Rating of the best commercial hair masks. Mask


Majority modern women Unfortunately, we are forced to take care of our hair at home. This is largely due to the fact that professional cosmetic procedures are incredibly expensive, and a person simply cannot afford to visit a beauty salon twice a month, ordering some effective technique recovery. Therefore, we will now look at how to care for your hair at home, what is required for this, and what products are suitable for different types of hair.

Basic rules

We open our hair beauty season with the purchase of the most basic hair care products - shampoo and conditioner. This traditional remedy, like shampoo, is designed to cleanse our hair not only of natural oils, but also to remove dust, soot, various microscopic debris and styling products that you use. You should choose a shampoo based on the type of scalp and hair follicles - for oily, dry or normal hair.

You can also choose a sulfate-free shampoo, but such care will not be sufficient if you often use varnishes, foams and gels. When talking about how to care for your hair at home, you cannot lose sight of the conditioner or rinse. It is important that it be from the same cosmetic line as the shampoo. You should choose this care product based on your main problem with hair. For example, if your hair is thin, then we buy a conditioner that adds volume. If you wear makeup often, you should give preference to a restorative product.

Your personal comb

Even in ancient times, women on our planet knew how to care for their hair at home, using only one wooden comb. In that era, such a simple device served not only to put the hair in order, straighten it and give it a neat appearance. appearance. The comb was a massager that stimulated hair growth, strengthened hair follicles and prevented hair loss. Nowadays, combs have undergone many metamorphoses. Markets and store shelves are full of bright, cheap and low-quality goods that can harm your hair. Therefore, when choosing a comb for yourself, you should not save money, because you will use it for a year, or even more. Give preference to a professional product - and you definitely will not regret this purchase.

Additional food

Today, almost every woman uses restorative hair cosmetics. These are a variety of masks that need to be used 1-2 times a week in order to cure hair after dyeing, chemicals or other negative influences.

Masks are also necessary if you have naturally problematic curls. Often this problem affects girls with curly hair - unruly, very dry, prone to constant split ends. It is advisable to select a mask based on the advice of your own hairdresser. Also, to know how to care for your hair at home, don’t forget about heat protectants. These are serums, mousses, creams and sprays that need to be applied to curls before blow-drying and straightening with irons.

Homemade recipes for beautiful curls

Even if your hair is naturally beautiful, smooth and silky, sometimes it needs to be nourished natural products. In no case will things get worse from such procedures, plus the natural ingredients do not cause addiction. Therefore, you can interrupt your wellness course at any time without negative consequences. So, the simplest and most famous homemade hair masks are prepared using kefir, eggs and decoctions of various herbs. For example, here is one very simple recipe: slightly heat a glass of kefir on the stove, dissolve 2 tablespoons of colorless henna in it, apply the mixture to the scalp and curls for one hour (you can wear this mask for longer). Then rinse with water and shampoo, treat your hair with rinse. The mask should be done once a week, and thanks to this your hair will become stronger, begin to grow faster and become more voluminous.

As for recipes based on raw eggs, there are a huge number of them. The main thing is to remember that you need to add yolk to masks for dry hair, and protein to care products for oily hair.

Japanese recipes

The most ancient hair masks are said to have been invented precisely Japanese women. That’s why their recipes are the most effective and allow you to restore your hair even after frequent coloring or perm. Naturally, they will also help those with dry hair. So, recipe number one is persimmon balm. We peel one fruit, knead it, mix it with a tablespoon of cream and an egg yolk. Mix everything and apply to clean hair. After half an hour, the balm should be washed off.

soften coarse hair recipe number two will allow. Mash five ordinary plums, add ground rice or rice flour, a tablespoon of cream and a tablespoon of camellia oil (you can use burdock or olive oil). Apply the mask for an hour or two, then wash off with shampoo.

Dry hair is a seasonal issue

Sun and sea ​​salt- incredibly useful things, but, alas, not for hair. Burning out under the summer rays, our curls become not only lighter, but also drier, harsher, and more unruly. Therefore, now we will quickly talk about how to care for your hair in the summer to maintain its beauty and attractiveness. Basic rules will be as follows: stop using a hairdryer (turn it on only in case of extreme rush), try to sleep on silk or satin pillowcases (they prevent your hair from tangling), constantly moisturize the ends of your hair with sprays, oils and other means, but do not cut them until the fall .

Before going outside, mix hair rinse with foam or mousse and apply this mixture to your curls - this way they will be more protected. Mint and chamomile have a very beneficial effect on hair in summer. It is advisable to constantly rinse your hair with infusions of these herbs after washing. Masks made from olive or burdock oils with egg yolk would also be appropriate.

If your hair is a delicate matter...

Brittle and thin hair is a problem for many modern women. This kind of hair is very difficult to style, curl or straighten perfectly, and trying to give it volume is generally a monkey’s work. But if this problem is common to many girls, then the question arises: how to care for thin hair what to use to make them look more attractive? Option one is a haircut. Length - shoulder length, hairstyle - bob, bob. These are the most suitable solutions. Method number two is coloring. Give preference light colors, as black hair will look even sparser. Rule three - always blow dry your hair, just don't forget to use heat protectants. The air should be directed from the tips to the roots. Regular use can add volume to your hair. burdock oil. Before washing your hair, apply it to the skin and hair roots for an hour, then rinse.

Curl to curl

Now let’s turn our attention to how to care for curly hair, because many girls have just such hair. First, let's choose a shampoo and conditioner that you need to use almost every day. It is so laid down by nature that curly hair always dry. Therefore, your shampoo should be sulfate-free, and your rinse or conditioner should not contain silicones. After washing your hair, it is advisable to apply a leave-in cream or spray to your hair, or at least to its ends. This way you will prevent the cutting process. When modern hairdressers talk about how to care for curly hair, they often resort to a technique called co-washing. The bottom line is that we only wash our hair with conditioner that does not contain silicones and sulfates. First, apply the product to your head and rub it into your skin and curls for five minutes. Then we wash it off, and again apply a new portion, but we don’t wash it off, we just leave it for a minute and wash it off.

What are the best hair masks?

    I know kefir mask for hair, her hairdresser told me, she says it helps hair grow faster. Apply kefir to clean, washed hair over the entire length. Wrap it in a cellophane cap and put a towel on top. Leave for an hour, then rinse with cool water. Low-fat kefir. If your hair is oily, then once a week is enough, if it’s dry, then twice a week. I also know an onion mask. Also for hair growth, it activates hair follicles. Grate 2 onions, apply this mixture to the hair roots, leave for an hour, then rinse. But one huge drawback of this mask is that for a very long time your hair, being wet, will smell like onions, but the mask is effective. I myself order oil serums for split ends from catalogs, I like them, and I grab them because my hair is not dyed. And when I was growing it, I tried everything, by the way, you can brew nettle and rinse your hair with the broth, after that it will be shiny and healthy-looking!!!

    In general, I don’t use store-bought hair masks. I sometimes do this: I just buy regular mayonnaise and apply it to my hair, all the ingredients are there; 2nd mask, 1st egg plus homemade sour cream; The Hercules mask nourishes the hair well, although it is difficult to wash it out. Just grind rolled oats, mix 2 tbsp with honey. and with 2 tablespoons of sour cream, apply to hair for 30 minutes. Then wash off warm water.

    I don’t make homemade masks, I don’t understand, I go on my head. Yes, and it seems to me that there are a lot of problems, you don’t need to buy ingredients separately, you made a small mistake in the proportion and that’s it, there will be no result. I'm making a mask with mustard now, hyaluronic acid and macadamia oil. The mask is very cool: improves blood circulation hair follicles, stimulating their growth, prevents hair loss, hair becomes less oily.

    If I take store-bought ones, then only leave-in ones. Really like leave-in mask for hair from Healthy, with argan oil. Since my hair is long, she helps me comb it without loss, gives it mirror shine. I really like the effect!

    I make the rest of the masks myself! I love the effect of a mask with essential oils. I breed them either in base oils, either in natural yogurt or kefir. I can add yolk. After such masks, hair is alive and saturated with energy!

    Of the purchased ones, I use Italian masks, for example, from Brelil, and I am very pleased. But periodically I also make masks folk recipes. I often make masks based on oils, for example, coconut oil, burdock and olive. I add essential oils to them, sometimes yolk, sometimes a spoonful of cognac, if I have it at home. As a rule, I look at what I have from the products and then use them, you can add kefir, you can add bread, yeast, almost all organic products contain vitamins and microelements, so in general they are suitable for hair.

    One of my favorite masks is a mask made from herbal and essential oils. For this mask you need: 1 teaspoon castor oil, 2 tablespoons of burdock oil, 1 teaspoon of red pepper tincture and two drops each of lavender and tea tree. Mix all the ingredients and apply to the hair (but only to the roots of the hair! Because red pepper tincture can dry out the hair), cover the hair with cling film and a towel on top to create heat) leave for an hour, then rinse. This mask is good for accelerating growth hair, since red pepper tincture warms the scalp and, due to this, promotes blood flow. Another one of the best masks is gelatin (to create the effect of biolamination of hair at home). To do this, you need to mix one teaspoon of gelatin with 3 tablespoons of water, stir, and then melt in a water bath, after the mass has cooled a little, you need to apply her on wet hair, keep for 2 hours, then wash off) If desired, you can add egg yolk or some oils, the effect will be even greater! After such a mask, the hair becomes shiny, silky and acquires healthy looking, really the effect is like from biolamination in the salon))

    I’m a busy girl and I don’t have time to bother with making masks myself, so I’m considering the option of only store-bought masks, I used to really like loccitane, but there are very few stores and they cost more than decently, so I started looking for something more affordable and widespread, now I’ve settled on horsepower, and you can buy it at any pharmacy and it’s not cheap, but it’s also affordable. So)

    There are many masks you can make at home. Hair masks based on black bread, also with the addition of yolk, are very good.

    If your hair becomes dry, you can try this mask. One tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of lemon juice, two tablespoons of castor oil. You can also replace oil with olive or flaxseed. After applying the mask, wrap your head in a towel and leave for at least half an hour.

    I like hair masks from Natura Siberiki. There are two of them, one for hair growth and strengthening roots; the second for restoring dry, damaged hair. I alternate them. Before applying, I additionally add one ampoule of root-strengthening oil to the required amount of mask, mix it, I apply it to damp hair, put on a shower cap and leave it on my hair for about an hour. The result is simply super: the hair becomes vibrant, shiny, elastic, smooth, and most importantly, the roots become strong.

In order to determine which commercial hair mask is the best, you need to thoroughly study its composition and understand what effect it has directly on the hair itself.

The main purpose of the masks is to help the hair recover and normalize the functioning of the root system.

They are nourishing, strengthening, restorative, and also specially designed to stimulate hair growth.

Their effectiveness is determined depending on the components that are included in the composition.

All best masks, as a rule, consist exclusively of natural ingredients that do not cause addiction to skin cells, as well as any allergic reactions.

When choosing masks for yourself, you should take into account individual intolerance to certain elements that are included in its composition.

In addition, when choosing these compositions, you should also take into account the reviews of those people who have experienced their effects on themselves.

Purchased masks are convenient because they are already completely ready for use and do not require preparatory measures.

Today in cosmetic stores it is presented big choice hair masks, and which one is the best and most effective, is quite difficult to determine.

Efficiency and real effectiveness various masks for hair is not only proven, but also time-tested.

If you do them constantly, including as a preventive measure, then the hairline not only becomes more natural and healthy, but also truly beautifies a woman.

U quality product the composition is saturated big amount vitamin groups and all kinds of minerals.

In addition to activating hair growth, these compositions change it almost beyond recognition for the better.

It should be noted that with regular use of high-quality compositions, the hair acquires a natural radiance and shine.

The hair on the head becomes smooth and even over its entire area.

It can also be noted that the use of masks allows the curls to acquire a pleasant softness; in addition, they become silky and incredibly attractive.

Data natural remedies They really help your hair get rid of many problems and shine with healthy energy.

Good store-bought masks also work effectively at the cellular level.

Thanks to them, you can quickly strengthen the equine hair system, as a result of which the hair stops excessively falling out, and in addition, the development of alopecia stops.

Data natural compositions They also have an excellent effect on the very ends of the hair, which stop splitting and do not require regular trimming.

Masks help stimulate the work of hair follicles and follicles, as a result of which the growth of hair is activated, which becomes not only thick, but also voluminous.

Curls throughout their entire area are filled with healthy energy, strengthened and become not only strong, but also beautiful.

The real effectiveness of many of these masks is confirmed by numerous reviews from those people who have experienced their amazing effect on themselves.

Of course, in order for a purchased mask to really bring healthy benefits hair, it is necessary that it contains only natural active ingredients.

When choosing these products, you should pay attention not only to the composition and name of the manufacturer, but also to reviews real people, confirming their real effectiveness.

Some types

Of course, when choosing a hair mask in a cosmetic store, first of all, you should pay attention to famous manufacturers, the quality of whose products is time-tested and confirmed by ongoing research.

The composition of such masks, as a rule, is saturated only natural ingredients, which act safely on the body and do not cause allergic reactions.

These compositions perfectly help hair cope with dryness and thinness, and also help stimulate its growth.

These masks are perfect for those representatives of the fair half of humanity who regularly use chemical dyes.

Numerous reviews from real people confirm that after constant application, the hair structure is completely restored, and the curls themselves become smooth and take on a natural shade.

The Brelil brand offers its products in this direction.

Masks from this manufacturer contain a whole multivitamin complex, as well as herbal ingredients that help hair become even and smooth over the entire area of ​​the head.

They are great for activating hair growth, which is filled with natural energy.

Famous cosmetic brand Fusion offers several effective formulations directional action.

These masks consist of plant extracts that help hair almost completely restore its structure.

Products under the Fusion brand are quite easy to use, and the application procedure itself takes just a few minutes.

Long-term use of these effective commercial masks allows the hair to gain volume, healthy shine and natural glow.

The growth of new hair is activated, which is easier to comb and therefore easier to care for.

My effective mask offers a well-known cosmetics company Lush.

It contains components such as jasmine and henna, which make the scalp incredibly smooth and shiny.

What to look for when choosing professional masks for hair growth? What do they have in common, what are their differences?

IMPORTANT! Before you start using masks purposefully, you need to understand the reason for the lack of thickness of your hair. The most common is a genetic reason.

Often there can be a situation where there are a lot of hair follicles, but some of them are in a dormant state. A lot of ready-made ones are aimed at waking them up.

It is impossible to fight genetic characteristics, but it is possible to minimize external limiting factors as much as possible. Knowing about this system-forming factor, you need to avoid falling for the tricks of marketers who declare fast growth curls.

Curls may and will grow faster than usual, but within the limits of what is possible. In addition to genetics, thin hair may be associated with hormonal characteristics or problems, a lack of certain microelements and substances, and poor nutrition.

After eliminating medical problems in the body, a superficial cause is identified, on the basis of which it is planned to neutralize it.

Professional store-bought and pharmacy masks for hair growth often work together to prevent hair loss.

All such tools contain the following standard set of components:

  • microelements;
  • proteins;
  • natural extracts;
  • , including broadcast;
  • preservatives;
  • silicones.

Learn more about use various oils to accelerate hair growth: , .

If, when studying the problem, it turned out that it was the lack of microelements in the hair structure that was the cause of problems with thickness, then the emphasis should be placed on replenishing these substances in the hair and scalp.

Advice. It’s a good idea to purchase a product that contains vitamins A, E, and group B. Hair always requires them, no matter what the cause of the growth problem is identified.

Professional lines for hair growth may contain the following popular components or extracts that stimulate growth processes:

  • linolenic acid;
  • wheat germ;
  • lemon;
  • hop;
  • egg yolk;
  • nettle;
  • cinnamon;
  • mustard;
  • pepper and others.

REFERENCE. You need to be especially careful when choosing products that contain the above-mentioned components, because not every one of them is suitable for a particular girl.

Possible allergic reaction for a certain element of the composition, for example, it often happens for honey. It is also worth remembering that honey and lemon lead to lightening, and nettle, on the contrary, leads to darkening of curls. Therefore, women who decide to maintain their dark/light hair color should not indulge in these products.

Mustard and pepper extracts can awaken dormant hair follicles, but at the same time they dry out the scalp, so these products in masks should be avoided by those with dry hair.

You should be very careful with these elements because they can burn your scalp and cause irritation.

Ready-made products

Let's look at the professional lines of popular brands and evaluate good commercial masks for hair growth: the data is based, among other things, on user reviews.

Siberian nature

The “spa” series includes a mask for hair growth and strengthening. It gives shine and smoothness.

It should also be noted its moisturizing and nourishing properties. This is the line organic cosmetics. It contains only natural extracts and oils.

Golden silk

The line contains a growth activator mask.

The manufacturer guarantees nutrition, growth and silky shine to the hair.


Regenerating and moisturizing effect. Strengthens the hair shaft.

Designed to combat hair loss, as well as to stimulate new growth.

Grandmother Agafya

The line of hair products “Granny Agafya’s Recipes” is distinguished by its natural orientation.

Products in this series are inexpensive, costing approximately 30-50 rubles.

Agafya's mask makes curls thick, strong, voluminous, and shiny.


ecolab hair mask (250 ml) activates hair growth, and this is another natural line of care products.

Makes hair dense, moisturizes, softens.

Like all organics, Ecolab has a cumulative effect.


The texture is creamy due to the presence of sapropel mud in the composition. The manufacturer guarantees that it strengthens curls and stimulates their growth.

The mask also creates volume and has a softening effect. In the first place in the composition are natural ingredients.

There are parabens, but they are in last place.


The composition contains collagen, proteins, pantolactone.

Makes curls strong and shiny. Has a nourishing and regenerating effect.

The hair growth series is represented by the “active-procedure” spray and the Otium Unique series shampoo.


Refers to medicinal cosmetics.


At the beginning of the list of composition there is mineral oil, silicones, and organic components are towards the end of the list. But no parabens.

The product gives a nourishing, moisturizing, softening effect.

Makes curls manageable, but does not give volume.

Designed specifically for dry hair. If your hair is oily, you should avoid this product.

Lady Hannah

It contains only amla oil. This is a favorite remedy of Indian beauties. And for good reason, because amla is a treasure trove nutrients. It is here in powder form and requires dilution with water to the desired consistency.

It has a strengthening effect, thickens the hair, thereby protecting it from split ends. Improves blood circulation on the surface of the head. Stops hair loss and awakens new bulbs.

With all the advantages there is main drawback for blondes - powder gives dark shade . It can also make curls harsh (from personal experience).

Not suitable for dry hair.


The mask restores, makes combing easier, makes hair shiny, soft, and manageable. No parabens. Silicones included.

The product does not promote growth. Products against hair loss and growth are represented by serum.


Moisturizing, smoothness, and restoration of curls are the result of using such masks. There are many different options Kerastase masks, but the problem of thickness is solved only by a mask from the Densific series.

There are silicones in the composition, there are natural oils. Suitable for different types hair.


A therapeutic mask sold in pharmacies. Specifically used against baldness.

Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

There is a men's series. The composition contains silicones, keratin and natural ingredients.


The brand presents a serum specifically for growth. Affects dormant bulbs, awakening them.

Manufacturer promises: soft and smooth curls.

The product nourishes and moisturizes, eliminates fragility. The composition is natural and oily, so it is not particularly suitable for girls with oily hair.

Advice. The choice of presented cosmetics should be approached individually, that is, taking into account the characteristics and type of your hair, and only then the promises of the manufacturers will be fully realized.

For a more impressive result, manufacturers, among other things, recommend the complex use of products from the presented line (balms, fluids, etc.).

Some manufacturers, for example, the specialized line Rinfoltil, offer to the market, among other things, the use of special tablets.

On our website you can find a huge number of recipes for homemade masks for hair growth: , ,

Regular use cosmetics hair care will prolong the youth of your hair, allow it to maintain health, strength, shine, and silkiness.

Among the most popular hair cosmetics are, of course, masks. Medical masks It is recommended to do 2-3 times a week, and preventive ones - 1-2 times a month.

In the vast majority of cases, the product is distributed along the entire length of the hair from roots to ends. Naturally, for long hair you will need more of it than for short hair, so keep in mind that the recipes give average proportions, which must be adjusted depending on the length of your hair.

Blue clay mask

Required: 1 yolk, 1 tsp. blue clay, butter, honey, lemon juice or vinegar essence.

Preparation: Mix all ingredients.

Application. Apply the mask evenly along the entire length of hair from roots to ends. Put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. After 30-40 minutes, rinse off the product and wash your hair with shampoo.

Blue clay mask restores damaged hair, gives them shine and silkiness.

Blue clay cleanses of dirt and dead scales, prevents hair loss. Blue, green and yellow clays fight dandruff. The latter also restores hair, makes it shiny and silky. Red clay is used for oily hair. White clay stimulates hair growth and fights baldness. Gray clay moisturizes hair and strengthens split ends

The color of clay is determined by the substances it contains. All types of clay, except black, are used to treat hair. But this view is effective means in the fight against overweight and cellulite.

White clay mask for oily hair

Required: 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. white clay and dry cream, 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.

Preparation: Mix all ingredients.

Application. Apply the mask evenly along the entire length of hair from roots to ends. Put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. After 30-40 minutes, rinse off the product and wash your hair with shampoo.

Clay and kvass mask

Required: 3 tbsp. l. any clay, 1 glass of bread kvass.

Preparation: dilute the clay with kvass and mix thoroughly.

Application. Apply the mixture to your hair along the entire length. Put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask and wash your hair with shampoo.

This mask perfectly strengthens hair and gives it a healthy look.

White clay and henna mask

Required: 5 tbsp. l. white clay, 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar And colorless henna.

Preparation: dilute clay a small amount water to a creamy consistency. Add vinegar and henna, mix thoroughly.

Application. Distribute the mask over the entire length of the hair, especially carefully rubbing the composition into the scalp. Put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. After 30 minutes, rinse with water and wash hair with shampoo.

The mask helps strengthen hair.

Onion-kefir mask

Required: 1 tbsp. l. kefir and onion juice, 1 tsp. olive, burdock or caste oil and 1 yolk (for dry hair).

Preparation: Mix kefir and onion juice. For dry hair, add oil and yolk to the mask.

Application. Rub the mixture into the scalp, after 30 minutes wash your hair with shampoo. This mask strengthens hair and stimulates its growth. Do not be afraid of the specific smell of onions: kefir neutralizes this “aroma”.

Anti-dandruff mask with olive oil

Required: 4 tbsp. l. olive oil and water, juice of half a lemon.

Preparation: mix the ingredients and heat them in a water bath.

Application. Parting your hair, rub the warm mask into your scalp. After 20-30 minutes, wash your hair with anti-dandruff shampoo.

Mask against dry dandruff

Required: 2 yolks, juice of half a lemon, 3-5 drops of castor or burdock oil.

Preparation e: grind the yolks with lemon juice and add oil.

Application. Rub the mask into the scalp, after 20-30 minutes, wash your hair with anti-dandruff shampoo.

Note. Dry dandruff appears as a result of excessive dryness of the skin. Pieces of skin constantly flake off, making your hair appear as if it were covered in white flakes.

Infusion for dark hair against oily dandruff

Required: 5 tbsp. l. onion peels (about 50 g), 1 liter of water.

Preparation: Boil water, brew onion skins with it and leave for 30 minutes.

Application. After washing, rinse your hair with the resulting infusion. Onion peel It gives the hair a dark tint, so it is not recommended for fair-haired people.

Note. Oily dandruff appears as greasy flakes yellowish tint and arises due to too oily skin heads.

Infusion for blond hair against oily dandruff

Required: 2 tbsp. l. dried flowers pharmaceutical chamomile, 1 liter of water.

Preparation: Boil water, brew chamomile with it and leave for 30 minutes. Then dilute the composition with warm water at the rate of 1 part of the composition to 10 parts of water.

Application. After washing your hair, rub the infusion into your scalp.

Chamomile infusion will give blonde hair golden hue.

Mask with cognac

Required: 1 part cognac, 4 parts juice onions, 6 parts of burdock root decoction.

Preparation: Mix the ingredients.

Application. Rub the mask into the scalp, after 2 hours wash your hair with shampoo. This mask strengthens hair and gives it shine.

Radish mask

Required: 1 fresh radish.

Preparation: grate the radish or pass it through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice from the resulting pulp.

Application. Rub radish juice into your scalp and wrap it in a towel. After 1 hour, rinse your hair with warm water without shampoo.

This mask strengthens hair well.

Banana mask

Required: 1 banana, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Preparation: Cut the banana into pieces and grind with butter or mix the ingredients in a blender.

Application. Apply the mask to your hair, spreading it over the entire length from roots to ends. Put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. After 30-40 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.

A banana mask will make your hair soft and fluffy.

Herbal drink to enhance hair growth

Required: 1 tbsp. l. with a heap of St. John's wort herb (St. John's wort), tripartite herb, burdock roots and chamomile flowers, 1 tbsp. l. without a hill of sandy immortelle flowers, columns with corn stigmas, tansy flowers and Manchurian aralia roots (aralia roots can be replaced with 10 drops of tincture of this plant), 200 ml of water.

Preparation: mix all ingredients, take 1 tbsp. l. mixture and pour boiling water, leave for 12 hours in a thermos or in a sealed container wrapped in a thick cloth.

Application. Drink 0.25 or 0.5 glasses 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Take the drink for 2 months, then take a 2-week break and repeat the 2-month course again.