Energy to free yourself from another person. How to remove foreign energy channels


Before reading, please! My comments are in italics.

Few people are fully aware of the fact that every second around him and next to him there are many intelligent beings, the existence of which he may not even be aware of. However, this does not at all prevent these creatures from exerting their direct or indirect influence on human life. Some of these creatures are favorably or at least neutral towards humans and can help them if treated properly. Others, on the contrary, are not in a favorable mood.

The point is that if a person feeds on animals and plants, then it is logical to assume that someone feeds on the person himself - his energy, thereby causing direct or indirect harm to the person, the source of which, as a rule, is not realized by the person. And if we know at least something about the first category of beings of the subtle plane (spirits, angels, etc.), then few people write openly about the beings of the second category. There are only indirect references to the essences of the etheric-vital plane (demons, demons, etc.). And it is almost impossible to find a detailed classification of them.
It should be emphasized that the vast majority of the living creatures that make up our invisible zoo are our own thought forms - fear, greed, jealousy, anger, excitement, etc. We give birth to thought forms every day (separating pieces of our soul from ourselves), and if we feed them with the emotions with which they were created, they grow, become more conscious, and in the end can take control of the host. If the generated thought form no longer finds nourishment from the owner, it can dissolve (the energy will return to the person, or simply be assimilated by space), or move to another provider according to vibrational characteristics (like to like).

Mages know that our world consists of seven main levels or planes, which are separated from each other only by vibration frequency. These plans are as follows:

➩ Physical material plane - muladhara chakra.
➩ Ethereal plane - svadhisthana chakra.
➩ Vital plane - manipura chakra.
➩ Astral plane - anahata chakra.
➩ Mental plane - Vishuddha chakra.
➩ Casual plane - ajna chakra.
➩ Atmanic plane - sahasraha chakra.

According to each plane, a person also has seven bodies - one physical and six subtle, with the help of which he contacts each plane of the system (world).

Thus, each body and each chakra is a kind of adapter to the corresponding level of reality.

We all know very well that a person receives strength and energy by processing spatial energy through 7 centers (chakras). In fact, there are many more centers and each tradition sees them a little differently, although any chakra system can be purely individual and different from others.
On this topic:

Energy vampires, of one kind or another. People who, consciously or not, are trying to piss you off by awakening low emotions - fear, pity, anger. Thus, taking away your energy from the manipura chakra (vital body) and the anahata chakra (astral body).

Methods of protection and struggle.

The best defense, contrary to the popular saying, is not attack, but neutrality, refusal to get involved, ignoring. By swinging the pendulum, we are only aggravating the situation for the amusement of the system (that’s why such sayings have been introduced, along with “turn the other cheek, an eye for an eye,” etc.). However, if neutrality cannot be maintained at the initial stages, there are the following definitions and methods:

The etheric plane follows immediately after the physical and represents an endless ocean of potential etheric energy, most of which is simply not used by humans. And as we know, when supply arises, demand immediately arises. In other words, if something is in excess, then there will always be someone who wants to realize this excess. Nature does not tolerate emptiness and this is the law of the universe.

One way or another, we are all links in the food chain - we all feed each other with one energy or another. Very conventionally, the “Dark Ones” feed on our fear - suffering, hatred, anger, hypocrisy. “Light” ones feed on love - joy, respect, happiness. There is not a single structure in our Universe that is not part of the food chain and lives without feeding or being fed from others (energy, information, experience, flesh). If you know any, don't be shy in the comments)

Etheric energy is of great value because it is most suitable for immediate direct use without any processing. This is exactly the energy that is called prana, Qi, Chi, Ki, Living, etc. In humans, the svadhisthana chakra is responsible for the production of etheric energy, and the main generator of this energy is sexual energy.

Larvae of masturbation, Incubi, Succubi, Lamia, Shells of the Dead - these creatures already operate on the etheric plane of energy; their main task is to eat your sexual energy, the energy of desire, life energy - which belong to the svadhisthana chakra.

Shells of the dead (class of predators) are phantom formations of deceased people who require vital energy from the svadhisthana chakra to maintain their activity. As a rule, they attach themselves to a person through negative work, or they can attach themselves to a cemetery. They act through dreams, aggressive behavior up to an attack in a dream.

Methods of protection and struggle.

In the case of incubi, succubi, lamias and shells of the dead, you need to put a good one on the room in which you live, put protection on yourself and also put up a special protection before going to bed. These could be protective spells, stones, incense and specially made talismans. In the case of lamias, especially especially strong ones, you need a strong one.

In the case of the larva of masturbation, we can only advise the following - learn to control sexual energy, its sublimation and accumulation for oneself, and not throw it out into the outside world.

The lyarva attaches itself to the cocoon from the moment energy suitable for consumption appears in the cocoon. For example, a person tried to play slot machines, felt excitement and liked this feeling. The larva is all attached, because... All three main criteria coincided: Action, emotion, internal approval. Now this larva will induce in its victim as often as possible a desire to experience a feeling of excitement and risk.

With the larvae of smoking and alcoholism, everything is basically the same. But if there is no last and most important criterion - the person’s internal acceptance and agreement that he likes this state, then the larva will simply have nothing to cling to. For example, you once tried to smoke or drink for the first time and it caused you such strong disgust that you gave up on this activity forever. In this case, the larva will not be able to cling to you, because your subconscious already has a program that you don’t like it and you don’t need it.

Demons (devils) (class of predators) - takes away the energy of the manipura chakra. They usually act through dreams - to receive the energy of fear, or directly awakening spontaneous aggression in a person, they can also change a person’s perception by instilling in him various images, there are subspecies that can attack directly - feeding on the fibers of your vital body. In advanced cases, there may be obsession. They are emissaries of Demonic egregors.
Such entities are actively attracted by those who practice various kinds of magic and try to influence the will of others, contrary to the interests of the object of attention. On this topic:

Methods of protection and disposal:

First of all it should be said , that in this case, it is possible to use conspiracies that can, if not completely remove, then at least partially weaken the influence and effect of the larvae. For example, from larvae the same conspiracies against bad habits, etc. But because The vital is located above the ether, then the best help here is special formulas that can create a special protective shell on your energy cocoon.
I would not recommend using other people's spells and formulas; it is better to invent your own. How to do this will tell you, which is also recommended as multi-level protection.

You should also not forget that you need to eliminate in your consciousness the cause-anchor due to which the larva clung to you. To do this, you can conduct a special meditation - sit in a comfortable position, turn on pleasant meditative music, close your eyes and start focusing on the problem (for example, smoking). Try to find the area in your physical body where this habit sits in you. Once you find it, immerse your consciousness in this point and from there follow the channel that leads from it. Monitor your reactions, emotions and thoughts and in the end you will come to the realization that the reason for your habit lies not in yourself but in the influence of an external force. Having realized this, track the anchor in your consciousness to which this entity has latched onto. As soon as you realize it, you will be able to process it and thereby remove it, and the larva will simply have nothing to hook you on, although it will make attempts to do this for some time.
They also work well :/

First of all, don’t overcharge yourself. Understand that you do not have all the information to draw any specific conclusions.
Secondly, you must clearly understand that regardless of whether you are worried or not, this does not in any way affect the situation in a positive direction. But excess fear of something can just attract to you what you are afraid of. Therefore, from an energy point of view, it is better for you not to worry - you will save precious energy.
Thirdly, track your emotional reactions. Try to trace all negative emotions to their source and work through them.
Fourthly, do meditation and autogenic training.
Fifthly, when watching TV series, films and reading books, remember that this is just fiction and there are not real people on the screen, but characters who are, firstly, fictitious, and secondly, just doing their job. You simply have no one to worry about.
Sixth, don’t forget about protecting and cleaning your workplace.

Pendulums are beings of a very high order whose task is to attract you into their structure and extract energy from you from various centers. As a rule, they use their emissaries to attract, on all planes - including the physical plane - various religious figures and other conductors of ideas, larvae and spirits to higher levels.

Language studies. Beginner course

UPD from comments:

often after communicating with smokers I have dreams that I smoke and I like it - bad habits are contagious! but I realize that someone is bringing this to me. But many people think that “I want it too” and the habits spread..... especially often it tries to stick if the smoker is very close when you sleep, in the next room for example. Stay away from infection!

There is a powerful formula for sexual larvae in dreams - it works 100%! You need to say “Leave me alone, I don’t love you” - they will immediately disappear and for a long time, if not forever. When the idea is embedded in the subconscious that there will be no sexual contacts with those you don’t love, they won’t even try to approach you.

It has long been proven, not only by esotericists, but also by scientists, that people live in two dimensions at once - physical and energetic.

This is why it is important to take care of your protection in both directions and be able to defend your integrity, but how not to give your energy to another person? We will look for answers to this and other questions in this article, and also consider the very nature of energy vampirism.

Man and his energy body

Nowadays it is difficult to find people who do not know about the structure of the physical component of their body. Since childhood, we have been instilled with a culture of hygiene and taking care of our health. Even a small child can easily name the basic rules that allow you to avoid all kinds of diseases and health problems.

But what about bioenergetic integrity and ways to protect yourself at this level? After all, it is no longer news that our world consists entirely of energy, it surrounds us, permeates the body and is invisibly present absolutely everywhere, in every living and inanimate object. Even people themselves are a complex system consisting of two main components - the material and mental bodies.

We are a kind of bioenergy batteries that have such a powerful charge that it lasts for many years of life.

Of course, this would be impossible without constant energy regeneration, but our body’s ability to accumulate energy is truly colossal.

But let’s not focus on the physical component of a person, since a lot is already known about it and this topic is constantly covered both by the media and other sources, but let’s talk in detail about the energy body. The only thing I would like to note, so as not to return to this later, is that the material and energy bodies are very tightly connected with each other.

This means that even the most insignificant change in one of them instantly affects the state of the second. This is why we quite often encounter such phenomena as, for example, illnesses for no apparent reason. That is, we see the result in the form of a disease, but we don’t understand what caused it. In such a situation, bioenergetic ignorance plays a bad joke on us, since the cause, usually, is literally before our eyes, but we do not notice it due to our blindness.

We all know that people have an energy field called an aura. This phenomenon is described in many teachings and is even part of some religions. But what is this force field? In fact, the aura plays the role of a kind of shield that protects us from any negative influences from the outside world. For this reason, it is incredibly important that its integrity is one hundred percent.

Any, even the most insignificant, breach allows the penetration of not only positive energy, but also all kinds of negativity, as well as entities. It is through such holes that energy outflow occurs.

In general, the bioenergy field has the appearance of a cocoon, the walls of which rotate. It is formed due to the constant flow of energy. Its circulation is ensured by seven energy centers, also called chakras. If you remember your school physics course, the nature of this phenomenon will become clear to you.

As you know, any conductor creates a vortex-like electromagnetic field around itself when an electric current is passed through it. Electricity is energy in its pure form, only when we talk about a person and his aura, the role of a conductor is played by the energy body itself.

Any deviations in the functioning of any chakra cause problems with the aura. First, it thins out in a certain area, and then a rupture follows, which is fraught with the consequences described above. It is precisely such situations that are favorable for energy vampires, who on a subconscious level sense people with a gap in the cocoon.

For example, some of them behave very noisily and aggressively, while others, on the contrary, are very quiet and undermine your biofield through constant complaints and escalation of negativity. It should be noted that there are a number of different protection methods, but if the integrity of the shell is one hundred percent, then their use is not even required.

If a person states a fact, they say, people are draining energy from me, then this means that he intuitively realizes the presence of problems with his aura.

It should be remembered that energy vampires are in close proximity to us, quite often even in the family.

The fact is that when we consider a family, we are not talking about the energy of each individual member. When a person is connected by family ties with other people, their energy becomes common.

There is a constant circulation of power flows inside the house, so any leak affects every family member.

You've probably noticed that if a person gets sick, his whole family starts to feel bad, not just him. This happens because other family members give their energy to the patient so that he gets better. This complex system always tries to balance the energy level inside the house.

For the same reason, relatives of people who have illnesses such as drug addiction, alcoholism or gambling addiction suffer so much. These are also diseases that lead to a strong outflow of human energy. Replenishment of lost bioenergy again occurs at the expense of unfortunate relatives.

Depending on what type of energy loss is diagnosed in a person, special actions against it are selected.

There are a large number of various methods of combating the suction of energy from a person, but we will consider the most popular and effective ones.

How to stop the outflow of energy in a person

To begin with, it should be noted that the best option, which with one hundred percent probability will protect your energy supply from being taken away, is to normalize the operation of all energy centers. The same rule applies here as with physical health - it is not those who avoid illnesses who do not get sick, but those who have good immunity.

It is the stable biofield that acts as immunity at the energy level.

Currently, there are many techniques that allow you to quickly and efficiently clear all chakras, normalize their functioning, and even open closed ones.

Cosmoenergetics, as well as classical yoga, cope most successfully with the task of not giving energy to people by restoring the biofield. In the first case, there is an impact on the human energy body with the help of special energy-information cosmic flows, which, in addition to a number of useful functions, also have a healing effect.

When we talk about classical yoga, we first of all mean the technique of meditation. Correct work in this direction allows not only to qualitatively influence all chakras, but also to stabilize the circulation of energy flows inside the body. This method is also very convenient for use as a fast and extremely mobile bioenergy recharge.

Mental protective barrier

Quite often, the unfortunate relatives of an energy vampire wonder how to stop the person feeding on my energy. Installing a mental protective barrier helps greatly in this matter. What is it?

Imagine that an invisible wall appears between you and the vampire; he is unable to pass through it or suck out energy. Of course, this is a very rough formulation and this barrier is, in fact, another layer of your cocoon, only it was created artificially. By the way, visualizing the process of the appearance of a wall has a very good effect on the protective functions of the energy barrier, since mental confidence makes it much stronger.

In order to form this type of protection, you must first achieve harmony and balance within yourself. Try to distance yourself from the reality around you, feel how comfortable and warm it is to be inside your bioenergetic cocoon. Inside it, no one can touch you or hurt you in any way.

Once you clearly understand this and literally feel it, a barrier will be built. It is necessary to ensure that it is set automatically on a subconscious level, and this is achieved as a result of constant developments and practices.

The result of such work will be a very powerful defense, which almost immediately makes it clear to any energy vampire that he has nothing to do here.


Another way to avoid giving your energy to another person is to read prayers. The fact is that higher powers have an extremely powerful protective function; they do an excellent job of protecting the energy body from any negativity.

If the reading of the prayer is also accompanied by great faith, then the previous method is also included here - building a barrier. It turns out to be a kind of double protection, inside of which there is a third line of defense - your personal cocoon, which also receives reinforcement.

Such multi-layering allows you to resist not only energy vampires, but also the effects of dark energies. It is for this reason that prayers are one of the most universal and effective methods, and absolutely all people can use this tool, regardless of religion or belief. The main condition is that you must sincerely believe in what you are asking about. Only in this case will you get a truly strong protective effect.

Negative energy has a destructive effect on our biofield, which leads to personal problems, illnesses and turns life into a series of failures. Three effective ways will help you get out of this state.

Today there is a huge amount of information around us, most of which, unfortunately, is negative. A person, like a sponge, absorbs all the energy waves with which he interacts during the day. It is necessary to combat negative energy influences. Positive thinking and three effective ways to cleanse the biofield will help you with this.

Information filtering

Each person creates the world around him: our thoughts, words, actions and desires determine our future destiny. The key to personal happiness and prosperity is strong and healthy energy. If it is positive, only positive events surround you. But if the biofield is clogged with negativity, then the person is haunted by misfortune, suffering and danger.

In this world, everything is interconnected and nothing happens for nothing. Some people are overtaken by karma, others achieve everything with their own hands. But we are all masters of our own lives, and, as in any responsible matter, in designing our destiny it is necessary to observe order and certain rules.

Like attracts like. All received information is distributed to every cell of the body. In other words, any energy affects our DNA, modifying it at the physical level. Hence the diseases that appear as if out of nowhere, and a series of failures, and an unhappy life. Did you know that swearing acts on our body like radioactive radiation? Mat launches a program to self-destruct, even if we just hear it.

All the negativity you receive and see will sooner or later affect your luck and physical condition. That’s why it’s so important to filter information, get rid of communication with bad people, and get as many positive emotions as possible. But in addition to the negative influence that you can draw from the world on your own, a person is also subject to bad influence from the outside. Evil eyes, damage and other magical actions are aimed at destroying your life through energy. Three effective and proven methods will help you get rid of energy dirt.

Method 1: eliminating energy holes in the biofield

Place your hands with the backs of your palms facing each other. Imagine that there is a clot of negative energy between your palms. Take a deep breath and feel the Divine energy filling you. With exhalation, pure energy should come out through the hands and positively charge all the collected negativity. It is necessary to repeat the exercise several times.

This technique should be used every morning. With its help, you will not only cleanse yourself of negativity, but also strengthen your biofield. The generated positive energy will help you remove barriers and layers of negative influence. If you expect quick results, then at the beginning of your course you should make as much effort as possible and do this exercise several times a day.

Method 2: getting rid of foreign energy

If you feel discomfort in your body, are haunted by obsessive thoughts and failures, as well as noticeably negative influences, this method will help you.

Imagine a river full of fire, and visually place yourself above it. You should mentally throw yourself into the fiery water. Thus, all your fears and negative energy will burn in flames, and your phantom, like a phoenix, will rise from the ashes. Imagine that you have been reborn and everything around you is shining with white light. This is pure energy.

Now in real time you need to feel how the white energy spreads throughout your body, starting from your feet. In the end, it should entangle you like a cocoon, creating a shield from other people’s influences and sorrows.

Method 3: energy cleansing at the cellular level

Close your eyes and imagine that you are currently at sea, relaxing on the shore, you don’t care about anything, you are happy and calm. You feel the waves caressing your feet. Look at yourself from the outside. You should see dirty spots in areas that cause physical or emotional pain. Take a deep breath and feel the cool sea water wash over you. As you exhale, feel the water recede, washing away some of the stains. Continue this until the dirt is completely removed from your body. Usually cleansing occurs after ten times.

These are just some practices for cleansing negative energy. Their impact occurs at the mental level, which helps to saturate yourself with positive energy, release negativity and strengthen the biofield. We wish you success, happiness, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Useful tips

We all know how important it is to get rid of toxins in our body, which may be in food or alcoholic drinks.

But what about the toxins that pour out on us in the form of an unfriendly attitude?Just like poison or toxin, people who are called energy vampires are also very dangerous to our health.

Energy vampires

Many ill-wishers live in the past andfocus on the negative parts of life , and this makes it difficult for you to move forward and achieve new goals.Energy vampires do not want and cannot share your success.

However, it is worth distinguishing between people who are actually “toxic” to you and those who are going through a difficult period and are having a hard time, which is why they have a negative attitude towards certain things. People with depression should not be pushed away, they need to be supported and loved.

It is also worth noting that toxic people can have a bad effect on your mental state. In addition, they may make you feel guilty. It is not so easy to exclude such people from your life, so some experts suggest that you familiarize yourself with tips that may well help you get rid of energy vampires.

People are energy vampires

There are several types of energy vampires:

*Narcissists (i.e. narcissists)

* Vampire victims - often want everyone to feel sorry for them.

* Vampire controllers – like to control and manage people.

* "Drama Queens" – get the desired energy by making mountains out of molehills.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

1. Become aware of toxicity.

The first thing to do before getting rid of it is to recognize the fact that it is harming you. Typically, energy vampires are manipulators and egoists. They are difficult to impossible to work with and difficult to please, even when you sincerely want to help them. They find it difficult to contain their emotions and apologize.

If you feel that when working with a person you lose more than you gain, then it’s time to get rid of it, otherwise you will not achieve your goal and will mark time.

2. Be firm.

Toxins must be met with powerful force. Most likely, energy vampires will not react in any way if you simply tell them “leave me alone”; rather, on the contrary, they will cling to you even more tightly with their claws. Don't let this discourage you. Make your intentions clear to the person, and maintain the necessary distance so that the person understands you clearly and clearly.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

3. Installborders.

...and stick to them. Try not to let toxic people see your weaknesses, otherwise they will burst into your life again. If you told them you won't respond to their messages, then don't respond. Block their number and block them on social media. Don't check your email or other messages from them, even after six months. If you decide to end any relationship, then it is in your hands to stick to the rules.

4. Don't be too kind and sweet.

This may sound harsh, but since toxic people feed off your kindness, being too kind to them can actually hurt you. Understand that energy vampires get their energy from the kindness you radiate. They flourish because of your trust and kindness. However, you shouldn’t be angry and rude, just try to be yourself and don’t make special concessions for them.

Protection from energy vampires

5. It's not your job to save them.

Toxic people are always there when they need something, especially at critical times in their lives. They need a strong shoulder and your attention. To do this you will need to invest your time and energy. Try not to succumb to energy vampires. If the problem is very serious, then you can help find a specialist. The point is that you may not be able to solve this problem, and what's more, you don't have to.

Everyone has situations in life when, having parted with a person, we remember him for several years. An attempt to get him out of our heads and our thoughts ended the same way; we still think about this person. The reason for this is the strong energy connection that has formed between people. In the process of any communication, an energetic connection is formed between people. By communicating, we create energy channels through which energy exchange occurs. A binding is also a channel, but built incorrectly.

This channel is built on a person’s dependence on someone or something (for example, dependence on the egregor of the church). The correct flow of energy is disrupted, a person who has an attachment becomes energetically unfree. In the process of life, we ourselves create attachments to things and events, and this slows down our development, makes us dependent and makes us easily controlled by others.

Getting rid of etheric chains

When our attachments to a person or object are implicated in fear, we tie it to ourselves with etheric chains. They look like hollow tubes. And the longer this relationship lasts, the more massive the chains become. This means that the most massive chains connect us with our relatives, children and those people with whom we have been communicating for a long time.

Along etheric chains, energy can flow in both directions. They are created by fear and are always harmful to humans, they always indicate a violation of some functions of the body. They have nothing to do with harmonious relationships and love, which connects body and soul.

Breaking the etheric chains does not mean breaking off a relationship with a person, it means healing those relationships, improving them and filling them with Love. For example, you are connected by an etheric chain to a friend or relative who is experiencing depression. Your energy will flow to this person. You will get tired for no apparent reason. If the energy goes into the etheric pipe, then no auxiliary means will help restore strength. If someone with whom you have an etheric connection is angry, then his negative energy flows through the etheric chains directly into your body and chakras. Then, for no apparent reason, you may experience pain that cannot be treated.

Those people whose profession involves constant help to others - teachers, educators, healers - are often shrouded in the chains of affection of their students and patients. If a person constantly helps friends or family out of trouble, the same thing happens to him.

It is very important to get rid of etheric chains. If, after breaking up with a person, you begin to communicate with him again, and if there is fear in your relationship, the etheric chains may appear again. The new chains are thinner, but your energy goes through them - and someone else’s energy flows in instead.

How to break the etheric chain

Archangel Michael holds a sword in his hands that can cut off everything that binds you to negativity.

Just say in your mind:

“I appeal to you, Archangel Michael. Please cut the chains of fear that are draining life and strength from me.”

“Archangel Michael, now I turn to you. Please cut the threads of fear that drains my strength and vitality.”

While he cuts the chains, sit quietly and calmly. When everything is over, Archangel Michael will send healing energy to both you and the other person.

At the moment the chains are broken, susceptible people may feel changes on a physical level or feel a sharp drop in atmospheric pressure. Then they will feel a surge of energy; the pain will disappear or decrease significantly.

To cut the etheric threads in your children, say mentally or out loud:

“Archangel Michael, please cut the threads of fear from (children’s names) as it drains his/her energy and vitality.”

As before, help your children remain silent and maintain deep breathing while Archangel Michael gets to work. Your children's mood and energy levels will almost immediately rise to a normal (not hyperactive!) state.

Keep in mind that Michael will only be able to free you from your chains if you are willing to let go of old grudges that you hold towards the object of your affection. If you continue to be angry with this person or cannot forgive him, you will not be able to cut the chain.

In this case, do everything as described above, but when you think about who you are attached to, add the following:

“I want to exchange pain for peace. I ask for peace - let it take the place of pain.”

Think about each of those people—mother, father, children, former and current lovers—and your desire to break the chains of fear that bind you to them.

During sexual contact between a man and a woman, an intense exchange of energies occurs and an energetic sexual connection is formed, which is naturally eliminated only after seven years.

About the problems of unwanted karmic connection
Even if you only had one night, even if he is thousands of kilometers away, and even if he has already died, this sexual connection is still formed and maintained. Through it, your energy leaks to your former sexual partner (even if you forgot about him a long time ago), if he is in a low-energy state.

What is the cause of female diseases?
Many women's diseases, especially those associated with decreased
immunity are associated with the leakage of energy from the sex chakra. This is precisely what the value of virgins in marriage is connected with. People have long understood that if a girl is pure, then her energy will go to the prosperity of the family, and not to someone unknown. Because the more men a woman has, the more devastated she is. Such a woman loses her sexual energy, and thereby her attractiveness.

What should you do to regain your lost energy?
To do this, you need to get rid of the connection that you had!

Method of liberation from sexual attachment

It is necessary to remember everyone with whom you have had sexual contact over the past 7 years. For this, it is best to choose the 19th lunar day. Connect the thumb and index finger of your right hand into a ring. Place the ring on the lower abdomen, where the uterus is located. The womb stores feminine energy, it is the center of feminine power, it is there that the threads are located that connect you to all the men you have had. Imagine the dial in this place, put the ring at 12 o'clock (as if the dial is looking down). Turn your head to the left (this is our past).

As you inhale, imagine the man with whom you once spent the night. Then turn your head to the present (forward). And with spiral movements towards the center, begin to collect the energy thread counterclockwise. You begin to collect the energy thread in small spiral movements towards the center. Movements are made counterclockwise. Do three such circles. Then turn your head to the right (to the future) and release this connection as you exhale. Repeat for each ex-partner.

Forgiveness Meditation

There is one magical meditation. Actually, all meditations are magical, but this one can cleanse us of old negativity and prepare a place for new happy events. This method has long been justified, after it you can see real results, sometimes even the next day.

When you were offended, abandoned, or you have old long-term grievances, or at least a small residue associated with specific people - all this means that you are inhibiting the emergence of something new that is ready to come to you. Sometimes grievances and shocks are unrealistically severe, then it is all the more necessary to act. Of course, depending on the severity of the situations, this meditation will have varying degrees of effect. If the offense is small, then one session will be enough. Well, if we are talking about a serious shock, it may be necessary to repeat it several times. You yourself will feel how you will feel better - this is the result that cleanses you.

Sit or lie down, relax, calm down, breathe slowly. Begin. Imagine that you are in a cozy place: a room or, even better, in nature. It should be very beautiful and peaceful there, for example, there should be a gazebo with a comfortable bench. This should be a place where you will receive guests, because in different meditations different guests will come to you in this place throughout your life, you will get used to this place. You can come up with it yourself.

So, you sit there, enjoy the peace and quiet of this place, for example, the singing of birds, the lake or the sea, etc. Next, you ask the angels to bring to you the person you want to see. Imagine that this man is being led by the arms of angels. He sits down peacefully and calmly next to you.

Well, now it's time to talk. Imagine that you or this person are asking each other questions, giving answers about what specifically worries you and what is connected with this person. You can first tell him whatever you want, or you can listen to him. In the process, this person may want to apologize to you, and maybe you will want the same. Allow yourself free communication, as if you have long wanted this conversation. But remember, you are with this person in this meditation in order to forgive and let go of each other.

Therefore, your meditation should end with your words: “I release you, go in peace.” And this person should leave you with a feeling of peace and quiet joy that you have forgiven him. When leaving, he may even wave to you. Thank each other for what may have been good between you, wish each other happiness, health and peace, and let go. After he leaves, you should feel complete peace.

Sometimes, during the process of meditation there may be tears, there is no need to hold them back, it can be difficult to let go of a loved one who leaves us completely, there are other difficult situations. In any case, in the end you should feel not broken or empty, but peaceful, a little joyful, filled with calm confidence that everything will be fine without this person, and in no way embittered. You must understand him, and he must understand you and let each other go. Therefore, based on your feelings, you will see for yourself.