Raccoon gargle keeping at home. Domestic striped raccoon: everything about caring for the animal

February 23

Abroad, animal lovers sometimes get quite unusual animals as pets. Well, our compatriots, trying to adopt their fashion, echo them with such desperate actions as, or. However, today we invite you to talk about a really unusual pet for our region - about... a raccoon. Yes, yes, more and more often they are kept as pets. Therefore, the topic of our today's publication will be the topic keeping a raccoon at home

Is it worth keeping a raccoon at home?

If you are thinking about whether you should have such a pet in your home, then before you make your final decision and move on to studying more practical points related to the peculiarities of caring for, maintaining and feeding raccoons, we suggest you learn about some nuances associated with living together with this animal. Perhaps some points will shake your decision, or maybe, on the contrary, you will understand that it was the raccoon that you dreamed of all your life. So…

  • Raccoons are very sociable and sociable creatures that cannot live on their own. Therefore, get ready for this animal to constantly attract your attention. And, if he fails to do this with a good deed, the raccoon will definitely figure out how to make you notice him - for example, he will turn over your favorite vase...
  • If you have children living in your house, or you plan to have them in the near future, you will have to make a choice - either children or a raccoon. Cohabitation of 2 types of pranksters is not recommended.
  • Raccoons are not hypoallergenic animals, so if you or your loved ones suffer from allergies or other similar diseases– you shouldn’t tempt fate and think that you will be miraculously healed.
  • If you already have other pets in your home - or - then we would not recommend you get a raccoon. The fact is that it is very doubtful whether they will be able to get along under one roof. Otherwise, in order to avoid conflicts between them, you will have to keep the animals in separate rooms.

It is strictly prohibited for raccoons to live together with birds and small rodents, for the simple reason that the latter can become... food for your unusual pet. Also, for the safety of the raccoon and yours indoor plants– they will have to be kept separately, in different rooms.

  • Raccoons by their nature, even when tamed, still remain wild animals that are accustomed to solving all issues with the help of sharp claws and teeth. So, if you don’t please your raccoon in some way, he will be able to scratch or bite you without remorse. When your pet reaches puberty, and especially during the rutting period, get ready for the fact that he will become completely uncontrollable.
  • If they tell you that raccoons don’t smell, don’t believe it. Moreover, like cats, raccoons mark their territory, and not all of them can be trained by their owners to use the litter box. So, if you are not bothered by the issue of toilet and marks, get such an animal, but if cleanliness is your thing, you should look for a less dirty one.
  • Due to its characteristics, and the raccoon is a nocturnal animal, the animal’s peak activity occurs precisely at that time of day when everything normal people sleep. If you agree to stay awake at night and keep the raccoon company in the kitchen, bravo. If you have to get up for work in the morning, think about how chronic lack of sleep will affect the productivity of your work.
  • Of course, it is very funny to watch a tame raccoon, however, we have to disappoint you - not all animals become tame. And, only those who were taken at the age of 1.5 months and no older, and those to whom they devoted a lot of their time and attention. Everyone else is just adapting to life under the same roof as you, and what you regard as an act of their friendliness - a raccoon taking food from your hands, they perceive as a necessity. Adult individuals that previously lived in Nature are especially difficult to tame.
  • Keeping a raccoon requires having a spacious enclosure or... a separate room in your home. At the same time, this room must be adapted to the characteristics of these animals, which are extremely curious, nimble, agile and simply attract all kinds of emergency situations. So, you will have to give up all of this from the TV in the room with the raccoon, and from the expensive antique vase on the nightstand. Wires and extension cords can also pose a danger to the life and health of a pet - what only a raccoon does not try to do with them - gnawing, winding and unwinding, and finally, marking them. But sockets - they must be covered with protective caps, as well as taps and other objects, access to which should be protected...

Well, after you can objectively answer the question, can I come to terms with each of these points, you can give yourself an answer to the question of whether it is worth having such a pet. You will have no way back - you should always remember this, because

returning a raccoon to natural conditions after it has lived in your house for several months will mean dooming the pet to certain death. Oh, try to fit it in good hands, we would not advise you to do this. Raccoon fur is highly prized, so there is no guarantee that your pet will not become raw material for fur hat or collar. In addition, any change is a great stress for the raccoon, as a result of which it can get sick and even die...

Features of keeping a raccoon at home

So, if difficulties and difficulties do not frighten you, but, on the contrary, inspire you to overcome them, and you are still ready to take such a step as purchasing a raccoon, it will be useful for you to learn about the features of keeping this cute creature in your home wearing dark glasses and a mask that gives his face a touching look.

First of all, these are the main points - the unpretentiousness of this creature, in some ways - ease of care for it, the omnivorous nature of raccoons, and the persistent perception of changes temperature conditions, which is good news, since our winters are cold. However, after several hours spent with a raccoon in the same room, you understand that this creature is full of energy, the raccoon is extremely hyperactive, active, curious, and as a roommate it is quite problematic, since it will constantly rearrange everything in your house for yourself. First of all, wallpaper, furniture upholstery, curtains will suffer, then he will move on to the selection of indoor plants... In a word, order in the room where a raccoon lives is a relative concept. Therefore, in order to solve this issue and eliminate this complexity, you will have to decide where it is best to place the raccoon.

Where to place a raccoon

If you have a big a private house- you can build an enclosure for your pet on the street, then your home will not recognize its destructive influence. If you have a large apartment, you can give the raccoon a separate small room in which it will live. There should be bars or metal mesh on the windows, the doors should close tightly, and there should be nothing in the room that could harm the life and health of the pet. The environment in the room should be similar to the environment in the cage. If neither option nor the other suits you, there is only one option left – the cage option. But it must be very large and strong enough so that the raccoon does not escape. In the cage, it is worth installing a small bedroom where the raccoon can hide to rest, a feeding trough, a litter tray (you can use a cat litter box, etc.), and a container of water in which the raccoon will rinse its toys or bathe itself. As you understand,

It is worth cleaning the cage and changing the water in the bathing container more than often.

You can use sawdust as cage filler.

The doors in the cage must be secure and the lock must be complex, as raccoon owners often tell stories about how their pets broke a secret lock and escaped.

What to feed a raccoon

Fortunately for you, these creatures are omnivores, therefore, it is not difficult to feed a raccoon, it eats everything, the main thing is that it has an appetite. The peculiarity of these creatures is that they love to eat buffet style - so you can put it on their tray various options diet - pieces of lean boiled meat, fish, chicken, fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs and cottage cheese - and the raccoon itself will take what it likes best today. All this will be pre-washed in a container with water. Considering this fact,

If you are going to treat a raccoon to his favorite cookie treat, choose hard varieties of cookies that do not get too soggy in water.

Since raccoons do not know food restrictions and are not used to moderating their appetite, you will need to take care of this so that you do not overfeed your pet and it does not become obese. Therefore, monitor the size of his portions, feeding frequency and adhere to the diet. The food should not be fatty, and from time to time it will be possible to arrange “natural” tables for the raccoon - treat it to frogs, grain, fruits, insects and nuts...

By the way, many owners note that depending on the character, a raccoon may have quite unusual gastronomic preferences. Therefore, you will have to look for the baby raccoon’s favorite treat on your own. We will just suggest some options.

There are raccoons who love to eat premium dry cat food, grapes, raisins, dried fruits, quail eggs(you shouldn’t give more than 1 per day), cookies...

Feeding your pet, and not denying him or yourself anything, is quite difficult today, therefore, weigh this point, since a hungry raccoon is almost always an angry raccoon...

Raccoon fur care

To somehow compensate for the previous point, let’s say that raccoons take care of their fur on their own. You can help your pet 2-3 times a year by arranging a bath day for him, with shampoo, a bath and warm water. terry towel. The rest of the year, all you have to do is keep the cage or room where the raccoon lives clean and regularly change the water in the containers.

Wildlife inhabitants have always aroused genuine interest among people. One of the attractive forest animals is the raccoon. The unusual coloring of his face creates a deceptive impression of insecurity. He seems so harmless. However, we must not forget that this is a small predator, accustomed to taking care of its food. And his natural instincts can manifest themselves at any moment, even if he was raised human from birth.

Raccoon in the house: what to watch out for

A raccoon born in a nursery, unlike its wild counterparts, has a friendly and sociable character. It is better to take him home at one and a half to two months of age. During this period, he quickly adapts to new conditions. At first, the animal’s freedom of movement may not be limited. He will take part in children's games, bringing a lot of pleasure to everyone.

But in the future, he needs to be allocated a special place. In a private house, you can set up an enclosure, creating conditions close to natural. In a city apartment, it is advisable to allocate a room for the raccoon by installing a house and constructing beams. The animal loves to climb trees, and he will like this. A raccoon should not be kept in a cage. This makes him become aggressive.

In the room for the raccoon, it is necessary to install a litter tray and be sure to place a container with clean water. It needs to be changed often. It’s not for nothing that this animal is called the Raccoon Raccoon. This is a clean animal that must rinse it in water before putting anything in its mouth. In addition, he is not averse to splashing around in the basin himself. To avoid dampness in the room, it is recommended to provide him with this opportunity in the bath.

It is inherent in animals by nature that they become most active at night. The raccoon is no exception. When the owners are fast asleep, his instincts are triggered, and he begins to “hunt” - he goes in search of food. This usually happens at two or three o'clock in the morning. In search of food, he begins to open boxes, table drawers, and cabinet doors that come his way. Having reached the refrigerator, the raccoon arranges a real feast. He can completely empty the contents of the refrigerator, even drinking beer. He manages to open the bottle with his tenacious paws.

It is better to feed the raccoon natural food. Cat or dog food can make him sick. These animals love to hide food in reserve. To avoid unpleasant odors, you should get rid of hidden “treasures”.

Raccoons become aggressive during puberty. Males become selfish, jealous and withdrawn, showing stubbornness when guests come to the house. They cannot tolerate the presence of another animal in the house. Female raccoons are more flexible. They will continue to communicate with their owners, even if another furry pet appears in the house. But you shouldn’t keep birds and small rodents together with raccoons, since in nature they are their natural food.

Raising a raccoon is a delicate matter

It is believed that raccoons are difficult to train. Indeed, it is difficult to force him to do something. But it is quite possible to correct some of the animal’s habits. For example, while communicating with a person, he tends to bite him. By this the animal shows signs of its attention or tries to prove its right to be the leader.

From the first moments of the animal’s appearance in the house, the owner must show that he is in charge here. At bad behavior the animal must be taken by the scruff of the neck and reprimanded in a quiet voice. This is how he feels his helplessness and human leadership. Under no circumstances should a raccoon be punished for misbehavior by beating. This makes him angry. He can hold a grudge and become aggressive at any opportune moment.

Where to buy a raccoon

To buy a raccoon, it is better to go to a specialized pet store. They supply animals from the only raccoon nursery in Russia, located in the Krasnodar Territory. They are fully adapted to cohabitation with a person. Veterinarians and livestock specialists monitor their health. Buying animals secondhand is risky. They may turn out to be aggressive. And instead of the pleasure of communicating with this funny animal, you can get disappointed.

Every year it becomes more and more interesting to have an exotic animal at home, which is distinguished by its bright color, unusual disposition or unpredictable habits, which distinguishes it from ordinary domestic rats and cats.

It is precisely this animal that becomes the topic of discussion. An animal that requires an exceptionally reverent attitude towards itself, that will turn your house upside down, an animal that will change your previous life. A cute animal called a raccoon.

A little about the raccoon

The cute, fluffy creature was nicknamed the raccoon thanks to its similar relative, whose skins were widely used by manufacturers of clothing and household items. The so-called gennet furs subsequently evolved into a more simplified and easier to talk to form, the raccoon. To this day, the word raccoon is associated only with a reactive and cunning animal with a bushy tail.

In the wild habitat, the raccoon takes root only where there are swamps or ponds. After all, it was not for nothing that he was nicknamed the raccoon. This animal will wash clean everything that comes to hand and can be enjoyed. Fuzzies also take root well near human settlements, where they often hunt in landfills and steal food left unattended. Everything that a person can eat and that is very nutritious and tasty in smell will be immediately stolen by this little troglodyte.

Raccoons can have a shelter and resting place in several places at once. These could be small hollows in trees not far from the ground, already dug holes for rodents or moles, or holes in rocks. In general, a small place where you can hide from the rain and wind. The sleepy period begins during the day, and at night an active lifestyle begins, in which there is only room for food. And since he loves to eat everything that lies poorly and smells good, the search for food will not end until the raccoon has had enough.

Choleric by nature, the raccoon behaves boldly when surrounded by potential danger, which awaits him at every step. These could be wolves, lynxes, ordinary street dogs. If it fails to escape from the offender, the raccoon may pretend to be dead. But this is only in case of inability to answer. Raccoons know how to fight and are not afraid to show their temper, which is why they often survive in such situations.

The search for a breeding partner begins in February. At the same time, the males begin to rush around and look for a more ready and suitable female. Courtship and mating games of raccoons end with 64-day gestation of 4-7 puppies, after which the female no longer allows anyone near her offspring and remains to raise them on her own.

Raccoon at home. All the pros and cons

Before you bring a semi-wild animal into your home, ask yourself the question: is it worth having a raccoon at home? If you are accustomed to a quiet, peaceful daily flow and do not like change, then you will have to change your lifestyle and come to terms with many facts that your child will provide in all colors and concepts.

Your habitat largely depends on it; you shouldn’t get a little animal in a city apartment, where there won’t be much room to run around and look for something new. Raccoons don't sit idle. At night, they only awaken their appetite and desire to climb where they shouldn’t. If you have a large apartment and there is a lot of space to build an enclosure, then the problems are a little less. Although, owners of small apartments are not at all afraid of the fact that their gray sneak will be bored in such a shack, because raccoons are essentially a freedom-loving animal.

If there are other animals in the house, the raccoon will be jealous of all the attention that is paid to someone other than him. Therefore, having and raising a raccoon is one thing, but dealing with its ego is another. Raccoons cannot stand competitors, so other animals will suffer from the oppression of this rebellious animal. You should also be careful with invited guests, whom your pet, perhaps, out of “unexpectation,” will want to teach a lesson, so that they do not show up to His Majesty the Gray Striped Tail without an invitation and provisions.

Often the owners themselves suffer from the selfish nature of the raccoon. At a young age, learning and getting used to everything new, the baby can be affectionate and reach out to you at the first opportunity. But as puberty approaches, the animal becomes more aggressive and simply moves away from you. Ordinary caresses are now like a challenge for him. So beware of temporary mood disorders. At this time, you need to think about introducing your pet to a partner.

Raccoons, like any other animal, mark their territory and thereby emit specific odors that not everyone can tolerate. But again, domestic cats, marking their territory, create no less unfavorable odors. Therefore, to people who are used to it, this may seem like a common thing.

It is worth stocking up with enormous patience and tolerance. After all, a raccoon will never understand that he is not allowed to do something and that he has done something wrong. Screaming and swearing will intensify the fight negative emotions, which, if not quelled, he will want to throw out on you. No one wants to be bitten or scratched, so sooner or later you have to adapt to living with a raccoon.

The raccoon's curious nose will visit wherever it can in the house. Any doors, any drawers and chests of drawers that are strong enough for a raccoon will be brazenly broken open and gutted. Therefore, if you value things, as a memory or at least as a means of living, close all cabinets tightly. The first favorite place is a garbage can, where the gray bloodhound will want to find something to eat.

If you decide to buy a raccoon and leave this fluffy little boy at home, nothing will stop you. Nor the problematic nature of the raccoon,
neither his content nor his upbringing. Patience and good luck!

A raccoon, although domestic, is still a forest animal, so don’t expect it to be as obedient as a dog or as quiet as a cat. Rather, the raccoon will be a child in your house who will never grow up. Choosing the right diet for a raccoon is very important for its health.

There are two ways to feed a raccoon: natural food or dry food. In this article I will tell you all the nuances of both types of feeding.

A raccoon's nutrition is a fundamental factor in the health and appearance of your pet.

Let's start with the fact that while the raccoon is small, it drinks its mother's milk; if you took your little minke whale too early from its mother (1-2 months), then you simply need to supplement it manually through pipettes and bottles with a bitch's milk substitute. Today, the market for products for our little pets offers a huge variety of mixtures. Both dog and cat mixtures are suitable for raccoons. On various forums you will find a large number of debates on this topic, but, in fact, the choice is up to you! When feeding a baby with formula, it is important to maintain the correct proportions when diluting, because the amount of liquid does not mean that all of it is nutritious. If you add little mixture, it will be, roughly speaking, “colored water”, in which case you can starve the baby. Personally, I recommend Meradog. Proper nutrition The raccoon is very important at the feeding stage.


Never feed a baby raccoon cow's milk, it contains much less nutrients, and you will also starve the baby. During the first months of life, the raccoon stays awake only to eat. Over time, the breaks between meals decrease and the amount of sleep decreases. While the raccoon is very small (1-1.5 months), it is fed every 3-5 hours (according to the principle: if it wakes up, it means it’s hungry). The raccoon is fed until it refuses to eat, and even after that it is offered several more times to make sure that the baby has actually eaten! Massaging your tummy after eating is very important! It is necessary to imitate the tongue of myma by taking cotton wool and moistening it warm water, this is done in order to ensure the passage of products throughout gastrointestinal tract. If you neglect to massage the tummy, a blockage may occur, which will lead to death. To put it simply: the baby will not be able to defecate, intoxication will occur and the raccoon will die.

Feeding example:

1 month – 40 ml every 2-3 hours (at night, raccoons may not wake up and ask for food, but be prepared to feed them at night)
1.5 months – 60ml every 5 hours
2 months – 80ml every 5 hours
2.5 months – 40 ml every 5 hours + cottage cheese with grated banana and egg
3 months – completely independent feeding from a bowl.

When your baby has grown a little (you will notice this by the number active phases) it must be switched to adult food. To begin with, you can try giving your baby bread soaked in the same mixture to which he is accustomed. The raccoon will lick and learn to suck the mixture. As the baby grows, you can introduce eggs (both raw and hard-boiled), cottage cheese, pieces of boiled chicken or meat, and fresh fruits: bananas, grapes, apples into the diet. Only one product can be introduced per day! Give and watch the reaction (taste and stool), this way you identify your raccoon’s personal preferences in nutrition and watch how his body digests certain foods. Over time, you will completely formulate the diet for your pet.

Basic rules for raccoon nutrition:

1. You need to feed the raccoon 2-3 times a day.
2. Must be taken into account individual characteristics and time of year. For example, as winter approaches, a raccoon begins to eat more animal food in order to accumulate fat. In the spring, the raccoon begins to actively lose weight and can only eat a few nuts a day. By summer, a raccoon can lose up to 6 kg, don’t be alarmed, this natural process, in the fall the raccoon will begin to recover again.
3. Don't overfeed your raccoon. Any animals with overweight live less due to the additional stress on the heart and other organs.
4. Eliminate junk food from the raccoon’s diet: any sweets, flour, spicy, salty foods.
5. Do not try to create a planned diet for the raccoon, because the raccoon, like humans, is susceptible to external factors, such as: mood, well-being, etc., therefore, one day he may want to gobble up carrots, and the next refuse it. The raccoon itself will tell you what to feed it, the main thing is to watch your pet.
6. Remember that every raccoon is individual and has its own taste preferences. What is tasteless for one is a delicacy for another.

Choose your raccoon's food according to your pet's taste preferences.

When keeping a raccoon in a natural environment, you should understand that a raccoon, like a person, is an omnivore. But don't forget that some foods are good for us, but many are not, and so are raccoons. Of course, they can eat everything, but this does not mean that they can do everything. For example, there is a common belief that raccoons eat cookies. Any flour products are contraindicated for a raccoon, and cookies (only oatmeal) are rarely given as a reward, as are nuts (only a few per week).

Now a little about “dry” raccoon nutrition.

Raccoons are usually fed dry dog ​​or cat food; of course, the choice of food is yours. What is the catch with this feeding? It would seem that everything is simple: he wrote three times a day and the raccoon is happy.
Veterinarians say this: if an animal is on dry food, then it should not be given anything from the table! This means that you won’t be able to treat the raccoon with anything, but how can you resist these pugs? The fact is that the fewer foods a raccoon eats, the easier it is digestive system, the enzymes produced know how much and what to process, and if you deviate from the diet, problems with the gastrointestinal tract may begin.

In any case, what to feed the raccoon is up to you to decide. The main thing that . Love your pets and feed them right.

Raccoon food:

List of foods that can be given to a raccoon:
1. Meat, fish (both raw and boiled, but thermally processed products are better):


Sea bass
Blue whiting

2. Fruits, vegetables, berries:


Fresh peas
Boiled corn


3. Porridge, fermented milk products

Buckwheat deal

Cottage cheese
Sour cream

4. Nice things:

Oat cookies
Dried fruits

5. Exclude:

Red fish

You can talk about raccoon nutrition and get advice on keeping a raccoon in our

Raccoons are one of the representatives of exotic animals that some breeders have begun to purchase as pets. Because of its playful nature and cute appearance– this animal is of interest to many exotic lovers. Answering the question how long does he live? domestic raccoon it should be said that average duration The life of this pet is about 20 years.

Although it is quite possible that, due to decent maintenance, a domestic raccoon will delight its owner for more than 20 years. But before making a choice, the breeder must study all the pros and cons and decide for himself whether it is worth getting a raccoon. Therefore, before you buy a raccoon and bring this animal home as a pet, you need to study the introductory information on its contents. It is how to choose a raccoon, where to buy it and how not to make a mistake in choosing that will be discussed in our article today.

Raccoon - pet

The first thing the future owner should pay attention to is the availability of free space in his living space. Domestic raccoons cannot have free access to all housing; they need to make an enclosure in which they can safely move. In terms of size, a separate room is best. The raccoon's habitat should be cleared of wires and large items that can harm the animal.


It is also necessary to take into account allergic reactions, which are quite possible in households due to the presence of a domestic raccoon. If such manifestations occur, keeping the animal at home is not possible. If children under 7 years old live in the house, it is better not to have a raccoon, as it can harm the child with its bites.

Aggressive behavior

Another thing to consider is that raccoons can remain wild and are not always tamed. Sometimes a pet raccoon may show signs of aggression. Most often, the reason for this is the onset of puberty, as well as the mating season.

The main warning from experts is that it is quite common for raccoons to bite and scratch. Even at home, it is impossible to wean them from this habit. Therefore, if a situation arises that the animal does not like, you need to be prepared for such actions on his part.


During the rut, it is common for raccoons to mark their territory. Another reason for the appearance of a specific aroma is that the raccoon does not always use the litter box. Consequently, this becomes the cause of unpleasant odors in the apartment.


Raccoons are active in dark time days. Therefore, the future owner will need to feed at night, as well as pay the necessary attention to the animal. A pet raccoon can be retrained to a different schedule, but this takes a lot of time.

Hard temper

It is quite difficult for raccoons to communicate with other pets in the apartment. If there are rodents or birds in the house, then it is unlikely that raccoons will find them mutual language. They show friendly relations only with a cat or dog, provided that they grew up together. But you need to take into account the fact that in this case, each of the pets will fight for the leadership and attention of the owner.

If you are thinking about whether to get a raccoon, and you are satisfied with everything, then you should study the places where you can buy such a pet.

Price issue

Today, there are a very large number of different advertisements on the Internet with offers to buy young raccoons. However, it must be borne in mind that most of them may be an absolute hoax. There are often cases where raccoon dog puppies, or young raccoons that were taken from the natural environment by poachers, were sold.

How much does a pet raccoon cost? The minimum price at which you can purchase a raccoon is 15 thousand rubles, but the maximum has no limits.

Pay attention to the suspiciously low price, perhaps they want to sell you a wild or sick individual!

Places to buy a raccoon

To protect yourself from fraud, the best solution will ask questions of interest to those who already have a raccoon at home. Such owners can be found, for example, on forums on the Internet. It’s worth asking where they bought their pets, or maybe someone is breeding them at home and selling baby raccoons.

Before you buy a domestic raccoon, you need to mandatory, ask the owner to show you not only the raccoon puppies, but also their parents. In case of all sorts of excuses from the seller, it is worth thinking about whether he is a fraudster. It is quite possible that they are trying to sell you absolutely not domestic raccoons, but individuals caught in wildlife poaching way. It should be understood that in this case you can purchase wild individuals, completely unaccustomed to domestic conditions, for the price of a domestic raccoon.

be careful

Also in advertisements for sale there are offers to purchase young individuals that are in the nursery. However, such raccoons can often succumb to disease and rarely become tame. Diseases in such representatives may arise due to the fact that the nursery did not observe the purity of crossing individuals, namely, they used close relatives for these purposes. If the owners do not allow you to see the nursery, which houses babies and adults, then perhaps they are also scammers.

You should also be very careful about advertisements in which puppies can be delivered by courier service. Sometimes the courier who makes the delivery does not know what he is carrying, and, therefore, it is quite possible to receive a box with tortured or even suffocated babies. It is best to pick up your pet in person rather than trust someone else to deliver it.

Before you choose and buy a raccoon, you should visit the puppy at least once. You need to pay attention to his behavior. If the baby is healthy, he will be active and may even bite. In case of a painful condition, the puppy will behave very calmly, which is immediately alarming. It is better not to trust such owners who will try to convince you that such behavior is normal, since already 10 days after birth, puppies show their character. In this case, preference should be given to other baby owners.

Before you get a raccoon as a pet, you should weigh all the pros and cons of having it in the house. You should consider how long a pet raccoon lives, and if you are not able to properly provide for everything the necessary conditions keeping a pet throughout its life, it is better to refrain from such an acquisition altogether.

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