I break the energetic connection with everyone. Attachments to ex-partners

February 23

The energetic connection with a man after a breakup does not disappear without a trace. The woman continues to feed with her energy those who were once close to her.

The energetic connection between a man and a woman occurs during intimacy - intimate or spiritual. The fact is that in the process of communication there is a powerful energy surge, which triggers an intense exchange of energies. This creates a strong mental connection that unites a woman with her lover. At the same time, this energetic connection can become a black hole if your relationship has long outlived its usefulness. Naturally, such a binding is eliminated only after six to eight years. Even if you had one date, even if the man is a thousand kilometers away from you, the energetic connection continues to exist and deprives you of vitality.

Why is it necessary to break energetic connections?

Let's get to the heart of the problem. Let's say you are happy, successfully married, gave birth to beautiful children, but the ghosts of the past constantly haunt you. The echo of old connections does not fall silent and continues to exist, depriving you of feminine energy. For several years, and we're talking about not about two years, but about six or even nine; communication with former partners makes you defenseless. It is impossible to hide from this - even after a disagreement, the man continues to “feed” on you.

IN modern world few girls date exclusively with one single partner throughout their lives, so traces of old relationships continue to exist, ex-lovers on subtle level dragging women down. In this regard, experts strongly recommend using the technique of getting rid of energy connections in order to leave the past in the past forever and no longer waste your energy.

Rules for breaking energy connections

Most women are interested in how to break the energetic connection with a man if they do not have the strength to forget him on their own. Let's face it: if your feelings for him still make you feel pain, these techniques will not help you remove those feelings. However, they can give a feeling of relief and break the energy channel, so that you can again breathe freely and think about new relationships.

If feelings for a man have long cooled down, then breaking the energy connection will be quite easy. What to do:

  • Take a piece of paper and write down everyone's names on it. former men, with whom you have been intimate for the past ten years. Even if it was chance meeting that ended in intimacy, or a relationship that meant nothing to you. The list should include all the men who in one way or another caused you powerful emotions or sensations.
  • The technique of getting rid of energy binding must be carried out on the 19th lunar day, so agree on the date in advance with lunar calendar. In these lunar day You can get rid of everything unnecessary and draining as easily as possible.
  • Before performing the technique, it is recommended to clean the apartment,, if possible, carry out energy cleansing, take a shower, and put on clean clothes. Cleanliness should be not only in your soul, but also around you.

How to free yourself from attachment and regain your feminine energy

After breaking up with a man, you need to get rid of energy connection, which binds you with strong invisible threads. The following technique will help with this.

  • Sit comfortably, relax all your muscles and close your eyes.
  • Imagine a clean space around you.
  • Remember all the men with whom you want to break the energetic connection. Invite them one by one into this space you have created in your imagination.
  • Pay attention to where each of them is located, what feelings this or that man evokes.
  • Find these sensations in your body. This is the location of the energy channel.
  • Look at the man who is in your space. You should notice the energy threads, see their color and direction. Figuratively speaking, you and him are connected by an energy rope, which you will now cut in your thoughts once and for all.
  • If it was strong love, sexual intercourse or a powerful energy addiction, then imagine that you are burning a severed rope with fire.
  • Observe your feelings. Thank this man for the valuable experience that he gave you, and say goodbye to him forever, let him out of your space.
  • Open your eyes and repeat the practice with every man who has played a role in your life. After this, burn the list of names and scatter the ashes to the wind.

Do this technique as many times as necessary until your condition improves dramatically. If thoughts about this man keep coming back to you, there may be more deep reason, which needs to be worked out with a specialist. Dear ladies, we wish you good mood, love, happiness. take care of yourselfand don't forget to press the buttons and

Has it ever happened to you that you suddenly feel a loss of strength, a sharp deterioration in your health, or bad luck out of the blue?

Does it happen that some snatches of phrases and images from the past pop up on their own, inexplicable feelings, something like regret or despair? If so, know that most likely you have many unfinished energetic connections with other people.

They can form on many energy centers, but most often the outflow of energy occurs through the lower centers.


It is known that it is impossible to “take away” energy (from the etheric body) directly. You can provoke a person to give it away (through manifestations of the astral or mental body). Below we can see a number of methods by which “nice people” can provoke us to lose the energy of our chakras (energy centers).


Putting things in order for another person.

Do not allow the task started to be completed, or the statement be completed.

Finish things for other people on your own initiative.

Demonstration of completed cases requiring large quantity time, photograph of the house built.

Excessive list of cases when performing an action, there are a lot of regulating papers.


Throw a tantrum.

Scroll the dynamo.

Show lack of pleasure “Is that all you can do?”

Increase speed, fuss: “Come on quickly, finish quickly.”

Apologize for not understanding the joke: “When do you laugh?”


Actions without request or consent towards a person: “Come on, drink.”

Compare a person with someone else who is doing worse, with results and money: “Yes, I’m doing much better.”

Profanity, rudeness, swearing, command form.

Do something instead of something else: “I’ll do it myself.”

Payment of financial bills without agreement: “I will pay.”

Display of wealth: “I have a suitcase full of money.”

Demonstration of connections, social status: “Yes, I had dinner with the president yesterday.”

Obsessiveness when communicating: “You need this, I’ll stay with you for a month.”

Ignoring other people's opinions, interrupting.

Demand for confirmation: “Are you sure you want this? And you need it.”

Anticipatory actions: ask someone to do something, and then start doing it yourself.

The question with the lack of choice of action is to decide 5 or 10.

Punishment of initiative, for example when choosing a solution.

Prohibition on choosing anything without explanation, clothes, toys, cars.

Taking the initiative to do what is assigned to another.


Induce a feeling of guilt - “Everyone has caring children, but ours...”.

Indifference to the gift, the attention shown, the flowers given are immediately re-gifted.

Arouse pity: “Help, good people, there has been nothing to eat for a month.”

Break communication (unfinished dance).

Remind me of my heartfelt attitude: “Remember, I gave it to you.”


Demonstratively leave the performance (benefit performance).

Manner of speech, intentional errors in speech (parody).

Negative assessment of creativity: “Do you think this is poetry?”

Notice inconsistencies, for example, a negative assessment of appearance.

Convict of plagiarism.


Demand compliance with directives, without reflection and motivation.

Solve problems for another person, customize the answer.

Comparison with another “smarter” person.

Manifestation of excessive erudition, cleverness.

Criticism of intelligence and ways of thinking: “What fool wrote this?”

Praise only for what coincides with my “correct” opinion.


You need to cut off energy connections.
This is a technique for getting your energy back from those people to whom you gave it.
It allows you to harmonize existing relationships, and those that are already unnecessary can be completed easily and safely.


Psychologists, consultants, healers, teachers and other representatives of “helping” professions

Energy connections are formed between you and your clients (patients, students). If you have helped a person once, he subconsciously begins to consider you the source of his well-being. This is how energy connections are formed. And later, while in difficult situation or when your health worsens, the person connected with you begins to unconsciously draw off your energy. Such connections should be terminated.

For men and women, at the end of a relationship and in divorce

Former lovers are usually tied very tightly, which is why they cannot feel freedom from each other for a long time. From time to time, someone “pulls the string”, causing in themselves or their ex-partner bursts of sudden passion, sexual desire or anger. Women usually become more attached to their partner, so they give more energy. They definitely need to cut off this connection. To prevent this from happening and you can build normally new life and relationships, cut off all the past.

Those who have made various promises, oaths and vows to other people

This could have been done in a fit of love, parental or friendly feelings, as well as out of guilt or pity. These may even be forgotten childhood vows, which, however, are still valid. You could promise a person to love him or protect him forever, to achieve some success together, or something else.
For example, friends swear that they will only get married together; as a result, if one of them does not have a good personal life, the other cannot build a relationship either. Even if the oath seems to be “good” - for example, to always protect someone - this is a very limiting vow. He puts you in the eternal position of a “savior”, and the person supposedly “protected” by you – in the role of a “victim”, depriving a person own strength. Each person must be protected by his own connection with the Supreme. If you take this place... You understand - this is incorrect for yourself - in the end your strength will not be enough not only for someone else’s life, but also for your own. If you are bound to someone by such vows, no matter which side, cut off such moments immediately.

For those who cannot forgive offenders or let go of people from the past

Unforgiven grievances and unfinished relationships pull you back all the time, forcing you to think about your “enemy” again and again, in fact, feeding him with energy. Likewise, he can also pull the string from his side. Emotionally, you would like to never see this person again, but in fact, you continue to exchange energy with him through your connection. If you want to develop and own your power to the fullest, it’s time to forgive people from the past and cut the etheric threads that bind you.


Modern children are very serious beings with strong abilities who still know little about themselves. Babies are born very kind and sensitive, and tend to take on the problems and negativity of everyone they love. They act with the best intentions, but... Alas, this is not their destiny. Such children easily make vows to save or heal their parents and many other people. As a result, their strength is not enough, they begin to get sick, study worse, they begin to have behavioral disorders and nightmares. It is advisable that you teach your children the technique of cutting energy threads. And also do it yourself with your parents and children.
Perform the technique of cutting unnecessary energy connections regularly, with each person and situation individually.

People who died

The same thing happens with the dead, for the shell dies, but the soul lives eternally, like our vows.


Sit comfortably, and mentally call and communicate with the person with whom you want to make a settlement. Those who have certain vision can very clearly see this person and the connections themselves.

Mental communication occurs as in ordinary life and can be arbitrary.

Say the following words mentally:

  • I call upon (name) and ask you to appear before me.
  • Greet the image of the person as you would in normal life.
  • Thank this person, group of people and situation for all the invaluable experience, training and education, science, information, advice, participation, emotions, for your ignorance... and for everything that you consider and feel necessary.
  • I cancel all my vows, promises, and all programs that are in any way associated with this.
  • I ask you to take away from me and everything that relates to me - everything that is yours back, and I ask you to return everything that is mine, only in pure form. (this is where the energy exchange between you takes place).
  • I apologize for everything and forgive you for everything. I ask you to forgive me, let me go, and I mutually release you. Thank you for everything...
  • I give and send the energy of love and spiritual light to repay the harm I have caused and transform the disharmonious consequences. Thank you and goodbye...

During the calculation process, you can see energy threads connecting you - imagine a knife in one hand, a torch in the other - cut this thread first on yourself and burn it with fire, then on the one with whom you are calculating. The person you called may not agree, then firmly, you need to repeat your request three times. After the exchange of energies, you will feel some relief, thank the called person for carrying out the calculation, wish him happiness and let him go.

All energy processes are very individual and have many subtleties. Therefore, if something doesn’t work out for you, if you have an inner desire to fully cleanse, restore and harmonize your energy - contact us.

Try this practice and you will feel the difference in your condition before and after. You can do this at once with all partners or remove it periodically energy bindings as needed. Take a comfortable position lying or sitting, relax, calm your breathing, let go of thoughts, all unnecessary emotions, worries and doubts, focus on your body. Mentally walk up and down, sending a wave of relaxation throughout the body, removing all pressure and tension in the body. Then mentally invite the image of the one with whom you want to cut the energetic ties. Thank him for coming and ask your body here and now to manifest all the connections that you have with your ex-partner. In just a few moments you will see these connections, carefully note how many there are, what color they are, how thick they are, what they look like and at what level you are connected, i.e. look at what chakra you had a connection with this partner. Usually connections appear in the form of colored threads, ropes, ropes, chains, etc., give free rein to your imagination, do not stop it from showing all the connections in all its glory. Then mentally express your firm intention and willingness to remove these attachments. Imagine golden scissors in your hand and start gradually and cut them, no matter in what order, it is important that all connections are cut. Mandatory ponytails energy channels close, loop - yours to yourself, and your partner’s channels to him. I highly recommend paying attention to the reaction of your ex-partner, he may tell you something, show himself in some way, listen to him, thank him and let him go with love.

It happens that a partner does not want to leave or some of the connections are not cut, this means that some issue between you has not been resolved or some topic has not been closed and this requires your attention. Talk to him, ask why he doesn’t want to let you go, what information he has for you. Listen and act according to the circumstances. It may be that it will be difficult for you to figure it out yourself, then you will need the help of a specialist; perhaps there are karmic ties or issues that require more careful study. It is very important to let go of partners who are no longer alive, partners with whom you broke up a long time ago, this way you will let them go and free them from your influence.

Find time for this work and your energy body will thank you, your condition and well-being will improve significantly! If you doubt that you can cope with this work or after this practice you will need to refine the remaining connections, I invite you to individual consultation, where we will consider and work out your situation in detail.

The Universe has its own “fuses” in relation to each person. It’s as if she knows in advance the result of our every action. But on the 19th Lunar day, the Universe (God, Absolute, Space) seems to be dozing, it practically cannot protect us. Including from ourselves. That is why various negative energetic influences, better known among people as damage, love spells, and so on, are easiest to do on the 19th Lunar day, when the vigilance and wisdom of the World are as weakened as possible.

As the natural interest in discovering and returning the power of femininity to the fair half of humanity grows, the demand for various energy practices to restore and heal the feminine sphere increases.

One of the most fashionable practices nowadays is energetic release from a former sexual partner. There are real passions surrounding this powerful but dangerous practice! Unjustifiably many different opinions and gossip grew around her. The practice has become overgrown with myths and legends!

Some Ladies who have experienced this practice personally become devoted fans, while others vow not to come into contact with such rituals again.

What is this practice and why is it needed?

To explain to readers what kind of miraculous practice this is and why it is needed, let us turn to the famous art book “The Circle feminine power" by Larisa Renard, in which the author explains the reason for the need to carry out the practice of cutting off former partners:

“...After all, the more men a woman has, the less energy she has, the more devastated she is. Many connections with men deprive a woman of her power of attraction, the aunt continued her explanation.
- To regain your energy, you need to free yourself from the connection that you had. Any connection is maintained for seven years.
- Even if it is a connection with a man who is no longer alive? - I asked.
- Even if he is no longer there, even if he is thousands of kilometers away. Even if you only had one single night, he continues to draw on your energy, and this prevents you from attracting the man you are looking for,” the aunt explained.

Larisa Renard describes the very technique of this practice in an artistic presentation as follows:

« Connecting thumb, symbolizing female sexuality, and the index finger, symbolizing power, you will receive a ring of feminine power. Place the feminine power ring on your lower abdomen, where your uterus is located. It is the womb that is the place of feminine power; in it we accumulate energy and store invisible energy threads that connect us with all the men with whom we have had intimacy.

We put the ring of feminine power at 12 o'clock (as if the dial is looking down), turn our head to the left (our past) and while inhaling, imagine the man with whom we spent the night, then turn to the present (forward) and spiral movements in the direction to the center we begin to collect energy thread counterclock-wise. We make three circles and, turning to the right (into our future), throw out this connection as we exhale. It's better to remove all connections 19th day of the moon, but if you feel that you are not ready to wait that long, do it when you see fit.”

Now, we can safely move on to the myths born around this practice. Below are the most common ones.

1. The invisible connection through which a man receives energy from a woman lasts 7 years

Some trainings advise us to work through connections only with those men with whom we have had the good fortune (or misfortune) to be in the same bed over the past seven years.

As practice shows, the depth and durability of this connection between different men and women can be completely different. Some connections are destroyed by themselves within a couple of months after contact, while others live and thrive for decades. Even if this man is no longer alive, I have repeatedly observed a woman’s long-term connection with his phantom state, which is also a drain of energy “to nowhere.”

If there has been any exchange of fluids in a relationship - even kissing - the rope becomes steel. If there was sex, the thickness of the rope becomes even greater.

The duration and depth of such a connection depends on many factors that cannot be predicted in advance even if we wanted to: our state at that moment, the level of energy fullness of partners, the strength of emotional intensity, imprints of past lives and family memories, etc.. It is for this reason that If a woman has decided to arrange a total cleansing of her past, she needs to remember everyone, with whom there was a connection. No matter how many years have passed.

2. You need to “cut off” all your “ex” as soon as possible in order to regain your energy!

Often, modernized trainings surprise with the recommendation to write down all your exes on a piece of paper and in one evening “go through” them with the practice of energetically cutting off a partner in order to speed up the restoration processes in the woman’s field.

However, both theory and real practice usually shows exactly the opposite result. What is this connected with? In order to carry out this practice, you need to be ready to this, and not just infected with the enthusiasm of a coach or a book, kicking everyone out of your life with whom it didn’t work out.

What does it mean to be “ready” to be freed from a relationship with a specific man?

This means being in a state of gratitude towards a man. Yes exactly sincere gratitude, and not feigned. When you say “I am ready to free ourselves from each other with gratitude,” your hands should not clench into fists, and resentment or pain should not roll up to your throat in the form of a lump or bubbling!

If, remembering this man, some unsaid things are on the tip of your tongue or negative experiences pop up, this is a completely inappropriate time to use this practice. This means that not everything has been worked out with this man yet - there is an experience that we have not yet learned, there is a lesson that we have not realized and have not learned.

The universe is surprisingly wise, and every man in our lives, like her messenger, comes to teach us something, teach a lesson, act as a teacher (in fact, just like we do for him). If it hurts, if it hurts, it means the lesson is stuck somewhere inside, it means the lesson has not been completed.

Lesson not learned

Now imagine that in such a state of “uncompleted lesson” we simply take and cut off this man from ourselves. It’s as if we are cutting off and throwing away what the Universe has given us for gaining experience, for development!

What does the wise Universe usually do when a woman in such a blasphemous way refuses an important lesson for her, without even trying to understand and learn from her experience? Right! She repeats this lesson for us! It’s good if the “freshly cut off ex” soon looms in person on the horizon for “rework.” But it could be different: The Universe will send another teacher into our Life with the same lesson. And to be more approachable!

Surely you have seen (heard, know personally) such women who always step on the same rake with men, like bewitched? The same problem that repeats from one man to another like an obsession... Be it infidelity, alcohol, assault or chronic affairs with married macho men. This is just shining example how a woman refuses the lesson she needs, and Life insists that experience be learned from this lesson and appropriate conclusions be drawn. Which, by the way, can sometimes even go against public opinion and the traditions of society - everyone has their own experience.

Let's return to our practice of “liberation”. If you are preparing to cut off your partner and suddenly discover that you are experiencing a lot of feelings towards him, among which gratitude is simply lost sight of, then immediately postpone this practice! No, not forever. Just for the time being until the ballast of negative experiences is dropped.

How to reset this ballast?

In fact, there are many removal techniques negative emotions from the person’s field and learning from the situation. The simplest and most common is the “Letter-Liberation” Practice. You can study it.

Only after the “steam has been let off” are some conclusions that previously could not be comprehended nevertheless identified and added to personal experience, when, instead of a storm of emotions, gratitude to this person settled in your heart for the fact that he taught you certain things, showed you previously unknown sides of life, only then can you, with gratitude (!), carry out the technique of cutting off a partner, which now has the right to be called a technique of liberation.

Of course, you are already ready to break up with some of your exes. in a subtle way, without additional letters and conclusions - and there is a long-standing readiness for this. So break up!

And with the rest - improve it! Become aware of and free yourself from negative emotions and experiences. It may take you 20 minutes to clarify the situation and let go of your grievances with this man. But it may also be that you have to spend several evenings or even weeks on this.

This is why the advice of some trainers to “deal with” hated exes in one evening is surprising. It is hardly possible to do this without harming yourself by hasty actions.

3. It is best to cut off connections on the 19th Lunar day

Liberation practices need to be done! But only “cleanly”, when gratitude is in the background! There is a small nuance, failure to comply with which so often leads to upset, crying women who received a painful repeated lesson as a reaction to jokes with energies from Space.

If the practice of untying is done on the 19th Lunar day, then cutting will necessarily occur, even if it is incredibly harmful and on any other day the Universe would not allow this cutting in order to protect the woman herself from the unpleasant and painful consequences of this practice.

The 19th Lunar day is different from all the others, why on this day is it better to refrain from taking any vital important decisions and what it is connected with.

Consider that you have received the safety instructions and use this technique for your benefit!