Rating of baby purees for newborns. Original rating of baby meat puree



Gerber baby food first appeared in 1927, and 80 years later the brand was bought by Nestle. Today Gerber is one of the leading and the best manufacturers baby food. Known for its fruit, vegetable and meat purees, suitable for both first feeding and for introducing an older baby to new dishes. The range of products is constantly growing, and their quality is trusted all over the world.

Domestic brand of baby food. Known since 1999. The first product was applesauce; now, under the Babushkino Lukoshko brand, they produce herbal teas, dry milk mixtures and cereals, vegetable and meat purees. The products of Babushkino Lukoshka have been repeatedly awarded the quality mark of the Russian National Program “The Best for Children”.

Frutonyanya is a domestic manufacturer of baby food. Has proven itself to be of high quality products and affordable prices. For a long time The main products were fruit and vegetable purees, now the range has been expanded to include dairy products - liquid porridge, milk and dairy desserts. All recipes are developed with the participation of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.


A popular American brand, known since 1869. One of the recognized experts in the field of baby nutrition. Known for its dry mixes, cereals, purees and cookies, the list of products also includes juices, noodles and much more. All Heinz products are enriched with minerals and vitamins for the health and growth of babies.

A German company specializing in the production of infant formula and baby food. The environmental friendliness of the products used comes first. Known for its hypoallergenic complementary foods and products for children with anemia. The range of Hipp products is very large, the company never tires of offering parents new tastes.

Vitacare nanny (Nanny)

Manufacturer of powdered milk formulas based on goat milk. Nanny's products are recommended to parents of children with allergies, pregnant women and nursing mothers. The company was founded in the UK about a quarter of a century ago, and now has factories not only in Europe, but also in Australia and New Zealand. In Russia, the exclusive distributor of Nenny mixtures is the Bibikol company.

Nutricia (Nutritsia)

A Dutch company specializing in the production of dry milk formulas and cereals for children. It was founded at the end of the 19th century. Now the company owns 21 factories for the production of baby food, including in Russia. Nutricia specialists are constantly working to improve the formula of their product, enriching it useful minerals and vitamins.

Beech Nut

American manufacturer of baby food, on the market for about 120 years, the most popular products are canned fruit and vegetable purees. Beech Nut focuses on the naturalness of the product and its hypoallergenicity; for example, only dietary meat is used in meat purees. The company does not use GMOs, its slogan is “We do not produce baby food, we prepare food for children.”

A Russian manufacturer that appeared on the domestic market in 2001. Food supplier for free dairy kitchens. The range of products is very wide - from powdered milk formulas to canned purees and baby cookies. In the production of products, he closely cooperates with specialists from the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Union of Pediatricians of the Russian Federation.

The owner of the brand is Unimilk. The brand appeared on the Russian market in 1998. Tyoma specializes in the production of food for children from 0 to 2 years old. Offers a varied selection of products - mixtures, juices, teas, purees and dairy products. The company complies with environmental standards for the production of baby food.

You can also watch the Test Purchase program. They also determined the best baby food manufacturer.

Test purchase of baby food Video

The birth of a child, no matter how you plan it, brings a lot of trouble to parents, and you will especially not envy those parents whose children turn out to be picky and do not eat everything that is offered to them. Undoubtedly, the main product of newborns is mother's milk, but it is often not enough or not at all, besides, sooner or later the child will need complementary foods - baby food containing a full complex useful vitamins and minerals. Several generations have already grown up on baby food, but baby purees are especially popular among children, which is why we offer a rating of baby purees for 2017, because you can make a choice yourself, taking into account a large number of proposals are difficult.

What baby puree can be called the best?

Experts advise mothers, even those who do not have problems with breastfeeding, gradually transfer the child to baby food - a transitional stage before switching to familiar products nutrition. It is better to do this starting from 4 months of age, although there will be nothing wrong if the child tries the first puree earlier. To the rating baby puree include products containing meat or vegetables, but if you are taking the first steps, pay attention to vegetable purees, and only after the child gets used to them, can you introduce meat into your baby’s diet. We offer a rating of baby food for newborns and slightly older babies:

  • Fifth place. When determining the best baby puree for complementary feeding, we assessed the quality and benefits of the main ingredients included in it. The products of the Agusha brand can rightfully be called the best baby food, and since everyone knows beneficial features pears, we were interested in Agusha Pear puree, recommended for complementary feeding starting from 4 months. It does not contain salt or preservatives, but has wonderful aroma and taste.

  • Fourth place. The rating of baby rabbit and turkey puree includes products of the Hipp brand, whose authority cannot be doubted, but in the early stages artificial feeding We are more interested in vegetable dishes, so Hipp Pumpkin puree is ideal. As you would expect, it does not contain preservatives, it also does not contain sugar or salt, but it does contain good taste and a large number of useful substances contained in pumpkin. It is recommended to introduce it into a child’s diet starting from 5 months.

  • Third place. The rating of baby broccoli puree is deservedly topped by the product of the Gerber brand, and Gerber “Only Pumpkin” is the best of its kind. It does not contain any preservatives, there is no sugar or salt in the puree, and it contains all the beneficial substances contained in pumpkin.

  • Second place. “Only zucchini” - this is how the Gerber company presents its next product, whose baby food was also included in the rating of baby zucchini puree. Perhaps this is the best baby puree for newborns, although, like any complementary food, it is recommended to be introduced into a child’s diet starting from 4 months of age.

  • First place. The best baby puree, according to mothers, is also made from a natural product - zucchini, without adding salt, sugar or harmful preservatives. It's about about the product of the Spelenok trademark. This is the best baby zucchini puree, and this is confirmed by many parents surveyed, and the conclusions of experts confirm this.

The first feeding is very important stage in the life of a baby and his mother, the first step in adult nutrition. Here it is important not only to find a natural product that is prepared only from natural, fresh products, but also an ingredient composition that is compatible with the child’s body and will not cause allergic reactions and digestive problems. The first thing you need to pay attention to after opening the can is whether the “click” characteristic of canned food has occurred (there must be one). Do not forget to read the composition, it may contain components that activate allergic reactions, for example, gluten, lactose or milk protein.

To make choosing baby food much easier, this rating was created based on the opinions of customers and experts.

Semper Broccoli with rabbit and rice

Semper is a very affordable multi-component puree for children from 9 months, the price of which is only 120 rubles per 200 gram jar. Rabbit is one of the most digestible meat products, the percentage of digestible proteins is 96% - this is even more than that of turkey and chicken. A special feature of rice is that it contains no gluten, which is often contraindicated for children due to allergies to it. Broccoli is an easily digestible cabbage, a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Benefits of broccoli: eliminates constipation, normalizes blood sugar, strengthens the nervous system, completely hypoallergenic, 100 grams of the product contains 100% daily children's dose of vitamin C, 25% dose of calcium and 10% iron. Semper puree is prepared exclusively from natural ingredients: rabbit, broccoli, rice, carrots, salt, water, rapeseed oil, rice flour (for thickness), and cream.

TEMA Chicken with beef

The ninth place in the ranking of baby purees in 2018 is occupied by the TEMA brand with chicken and beef. The composition is truly natural, quite high in calories, and not entirely hypoallergenic, namely: chicken and beef, rice (gluten-free), salt, dill (extract), milk powder and water - all this allows us to draw one conclusion: you should consult before use with a doctor, because dill, or rather it essential oils, and milk (lactose) can cause allergies in a child. What is healthy about beef: it contains all the necessary amino acids; helps strengthen the heart, bones, muscles, cleanse the body of “bad cholesterol”; improves memory. Chicken does everything the same, only it is more greedy for “extra” calories and generous with glutamine, an amino acid that stimulates muscle growth. The price for a 100 gram jar is 50 rubles. TEMA is the most cost-effective product for children not predisposed to allergies.

Milupa Nutricia Turkey

Nutricia is a global manufacturer and the strongest leader in the field of baby nutrition. So, Milupa from Nutricia with turkey flavor is really made from incredibly tender meat from a seemingly so “obstinate”, pompous bird. The composition, in addition to turkey meat, includes water and starch. According to reviews, the composition is light, as befits the color of poultry fillet, clean, uniform, with a pronounced smell of young turkey meat. Suitable for first feeding from 6 months. Turkey has very good health indicators: firstly, turkey meat is 95 percent digestible, and secondly, it contains a lot of potassium, which strengthens the walls of the heart and blood vessels, and phosphates - an integral structural material of DNA and RNA. The price per jar is about 80 rubles. It is recommended to consume two single-component baby purees from rabbit and turkey sequentially: rabbit is introduced into the diet first, and only then, a month or two later, turkey.

Bibikol Apple and goat curd

The product is created for real gourmets. According to reviews, the composition tastes vaguely like cheese curds with apple filling, only without sugar. Bibikol is prepared from apples and natural goat cottage cheese, in which, due to fermented ripening, caseins (proteins) are broken down and lactose is hydrolyzed - decomposed into simple sugars. Thanks to these processes, the likelihood of allergic reactions and the inability of milk proteins to be absorbed by the child’s body is reduced. Apples are a storehouse of iron and the antioxidant catechin - one of the most powerful antioxidants (by the way, the enzyme catechin is the main organic substance due to which the fruit darkens after cutting, having entered into a chemical reaction with oxygen). Duet of two the healthiest products fills children's body energy, improves immunity, stimulates growth muscle mass, has a beneficial effect on the vital activity of beneficial microflora in the intestines. The price for an 80 gram jar is about 100-110 rubles.

Heinz Zucchini

Heinz adds baby zucchini puree to the list. The product does not contain salt or sugar; it is prepared from natural zucchini with the addition of corn starch and water to give the consistency a uniform, slightly liquid richness. Squash fruits contain a large amount of minerals and vitamins: potassium, magnesium - strengthen the heart muscle, blood vessels; titanium – necessary for the formation of red blood cells, as well as the synthesis of hemoglobin; aluminum is indispensable in the construction of bone and connective tissue, which is why zucchini is so valued in the diet of a growing organism; vitamins of groups B, and C, etc. Zucchini puree has a moderate diuretic effect, thereby helping to remove salts from the body - this means that you will need to change diapers a little more often! It is recommended to introduce it into the diet of children aged 4 years and older. The minimum portion of 80 grams costs about 35 rubles.

Grandma's Lukoshko with zucchini

Babushkino Lukoshki is the best baby zucchini puree. The product is prepared from 100% zucchini puree - boiled fruits, finely ground with a blender or device that performs a similar function. Recommended as first complementary food from 4 months of age. Zucchini is much more healthy and high-calorie than its close relative, the cucumber, and it is also easier to digest, especially when boiled. Due to the fact that the mass fraction of dry (without water) substances in mature squash fruits is greater than in cucumbers and other melons, a portion of Babushkino Lukoshko with zucchini turns out to be quite thick. Ripe zucchini fruits contain a whole complex of vitamins and microelements: tocopherol – a natural antioxidant; vitamins C, A – strengthen the body’s protective functions; potassium is a conductor of nerve impulses, etc. The price for a product of 80 grams is 50 rubles.

Frutonian with a rabbit

Frutonyanya with rabbit is the best baby puree for complementary feeding from 6 months, when the child’s teeth begin to actively grow. Thanks to the formation of the dentition, more solid foods rich in amino acids (about 19, including essential ones) of animal origin, such as meat, can be gradually introduced into the children's diet. One-ingredient Frutonyanya with rabbit will truly become the “first meat dish” for a baby, because... The composition contains exclusively fresh rabbit meat, rice flour, refined corn oil and a drop of water to give it a rare consistency. The rabbit is well digested by the nursery digestive system. Rabbit meat belongs to the group of hypoallergenic, dietary, because... contains in a relatively small portion daily norm easily digestible proteins, minimal amounts of fat and cholesterol, which is very important for children whose muscular system and heart experience “hyperactive” growth after 4-5 months. Price for 80 gr. a jar ranges from 70-90 rubles.

Frutonyanya from apples

Everyone knows about the benefits of apples, and that is why Frutonyanya fruit puree with apples is one of the best baby purees according to mothers in terms of price-quality ratio . « Frutonyanya" consists exclusively of 100% natural applesauce with the addition of ascorbic acid, without starches and sugar. Applesauce has a significant effect on the body: it helps eliminate toxins, purify the blood, breaks down cholesterol, and also cleans the baby’s “first teeth.” Ascorbic acid accelerates the breakdown of glucose and the absorption of iron, has a beneficial effect on the liver, effectively prevents the formation of oxidants in redox processes in the body, and has a beneficial effect on coagulation, increasing blood clotting. The price for a 100-gram jar is only 25 rubles. Suitable for children from 4 months.

Gerber Broccoli only

The top brand in the ranking of baby broccoli purees is Gerber. It is prepared only from real broccoli, the mass fraction of which is 80% (the remaining 20% ​​is purified water). As everyone knows, broccoli is recommended to be consumed not only by children, but also by adults, because... the vegetable is very useful. Despite its specific taste, “fluffy” broccoli always flaunts in the world’s top healthy vegetables. Broccoli is a completely hypoallergenic product that contains a decent amount of fiber, which promotes better removal of waste from the body, and phytoncides - biologically active substances secreted by plants to suppress the growth and complete destruction of bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Thus, broccoli is used for prevention various diseases in children and adults. The product contains all the most essential vitamins, minerals, vegetable proteins. Price for 80 gr. a jar is about 35-50 rubles. Suitable for complementary feeding from 4-5 months.

Gerber Cauliflower only

The rating of baby puree with cauliflower is occupied by Gerber. The product belongs to the monocomponent group and is suitable for use by children 4+ months of age as a first complementary food. This product consists of 100% natural cauliflower with the addition of water in a ratio of 6:1, does not contain sugars, soy, preservatives, GMOs or other harmful additives. Clinical researches show that cauliflower - perfect product for the first feeding: it is easily digestible, does not cause flatulence, very rarely causes allergies, promotes normal growth heart, and has a beneficial effect on the baby’s blood vessels and nervous system. Cauliflower is rich in vegetable proteins, vitamins A, C, D, E, K, PP, etc., minerals, acids (including omega-3). The price for an 80 gram portion is 35-40 rubles.

Updated: 04.11.2018 17:14:45

Expert: Laila Weiss

The topic of introducing complementary foods into the diet of infants is always relevant among young parents, especially those raising their first child. The opinions of doctors and experienced neighbors and parents often differ, and you still have to make a decision on your own. However, regardless of whether it is decided to introduce pureed fruits or vegetables into the baby’s diet at 4, 5 months or six months, it is equally important to choose the brand, because even the same product may cause the baby to have completely different sensations. We will not give advice on the product for the first introduction into the diet; we will leave the age of the babies for this event to the discretion of specialists, but we will tell you which puree manufacturers are preferred by most parents in Russia. We present a rating review, which includes 12 best purees for the first feeding. We compiled it based on the reputation of manufacturers, the opinions of pediatricians and consumers.

Rating of the best manufacturers of purees for first feeding

Nomination place Name of product rating
The best foreign manufacturers puree for first feeding 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.7
4 4.7
5 4.6
6 4.5
7 4.5
The best domestic manufacturers of purees for first feeding 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.7
4 4.6
5 4.5

The best foreign manufacturers of purees for first feeding

We present well-known and not so well-known brands of baby food that are in demand in Russia.

The Swiss brand, which originated at the beginning of the 20th century, is today known throughout the world and is considered the standard of baby food - the company strictly monitors production technology and pays special attention to product selection and recipes. Gerber puree includes a minimum of liquid, a maximum of vegetables and fruits. The manufacturer's line for the first stage includes a variety of one-component purees with a homogeneous consistency that is easy to learn to swallow. The packaging is a glass jar that contains 80 grams of pure product.

The average price for one jar is from 35 to 50 rubles.


  • One-component purees with a pure composition;
  • 5 types of vegetables and apples;
  • Retracted cap;
  • Transparent glass jar with a single serving of food;
  • Affordable price.


  • Not defined.


The German food brand offers a line of purees for babies’ first acquaintance with “ adult food" Recently, Heinz has gained popularity among young parents introducing their first complementary foods - the products are distinguished by their purity of composition, their soft consistency is often liked by babies, and they “go with a bang.” The point is strict adherence to the recipe and technological rules for making purees that meet European and American standards. The taste of grated vegetables and fruits is natural, rich, and comfortable to perceive.

You can buy a jar of puree from zucchini, apples, pears, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots for 35...60 rubles.


  • 6 types of vegetables and fruit purees;
  • No additives;
  • High quality requirements;
  • Good price;
  • Soft consistency.


  • Not defined.


The German company Hipp dates back to the end of the 19th century and is a worthy competitor to Gerber and Heinz. One of the brand's ideas is to produce products from organic products for children. Thus, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli and corn, as well as potatoes are grown on plantations of partner farms in natural conditions without carrying aggressive drugs into the soil. All of them, and then the products, are tested in the leading European laboratory Hipp.

The puree is sold in glass jars of 80 and 125 grams, a small portion can be purchased from 44 rubles, which more expensive product similar volume of other companies.


  • One of the widest product lines for first feeding;
  • No reduction in the quality of the puree;
  • Different volumes to choose from – 80 or 125 grams;
  • Consistency suitable for complementary feeding.


  • The price is comparatively higher than other brands for the same volume.

On the fourth line of the consumer rating is a relatively young brand from Europe for the production of baby food, Bebivita. The series for babies from 4 months includes pureed zucchini, cauliflower inflorescences, ripe carrots and healthy broccoli. The composition contains a base component free from GMOs and chemical additives; the manufacturer additionally adds corn oil, a storehouse of essential fatty acids, and rice flour, which contains fiber to improve digestion, which often suffers when new products are introduced. The taste of the puree is natural, consistency and quality meet European standards.

The average price of a jar of 80 grams of puree is from 33 rubles.



  • Possible intolerance to additional components.

The brand, originally from Switzerland, Semper produces homogeneous puree for feeding infants, enriched with oils, fatty acids and additional microelements necessary for better absorption of the main components. The product line for the first stage includes homogenized broccoli, combinations of potatoes and zucchini or zucchini (which, in our opinion, are basically the same thing). The puree is offered in 125 gram jars, you can buy them from 50 rubles.


  • Improved composition;
  • European quality;
  • Optimal price in terms of volume.


  • There are no small serving jars.

Few have heard of the German company HUMANA, which specializes in the production of organic food, that is, the raw materials used are free of any unnecessary inclusions in the form of fertilizers, pesticides and antibiotics, and they are carefully tested in laboratories at the plant. HUMANA puree is available in 125 g jars, the line includes single-ingredient and combined nutrition for infants from 5 months.

Note: in addition to the main vegetable or fruit, the puree contains corn flour - a source of fiber, as well as water and Apple juice to obtain a soft consistency that is easy to swallow. However, these additives often frighten young mothers, although they do not pose any danger and do not reduce the value of the product.

The average price of a jar is from 70 rubles.


  • Biological puree;
  • Digestive supplements;
  • A variety of vegetable and fruit purees with one component and combinations.


  • There is no small volume for the first complementary feeding;
  • High price;
  • Found mainly in specialized stores.

The world-famous NUTRICIA brand presents a line of purees for introducing the first complementary foods. Carrots, apples, pears, bright broccoli and tender cauliflower, banana - the NUTRICIA range includes all the main vegetables and fruits that are usually fed to babies from 4, 5 months and older.

To improve digestion, the manufacturer adds corn flour and milk powder to the crushed product - it helps the baby’s body better adapt to the new dish. There is absolutely no point in being afraid of these additives - the quality of the puree has been confirmed by European laboratories, the puree has a balanced and carefully selected composition.

The average price of a jar is 125 g. – 40 rubles.


  • Low price for large jars;
  • Improved composition;
  • A wide range of purees for all stages of complementary feeding.


  • Large banks only;
  • Liquid consistency.

The best domestic manufacturers of purees for first feeding

Russia is rich in fruitful farms, so locally produced vegetable and fruit purees are very competitive and most in demand. One of the demand factors is the relatively low price, because transportation costs are kept to a minimum.

FrutoNyanya is one of the favorite baby food brands among Russians. All types of complementary feeding purees are recommended for children with early age from 4 months by the Russian Union of Pediatricians, they have been tested and found safe.

For the first complementary foods, the Frutonyanya line includes pureed zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin, and apples. The product has an ideal consistency - thicker than milk, it is convenient to give and instills the ability to swallow in infants. On the wall of the small transparent jar there is a scale with divisions in grams, which will help you control the amount of product eaten. You can buy FrutoNyanya puree from 30 rubles per 80 grams.


  • Pure composition of one-component puree without additives;
  • Small jar volume – 80 g;
  • Scale divided into grams;
  • Individual packaging in polyethylene with a lock for each jar;
  • Affordable price.


  • Not defined.

The food “Babushkino Lukoshko” is not widely advertised, but is in high demand on the Russian market. The point is an ideal quality-price ratio - puree with a uniform consistency, correct thickness, no additives in the composition, only boiled and pasteurized vegetables and fruits, water. The series for infant feeding includes, as usual, soft zucchini, delicious cauliflower, yellow pumpkin, and healthy broccoli. There are no salt or sugar components, but children usually like the taste from Grandma's Basket.

The puree is packaged in transparent jars of 100 g. With paper sticker and a lid with a retracted center. The average price is from 35 rubles.


  • Affordable price for a 100 gram jar;
  • Pure composition of one-component purees;
  • Pleasant consistency and taste for children.


  • Not found at the first stage.

Agusha, a brand of budget products for children's diets, produces tasty and valuable purees from one component for complementary feeding without additives. Quality and safety are under the watchful supervision of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, with which Agushi’s founding company, Wimm-Bill-Dan, cooperates. For the little ones, the manufacturer offers the “First Spoon” series: sweet grated apples or pears without sugar, vegetable squash, pumpkin puree, broccoli and cauliflower. The line also includes biokefir and juices for babies from 4 months, which will help expand the diet already at the first stage.

Starting price 100 gr. – from 30 rubles.


  • Quality control of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences;
  • Wide range of “First spoon”;
  • Affordable price;
  • 40 or 50 gram mark (for 80 and 100 gram cans) for easy portioning.


  • The consistency seems liquid, inconvenient to serve to a child.

Tyoma puree will appeal to those parents who introduce new products into the infant diet no earlier than six months. Meat, vegetable, fruit combinations and juices are designed for babies from 6 months. For four- and five-month-old children, the assortment includes only juices and zucchini puree (5+). However, the products of the domestic brand “Tyoma” are preferred by many parents throughout Russia due to their loyal pricing policy manufacturer and high quality nutrition without complex composition.

All purees are sold in tin cans 125 gr. Such containers will not break like glass ones, and Sun rays Vegetables, fruits and meat are not at all threatened.

Starting price – 40 rubles.


  • Big choice;
  • The tin packaging is protected from damage and protects the puree from light rays;
  • Optimal quality-price ratio.


  • The line does not include products for complementary feeding from 4 months, only from 5-6.

The enterprise "Gardens of Pridonya" relatively recently launched the TM "Spelenok". These are products for babies of different ages: a variety of fruit, vegetable and combination purees. It is noteworthy that you can buy the product either in glass jar, and in cardboard box 125 grams, which will cost slightly less - only 20-25 rubles. The manufacturer does not hide: sugar is added to some types of puree, for example, peach puree. Moreover, it is written on front side packaging - no surprises for parents.

The Spelyonok assortment is represented mainly by vegetables and fruits, because the Pridonya Gardens company independently grows all crops and guarantees the purity of the raw materials. The quality control of the finished product is carried out by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.


  • A wide range of vegetable and fruit purees for children from 4 months;
  • Quality control of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences;
  • Glass and cardboard packaging to choose from;
  • Low price.


  • Some foods appear runny;
  • Some purees contain additional components (sugar).

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

A baby is a small, very fragile, vulnerable and susceptible creature to the most insignificant changes for an adult eye. That is why caring mothers try to do everything in the best possible way for their little one.

You should be extremely careful when choosing food for your baby.

This statement also applies to food for the baby, especially the first complementary foods. According to the rules, it starts with one-component vegetable puree. Since children, like their parents, are all completely different, the issue of infant nutrition can be resolved in two ways:

  • Cooking your own food for your baby;
  • Jarred vegetable puree.

Arguments in favor of jarred puree

Cooking yourself may be better, but only when there is firm confidence that the products, in particular vegetables, do not contain elements that negatively affect the growing and actively developing children's body. Yes, it’s still quite cumbersome to grow vegetables on your plot or balcony that are recommended for baby’s first food (cauliflower, broccoli). It is much easier and more reliable to use jarred baby vegetable puree.

Are you sure that the vegetables used for homemade puree are completely safe for your baby?

It’s canned because its recipe is developed by specialists in the field of nutrition specifically for the little inhabitants of our green Planet. Scientists and nutritionists take into account a huge number of factors that influence not only proper physical “maturation” infant, but also on its mental, somatic and other important functions.

The most selected products are used as ingredients in baby purees.

Below is presented short review the most famous, high-quality and trusted brands of baby vegetable puree.

Popular domestic brands

"Frutonyanya" is a time-tested brand.

"Frutonyanya"- the most famous, sought-after, competitive domestic brand. The company produces a huge line of products for the youngest and older children. Baby vegetable puree for starting complementary feeding is presented in 4 variations (broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower, carrots) - all this is a monocomponent food containing only the vegetable itself and water. For little ones who have mastered the first dish in their lives, the company offers 6 options for different vegetable mixes, which also do not have by-products (salt, starch). Shows concern "Frutonyani" and in the way of packaging each children's food portion: in addition to the hermetic lid, closed at the factory under pressure, the company has provided additional protection in the form of a dense polyethylene, environmentally friendly film to prevent dirt from getting under the lid of the jar. Conveniently, the film has divisions in grams (25, 50 and 75).

All Frutonyan products are tested, approved and recommended for feeding young infants by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. The price for one 100 gram jar of vegetable puree does not exceed 28 rubles.

Larisa shares her experience of feeding her child « Frutonyanya »:

“Almost every mother tries canned food, which she gives to her young child. At the same time, her personal opinion boils down to the fact that it is impossible to eat this incomprehensible substance of a greenish or generally untrustworthy color. That’s what I thought too, until my friends (also young mothers) advised me to try vegetables from Frutonyanya. Overcoming my doubts, I bought one jar to try. Both my and the little ones’ expectations were fully justified: both the smell and taste were appetizing, so my daughter gobbled up the entire jar at once and very quickly. Now we only sit on Frutonyan.”

Economical option

"Granny's Basket"- the most affordable, but no less quality Russian brand. The company's line of one-component vegetable purees consists of:

  • Cauliflower;
  • Broccoli;
  • Zucchini;
  • Pumpkins.

This is an excellent selection, with the exception of the last vegetable on the list, for children on IV and having allergic problems. A 100 gram jar of vegetable puree can be purchased from 23 rubles.

“Babushkino Lukoshko” has won the trust of many mothers.

There is quite a diverse range of one-ingredient fruit treats for the youngest children. Apart from water and, in fact, the vegetable or fruit itself, nothing else can be found in the puree.

Special treat

For older children, the company offers cod, pink salmon and salmon puree, which is extremely rare for sale from other manufacturers.

Violetta talks about her impressions of the “Babushkino Lukoshko” vegetable puree:

"At scheduled visit The latter pediatrician recommended that I start introducing complementary foods to my son. The doctor offered a choice of 2 brands: “Gerber” and “Babushkino Basket”. I couldn’t find one-component “Gerbera” in the store, so I bought a “basket,” especially since I had heard quite a lot of flattering things about this brand.

I will say that the product pleased me with its consistency, quantity, and price. I really liked that the lid opens easily. What confused me was the smell, not the most pleasant, but the child gobbled it up on both cheeks, without any whims. We've been eating it for half a month now - everything is wonderful! I recommend!”

Popular and in demand

"Subject"- a domestic brand that has gained popularity among many mothers and fathers (although you can also find Hungarian production). Under the brand "Subject" mainly dairy products are produced, but producers and children who are just starting to get acquainted with the huge world of new taste sensations. Zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli - this is an assortment for the first feeding. The puree contains only vegetables and water. The price scale begins from 28 rubles for a 130 gram jar.

“Tema” puree is in no way behind other brands in popularity.

Nadezhda shares about introducing her baby to this brand:

“We really liked it, and the fact that it’s liquid confirms what it says on the package: “zucchini and water.” Other manufacturers often add all sorts of thickeners. My opinion: thickeners have no place in baby food. Everything should be natural!”

Famous import brands

"Gerber"- its manufacturer is the Swiss company Nestlé. At the first stage of complementary feeding, the company offers 4 types of one-component vegetable purees and 2 fruit purees. In vegetable puree you can find only 2 components:

The jars hold 80 grams of product. The company specializes not only in the production of baby food. Nestlé produces a huge range of gastronomic products from infant formula to chocolate. Nestlé has confidently maintained its leadership position in the global market for more than 140 years. An 80 gram jar costs a little more than those described above popular brands. About 35 rubles you'll have to pay for it in the store.

The driver must maintain utmost safety on the road, especially if there is Small child. In order for the baby to feel comfortable and safe, it is necessary to take care of the baby, the choice of which should be approached with all responsibility.

Every mother has a question: “How much weight should a child gain in the first year of life?” On you will find summary tables that fully describe the rate of weight gain in infants.

Are quality and price comparable?

"Hipp"- a German brand of baby food products competing with Nestlé. It has been known in the world for a period of more than 100 years. As a first complementary food, the company recommends vegetables grown through organic farming (without the use of artificial fertilizers). For babies younger age Hipp offers:

  • Cauliflower;
  • Carrot;
  • Potato;
  • Zucchini;
  • Parsnip;
  • Broccoli.

Long existence on the market speaks for itself.

A little later, according to the company, you can try corn and pumpkin. "Hipp" is sometimes added to some children's one-ingredient dishes rice flour. Minimum price for a jar with a volume of 80 grams - 45 rubles, and for 125 grams - from 60 rubles.

Natalia says:

“It is important to me what is written on the jar because my baby’s bowel movements are irregular. Complementary feeding was started to improve digestion. I wouldn’t use it with rice or any other flour because it strengthens the intestines of babies. The manufacturer adds flour to make the puree thicker. From this we can conclude that it was originally liquid. And why? Because they save on ingredients.”

Expensive is not always good

Brand "Semper" represents Sweden. The company offers enriched with vitamins, minerals and vegetable oils vegetable products:

  • Broccoli;
  • Zucchini with potatoes;
  • Cauliflower;
  • Zucchini with potatoes are wonderful options for the first hypoallergenic complementary food.

Safe complementary feeding is guaranteed with Semper.

The puree does not contain preservatives or any flavorings, as well as other unnecessary ingredients except rice flour. Price for one A 125 gram jar starts at 55 rubles.

They will help solve the problem of sleepless nights for parents. This design allows you to rock your baby to sleep without getting out of bed. You save energy so that you can wake up refreshed and in a good mood in the morning.

Diathesis is bright red spots that appear on a child’s cheeks. There are many things that can cause a red rash: various reasons. We'll talk more about them in.

European standards

Company "Heinz" founded in the USA. Production and supplies to different countries established in Italy. The manufacturer offers a standard set for the first complementary feeding. You can see corn flour in vegetable purees. As the manufacturer explains, “for consistency.” Serving per 80 grams can be bought for at least 36 rubles.

So delicious that you can't stop eating!

Does tastier mean healthier?

"Bebivita"- one of the brightest German representatives of baby food products. The Germans offer the youngest citizens of our country to start getting acquainted with new food with:

  • Cauliflower;
  • Broccoli;
  • Zucchini;
  • Carrots.

Bebivita confirms the stereotype about German quality.

In addition to water and the vegetables themselves, the puree includes:

  • Corn oil is a recognized source of unsaturated fatty acids;
  • Coarse rice flour.

Alena about extreme cases of using Bebivita vegetable puree:

“We tried “broccoli” from the “for starters” series. "Bebivita" is not best option canned food, but still at least some option. My advice: if there is such an opportunity - to feed the child with a different brand of puree, then it is better to use it. "Bebivita is an extreme case when there are no other variations, for example, on the road."

h2>What suits whom?

"Nutricia" is a Dutch company that produces a fairly impressive range of products for children and adults. "Nutricia" known in the world for more than 110 years. Has several branches in Russia. For the first complementary foods it produces jars with:

  • Broccoli;
  • Carrots;
  • Cauliflower.

Nutricia puree is going great!

A little later you can try zucchini with cauliflower. In the composition of vegetable puree you can see wheat starch or rice flour. 125 grams of vegetable puree cost about 43 rubles.

Alla talks about getting acquainted with the company’s products:

“I bought it first cauliflower and broccoli from “Babushkino Lukoshka” - it turned out economical. I started with “lukoshka” because we had already tried apple and pear. My child liked everything. However, the vegetable purees that I bought are terrible. The baby refused to eat them. With Nutricia, both cabbages were eaten with a bang, even though they contain apple juice.”

Quality is the main thing!

Company "Bellakt"- the only representative of baby food from Belarus. For babies, the manufacturer offers the usual list of vegetable purees for first feeding. There is no flour or starch in these jars. The price for a 100 gram jar is very economical: from 25 rubles.

Quality and excellent taste in one jar.

Your child is your everything. Take every moment spent with him carefully and joyfully. Choose only healthy canned food for your kids!

Canned baby vegetable puree is a mother's helper in any situation.