Cholesterol in the third trimester. What to do if you have high cholesterol during pregnancy


Blood lipids are very important indicator, which is assessed in pregnant women. One of these chemical substances is cholesterol. A change in its normal concentration in the blood can lead to the development of very dangerous pathologies.

What it is?

Doctors call cholesterol special lipid structures. They are present in the blood of every person, regardless of his age. Norms this indicator are different. Normal blood cholesterol levels depend on gender and age.

During pregnancy in female body changes significantly hormonal background. This feature is associated with the appearance of new specific hormones after the baby is conceived. It is these biologically active substances that lead to changes in the ratio of lipids in the blood.

An increase in total cholesterol in the blood during pregnancy can be from 6.1 to 10.4 mmol/l. These numbers are slightly higher than in the general population. If during the study the doctor reveals signs of hypercholesterolemia, he will refer expectant mother for additional diagnostics. Its goal is to identify all diseases that could cause the development of hyperglycemia in a particular woman. A therapist is involved in such diagnostics.

If necessary, he can refer the expectant mother to a urologist, cardiologist or neurologist to exclude concomitant pathologies.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Reasons for the increase

Cholesterol in the blood of a pregnant woman increases as a result of various causative factors. The disorders are based on pathologies in lipid metabolism. A wide variety of diseases can lead to the development of such deviations. internal organs.

Main reasons:

  • Expectant mothers having persistent hyperglycemia or even diabetes, are situated in high group risk for their development higher level cholesterol in the blood (hypercholesterolemia). In most cases, disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism also contribute to pathologies in the fat balance. Quite often this situation occurs in later pregnancy.

  • Hypercholesterolemia may be a hereditary pathology. In this case, similar disorders are present in the woman’s close relatives. If one of the family members has suffered a myocardial infarction or stroke, then this is a significant reason for regular monitoring your cholesterol level. It is important to note that it is better to carry out such monitoring not only during pregnancy, but also in later life.

  • Hypertonic disease or severe arterial hypertension are also pathologies that cause blood cholesterol to increase. Quite often, an increase in the level of this substance occurs in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. This pathology is accompanied by a persistent increase in blood pressure, the values ​​of which exceed 140/90 mm Hg. Art.

  • Kidney diseases and urinary tract accompanied by various metabolic disorders. Healthy kidney tissue is necessary to filter all substances that are beneficial to the body and excrete those that are not needed. Diseases occurring in the kidneys or ureters can lead to the accumulation of toxic metabolic breakdown products, which ultimately contributes to the development of hypercholesterolemia.

  • If the expectant mother eats too much animal food, then the risk that she will have high cholesterol increases many times over. Many years ago, scientists found that people who are vegetarians have low level of this substance in the blood. Frequent use Eating red meat during pregnancy can lead to persistent hypercholesterolemia.

When is the test scheduled?

During the entire period of bearing the baby, the doctor will recommend that the expectant mother be tested at least three times to determine cholesterol in her blood. This laboratory test is used to determine how much abnormalities a pregnant woman has. lipid metabolism, and whether the fetus has a high need for lipids. Such studies are carried out on different dates pregnancy.

If the expectant mother has any cardiovascular diseases, then take biochemical analysis She may need to have her cholesterol levels checked more often. IN medical practice There are situations when a woman visits the laboratory to take such a blood test every 1-1.5 months.

Any deviations from the norm require a mandatory unscheduled visit to a therapist, and in some cases to a cardiologist.

Consequences for the body of mother and baby

Excess cholesterol in the blood is very dangerous for both mother and her baby. Hypercholesterolemia leads to the fact that on the walls of blood vessels appear first body fat, and over time, cholesterol plaques. They grow and block the lumen of the arteries. Such situation contributes to disruption of proper blood flow, which can lead to hypoxia of vital organs.

If the lumen of the blood vessel is completely closed, the person may have a heart attack or stroke. These pathologies are disabling and significantly worsen his quality of life. A decrease in blood flow through the general system of blood vessels during pregnancy can lead to the fact that the fetus ceases to fully develop. This situation can provoke the development of certain anomalies or defects in intrauterine development.

How to reduce?

You can normalize your cholesterol levels with special food, as well as when using special medications. It is important to note that doctors try to limit the expectant mother as much as possible from taking medications during pregnancy. Many of these products can negatively affect intrauterine development baby.

Initial therapy for hypercholesterolemia – prescribing a special lipid-lowering diet to the expectant mother. Its effectiveness is assessed, as a rule, two months after the start of use. To do this, the doctor prescribes his patient to take a repeat blood test for cholesterol.

A decrease in this indicator is a sign indicating positive dynamics. In this case, a lipid-lowering diet remains the choice of therapy until the end of pregnancy.

If this type of treatment is ineffective, doctors may prescribe hypolipidemic medicines. They should be consumed daily. The dosage and frequency of use are selected individually.

Typically, such drugs are prescribed from the second half of pregnancy, when the baby has already completed all the main reactions of organogenesis. Drugs are prescribed only for significant hyperglycemia, when cholesterol levels are more than twice the normal level.

To activate carbohydrate and fat metabolism, the expectant mother should move enough. Strong physical exercise during pregnancy are completely excluded.

An alternative to visiting the gym can be regular regular walks. fresh air. You should walk for at least 45 minutes. The walking pace should be moderate.

Attending a yoga class or special classes on breathing exercises for pregnant- Also great alternative heavy physical activity. It is worth noting that expectant mothers with an uncomplicated pregnancy should attend such classes. If a woman has signs of isthmic-cervical insufficiency or threat spontaneous miscarriage, then such training is contraindicated for her.

Lipid-lowering diet

Such therapeutic nutrition plays a major role in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. In order to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, doctors will recommend that the expectant mother definitely limit her diet. daily menu range of products. So, diet:

  • All industrially produced sweets and chocolate are prohibited. Gingerbread cookies, cookies, buns and other “goodies” should also not be included in the menu of a woman who has hypercholesterolemia.
  • Many women love chocolate glazed curd cheeses. It is important to note that this product is extremely undesirable for consumption. In addition to the high content of sugar and animal fats, which cause high cholesterol in the blood, curd cheeses may contain dyes and preservatives. This combination will cause great harm to the pancreas and liver.

  • As healthy sweets Fruits, dried fruits, berries and nuts are suitable for the expectant mother. You can use honey to improve your mood. It is worth noting that the calorie content of dried fruits is very high, so you should not abuse them. Every day a pregnant woman should eat 1-2 fruits.
  • Doctors strongly recommend that expectant mothers eat more fruits and vegetables.. They contain quite a lot of coarse fibrous fiber, which effectively helps remove excess cholesterol from the body. Fruits and vegetables should still be consumed in season.

Fruits brought from overseas countries can cause food allergies and cause inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

  • The expectant mother should significantly limit animal products in her diet.. There is no need to completely abandon them. However, the emphasis in fats should be on plant-based products. Dressing a vegetable salad or cereal side dish with olive or any other oil is an excellent addition of healthy lipids to your daily diet.
  • Scientists have found that eating foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids protects the body from hypercholesterolemia and many dangerous diseases of cardio-vascular system. Regular consumption of sardines, herring, mackerel, trout, salmon and other fatty sea fish will help expectant mothers effectively cope with increased cholesterol in their blood.
    • Doctors recommend reducing red meat consumption. In such a situation, it is better to give preference to chicken and game. These foods contain more white meat. You shouldn't overuse them either. Two servings per day is the optimal dose to obtain all the necessary amino acids.
    • In order to improve metabolic processes in the body, doctors recommend expectant mothers to drink more weak green tea and various herbal infusions. Strong coffee should still be excluded. It is especially dangerous to consume this drink for pregnant women with disorders heart rate and arrhythmia. As healthy drinks Fruit drinks and compotes made from berries and dried fruits are perfect.
    • Fractional nutrition is a key factor in maintaining optimal weight body. Women suffering from hypercholesterolemia are often susceptible to obesity. In order for the weight to remain within normal limits throughout pregnancy, the expectant mother should eat moderate portions 4-5 times a day. You shouldn't eat for two.

    To learn how to lower cholesterol, watch the following video.

With the onset of pregnancy, changes in the functioning of almost all organs begin to occur in a woman’s body. He is preparing to accept a new organism, which is initially considered foreign. Therefore they decrease defense mechanisms, blood counts, cholesterol levels, and the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems change.

First of all, the woman’s metabolism is rebuilt, creating optimal conditions for gestation. At first, these changes occur only locally, that is, in the genitals. Then lipid metabolism is affected, and high cholesterol is often observed during pregnancy, and the reason for this is the production of more hormones. At the same time, the number of lipoproteins that transport cholesterol to all organs increases. Some deviations from the norm in a woman are physiological, that is, they are aimed at the benefit of the body. But a change in the indicator can cross a reasonable boundary and become pathological.

Let's consider what level of cholesterol in pregnant women is considered normal at different stages of pregnancy, for what reasons lipid metabolism is disrupted, and how this can affect the health of the woman and the unborn child.

Normal cholesterol levels during pregnancy

The main indicators characterizing the level of cholesterol in the body of a pregnant woman:

  1. Total cholesterol level from 3.07 to 13.8 mmol/l.
  2. (ratio of “bad” cholesterol to “good”) - from 0.4 to 2.5 units;
  3. Content fatty acids- from 0.4 to 2.2 mmol/l.

Such a large variation in cholesterol levels in pregnant women is associated with several reasons. Each age has its own normal values, so at 16 years old it is 3.07 - 5.19 mmol/l, and at 25 years old it is 3.17 - 5.6 mmol/l.
In women in the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy, an increase in cholesterol by 1.5-2 times the normal level is considered normal.

Table normal values cholesterol for pregnant women depending on age.

It can provoke a violation of the norm of cholesterol in the blood of a pregnant woman. poor nutrition, overweight, physical inactivity.

Products containing trans isomers of fatty acids are especially harmful, which affects blood counts and lipid metabolism. It is not recommended for women to consume red meat, lard, and confectionery during pregnancy. Such products contain fatty acids, and they directly affect the disruption of cholesterol levels in the blood.

Causes of high cholesterol

High cholesterol during pregnancy may be due to heredity; if a woman has relatives in her family who suffered from atherosclerosis, the risk of normal level cholesterol increases significantly. The older the pregnant woman, the large quantity diseases may manifest themselves. This applies to systemic diseases and age-related increases in cholesterol in the blood. Great harm causes consumption sunflower oil, it is better to exclude it completely and replace it with olive oil.

Other reasons for increased cholesterol in the blood of a pregnant woman:

  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • The presence of foci of chronic infection in the body;
  • Kidney disease, including renal failure, nephroptosis;
  • Impaired functioning of the pancreas, benign and malignant processes of the endocrine system;
  • Lack of somatotropic hormone, diabetes mellitus.

Changes during pregnancy are insidious in that they reduce the level of good cholesterol in the blood and contribute to an increase in “bad” cholesterol.

Diseases acquired with age bad habits before conceiving a child, as indirect causes, only aggravate the serious condition, which can already lead to unpleasant consequences.

How to reduce cholesterol?

It is not so difficult to influence the causes of high cholesterol in the blood of a pregnant woman, but you need a little time spent usefully. A woman must follow strict rules nutrition, monitor your weight and undergo regular examinations, donate blood to check your cholesterol level.

Reducing high concentrations of a harmful compound must be primarily safe for expectant mother, therefore it is extremely undesirable to use medications for this. Before starting treatment, it is important to remember that the body needs cholesterol, and it only becomes dangerous in excess amounts. When using medications, the main thing is not to overdo it, since a pregnant woman’s body works for two, and minor violation lipid metabolism will not interfere with it.

How to normalize (reduce harmful concentrations) lipid metabolism without pills?

  1. Follow a diet: avoid fatty foods, butter, reduce sweets in your diet;
  2. Physical activity helps to balance the balance of harmful and good cholesterol in the blood of a pregnant woman; of course, strength exercises will be superfluous, but special gymnastics for expectant mothers, it will not only normalize lipid metabolism, but also help normalize weight;
  3. Freshly squeezed juice and tea, preferably green, have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and, together with other preventive measures, can normalize cholesterol levels and reduce them.

Pregnancy may not be entirely easy and then the woman forgets about many recommendations, since all thoughts are aimed at combating toxicosis, poor health, sleep disturbances and appetite. This can also affect the increase in cholesterol, because habits and lifestyle directly affect metabolic processes.

Prevention of increase

What exactly is included in this concept? For a pregnant woman, preventing atherosclerosis and reducing the levels of harmful substances in the blood involves proper nutrition, stable psychological state, use of safe folk remedies, natural herbs, elimination of bad habits.

The basic rule for preventing cholesterol reduction is banally simple and familiar to everyone without exception - healthy image life.

It is especially useful to engage in juice therapy, which will not remove the cause, but will strengthen the immune system.
How to cook vegetable and fruit juice to reduce harmful substances in the blood?

  1. On the first day of treatment, you need to prepare 50 g of celery juice and 130 g of carrot juice, they should be consumed 2 hours after meals;
  2. On the second day of lowering cholesterol, cucumber, beet and carrot juice, 100 g each, is suitable, drink in the morning at lunch and in the evening;
  3. The third day include cabbage, carrot, apple juice.

Now let's look at what safe and effective means traditional medicine to reduce levels of harmful substances in the blood.

  1. Recipe - two glasses of olive oil and 10 cloves of garlic are mixed, the garlic is first passed through a garlic press. The mixture is infused for a week, and the finished garlic oil will be a good prevention of atherosclerosis, and if cholesterol is high, then the remedy, together with other measures, will safely reduce it by acting on the causes.
  2. Recipes - to normalize high cholesterol levels you will need half a glass of dill, a glass of honey, a tablespoon of valerian. All ingredients are mixed and poured with a liter of boiling water, then infused for 2 days. The finished infusion should be stored in the refrigerator and taken 3 times a day, a tablespoon half an hour before meals. This good prevention atherosclerosis, since each ingredient is able to normalize increased levels of harmful substances in the blood.
  3. Recipe - you need to take 50 grams of garlic and pour two glasses of alcohol into them. Garlic tincture, like oil, will help reduce bad cholesterol in the blood of a pregnant woman and eliminate the causes.

What products will be useful?

  1. Avocado is the most useful product when it comes to preventing atherosclerosis and reducing cholesterol in the blood of a pregnant woman. If you eat half an avocado for 21 days, the level of bad cholesterol decreases by 5%;
  2. Olive oil contains many phytosterols, which reduces harmful substance and normalizes the overall balance. Unrefined oil It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, it relaxes the endothelium on the walls of the arteries;
  3. Fish oil - sardines and wild salmon are the leaders in the content of Omega 3 fatty acids, while marine representatives contain the least amount of mercury. When consumed regularly, red salmon lowers cholesterol and is a powerful natural antioxidant.

Proper and balanced nutrition

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman tries to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and this is especially important when there is high cholesterol in the blood. Because common reason atherosclerosis is an unhealthy diet, which means you need to act directly on it.

What are the principles of nutrition to reduce high cholesterol in the blood?

  • Changing the fat composition of food, replacing saturated fats with unsaturated ones, which immediately removes the causes;
  • Variety of products, harmonious combination fruits, vegetables, meat and fish;
  • You need to eat more fresh foods that contain microelements necessary for a pregnant woman and vitamins;
  • Food to lower cholesterol in a pregnant woman should be of known origin or prepared at home.

It is especially important to eat a lot of fresh vegetables; it will be good if they become substitutes for fatty foods.

They are the main source of vitamin E and C, beta-carotene, minerals. The most healthy foods during pregnancy, to eliminate high cholesterol in the blood, you can recognize it by color. These are dark green, dark yellow, red fresh ripe vegetables and fruits. The diet should be diluted with salads and plants whose leaves contain folic acid. It prevents the formation of bad cholesterol. In addition, such a diet is a good prevention of diseases of the endocrine systems and malignant processes in the body. How can you properly limit your intake of saturated fats so that it doesn’t affect your well-being for the worse?

  1. Try to replace them with plant foods in order to eliminate the cause;
  2. When choosing meat, you need to choose lean pieces or remove fat before cooking;
  3. You need to eat chicken without the skin, and also avoid eating internal organs, do not prepare meat broths and do not add to salads, since they contain a lot of cholesterol.

Broths deserve special attention - the fat accumulated on the surface poses the greatest danger, so it must be removed before use.

A pregnant woman with high cholesterol levels should be monitored by a cardiologist and endocrinologist throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Cholesterol is an organic substance that has a fat-like appearance. It can enter the body through the food we eat, but the bulk of cholesterol is produced by the liver. When there is an excess amount of cholesterol in the body, it has the ability to settle on the walls of blood vessels and form cholesterol accumulations.

These accumulations begin to interfere with normal blood flow, which leads to the formation of plaques and a significant narrowing of the vascular lumens. Over time, the gaps become narrower and narrower, eventually forming a blockage. If a vital vessel becomes blocked, it can cause a stroke or heart attack.

During pregnancy, in order to monitor its normal course and intrauterine development of the child, the doctor mandatory prescribes a biochemical blood test for the expectant mother. In this analysis, one of the main indicators studied is the cholesterol level. Any deviation from the norm of this indicator is a serious threat to the health of the expectant mother and her child.

Therefore, controlling the level of this substance in the blood is the main reason for regularly donating blood for biochemical analysis during the period of bearing a child.

What causes high cholesterol in pregnant women?

In medicine, cholesterol is called a fat-containing alcohol that circulates in the human blood. It belongs to the category of organic substances. At normal levels, cholesterol is vital for the body, as it is an important participant in many internal processes. For example, cholesterol helps immune system function correctly, supports nervous system, brain function, helps in the synthesis of fat-soluble vitamins, sex and steroid hormones.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a lot of changes. This includes changes in blood composition and hormonal levels. Lipid metabolism also undergoes significant restructuring. In this regard, cholesterol levels increase sharply. In fact, this phenomenon is natural, because the body is activated for complete hormonal synthesis for the healthy bearing of a child.

But, after such an increase in blood cholesterol, it is necessary to take measures to restore its normal level. Stabilizing cholesterol will help prevent the appearance of developing fetus cardiovascular congenital diseases.

To reduce high cholesterol during pregnancy, first of all, a woman is prescribed a strict diet based on fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits. It is prohibited to consume products that contain a large number of lipids. In addition, a pregnant woman is obliged to control her weight, lead an active lifestyle, but avoid high physical activity.

During the entire pregnancy, during its normal course, a biochemical blood test is prescribed three times.

High cholesterol during pregnancy

The normal level of cholesterol in the blood of a pregnant woman is 3.15-6.94 mmol/l, taking into account the age of the expectant mother. Since with the onset of pregnancy, fat metabolism in a woman’s body increases, the rate of oxidation processes and their volume increases, the process of hormone synthesis and cholesterol utilization by the adrenal glands also increases, this leads to a sharp increase or decrease in cholesterol in the blood.

An increased level of cholesterol in the blood of no more than twice does not pose any particular danger to the health of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus. If the adrenal glands are functioning well, excess cholesterol will be utilized. But when the level of this substance in a woman’s blood exceeds the norm by more than twice, this is already a serious signal about possible pathologies and disorders in child development.

Immediate measures are needed to stabilize the cholesterol level in the blood of the expectant mother.

What can it lead to? high cholesterol in a pregnant woman? Possible complications include: renal diseases, cardiovascular pathologies, diseases of the pancreas, endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, myxedema, thyrotoxicosis), and liver.

Slightly elevated blood cholesterol levels may persist for the first time after childbirth. It usually takes some time for it to fully stabilize. Therefore, to get reliable results, you need to take a biochemical test after childbirth at the end of the postpartum period.

While expecting a baby, it is especially important for the expectant mother to monitor her health: after all, the life of her child depends on it. That is why pregnant women have to undergo a large number of various tests over 9 months and undergo examinations from almost all doctors. One of the most important indicators for the health of the expectant mother is the level of cholesterol in the blood. It is important that it is normal, but its reduced and, especially, increased value is extremely undesirable. In the article, we will look at why high cholesterol occurs during pregnancy, what it can mean, and what to do about this problem. We will also find out what standards for this indicator are provided for by medicine for pregnant women.


After the cholesterol test is taken, the doctor interprets the readings and then makes a conclusion about the patient’s health condition. Average normal indicator cholesterol content in the blood during pregnancy - 6.94 mmol/l.

You should sound the alarm if the indicator “exceeds” 11-12 mmol/liter: in this case, treatment is mandatory. However, you will have to first undergo several more examinations and take additional tests in order for the presence of this deviation to be confirmed.

You should know that cholesterol levels in women during pregnancy are higher than for women of the same age in normal conditions. The fact is that a pregnant woman’s hormonal levels are rearranged, which in itself sometimes leads to the indicator being even doubled. This natural process: in this way the body prepares for the birth of the baby. If the “pregnant norms” are not exceeded, then soon after the birth of the child the body itself will adapt to a new state, and cholesterol levels will normalize.

This table shows the norms of cholesterol during pregnancy, as well as the norm for women in their normal state.

To determine your cholesterol level during pregnancy, which will help you regulate its level in time if necessary, you need to take a biochemical blood test from a vein. The referral for testing is issued by the doctor leading the pregnancy.

It is necessary to monitor this indicator, since increased total cholesterol in pregnant women can negatively affect the health of the fetus: sometimes this even leads to congenital defects heart and pathological changes in blood vessels in a child. The health of the woman herself also suffers when there is a deviation, since her blood becomes more viscous, and her blood vessels become less strong and elastic.


So, why does cholesterol increase during pregnancy? It can be:

  • kidney and urinary system diseases;
  • any metabolic disorders;
  • liver pathology;
  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure.

There may be other reasons of an individual nature.

If the expectant mother suffers from any of the chronic diseases listed above, then cholesterol during pregnancy is controlled throughout the entire period.


If the indicator is slightly overestimated, then you can cope with the problem only by changing your diet and leading a more active lifestyle. But in cases where the excess is significant, drug therapy is usually prescribed, since it is important for a pregnant woman to normalize the indicator as soon as possible, before it has time to affect the health of the fetus.

Usually, statin drugs are prescribed for treatment, which quickly normalize cholesterol in the blood. Keep in mind that most of these drugs have contraindications for use during pregnancy, so therapy should only be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Most often, the doctor prescribes a drug such as Hofitol, which can be used relatively safely while waiting for the baby.

When reducing cholesterol in pregnant women, it is important not to overdo it: the body needs this substance, but only in a normal, adequate amount. It can be lowered only if the level is already so elevated that it may pose a threat to the health and well-being of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Cholesterol levels in a pregnant woman should be lowered only under strict medical supervision. IN in this case you need to be especially careful in your approach to therapy, since if you reduce cholesterol too much, it can even cause premature birth.


How should a pregnant woman eat to reduce blood cholesterol levels?

It is important to add fatty sea fish to your diet, as it is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which will not add weight and can lower cholesterol. And in general, they are very useful for the whole body.

Cholesterol levels in pregnant women can be lowered by replacing animal fats with vegetable fats. Particularly useful olive oil and flaxseed.

Reduce your consumption of sweets, flour, fatty, fried foods. Also exclude processed foods and fast food from your diet, since these products are full of low-quality animal fats, as well as trans fats that are alien to the body.

While you're expecting your baby, eat vegetables and fruits that contain healthy fiber. In addition to fiber, these gifts of nature will also saturate your body useful minerals and vitamins.

Replace red meat with white, dietary meat. Chicken and turkey are recommended; beef and pork should not be consumed. Lard and high-fat by-products (liver, brains) should also not be eaten.

Don't overeat. It is important to eat in small portions, at least 4-5 meals a day. But the portions should be small.

If cholesterol is elevated during pregnancy, doctors recommend giving up coffee and strong tea. It is also undesirable to consume high-calorie cocoa and chocolate.


What measures should a woman take to ensure that her blood cholesterol levels are normal during pregnancy?

First of all, it is necessary to adjust the diet, making it healthy, nutritious, containing high-quality fresh products: especially plant-based ones.

If available excess weight, then it is necessary to get rid of it smoothly, since this factor in itself provokes high cholesterol - and not only during pregnancy. In addition to high cholesterol, excess weight causes many other problems that are no less unpleasant.

It is also important to lead an active lifestyle. It is known that with a sedentary life, cholesterol increases in most cases, including in pregnant women. It is recommended to attend special courses for pregnant women, where women perform specially designed exercises under the supervision of an instructor. A pregnant woman will benefit from yoga, swimming, and gymnastics.

If the norm of cholesterol in the blood of pregnant women is already exceeded, then therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. And in this case, regular biochemical analysis is required.

In addition, it is important to give birth to children on time. As if modern society did not set women up for an initial career, but only then, at 35-40 years old, the birth of a child, it is clear that in at a young age better health. And with cholesterol levels in youth, everything is fine, and chronic diseases have not yet developed from work and an unhealthy lifestyle.

We learned the dangers of high cholesterol during pregnancy and what to do about this problem. As you can see, the consequences of this deviation can be serious, and the causes that cause it pose a direct danger to health. Therefore, be sure to follow your doctor’s recommendations if you have this pathology: under the guidance of a specialist, coping with the deviation is not so difficult.

Elevated blood cholesterol levels during pregnancy are normal. In different sources, the permissible level of high cholesterol during pregnancy is indicated from +20% to +100% (i.e., twice the initial concentration) of the norm. If we accept that the upper limit for the safe concentration of total cholesterol is about 6 - 7 mmol/l (usually they talk about risks for the heart from 6.94 - 6.95 mmol/l, more details:), then during pregnancy it rises to 12 mmol/l. An increase in cholesterol concentration can easily be explained by increased fat metabolism, acceleration of oxidative processes, changes in hormonal balance, etc. In general, this is a consequence of accelerated cholesterol synthesis by the liver, which is necessary for the normal formation of the fetus.

If cholesterol is very high during pregnancy, then after giving birth - within several months (usually two, but depends on the age and health of the patient) - you should take a blood test to make sure that cholesterol was increased precisely because of pregnancy and the situation was temporary in nature and there is no need to be puzzled. At the same time, the level of high-density lipoproteins (the so-called “good” cholesterol) remains unchanged during pregnancy, and only the level of low-density lipoproteins (LDL, or “bad” cholesterol) is increased.

Elevated cholesterol levels in pregnant women must be controlled - mainly through. The rules here are general (for both men and women, including pregnant women): more plant foods - fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries - and less fatty foods (especially those high in trans fats, for example, margarine - see more details: ). Cold-water fish - a supplier of omega-3 fatty acids, which also lower cholesterol levels - can be consumed, but be careful: these are quite high-calorie foods, and besides, sea fish contains - albeit in small doses - mercury, which is dangerous to the health of both the expectant mother and the fetus.

It should be borne in mind that the concept of “high cholesterol during pregnancy” will differ for different women, depending on age and health status. In young women who have not had concomitant diseases who did not abuse alcohol, smoking, fatty foods before pregnancy and led an active lifestyle, there may not be an increase in cholesterol levels at all or may be insignificant (up to 1.2 - 1.5 times), while with late labor For example, an increase in cholesterol by 1.5 to 2 times is considered normal.

Age, years Normal values ​​before pregnancy, mmol/l 2-3 trimester of pregnancy, permissible multiple increase
from 16 to 20 3,07 – 5, 19 1,5 – 2
from 20 to 25 3,17 – 5,6 1,5 – 2
t 25 to 30 3,3 – 5,8 1,5 – 2
from 31 to 35 3,4 – 5,97 1,5 – 2
from 35 to 40 3,7 – 6,3 1,5 – 2
from 40 to 45 3,9 – 6,9 1,5 – 2

The HDL level usually, as mentioned above, remains unchanged, but can gradually increase.

Does high cholesterol affect pregnancy?

No, it does not affect if its rate does not exceed 12 mmol/l, or has a slight effect (in the form of diet and an increase in the proportion in the diet) if it reaches 15 mmol/l and above (you may need to take medications– in the form and dosage determined by the doctor).

How does high cholesterol affect pregnancy planning?

When planning a pregnancy, you should take into account that it is prohibitively high level cholesterol in the blood can lead to the development cardiovascular diseases, both in the expectant mother and the fetus (child). Likely to require completion of a course drug treatment(prescriptions) hypercholesterolemia and lifestyle changes (diet and activity).

What are the dangers of high cholesterol during pregnancy?

Extremely high cholesterol (much higher than 12 mmol/l, approximately 15 mmol/l) during pregnancy is dangerous due to the risk of damage to blood vessels (since the viscous properties of the blood are high). Damage to blood vessels can lead to the formation of cholesterol plaques in them (as a kind of “patches”), which - in the long term - leads to the development of atherosclerosis, which often becomes the cause of angina pectoris and, without proper monitoring, coronary heart disease (CHD) and heart attacks and strokes. But this is only if high values total cholesterol (TC) persist even after the birth of a child.

Extremely high performance AC can lead to deposits in the neck, heart and other organs and tissues of both the expectant mother and the child (multiple excess of the norm is dangerous due to the deposits of atherosclerotic plaques in the circulatory system of the fetus). In these cases, the doctor may well prescribe the use of drugs that lower TC levels. Self-medication and self-determination daily dose Such medications are not allowed, because this can lead to the development of pathologies.

Normal and moderately high levels of TC (up to 12 and from 12 to 15 mmol/l, respectively) during pregnancy, as a rule, do not cause atherosclerosis, ischemia, angina, stroke and heart attack, because excess cholesterol is utilized fairly quickly and does not have time to settle on internal surfaces blood vessels, forming fatty cholesterol plaque or. However, if the TC value is significantly higher than 12 mmol/l, then there are still such risks - and you should consult a doctor.

Extreme pregnancy may be evidence of disruptions in endocrine system, problems with the liver and (or) kidneys, disorders of the cardiovascular system. The issue may also be in the adrenal glands, which simply do not have time to utilize excess cholesterol from the blood. However, extremely low levels of total cholesterol - below 3.15 mmol/l - can cause complications: memory and attentiveness deteriorate, and risks of premature birth appear.

What else threatens high cholesterol levels in pregnant women?

Only additional examination can accurately indicate pregnancy. If the TC value is much higher than 12 mmol/l, then the risks of developing diseases of the heart, circulatory system, kidneys, pancreas, liver increase, and diseases such as thyrotoxicosis, myxedema, and diabetes mellitus may appear.

During pregnancy, a blood test for cholesterol is required three times, but the final decision about the reasons for its elevated level is still made after childbirth - based on the results of tests (biochemical blood test taken from a vein) several months later.