it is tougher than those used to line the eyes. The color scheme of such products is more natural and the eyebrows will not look pretentious. Choose a shade that is as close as possible to your native tone.


The method is used only on light hairs. Shadows should be matte to avoid unnecessary shine. Using a narrow, beveled brush, shadows are applied strictly along the eyebrow growth line, without going beyond it. Thus, the gaps in rare hairs are painted over, the bend becomes clearer.

Sometimes powder is used to shape eyebrows at home - it highlights the area along the hairs. How to do this correctly and beautifully is shown step by step in the photo.


To obtain long-term results, eyebrows can be colored with special dye or henna. Beginners cannot master henna dyeing at home - the coloring mixture tends to spread. More convenient and quick option- dye. Buy it at a specialized store, where an experienced consultant will help you decide on the shade. One day before staining, be sure to do an allergy test according to instructions. If there is no irritation from the composition, proceed to painting:

After the procedure, it is advisable to lubricate the affected area with a cream with a soothing effect. If you find that the result is too bright, wipe the dyed hairs with a cotton swab moistened lemon juice, wash your face again.

Stencils and rulers for eyebrows

IN Lately Auxiliary tools for giving clarity and symmetry to eyebrow lines - rulers, stencils - are gaining increasing popularity.

Stencil- a template made of plastic or silicone with a slot in the form of a curved line, inside of which coloring is carried out with a pencil or paint. The most economical option, which has only one drawback: such a stencil must be constantly held with your fingers. But you can use it many times.

Template displacement problem solved adhesive stencils: using them, you don’t have to worry about the symmetry of your makeup. The disadvantage of such devices is their one-time use.
Universal option - thin silicone stencil, which will adhere well to the skin if moistened with water. Such models are not cheap, but they last a long time and are very comfortable.

Occasionally you can find it on sale stencils with rubber band fixation- it is simply put on the head like a bandage, placing the slits over the eyebrows. When using such a tool, be sure to pay attention to whether the distance between the stencil slits corresponds to a similar area on your face.

Ruler used for preliminary drawing of the line to be adjusted, it is transparent and very convenient in that the zero mark on the scale is located in the middle. By attaching a ruler to the bridge of your nose, you can easily and quickly draw absolutely identical eyebrows.

If you always want to shape your eyebrows yourself at home, such assistants will be very helpful, especially at first.

These were the basic tips on how to make beautiful eyebrows at home. At the end of the article, we invite you to view interesting video With step-by-step recommendations experienced browser designers.

Video - how to make beautiful eyebrows yourself

Any woman knows that eye makeup takes the most time. It is he who makes us individual, helps us create our own unique image. When making makeup, eyebrows should be given Special attention, which means it makes sense to learn how to make perfect eyebrows at home.

Interesting fact! The eyes themselves do not grow or change in any way throughout life. The eyes we were born with are the ones we die with.

The shape of the face and everything on it can change, but not the eyes. Makeup helps give expressiveness and character to our look.

And, please note, eyebrows play the main role.. They are often undeservedly forgotten or not even thought about making them perfect, no matter - at home or with the help of a professional.

Ideal eyebrow shape for your face type

Before you figure out how to make perfect eyebrows at home, you need to determine your face type.

It may be:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • square;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • elongated.

It is important to remember that the shape of your eyebrows will depend on the shape of your face.

To determine it correctly it is necessary:

  1. Stand in front of the mirror. If you have long hair, they need to be tied or braided. The bangs should also be removed from the forehead.
  2. Take lipstick, preferably brighter and one that you don’t mind. Trace your face in the mirror.
  3. Step aside and see what kind of figure you get. If you have doubts, for example, whether it is a circle or an oval, a ruler will help you. The height and width are almost the same - a circle, but have a significant difference in size - an oval.

Now let's figure out how to make perfect eyebrows at home. We start from the face shape that we just determined.

Round face

It is characterized by almost identical dimensions of the lines of the forehead and chin. Width and height round face will also be almost equal.

The main feature of a woman with such a face will be the desire to make it oval or at least elongate it a little. This visual effect will be created by raised eyebrows with a kink..

Kinked eyebrows should not be long, the tip goes slightly down

It is important for you to emphasize the vertical line of your face. Don't forget about the break. A rounded eyebrow, on the contrary, will expand the face even more.

Oval face

Now let’s talk about what the ideal eyebrows will be for those with an oval face, and what you can do at home. In this case, anything. An oval face is considered ideal. You can choose any eyebrow shape. You are the lucky one who suits everything.

Based on your character.

  • A rounded eyebrow line will make you look tender and soft.
  • A daring bend will add waywardness and rebellion.

  • A straight eyebrow will emphasize firmness and efficiency.
  • Raised will make the face lighter and more open.

The shape of your eyebrow can change your character, and therefore your life. Experiment, but in moderation.

Square and diamond-shaped faces

Unlike oval, these are the two most problematic forms. Makeup artists sometimes call them incorrect. A square face has a massive appearance.

IN in this case, it is important to remember that it should not be made even heavier:

  • You will definitely have to give up straight eyebrows;
  • eyebrows that are too rounded can give a square face a silly, overly kind-hearted appearance;
  • Don't overdo it with tweezers.

Thin eyebrows on a wide, square face will create a feeling of disproportion.. This is the case when you just look at a person and you understand that something is wrong, something you want to change, correct.

We also call a diamond-shaped face with high cheekbones. He is characterized by a narrow forehead and chin. If on oval face the widest line is at eye level, then on a diamond-shaped one it will shift to the cheekbones.

It is possible that for some the problem will become an advantage. Many people like it expressive cheekbones, but eyebrows should be no less bright. It is better to make them long and, if possible, wide.

Otherwise, you can experiment with the form. Both straight eyebrows and those with a pronounced bend are suitable. Again, do not forget about the character and the image that you would like to create.

Long face

At first glance, it seems to be oval, but the forehead is higher and the chin is long.

It's best to stick to a straight eyebrow shape.. It is advisable to make them as long as possible. The tail should at least reach the outer corner of the eye.

The end of the eyebrow should not point down

Ideally, focus on the upper corner of the ear. If you don't have your own eyebrows, a pencil will help you.

But it’s better not to overdo it with width. It should be moderate.
By itself, bends and kinks will be unnecessary.

Formula for the perfect eyebrow: the “golden ratio” rule

There is a formula for how to make perfect eyebrows at home. Surfing the Internet, you can see several options. Most often they offer three.

Formula one

Let's take it cosmetic pencil and draw three dots. They will lie on different straight lines.

Let's remember geometry: only one straight line can pass through two points. This straight line will be our pencil.


  • straight line number one will pass through the corresponding wing of the nose and the inner corner of the eye;
  • the second - through the wing of the nose and the pupil;
  • for third straight lines, the second point will be the outer corner of the eye.

Rule of the "Golden Ratio"

At the intersection of straight lines with the eyebrow, we get three points: its beginning, peak and end.

Formula two

Essentially the same thing only the second straight line is drawn through the wing of the nose and the iris of the eye tangentially to its outer edge. In some cases, it is proposed to draw a line directly through the iris, strictly in the middle between the pupil and the edge.

Formula three

It also has a second name – “Hollywood”. For those who, having made perfect eyebrows at home, seem to want to become a star.

IN this option the peak of the eyebrow is maximally shifted to the outer corner of the eye.

We get the key points for creating eyebrows at the intersection of the same three straight lines, but they run differently:

  • the first - through the center of the chin and the corresponding wing of the nose;
  • the second - through the center of the chin and tangentially to the iris through its outer edge;
  • the third - past the wing of the nose and through the outer corner of the eye.

If you build ideal eyebrow lines using these formulas, they will differ slightly from each other. Intuitively, you will suddenly feel that one of them suits you more than all the others.

It's easy to create the perfect eyebrow shape with your own hands

Interesting fact! All these rules are simplified variations of the “golden ratio” formula. At its core perfect ratio, derived by Pythagoras. This is how two different parts of a single whole are ideally related to each other.

If you take a segment and divide it into two different parts, and the ratio of the larger part to the smaller part is equal to the ratio of the entire segment to the larger part, then the segment is divided beautifully. We are subconsciously repulsed by everything that goes beyond the “golden ratio” formula and are attracted to what corresponds to it.

This ratio is used by artists and architects when calculating the proportions and relationships of objects with each other. It is 1:1.618.

Attention! The elevation of the eyebrow relative to its ends should be in accordance with the “golden ratio” formula.

At this point you should already have a desire to close the tab.

The vast majority of women are not artists or architects. Many of them with school years We weren't good at math at all. It's hard for them to calculate the necessary formula, based on the “golden ratio”.

The eyebrow line can be drawn with a brush with a coloring composition.

For those who are inferior in their knowledge to Marie Curie and Sofya Kovalevskaya, ready-made formulas have been invented.

Draw a line based on one of them, then on the other, and you will feel everything yourself.

Those with close-set eyes will choose the option that spreads their eyebrows. Those with wide-set eyes, on the contrary, will decide to move their eyebrows and thereby get closer to ideal proportions.

The main tool for eyebrow correction is bright light. In poor lighting it is difficult to achieve the desired effect. Eyebrow correction is almost a jewelry job.

It is desirable that the mirror be large. Tweezers need thin, beveled ends. Only in this case will you be able to model perfect eyebrows at home.

The plucking procedure also requires a certain sterility. Hands and tweezers must be clean. Makeup on the face is also unnecessary. Wash your face, wipe your face and tweezers with lotion, and only then proceed.

You can draw the desired eyebrow shape and mark the excess hairs with a white pencil.

Well, let's get down to business.

  • Comb your eyebrows. Otherwise, you risk plucking the wrong thing. Take your time, remove each hair separately and only along the bottom edge;
  • One of the most common mistakes is plucking upper hairs. This causes eyebrows to become dull and bald;

  • To make it less painful, stretch the skin a little with your second hand;
  • You can use thread instead of tweezers.

Correction with cosmetics: pencil, gel, shadows

We have removed the excess hairs, but where can we get the missing ones?

It's time for cosmetics.

  • The outer tip of the eyebrow goes too far down. We pluck and draw with a pencil as needed.

Eyebrow pencil is usually harder than eye pencil.

Don't overdo it with color. It should not differ sharply from hair color;

  • To tint your eyebrows, you can use special shadows. They will give more natural color than a pencil. It is better to use it only for finishing touches;
  • Also to receive rich color eyebrows can be covered special gel the desired shade. Some of them can make eyebrows more voluminous and textured (if necessary);
  • For those who do not need to dye their eyebrows, but need to smooth and trim them, you can use a colorless gel.

Wide or thin: how to keep up with fashion

Modern fashion, despite the large-scale use of silicone and artificiality, prefers a natural eyebrow line. Advice from the heroine Liya Akhedzhakova from the film “ Love affair at work“has become not yesterday, but at least the day before yesterday: “The eyebrow should be thin, thin, like a thread, raised in surprise.”

Medium and wide eyebrows - the face looks different

The ideal thickness is the one that nature gave you. It can be adjusted with tweezers or a pencil depending on the look you are going for.

Consider your face shape too. Today there is no single standard. Be individual.

  • If you're a brunette, go a shade or two higher on your eyebrows. lighter than hair on the head. Blondes are recommended to darken their eyebrows, but also no more than two shades.
  • Eyebrows should be combed and dyed along the growth line.
  • It is convenient to use a palette with two shades. The base of the eyebrow is drawn in a lighter tone, and the arch and tail are drawn in a darker tone.
  • For greater expressiveness, you can apply light shadows under the eyebrow and above its arch.

How to properly care for your eyebrows after correction

Only well-groomed eyebrows can be beautiful. It doesn’t matter where you created their ideal shape - from a specialist or yourself at home.

Make it a habit to comb and trim your eyebrows daily.. Especially if you are a hot brunette.

Blondes can afford eyebrow correction once every ten days.
For combing, you can take either a special brush or a regular one. toothbrush or a clean mascara brush. It would be good to complement the procedure with the application of oil..

Be sure to remove your makeup before going to bed

As you can see, making perfect eyebrows at home is not at all difficult. The correction will not take you much time. It does not require special skills or expensive equipment. As a rule, everything you need is already in your cosmetic bag.

Show a little creativity and you will succeed. You just need to love yourself a little more.

We learn to choose the shape of the eyebrows according to the shape of the face. Expert video consultation:

We correct the shape of the eyebrows correctly. Tips from professionals in the video:

Mistakes in eyebrow shaping and correct decisions. Watch the video:

The content of the article:

Straight eyebrows, like Korean women, are new trend, who appeared on the wave of fashion for naturalness, childishness, and deliberate naivety in appearance. Korean women naturally have such eyebrows, so they do not need to resort to any cosmetic tricks. European girls, wanting to add youthfulness and naturalness to their image, use various methods to achieve their straight shape.

Who suits straight eyebrows?

Eyebrows require the same careful care as facial skin or hair. Their facial expression depends on their shape, color and grooming. Recently, a new trend for straight eyebrows has appeared. They look stylish, give a slight naivety and innocence female image.

Their popularity arose thanks to Korean women. By nature asian women eyebrow hairs are very stiff, grow in a certain direction, as a rule, eyebrows do not have a curved shape. It is extremely difficult for Korean women to change the brow ridge, which is why such eyebrows are recognized as the standard of naturalness and naturalness. In pursuit of naturalness, many girls strive to acquire just such a shape.

Smooth brow ridges in a light natural shade make the look softer, more feminine, and more inviting. Most often, this eyebrow shape is found in men, but many women also suit it.

Straight eyebrows can give a certain expression to a woman’s face:

  1. Visually narrow the shape of the eyes;
  2. Make facial features visually more subtle and graceful;
  3. Expand the oval of the face;
  4. Give a slightly naive expression to your face;
  5. Focus on the eyes.
However, you should be careful in your desire for naturalness. Too thick and straight eyebrows can visually add several years and make the image too severe.

You should not give in to the fashion hype if you are not confident in end result. First of all, “try” this eyebrow shape on yourself to see if it suits you.

Straight eyebrows look most harmonious on narrow face elongated shape, as well as on the oval. With the right oval shape, they will organically complement the image. If the face is narrow, then straight eyebrows will visually expand it and bring the proportions closer to normal.

Smooth eyebrow arches can add a certain heaviness to the look. So this form is great suitable for women with small facial features.

Ladies with a wide oval face or narrow eyes. Straight, low eyebrows will aggravate imperfections and give the face an ominous expression. Blondes with hair should also avoid straight forms. bright eyes and colorless eyelashes. If you have large and rough features faces, then they will “coarse” them even more.

How to make straight eyebrows

Women love to experiment with their appearance, and therefore, before deciding on radical change eyebrow shape, try changing it with makeup. If the image seems successful to you, you can fix the shape. Let's consider options for creating straight eyebrows.

How to make straight eyebrows from curved ones using makeup

Since they can give a sullen look, their shade should be a couple of shades lighter than the roots of the hairs.

It is also important to choose the correct length of straight eyebrows. Determining it is quite simple: you need to draw a conditional line from the outer corner of the eye to the wing of the nose. For convenience, you can mark the end point of the eyebrow.

To carry out the eyebrow makeup procedure you will need: a special brush, shadows suitable shade, white and dark soft pencils. If necessary, you can use a special stencil to draw a clear line.

Follow these instructions to create straight eyebrows using makeup:

  • Cleanse your face with milk or toner.
  • Apply Foundation or makeup base. Only after this can you begin to draw the shape of the eyebrows.
  • Take the pencil over light shade and draw a straight line along the bottom of the eyebrow from the intended tip to its beginning.
  • The resulting void is carefully shaded with a pencil of a darker shade or shadows.
  • Remember, the more shaded the line and the closer the shade matches your natural hair color, the more natural your look will look.
  • After you have filled the void between the line and the natural eyebrow with a pencil or shadow, begin shading the space between the hairs. First, hatch at the roots of the hairs against their growth, then in the direction of growth.
  • Using a special brush, comb your eyebrows in the direction of growth.
  • You can fix the result with gel eyeliner or eyebrow pomade.
Straight eyebrows are not necessarily completely devoid of arches. They may have curves, but the latter should be smooth, soft, without sharp lines and almost invisible.

If you find it difficult to draw an even eyebrow shape yourself, use a special stencil. Place it on the brow ridge and mark the intended line with a pencil. Next, shade the space with a pencil or shadows.

Shape eyebrows straight using tweezers

You can now get rid of excess hair in the eyebrow area different ways. To do this, use trimmers, threads, and a razor. However, the most popular and easiest way to remove unwanted vegetation is to pluck them with tweezers.

The procedure for plucking straight eyebrows is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Clean your face of traces of makeup using a mild cleanser.
  2. If you have coarse and hard hairs, it is recommended to steam your facial skin first to make plucking easier.
  3. Clean the skin around your eyebrows with alcohol or salicylic acid to disinfect the skin.
  4. By using light pencil outline the desired shape.
  5. Using tweezers, remove all the hairs that lie outside the outline.
  6. Pluck hair according to its growth to prevent ingrown hairs. Grab them one at a time near the base and do not stretch the skin of the eyelids.
  7. It is recommended to remove hairs alternately from one and the other eyebrow - this way you can achieve symmetry.
  8. If you have too thick eyebrows, then they can be thinned out. To do this, remove approximately every third or fifth hair.
  9. Hairs that grow in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose must also be removed.
  10. If they lie chaotically, you can trim the eyebrow line by running scissors along the lower part.
  11. After finishing the plucking procedure, be sure to wipe the skin with alcohol to prevent inflammation. It is also necessary to moisturize it with any suitable cream.
When creating perfect straight eyebrows, remember that the hairs should “look” in one direction. Also, the distance between the eyebrows should be at least two centimeters. If you have small eyes, you can increase the distance. This way you will visually make your gaze more open, and your eyes will “open” wider.

How to get straight eyebrows by growing them out

If you have plucked arched eyebrows and want to change them to straight ones, then you can’t do without growing them out. This is a long and painstaking procedure. In addition, you will have to walk around with unkempt eyebrows for some time. However, you can hide growing hairs under bangs in summer or under a hat in winter.

To speed up the process of hair regrowth, you can use folk recipes to stimulate their growth. So, at the pharmacy you can buy special oil - castor or burdock, which has a beneficial effect on hair growth. In addition, with the help of these products you can treat and strengthen your eyelashes. Oils should be rubbed into the skin of the eyebrows every evening and lubricated with them on the eyelashes.

Also from vegetable oils You can apply compresses to the eyebrow area. To do this, wet cotton pad in castor, burdock, flaxseed, olive or almond oil and apply for 15-20 minutes to the eyebrow area. It is better to carry out the procedure every evening.

You can also stimulate eyebrow growth through massage. A special brush used for coloring and combing them is suitable for this. Clean it of decorative cosmetics and comb your hairs every evening in the direction and direction of growth.

You can make straight eyebrows from curved ones only if you do not have a strong natural break. In this case, it will not be possible to grow hairs where they are not provided for by nature.

After the eyebrows grow, they should be given suitable form using tweezers.

Wide straight eyebrows with tattooing

A fundamental measure to change the shape of eyebrows is tattooing. Permanent makeup is guaranteed to help you correct their shape and model exactly the way you want. However, to be sure of the final result, you should only contact a professional master in the salon. Otherwise, the consequences of an unsuccessful tattoo procedure will not be easy to correct.

If you decide to change the shape of your eyebrows from curved to straight and have weighed all the pros and cons, then in the salon the specialist will ask you to draw the desired shape with a pencil to make sure that straight eyebrows suit you. After you model new uniform, the master will remove excess hair and begin the process of adding permanent makeup.

As a rule, professional tattoo artists do not recommend radically changing the shape, otherwise the face may change beyond recognition. It is optimal if the artificial eyebrow is approximately similar to the natural one with a slight correction.

Subsequently, the hairs will grow back, but they can be easily removed with tweezers so that they do not go beyond the boundaries of the tattoo.

Permanent makeup is especially recommended for those women who naturally have sparse and expressionless eyebrows, and also have suffered a facial burn and the hairs on the brow ridges simply do not grow.

One of the types of tattooing is microblading. During the procedure, eyebrow hairs are drawn. It is more preferable than regular tattooing, as it allows you to achieve maximum naturalness and naturalness.

How to make straight eyebrows - watch the video:

Straight eyebrows, like those of Korean women, are popular all over the world. Many Hollywood stars adopted this form, which allows you to create a more natural appearance, give youthfulness and innocence. You can create such eyebrows at home using decorative cosmetics, as well as proper plucking.

Beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows have now become the dream of every woman. They are playing important role in beauty, emphasize the depth of the eyes and influence general form the whole face. There are many cosmetics And salon procedures which help create the perfect eyebrow shape.

Wide eyebrows are only suitable for those with large eyes.

In this article we will tell you how to give your eyebrows the shape that suits your face at home. A bunch of useful tips will help you cope with the task without difficulty.

Eyebrows can take a lot various forms, but only one of them will be correct for your face. To begin the process of eyebrow shaping, determining the right design for your face will help thin eyeliner for the eyes, or a pencil to start with.

Make a small mark on your skin with a pencil as a guide.

A - beginning of the eyebrow; B - bend and highest point; C - end of eyebrow

Place a pencil on the side of your nose and mark the starting point of your eyebrow.

Next, rotate the pencil downwards, holding it against your nostril so that it intersects the center of your eyes. Notice where the pencil crosses the brow, that's where the top of the brow arch should begin. Make another mark on your skin.

Continue moving the pencil at an angle until it reaches the outer edge of your eyes. Where the end of the pencil is, the eyebrow drawing should end there. Make another mark here.

With these three marks on both eyes you will get general recommendations about how the eyebrow shape should look on your face. You can also use an eyebrow stencil if you are not confident in your skills.

Correct eyebrows video

Eyebrow shape

Consider the correct thickness and shape of the eyebrows. Ideally, eyebrows should be in balance with the face and hair. If you have Thick hair, large facial features, then the eyebrows should be thicker and more dramatic. Or if you have Thin hair and graceful features, then the eyebrows should be thinner.

Many details are important in our face, not only beautiful eyebrows, but also lips and eyelashes.

Eyebrow plucking video

Before you start shaping your eyebrows, gather all your tools - tweezers, a brush and small scissors.

Start by checking to see if your eyebrows need trimming. Long hairs that extend beyond the contours of the intended eyebrow must be trimmed with nail scissors. When the hair density is slightly reduced, the eyebrows lie better and a more defined line is obtained.

Plucking eyebrows at home

Eat great way relieve pain from plucking with baby gel for pain relief during teething.

How to pluck eyebrows correctly

It is very important to provide good lighting at the procedure site, so you will not miss unnecessary hairs. Plucking must be done according to hair growth.

a) plucking out excess hairs; b) cutting off stray hairs

  • Maintain the natural shape of your eyebrows and don't try to change them completely.
  • For preview future form eyebrows can be used white pencil for eyes.
  • Avoid over-plucking your eyebrows. Because thin eyebrows tend to make the face look a little older.
  • Tweezing is generally more effective than waxing, as waxing can cause changes in hair growth direction and skin texture if overused.

Modern means for eyelash and eyebrow growth

Of course, there are many ways to make our eyelashes or eyebrows beautiful and alluring. You can use various caring oils or some of your grandmother’s methods.

Magic Glance will help you quickly grow eyelashes and eyebrows.

But if you really want to achieve powerful result, for a relatively short period, and without using harmful hormonal drugs and chemistry, then the French remedy for eyelash growth will suit you Magic Glance by Laboratoires Richelet- now this is the most effective and modern means.

Magic Glance eyelash growth concentrate contains: vitamins A, F, B5, PP, amino acids, glycine, arginine, quinine and ginseng extracts, as well as olive and orchid oils.

The product is fully certified and tested over the years. Unlike others, it can be used even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug can even be purchased in pharmacies.