Cool bride ransom scenarios and celebration of the second day. Cool bride ransom scenario “Oriental Tales”

For children

Bride ransom is one of the integral parts of any wedding. Bridesmaids prepare for a long time in advance, write a script and come up with competitions for the groom. It will be a lot of fun if you involve neighbors and parents of the newlyweds in the bride price process. The more creative the competitions are, the brighter the memories of the wedding will be. Today there are many different variations of buyouts. The theme can be anything: fairy tales, gypsies, army, etc. The main thing is to play up the redemption process itself in an unusual and artistic way.

Let's look at the most interesting scenarios and competitions.

Scenario #1. Classical.

It is the most common option for ransom among newlyweds. This scenario was popular even when our parents were young.
You will need the following props: colored paper hearts, three footprints (on the first write “by calculation,” on the second by “for love,” on the third by “need”), a large basin, a stool, three cups of water. Add sugar to the first, salt to the second, citric acid to the third. You will also need three shoe boxes: put a slipper in one, the bride’s shoe in the second, and the shoe of the future father-in-law in the third.

“Hello, gentlemen! How long did it take you to get here? Tell us the purpose of your arrival, otherwise there is no entry!”

"For the bride!"

“For the bride? That's it! We value the bride, we won’t just give her away. We need a ransom that cannot be expressed in price. Three bottles of lemonade, a couple of chocolate bars, vodka, beer - everything flows, and a gold ring.”
After this, chocolate, wine, and sweets are collected from the groom.

Witness to the groom
“To prevent the bride from spinning around alone at the window, you must shout to her from here about your love.”
The groom shouts several times throughout the street how much he loves his future wife.

“And now, groom, there’s no escape. Tell us frankly why you are getting married. Here are three tracks in front of you - quickly choose any one” (“by calculation”, “by love”, “by need”).
If the groom does not immediately guess “for love”, then:
“Oh, the reason is bad, definitely not for the groom! If you want to take your bride up high, pay off richer!”

On the stairs, colored hearts are laid out on each step.
“How many hearts - so many kind words echek."

“We want to know the groom, because we don’t know anything about him. Let the witness friend, slowly, list the groom’s merits to us. If he doesn’t name enough, there will be a complete turn from threshold to gate.

“It’s a ladder of songs. How many steps - so many songs.”

“Get up, groom, on the stool! Now let’s evaluate how he’s dressed. Yes. Dressed and shod in fashion. And the jacket is beautifully tailored. It's just lovely how he sits. Stylish tailcoat, watch with fire, even a bowtie with it. In general, we are now calm. You look like a worthy groom."

“For the bride’s beauty, the groom dances on our pelvis. And you, witness, don’t be timid, dance for us the dance of swans.”

Witness (at the bride's apartment)
“Now, dear groom, show everyone what kind of life you will have with your bride. There are three cups of water in front of you. One (with sugar) - talks about sweet life, the second (with salt) - about bitter, the third (with citric acid) – about sour. Drink from any of them, we will understand by your face what kind of life awaits you.”
It is advisable for the groom not to show it even after drinking the wrong cup.

Witness (in the bride's apartment)
“I passed the tests. You've reached the bride. Well, groom, she is yours, only the shoe is mine. If you can’t find the shoe, you won’t be able to take the bride to the registry office.”
The groom chooses the right one from three boxes, puts on the bride’s shoes, and gives her flowers.

Scenario No. 2. Country style.

For this bride price, you need to decorate the entrance of the house and the entrance itself with posters with views of the Wild West, balloons in the shape of cacti and flowers.
You will need the following props: cowboy hats, darts, air balloons, feathers, children's toy rocking horse.

So, let's create the atmosphere of the Wild West. The bridesmaids dance the can-can when meeting the guests and the groom. Then they are given cowboy hats.

The sheriff witness comes close to the groom and asks him about the sincerity of his feelings for the bride. Then come the tests for the future husband.

- Dancing. The groom needs to dance to different types music (country, rock, pop, slow).

- Money. You need to remember the names of all the presidents depicted on dollar bills. Whichever president doesn’t guess correctly, he must give that much to the bridesmaids as a ransom.

- Darts. This competition is intended to test the groom's courage. You need to hit the balls with darts, thereby getting rid of obstacles in your future family life.

Scenario #3. Pioneer is always ready!

A very original plot for bride ransom. It will take guests and newlyweds back to the period of the USSR and the times of the pioneers and Octobrists. You need to decorate the entrance to the house in advance with red flags and posters of those times. You can turn on the appropriate music.

Necessary props: pioneer ties, dumbbells, darts, USSR flag.

When the groom and his friends come for the future bride, you need to find out whether the betrothed is a member of the party and whether he is a pioneer. This is followed by trials, after which the young man will be initiated into a pioneer.

- A true party member should compliment his beloved. But not simple ones, but in poetic form. Let future husband and his friends will come up with shouted compliments and voice them loudly (all over the street).
— A true pioneer must be in excellent physical fitness. To do this, you need to perform various exercises: running in place, long jumps, push-ups, squats, lifting dumbbells, throwing darts.

— At the end, you need to take an oath on the party document. After this, the betrothed will be enrolled in the pioneer detachment and he will be able to pick up the bride at the registry office.

Scenario No. 4. And you will be cured.

Bride ransom based on the plot “at a doctor’s appointment.” The plot is very funny and will certainly make all the guests laugh. Such unusual scenario will create positive attitude for the entire wedding day.

You will need the following details: medical gowns, syringe, hammer, darts, marker, vitamins, juice, carrots.
The groom, having arrived to pick up the bride, ends up at the clinic. On the entrance door there is an inscription “Quarantine”. The witness-therapist examines the betrothed and concludes that the groom is having an attack of melancholy. We need urgent treatment, give us vitamins and juice. They are sent for a medical examination.

An ophthalmologist awaits the groom at the entrance. Tests vision by throwing darts, first with one eye closed, then with the other. As a result, the ophthalmologist comes to the conclusion that the groom is having an attack of severe anxiety. This caused vision deterioration. Diagnosis: in love. Gives the groom a carrot.

A neurologist is waiting at the groom’s apartment. He examines the patient, testing his reflexes with a hammer. Next he gives the groom the task of drawing a portrait of the bride blindfolded. As a result, the doctor draws disappointing conclusions. He diagnoses love and sends him to the next doctor.

An ENT doctor is waiting for the betrothed in the apartment. He examines the patient’s throat and ears and asks him to sing a song while kneeling. The groom sings a song about love, ideally with a guitar.

The doctor makes a conclusion - “falling in love.”
Next, the witness-therapist takes the reports from all the doctors from the groom and announces the final diagnosis - “chronic love”. Writes out a prescription for him - the bride. The betrothed kiss and leave for the registry office.

Original ideas for wedding posters.

Funny nursery rhymes will amuse the newlyweds and guests. The bride price involves the presence of posters in the apartment, the entrance of the house, as well as in the restaurant. Here are examples of inscriptions for a wedding:

If you got married, talk your friend out of it!
A ring on your finger - a collar on your neck!
In order for the union to be strong, we urgently need a toddler!
Who won't have fun. We won't let you get hungover.
Children are the flowers of life. Give me a whole bouquet!
Come on, mother-in-law, don't worry. Give your son-in-law a Zhiguli!

The bride price will be fun and carefree if you arrange it according to one of these scenarios. But the most important thing is presence good mood. Improvise, add a few jokes of your own. And then the ransom will turn out great.

The girlfriends make a daisy out of colored paper in advance and write a number on each petal. The groom's task is to guess what the number on each petal means. This could be a memorable date, or some physical parameters brides If the future spouse and friends were unable to give the correct answer, a ransom is paid for each petal.

Find the mistake

The witness invites everyone to check how competent her friend’s groom is. Above the door of the room in which the betrothed is located, there is a poster: “The blue-eyed girl is languishing in this room.” The witness must indicate any eye color other than what the bride actually has. If the groom guesses, he’s great; if he tries to find a grammatical error, he’ll have to pay him off.


The groom is given a towel and given the task of tying it in a knot as tightly as he loves his chosen one. Believe me, the young man will make every effort. When the knot is checked by the girlfriends, the witness offers the following task: untie this knot as quickly as it is easy for the spouse to solve all the problems of his family. This is where he really has to work hard.

Valuable gift

The bridesmaids place a basin in front of the groom and offer to put in it the most valuable gift that he can now offer her. A male company deliberates for a long time, and the results are the most unexpected and unpredictable. It would be correct for the gentleman himself to climb into the basin, because on this solemn day there is no more valuable gift for a girl than her future husband.

Rescue the princess from captivity

Our bride is imprisoned in a high tower 10 meters high. To overcome 1 meter, you need to answer 1 question correctly, for example, where was the bride born? number of the school where the bride studied? Name best friend brides? bride's foot size? and so on. The friend answers, since the groom probably buzzed his friend’s ears about his chosen one. So we’ll see if we can overcome the heights and rescue the princess from captivity.


The girls need to draw footprints on the stairs with chalk in such a way that it would be difficult for the groom to walk along them. The task is to climb a flight of stairs strictly following the tracks, and for each mistake the young man sprinkles the trail with jingling or rustling currency. If the groom's friends are dexterous, they can carry him in their arms so that he only hits the painted tracks with his feet. But you shouldn’t give such advice - let them figure it out themselves.

Choose a key

When the groom finally makes it to the apartment door, a new obstacle awaits him. Hanging in front of him is 3-5 balloons, each of which contains a key. Having chosen a ball, the man pops it, takes out the key and tries to open the lock. If the door gives in - welcome, if not - pay a fine and try the next ball.


If the house where the bride lives is multi-story, offer the groom to overcome one of the flights of stairs with such a test. For every step he takes, he must give a compliment to his bride. Quite often this test turns out to be difficult for a young man, but the girls already have a bag ready where they put money for the ransom of kind words.

Become girls

In order for the groom to get his bride, he and his team (all men from the groom's support team) will have to become girls for a while. The groom and his friends are given 5 minutes of time and set a condition: for each team member to find and wear any women's item. If you fulfill the condition, you get a bride; if you don’t fulfill it, you pay a fine. And women's clothes can be borrowed from the fair sex guests themselves, from passers-by on the street, in a store or from neighbors.

Father-in-law and mother-in-law

To get a bride, the groom needs to compliment not only his beloved, but also his future father-in-law and mother-in-law, for example, my father-in-law and mother-in-law are a clear month and bright Star; a talented poet and his charming muse; a raging ocean and a cheerful fish in it; beautiful flower and a bee and so on. As soon as the father-in-law and mother-in-law are satisfied with their compliments and say “that’s enough,” the bride will go into the arms of her beloved groom.

Bride ransom - old tradition. Nowadays, during the arrival of the bride, many onlookers and guests gather around the house. Usually from the very morning the groom and girlfriends are with the bride. They can take over organizing the buyout. It should be fun and interesting. Therefore, the redemption process itself is combined with competitions and games.

The main thing in the article

Funny bride ransom scenarios

First you need to decorate the entrance to the entrance. To do this, use an arch of balls, fresh flowers and ribbons. If the bride lives in a private house, then decorating the area is much easier. Prepare in advance everything you need for competitions and warn the groom to take with him many small bills and one large one, coins and champagne candies.

Example scenario:

  • First test. One of the organizers of the ransom meets the groom and the boyar. It is necessary to outline the feet of several girls in advance so that characteristic marks remain. The groom must determine where the trace of his beloved is. With every mistake he puts money into the piggy bank
  • Second test. After the first test, the groom is allowed into the entrance vestibule. Photos of the bride as a child and her bridesmaids are pre-hung here. The groom must choose his future wife. If he makes a mistake, he puts money in the piggy bank. The piggy bank is prepared in advance. It can be an ordinary box covered with ribbons and sparkles.
  • Third test. The presenter asks directly at the elevator to lay out the name of the bride in banknotes. All the money is then put into a piggy bank
  • Fourth test. Having gone up one floor, they place a basin of water in front of the man and ask him to put the most valuable gift for the bride. The groom must guess that it is him. At the same time, the guests hint and give hints in every possible way that the most valuable prize is the groom. When the man answers correctly, he must take off his socks and stand in a basin of water. You need to prepare a towel in advance
  • Fifth test. It is located directly on the last flight of stairs. The host asks the groom to write with chalk on the steps the reasons why he is getting married. Warn the man in advance so he can think about his answers. In some flights there are 12-15 steps, a man must prepare. At the end, the presenter asks for a ransom in the form of sweets and champagne. The groom is allowed into the bride's apartment

Modern bride price in verse

Of course, poems have always been something unusual, so you can organize a bride price using poems.

Sample script in verse:

Happy, good day everyone,
Yes, the groom called the guests,
Do you want to show yourself?
And pick up your daughter-in-law?!
It won't be easy
But still, it will be decided
And first, rhyme,
Just don't be nervous, don't spit,
I want to say one word,
You will take it with you to the registry office,
And this will be the same...?

(Groom's answer: ring)

A man must dance. Moreover, you need to depict three different dances. Different melodies sound for three minutes each. For example, swan dance, gypsy dance and waltz. For every wrong dance, the groom pays money.

You went through everything with a bang,
We give the title of a young man,
Now there will be a task,
Know success in your mind,
I will give riddles
And you answered correctly!

The bride needs her so much

(Answer: veil)

She will be with you again and again,
This big, passionate...?

(Answer: love)

And at least life will be a little easier without her,
But she is very important, dear...?

(Answer: mother-in-law)

And the sun will shine brighter for you,
When will you have...?

(Answer: children)

The groom pays for the bride price

And now there remains one more condition,
You must compose the poem yourself
And a witness can be helpful,
Here are my words to you: a wife, needed, alone, tender,
Make up some of them,
And take the bride!

Usually men are confused, so the presenter can discreetly hand him a sheet of poetry:

Will you be my wife now?
You will be my only one
Most of all I need you
You are so beautiful and gentle!

Groom reads aloud

It's time to finish the poems,
The tasks were not easy
But you were able to complete them all,
And it will be like a lesson,
Now take the bride,
Open the door to a new life,
Love her and respect her
Then there will be paradise all around you!

Comes out to a man future wife, he gives her bridal bouquet, a mini-feast takes place, and everyone goes to the registry office.

Original bride ransom competitions

Without competitions, the ransom turns into a boring rip-off for the groom. Accordingly, you need to try to make the event fun for the guests and the groom and the boyar.

Several competitions for bride price:

  • Darts. It is necessary to attach a regular circle for playing darts at the entrance to the entrance or on the fence. Designations are written on each circle. The furthest ones from the center are a fur coat, then earrings, an apartment, a car, underwear, etc. The apple is everything. The groom throws darts and whatever falls out he gives to the bride.
  • The smell of the bride. For the competition, 5 napkins soaked in perfume are prepared in advance. Among them is the bride's scent, which she regularly uses. The groom must choose the right napkin. If he makes a mistake, he puts money in the piggy bank.
  • Photo report. In advance, the presenter prepares several photographs with some memorable moments in the life of the couple. The groom should briefly tell the story behind the photo. That is, where she was captured, some interesting moments. Guests will get to know the groom better and how the future spouses usually spend time together.
  • Guessing game. For this competition, the groom is blindfolded. Several figures cut out of cardboard are hung on a ribbon or clothesline. This is the silhouette of Baba Yaga, a poker, a bride, a tree. The groom must choose the bride's silhouette.

Bride price in the style of let's get married

This program with Larisa Guzeeva has long won the hearts of many women. If you are a fan of this TV show, arrange a ransom in the style of “Let's get married.” To do this, a table is placed in the yard and three women sit at it. It is advisable that they do makeup and wear wigs, like the TV show hosts. Almost all ransoms are improvised, but there are also prepared competitions.

  • At the very beginning, the groom is asked questions. For example, for what purpose does he get married, what does the chosen one like. After this there is a drawing competition. The groom's friends take part in it. The presenter asks to draw some episode of the groom's life. Anyone who draws a lie, for example, a groom in a library, pays a fine. It’s better to discuss in advance what everyone will draw so that you don’t end up with similar drawings.
  • Next, an astrologer is consulted. It is necessary to prepare a funny compatibility horoscope for the bride and groom. After this, the astrologer hands the groom a piece of paper divided into two parts; he must write down the positive and negative qualities of his chosen one
  • After the competitions, the presenter offers to pull the most expected phrase from the basket, but mostly the groom will pull humorous phrases from the basket like “let’s smoke” or “let’s eat.” At the end, the presenter says the phrase “Let’s get married” and the groom goes to the bride

Bride ransom in quest style

It's modern and funny scenario which involves traveling around the city. Accordingly, it is better if the registration at the registry office is scheduled in the afternoon. To organize a ransom, you will need a map of the city. If you don't want the groom to drive around the city looking for his beloved, draw a map yourself. The bride may be staying with neighbors.

Brief instructions for organizing a ransom in the Quest style:

  • You need to draw on a homemade or purchased map a place where clues about the location of the bride will be located. Place your phone in the designated place. Once the groom finds it, he must call the last number listed. There he will receive the next clue
  • Next, he goes to where the person on the phone sent him. Hide a note with the following clue under the bench. You can use rebuses to encrypt the location of the next clue
  • Thus, the groom will walk around the districts, near the place where the bride is hidden. In the end he will have to pay to the last person, who will tell you where the bride is. This is a very exciting ransom, however, the groom will be tired even before the registry office

Bride ransom in mafia style

To buy in this style you need to prepare accessories. These are toy guns, black hats and ties. The bridesmaid and bridesmaids wear accessories over their dresses.

Redemption scenario:

  • Witness: “Have you come to become related to our clan? Come on, girls, look at this daredevil. To get our bride, you must prove to us that you are familiar with the history of the mafia." Witness asks to name five films about the mafia
  • Witness: “Well, you know the history of the mafia, now answer questions related to the history of our clan.” They bring out cards with a set of numbers. Each card contains memorable date for the bride's family. It could be the mother-in-law's birthday, parents' wedding day, etc. If the groom makes a mistake, he puts the money in the piggy bank
  • Witness: “Now prove to us that you can protect the bride from a bullet. Prove your accuracy." They hang a dartboard on the wall and give the man three darts. He must hit the bull's eye in three attempts. If he fails, he pays a ransom. Then the boyar tries to correct his friend’s failure
  • Witness: “Now the last obstacle is before you and you must open this door.” She gives him a hairpin and offers to use it to open the door. Of course, nothing works out for the groom. The witness suggests popping the balloons at the door and finding the key. For each empty balloon, the groom pays money. Having found the key, he opens the door and receives the bride

Bride ransom in fairy tale style

You can choose any fairy tale that you like. Prepare costumes from improvised clothes and wigs. Apply makeup, you can use masks.

An example scenario for a fairytale ransom:

  • For this scenario the following characters are needed: Devil, Angel, Vodyanoy and Gypsies
  • Angel: “Hello guests, has a good fellow come to ransom the bride? Come in, you will be a guest. We’ll feed you, give you something to drink and keep you warm.” The groom is allowed to the entrance. But then the Devil pops up
  • Damn: “Well, well done, what did you set your sights on? The girl is skin and bones, choose something suitable.” Gives the groom photos of fat women
  • Angel: “Well, again you’re getting in the way, fooling people’s minds. Go away, let the fellow take the bride."
  • Damn: “Okay, let him go, good riddance.” Goes to pester guests, makes them laugh
  • Angel: “The Serpent-Gorynych took your beauty, you will have to save her. Here's the first test. You must put out the fire that the Serpent started.” Candles are burning on the floor; the groom and his entourage must put out the fire
  • The groom goes up to the next floor. Gypsies pester him and ask him to gild his pen. The groom gives them money, and they give him a raincoat. After that, they ask girls 2-3 years old to find their favorite one from a bunch of photographs.
  • The groom goes up to the next floor and meets the merman there. He offers to choose one of his daughters instead of the princess. The groom refuses. Then the waterman places cups of liquid on the floor, some containing vodka. The groom and his entourage empty their glasses
  • The groom rises higher. Copper-colored ribbons are tied to the railings
  • Angel: “You’ve come all the way well, all that’s left is to go through the copper pipes and fight the Serpent.” The groom cuts the ribbons and the angel gives him a sword. A man enters an apartment, the door of which is covered with a sheet with a drawing of a Snake. The groom tears off the fabric and takes the bride

Bride ransom scenario

This is an alternative scenario. It is based on an original Russian lady who will stop a galloping horse. It is necessary to warn the bride in advance about the unusual ransom. The entire scenario is prepared by the future spouse and his friends. It is necessary to prepare a disc in advance with the kidnappers' address to the bride. They report that they stole the groom and demand a ransom.

  • A black car arrives, into which the bride sits and arrives at the place designated by the robbers. The bandits offer to fulfill several conditions for the ransom. The bride must stop any three cars and ask the drivers for money to ransom the groom.
  • The bride is given checkbook the groom's wishes. After this, the bandits exchange the money received from the drivers for a rebus with the indicated street where the groom is hidden. If the bride cannot solve the puzzle, then she tears the check from the groom's book. Desires can be very different. For example, drinking beer with fish in the evening and watching football with the groom
  • The bride is brought to the house where the groom is hidden. There are guards at the entrance. The bride must tie the men's ties around their necks. If he fails to complete the task, he again tears the check from the groom’s wish book.
  • Next, a man runs out of the entrance with five notes written in different handwritings. The bride must recognize the handwriting of her beloved and come to the indicated apartment
  • After this competition, the bride is allowed into the apartment, outside the door of which the groom and his friends are sitting. The bride must guess which voice belongs to her lover. Men say “I love you.” After this, the groom is allowed to see the bride

There are a lot of buyout scenarios, choose the most suitable one.

VIDEO: Cool bride ransom

Bride price is an important part wedding ceremony. The tradition dates back to ancient times, when the groom had to pay in money material things(products, livestock, other valuable items) for the right to marry his beloved.

The ransom is carried out in 2 stages: the first time, when the guy crosses the threshold of the house and pays for the right to enter it, and the second time, when he ransoms the bride.

How to organize a bride ransom

Modern wedding traditions involve wide open space for creativity. You need to take the redemption rules as a basis and draw up rules based on them. interesting scenario with competitions and tasks for the groom and his guests.

The general mood of the guests depends on a correctly carried out ransom, so it needs to be carried out lively and cheerfully, in no case delaying it.

It is important to pay attention to the attributes (posters and Balloons in front of the house entrance, a colorful bag and plates for coins, colored paper blanks for competitions). Distribute roles for the bridesmaids, decide on competitions and riddles. The bridesmaids should actively prevent the groom from going to his bride for free, inventing tricky questions and tasks.

Musical accompaniment is desirable, you can attract an accordion player.

Who conducts the ransom ceremony

For successful implementation competitions, appoint a responsible person who will prepare according to the script and coordinate the actions of guests during competitions. This may be a specially appointed toastmaster with experience who will conduct the ransom quickly and cheerfully. It is not recommended to delay the ceremony for more than half an hour. The bridesmaids and relatives on her side take an active part; their main task is to act out skits and competitions with humor.

Bride ransom competitions

Create a script yourself, choosing the most interesting riddles and tasks for the groom, perhaps in poetic form. The ransom can be classic - in a folk village style, or in the form of a talk show. You can choose a scenario for a gangster or Caucasian ransom, arrange the ceremony in nautical style.

Mafia style - great topic For wedding celebration. Courage, danger, chase, adrenaline and the obligatory happy ending with absolute victory over all enemies will create an indescribable mood for the wedding guests. A great start to your wedding...

Bride ransom is an ancient tradition that comes from the times of Rus'. Previously, it was a real agreement between the girl’s parents and the man who marries her, and was of a financial nature. Bride ransom in modern style- This...

The wedding day for most newlyweds begins not with a trip to the registry office, but with the bride price preceding the wedding ceremony. Vintage wedding customs and traditions say that depending on how fun and joyful the ransom is, there will be...

Beautiful tradition- ransom of the bride's shoe. Rare wedding can do without this game, which brings laughter and fun to everyone. Having deceived the beauty, someone cleverly removes her shoes from her feet, and then sells them to the groom so that he will not be stingy and return them to his beloved.

Meeting of the newlyweds with a loaf - ancient tradition, which came on our holidays. Ordering special bread in advance, having discussed its size and decor with the confectioners, is the right idea. You will also definitely need towels and a salt shaker installed on top of the confectionery product.

How to beautifully meet the groom without a ransom is important to know for the bride who is sure that her chosen one has no sense of humor. You shouldn’t test his patience; it’s better to do without traditional competitions and tests, and go straight to the registry office.

College-style bride price is good for a student couple who decided to get married in summer holidays. By involving the friends of both newlyweds in the process, you will be able to start the holiday in the morning, and make it fun, exciting, and interesting.

Retro style bride price is becoming more popular every year. A celebration organized in this direction requires a cheerful start. holiday. Accessories include clothing, room decor, food and drinks.

A bride price in the Airborne Forces style is suitable if the wedding involves such a theme or if the groom is related to military service. All you need is the right clothes and accessories, but it’s better to come up with competitions in advance. To a young man He will have to work hard, but his beloved deserves it!

Great idea- bride price in Ukrainian style. Its characteristic features are considered National costumes, songs and dances, treats. An unusual approach to the beginning wedding day guarantees everyone good mood, and if the celebration itself will be on such a theme, then you need to start preparing and assign roles.

How did the ransom tradition begin?

This one is wonderful wedding tradition belongs to ancient times, when a young guy, having chosen his beloved, had to buy her from his parents in front of witnesses in order to take her as his wife. History tells that the ransom was given in money, cattle, other valuables and occurred in several stages:

The first time the groom paid, stepping outside the girl’s gate, buying the right to enter another family. And the second time, being on the threshold of the house, the guy bought the right to marry his bride.

How to organize a bride ransom

To organize modern ransom, it is necessary to draw up a scenario according to which the ransom will take place:

Decorate the entrance wedding attributes. Write out the script, come up with humorous competitions and riddles for the groom. Attract Active participation bridesmaids.

Who should be entrusted with performing the ceremony?

In order for the ceremony to take place, according to all traditions, it should be entrusted to a certain person who will be responsible for carrying out the ransom and monitoring the correct direction of the fun action:

These could be friends, relatives of the bride who are able to play out all the scenes with humor. And it’s best to rely on the toastmaster, who will be able to quickly and cheerfully conduct a traditional ransom ceremony.

Selection of script and competitions

By using your fantasy and imagination, you can come up with several options for the development of events during the ransom of the girl. Create a script following the example of a talk show, in which the groom will have to, after going through all the trials, win the hearts of not only the bride, but also her parents. The ransom of the gangster's lover is original. Organize a nautical-style ransom with various competitions on the water.