Magnet color. Basic and secondary ink colors for inkjet printing


If you are not a designer, then sometimes the specific terminology used by professionals may seem complicated. This applies not only to styles in the interior, clothing, any special methods of processing materials or design elements of the product. We can talk about the simplest and most common concept of the tone of an object. You can often hear the term magenta. Many people don’t even know what color it is. The article will help answer the question.

Spectrum shades

From school drawing lessons, most ordinary people remember that there are three main colors: blue and yellow. Perhaps someone knows that they cannot be obtained by mixing other colors. All other tones are created precisely by a combination of elements of the main triad in various proportions. If a person went to an art studio or art school as a child, then he probably remembers which was often called a rainbow.

It is in special creative schools that children begin to be introduced to the basics of color science. The child learns that there are actually many shades and colors, and they all have their own names. Indigo, carmine, sienna, ocher, cinnabar are the simplest words that a beginning artist should know.

Professionals have a much wider vocabulary. It can be difficult to understand what tone of wallpaper or your future trademark, for example, a specialist suggests. People often ask what the word magenta means. What color is this, in ordinary terms? In fact, it represents a whole group of shades. Now you will find out what magenta looks like and where it is used.

Types of color models

All shades can be classified into one of two groups: subtractive or additive. The first are obtained by subtracting from the total ray of light. In this system, white denotes the absence of any tone, while their presence is characterized by black.

On a monitor screen, image reproduction is based on the emission of light. In this case, the RGB model is applicable. A sheet of paper can only absorb color, so in the printing industry the subtractive tone system - CMY - is used. Abbreviations are represented by the first letters of the English names of the components of the triad. In the field of printing they use: Cyan (cyan), Magenta (magenta), In the field of screen reproduction technology they use: Red (red), Green (green), Blue (blue). In printing, cyan is called cyan, and magenta is purple. The photo shows what shade it is. An analogue exists in the color system of web pages.

Designers working in these fields usually perceive all the tones in the numerical characteristics of each component. It can be from 0 to 100%. If you need to do a Magenta shade for your screen, converting the color to another model is not difficult. You need to write the corresponding numeric code.

Scope of application of the term

The word magenta is used to describe color in the following areas:

Interior decoration;

Design of clothing, shoes, accessories;

Web programming;


Each of the listed industries can be encountered by a non-professional. If you're updating your wardrobe or wallpaper in your room, knowledge of the terminology may be required. The most common area is printing production. Nowadays, most people have a printer at home. In this case, you definitely need to know the designations of paints.

Printed products

Regular users have at least once encountered a shade called Magenta. What color it is and how it differs from light magenta is not understood by everyone.

Most often, this question arises when using conventional printers. The following colors are used in printing devices: cyan, yellow, black, magenta. The photo of the color palette shows an example. The model is called CMYK. The last letter of the abbreviation stands for black tone, which is also taken as the main one. If a person had to change or recharge printer cartridges or clean the heads, then he, of course, saw what ink was inside the device. Don't know what light magenta shade is? The color is light pink. In many printing systems it is used to make it more photorealistic. If you compare four- and six-color printers, the latter have a more subtle rendering of facial shades, for example. When choosing a printing device for your home, you should take this into account.

Magenta: what color

So, magenta is a purple tone, a synonym for the HTML equivalent of Fuchsia, indicated by a special code. According to the RGB model, it is characterized by the following numerical parameters: 255, 0, 255, which indicate the maximum amount of red and blue components. According to the CMYK system, the magenta shade is specified as a percentage. This is one of the subtractive colors, besides yellow and blue, which is used

Magenta is the main color. It cannot be obtained by mixing other colors. If you try to do this with red and blue, you won't get the desired effect. This situation is explained by the peculiarities of the perception of shades by the human eye. The easiest way to figure out what color it is is by looking at the corresponding ink from your printer. It is based on them that you can choose paint, for example, for the interior.

Thus, it is not difficult to understand the terminology of professionals, remember the names of paints and use them in your vocabulary. This process can provide a lot of useful information and will significantly expand your vocabulary. You yourself will be pleased to say the names of the corresponding shades correctly.

Magenta color is one of the primary colors, an integral part of the basic palette for painting.. Magenta dye was synthesized in 1856 and owes its name to the bloody battle of the Italian city of Magenta. Magenta dye has a very low level of light fastness, so similar red-pink colors are now produced on the basis of quinacridone pigments.


The Industrial Revolution of the 19th century meant that many dyes previously obtained from natural sources could be chemically synthesized. Since then, synthetic dyes and pigments have been separated. The names of natural coloring substances (pigments) often contain the name of the plant, animal or geographic region from which they originated. For example, the color “madder” (from the Madder plant), the color sepia (from the Latin “squid” - shellfish or squid), the color “Indian yellow”. The pigment, synthesized in 1856, bore the unpronounceable name “triaminotriphenyl carbonate chloride.” The shade was very reminiscent of the color of the fuchsia plant, which is why it was often called “Fuchsia”; later the color was called “Magenta”.

The battle, after which the color magenta was named, took place in 1859 in Italy near the city of Magenta between Franco-Sardinian troops and Austrian ones. France, despite the numerical superiority of its opponent, was able to win at the cost of impressive losses (4,000 killed and wounded on the French side and 5,700 on the Austrian side). Contemporaries of the events said that the battlefield was red with blood. The dye obtained three years earlier was named in honor of this fight.

The resulting dye was not suitable for creating thick artistic paints. First of all, it was necessary to “precipitate” color onto a colorless pigment in order to obtain a “varnished pigment.” After this chemical process is completed, the resulting pigment can be used to make paints. But even after this, lightfastness is far from ideal. Nowadays, magenta color is produced on the basis of quinacridone pigment, which has a maximum level of light fastness.

Dye or pigment, what's the difference?

In dry form, dyes and pigments are easily confused. The difference becomes obvious after mixing the dry substance with a binder or solvent. If the substance dissolves like sugar in hot water, then it is a dye that is suitable for use in liquid ink. The pigments do not dissolve in the binder or solvent and are suitable for the production of thick paste paints.

One of the most important properties for professional artists is light fastness. Dyes gradually fade when exposed to light. While pigments retain their original color for a long time.

The magenta color (quinacridone) with the maximum level of light fastness is presented in the following series of Royal Talens artistic paints:

Oil paints Royal Talens Rembrandt, color 366 ()

Watercolor paints Royal Talens Rembrandt, color 366 ( )

Oil paints Royal Talens Van Gogh, color 366 (

Watercolor paints Royal Talens Van Gogh, color 366 (

The color of clothing gives us qualities that each of us would like to develop in ourselves. Although, it is much more important that color helps to detect or enhance the energy inherent in each person, and it is certainly different for people. At a conscious or unconscious level, each of us chooses clothes of the color that will be combined with the natural color; more specifically, the color of hair, eyes, and skin is always important.

Pink and its shades add freshness to a woman's face. On top of that, for a man, a girl in a pink dress seems just as sexy as in a red one.

Despite this, you can’t go overboard with pink, because this tone, in addition to love, hope and dreams, is often associated with vulgarity, bad taste, obscenity and excessive naivety. Often pink “hints” at mental narrowness and complete isolation from reality. Pink color has a large number of shades. Its most famous shade is magenta.


This color can be described as bright purple or deep pink. You can have your own attitude towards this color, although basically it generates only positive emotions. Adults associate the color of a cuff with something unrealistic, short-lived and strive not to use it. Psychologists associate the color magenta with the desire for change. When a person, without realizing it, attracts the color of a cuff into his life (buying clothes or an interior item), thus he categorically decided to change something in his life, and change it for the better.

Magenta color in clothes

The magenta shade is beauty, style, glamor, effect. Essentially, magenta is a rather conventional name; it is the name given to a special group of shades obtained by combining (certain proportions) red and blue colors. Since magenta consists of two waves of color of different lengths, it cannot be classified as either a cold or warm type of color. A cuff will make any attire amazing, so this color suits almost every woman: fair-haired, dark-haired, plump, thin, young and old.

Electronic magenta is the most popular fuchsia color. It is distinguished by a characteristic special shade, so in clothes the color of fuchsia gives the impression of something refined, sublime and sophisticated. The appearance of ultra-pink color in clothes or, as it is casually called, neon pink, the catwalk owes to the fashionable Italian designer reformist Elsa Schiaparelli.

How to combine madget color with other colors?

In clothing, magenta is a symbol of tenderness and sensuality. Every fashionista should know how to correctly combine magenta and other tones in clothes in order to make a bright impression on others. The safest option is to combine magenta and black. Thanks to this aristocratic color, a naive girl becomes an elegant, representative lady. White color gives magenta color airiness and lightness. The classic option is to combine magenta with gray. A gray outfit in itself evokes boredom and despondency, and this colorful, concentrated shade will add dreaminess and originality to it. For more reserved people, a combination with the color purple is suitable; magenta is a good “friend” of the blue shade.

Advice from designers is to combine the frivolous and picturesque color of magenta with more serene tones, say, milky, lemon, beige or light green. A great office ensemble - a cream skirt, pink top and matching shoes. A bright woman chooses magenta for her look with accessories and trousers in bluish-green color. An ensemble of a red top and hot pink shorts will look playful. Today, manzhdeta is the choice of sensual girls who understand all the intricacies of the fashion industry and look amazing at all times.

Colors in clothes refresh a woman's complexion. In addition, the tonic effect of pink improves blood circulation and accelerates cell metabolism.

We will focus on the most popular shades of pink - raspberry, magenta, fuchsia and lavender (lavender pink).

Raspberry is an explosive mixture of fiery and extravagant hot pink and cold and calculating. For all its brightness, the clothing is not perceived as overly feminine - sensual, naive or setting up a romantic mood, which means it can be worn by an 18-year-old girl, and (and especially in combination with dark colors).

Raspberry goes well with neutral black and white. Clothes in this color scheme are appropriate both during the day - for a business style look - and in the evening. In addition to black and white, raspberry can be combined with green, light green, yellow-light green or orange.

An outfit in raspberry-green and raspberry-orange tones is most appropriate for evening outings or weekends.

Magenta color in clothes

In fact, magenta is a whole group of colors, which are obtained by mixing blue colors in certain proportions. Due to the fact that magenta color consists of two waves of different lengths, magenta cannot be called either a cool or warm color. As a result, magenta suits almost all girls and women, plump and thin, and young and not so young.

The dye used as a color standard is magenta, which was first obtained in 1859 in Italy shortly after the battle near the Italian town of Magenta. Initially, the Italians called this color magenta, but a year later, in 1860, they renamed it mangenta in order to perpetuate the memory of the soldiers who fought for Magenta.

The magenta color group includes 3 colors:

Original magenta color

This is the color of 1860 (also called deep magenta), see swatch:

Typographic color magenta

This color appeared in 1980 and was widely used in printing and looked like this:

Electronic magenta (fuchsia)

Electronic magenta is the popular fuchsia color that almost never leaves the catwalks. This color has a characteristic shade, making fuchsia in clothes look more noble, elegant and sophisticated compared to pink.

One of the shades of fuchsia - ultra-or shocking pink - first appeared on the catwalks with the light hand of designer and one of the main fashion reformers Elsa Schiaparelli in 1936.

Fuchsia (or electronic magenta) There are many shades: this is pale magenta, or light pink:

Pale magenta or pink:

Ultra pink:

And finally shocking pink color in clothing or, as it is sometimes called, neon pink, the appearance of which we owe to the Italian Schiaparelli.