Nausea immediately after ovulation. How many days after ovulation can you get pregnant? What are the chances in a week

To mom

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life when a long-awaited or unexpected new life is born. The sensations are unforgettable, each of us should experience them at least once in our lives.

After conception, the egg moves to the uterus for a whole week, so it is impossible to feel anything else. Even if at this time they speak with confidence about the onset of an “interesting” period, they most likely feel it on an intuitive level. But when the embryo reaches the uterus and attaches to it, and this happens somewhere on the 10th day, then we can already talk about the first signs of pregnancy and the sensations it feels.

It is almost impossible to accurately determine the day of conception, so gynecologists consider the first day of menstruation to be the day of conception. Some women feel this wonderful period from the very beginning, while others do not know about their situation until they go to the doctor.

Signs of conception after ten days

The main signs of conception on the 10th day:

  • Vaginal discharge. 10 days after conception, a woman may notice bloody, spotting discharge (this happens 10 days before the expected menstruation), there is no need to sound the alarm, this is just embryo implantation. It also happens that the embryo does not reach the uterus, but dies or attaches to fallopian tube. Then there arises ectopic pregnancy, it is very dangerous and should be gotten rid of surgically as soon as possible. The discharge may be very scanty, just a couple of drops of blood, or as during menstruation, which may indicate a threat of miscarriage. In such a situation, you need to urgently go to the hospital. Pregnancy progresses differently for all women, so this symptom may be absent.

  • Increase in basal temperature. All women who are planning a pregnancy know about the increase in basal temperature during ovulation. A decrease in basal temperature begins after ovulation, if conception has not occurred. If you measure the basal temperature in the rectum on the 10th day, after the expected conception, and it shows 37 degrees Celsius, then we can safely say that pregnancy has occurred.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Already on the 10th day after conception, a woman may experience nausea in the morning. Vomiting usually also happens in the morning. But due to spikes in blood sugar, such symptoms may occur throughout the day. Nausea and vomiting are signs early toxicosis, in most cases, every second pregnant woman suffers from it. But it happens that a woman may feel nauseated due to fear of an “interesting” situation, but more often such symptoms occur in those who really want to get pregnant and wait a long time for the cherished day. This toxicosis is called psychological.
  • Changes in sense of smell and touch. Even in the very early stages of pregnancy, a woman may notice changes in her taste preferences. The sense of smell sharply intensifies, some smells can cause irritation, nausea and even vomiting, while other smells that the woman did not perceive before pregnancy become, on the contrary, pleasant. Such changes are caused by an increase in the hormone progesterone.
  • Swelling of the mammary glands. Starting from the 10th day after conception, a woman experiences a feeling of breast swelling. At the same time, the breasts increase in size, become more sensitive, and the nipples may darken. The areolas around the nipples may also enlarge and the veins in the breasts may become more visible. Breast discharge is a common sign of pregnancy. So mammary glands preparing for lactation.
  • Frequent urination. After embryo implantation, there are frequent urge to go to the toilet in a small way. This occurs approximately 7-10 days after conception. Frequent urination causes growth hCG hormone, which increases blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This creates a feeling of being overcrowded. Bladder, this symptom is especially disturbing at night.
  • False feeling of a cold. At the very beginning of pregnancy, somewhere after the 10th day after conception, a woman experiences cold sensations, general malaise, weaknesses. Such symptoms are caused by a surge of hormones, which reduces immunity. Against this background, nasal congestion, sore throat occurs, and sometimes body temperature rises.

  • Drowsiness. Progesterone, which is responsible for pregnancy, constantly increases, while having a sedative effect on the body. A woman feels as if she always wants to sleep, especially during the daytime.
  • Lower abdominal pain. Even after several days after fertilization of the egg, pain may occur in the lower abdomen and lower back. The causes of pain are not fully understood. This occurs mainly during implantation. But if bleeding occurs with pain, this may be a sign of a threatened miscarriage.

Symptoms from the first day of conception

Symptoms that occur from the first days of pregnancy occur occasionally, but from them you can also understand that the woman is in “ interesting position»:

  • Swelling of the fingers. Changes in the body provoke fluid retention in the body, and there is a feeling that the fingers have become thicker.
  • Headache. Frequent migraines and headaches can be signs of pregnancy.
  • Dizziness. Due to pressure surges, from the first days of pregnancy, in most cases in the morning, dizziness may occur.
  • Constipation and diarrhea. An increase in the amount of hormones in the blood, the intestines begin to work “sluggishly”, constipation occurs, but more often diarrhea, thus the body makes room for the child. For repeat pregnancies Characteristic signs of hemorrhoids from the first days of conception.

From the first days of pregnancy, a woman may not feel any symptoms. But it is possible that all the signs will appear very clearly and then there will be no doubt about pregnancy.

Nature has made it so that the female and male bodies produce certain sex cells that form new life. This process is quite complex and lengthy. It is worth noting that it is the woman who carries the baby in her womb. The body of the fair sex is unique and full of secrets. It is in her body that the fusion of two important cells occurs. This article will focus on sperm and egg. What kind of organisms are these? You will also learn what the main signs of egg fertilization are. This will help expand your worldview and answer many questions.


This small cell is produced by the female body. It is worth noting that during reproductive age, the body of the fair sex is subject to cyclical changes. Immediately after menstruation begins, the pituitary gland actively produces follicle-stimulating hormone. Under the influence of this substance, microscopic bubbles grow in the ovaries. Every hour they increase, and in the end only one remains dominant (less often - large quantity).

When the follicle reaches the required size, the woman’s pituitary gland begins to produce luteinizing hormone. A large number of This substance allows the bubble to burst and release the contents into the abdominal cavity. At this moment, we can say that ovulation has occurred and the egg is ready for fertilization.


This cell is produced by the male body. It is worth noting that the life of a given gamete does not depend on cyclic changes. In organism healthy man there are always sperm. They are updated periodically. During sexual intercourse, one portion of sperm is released, and a new one appears.

During their stay in the host's body, spermatozoa practically do not move. They make slight oscillatory movements with their flagella. When they enter the female body, everything changes dramatically.

The male gamete consists of a head and a tourniquet. The main nucleus contains all cellular information. The tail is necessary for fast movement. It is worth noting that in female body The sperm moves “against the flow.”

Fusion of female and male gametes

The sperm and egg meet in a woman's fallopian tubes. Immediately after sexual intercourse, male gametes begin to actively move to the side abdominal cavity. They travel a long distance: the cervical canal, the cavity of the reproductive organ and part of the fallopian tube.

The sperm and egg can meet safely only if a positive environment for this predominates in the female genital organs. Before ovulation and a few days after it, the cervical canal of the fair sex produces thick mucus, which does not allow male gametes to penetrate to their target. On fertile days (two days before and after the release of the egg), the consistency of the mucus changes and becomes favorable for sperm to remain in it. In such a situation male cells can stay up to five days waiting for their goal.

The process of fertilization is that a small sperm penetrates the membrane of the female cell and remains there. Immediately after this manipulation, active cell division of the zygote begins. The fertilized egg gradually descends into the reproductive organ. An important role The fallopian tubes play a role in this process. It is the villi located in them that push continuously dividing cells. It is worth noting that the process of fertilization can only be carried out between one cell of the female and male body. Despite the fact that during sexual intercourse, up to several million sperm enter the body of the expectant mother. Fertilization of two eggs, respectively, occurs with the participation of a pair of sperm. In this case, the woman will have two babies.

The fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus and is securely attached there for the next nine months.

Signs of successful fertilization

It is worth noting that the symptoms this process may be different. Some women notice all the signs of egg fertilization, while others feel absolutely nothing. If a couple is planning a pregnancy, then most likely the fair sex will listen to herself and constantly look for symptoms of conception. So, what are the signs of egg fertilization?

Sexual contact that took place during ovulation

The main and first sign that may suggest that conception has taken place is sexual intercourse. If a woman knows exactly when the female gamete was released from the dominant follicle, then she can note the first signs of fertilization of the egg.

Since sperm can live in a woman’s genitals for up to five days, to conceive it is necessary to have sexual intercourse no earlier than a few days before or immediately after ovulation.

Implantation sensations

Signs of egg fertilization can be very vague, but observant women will be able to note minor painful sensations in this period. They are caused by the fact that the resulting zygote enters the wall of the reproductive organ.

Gamete fusion time is minimal. Fertilization occurs in a matter of minutes. The period of movement of the zygote to the reproductive organ can range from three days to one week.


Now you know what a sperm and an egg are. Every woman needs to know about the signs of fertilization. In this case, the onset of pregnancy will not be a surprise to you.

Study natural processes, occurring in the masculine and female body. If you have any questions, please contact your local gynecologist.

When planning the birth of a child, a woman pays close attention your menstrual cycle. It is important not to miss its shortest phase - ovulation. It is during this period that the mature egg leaves the follicle and goes into the fallopian tube to meet the sperm. For a normal 28-day cycle, this phase falls in the middle - day 14-15. A woman has 24 hours to get pregnant.

After intercourse, she listens to her body with bated breath, trying to notice the first signs of pregnancy after ovulation. No matter how great the desire to confirm the birth of a new life, signals about changes in state will appear only after 5-7 days.

Signs of pregnancy after ovulation

How does conception occur? After ovulation, the egg remains in the fallopian tube for a while. Hundreds of sperm, approaching the target, dissolve its protective shell with a special enzyme, but only one of them will get inside. For this he is given 1-2 hours.

After the fusion of the nuclei, a zygote is formed, and after 28-30 hours it begins to divide. The process lasts up to three days, after which the muscles of the fallopian tube begin to contract to direct the zygote into the uterine cavity. How long will you have to wait to notice and feel the first signs of completed conception?

The corpus luteum, formed after ovulation, actively produces progesterone, a hormone that helps fix the embryo in the uterus.

The time of implantation occurs on days 5-7, this is when you can notice the first signs of pregnancy:

  • pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back due to uterine contractions;
  • a small amount of blood in the discharge, caused by ruptures small vessels uterus.

After the embryo is fixed, intensive production of various hormones begins, including hCG. It is its high concentration in urine and blood that the pregnancy test reacts to. The first blood tests can be performed 5 days after ovulation; if you are expecting a baby, then the hormone levels have already increased. After a week, the concentration of hCG in the urine will rise.

There comes a period of serious restructuring of the body, there is a need to increase nutrients, because now they support the lives of two people. Are changing taste preferences women, breast swelling and nipple sensitivity increase.

Two weeks after ovulation, the first signs of pregnancy are already obvious:

  • no menstruation;
  • fatigue and drowsiness appear;
  • hormonal changes in the body are accompanied by mood changes;
  • nausea appears, this is toxicosis - a constant companion of pregnant women;
  • Frequent urination due to an enlarged uterus pressing on the bladder.

The first signs appear with varying intensity; in some women they are obvious, while in others they are smoothed out.

Time to take a pregnancy test

Even at the planning stage, women think about when to take a pregnancy test after ovulation so that it accurately shows conception. A common recommendation from doctors is at 4-5 weeks of expected pregnancy. It is during this period that maximum concentration hCG hubbub. Test strips have to varying degrees sensitivity. Expensive options can detect changes at 14-15 days.

The amount of hCG is related to the nature of pregnancy. With the development of several fetuses, the level of the hormone increases significantly, and if there is a threat of interruption, it drops. How to do the test yourself?

There are a few simple rules for this:

  1. The main thing is to follow the instructions on the package.
  2. Do the test in the morning, when the hormone concentration is highest.
  3. Refuse to use if the strip is damaged.

If the test is negative, you should not immediately do a second one, it is better to wait a few days. At positive result It is worth contacting a gynecologist for a full examination and confirmation of the condition. To definitively confirm pregnancy, doctors recommend doing a blood test and ultrasound. Ultrasound examination is effective procedure, which determines the appearance of the embryo in the early stages.

Discharge after ovulation

The discharge accompanies the entire menstrual cycle. The onset of ovulation is indicated by drops of blood due to microtrauma of the follicle. After successful conception such discharge is repeated a week later during embryo implantation. This may be a sign of pregnancy.

White thick discharge, odorless, may be associated with the production of progesterone. This hormone promotes changes in the body designed to protect the uterus. Discharge of this kind is a barrier against infections and prevents miscarriage. With a change in the ratio of hormones, the nature of the discharge changes. They become more liquid.

Is pregnancy possible after ovulation?

Not only do women have varying menstrual cycles ranging from 21 to 35 days, but personal cycles can also be confusing. The cause of late or early ovulation can be stress, illness, climate change. Without special tests, it is impossible to determine the exact day of ovulation, so you should not focus on a specific date. To increase the chances of fertilization, attempts to conceive begin a few days earlier.

This is facilitated by the high vitality of sperm, which wait 3 days for an egg. The most high probability conception on the day of ovulation, it is 33%; if sexual intercourse occurred 2 days before it, then the chances are lower - 24%. The possibility of getting pregnant after ovulation is negligible; the egg dies after 24 hours. But in the case of late ovulation, which occurs before menstruation, conceiving a child is a completely natural result.

Pregnancy does not always occur after ovulation, and this worries women. Why does conception not occur if signs of ovulation were felt? There are several reasons:

  • Every woman has an egg that fails to mature once or twice a year; this is not a sign of illness, but a feature of the body.
  • A small number of active sperm in male sperm.
  • Gynecological diseases reduce the likelihood of finding out about conception after ovulation.
  • Psychological reasons - often a woman is physically healthy, but is in a state of stress due to a great desire to become pregnant. But it is precisely this fixation that postpones the joyful event.

In fact, the beginning of pregnancy is fertilization, but obstetric term It is customary to count according to the menstrual cycle. The first two weeks are spent preparing the body for ovulation - the maturation of the egg and release from the follicle.

A woman who plans to soon become a mother closely monitors the state of her health and tries not to miss a single change that occurs in the body during pregnancy. initial stage pregnancy - even before a test confirms it. The first signs are not always objective and have varying degrees of manifestation, but in any case, the expectant mother needs to know why metamorphoses are happening to her body, so as not to get scared and miss something important.

The first days after conception: what happens to the embryo?

Expectant mothers need to remember that the date of conception does not coincide with the date of ovulation or sexual intercourse. Gynecologists believe that after sexual intercourse, fertilization can occur in any of the next seven days after ovulation, when the egg has already been released from the ovary, and the sperm that has entered the uterus is still alive. However, there is an opinion that the egg has a short lifespan and must be fertilized within 12–24 hours, otherwise it will die in two days.

From the first to the seventh day after fertilization

After conception, the cell begins to actively divide in geometric progression, so within a few days a zygote with complete double set chromosomes, which has 58 cells and fits into 1/3 of a millimeter. This active activity occurs in motion - the zygote moves along the fallopian tube to the uterus with the help of villi, in order to finally gain a foothold there for the next 9 months.

The zygote gradually transforms into an embryonic vesicle - a blastula, consisting of an outer layer of small cells (blastoderm), which form the outer shells of the embryo during development, and large cells (blastocoel) located inside. By day 4–5, the embryo should reach the uterus. If by this time he has not achieved the goal, then an ectopic pregnancy may occur, which requires immediate medical intervention.

On the 6th–7th day of life, the blastula becomes overgrown with small villi, which cling to the walls of the uterine cavity, ready to meet the embryo and become looser, with overgrown vessels. After successful implantation, the villi become smaller, and the placenta begins to form at the attachment site.

Second week of new life

Experts call the beginning of the second week the first critical period, because at this time the embryo is not protected from the effects of teratogenic factors (radiation, infections, chemicals and drugs) and may not attach tightly enough. In this case, the pregnancy may be terminated and the woman will begin menstruation.

At normal course initial stage of pregnancy on days 10–11 future baby has already comfortably settled in the uterine cavity, and the blastula has divided into 2 vesicles - ectoblastic and endoblastic. The cells of the ectoblastic vesicle begin to fuse with the uterine mucosa and form the umbilical cord and rudiments nervous system. The embryo reaches approximately 1 millimeter in length. 13 days after the release of the egg into the tube are considered deadline completion of implantation.

Third week (from 15th to 21st day)

From day 15–16, the embryo begins to develop sex characteristics (at the cellular level), blood vessels, neural tube, brain structures. The embryo produces immunoprocessor proteins that are foreign to the mother's body, because they belong to the father of the unborn baby, and the uterus must try to accept them. At this stage, the embryo will already be visible on the ultrasound scanner monitor as a small dot in the uterine cavity.

What happens at the same time to the mother’s body?

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Women who listen especially carefully to their internal state and are waiting for pregnancy to occur, they know about the main signs of successful conception, but experts believe that until the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, not a single one can be noticed reliable sign. On average, the preimplantation period lasts 7–10 days.

First week after conception

In the first 7 days after conception, while doing her usual things, a woman most likely will not notice any serious changes, but especially sensitive expectant mothers may notice the following signs:

  • on the first day you may feel tired;
  • on the second and third days – a slight increase in body temperature and mild symptoms colds or illness due to increased estrogen production and increased stress on the immune system expectant mother;
  • day 4 – periodically there is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, bloating or gas formation;
  • on the fifth day, basal temperature indicators remain at 37 degrees due to the acceleration of metabolic processes and the creation comfortable environment for the formation of a zygote, slight chills and periodic bouts of dizziness may occur;
  • Days 6 and 7 may be remembered by the expectant mother for the feeling nagging pain lower abdomen, similar to premenstrual, and faint pale pink or brownish discharge due to implantation of the embryo.

Second week: changes begin

From the moment the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, more obvious signs changes that may alert a woman and prompt her to buy a pregnancy test:

  • fatigue and malaise;
  • signs of physiological mastopathy - engorgement of the mammary glands (swelling, darkening of the areola, increase in breast size, painful sensations, increased sensitivity);
  • sudden mood swings due to shifts hormonal levels;
  • change in food preferences, aversion to certain smells;
  • absence of the usual manifestations of premenstrual syndrome (migraine, pain in the lumbar spine and lower abdomen).

Third week: missed period - time to take a test!

The period from the 15th to the 21st day is the time when the woman has already realized that her period did not come on time and she should try some kind of pregnancy test. The modern pharmacological market offers many different devices with varying degrees of sensitivity - cassette, inkjet, electronic, tablet, reusable and disposable. Each woman decides for herself which one to choose. Experts believe that using the test is not the most reliable way to check the body for pregnancy. It is advisable to donate blood, do an ultrasound, or visit a gynecologist.

Most expectant mothers note that it is from the third week that they feel constant drowsiness and increased sexual desire. Also at this stage, the formation of Montgomery tubercles occurs - small bumps resembling pimples or goose bumps located on the areola of the nipple. Experts associate the protrusion of the parapapillary glands with preparation female breast to feeding a baby.

Subjective signs of pregnancy: feelings of the expectant mother

It’s not in vain that specialists carry out special clinical researches after implantation of the embryo, because before the attachment of the embryo, most of the signs may prove to be a confirmation of not the beginning of pregnancy, but the development inflammatory process, gynecological diseases and other pathological changes in the female body. Subjective signs The following sensations of a woman that occur at the initial stage of pregnancy are considered:

  • drowsiness, malaise and weakness;
  • changes in taste and olfactory preferences;
  • sudden changes in mood (tearfulness, apathy, excessive touchiness, depression);
  • frequent urge to urinate (may be a symptom diabetes mellitus, cystitis or kidney problems);
  • irregularities in work digestive system and intestines;
  • nausea;
  • increased breast sensitivity.

Objective signs

A specialist must reliably determine the onset of pregnancy by necessary research and inspection. There are many signs that can be determined during examination: cessation of menstruation (amenorrhea), softening of the uterus in the isthmus area (Horwitz-Hegar symptom); mobility of the cervix (Gubarev and Gauss's sign), development of asymmetry of the uterine sac at the site of attachment of the embryo (Piskachek's sign). There are two objective signs which can be checked future mom at home, - measuring the level of the hCG hormone ( human chorionic gonadotropin person) and basal temperature indicators.

Increased hCG levels

The hCG hormone begins to be produced from the moment of implantation of the embryo, or from the 13th day after ovulation, and its concentration gradually increases in accordance with the gestation period. By the second trimester, its level stabilizes and begins to gradually decrease. It is this hormone that all pharmacy tests react to.

Experts have developed a table to help determine the correspondence of the amount of hormone to the weeks of pregnancy:

Basal temperature measurement results

Basal temperature is the body temperature at rest. Most often, it differs by several divisions from the usual indicators. Measured basal temperature in the morning after sleep before getting up. During ovulation, it rises to 37–37.3 degrees, and then decreases to the usual levels.

If fertilization has occurred and the body begins to intensively produce progesterone, the basal temperature does not decrease. Absence elevated temperature may be an unfavorable signal indicating a lack of progesterone and threatening termination of pregnancy.