What is the best way to dye your hair: on dirty or clean hair? How to dye your hair correctly. How to dye your hair at home


The desire to change the image is inherent in all of us. But the cost of the procedure in beauty salons forces many ladies to abandon the idea. From now on you don't need an expensive stylist at all! Knowing how to dye your hair at home, you can do everything yourself!

4 steps for DIY coloring

If you decide to dye your hair at home, follow these steps.

Step 1: Choose the color you want

Any change in style begins with shade. It is very difficult to choose one, since very rarely a lady knows exactly what she wants. Conduct an experiment, especially if you want to change dramatically. You can try on wigs or simply upload a photo to the site and choose a color online. At the same time, you should also take into account your color type, as well as the need to change your entire wardrobe, because what suited a redhead may not suit a blonde.

Stage 2. Buying hair dye

  • When choosing a package with the desired color in the store, be sure to read the instructions on the side of the package. It contains points regarding dosage for various lengths strands. For medium and long hair you may need two or even three packages;
  • All colors of modern paints are divided into three groups - blond, black and chestnut. And each of them can be separately divided into different tones (light and dark). If you need to paint in dark color, try a lighter shade from this one first color palette. And one more thing - when coloring your hair at home, give preference to cool shades. Warm colors often behave “inappropriately”, so it would be better to leave them to a specialist;
  • If you want to save money, consider additional paint qualities. Some add shine to strands, others cover gray hair. If you don't need it, take another paint - it will be cheaper. The price is also affected by the branded balm included. If you have your own product that suits you, buy paint without balm;
  • If you dye your hair regularly, use dyes from the same brand. Even a very small difference in the composition of the dyes can have a bad effect on the health of the hair.

Stage 3. Additional accessories

For painting you need:

  • Special brush;
  • Comb;
  • A protective cape over the shoulders (it can be replaced with an old robe or towel);
  • Fat cream. It needs to be lubricated on the skin along the hairline, as well as on the ears, temples, and neck. The cream prevents the paint from staining the skin as well.

Stage 4. Painting

Dyeing your own strands will not be so difficult if you strictly follow the instructions on the package:

  1. Mix the dye and oxidizing agent thoroughly.
  2. Comb your strands well. To improve the effect, they can be slightly moistened.
  3. Divide your hair into four parts - from the forehead to the back of the head, occipital, right temporal and left temporal.
  4. In each zone, lubricate only the root zone first. The layer should be uniform. Move the brush very quickly, otherwise your hair will take on a different shade.
  5. Distribute this mixture over the entire length of your hair.
  6. Leave for half an hour. If you are wearing makeup for the first time, it is better to cut it off thin curl and try the dye you have chosen on it.
  7. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  8. At the end of the process, lubricate your hair with the balm that comes with the kit.

The whole painting process looks like this:

How to tint only the roots?

If you only need to touch up the roots of your hair, apply the dye to them for about 20 minutes. Even for long length One pack is enough. Spread the remaining product over the rest of your hair and wait 10 minutes. Then wet the strands big amount water and lather well with your hands. Wash your hair with shampoo or just water. In the latter case, the color will be more intense.

How to dye a long braid?

The technique of coloring long hair is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Paint only the roots first. Then divide the braid into several thin strands, apply a small dose of dye to each and brush it with a comb. This will ensure uniform coloring. Gather all the dyed strands into one bun and hide your head in a bag. Wait right time and rinse everything thoroughly. Finally, apply a moisturizing balm.

Attention! If you were unable to dye your strands in the chosen shade yourself, do not try to fix everything with another procedure. Wait two weeks - under no circumstances should you dye your hair again earlier, because the strands will be severely damaged.

  • Tip 1. Do not add any other components in the form of balms, shampoos and oils to chemical dyes. This revamped lineup may be unpredictable.
  • Tip 2. Don’t prepare the paint for future use, apply it right away.
  • Tip 3. Work only with gloves - chemical components are bad for the skin.
  • Tip 4. Modern cream paints do not spread over the skin, so there is no need for polyethylene or a warm towel.
  • Tip 5. Don't combine perm with coloring.
  • Tip 6. Remember, it is better not to leave the coloring composition on than to leave it on the strands.
  • Tip 7. Be sure to buy care cosmetics for colored hair (shampoo, conditioner and mask).
  • Tip 8. Hair after dyeing should be dried without a hairdryer.
  • Tip 9. Do not wash your hair with shampoo for two or three days before the procedure. This will allow the pigment to adhere much better. The main thing is that there are no residues of varnish or other styling products on the strands.
  • Tip 10. If there are rashes, wounds, scratches or itching on the scalp, postpone the procedure.

How to apply makeup with henna and basma correctly?

Hair dyeing with henna and basma can also be done without the help of others. It’s enough to remember a couple of simple but very important rules:

  1. Dilute henna hot water– it should look like homemade sour cream.
  2. Mix everything well so that there are no lumps.
  3. You can add any essential oil(literally a few drops).
  4. To avoid staining your skin, lubricate it with a rich cream (along the hairline, near the ears and on the neck).
  5. Apply henna to the strands, starting from the back of the head.
  6. Gently work your way through the rest of your hair.
  7. Comb your hair with a thick comb so that the mixture is evenly distributed throughout your hair.
  8. Wrap your head in plastic and warm scarf or a towel.
  9. Wait 2-3 hours.
  10. Before washing your hair, do a light massage.
  11. Wash off the henna warm water without using shampoo to allow the pigment to set.
  12. Now mix basma with water.
  13. Apply in the same manner.
  14. Wait the required time - from 15 minutes to 2.5 hours. The longer you keep the basma, the darker the shade will be.
  15. Wash your hair with water and lubricate your hair with balm.

Hair dyeing with tonic

When you decide to dye your hair with tonic or shampoo, remember important point– its color can be darker only by one tone. Hair tinting occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. Prepare the painting mixture using the instructions.
  2. Moisten the strands a little to help the toner adhere better.
  3. Divide your hair into several equal strands.
  4. Moisten each with the product using a special brush.
  5. Wrap yourself in a warm cap.
  6. When the time is up, wash your hair with water. There is no need to use shampoo.

How to make your own ombre?

Ombre is one of the most popular hair coloring techniques. To dye your hair at home fashion technology ombre, you just need to strictly follow the tips:

  1. Mix the coloring composition. It can be either permanent or ammonia-free paint. If desired, use a tinted balm.
  2. Divide your hair into two equal parts.
  3. Tie two ponytails, placing both elastic bands at the same level and at the desired height.
  4. Using a special brush, coat each ponytail with the product. Hold the brush vertically. The border can be sharp, or it can be barely noticeable.
  5. Leave the dye on the strands for about half an hour.
  6. Wash your hair with shampoo and use conditioner.

Hair coloring with chalks

To do it right, buy a coloring agent at an art salon.

Various colors available huge selection, but remember that using these crayons too often can be harmful to your hair. Then follow the instructions:

  1. Divide your hair into several thin sections.
  2. Twist each into a rope and secure with an elastic band.
  3. Paint the strands with chalk without touching the roots. You can apply one or several shades - it’s up to your taste. Blondes can apply the product to dry strands; brunettes are advised to wet their hair with water.
  4. At the end of the process, shake your hair to remove any remaining chalk.
  5. To secure the effect, spray your hair with hairspray.

The technique of hair coloring is not so complicated that this procedure can be trusted exclusively to hairdressers. Yes and professional products for hair coloring are now sold in any cosmetic store: so, armed with dye and the appropriate tools, you can safely get down to business.

What is hair coloring and how to dye your hair correctly, you will learn on this page.

What is hair coloring at home?

Hair coloring is one of the oldest cosmetic procedures, which was used with equal success by both men and women. In Ancient Persia, for example, men dyed their beards with henna - it was considered beautiful. However, let's not go deep into history.

Performing hair coloring is the most quick way to change yourself. Every woman wants to be attractive, and hair coloring in this sense can work real miracles, making you either romantic and tender, or bold and daring, or confident and strict - it all depends on what hair color you choose for yourself.

Hair coloring used to be done exclusively in hairdressing salons. However, now hair coloring at home, thanks to a large number a variety of coloring products available to anyone.

Dye for home hair coloring

Before you dye your hair, decide which dye is preferable for you. Hair dye for dyeing hair at home can be natural or artificial (chemical). Which one is preferable? It all depends on your taste, hair structure and final result which you are aiming for.

Natural and chemical dyes have their advantages and disadvantages. It is known that natural dye It has a more gentle effect on hair than chemical ones, but the coloring is not very durable.

Hair coloring chemical agent is more durable and rich, but often such dye has an aggressive effect on the hair, as a result of which it is damaged. If you decide “we dye our hair at home with a chemical composition”, you will have to remember that beauty requires sacrifice and once again weigh the pros and cons, especially since different means give different degrees of intensity of hair coloring. Sometimes, to change your appearance and stay happy with the result, it is sometimes enough to use some product with a “softer” effect than hair dye, especially since there are many options.

Hair coloring products: dye and shampoo

Hair coloring products are selected depending on how saturated color you need.

Hair dye (colorator) is the product that gives the strongest effect. The effect of this dye on your hair is extremely intense: you can radically change your appearance. The fact is that oxidizing agents contained in hair dye are capable of breaking down natural pigments, thereby freeing up space for chemical dye. It is with the help of such a product that a bright blonde can become a burning brunette, and a brown-haired woman can give her hair the color of eggplant or pomegranate. Positive side use of hair dye - intensity and durability of color, the ability to radically change hair color, negative - active effect on the hair structure, which can lead to damage. After intensive hair coloring, even if the coloring did not cause visible damage, it is necessary to apply a special care package - now many companies produce them.

A quality dye is a product that gives a short-term effect. Such shampoos contain dye (or rather, pigment), which “settles” on the hair and lasts until the next wash. You may not have to show off your new color for a long time, but you have a good chance of changing your image often. It should be said that coloring with special shampoo can't be called intense, but if you want to make your natural color hair, giving it desired shade, better means can not found. Since the coloring shampoo does not contain components that have an aggressive effect on the hair and allow the pigment to penetrate deep into its structure, you do not have to worry about hair damage.

Professional hair coloring products: tinting

Wash-off tinting is in many ways similar to coloring shampoo: it contains a pigment that settles on the hair without penetrating deeply into its structure. However, this pigment is more persistent: it stays on the hair for a relatively long time, finally being removed only after you wash your hair 5-7 times. The advantage of such tinting is its gentle effect on the hair and the intensity of the color, the disadvantage is that it is gradually washed off from the hair.

Another hair coloring product, albeit with short-term effect– intense tinting. Unlike wash-off, intensive tinting contains an oxidizing agent that promotes the penetration of pigment into the hair structure. However, this remedy can still be called gentle. It is washed off from the hair within two months. I would especially like to mention the so-called on-off tints, hair coloring products that, if desired, are washed off without a trace with a special composition whenever you want. The peculiarity of using intensive tinting is that the hair should not be dyed or bleached before using it.

Hair dyeing tools: bowl, gloves, cape

What do you need to prepare before you start coloring? No matter how eager you are to begin the transformation process, remember that it is impossible without some necessary things.

One of the necessary tools for dyeing hair is a regular bowl (preferably plastic) in which you will dilute the dye. You cannot do without this container, since many modern colorators include not only a dye, but also a fixing emulsion. To prevent the reaction between these two components from occurring before you start painting, they must be mixed immediately before painting.

Stock up on a pair of gloves: you want to color your hair, not your hands.

A drape made of oilcloth, polyethylene or waterproof fabric will help you prevent paint from getting on your clothes.

Hair coloring tools: comb, cap

Another necessary tool for hair coloring - this is a comb with which you will evenly distribute the dye throughout your hair. A wide-tooth comb is preferable: you will have to distribute the paint over wet hair, but it is more difficult to do this with a fine-toothed comb. For the same purpose - distributing paint - you can use a special brush.

A sheet of foil or an oilcloth cap will be especially useful if you want to achieve the brightest and most intense shade: in this case, the breakdown of the pigment occurs under stronger heat, which intensifies the chemical reaction. Don't forget about a towel, hair balm, hair dryer and skeleton brush: with the help of these items you can finally tidy up your hair after coloring.

Dyeing your hair at home: safety precautions

Remember that hair dye is chemical composition, which may cause an allergic reaction to the skin. It is necessary to follow safety precautions when dyeing hair in any case, and if the scalp is damaged or affected skin disease such as psoriasis or eczema, there is no need to risk it at all - hair coloring is not for you yet. But even if your skin seems completely healthy, it doesn’t hurt to check it for an allergic reaction, especially since you don’t have to make an appointment with an allergist to do this. All you need is a small amount of the product you are going to dye your hair with and a little patience. Don’t be lazy to apply the composition on back side elbow, after wiping it with alcohol. Repeat this procedure three times to be sure and leave until completely dry. Now you will have to wait two days, but after exactly 48 hours you will be able to accurately determine whether the selected composition is suitable for you. If it does not appear on the skin allergic reaction, you can safely use paint. If the reaction makes itself felt, you should not use such paint. The appearance of an allergy does not mean that the composition itself is bad: we are all just different, and what is suitable for some is completely unsuitable for others.

So, everything is prepared, there is no allergic reaction, which means you can dye your hair. But before you take on the paint, you need to wash your hair, you think. Stop! Another mistake. Coloring is not a haircut. If the haircut turns out to be more accurate, the cleaner the hair, then with coloring the opposite is true: the procedure will be more gentle if done on unwashed hair. That is, before you dye your hair correctly, you should never wash it. Of course, this does not mean at all that before painting you need to go with dirty head for a whole week, dyeing your hair a day or two after washing your hair is what you need.

Hair coloring technique (with video on how to dye your hair)

Check out the video on how to dye your hair and feel free to start dyeing:

1. Before dyeing your hair, squeeze the coloring compound from the tube into a bowl. If the composition comes with a fixing emulsion, mix them. Don't forget to wear gloves on your hands. Yours final goal- dyed hair, not hands.

2. Using a comb or a special brush, apply the composition to unwashed hair. Correct technique hair coloring dictates that Special attention You need to pay attention to the roots: it is in the direction from the roots to the ends of the hair that the colorator should be applied.

3. Leave the dye on your hair for a while. The process of breaking down natural pigments can take different quantities time. It depends both on the composition of the dye and on the type of your hair. On average, the time of exposure of hair dye ranges from 15 to 30 minutes. Check the time according to the instructions included in each paint package. If you want a more saturated and lasting color, wrap your head in foil, making a kind of cap out of it, or put on an oilskin hat.

Ellumination of hair is new technology coloring, which improves their condition. It is based on the use of negatively charged dye elumen, which penetrates deeply into hair that has a positive charge. The hair is colored perfectly and does not deteriorate, but on the contrary, it is nourished with useful substances.

4. Rinse off the paint thoroughly with warm (not hot!) water.

5. Dry your hair with a towel.

6. Dry and brush.

7. You can admire the result.

How to properly dye your hair at home

From time to time, hair color needs to be updated. Firstly, the effect of pigment on hair does not last forever: over time, the color still fades. Secondly, hair is constantly growing, and soon you run the risk of discovering that the regrown hair roots, which differ in color from the dyed areas, significantly spoil big picture. So re-staining cannot be avoided. Since the hair roots differ in color, special attention will have to be paid to them. The composition is applied to the roots for 20 minutes, after which it is distributed along the entire length of the hair using a comb and remains on it for another 10 minutes.

When coloring your hair, remember that this procedure requires some precautions and restrictions. For example, hair coloring composition should not be used to color eyebrows and eyelashes. Correction (a procedure even more subtle than hair coloring) will be done in a beauty salon, and there is mascara for coloring eyelashes. So use hair dye only for its intended purpose.

If colorizer gets into your eyes while coloring, rinse them immediately with plenty of water. Do not hesitate to use water in cases where paint gets on the skin of your face, hands or clothes: you are unlikely to want to show off mahogany-colored spots where they are not provided for by the laws of fashion.

Black hair does not suit all women. Girls with bronze skin can afford to be brunettes, but for dark-skinned girls, dark hair makes them look older. Black hair also suits its owners light skin. However, girls with white porcelain skin black hair is contraindicated.

Hair coloring technology: correcting errors

Hair coloring technology is a troublesome process, and rarely does anyone manage to make it without mistakes, especially at first. What to do in cases where the coloring for some reason still does not suit you 100%? Dye your hair? Yes, of course, everything can be fixed. However, before you work on fixing errors, understand their causes.

1. After dyeing, the hair became too dark. This can happen for several reasons. Perhaps you didn’t pay enough attention to choosing the right tone and chose too dark, or your hair is too thin and you simply overexposed the dye to it.

2. The resulting color was too light. The only explanation is the wrong choice of composition: apparently, you mistakenly used too light, and next time you will need to use a composition that is a shade darker.

3. After drying and styling, you find that your hair is colored unevenly. There are several explanations for this. The most likely possibility is that you used too little of the compound. Meanwhile, there is a clear rule: one tube of dye is enough for short and semi-long hair (length up to or just below the shoulders). For longer hair, you need to take two tubes of colorator. This rule applies at least for the first hair coloring. In the future, if you just want to refresh the color you have chosen and restore its brightness, it will be enough to use one tube.

Hair can be colored unevenly for other reasons. If you are a middle-aged woman, then by dyeing your hair, you strive not only to change your appearance, but also to cover up your gray hair. However, it is precisely because of gray hair that hair is sometimes not completely dyed, especially if gray hair a lot of. The solution is to choose a more intense paint tone next time.

Sometimes the dye applies unevenly to the hair due to the nature of its structure. The thicker the hair, the more difficult it is to dye it, unlike fine hair, which are painted over quickly. However, there is a way out here too. Before coloring, you can use a bleach to break down the natural pigment cells in your hair, and then apply a colorizer. You can choose a more intense tone and, after applying the dye to your hair, leave it on longer (but within the time specified in the instructions for use!).

And finally, another reason for uneven coloring is hair styling products. You should dye your hair on unwashed hair, but if there are any styling products left on it, it is better to wash your hair before dyeing than to do it over any hairsprays, mousses or gels: the result may be unpredictable, especially since any styling product is, as a rule, , chemical composition, so that between its components and the components of the colorator there may be chemical reaction. Therefore, either rinse the styling products from your hair and do the coloring immediately after washing. clean hair, after drying them with a towel, or be patient and wait two more days with coloring, without washing your hair and without using foams, varnishes, gels and other products.

4. The scalp turned out to be irritated after coloring. This means that you either have overly sensitive or allergy-prone skin. It remains to add that if a chemical dye is not suitable for you due to the characteristics of your skin, but you still want to change your hair color, you can use one of the options for gentle hair coloring.

Hair coloring has long become commonplace cosmetic procedure, these days, almost every woman changes her natural shade, experimenting with images. To change your image, it is not at all necessary to resort to the services of a master: by observing some subtleties, you can repeat the process at home yourself, fortunately it does not involve any special difficulties, and the choice of colors is truly limitless. So that you are not disappointed with the result, we will tell you how to do it yourself at home and avoid classic mistakes.

Choosing paint

Main plus salon coloring is that there are no painful doubts about the choice of paint and correctness of one's own actions- just sit in your chair, enjoy the process, and all responsibility falls on the master. Another thing - coloring at home: you have to do it yourself study information on the labels of coloring compounds and wonder if they will harm your hair. Fortunately, there is a common algorithm of actions, following which will help you purchase a quality product:

  • Visiting the store cosmetics, first of all, look at the sales consultant, he will detail will tell you about the pros and cons different colors, will choose the best option for you.
  • If there is no consultant, stand in front of a shelf with paint and immediately mentally cut off the cheapest sector- perhaps the products used on it are effective, but the level of maintenance harmful substances definitely going off scale.
  • Choose a paint that does not contain ammonia and contains natural caring components(oils, herbal extracts).
  • Check the contents of the package for all necessary items, and the tightness of the tubes themselves with coloring composition and balm. Workers at some stores glue boxes of paint tape to avoid theft - treat the situation with understanding. Just ask check the product directly when paying at the checkout.
  • Do not forget take into account the length and thickness of hair. To paint short hairstyle, one pack is enough. If the strands are below the shoulders, it’s better buy paint with reserve. Necessarily find the expiration date, production date, manufacturer information. This information should be presented as simply and clearly as possible, not allowing discrepancies.

Even full paint compliance with all standards does not exclude the possibility allergic reaction, so be sure to do a preliminary test on your wrist, according to instructions. Only after this action, in the absence of irritation, is the paint considered suitable for use? use personally for you.

Dye your hair at home - the task is not difficult, but when assessing the result, the decisive factor will be quality of application. To bring the level of independent manipulation as close as possible to a professional one, use a few proven tricks:

  • Don't wash your hair for 2 days before painting, this will preserve their natural protection - sebum. It is not recommended to use balms, conditioners or shampoo 2 in 1, creating a small film on each hair - there is a risk uneven color distribution.
  • Strictly keep time specified in the instructions. If you overexpose the dye, the shade will not become richer, but the health of the hairstyle will inevitably suffer.
  • Avoid radical image changes; they are very difficult to do on your own without the help of a professional. It’s better not to take risks at home, give preference to shades that differ from the original by 1-2 tones.
  • Working with coloring composition, do not use metal equipment, it can oxidize, which will significantly change the final hair color.
  • Do not add to purchased composition your ingredients, the consequences can be dire.
  • After coloring put the hair dryer aside and let your hair dry room temperature. Try don't wash your hair at least another day, let the pigments set.

Even if you have dyed your own hair at home many times, be sure to check your actions with the instructions. For different color mixtures rules mixing, application, exposure may differ fundamentally. For comparison, we suggest reading about how to lighten hair at home.

How to dye your hair correctly

Do-it-yourself coloring at home, it still requires the presence of an assistant in the person of a friend, sister or even husband in order to evenly apply the coloring composition. But paint it well you can do your own hair, acting step by step:

  1. Set up a place for the procedure. The ideal option is to sit opposite the trellis, laying out everything you need on it: paint, a glass bowl for diluting it, gloves, old towel on shoulders, a rare wooden or plastic comb, flat brush for coloring, hairdressing clips.
  2. Along the contour of the face Apply almost close to the hairline fat cream. This will protect the leather from paint getting on it.
  3. Mix paint according to manufacturer's recommendations.
  4. The process begins by applying the dye mixture to the back of the head, so We ensure maximum openness this zone. The hair should be divided into four parts, making two partings crosswise: from ear to ear through the parietal part, from the forehead to the neck. You will get just 4 sectors with cross area on the back of the head.
  5. Secure the strands clamps and start painting. First you need to paint the partings, then the back of the head itself.
  6. Temples and forehead area are better paint last, since the hair here is thinner and absorbs pigment faster.
  7. When all the dye is on your hair, comb your hair with a sparse comb to distribute the mixture more evenly. It is strictly not recommended to cover your head with anything - modern dyes require access to oxygen.
  8. After for the required time, rinse the composition from your hair, carefully running your fingers over each strand. Pay special attention temples, area behind the ears - all areas should be washed well.
  9. Apply caring balm to restore hair, rinse off after a couple of minutes. For subsequent care and restoration, you can use hair masks which you will read about.
  10. Wait until your hair is completely dry, evaluate the result.

If all the steps are performed correctly and the paint color is chosen well, the reflection in the mirror will pleasantly surprise you: uniform coloring always makes the hair visually thicker, gives it glossy shine and smoothness. Now, knowing how to do it right for yourself, you can improve your image at home, experimenting with different shades.

It is known that changing the image - The best way improve your mood, start new life or attract the attention of others. So, you've finally decided to dye your hair. Now yours the main task- choose the right dye and then apply it correctly to your hair to get the perfect result.

For the very first coloring is suitable unstable dye, such as tinting hair foam, which is washed off after several shampooing procedures. Don't strive for drastic changes, this will greatly damage your hair.

Don't try to do anything supernatural. Leave radical changes to the professionals.

Having bought paint in a store, we begin with anticipation when we get home, quickly open it, put on gloves, mix the bubbles and apply it to our hair. For most of us, this process has become automatic. But in vain, because first of all you need to carefully read the instructions.

There are two gross misconceptions: the longer we leave the paint on, the more effective the color will be, and the more paint we apply, the more intense the color will be. The first definition is incorrect due to the fact that if you leave the paint on for a while, you can dry them out, or even simply burn them. The second is a trick of sellers to get you to take more packages of the product.

1. How to apply paint correctly

1. Before dyeing your hair for the first time, you should not wash your hair so as not to remove the protective film from the scalp. The dye will be absorbed deeply into the hair.

2. Apply dye to dry hair.

3. Before painting, apply protective cream or Vaseline on the skin of the face along the hairline, on the forehead and temples so that the skin does not change color.

4. Be sure to wear gloves.

5. Divide your hair into thin strands and evenly and most importantly quickly apply the composition to them with a brush: from the back of the head towards the temples, evenly processing them from the roots to the very ends.

6. If you have difficulty distributing the dye along the entire length of your hair, lightly moisten it with warm water. The paint will become less thick and spread more easily.

7. After all the hair has been processed, comb it thoroughly again with a wide-tooth comb.

8. Immediately after application, wipe off any remaining paint from the skin, not forgetting the neck and ears.

9. Leave the dye on your hair for 25-30 minutes (according to the instructions), without covering your head. If there is too much gray hair, increase the time by another 10 minutes.

2. Wash off the paint

After coloring, foam the color emulsion a small amount water, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. When washing off the dye, make sure to rinse your hair completely. You can wash your hair with shampoo to remove coloring elements and then rinse with conditioner. Both the one included in the kit and the one you are used to will do.

Hair after dyeing especially needs protection and care. To preserve the resulting color, its richness and brightness, it is recommended to use a balm for colored hair.

Staining results

If the coloring is unsuccessful, it is best to contact a specialist. Even if you wash your hair ten times in a row, the color will not come off. The worst decision would be to suddenly repaint it back to the previous color. The hair is already damaged, and only a professional can help not only restore the beauty of the hair, but also protect it from damage.

The main thing is not to forget that a radical change in hair color has a very strong impact on the condition of your hairstyle: your hair may not only begin to split or require more careful care, and even fall out.

It would be a good idea to write down the number of the paint you chose for future reference, and remember to lay a towel on the pillowcase to avoid stains. This is especially true if you become a brunette.

Touching up overgrown roots

When tinting the hair roots, apply the composition first to the roots, starting from the back of the head.

After 20 minutes, distribute the remaining emulsion along the entire length of the hair to the very ends and comb the hair so that the dye is distributed evenly.

Leave the mixture on for another 10 minutes and then rinse off.

Necessary items for those who decide to color their hair at home

To ensure that you have as few difficulties as possible, you need to have the following necessary items on hand:

  • There is no way to do without gloves. Stock up on an extra pair, in case during the painting process the ones that came with the paint tear, and then you can stain not only your hands, but also your clothes. Talc-free gloves that won't irritate your skin are best.
  • The brush will help you apply the paint carefully and precisely. You can spare no expense and buy a professional one, it is especially convenient. Moreover, you will need it more than once.
  • A plastic or glass bowl for mixing paints and just to make the process easier.
  • Hair clips and crabs to separate strands. Choose only plastic hairpins.
  • A clock to measure time.
  • An old T-shirt or robe. Even if you get them dirty, you won’t mind. A towel will also come in handy.

    Precautionary measures

    When dyeing hair at home, you should not: use the purchased emulsion for other purposes, neglect gloves, do a perm before or after dyeing, carry out the procedure if there are wounds, scratches or abrasions on the scalp, use the drug on dyed hair natural dyes, exceed the time indicated on the package, store and use the re-prepared emulsion

  • According to statistics, more than half of women prefer to dye their hair, and in order to save money, many of them do it at home. However, not everyone knows how to properly dye their hair at home. As a result, you get undyed strands, an incomprehensible hair color, and the saddest ending is damaged, burnt hair.

    In order to avoid such consequences, you should familiarize yourself with how it is produced correct coloring hair.

    Instructions and more instructions!

    Whatever dye you choose, it comes with instructions for use, which clearly states how long the dye should be left on your hair. It is a mistake to think that increasing the exposure time will be beneficial! Everything is exactly the opposite.

    After applying paint to the last strand, note the time, specified by the manufacturer in the instructions, after which you begin to wash off the color mixture.

    If your hair is permed or severely damaged, reduce the dye exposure time by 10 minutes.

    You should apply the dye mixture to your hair in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head, first at the roots, and then distribute along the entire length with a wide-toothed comb. The paint should be washed off until the water is completely clear.

    Ideally, it is better not to use shampoo. However, if the dye is not very expensive, then before the first wash, it may stain the pillowcase when you sleep. If you suspect that your hair dye is capable of this, it’s better to play it safe and wash your hair with shampoo right away.

    To get smooth and shiny strands, blow-dry using a cold stream of air instead of a hot one. Many hair dryers have this switch. The secret is that the cooled air will smooth out the scales on the surface of the hair, which will give it smoothness. Thanks to this, your new color hair will look richer and deeper. Plus they will add smoothness and shine.

    Secrets of proper hair coloring

    1. If your hair is long and very thick, then buy 2 packs of dye. One probably won't be enough for you.
    2. Always apply the coloring mixture freshly prepared, since even 10-15 minutes after mixing the oxidizer and paint, the coloring properties are weakened. Not to mention the longer shelf life of the finished mixture.
    3. To properly dye regrown hair at the roots at home, apply the dye mixture first to the roots and wait 15-20 minutes. After this time, distribute the remaining dye over the entire length of the hair, comb for evenness and leave for another 5-10 minutes, then rinse. This way your hair will be colored evenly, and the roots will not differ in color from the ends.
    4. If paint suddenly gets on the skin, you can remove it with a cosmetic remover, and “Lokon” is also very effective in this regard. Women who perm are probably familiar with this product.
    5. You don’t want to radically change your natural hair color, but you need to beautiful shade? Use semi-permanent (semi-permanent) dye. The result will definitely satisfy you.

    What colors are there?

    There are temporary, semi-permanent and permanent paints, which differ in their properties: accordingly, the first ones are washed off quickly, the second ones are washed off evenly through long time, and still others are not washed off.

    Variety of colors and shades

    If you are a brunette and decide to lighten your hair, it is better not to experiment with it at home.

    Correct coloring dark shades hair in light shades Only a professional can do it for you. It just seems that everything is simple, but in fact there are many nuances that you may not take into account. Often dark hair after strong lightening they acquire green tint. Therefore, it is better to go to the salon.

    Choose a dye that is no more than 2-3 shades darker or lighter than your hair color. If you want to dye your hair straight from blonde to black, this is possible, but your hair may lose its natural beauty.

    Reddish shades lose their saturation faster than others, since the pigment they contain oxidizes faster.

    When choosing a paint, consider your skin type and condition.

    Black or red looks beautiful if the skin is smooth, without flaws, otherwise such colors will only emphasize problem areas on the face - and so on. Blonde is also not for everyone. If your skin is pale and tired, then light color hair will make your skin even more gray.

    On damaged hair The paint does not apply evenly, and the color intensity does not last long. For example, if you have highlights and you decide to dye your hair dark, then there is a high probability that the light strands will be dyed worse than the dark ones. Therefore, in such cases, it is better to again use the service of a beauty salon, where you will be dyed with professional high-quality paint.

    Here are the main secrets of how to properly dye your hair at home. Do you think it’s possible to do proper hair coloring yourself at home?