How much does a baby gain in the first month? The normal weight for full-term babies born is...

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When a person is born, he seems very small and fragile. Its further growth depends on many factors. The weight of newborns increases weekly if the baby eats properly and has no pathologies. The most the best remedy in order for weight gain to be normal and its development harmonious - mother's milk. It contains all the vitamins, micro and macroelements, amino acids necessary for growth. Such nutrition is not always available, since the mother may not have milk, or the child may not tolerate the lactose contained in it. The first 2-3 months are the most important for shaping a healthy future. little man. Newborn weight gain should be normal: neither more nor less than the required criteria.

How much should a child gain in the first month?

At birth, the child’s weight is 2.5-4.5 kilograms. Regardless of what the body weight was initially, the newborn should gain weight. The first month is the most important in this matter. There is no need to be alarmed if your child loses about 350 grams in the first week - this is normal.

To determine whether the baby was born large, small or medium, you need to make a simple calculation. It is necessary to divide the baby’s body weight by his height. The resulting number less than 60 indicates that the baby is large, 70 means small, and an intermediate value means medium.

In the first month, the newborn should gain about 1.5 kilograms. But 500 grams is also not a pathology and corresponds to the norm. For a large baby, the first month can bring 2 kilograms. All norms are relatively conditional. Only a specialist upon examination can say with certainty whether the desired weight has been gained. And parents must clearly monitor the process of growth and development of the newborn.

Newborn weight loss – reasons

In the 1st month, weight loss may be observed. There are some reasons for this.

  • Lack of nutrition;
  • Changes in food composition due to foods consumed by the mother;
  • Diseases of the oral cavity or ENT organs;
  • State of stress due to the environment;
  • Problems with nervous system or gastrointestinal tract;
  • Bad habits of the mother, in particular smoking.

Each of these reasons may prevent a newborn from gaining due weight. To find out the cause, you need to consult a doctor. This must be done as early as possible to avoid the development of rickets or other dangerous diseases.

How can a child get better?

The first year of a baby's life is associated with normal sleep and proper nutrition. Only if all requirements are met will the desired weight be gained. Mothers should know a few basic rules for feeding their baby.

  • For newborns, you cannot set a feeding schedule. They feed on demand.
  • Weak children often fall asleep during feeding, so it is necessary to ensure that they suck.
  • Feeding children of weak babies takes longer: they must get to high-calorie milk.
  • From the first days, you need to learn how to put your baby to your breast so that they can “get” their own food.

In addition, the baby's mother should pay attention to the frequency and quality of his urination. A newborn can pee up to 15 times a day, and the color of the urine should be light and there should be almost no odor. If there is a malnutrition, the urine changes color to a darker color and acquires an unpleasant aroma.

Mom needs to constantly monitor emotional condition newborn If he is full, then his sleep will be calm and his wakefulness will be joyful.

Weight gain chart for children under one year old

Every week of the first months of a baby’s life is the key to his healthy future. There is a standard formula for calculating normal weight gain for a baby. Initial weight + (800* for age). The permissible deviation from the resulting number should not exceed 10 percent.

Weight gain chart for children under one year old

Age 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 10m 11m 12m
Weight (g) 600 800 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350
Height (cm.) 3 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 2 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

On initial stage weight gain and growth increase occur more intensely, and then everything declines. Depending on initial birth weight, one year old child can weigh from 7 to 11 kilograms.

Raise your baby healthy and happy!

You have a baby. You have been waiting for him for a long time, imagining what he will be like, and how you will raise and educate him. But when this finally happens, you are suddenly faced with many unexpected problems. One of them, which never ceases to worry every young mother and all grandmothers in the world, is the rate of weight gain in newborns.

Normal weight for a newborn baby

“Reference point” for the weight of a newborn

Each newborn baby is examined by a pediatrician, and during the first examination he is immediately weighed and his height is measured (). Then the child and his mother will remain in the hospital for another 4-6 days for medical observation. On the day of discharge he is weighed again. It is on these two numbers – the weight in the first minutes after birth and the weight on the day of discharge from the hospital – that the subsequent weight gain of the newborn begins and largely depends. So:

Baby's weight at birth

All children are born with different heights and weights, and normal weight A healthy baby at birth is considered to be between 2,700 kg and 3,700 kg. It should be noted that the initial weight of the child depends on a number of different factors:

  • Baby's health.
  • Heredity. At mom's tall Large children are more likely to be born with greater weight, and vice versa: thin ones short women little babies are born.
  • Paula. As a rule, boys are always born larger (heavier) than girls.
  • Maternal nutrition during pregnancy. When a pregnant woman eats a high-calorie diet, the fetus usually gains a lot of weight.
  • Physical and psychological state women. If the mother is unwell or during pregnancy for a long time lived in a state of stress, this may well affect the health and, accordingly, the weight of her newborn child.
  • Presence in a pregnant woman bad habits. Of course, for a smoker, and even more so for someone who drinks and uses narcotic substances Sick, underweight children may be born.

Weight at discharge

In the first few days of life, children lose some weight. Weight loss is due to several reasons:

  • Loss of fluid. Having been born, the child begins to breathe, and through it respiratory system and the skin disappears a large number of liquids.
  • Installing power. In the first days, the baby drinks colostrum, and in small portions, until his nutrition improves and the mother’s milk begins to flow.
  • Adaptation to living conditions. We know very well that the young seedlings we transplanted from the greenhouse to the garden do not begin to grow immediately. Likewise, a child, having radically changed his environment at birth, does not immediately get used to living in it.

Thus, discharge weight differs by approximately 6-10% from birth weight. And it is from this second number that it is customary to calculate the norms of weight gain for each newborn.

Weight gain norms

You and your baby were discharged from the hospital and you found yourself at home. The baby has learned to eat, his digestion and heat-air exchange with environment, and it begins to grow rapidly.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Video: baby weight

Reasons for weight gain or lack thereof

Weight gain depends on the following reasons:

  • Health. If the baby is sick, he eats worse.
  • Appetite.
  • Type of feeding: breast or artificial. At artificial feeding children usually gain weight faster.
  • Quality and quantity of food (mother’s milk).
  • Child's mobility. A person who plays sports is usually fit. Similarly, an active child is somewhat thinner than a couch potato.
  • Daily routine and meals. When feeding “by the clock”, weight increases more slowly than “on demand”.
  • Age. In the first months, children grow faster, but as they age, growth slows down.

Be that as it may, specialist scientists have established some average conventional indicators of norms for weight gain in newborn children.

Gain rates: weight table for a child up to one year old

Average statistical data show that the usual weight gain during the first year of life is as follows:

  • During the first month, when your baby is still very small, it is considered normal increase weight by 90-150 grams per week.
  • From the second, third and to the end fourth month the baby should already be gaining 140-200 grams per week.
  • From the fifth month to six months, weight is added again according to 100-160 grams per week, and by six months your baby's weight should approximately double.
  • Then growth begins to slow down a little, and by one year the child weighs about 3 times more than it did at birth.

Table of weight of a child up to one year (clickable)

Deviations from the norm: should you worry?

Deviations from the above averages are very common. This is too little or too much weight gain, which is also bad, since guys who are too fat become inactive and develop more slowly. Except possible diseases baby, the reasons for such deviations may be as follows:

  1. Each person is individual in his physiology, and everyone grows differently: some are a little faster, others a little slower.
  2. Norms of weight gain for all newborns taller usually more. So, if for a baby whose initial height was 52 cm, an increase of 170 grams is considered normal, then for a child with an initial height of 58 cm it is already about 210 grams.
  3. It often happens that boys gain weight faster than girls.
  4. At artificial nutrition kids get fat faster.

And many other reasons, which are different in each case, and can only be identified with individual approach. And only after identifying these reasons is it possible to give an accurate answer as to whether parents should worry about this and whether to take urgent measures. In any case, the norms for weight gain in newborns are averaged and approximate, and should not be taken as an ideal. And if you have doubts about the child’s growth, it is best to get tested and consult with specialists. If you and your baby are healthy, then perhaps for rounded folds to appear on his body, it is enough to start feeding him on demand, putting him to the breast more often, and this will solve the problem.

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After birth, a child begins to grow and develop rapidly. In the first month, the baby gains both height and weight. There are generally accepted parameters by which one can evaluate whether a baby is developing normally, whether the food he receives is enough for him, and whether his parents are overfeeding him. How much weight should a child gain by month, what gains are considered normal?

Normal height and weight after birth

Normally, a full-term baby's height is on average 50 cm. A range of values ​​is possible from 47 cm to 54 cm. Body weight is on average 3200-3500 g. This parameter is characterized by a range from 2500 g to 4500 g. Premature babies are inferior in value to full-term babies children. Their height and weight fewer numbers considered normal.

Before considering how much a child should gain in the first month, it is worth understanding what the parameters determined immediately after birth depend on. Firstly, hereditary factors influence the height and weight of newborns. Secondly, the parameters are affected by the age of the parents, their state of health, and the conditions in which the mother worked during the period of bearing the child. Thirdly, the height and weight of the baby depend on how the woman ate during pregnancy.

Reducing baby's weight after birth

After birth, the baby’s body weight decreases within 3-4 days. The loss from the initial weight is 5-10%. This is approximately 200-300 g. If you notice this, you should not worry or worry. This feature that occurs after birth is called physiological weight loss. The child's condition does not change with weight loss.

Around day 5, the physiological decline stops. How much should a child gain in the first month after it? On days 10-12, the baby reaches the body weight that was recorded in the maternity hospital at the time of birth. After this, the weight at normal development continues to increase to the established norm.

Change in height in the first month

Every day the child grows in height. However, this is invisible to the mother. It is convenient to assess the baby’s growth at the end of the month, because the baby grows by only 3 cm. This is not so much.

Girls and boys differ in structure and development. By the end of the first month, they have the following differences in growth:

  • Normal height for boys is from 50.5 to 58.5 cm;
  • girls a little fewer boys- their height is 49.5-57.5 cm.

Weight change in the first month

After birth, a baby eats from 6 to 12 times a day. How much should a child gain in the first month? Every day, body weight increases by about 20 g. As a result, over a month, normal weight increases by 600-700 g. Body weight characteristic of a certain height can be seen in the table below.

Newborn weight: how much should a child gain in the first month of life
Height, cm Weight of girls, in g Boys' weight, in g
50 from 2600 to 3800from 2800 to 3900
51 from 2800 to 4000from 2900 to 4100
52 from 3000 to 4300from 3100 to 4300
53 from 3100 to 4500from 3300 to 4600
54 from 3300 to 4800from 3400 to 4800
55 from 3400 to 5100from 3600 to 5300
56 from 3600 to 5500from 3900 to 5700
57 from 3800 to 6000from 4100 to 6100
58 from 4000 to 6400from 4300 to 6500

Causes of Insufficient Growth

Stunting occurs due to various reasons. Very often, low values ​​indicate a hereditary predisposition. If mom and dad short stature, then parents should not worry and say that their baby is behind in development.

Some reasons require contacting a specialist. It's about about chronic diseases digestive system, endocrine pathologies, poor nutrition. All these conditions do not allow growth to increase as much as a child should gain in the first months.

When to worry about weight

If the child's weight is slightly below the normal values or slightly exceeded them, then mother should not worry. This is considered quite normal, because each baby follows an individual path of development. Consistently exceeding the average by more than 15% or low weight gain should be a concern.

In case of significant deviations, it is recommended to consult a doctor about possible reason similar phenomenon. For example, if a baby does not gain as much weight as a child should gain in the first months, this may indicate insufficient lactation. To eliminate this cause, it is necessary to take measures to increase the amount of milk produced in the mother's body. Another possible way out of this situation is to transfer the child to artificial or mixed feeding.

Also, insufficient weight gain is due to the following reasons:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathology of the central nervous system;
  • diathesis and rickets.

Monitoring the further development of the child

Often, mothers, having analyzed the weight gain over the first month, draw conclusions about whether their baby is lagging behind in development or not. This is not recommended. The baby should be monitored for several months. It happens that in the first month of life a newborn “overweight” or “underweight”, and next month puts everything in its place - the baby begins to develop without deviating from normal indicators.

How much weight should a child gain in the first months: increases
Period Weight gain per month, in g Increase for the period from the moment of birth, in g
For the first month600 600
For the second month800 1400
For the third month800 2200
For the fourth month750 2950
For the fifth month700 3650
For the sixth month650 4300

As can be seen from the table, children rapidly gain body weight in the first months (if you do not take into account physiological loss weight). Then the increases begin to gradually decrease. This is due to the fact that babies become more active, they begin to crawl, learn the world, stay awake more.

Pediatricians in many countries are concerned about the problem of childhood obesity. Experts tell parents how much a child should gain in the first months of life, and advise giving Special attention nutrition, because kids should not overeat. Here are a few things moms and dads should consider:

  1. In the first days, a newborn’s stomach can accommodate no more than 15 ml of breast milk per feeding (about 100 ml per day). This amount is sufficient. First milk is very nutritious and high in calories, so it is enough to meet all the baby’s needs.
  2. Gradually the needs increase. By day 10, the amount of breast milk increases to 60 ml per feeding. How is this number calculated? First, the daily volume of formula or milk is determined (the calculation is made taking into account the information indicated in the table below). Then the resulting number is divided by the number of feedings (for example, 6). The result is a one-time volume of milk.

Amount of milk or formula necessary for the child
Age Daily food volume
From the first to the second month1/5 of weight
From the second to the fourth month1/6 of weight
From the fourth to the sixth month1/7 of weight

Having considered how much a child should gain in the first month and how he should eat, we can draw the following conclusion: if you feed the baby correctly, then there is a high probability that no problems with weight and height will arise. The baby will receive the amount of milk that his body requires.

The baby's health depends on his weight and physical state. All children develop differently, but pediatricians have developed standards that make it easy to figure out how much weight a child should gain month by month. This is necessary for the healthy full growth of the toddler.

How much weight does a baby gain in the first month?

After discharge from the hospital, the baby loses weight for some time. This is normal and mothers do not need to worry. Weight loss occurs due to the release of fluid through skin and lungs. A week after birth, the baby’s body weight returns to normal. Then weight gain occurs, thanks to the valuable substances in breast milk or mixtures.

Weight gain is individual for each newborn, because it depends on birth weight, height, and gender. The average figure that pediatricians talk about is 800 grams. for the first month. It turns out that every day a newborn gains 20 - 30 grams.

Children who are born small gain weight a little faster than larger ones. Therefore, low birth weight babies can gain weight by 1000–1200 grams.

For children with normal birth weight, it is necessary to control the gain and not allow the gain to exceed the norm of 800 grams. Girls weigh slightly less than boys, so the rate of weight gain will be different. Pediatricians must compare the baby’s weight and height to understand how he develops.

How much weight should a child gain by week? If we take as the norm the weight gain of 20-30 grams every day, then by simple arithmetic we can calculate that the baby gains up to 200 grams per week. For the first 3 months, such a weekly increase is considered normal.

How much does a child gain in the first month? It is impossible to say the exact figure, because it depends on the weight with which the newborn was born. Low birth weight babies recover faster. The average is 800 grams, which is how much weight a newborn baby should gain. But individual characteristics The baby's weight gain is affected, so you may not gain the required norm or exceed it.

How much weight should a child gain each month?

During the first three months, newborns rapidly gain weight, and then the rate of weight gain decreases slightly. This is due to the fact that physical activity and the time spent awake increases.

A newborn baby should gain weight gradually, without sharp jumps, as this will negatively affect his health. Pediatricians have developed a table that shows the norm of how much weight a child should gain by month.

2 months. The baby gains another 800 grams, the average weight is 4300 - 4900 grams. The total weight gain is already about 1600 grams.

3 months. At this age, the average weight of a baby is already 5200 - 6000 g, which means that the increase occurs by 750 - 800 g. The total figure rises to 2200 g.

4 months. Weight gain begins to decrease, now the average monthly figure is 750 grams. By the end of 4 months, the baby’s weight exceeded 6 kg, and in total the weight gained was 2950 grams.

5 months. Now every month by 50 grams, weight gain decreases. At 5 months of age, the baby gains 700 grams. Average weight the child becomes about 7000 g, the total weight is gained by 3650 g. At this age, some mothers begin to feed their babies complementary foods, which is especially useful for low-birth-weight babies.

6 months. Despite the introduction of complementary foods, the gain in body weight is 650 g. The baby weighs approximately 7600 g, the total increase over 6 months is 4300 g.

7 months. A seven-month-old baby weighs about 8100 grams, thanks to an increase in weight of 600 grams. The total weight gain is already 4900 grams.

8 months. Healthy baby gains 550 grams at 8 months. and weighs approximately 8600 g. From birth, weight increased by 5450 g.

9 months. An active lifestyle does not allow you to gain weight at a high rate, so at this stage your body weight has increased by 500 grams. The total increase is 5950 g, now the baby weighs about 9 kg.

10 months. The child’s weight increases by another 450 grams; on average, the baby gained 6,400 grams. and already weighs approximately 9500 grams. Parents need to monitor food portions so as not to overfeed the baby.

11 months.

The baby is gaining another 400 grams of weight, now his body weight is about 1000 grams. The total weight gain is 6800 g.

12 months. By the age of one year the child already weighs a little more than 10 kg, this month the increase was 350 grams. In just 12 months, the little one gained 7150 grams.

You can focus on these indicators, but if there are slight deviations from the norm, then this is not a cause for concern. Gaining body weight depends on the characteristics of the baby’s body and parents just need to adhere to the recommended figures.

Underfeeding or overfeeding of the baby should not be allowed; if the discrepancy with the norm exceeds 20%, then you need to contact specialists to review the child’s nutrition. In the first 3 months after birth, the baby gains 800 grams of weight. From four months, the monthly rate of increase decreases by 50 grams. By the age of one, the child weighs about 10 kg, that is. he becomes 3 times heavier than his birth weight.

The total weight gain over 12 months is about 7150 grams. All numbers are given as guidelines that will help the baby grow correctly. The most significant weight gain occurs in the first 3 months, and by the year it decreases by 2 times. This decrease is associated with the baby’s increased activity and reduced food intake.

Weight gain in children after one year?

After a year, body weight gain rates rapidly decrease. On average, a child increases his weight by 2-3 kg per year. Pediatricians no longer clearly regulate weight gain standards.

The individual characteristics of the child’s body, mobility, and diet have a significant impact on weight gain. Therefore, it is impossible to put it into any framework. Some babies move actively and eat a lot, some are passive and do not want to eat.

Parents need to control not only how much weight the child should gain, but also how much weight he or she should gain. general state, development. Many children do not fit into exact digital indicators and this is normal, because every baby grows in its own way.