The signs of the first pregnancy are different from the second. Signs of pregnancy after a delay

February 23

If you have already become a mother once, then a second pregnancy will not be a surprise to you. You can easily recognize the first symptoms of a second pregnancy, because you have experience. But often many girls find out about their second baby almost by their movements and growing belly. Why is this happening?

When pregnancy is unexpected

The second pregnancy may become a complete surprise for a girl who has already become a mother once. In caring for the baby and household chores, you can forget about protection, and when breastfeeding Menstruation may be absent for a long time, and ovulation may occur even before the first menstruation. During this period, you can become pregnant and have no idea about your condition for a long time. After all, menstruation may not yet recover, and ailments will be attributed to fatigue and lack of sleep.

Symptoms of the second pregnancy may be similar to the first, but they may not always be bright and will proceed according to the same “scenario”. Plus, this pregnancy doesn't feel the same as the first. Due to a lot of hassle, you don’t devote as much time to it, and you don’t actively listen to yourself and your body.

Second pregnancy: symptoms

The development of the second pregnancy from a physiological point of view is not very different from the first, except that the body is already prepared, there is experience in bearing a baby and some psychological and physiological aspects are not so pronounced. What symptoms of a second pregnancy may you experience?

  • Breast pain and enlargement. This is one of the first and relatively common symptoms pregnancy. You may notice that your breasts have become painful and that touching them is unpleasant. If you are breastfeeding your first child, during this period your breasts may become painful and sensitive during feeding, and your nipples may hurt.
  • Weakness and fatigue. These symptoms may occur due to changes in hormonal balance. Many expectant mothers say that during their second pregnancy the feeling of fatigue is stronger and more pronounced than the first time. This is a kind of signal that you need to rest more and gain strength to carry your second baby.
  • Ailments in the morning. With this symptom, you may experience nausea with vomiting, headaches and dizziness with fainting. But often morning ailments can be associated with health and nutrition problems.

You may also experience feelings of heaviness in the lower abdomen, abdominal pain, increased urination, and spotting.

What influences the perception of a second pregnancy?

How symptoms of a second pregnancy are perceived is greatly influenced by external and internal factors. First of all, this is the interval between pregnancies. If more than 7-10 years have passed since the first birth, the second pregnancy will be perceived again “like the first time.” If a couple of years pass between pregnancies, the sensations will not be so bright and pronounced. The body already works according to a scheme known to it.

The emotional factor greatly influences the course of pregnancy - it all depends on whether the pregnancy was planned or came as a surprise to you.

If you did not suffer any illnesses during your first pregnancy, then your second pregnancy will not be any different. If you have chronic digestive problems or endocrine disorders, then the process of carrying a baby the second time may be more difficult.

When we're talking about about a second pregnancy, recognizing it is not always easy. Habitual and traditional guidelines fail, and sometimes it happens that the second pregnancy may have atypical signs or not have them at all. However, for many women, it is important to find out about a second pregnancy as early as possible. For some, this will help them react correctly to the birth of a child, giving up habits that are harmful to the baby’s health, while others need it in order to know how to determine the gender of the child, taking into account the date of expected conception. However, there is a certain pattern in what signs a second pregnancy has before a missed period.

Menstruation? No, we haven’t heard...

It is worth noting that, unlike the first, the second pregnancy is not necessarily accompanied by a delay in the next period. There are many options in which the absence of menstruation is not an indicator of pregnancy, as well as the opposite cases. Two children are not always born with a difference of 3-5 years prescribed by doctors. It happens that a nursing mother who has not recovered menstrual cycle, with the first mature egg she becomes pregnant again. Or a woman who was confidently told by a gynecologist that she has entered menopause does not attach importance to the absence next menstruation. There are quite a lot of such variations; in such cases, pregnancy can only be determined by secondary signs. But if they are not there, then a woman may be surprised to discover a second child only after 10-15 weeks (there are semi-fairy-tale stories about expectant mothers finding out about pregnancy just before giving birth, but we probably won’t believe them).

But the opposite situation also happens, when menstruation arrives regularly right time, but not abundant, but more like spotting bloody issues. However, menstruation is present and the woman shows no signs of concern. So what signs should alert a woman to such an extent that she takes a couple of pregnancy tests when shopping?

Second pregnancy: signs in the first three to four weeks

If there is no menstruation as such for the reasons described above, or a woman’s cycle is irregular, which is also not uncommon, then you should be attentive to your own feelings. So what are the signs of a second pregnancy in the earliest stages? And how do they differ from the signs that accompany a woman during her first pregnancy? So, let's look at what surprises the second pregnancy has in store, signs before a missed period, which can appear already in the first three to four weeks after conception.

  • First of all, this is toxicosis and a change in taste preferences. If such cases are rare, the fact that you are craving salty food may simply mean that you are tired of bland food. This is especially true when the expectant mother follows a special diet based on the principle of how to determine the sex of a child using a certain diet. And if you feel very sick in the morning, you can start treating the poisoning out of fear. But if these signs persist for several days, and there are also other signs of a second pregnancy, it makes sense to buy a couple of pregnancy tests.
  • It is worth listening carefully to the sensations in the mammary glands. During pregnancy, many women feel soreness and engorgement of the nipples, and notice breast enlargement, sometimes even by a full size. It has been noticed that when feeding, the first baby may notice the mother’s new pregnancy before she does - the milk may become unpleasantly bitter due to changes in hormonal levels, and the baby may refuse to breastfeed. However, if there are no prerequisites for pregnancy and the test is negative, then such changes in the breasts are a good reason to visit a gynecologist or mammologist.
  • If a woman is expecting a second pregnancy, then a measurement can serve as confirmation of its occurrence. basal temperature bodies. However, this method requires certain skills to correctly interpret the results. Fever in the early stages of pregnancy is undoubtedly reliable sign conception. However, each body has individual reactions, and changes in temperature can be associated with other reasons, such as illness, overstimulation or recent sex.
  • An increase in natural vaginal secretion may also be a reason to think about whether a second pregnancy has occurred. This natural process, the discharge is normal, transparent, odorless and slightly sticky.
  • Fatigue, lethargy and severe drowsiness can also not only be a consequence of overwork and stress, but also indicate the birth of a new life.
  • Frequent trips to the toilet to urinate may be present and confirm the first signs of a second pregnancy if this occurs regularly and is combined with other indirect signs.

If you feel something from this list, or even all of them together, it’s worth checking your feelings with a pregnancy test or a blood test for hCG - these are the very first ways to reliably confirm the onset of a second pregnancy, even when both the gynecologist and uzologist are helplessly confused hands.

Second pregnancy: signs after the delay

And if the signs of a second pregnancy did not affect you before the delay, and there is an explainable and logical reason for the absence of menstruation, then the second child can “guerrilla” further, right up to the moment when even a village doctor can determine the sex of the child using an antediluvian ultrasound. However, there are undoubted signs of a second pregnancy, which are very difficult not to notice at the end of the first trimester and the beginning of the second. It is not without reason that the second pregnancy, the signs of which you are looking for, is most often quickly detected not only by the expectant mother herself, but also by her immediate circle. For the second time, pregnancy can be diagnosed with the naked eye as early as 10-12 weeks. So what signs of a second pregnancy should you pay attention to?

Most noticeable external manifestation second pregnancy is an increase in the abdomen. It is noteworthy that the second time the belly appears eight weeks earlier than the first due to the size of the uterus, which increased after the first birth. Although some women who gained weight during their first pregnancy excess weight, they may not even notice the “gain” until a certain moment, attributing it to a couple of extra chocolates.

A woman who has already given birth will never confuse the baby's movements with other sensations in the body - this is not forgotten. And the timid pushes of the second baby, which are felt starting from the end fourth month, will be a signal that pregnancy is definitely present and has even crept up to the equator.

These signs will not go away, they will only intensify with each week of the second pregnancy. But if you have any doubts, isn’t it better to consult a doctor to confirm or refute your guesses? After all, already at five weeks obstetric period a doctor can diagnose the first changes in a woman’s body during examination, and an ultrasound machine can see ovum from the very moment it attaches to the walls of the uterus.

Hello baby!

Having learned that the second pregnancy, the signs of which you are observing in yourself, is progressing, it’s time to think about how to register for a consultation, how to determine the gender of the child, how to prepare the family for the second baby. You have some pleasant chores ahead of you, enjoy your second pregnancy and try to get more rest! Good luck!

  • Carrying a second baby is easier for many women. First of all, because the body is familiar with this condition, and it can adapt to it faster. Often less discomfort and symptoms. In addition, when a woman is responsible for and caring for an older child, she simply has no time to succumb to poor health or pay much attention to assessing her own feelings. It also happens that even experienced women they do not immediately understand that certain changes indicate the presence of pregnancy.

    There are certain factors that influence the perception of pregnancy:

    • Gender of the child

    If the first child is a boy, and the second time a woman becomes pregnant with a girl, then the symptoms can be radically different. But this doesn't always happen. Therefore, different sensations in the early stages do not mean that the fetus has a different sex.

    • Health status

    If a woman has not tolerated any serious illnesses after childbirth, the symptoms may coincide with those that were present when carrying the first child. Many women who were completely healthy at the time of conception have a much easier second pregnancy. However, if, for example, she developed any illness gastrointestinal tract, this significantly increases the likelihood of developing pronounced early toxicosis. Will definitely affect the symptoms of pregnancy and disruptions in work endocrine system or significant weight gain.

    • The period between bearing children

    When it is, as doctors recommend, from two to five years, problems usually do not arise. After all, this time is enough for the body to come to its senses not only after bearing a child, but also after childbirth and the lactation period. But in a situation where more time has passed since the birth of the first child, pregnancy may be perceived as if it were the woman’s first.

    • Emotional condition

    Signs of a second pregnancy may differ due to emotional state women. So, for example, active women busy with their career growth, symptoms of pregnancy are not always noticed. Mothers who are under serious stress do not always pay attention to symptoms.

    Initially, a woman may experience malaise and increased fatigue, engorgement of the mammary glands and their enlargement. Many people also have an acute reaction to strong aromas and some food products. While the manifestations of early toxicosis are mostly absent or less pronounced. But there are also exceptions to the rules, when the first pregnancy went smoothly, and in the second the woman suffers from previously unknown toxicosis.

    In addition, not all women carefully adhere to recommendations regarding proper nutrition and lifestyle. As a result, during a second pregnancy, gestosis may occur - a complication that threatens not only the woman’s well-being. It is dangerous for the health of the woman and the fetus.

    It also needs to be said that menstruation is not always delayed during a second pregnancy. This is possible under a variety of circumstances. For example, a nursing mother will not always menstruate if her menstrual cycle has not yet returned. Since she can become pregnant after the first egg has matured.

    There are often cases when a woman believes that she is entering menopause. Therefore, she may simply not pay attention to a delay in menstruation. There are other situations when the signs accompanying a second pregnancy are quite few. Then the amazed woman can find out that she is pregnant only 2.5-3 months after conception.

    What should you pay attention to?

    The most noticeable manifestation that can be noticed not only by the woman herself, but also by the people around her is an enlarged abdomen. Moreover, more noticeable belly becomes 1.5-2 months earlier than when carrying a child for the first time. This is explained by the fact that after the first birth the uterus does not shrink to its previous size. However, despite the enlargement of the abdomen, women pregnant with their second child usually gain less weight than during the period of bearing their first baby.

    In addition, no woman who has given birth will ever confuse the movement of the fetus with other sensations. However, there is a significant difference in this aspect. So, when carrying her first child, she feels movements closer to the fifth month. For subsequent pregnancies - a month earlier. Therefore, if such sensations appear, you should not put off visiting a doctor who will confirm or refute your guesses.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a low belly

    Includes signs of a second pregnancy and such characteristic feature like a low belly. After the first pregnancy, the ligaments and muscles stretch and become weaker. Consequently, they are not able to support the fetus in the same way as they did with the firstborn.

    It is worth noting that being low has both positive and negative aspects. The advantage is that the uterus puts less pressure on the diaphragm and stomach. Consequently, a woman will not experience many problems associated with disruption of work digestive system. In addition, this position of the fetus does not complicate the breathing process.

    The main disadvantage will be the pressure of the uterus on bladder and as a result – an increased urge to urinate. Besides low position The fetus increases pressure on the back and lower back. As a result, in this area there are painful sensations. Some women also feel pain in the pelvic area. Doing some exercises and wearing a special bandage will help alleviate the condition.

  • It is believed that any process that occurred earlier forms experience and skill. This means that next time this process will be easier and more relaxed. Following this logic, many women believe that the second pregnancy, if it has any differences from the first, will be exclusively positive. Everything is so and not so.

    Just as every person living in the world is individual, so is the story of his birth into this world unique. Pregnancy is different, and if the first one proceeded in a certain way, the second one will not necessarily be the same. However, there will still be a difference, because the second pregnancy draws its features from the changes in the woman’s body that have occurred since the first birth.

    Features of the second pregnancy

    For the expectant mother, expecting a baby for the first time was accompanied by anxiety about the unknown and future birth. Despite the fact that this process has already been completed once, the mother’s worries and fears will be present during her second pregnancy. True, this time an element of comparison will be added: how does the first pregnancy differ from the second, will the second pregnancy be more difficult than the first, and what features does the second pregnancy have in general...

    The expectant mother wants to find answers to all these and many other questions in order to be able to prepare herself for the future. Of course, the course of pregnancy and the process labor activity Each mother will have her own characteristics, and it will not be possible to prepare for everything, but the second pregnancy has characteristics that are generally indicated in the table below:

    Comparison table between first and second pregnancy


    First pregnancy



    mid-end of the second trimester. The fact is that the muscles of the uterus are elastic and in good shape, so it is quite easy for them to support both the growing fetus and amniotic fluid.

    beginning of the second trimester. The uterus and vaginal muscles have already stretched and become elastic during the first birth, so it is more difficult for them to hold the baby high.

    Belly shape

    For the reason stated above, the abdomen has a rounded and less noticeable shape, located closer to the diaphragm.

    For the reason stated above, the belly has a slightly “sagging” shape; the child is located closer to the pelvis.


    Due to the location of the baby in the womb, the main pressure falls on the organs abdominal cavity, so heartburn and nausea are very likely

    Due to the peculiarities of the baby’s location in the womb, the main pressure falls on the pelvic organs, which causes frequent urge to urination, severe strain on the lower back and swelling of the legs

    Toxicosis, histosis, edema, etc.

    Unpredictable and unique to each pregnancy

    Breast augmentation

    in the first 10 – 12 weeks

    a couple of weeks earlier

    Abdominal prolapse

    a few weeks before labor

    a few days before giving birth

    Labor activity

    painful but rare

    less painful, but more intense.

    False contractions often occur. Their peculiarity is that when the position changes, they pass rather quickly, unlike true contractions.

    Cervical preparation

    on average 12 hours;

    The inner and outer jaws open separately

    from 4 to 8 hours;

    external and internal os open at the same time, which makes the process somewhat more painful

    38 – 41 weeks

    Most often they pass easier and faster than the first ones due to existing experience.

    Birth of the placenta

    Almost painless, contractions are strong

    almost painless, contractions are weak

    The first pregnancy and subsequent births most often serve as an excellent help for a woman on the way to her second child. The fact is that the body has already experienced and felt the entire process of preparation for motherhood, and now all stages of pregnancy and labor will proceed easier and faster, albeit more intensely. The baby himself is often born at 200 - 300 grams. heavier than his brother or sister, as he develops in comfortable conditions prepared by the firstborn.

    Acute moments of the second pregnancy

    However, one should not assume that a second pregnancy and childbirth is a piece of cake. There are several features that make the second pregnancy more difficult than the first and, perhaps, more dangerous:

    • The amount of time that has passed since the first birth. Despite the fact that there are no strict frameworks and deadlines for planning a second pregnancy, doctors still recommend giving the body a 1-2 year rest after childbirth. Due to high load and wear female body during pregnancy and labor, which were accompanied by vitamin deficiency and blood loss. This time is needed to restore and prepare the body for a new pregnancy.
    • Another point that distinguishes the first pregnancy from the second is age expectant mother. According to experts, optimal age for gestation and birth healthy baby The period from 18 to 35 years is considered, after which difficulties are already possible. Having crossed the 35-year-old threshold, a woman should approach the issue of pregnancy more carefully and carefully, be sure to plan it with her doctor, and go through all the necessary medical procedures and manipulation. The fact is that late pregnancy is fraught not only with exacerbations of various chronic diseases in the expectant mother, but also with a danger to the development of the baby, high risk development of pathologies and anomalies.
    • It may be fraught imminent pregnancy after caesarean section. In this case, experts do not recommend becoming pregnant for at least 3 years after the previous birth. The fact is that the recovery period after surgery is long, the dissected tissues must heal properly. Repeated births can cause serious damage to both mother and baby, even leading to a tragic outcome. There is also a psychological background, because the one who gave birth to the baby caesarean section a woman is quite naturally afraid of repeated surgery and possible complications on the one hand and, like natural birth with another. There is an opinion that after a “cesarean” birth, birth is only possible “caesarean”; this is a misconception that can be dispelled by careful planning of the upcoming second pregnancy and consultation with a competent obstetrician-gynecologist.
    • Conceiving a child during lactation can affect not only the well-being of the mother, but also the newly born baby. There is nothing surprising here, because new pregnancy- a new powerful stress that has a significant impact on the lactation process of the new mother. It can lead to both a decrease in the amount of milk produced and lead to the fact that the milk will completely disappear, and the baby will have to be transferred to artificial feeding. Another nuance is that the lactation process provokes the release of the hormone oxytocin, which in turn promotes contraction of the uterus and its restoration after childbirth, which means that in the event of a second pregnancy, it can cause its termination.
    • It is undesirable to plan a second pregnancy too soon after the completion of the first one and from an infectious point of view. After childbirth, tissue elasticity, tears and cracks in the cervix can lead to the penetration of pathogens into the uterine cavity and provoke termination of pregnancy. No less harm and problems can be caused during pregnancy and inflammatory processes and diseases that often occur after childbirth (for example, endometritis) and can lead to miscarriage.

    We didn't wait

    There is an opinion that breastfeeding has excellent contraceptive effect. True, one nuance does not appear in this opinion: this method only works if the baby eats exclusively mother's milk. The fact is that the introduction of even minimal complementary foods provokes a decrease in lactation, which, in turn, is a signal for the body to restore reproductive function and trigger ovulation. The result is an unexpected surprise that may go unnoticed for quite some time. for a long time, sometimes until the fetus moves. This is explained by the fact that the menstrual cycle after childbirth takes quite a long time to adjust, physical form has still returned to normal, the process of conceiving a new life may well go unnoticed.

    To similar situations did not occur, careful attention should be paid to the issue of protection from unwanted pregnancy especially in the first year after childbirth. The best solution would be to consult a specialist on the issue of contraception after childbirth.

    Summing up

    Pregnancy – beautiful time for the whole family, and for the expectant mother especially with proper planning, of course. If you don’t hurry up with the repetition and take into account the needs of the body, then the second pregnancy will definitely not be heavier than the first. Most likely it's the other way around.

    If a new life arises in the first months after the birth of the baby, the mother should be very attentive to her health, eat properly and well, be sure to take vitamins and do not forget about her feet, wear compression tights and stockings, and, of course, a bandage. You need to visit your doctor regularly and be sure to follow his recommendations. After all, the most important thing is that both mother and baby survive the second pregnancy and childbirth safely; this is the key to family happiness.

    The second pregnancy should be treated no less carefully than the first. Often, women tend to think that the signs of pregnancy are always the same, and that it follows the same pattern every time. This is not true at all. Each pregnancy is different from the previous one and has its own characteristics.

    When to plan a second pregnancy

    Let’s say right away that for a successful pregnancy, it is advisable to plan it. During the first pregnancy, a woman’s body works in an enhanced mode, and hormonal background changes significantly. Optimal timing To re-conceive a child occurs only after 2-3 years. It is during this period that the young mother’s body has time to recover after bearing her first child, giving birth and breastfeeding.

    If the first birth was complicated by cesarean section, then the second pregnancy should occur no earlier than 5 years later. During this period, the suture on the uterus has time to heal, which will allow it to stretch elastically without the risk of rupture of the suture.

    It should be noted that a gap between pregnancies of more than 7 years is undesirable. With age, a woman may develop chronic diseases, reproductive function deteriorates, the risk of genetic pathologies and the threat of complications during pregnancy and childbirth increases.

    Second pregnancy immediately after the first

    If repeat pregnancy occurs in the first year after childbirth, this situation is fraught with complications for both the woman and the pregnant child. Against the background of a weakened body, the expectant mother may develop anemia and, as a result, chronic malnutrition and hypoxia of the fetus.

    In addition, there is a risk spontaneous abortion. The uterine mucosa does not have time to fully recover in a short period, which increases the likelihood of pathologies in the formation of the placenta and unwanted bleeding.

    If conception does occur, you must help the body yourself. Taking vitamins, microelements and restorative complexes prescribed by a doctor will help you safely endure a second pregnancy immediately after the first and give birth to a healthy child.

    However, this time the body's recovery will be more difficult and will be aggravated by the double burden of caring for children. In order to avoid unwanted pregnancy, do not neglect contraceptives, because conception can occur even in the absence of menstruation while breastfeeding your first child.

    Signs of a second pregnancy

    After the first pregnancy and childbirth, almost every woman thinks that she already knows everything about pregnancy, and the second pregnancy will not bring any new sensations. However, this is not quite true. Next pregnancy may differ significantly from the first:

    • Visually, pregnancy is visible earlier. After the first birth, even over time, the uterus does not contract to original condition. It becomes somewhat larger and, as a rule, the expectant mother’s tummy appears a month earlier;
    • Low abdominal position. One of the signs of a second pregnancy is the low position of the fetus. During the first pregnancy, the muscles and ligaments are greatly stretched and weakened significantly. Therefore, the uterus and baby will be lower than the first time. This position is fraught with a lot of stress on the back and bladder, which is why the woman experiences frequent urge to urinate and suffers from pain in the spine and lumbar region. In order to reduce the load on the back, it is recommended to wear a bandage from the 20th week of pregnancy. In addition, with the help of a bandage you can reduce increased tone uterus. But there is also positive points in a low abdominal position. In this regard, pressure on the stomach, esophagus and respiratory organs is reduced. Expectant mother Heartburn is less common, digestive problems fade into the background, breathing becomes easier;
    • Early movement. During the second pregnancy, the first movements of the baby can be felt earlier. During the first pregnancy, a woman begins to feel the baby closer to the 5th month of pregnancy, and during the second - already at 4-4.5 months. This is usually due to the fact that during the second pregnancy the sensation of fetal movements is already familiar to the woman and is recognized earlier;
    • Toxicosis. It is likely that you will change taste preferences, they will be different than in the first pregnancy. If the first time you wanted something sour, now you may experience an irresistible desire to eat something sweet. All this is entirely individual. But toxicosis during the second pregnancy, as a rule, is absent or mild in many women. It ends, like the first time, during the first trimester;
    • A few words about repeated births. According to statistics, they proceed much faster and easier. This is due to the fact that the muscles of the uterus, cervix and vagina become more stretched and elastic. Therefore, cervical dilation occurs faster and takes from 4 to 8 hours. It should be noted that a woman may experience a sensation during her second pregnancy. false contractions. They are easy to distinguish from the real ones. The first ones go away after 5-10 minutes or with a change in body position. In these cases, there is no need to rush to the maternity hospital. But if protracted contractions begin, which you are already familiar with, then meeting your baby is not far off.

    In conclusion, we will say that usually healthy women Repeated pregnancy and childbirth are much easier. Firstly, you are subconsciously tuned in and know what awaits you ahead, and secondly, the body is also already familiar with this state, it adapts more easily and quickly adapts to changes.