Cosmetics for pregnant women: safe products and prohibited components. Why do pregnant women need vitamin A? External retinoids during pregnancy - consequences for the child

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Vitamin A (retinol) is a fat-soluble vitamin. It was first synthesized from carrots, so all substances in this group are called “carotenoids.” Retinol is the active form of the substance found in animal products (especially whole milk) and by-products. Vitamin A can accumulate in organs, so you should not abuse it.

Vitamin A and its functions

The main functions of vitamin A:

  • Has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision. This vitamin is a component of rhodopsin, a visual pigment responsible for twilight vision.
  • In the form of retinoic acid, this substance helps strengthen the skeletal system and is very useful in childhood.
  • It is an antioxidant and accelerates the healing process of damage and cell regeneration.
  • Stimulates the synthesis of collagen fibers - they maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Increases the body's resistance to various infections and strengthens the immune system. It also helps to increase the activity of leukocytes - white blood cells that destroy particles foreign to the body.
  • Necessary for the normal development of the embryo, nutrition and growth of the fetus, reduces the risk of pregnancy complications (low weight children, prematurity).
  • Participates in the synthesis of steroid hormones (including progesterone).
  • Strengthens blood vessels and heart muscle, prevents the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Benefits during pregnancy

Vitamin A performs a number of important functions during pregnancy. It is necessary for the proper formation of the respiratory organs, kidneys, bones, circulatory system, organs of vision, brain and spinal cord. At the cellular level, it participates in metabolic processes and cell regeneration. Retinol also provides additional protection to a woman’s body from a number of infections, strengthening the immune system.

Vitamin A is important for the proper development of the placenta and fetus. It reduces the risk that the baby will be born premature or low birth weight. Retinol helps preserve vision, improves the absorption of lipids, and in the postpartum period accelerates tissue restoration. Since this substance is a natural antioxidant, the condition of the skin, nails and hair improves, and the cells receive protection from premature aging.

Vitamin A norm during pregnancy

How much vitamin A can pregnant women have per day? It is necessary to explain that it is presented in two forms: retinol - a pure and ready-to-absorb vitamin, and a group of provitamins (carotenoids), from which the body can obtain the vitamin. Vitamins for pregnant women contain pure retinol; it is prescribed if vitamin deficiency is diagnosed, which needs to be quickly eliminated.

Taking vitamin A during early pregnancy should be agreed with a doctor, since too high a dosage can have a teratogenic effect on the fetus and cause congenital pathologies and developmental abnormalities.

When planning pregnancy, it is taken in the amount of 5000 IU, in the first trimester - 2500 IU. This does not mean that if the dosage is exceeded by 1000 IU, retinol will necessarily have an effect on the child. A serious threat arises if more than 10,000 IU per day enters a woman’s body for a long time.

The daily requirement of vitamin A for pregnant women is prescribed by a specialist, taking into account age characteristics, the woman’s body’s needs for retinol (based on tests before pregnancy), medical history and other factors.

Vitamin A is available in different forms: tablets, capsules, oil solutions. It is part of most vitamin and mineral complexes.

Rating of pharmacy vitamins:

A drug Features of reception and composition
AEvit The drug is in soft gelatin capsules and contains tocopherol and retinol in equal doses. Take 2 times a day, 1 capsule before meals.
AEkol The composition includes retinol and carotene in combination with tocopherol and naphthoquinone. This way the active components are absorbed better. Drink 2 times a day, 1 capsule before or during meals
Retinol acetate, Retinol palmitate Liquid forms of retinol with an oil solution. Can be taken orally or enriched in cosmetic products
Fish fat The composition includes not only retinol, but also Omega-3 fatty acids. Each capsule contains a concentrate of natural fish oil. Take 1-2 pieces per day after meals
Three-vee plus Vitamin complex with vitamins C, beta-carotene. Enriched with minerals (selenium, zinc, copper). This is a powerful antioxidant. Take 1 tablet daily with meals

Important! To ensure that retinol is better absorbed, it is better to take it with fat-containing food.

Signs of hypovitaminosis and contraindications

In the body, vitamin A accumulates in the tissues of the liver, brain, retina, and ovaries. If this substance is not supplied with food in the required quantity, internal organs use available reserves and hypovitaminosis occurs. It can be called:

  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs.
  • Violation of vitamin absorption processes.
  • Genetically high need for vitamins.

The first symptoms of vitamin A hypovitaminosis are as follows:

  • The skin becomes dry and flaky, and the mucous membranes may also be affected. Hair becomes brittle, but wrinkles may form on the skin.
  • Twilight vision is impaired, increased tearing, and redness of the eyelids.
  • Immunity deteriorates and people get sick more often.
  • Muscle weakness and soreness.
  • Vitamin A deficiency may cause gastrointestinal (GIT) disorders and reproductive system disorders.

The amount of vitamin A for pregnant women is selected individually; you need to be especially careful in the early stages. Main contraindications to taking retinol:

  • Hepatitis.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Individual sensitivity to the drug.
  • Alcohol abuse.

Retinol should be prescribed with caution to young children and the elderly.

Hypervitaminosis and side effects of retinol

Acute retinol poisoning occurs within a few days. The main symptoms of hypervitaminosis:

  • Skin itching, rashes. The skin of the feet and palms may acquire a yellowish tint.
  • The cornea of ​​the eye becomes inflamed.
  • The level of cholesterol in the blood increases, the person experiences migraines and dizziness.
  • Loss of appetite, diarrhea, nausea, liver enlargement.
  • The quality of sleep deteriorates, general weakness.
  • Weight loss, aching pain in the right side and hypochondrium.
  • Swelling of the extremities may occur.
  • When the liver fails, bleeding from the nose and gums begins.

In case of hypervitaminosis, a therapeutic diet is prescribed (foods rich in vitamin A are excluded). For toxic damage to the liver and kidneys, diuretics are prescribed intravenously.

In normal dosages, vitamin A is absorbed well during pregnancy. If nausea, allergic rashes, severe headaches or gastrointestinal disorders occur, it is recommended to stop taking it and consult a doctor.

It is advisable to take retinol as follows:

  • Swallow the capsule without chewing 10-20 minutes before meals.
  • For chronic gastrointestinal diseases, the doctor may prescribe an oil solution.
  • Injections are prescribed only for severe hypovitaminosis; injections are practically not used for pregnant women.
  • Zinc is needed to convert vitamin A into its active form.
  • The simultaneous intake of fat-soluble vitamins with mineral oils, amyl nitrite, cholestyramine is not recommended - the absorption of retinol is impaired.
  • Excess vitamin A can cause calcium deficiency.
  • It is unacceptable to take retinol with glucocorticoids, tetracyclines, or oral contraceptives.

You cannot take retinol in its pure form and dietary supplements or vitamin and mineral supplements at the same time. Most drugs contain vitamin A; excessive dosage can lead to unpleasant consequences.

In reasonable dosages, vitamin A is useful for pregnant women and is necessary for the proper development of the fetus. However, it should not be abused.

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, it is necessary to adjust her diet. The most useful information about natural sources and features of taking vitamin A is in the video below.

During pregnancy, a woman experiences many amazing changes. The frantic dance of hormones and the total restructuring of the body cannot remain externally noticeable even in the earliest stages. The skin may become better or worse, but the fact that it will change is certain. In addition, the expectant mother has many questions about whether all cosmetics and procedures are safe for the baby.

So, pregnancy requires a woman to build a completely new system of self-care. We have made a special series of posts on how to stay beautiful and well-groomed and not harm your baby.

In this post, we will look at which components of cosmetics cannot be used during pregnancy and why, and talk about how an expectant mother can choose safe cosmetics.

What cosmetics should you not use during pregnancy?

Of course, horror stories that harmful components of cosmetics penetrate deep into the skin, enter the bloodstream and poison our body are most often unfounded. Most of the components work in the upper stratum corneum of the skin, where there are no capillaries and, accordingly, connections with the circulatory system. That is, they cannot influence the baby in any way. But! If there are microdamages on the skin (scratches, acne, etc.), penetration becomes possible.

Since not all components of cosmetics are safe for babies, you should play it safe and refuse to use cosmetics with them. In addition, during pregnancy there is often increased skin sensitivity and a tendency to allergies. Therefore, expectant mothers need to avoid the presence of certain components in cosmetics.

Prohibited components

Read labels carefully. No matter how absurd it may seem, undesirable components are also found in products that are sold in pharmacies in sections for pregnant women and even in products in which the manufacturer directly indicates that they are designed specifically for expectant mothers.

  • (salicylic acid). It has teratogenic properties (this terrible word means that the substance can lead to abnormal development of the fetus and congenital deformities). Other acids are not prohibited. But here it is important to understand that all acids are different, they have different molecule sizes and their penetration depth also varies greatly. For example, glycolic and pyruvic acids - the owners of the smallest molecules - are very active and penetrate deeply. And mandelic and lactic acids with their large molecules work gently in the top layer. So if you decide to do peeling during pregnancy, it is better to opt for milk and almond. And, of course, use only products with a minimum concentration of 5-15%. There can be no question of any medium peelings.

  • Vitamin A - retinol(retinol) and its derivatives (retinoids)- retinyl palmitate (retinyl palmitate), retinaldehyde (retinaldehyde/retinyl), tretinoin (tretinoin), adapalene (adapalene), tazarotene (tazarotene), isotretinoin (isotretinoin), retinyl acetate (retinyl acetate). These substances have teratogenic properties. The ban applies not only to pharmaceutical preparations such as retinoic ointment, Differin, Klenzit, but also to cosmetics with vitamin A. Use in the first trimester is especially dangerous.

  • (camphora). Found in anti-acne products. May provoke uterine tone.

  • Aggressive whitening components: kojic acid (kojic acid), arbutin (arbutin) and especially hydroquinone (hydroquinone)- it is toxic and banned in many countries.

  • Phytoestrogens. They are also phyto- or plant hormones. The following plants contain them: red clover, alfalfa, flax, licorice, red grapes, hops, wild yam, wheat and barley germ, ginseng root, sage, soybean, garlic, calendula, arnica.

  • Formaldehyde and formaldehyde preservatives (formaldehyde, quaternium-15, dimethyl-dimethyl (DMDM) hydantoin, imidazolidinyl urea, diazolidinyl urea, sodium hydroxymethylglycinate, 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol (bronopol). Toxic components and prohibited in a number of countries.

  • (paraffinum liquidum, mineral oil). In itself it is not dangerous. But, firstly, it is a petrochemical product, which is already unpleasant, and secondly, mineral oil forms a non-breathable film on the skin. This can disrupt the body's important processes of removing toxins and breathing through the skin.

  • They have a very small molecule and are quickly absorbed into the blood. Despite their naturalness, esters can have a very strong effect on our body. In addition, many of them are quite allergic. Therefore, during pregnancy you need to be very careful with all esters. And some of them are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. Essential oils containing ketones (eg, sage, dill, rosemary, verbena, hyssop) are potentially neurotoxic and may cause miscarriage. In addition, some esters, like phytohormones, can influence the hormonal system (for example, geranium, clary sage, chasteberry). It is especially recommended to avoid these esters in the first trimester of pregnancy. .

  • (avobenzone, homosalate, octisalate, octocrylene, oxybenzone, octinoxate, benzofenone and others). Chemical filters one way or another cause a chemical reaction in the skin, the effect of which on the baby, if studied in principle, is very little. Choose products with a physical shield (zinc oxide and titanium dioxide).

On a special account

  • Enzymes. The most popular - papain (papain), bromelain (bromelain). It is believed that cosmetics with enzymes are very gentle, work on the surface of the skin and are therefore highly recommended during pregnancy. But some experts notice that enzymes, with deep penetration, can affect metabolic processes in cells. Therefore, before using cosmetics with enzymes during pregnancy, you should weigh the pros and cons and only then make your decision.

  • (Algae). Also a controversial component. Experts are concerned about their high biological activity and ability to influence the amount of iodine in the body. Therefore, expectant mothers should also use algae and cosmetics based on it with caution.

Pay special attention to fragrances when choosing care products. Products with too strong a smell may not be tolerated at all by your “pregnant” sense of smell.

What cosmetics can pregnant women use?

During pregnancy, you should choose hypoallergenic options from pharmacy, bio or organic brands. They usually have high-quality ingredients and neutral compositions. The mass market often suffers from cheap and dubious preservatives, while professional products are saturated with active ingredients, which expectant mothers have absolutely no use for. Be sure to carefully read the ingredients of the product before purchasing.

Body care products can often be found in special series for expectant mothers. But even here you cannot blindly trust the manufacturer. Only the composition will give you the answer whether this cosmetics is really safe for pregnant women.


To choose safe cosmetics for pregnant women, carefully read the labels and avoid ingredients from the prohibited list. If you suddenly find these components in the products you already use, do not worry too much. The risk of their penetration is really not great. Just stop using this product and find a new one. Choose the softest cosmetics with natural ingredients. Be beautiful, but never risk your health and that of your baby.

In the following posts we will look at the features of caring for the face, body, hair and nails during pregnancy.

Leave your questions in the comments. Or maybe you have additions to the list of prohibited components?

Vitamin A is not produced in the body, although it is so necessary for the normal functioning of vital systems. Coming with food and accumulating in the liver, this substance participates in metabolism and regeneration processes, strengthens the immune system. During pregnancy, along with other useful micro- and macroelements, it is responsible for the proper formation and development of embryonic organs. Both a lack and an excess of vitamin A can negatively affect the well-being of the expectant mother and the health of the baby.

Forms of vitamin A and their effect on the body

The term “vitamin A” is used to refer to two types (or forms) of nutrients:

  • carotenoids (including beta-carotene) are provitamins that, when they enter the body, are oxidized, broken down and transformed into fat-soluble vitamin A;
  • retinoids - in this form, vitamins of group A enter the systemic bloodstream and are delivered to organs and cells.

With an excess of retinol (hypervitaminosis A), disturbances in the processes of formation and development of the fetus are possible. Beta-carotene, on the contrary, is absorbed in the amount required by the body.

During pregnancy, vitamin A is recommended to be consumed with food or as part of multivitamin complexes created specifically for expectant mothers: there it is represented by beta-carotene or a combination of carotenoid and retinoid to avoid overdose.

Video: benefits of vitamins A

The effect of vitamin A on the fetus during pregnancy

Vitamin A is involved in many processes occurring in the body:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • protection against bacterial infections of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, and genitourinary system;
  • absorption and distribution of fats;
  • liberation of the body from toxins;
  • neutralization of free radicals;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • preventing the development of malignant tumors;
  • improving the condition of the skin;
  • prevention of the appearance of age spots and stretch marks;
  • maintaining the function of light and color perception by the retina;
  • moisturizing the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • formation and proper nutrition of the placenta;
  • growth of bones, teeth, new cells (in mother and baby);
  • regulation of protein synthesis;
  • the formation and full development of the cardiovascular, circulatory, immune, respiratory, central, and nervous systems of the embryo;
  • healthy functioning of the heart and lungs;
  • redox and metabolic processes.

In the early stages of pregnancy, vitamin A is important for the formation and growth of the embryo, in the later stages it is important for the nutrition of the baby and the development of its immune system.

Retinoids and carotenoids are usually supplied to the body in sufficient quantities through food. But there are also cases of hypovitaminosis (deficiency), the signs of which are:

  • deterioration of visual acuity (including when yellow and blue colors become difficult to distinguish);
  • thickening and dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, irritation, burning sensation and itching of the organs of vision;
  • frequent conjunctivitis;
  • a sharp weakening of the immune system;
  • loss of appetite and rapid weight loss;
  • hair loss and dandruff;
  • slow healing of wounds and scratches;
  • increased sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • deterioration of the skin condition (it looks faded, aged, dry).

The causes of retinol hypovitaminosis can be different: impaired absorption in the intestines, consumption of fatty foods, chronic infectious diseases, pathologies of the digestive system and urinary system, anemia, celiac disease and others.

One of the signs of vitamin A deficiency is hair loss.

The optimal daily content of retinol in the blood is 800–1000 mcg (or 0.14–0.26 mcg/ml). In case of severe deviations from the norm, appropriate treatment is prescribed; in case of minor deviations, it is enough to adjust the diet.

The effectiveness of the therapy is determined using a blood test for vitamins and microelements.

A deficiency or excess of retinol in the body can be determined through laboratory tests of blood, hair or nail samples.

Indications for prescribing vitamin A during pregnancy

Additionally, you can take vitamin A only as prescribed by your doctor. For preventive purposes, carotenoids are recommended for pregnant women, and for the treatment of hypovitaminosis, the use of retinoids is acceptable.

Research by American doctors has confirmed that there is a relationship between taking high doses of vitamin A in early pregnancy and the occurrence of fetal development pathologies such as impaired formation of limbs and organs, liver and kidney damage.

  • Additional vitamin intake may be prescribed in the following cases:
  • diseases of the mucous membranes and skin (candidiasis, eczema, dermatitis of allergic origin);
  • eye pathologies (conjunctivitis, keratitis, decreased ability to adapt to darkness);
  • extensive wounds, burns, fractures (to improve and accelerate healing processes);
  • acute and chronic pneumonia;


The iron content in the blood depends on the concentration of retinol in the blood.

Contraindications and precautions

  • In order to avoid side effects when taking vitamin A, you need to know about the contraindications for its use:
  • allergies, bronchial asthma - such conditions in some cases can significantly increase the level of the substance in the blood serum;
  • hypothyroidism - the body is not able to convert vitamin A into retinol, which means there is a risk of overdose;

liver pathologies - since the transformation of the vitamin occurs in this organ, additional load can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Vitamin A is involved in the production of sex hormones. Its deficiency or excess can affect the hormonal levels of the expectant mother and provoke pregnancy complications.

Why is an overdose of vitamin A dangerous during pregnancy?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, an overdose of the vitamin is dangerous because it can negatively affect the formation of the embryo (heart defects, kidney defects, congenital deformity, paralysis).

In the second and third trimesters, retinol in large doses puts additional stress on the pancreas and liver of the mother and fetus, which leads to the development of pathologies of these organs (enlarged liver, impaired outflow of bile).

Signs of hypervitaminosis

  • Excess retinol in the body can be characterized by the following symptoms:
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints;
  • disruptions in the digestive system;
  • enlarged liver and spleen;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • uncontrolled release of hormones (as evidenced by sweating, chills, frequent mood swings, depression, insomnia or drowsiness);
  • brittleness and splitting of nails;
  • hair loss;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • small cracks on the lips (usually in the corners of the mouth);

appearance of pigment spots<…>There is a fairly large group of medications called retinoids. This group includes retinol and its synthetic and aromatic analogs.

The latter are excreted within 2 years, are extremely toxic and in fact are very dangerous for the fetus. If taken, pregnancy is prohibited for about 2-3 years. As for retinoic acid, when taken orally, a period of 2 weeks is required for its complete elimination. However, given the danger of action on the fetus and the insufficient knowledge of this group of drugs, many guidelines give a period of six months. As for retinol itself, small amounts of it, up to 5–6 thousand IU, are acceptable for use during pregnancy (this is usually covered by eating butter and sour cream). Large doses of retinol during pregnancy are unacceptable (vitamin A content is up to 50 thousand IU). As for creams, it is necessary to clarify the amount of vitamin A. Since it is possible to calculate it in each cream, but this is quite troublesome, it is better to avoid using cosmetics with retinol during pregnancy.

Montes Rosel Ksenia Vasilievna, cosmetologist

  • The amount of vitamin A needed by the expectant mother primarily depends on age:
  • up to 19 years - 750 mcg (or 2500 IU);

In different sources, the intake rates of retinol for pregnant women differ markedly. Doctors, based on research by American scientists, believe that it is better to stick to minimum dosages.

Accidental one-time consumption of too much vitamin A is unlikely to harm the baby. But prolonged exposure to the body of increased doses of retinol can cause a teratogenic effect, which causes the appearance of abnormalities in the development of the child.

Vitamin A is consumed by the body slowly, and it tends to accumulate in the liver and adipose tissue.

Excess beta-carotene can cause yellowing of the skin, but is not dangerous for the body. With retinol the situation is different: its overdose is fraught with serious consequences for both the mother and the fetus. The maximum allowable amount of retinol per day during pregnancy is 6000–10000 IU. Dosages above 18,000 IU are considered teratogenic.

Features of use depending on the timing of pregnancy

Considering the ability of vitamin A to accumulate in the body and influence metabolic processes even after the end of its intake, pregnant women are recommended to take it in minimal dosages and according to a certain schedule for preventive purposes.

Table: vitamin A regimen for expectant mothers

Rules for taking and products high in retinol and beta-carotene

In order for retinol to be absorbed in the required quantity, the presence of fats, proteins, and vitamin E is necessary. If the expectant mother is deficient in any of these components, the breakdown and absorption of vitamin A is significantly reduced.

Before entering the bloodstream, retinol must combine with bile. If a dish contains insufficient fat, too little fat is produced. This means that it combines with a smaller amount of vitamin (at the same time, its absorption is reduced to 90%).

  • The following foods are rich in retinol:
  • liver (beef, cod);
  • fish oil, caviar, herring fillet;
  • sour cream, cream, butter, whole milk, cottage cheese, cheese;

eggs (yolks).

A lot of retinol is found in the liver, but it is dangerous to use during pregnancy: 90 grams of beef liver contains 12 times more vitamin A than the daily dose.

Retinol content per 100 grams - 380 mcg Retinol content per 100 grams - 15000 mcg Retinol content in one egg - 260 mcg Retinol content per 100 grams - 110 mcg Retinol content per 100 grams - 1000 mcg Retinol content per 100 grams - 500 mcg Retinol content per 100 grams - 270 mcg Retinol content per 100 grams - 4000 mcg Retinol content per 100 grams - 120 mcg Retinol content per 100 grams - 700 mcg

  • carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, pumpkin, white cabbage and broccoli, bell pepper;
  • spinach, sorrel, parsley, green onions, peppermint, fennel, lemongrass;
  • apples, grapes, apricots, peaches, watermelons, melons, plums, cherries, persimmons;
  • rosehip, rowan, sea buckthorn;
  • oat, buckwheat, wheat, millet cereals.

When processing foods (cooking, grating, chopping, squeezing juice), carotenoids are broken down much more easily and converted into fat-soluble vitamin A more quickly.

Photo gallery: plant products containing carotenoids

Beta-carotene content per 100 grams - 3500 mcg Beta-carotene content per 100 grams - 850 mcg Beta-carotene content per 100 grams - 5600 mcg Beta-carotene content per 100 grams - 10,000 mcg Beta-carotene content per 100 grams - 700 mcg Beta-carotene content in 1 medium fruit - 3600 mcg Beta-carotene content per 100 grams - 630 mcg Beta-carotene content per 100 grams - 15,000 mcg Beta-carotene content per 100 grams - 10,000 mcg Beta-carotene content per 100 grams - 2332 mcg

Table: Sources of Retinol and Beta Carotene

Product Quantity Beta-carotene or retinol (IU) content
Beta carotene
100 g15000
Zucchini100 g1200
Rowan, sorrel, spinach100 g10000
Spinach, frozen or cooked½ cup11458
100 g3500
Tomatoes100 g850
Tomato juice¾ cup821
Raw red sweet pepper½ cup2332
White cabbage100 g630
Boiled broccoli½ cup1208
Raw potatoes1 PC.5000
Potatoes baked in skins1 PC.28058
100 g700
Dried apricots5 pieces.2500
Dried peaches5 pieces.2800
Dried plums10 pieces.1700
1 PC.3600
Melon, raw material,½ cup2706
Mango1 PC.2240
100 g15000
Beef liver, fried100 g22175
100 g700
100 g110
Ice cream1 glass1014
Skim milk1 glass500
Hard boiled egg1 PC.260

The conversion factor for the breakdown of carotenoids into retinol is 6:1 (1 mcg of retinol is equal to 6 mcg of beta-carotene). Thus, to get 1 part processed fat-soluble vitamin A, you need to eat 6 parts beta-carotene.

Vitamin A in capsules, tablets, dragees, etc.

The forms of release of group A vitamins can be different:

  • dragees and tablets containing retinol acetate or retinol palmitate;
  • oil solution;
  • natural cod oil.

The substance is often included in multivitamin complexes, including those intended for pregnant women.

When prescribing a vitamin to expectant mothers, preference is usually given to beta-carotene or a combination of beta-carotene plus retinol of natural origin (cod oil). Synthetic analogues are not recommended due to the risk of side effects.

Most professional cosmetologists will say that combining yellow peeling and pregnancy is undesirable. But on specialized aesthetic forums, information is often found that expecting a baby or planning a pregnancy is not a contraindication to retinoic exfoliation and such a “neighborhood” is possible. Especially in the early stages of pregnancy or on the eve of its onset. Let's figure out why retinol is not safe for the fetus, how long before pregnancy you need to stop visiting a beauty salon, why pregnant women run the risk of complications, and when you can resume skin rejuvenation with retinoic peeling.

Benefits of retinoic peeling for skin

Retinoic peeling is valued by cosmetologists and self-care lovers for its versatility and short recovery period after procedures. A couple of sessions of “yellow” exfoliation simultaneously eliminates several diverse appearance defects: from acne to hyperpigmentation. The safety and gentleness of retinoic cleansing in case of mild aesthetic problems allows you to perform the beauty procedure even in summer.

The peeling is called “yellow” because of the color of the main active ingredient – ​​retinol. The chemical group of retinoids includes natural vitamin A and its artificially created structural analogues. Retinoids in complex peelings carefully interact with the skin, destroying and exfoliating dense keratosis, but without affecting living tissue. Therefore, retinoic peeling is a type of borderline, or superficial-median procedure.

Unlike other medium peels, retinol-based exfoliation is characterized by minor damage to the integrity of the skin, which means a minimal risk of complications and quick recovery. Retinol, being integrated into intercellular structures, helps tighten the skin framework and deeply renew it. Therefore, a week after the “yellow” session, many women notice that the depth of wrinkles has become smaller, the skin is lighter, and inflammation has decreased or disappeared completely.

The tightening, antiseptic and whitening effect of the yellow film of retinoic peeling has a prolonged effect and lasts for approximately 3 to 4 months. Then the course of procedures can be repeated and the supply of vitamins and antioxidants in the epidermal cells can be replenished.

  • dull complexion and hyperkeratosis - a dense “crust” of keratinized cells on the surface of the skin;
  • “black dots” (comedones) on the face;
  • milia – “white” acne;
  • shallow expression lines and first age wrinkles;
  • signs of skin photoaging;
  • dry skin (reduced production of the skin’s own hyaluronic acid);
  • loss of elasticity (lack of collagen threads in the skin);
  • the appearance of light brown pigment spots.

Women can take advantage of the miraculous benefits of retinoic peeling from the age of 35. But express rejuvenation with retinol is not available to everyone. One of the first contraindications on the list of prohibitions for yellow exfoliation is pregnancy and planning to conceive. The controversy surrounding how natural or synthesized retinol obtained by the skin from peeling compounds affects the normal formation of the fetus is still relevant. In order to understand the possible cause of concern and decide when it is better to get pregnant after yellow peeling, you need to remember the chemical properties of retinoids and their role in the body.

The effect of yellow peeling on the embryo

Expectant mothers often wonder why retinoic peeling cannot be performed while pregnant and how dangerous the procedure is for the health and normal development of the baby.

In cosmetology, it is widely believed that retinoids have a teratogenic effect, i.e. negatively affect the formation of the fetal body and lead to developmental defects. Therefore, beauty industry professionals are trying to find out whether a woman is planning a pregnancy, expecting a child, or whether she is in the lactation period on the eve of the yellow peeling procedure. In each of the three cases, retinoic exfoliation is undesirable, and a specialist with many years of experience will refuse to perform it.

There are no scientifically confirmed facts that retinol, which enters the body of the expectant mother from peeling agents, causes mutations and disruption of embryo development. It is only known that retinoic acid molecules are able to penetrate cell membranes and interact with proteins of cell nuclei, influencing the transfer of genetic chains from the mother to the child’s body. However, on the one hand, such a process is possible only in later stages of pregnancy, and on the other hand, the concentration of retinoic acid in the peeling preparation may not be enough to change the genetic code.

It is also known that studies on the effect of retinoids on the embryo were carried out only on pregnant laboratory mice. And no facts have been identified confirming the teratogenic effect of vitamin A or its synthetic analogues. Pregnant women have never taken part in experiments on embryonic disorders under the influence of retinoic acid. Therefore, pregnancy and breastfeeding are included in the list of contraindications for retinoic peeling as a precaution and in the absence of contrary data.

In medicine, there is no reliable data on the negative effect of retinoic acid in peeling agents on the formation of the fetus. Therefore, retinoic peeling during pregnancy or when planning it remains the responsibility of every woman.

Retinol when planning pregnancy

The combination of yellow peeling and pregnancy planning is also undesirable. A course of 4-6 peeling procedures based on retinol creates a vitamin resource in the skin, which lasts for about 3 months. All this time, the dermis will be nourished with retinoic acid molecules, which will promote visual rejuvenation. Therefore, the aesthetic effect of yellow peelings lasts longer than from other medium or superficial procedures.

In response to the question of how long it should take after yellow peeling for pregnancy to proceed without fears and complications, cosmetologists recommend a period of at least 3 months before the expected date of conception. Therefore, if you are thinking about adding to your family in the near future, refrain from retinoic exfoliation and replace the procedure, for example, with glycolic, milk or multifruit peeling.

There are situations when a woman has done yellow peeling without knowing that she is pregnant. An unplanned or sudden pregnancy that coincides with a course of retinoic exfoliation should not be a cause for concern. After all, doctors do not confirm the relationship between the effect of retinol on the skin and the development of abnormalities in the fetus. Therefore, yellow peeling done on the eve or in the early stages of pregnancy can only have aesthetic benefits.

Yellow exfoliation and pregnancy

During pregnancy, yellow peeling is undesirable for several reasons.

Risks to fetal development

Despite the lack of evidence on the tetragenic nature of retinol and its synthesized analogues, as well as on the systemic effect of the drug and its accumulation in the blood plasma, it is better for pregnant women to refuse yellow exfoliation sessions. Especially in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. In the early stages, the contact between the mother’s body and the embryo has not yet been formed, because the common vascular network is just beginning to form. In any case, you need to warn the cosmetologist in advance that you are expecting a baby.

Mom's allergies

The body of a pregnant woman may respond with an allergic reaction to the components of the retinoic peel. Therefore, if you still decide in favor of such exfoliation, while pregnant, ask your cosmetologist to conduct an allergy test before the peeling session. To do this, a drop of the product is applied to the thin skin of the wrist, the inner bend of the elbow or behind the ear. An atypical reaction will appear within 10-15 minutes. If itching or redness does not appear, the peeling preparation will not cause allergies.

Possibility of side effects

During pregnancy, the peel procedure can go wrong. Firstly, because the expectant mother’s body is sensitive to external influences and unfamiliar odors. Secondly, because pregnancy is a time of hormonal changes in the female body. Changing hormone levels can cause unexpected pigmentation, pimples, or redness after a peel.

The decision to perform yellow peeling on the eve of or during pregnancy is made by each woman independently. Of course, most cosmetologists will not undertake a retinoic procedure knowing that the client is pregnant. But some young ladies in the weather prefer to keep silent about it for beauty reasons. Considering specialists’ doubts about the “harmlessness” of retinol and its safety for the normal formation of the fetus, it is still better to warn the specialist about the planned conception or pregnancy before the exfoliation session.