What determines the fat content of breast milk? What to do if breast milk has high fat content

For a wedding

The question of how to increase fat content breast milk, worries every second young mother. Pediatricians strongly recommend refraining from such experiments if the baby has good appetite And he's gaining quite a bit of weight.

It has long been proven that the use large quantities Too much fat in mother's milk contributes to the development of dysbiosis in children, and also unnecessarily burdens their immature digestive system.

What fat content in breast milk is considered normal?

In order to increase nutritional value, it is important not only to know what fat content of breast milk is considered normal, but also to be able to determine the percentage of fat content at least approximately.

To do this, you will need a clean test tube, which must be filled 10 cm with expressed breast milk. When calculating fat content, only hind milk, which is released at the end of feeding (expressing), should be used. The percentage of fat it contains is approximately 10 mm of the height of milk in a test tube. The measurement should be made only after the milk has stood at room temperature approximately 6-7 hours.

According to WHO standards, the fat content of breast milk is considered normal within 4%.

What determines the fat content of breast milk?

An indicator such as the fat content of mother's milk depends on how empty the breast is. At the beginning of feeding, foremilk (early) milk is released, which is less fatty in composition and rich in lactose. Hind (late) milk is the most nutritious and is released at the end of feeding. Therefore than less milk in the breast and the shorter the interval between feedings, the more hindmilk the baby receives.

The fat content of breast milk does not depend entirely on the foods that the mother consumes. Breast milk is synthesized from blood and lymph; its nutritional value is primarily determined by the characteristics of the mother’s body and her lifestyle. The percentage of fat in milk does not increase depending on the quality and quantity of food. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of drinking large amounts of liquid while breastfeeding.

Foods that increase the fat content of breast milk

Breastfeeding experts say that there are no special foods that increase the fat content of breast milk. To increase the percentage of fat in milk, a nursing mother should healthy image life and put the baby to the breast more often.

A properly formulated diet will also help normalize the body’s functions and adjust it to the production of fatty milk. When breastfeeding, half of the diet should consist of cereals, fruits and vegetables. The mass fraction of proteins in food products should not fall below 30%, fats - 20%.

Dairy products and cottage cheese, as well as beans, cabbage, fish, carrot juice and greens will help replenish calcium deficiency in the body.

Lean meat will become a source of hemoglobin, which will improve metabolism and help enrich the mother’s body with oxygen. Liver, apples and pomegranates will become a source of iron.

Tea helps increase lactation and fruit juices. Drinking plenty of warm drinks, especially at night, will replenish water balance body and will increase the amount of milk produced.

Numerous studies prove that each mother has her own composition of breast milk, individually suitable for her baby. Therefore, it is a mistake to estimate the fat content of breast milk only on the basis of home studies.

Before taking measures to increase the percentage of fat in milk, it is important to assess the baby's behavior (whether he is restless, whether his demands for latching to the breast have become more frequent) and consult with a breastfeeding specialist.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Every mother knows about how for her baby. Let's talk about the value of breast milk, how to correctly calculate the required amount for a child and how to increase lactation.

Why is breast milk the most beneficial for feeding a newborn?

Mother's milk contains all the components necessary and vital for the child, it is adapted to all digestive processes and metabolism of the child.

  • Mother's milk proteins serve as the basis for building cells and tissues of the rapidly growing child's body. They are very easily absorbed, digested and absorbed.
  • Fats in mother's milk are also easily digestible by the baby; they contain very important nutrients. small child fat-soluble vitamins A and E.
  • Breast milk carbohydrates are represented by lactose, which contributes to the development of beneficial microflora in the baby’s intestines.
  • With mother's milk the baby receives everything essential vitamins, and minerals.

The value of mother's milk also lies in the fact that it enters the child's body sterile, free from germs.

And the very process of breastfeeding a child is a universal opportunity for direct contact between the child and the mother. Not only physical, but also spiritual, which has a beneficial effect on both.

Composition and fat content of mother's milk

Young mothers often worry that the cause of child malnutrition is insufficient fat content in breast milk. But, if the child eats well and gains weight, then there is no need to increase the fat content of breast milk, because this can contribute to the development of dysbiosis in the child.

The fat content of milk itself depends on the degree of fullness of the mother’s breasts. The fattier the milk, the less it is contained in the breast.

Breast milk is classified as “hind” and “front”. Foremilk is given to the baby at the beginning of feeding, and hind milk appears later and is considered the fattest and healthy milk. If the mother alternates breasts during feeding, the baby will receive only light and less fatty breast milk. And in order for the baby to absorb fatty hind milk, it is recommended not to change breasts during the feeding process while the baby is actively sucking.

How much breast milk does a baby need - calculations

Up to 10 days of life:

1. Finkelstein formula as modified by Tour.

Volume of milk per day (in ml) V = number of days of life of the child (n) * 70 (if body weight at birth is less than 3200 g) or by 80 (if more than 3200 g)
V = n * 70 or n * 80

Example. The child's body weight at birth is 3500 g, the child is 3 days old. The number of feedings per day is 8 times.
V = 3*80=240 ml (volume of milk per day).

To find out the amount of milk per feeding, you need to divide the resulting volume by the number of feedings 240/8 = 30 ml (volume of milk per feeding).

2. Zaitseva formula (up to 8 days of life).

V (volume of milk per day) = 2% of body weight at birth * n (number of days of life)

Example. Body weight at birth is 3100 g, the child is 5 days old, the number of feedings per day is 7 times.
V=(2% * 3100g/100%) * 5 (days) = 62*5=310 ml of milk (per day).
For one feeding 310/7= 45 ml

3. The amount of milk taking into account the capacity of the stomach.

V = 3ml * day of life * body weight (in kg)

Example. The child is 5 days old, body weight 3.3 kg
V = 3*5*3.3 = 49.5 ml per feeding.

From the 10th day of life:

1. Volumetric method Geibner

- 10 days - 2 months - 1/5 of body weight (actual)
— 2-4 months - 1/6 of body weight
— 4-6 months - 1/7
— 6-9 months - 1/8
— 9-12 months -1/9

The volume of food should not exceed 1 liter.

Example. The child is 2 months old. 10 days, body weight 4450, number of feedings per day 6 times.
Milk volume per day = 4450/6 = 741.6 ml
Volume of milk per feeding = 741.6 / 6 = 123.6 ml.

2. Maslov’s caloric method (used before the introduction of complementary foods - 5-6 months)

Milk volume per day = A * B * 1000 / C

A - age requirements in kcal/kg body weight
B - actual body weight of the child
C - calorie content of 1 liter human milk

A child’s daily energy needs are 1 kcal/1 kg body weight

1-3 months — 120 kcal/kg
4-6 months — 115 kcal/kg
7-9 months — 110 kcal/kg
10-12 months — 100 kcal/kg

1 liter (1000 ml) of human milk contains 700 kcal.

Example. Child 3 months old, body weight - 5300 g, number of feedings per day 6 times
V milk per day = (120*5.3*1000) /700 = 908.5 ml

For one feeding 908.5/6=151.4.

If the mother needs to increase the fat content of her milk, then a certain amount should be observed. Introduce vegetables, fruits and various cereals into your daily diet.

It will be very important for the mother to eat cottage cheese and cow's milk, which contain calcium, which is beneficial for fat content of milk. A lot of calcium is also found in fish, beans, cabbage, raisins, carrot juice and greens.

It is advisable to eat porridge every day. But, if the baby suffers from constipation, rice porridge should be excluded from the diet. Also, the inclusion of cheese and butter in the diet has a beneficial effect on the fat content of milk.

Perhaps, the most useful products that help increase the fat content of milk, are walnuts and broccoli. Broccoli is great for making soups and salads. But you need to be a little careful with walnuts, they can cause an allergic reaction in a child. Therefore, you should try them in small quantities first.

Fruit juices and tea are excellent for increasing lactation. Tea is preferably green and preferably with milk. Juices should be drunk natural, without the use of artificial colors.

What to do if breastfeeding impossible? If, due to circumstances, your child still needs supplemental feeding, you should choose the right formula. In such cases, experts recommend a formula that is as close as possible to breast milk so that the child does not experience metabolic disorders, allergic reaction, skin and digestive problems. Closer to the composition of human milk adapted mixtures on goat milk with beta-casein protein, for example, the gold standard baby food— MD mil SP “Goat”. Thanks to this mixture, the baby receives all the necessary substances that help the child’s body form and develop correctly.

Breast milk, according to experts, is the most amazing creation nature, and also not only the most valuable liquid for the baby, but also the foundation for his health, growth and full development. Each woman has her own milk composition, its uniqueness and individuality sometimes give rise to the most various questions. For example, a question such as “is there enough fat in my breast milk”? In order to get a reliable answer, you need to know from which components it is formed.


Amazing fact is that the final composition of milk from nursing mothers has not been deciphered by scientists. On at the moment About 400 different components have been identified. The difficulty in deciphering lies in the fact that for every nursing mother, breast milk consists of different parts; it depends both on the woman’s body and on the needs of her baby.

There is fore and hind milk. At the same time, the front is a transparent, faded liquid that the baby eats at the very beginning of feeding. Such milk should provide the baby with liquid, carbohydrates and vitamins. But after some time, the milk changes, becoming thicker and fattier. This type of milk is usually called hind milk.

Research by scientists has shown that the fat content of breast milk comes from fat molecules that are produced by the mammary glands. They are attached to each other or to the walls of the alveoli. After milk accumulates in the breast, it slowly begins to flow towards the nipple, while the fat present in them gets stuck in the ducts. During feeding or pumping, fat molecules begin to move along the ducts along with the milk.

Based on the foregoing, we conclude that the longer feeding lasts, the higher the fat content of breast milk. And all because there are more and more fat molecules. The same thing happens when we open the tap with hot water: first it flows cold, and then it gets hotter. The same changes occur and are also determined by its quantity. The less of it left, the fattier it will be. If you have a long period of time between feedings, then this also affects the fat content. If you start feeding your baby less often, then the milk will no longer be so fatty. And vice versa. Breast fullness also affects the fat content of mother's milk. It happens that at the end of one of them it is not as fat as at the beginning of another. It should also be remembered that different babies fill their stomachs at different rates, so changing breasts has a important for the fat content of milk. You should not change breasts until the baby is completely satisfied.

Determining the fat content of breast milk

It is not possible to determine the fat content of milk externally, since each mother's breast milk is different and the results will not be the same as those of a neighbor or friend. The most full fat milk It is very difficult to use suction or hands. Remember that only your child can do this fully, but this will not make it any easier for you, since he does not yet know how much fat your milk has.

What to do in this case? Just watch your baby. If it has a blooming and healthy looking, if he is steadily gaining weight, if he has good stool, this means that he is getting everything he needs when feeding.

How to increase fat content in breast milk?

Many new mothers wonder how to make breast milk richer? The need to go on a special diet immediately disappears, since the fat content of breast milk does not depend at all on what the nursing woman ate. It depends most of all on feeding time, seasonal and daily periods. Some experts think so.

Other experts believe that foods do have an effect on the fat content of milk. According to them, a nursing mother should eat fermented milk products, various cereals, wholemeal bread, eggs, beef, tongue, liver, fish, butter and vegetable oil, fruits, vegetables, berries, vegetables and prunes, as well as sweet compotes, honey and jam.

To learn more about how to increase the fat content of breast milk, you can consult your doctor. But do not forget also that the fat content of milk is constantly different. It changes throughout the entire feeding period, as well as during daily feeding and during the same breastfeeding. The mother’s body is adapted in such a way that the baby will never remain hungry.

Many young mothers believe that the fattier the breast milk, the better for the baby: it is more nutritious and the baby will grow and develop better. Therefore, they are terribly worried if they suspect that their milk is not fat enough. Anxiety pushes them to search best recipe to increase this very fat content. But is it worth doing? And is full-fat milk really the best thing you can give your baby? For these and others important issues We will try to answer further.

Features related to the nutritional value of breast milk

Accurate determination of the fat content of breast milk - difficult task. The fact is that this indicator changes even within one feeding. First, the baby receives the so-called foremilk, then hind milk. The fat content of the former is significantly less than the latter. The point is for the baby to quench his thirst and then be completely satisfied. By the way, when the mother expresses, only foremilk gets into the container (and this should be taken into account). But usually one glance at him is enough to doubt his nutritional value, because it is translucent.

The calorie content of milk is about 66 kcal, of which carbohydrates are about 7 g, proteins are 1.3 g, fats are 4.2 g (these are average values ​​for mature milk). It should be noted that the composition of milk gradually changes depending on the needs of the child, while external circumstances have little effect on it. The same goes for fat content: it depends little on the foods the mother consumes. Even today, many people say that this indicator is determined genetically, so all attempts at external influence are practically useless.

Methods for determining the fat content of milk

First of all, think about why you doubted that milk was fat enough. This is only due to his appearance? Or do you feel like your child isn’t getting enough to eat? Be that as it may, the first thing that comes to mind is the question of the nutritional value of milk. But how to determine fat content? The main methods for determining fat content are laboratory (milk is submitted for analysis) and folk (a woman tries to find out the level of fat content on her own, using improvised means). If everything is clear with the first one, let’s look at the second one in more detail. To carry out the test at home, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • Take a clean container: a glass, small jar or beaker will do. Make a mark on it (for example, measure 5 cm from the bottom and mark it with a dash).
  • Express enough milk to reach the indicated mark.
  • Place the container in the refrigerator or leave at room temperature for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight. All this time you should not touch it, much less shake it, otherwise the result will be inaccurate.
  • When will it pass required quantity time, you will need to evaluate the result. A layer of cream will appear on the surface, which is what we will need to measure with a ruler. 1 mm = 1% fat content (normally this value is about 4%).

It should be emphasized once again that the percentage of fat changes both during lactation and within 1 feeding, many factors influence it, therefore 100% reliable result won't even give laboratory test(not to mention folk way). The test results can be taken into consideration, but one cannot rely on them as the ultimate truth. The child’s condition will be much more informative: weight gain, well-being, activity and mood. If this is all right, then there is no reason to worry.

What to do if there is not enough fat content

If the results of the experiment showed an insufficient level of fat content, do not despair. Previously, it was advised to eat more fatty foods, for example:

  • condensed milk;
  • tea with added milk;
  • butter;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fatty hard cheese;
  • seeds and nuts (especially walnuts);
  • beef (veal) and liver.

But this tactic is ineffective. It only leads to an increase in the body weight of the nursing mother, and the fat content of the milk remains virtually unchanged. Nevertheless, it won’t hurt to include all of the listed products in moderate quantities into the diet: 1 walnut, a slice of cheese or a portion of cottage cheese once a day will only benefit (both mother and child). The main thing is to gradually introduce new products to the menu and monitor the baby’s well-being.

In pursuit of the fat content of milk, many nursing mothers make mistakes. So, what NOT to do:

  • use only hind milk for feeding, expressing the front milk;
  • limit drinking: water does not dilute milk, but in the absence of the required amount of fluid in the body, lactation can naturally decrease, so you need to drink as much as you want;
  • limit feeding by time;
  • feed by the hour.

All this reduces not only the quality, but also the quantity of milk.

Summarizing everything said above, let's summarize: is it necessary to strive to increase fat content at all? After all, milk that is too fatty can cause colic, dysbacteriosis and problems with stool in a baby. But your “empty” milk suits him perfectly, is easily digestible and satisfies all his needs. Therefore, it would be more correct to look at the problem from the other side: if at this stage The mother’s body produces just such a product, which means that now this is exactly what the child needs.

But what to do then?

If your baby is not gaining weight well, often gets restless and latches on to the breast, and you think he doesn’t have enough nutrition, you need to take care of something else: how to provide him with the necessary quality and quantity of milk. This requires:

  • Set up proper nutrition. The basis of the menu should be cereals, vegetables, fruits, as well as meat and dairy products. Carbohydrates should be about 50%, proteins - 20%, the rest - fats.
  • If necessary, take vitamins for nursing mothers (as recommended by your doctor).
  • Eat in small portions, but often. It is better to do this shortly before feeding.
  • Observe drinking regime(drink at least 1.5–2 liters of water per day). In addition, 10–15 minutes before feeding, it is useful to drink a glass of warm liquid (water, tea), this will speed up the flow of milk.
  • Avoid stress, try not to get nervous. This has a bad effect not only on emotional state, but also on the amount of milk.
  • Whenever possible, go to bed and try to get more rest.
  • Feed on demand.
  • If there is little milk, you can drink special teas for lactation and massage the mammary glands.
  • Organize correct application baby to the breast. If the nipple is not captured correctly, it will not be able to obtain the required amount of food and all the mother’s efforts will be in vain.

As a rule, following these principles is enough to establish adequate breastfeeding and not worry about fat content. This is by no means the most important indicator. The main thing is how your baby feels, and Mother Nature has already taken care of the composition and fat content of the milk.

Every nursing mother wants her milk to be nutritious and healthy for the baby. Many people of the older generation believe that usefulness is determined by fat content and very often give young people advice on how to increase the fat content of breast milk. In fact, a fatty product is not always healthy, sometimes even harmful to the newborn’s body.

What should milk be like?

Nature intended that the mother’s body produces milk with a composition and taste that suits the baby in all respects. Therefore, before you start increasing the fat content of breast milk, consult with your supervising doctor.

Get your milk tested to find out the true nutritional picture before taking any action. Perhaps tests will show that the milk produced by your breasts is exactly the fat content that your baby needs.

Normal milk contains about 4% fat - this is enough for breastfeeding child. Milk that is too rich can cause problems gastrointestinal tract baby. But some women have watery milk with a bluish tint. This causes concern and a desire to check the fat content of breast milk.

After expressing, look at the walls of the container in which the milk was located. Watery leaves the walls clean, and what is fattier settles on the walls with a whitish coating or clots of fat.

A special device, a lactometer, for testing milk allows you to determine the fat content and quality of the milk. But even without a device it is possible to conduct a study of mother’s milk. It's easy to do. Pour 100 g of milk into a glass or test tube and leave for several hours until cream appears. The thickness of the cream layer shows how much fat it has. It’s easy to calculate: take the height of everything poured as 100%, then the thickness of the fat layer as a percentage will show the fat content of the product. Normal and sufficient for good nutrition and the weight gain of a newborn is considered to be 3.5-4.5% fat.

If the baby is active, cheerful, mobile, then there is no need to worry about the fat content of the milk.

The baby's behavior during breastfeeding, his activity, good mood, appetizing sucking shows whether the milk is sufficiently fatty and nutritious. Mother's milk is suitable and fully satisfies the baby's needs when the baby develops and gains weight in accordance with age.

What determines the quality of milk?

On the recommendation of the doctor, the nursing mother will try to do everything possible to make the milk fattier and more satisfying. Of course, the mother's diet plays some role in the nutritional value of milk, although it is known that in times of famine, women also breastfed their children.

The fact is that breast fluid is not produced from the mother's food. Milk is produced through the synthesis of blood, lymph, and body fluids. During the nine months of gestation, a pregnant woman accumulates all the useful and necessary substances for the future feeding and development of the newborn. Due to these reserves, milk is provided with sufficient nutrition and fat content. With this composition, a woman is able to feed a baby for almost 9 months without complementary foods.

The quality of milk primarily depends on the requirements child's body, hormones, heredity, physical and psychological health women, depending on the season, time of day. So, summer milk is waterier, because in the heat you want to drink. At night, the milk is more nourishing so that the baby sleeps soundly. The most delicious, nutritious milk comes at the end of sucking. Therefore, it is more advisable to give only one breast at one feeding.

What products can increase the fat content of milk?

The correct daily diet for a nursing mother to increase the fat content of milk includes foods containing up to 30% fat and up to 20% protein. An excess of fat will harm the baby, since his body does not yet have the enzymes to digest heavy food. It is important to understand that a mother should not overload herself with fatty foods, but she cannot remain without fats.

Trying to improve what nature itself has done, we often make irreparable mistakes. When everything is not in order with the baby’s growth and development, and the doctor recommends increasing the nutritional value of the mother’s diet, let’s see what foods can achieve the goal.

But do not forget that in a baby, especially in the first months, many foods cause allergies, colic, bloating, regurgitation, indigestion, constipation or diarrhea. Therefore everyone new product the mother introduces it carefully, observing the reaction of the child’s body. Try it new food in the morning, before feeding. For at least a day, watch how your breakfast affects your baby. If everything is fine with the child, you can continue to eat this product. Skin rashes, itching, and gastrointestinal problems indicate that these products are not allowed on the menu.

Not everything that mom eats becomes part of the milk. Milk is formed from substances in lymph and blood, but not all substances ultimately pass into milk; this process is selective. For this reason, food, especially fatty foods, does not always affect changes in the composition of milk

Elderly people say that pregnant and lactating women need to eat for two. In fact, you shouldn't do this.

It is enough to expand the diet by 500 kcal, there will be enough food for both. At the same time, diversify your menu, make it balanced, complete and don’t eat everything at once.

Here's what mom can and should eat to increase the fat content of her milk:

  • Milk and lactic acid products are beneficial for the nursing mother and the baby. But it's better to use goat milk, because cow milk can be allergenic. Cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, kefir, yoghurt are rich in proteins and calcium, tasty and healthy. Don't give up hard cheeses and butter. Condensed milk will add sweetness to mother's milk.
  • Walnuts increase the fat content of milk due to their own calorie content - 650 kcal/100 g. Other nuts are also useful: almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and contribute to the health of the body. But eating a lot of nuts is not worth it. It is believed that daily norm nuts - 7 pieces, although a smaller amount (2-3 pieces) is enough.
  • Fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, and herbs are required in the diet of a nursing mother. They may not increase fat content, but mother and baby also need a vitamin load. Cauliflower and broccoli is generally considered a godsend for lactation.
  • Red meat, liver, fatty fish, which increase the percentage of fat content, are useful for nursing mothers as stewed, baked, steamed. Please note that when feeding you should not eat fried, spicy, or alcoholic foods. This will ruin the taste of the milk and harm both.
  • Cereal soups and porridges, puree soups are mandatory and beneficial for digestion. Quail eggs Instead of chicken, you can eat during feeding.
  • Unroasted seeds and halva are allowed as they increase fat content. Sunflower and sesame seeds, especially in winter, are carried into the body necessary vitamins, microelements, fatty acids. Use halva instead of sweets and cakes, because halva does not contain dyes or trans fats. Halva consists of seeds, nuts and sugar. Of course, eating kilograms of halva harms your body. But small portions of the treat are much healthier than other sweets.
  • Don't forget about clean water and other liquids. Sufficient quantity drinking helps lactation. Therefore, as soon as you remember water, compote, milk, fruit drink, immediately drink a glass. This is the body telling you that without fluid it’s bad.

Feeding secrets or how to increase the fat content of milk

A lot of subtleties breastfeeding Experienced mothers know that there is more milk and it is more satisfying.

  • The more often you put the baby to the breast and let the breast be sucked to the end, the more lactation works, and the fat content does not fall.
  • With hyperlactation, the baby is not able to suck the entire breast, so it feeds only on foremilk, liquid milk. So, express a small part foremilk so that the baby can also reach the fatty rear part.
  • A folk recipe for increasing fat content suggests 2-3 chopped walnuts In the morning, pour 200-250 g of milk. Let it boil for a few minutes, then drink the drink in small portions until the evening.
  • Another proven recipe. Sour cream with 1 tbsp. Boil a spoonful of cumin seeds and drink chilled the day before.

When increasing the fat content of milk, mothers need to remember the dangers of overeating. Also, the diet should mainly contain healthy products, which will not only make milk more nutritious, but also healthier

Moms, calm down!

In fact, the mother’s diet has virtually no effect on the fat content of breast milk. Mothers of one or more children talk about this: no matter what they tried, nothing helped. This area is controlled by nature, hormones, heredity, but not food.

Task loving family- create a calm, friendly atmosphere for the nursing mother, do not give the woman a reason to worry, get upset, or worry. Negative emotions reduce the quality of feeding and affect nervous system crumbs. Together with mommy, maintain a sleep-wake schedule, breathe fresh air, maintain a good mood, and your baby will receive everything he needs for normal development.