How to make a garland from an old one. DIY paper garlands - decorating the house for the holiday

March 8

And much more. Today I would like to talk about how to create paper garlands with your own hands.

If you think that garlands can only be hung on the Christmas tree, you are mistaken. New Year's paper garlands can easily be transformed into holiday decorations with which you can decorate your home. For each holiday, you can make new decorations from paper, especially since it is fun, exciting and not at all difficult. All you need is white or colored paper, scissors, glue, thread and a good mood! Get to work! Be sure to involve children in creativity - they will love it. And at the end of the article you will find stencils for garlands.

Let's start by making Christmas tree garlands from paper.

The simplest garland is “rings” or “chain”

For it, we cut the paper into strips 0.5-1 cm wide and 10-15 cm long. We roll the strips into rings, threading each subsequent one into the previous one.

Tip: use paper of 2-3 colors. This will make the garland more festive and elegant. You can take plain paper or with a pattern. A “chain” with a pattern is suitable not only for the New Year, but also for any other holiday.

Instructions for assembling a simple garland.

For this colored paper garland you only need paper and scissors.

Make a template of half a chain link on white paper in advance. Cut colored paper into rectangles of the required size, equal to twice the length of the link. Fold in half. Place the template on one side. Redraw and cut out. Make the required number of links. Assemble the garland by threading one link of the chain into another. See link templates below.

It is better to decorate the facade of furniture or any other object with such a paper garland, the diagram of which you will find below, since it turns out to be quite dense.

Cut colored paper into strips 2 by 17 cm. The strips can be of a different size, you just need to follow the proportions: the length of the strip is 8 times the width + 1 cm in reserve.

Fold each strip in half, marking the center. Fold the sides towards the center. Make the required number of paper blanks.

To connect the links of the garland, thread one piece into the other, catching the second strip on one side of the folded strip. You will see the principle of weaving in the photographs below.

This garland is simple to make and looks impressive.

Instead of strips, you can cut circles, triangles or any other flat shapes. By the way, such a garland, but cut, for example, from a plastic folder, can be hung on windows or in a doorway and used in the interior of a nursery, kitchen, or even. This decoration looks best hung vertically. Attach a piece of plasticine or a button as a weight at the bottom.

Garlands made of corrugated paper will turn out to be unusual. Moreover, the garland will have surprises. The point is, a month before the New Year, hang the garland on the fireplace, or wherever you like. Hide a daily surprise in every fragment of it. By opening a surprise every day, the anticipation of the holiday becomes less tiring.

Let's take 31 matchboxes for her. We'll put a surprise in each box. These could be candies, pieces of paper indicating where the New Year's gift is, or instructions with a plan for today.

We wrap each box in corrugated paper and tie it with thread. We combine our “gifts”. The garland is ready. If you don’t have that many boxes, it doesn’t matter. You can simply wrap the presents in corrugated paper.

In one of our articles we already told you how to do it. They can not only be glued to a window, door or hung on a Christmas tree. After cutting out several different snowflakes, assemble them into a garland and hang it from the ceiling.

There will be a feeling of snowfall in the apartment.

For those for whom simple chains and flat garlands are not enough, we offer such a garland made of paper; it is made voluminous by connecting or gluing several parts. To get a filigree work, you have to work a little. Ready?

Using the templates given below, cut out the blanks, at least 2-3 pieces per fragment.

We glue the finished semi-finished products with glue or double-sided tape. Or, having cut one piece from top to bottom to half, and the second from bottom to top to half, insert one into the other and straighten them. Such decorations look great either one at a time or combined into a garland.

We cut strips of multi-colored paper and glue them together. We get two long stripes.

Glue them perpendicular to each other.

The next steps will be clear from the photo. If not, ask, we will answer.

To make an incredibly beautiful huge snowflake, you need to take printer or copier paper. It will look good as the centerpiece of a holiday table, on a window, in a living room doorway, or on a Christmas tree.

How to do it was described in the article.

Paper ball No. 1

Almost all of the paper garlands described above are origami, that is, strips or other figures are glued together and inserted to create a three-dimensional decoration. This is how you and your children become familiar with this type of Japanese paper art.

And this is another decoration - a ball of paper. You can collect them on a string, and you will get a full-fledged paper garland. It is noteworthy that this ball is made from one sheet of paper. And you will understand how it is done by watching the video.

Make a template in advance. Cut paper blanks along it. Cut along an oblique line as shown in the photo. Connect them into a ball. A beautiful fragment of a garland or just an original flower ball is ready.

And these are the templates for different diameters of paper balls:

Making paper garlands with your own hands is not difficult, but it is fun and entertaining. And how much fun! Here are some ideas for inspiration and, as promised, templates.

DIY paper garlands

Time flies - New Year is just around the corner! Now is the time to start actively preparing for this fun holiday!

Our first priority will be to create a festive mood - and this mood should be enough for the entire Christmas and New Year holidays! To do this, we need to think carefully about how we will decorate our pre-holiday home? As you know, it is the surrounding atmosphere that greatly influences the emotions of the people in it.

What do we need for a festive mood? Of course, a festive table, cheerful family members at the table and... luxurious paper garlands on the walls and ceiling! Moreover, these garlands must be made with your own hands with the obligatory participation of all family members in the “action” - from young to old! In this situation, everyone will be in a festive mood!

In order to decide and understand what we really need, let's look at the proposed diagrams and photographs of New Year's garlands, and then we will analyze the most popular options step by step:

Let's now take a closer look at paper garlands, starting from elementary chains to more voluminous and labor-intensive decorations.

Garland of colored paper “Rainbow Ribbons”

DIY colored paper garland

  • Double-sided colored paper of different colors and shades;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler;
  • Thread and needle, however, it is better to use a sewing machine.

Let's move on to making a colored garland:

  • First, prepare sheets of colored double-sided paper in all the colors of the rainbow;
  • Fold each sheet in half and cut it with scissors;

  • Cut the paper into strips;
  • Lay out all the strips in the required order (ours are laid out according to the spectrum), sew them in the center using a thread and a needle, or, to make the garland look more neat, use the services of a sewing machine. There is another option for those who are afraid of direct contact with needle threads - simply glue the thread to the center of the strips with glue!

Now a few important nuances: in order for your garland to gain volume and fluffiness, simply twist the thread several times when hanging; Candy wrappers folded into strips or strips of shiny wrapping paper are ideal as a material for colored stripes, then this is what we do:

Original, right?

And the best part is that there is a place to use the candy wrappers that have been eaten over the past year!

Here's another simple paper garland.

To make it, you will again need scissors, colored paper, a ruler and a pen, as well as PVA glue.

Now we just take strips of different colors, connect them into rings, thread the next strip of a different color through the resulting ring and glue them together again. And so on until your garland reaches the length you need!

Even a small child can handle making this garland, so be sure to involve your child in such an important moment as creating a paper garland for the New Year!

Here are a few more designs for New Year's paper garlands, made in a similar way - choose and create your own festive mood:

In order to please your baby with garlands of fairy-tale characters, animals, snowmen, make these cute and cheerful paper garlands:

DIY paper Christmas garlands, templates

Snowman template for garland

Just use a ready-made template (cut it from coloring books, pictures, draw it yourself, in the end) the necessary figures, glue them on a thread or string them on a needle and thread, just paint them or cover them with bright colored paper! When the garland is ready, just hang it in the children's room, to the delight of the child!

DIY paper garland from origami stripes

The beauty of this paper garland lies in this. That to create it we don’t need glue, thread and needle - only paper, scissors, a ruler and our skillful hands!

First, let's prepare colored paper of one or two colors.

Our next step is to mark strips on paper that are 17 cm long and 2 cm wide.
We cut into strips, bend the resulting strip in half, and then each side in half again inward and we get:

Origami paper garland, manufacturing diagrams

Follow the instructions in the picture:

Very beautiful and dense garland!

Garland for any occasion “Hearts”

But such hearts can create a festive atmosphere not only in the New Year! There is still Valentine's Day, March 8th, weddings, birthdays ahead...

To make this garland you will need strips of colored paper 15 cm long and 1.5-2 cm wide. You definitely won’t need glue and thread with a needle, so instead of all this, let’s take a stapler!

And now. Following the photo instructions, we quickly assemble our heart garland:

DIY heart garland

These turned out to be such cute colorful hearts!

And for lovers of more elaborate heart garlands, we suggest complicating our design a little.

For such openwork hearts, we cut paper of different colors into strips of 5, 10, 12, 15 cm. Moreover, it is desirable that the strips of the same size be made in the same color - this makes it easier to assemble the product. We collect these hearts using a stapler;

How to make a garland of hearts with your own hands

And when we have a great many hearts on the table, we can start connecting them together - the sides are also fastened with a stapler.

It turned out to be a wonderful paper garland of many hearts!

But such a garland can not only decorate your home, but also give it a fresh spruce aroma!

To make it you need to go to the forest, collect pine cones, attach rings to them using wire and thread a bright ribbon through them! All!

Bright three-dimensional lanterns made of colored paper are placed on a regular electric garland!

First, prepare an electric garland. Take a good look at it so that all the wiring is correct and covered with insulating material - we definitely don’t need fires in the New Year!

Now we present to your attention such detailed instructions in pictures, which, better than any words, will tell and show the stages of turning a piece of colored paper into a masterpiece - a flashlight!

So, prepare:

  • Paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • Needle with thread;
  • Good mood and perseverance!

Repeat this procedure again, only instead of a simple pencil, arm yourself with a needle. Thanks to this procedure, the part will easily bend in the places outlined by the needle - and this is exactly what we need!

Assemble the resulting workpiece into an accordion. As shown in the pictures below. Pay special attention to the slanted areas in the center of the workpiece.

Now it’s time to use a thread and a needle or glue. With their help, we assemble our workpiece into a nice little paper ball:

Send your options for beautiful holiday garlands, we will definitely publish them in the section

There is very little time left before the New Year holidays, and it’s time to start thinking about Christmas. It has been a traditional decoration for decades. Since hand-made is now at the peak of popularity, we suggest creating it yourself, and photos of step-by-step instructions will help us with this. All our ideas are simple and do not require additional costs; they can be made from available materials. Be sure to involve your loved ones in the work - the kids will enjoy creative evenings with their family.

Garlands are often used by designers for decoration, especially since this is especially true before the Christmas and New Year holidays. There are a lot of options for using them: you can decorate them, attach them near a chandelier, stretch them diagonally around the perimeter of the room, or decorate a section of the wall, and they are still relevant for them.

If you additionally decorate with handmade garlands, you will get an original romantic decoration that can be used after the holidays.

Step-by-step master classes on making your own New Year's garlands from paper

The most affordable material for DIY crafts is paper. As a child, many people often hung colorful garlands to decorate their rooms. Today we will show you some interesting master classes on making more complex parts, and for this we will need colored paper, scissors, a ruler, a pencil, etc.

New Year's garland of fir trees and corrugated paper tassels

The easiest option is to make a garland of New Year's. First you need to draw and cut out the details on it. Colored paper, old magazines, etc. are suitable for this.

Cut out several Christmas trees of different shapes and sizes; this garland will turn out to be more interesting. Then you can use a hole punch to make holes at the top and secure the parts with decorative thread. To prevent the Christmas trees from slipping, the thread must be pulled through the hole twice.

Corrugated paper brushes

To make a garland, we will need different shades, in addition, we need to prepare a braid that matches the color. To make the brushes shimmer beautifully in the light of decorative lighting, you can use a little foil for each workpiece. The operating procedure is as follows.

Festive decoration made of colored circles

To make a garland of paper circles with your own hands, you can cut out blanks using any round object, such as a cup. But it’s better to use a special stapler for. It is desirable that the circles be of different diameters and colors. After the required amount has been prepared, take 2 identical parts, lay a thread between them and glue them together. Glue the next part at a distance of 10-15 cm from the first.

Garland of voluminous pom-pom balls

Master class on decorating LEDs with flowers from egg cartons

To decorate a garland of flowers from under egg trays with your own hands, we will need several containers, scissors and spray paint that matches yours. The work is not at all difficult and can be completed in just half an hour.

Illustration Description of action

Cut the tray along the folds into cells.

Cut off the irregularities and bend the edges outward, the shape will take the form of a flower.

To make a bell-shaped flower, you need to cut off all the edges.

Paint all blanks in a color suitable for the interior.

After the flowers have completely dried, use an awl to make a hole for the diodes.

Insert light bulbs inside the flower, alternating lampshades by color.

A beautiful garland can be made under

When decorating their own home, many try to decorate the house with their own hands. This has already become a generally accepted fashion trend in interior design. In this case, the choice often falls on handmade paper, which is explained by the elegance of the finished result, as well as the relative ease of execution.

Considering the proximity of the New Year, more and more home craftswomen are beginning to make paper garlands with their own hands, which allow them not only to save some money, but also to laconically, easily and elegantly transform their home interior for the New Year holidays.

Garlands made of paper can bring a touch of warmth and comfort to any room, making your home more individual and original.

Paper garlands in the interior

When decorating an interior, many professional designers recommend taking a closer look at paper decor. Agree, not everyone has enough time to make any significant changes to their home interior, for example, re-painting wallpaper on the walls or changing furniture. At the same time, anyone can make quick cosmetic changes with a little paper decor, thus changing the mood of the room! This approach will save money and allow creative people to show their imagination.

So, to update the interior of a room or an entire apartment, it will be quite enough to do it yourself.

With the right approach, a paper garland can become not only a successful decorative addition to the interior of a room, but also serve as zoning in the room, and also play the role of an accent, attracting the attention of guests.

The first step in creating a paper garland is to decide on the size of the New Year's decorations, because for each specific shape you will have to use a different material:

  • More suitable for creating light and quick garlands thin paper. The finished products will turn out to be almost weightless, adding a feeling of airiness and spaciousness to the room;
  • As for thick paper, it will naturally be more reliable, and the garland from it will be heavier and larger. And thick cardboard will be a more difficult material to work with.

Compared to crepe paper, crafts made from cardboard weigh more - this should be taken into account when choosing a method of mounting on walls and surfaces!

In addition to the usual colored paper, you can also use various materials at hand, for example, advertising brochures, newspapers, old postcards, napkins, candy wrappers, pages of old glossy magazines, etc., or designer samples.

If you plan to make a “collapsible” paper garland for the New Year, then it makes sense to use paper clips or a stapler to attach the links. In other cases, it is more advisable to use glue.

Paper allows you to make products of any complexity, from simpler garlands of cards, circles and butterflies, to more complex versions in the form of angels, paper stars and cranes.

Using old books, you can make an interesting garland, spending a minimum of time on it.

How to make a paper garland with your own hands? Instructions

Garland of snowmen and snowflakes: diagrams

What does everyone imagine when they think about a traditional paper New Year's garland - of course, a chain of paper rings! And although such a product smacks of a certain childishness, it remains the simplest to make. In addition, with a good approach, New Year's decoration can become a colorful decor for the room. To make such a garland with your own hands, you should adhere to the following scheme:

  • Prepare the material. To work, you will need pieces of paper no more than 15 centimeters long and 0.5-4 centimeters wide. To make the craft more unique, you can use paper with patterns or multi-colored ones;
  • It is important to adhere to stages when assembling the garland - slowly thread one ring through the other, carefully gluing the joints.

You can achieve a lighter and airier garland, reminiscent of a frosty pattern on glass, if you use colored paper instead openwork.

And if this option seems too simple to you, then, if desired, you can complicate it a little by cutting the paper into chain links of various shapes. To do this, instead of simple strips, cut rectangles folded in half. By making a large number of links, you will get a long and colorful chain!

You will get an original New Year's decoration if, in addition to color, you alternate the links in size and shape. The finished product will become a kind of accent in the room, attracting attention.

Garland of paper flags and flowers

A garland made of colored paper is the most affordable and easiest way to decorate your home for the New Year or any other holiday. Such decoration will transform the interior, make it more original and interesting!

Below in the photo you can see some of the simplest and most beautiful paper garlands.

To this day, paper flags are considered the main attribute in decorating a classroom, remaining one of the main methods in decorating an office. And if the solution is good, then why not use it when decorating your apartment?

  • First of all, make paper blanks - rectangles. It is important to note that they will later be bent in half, which should definitely be taken into account when deciding on the size of the rectangles;
  • We string the resulting flags onto a rope or thread, securing the pieces with double-sided tape or glue.

For greater aesthetics of the finished decoration, it is worth considering the distance between the flags. You can add more brightness and creativity if you alternate flags with different patterns and colors.

A garland of paper hearts is perfect for a romantic dinner. The elegant appearance and shape of the decoration allow it to be used in preparation for Valentine's Day.

You can create a “heart” garland using several schemes:

  • A simpler option. We prepare paper hearts. Using a sewing machine, the hearts are combined into a single chain. By changing the color and size of the hearts, you can create a unique decoration with your own hands;

  • For the second option, you will need blanks in the form of paper strips. The size of the workpieces is not very important; for example, you can use strips with dimensions of 10 by 2 centimeters. It is important to note that the number of stripes must remain even, since each heart requires a pair of elements. You will also need a stapler or glue and patience.

Sew two hearts at once so that after stitching, they can be straightened out like the petals of a flower. This way you will get a voluminous garland of hearts. It looks very beautiful!

Paper flower garlands

Floral decorations, even if made from paper, are more suitable for the wedding theme. Below you will find tips and recommendations from the main handmade masters that can be used to create decorations for any occasion:

  • In the case of an ordinary garland, you can choose any shape, from original umbrellas to classic flags. No one limits your imagination - use various shapes and ideas (animals, stars, snowflakes, dolls, balls, handbags, fruits, etc.). Of course, a lot depends on what event the garland is intended for, be it Halloween, Birthday, wedding, New Year, and also for whom exactly it is being prepared - for a boy, an adult, a girl or a child. Everything you need for the job, namely stencils, detailed instructions, photos and videos, can be easily found on the Internet; all you need is desire and a little time. Dare and create!

If you have no idea how to make a paper birthday garland yourself, this video will tell you:

  • A wedding paper garland created by the hands of the bride and groom will not only be a worthy decoration for the holiday, but also the first common project, an important step into family life;
  • With the help of paper garlands you can successfully. This solution can be an excellent solution to replace the usual curtains, especially if you choose the right decoration to match the interior. In addition, decorating windows will allow you to achieve a more joyful and festive mood in the house;

  • Making a paper garland together will allow you to have fun with your children, giving yourself and them warm memories, which in itself is priceless!
  • A garland made of corrugated paper looks unique and unusual. Remaining elegant and subtle, it will perfectly decorate any room in the house.

On New Year's Day, a paper garland is used to decorate the holiday tree and as an independent decor. It is easy to make it from scrap materials with your own hands. There are several options for creating such decoration.

Garland of paper lanterns

New Year's lantern garland can be used as a night light

The finished decoration can be placed on top of electric lanterns. Only before this is it carefully inspected, checking the wires for integrity.

To create lanterns you will need the following materials:

  • scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • needle;
  • glue;
  • thread.

Making a garland takes place in several stages:

  1. Cut a strip 7–8 cm wide from a sheet of colored paper.
  2. Mark a piece of paper using a pencil along a ruler. You should get vertical strips of equal size.
  3. Repeat the procedure, but use a needle instead of a pencil. Then it is easier to bend the parts in places where the lines outlined in pencil are pressed with a needle.
  4. In the middle of the workpiece - perpendicular to the lines on it - mark a zigzag with a pencil and push it with a needle.
  5. Assemble the resulting workpiece into an accordion. It is important to pay attention to the oblique areas in the middle of the workpiece.
  6. Using glue or thread and a needle, assemble the accordion into a lantern.
  7. String several lanterns on a thread.

The diagram shows the sequence of actions when making a flashlight

A garland of paper lanterns is perfect not only for the New Year, but also at regular times for interior decoration, shop windows, etc.

Decor made of three-dimensional stars for the New Year

If you make stars from white material, then you can color them with paints or felt-tip pens

To create decorations, use plain white, colored or packaging paper. You can take paper intended for scrapbooking.

Materials for making stars:

  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • eraser;
  • protractor;
  • compass or saucer;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil.

The work is performed in a certain order:

  1. Turn the paper over to the reverse side. Using a compass, draw a circle on it - the diameter of the star. Instead of a compass, you can use a saucer - attach it to the paper and trace it with a pencil. Draw a straight line from the edge to the center.
  2. Using a protractor, measure an angle of 72°. Draw a straight line. Repeat the procedure along the entire diameter. The result should be 5 lines with the same distance between them.
  3. In the middle between the straight lines, draw additional ones - you can use a dotted line. Connect the resulting lines into a star shape. Erase the circle and other extra lines with an eraser. On the right side of each edge of the star, mark a connecting strip.

    To make a garland, it is good to use elements of different colors and sizes.

  4. Cut the resulting workpiece and bend along the guide lines. If the paper is thick, the folds are creased with scissors or a ruler to give them maximum expressiveness. Then the workpiece should be bent.
  5. Using the same principle, make the second half of the star. Coat the connecting strips with glue and glue the two parts together.

    The result is a three-dimensional star

Paper ball decoration

The garland can be hung in any position - both horizontal and vertical

To make a garland you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • compass;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • needle with thread.

Work order:

If you glue a rectangle to each figure from below, you will get baskets with balloons. Then, in the interval between them, you can string clouds cut out of paper onto a garland.

Volumetric paper snowflakes

It is advisable to choose cardboard with a density of 65 g/m2. cm. The larger the square, the higher the paper density should be.

To make jewelry, you need materials and tools:

  • cardboard - 6 squares;
  • scissors;
  • stapler;
  • glue;
  • threads;
  • pencil.

Paper garlands are a simple and inexpensive option for holiday decor. Children are always interested in making New Year's decorations, experiencing pleasure from the process itself and rejoicing at its result.