Real cubic zirconia. Differences between diamonds and other stones

New Year

Cubic zirconia was created by Soviet scientists more than forty years ago, but it is still the best imitation of real diamonds in all countries of the world. Find the differences between synthetic and natural diamond Without an examination it is quite difficult. But even without special skills, you can still see the difference.

Differences in origin and characteristics

The origin of the stones determines the difference in their physical and chemical properties. So, the first difference between the two crystals is chemical formula. Cubic zirconia is zirconium dioxide, while diamond is an allotrope of carbon. The first is a synthetic stone that has no special value, the second is precious.

The hardness of diamonds is many times higher than that of cubic zirconia stones, so cracks or scratches do not appear on the surface of the diamond even from strong mechanical stress.

It is very easy to damage cubic zirconia, and due to its greater density artificial diamond has more weight.

How to distinguish a fake without an expert?

Given that there is a significant difference between the two stones, it is almost impossible to visually determine the origin of the crystal. If you are dealing with “official” cubic zirconia, i.e. when the manufacturer jewelry does not issue synthetic crystal for natural, you can see the difference in cut.

At its core, a diamond is a diamond that has been treated. He has standard quantity faces - 57, distinguished by sharp edges. It is this number of planes that gives maximum effect from the refraction of rays inside the stone.

Cubic zirconias have rounded edges, and the number of planes can be much smaller. Thus, by the appearance of a gem, one can determine whether it belongs to precious or artificial stones.

On the left - cubic zirconia, on the right - diamond

But most often cubic zirconia is passed off as a natural diamond. In these cases, the crystal will have the required 57 faces and sharp edges. It is quite easy to identify a fake without the use of special equipment. To do this, you will need a twenty-fold magnifying glass. The stone is located in a well-lit place, and the researcher peers at its structure through a magnifying glass from a very close distance. Cubic zirconia will have double edges visible in reflected light. A diamond does not have such doubling.

One of the non-professional ways to determine the authenticity of a diamond is to apply fat to the surface.

On a diamond face, a drop of fat will remain in its original form, on a cubic zirconia face it will be divided into tiny particles, and then collected into separate drops.

Jewelers check the real crystal in front of them or an imitation using a special device. This method is considered the most accurate, because Even experts often have problems determining the authenticity of a stone by eye.

Tangible difference

The most significant difference between these two stones is the price. For comparison: a three-gram ring with a diamond weighing 1 carat and average characteristics will cost about 500 thousand rubles, while when buying jewelry with a substitute, you will only pay the weight of the metal, about 6 thousand rubles. 1 carat of a diamond of the highest category of quality and cut will have a price of at least 20 thousand dollars.

The video explains how jewelers identify a diamond or cubic zirconia, what the cost of products with these stones is, what are the differences in their origin and structure.

Cubic zirconia can be not only an ideal substitute for a diamond, but also an equally ideal fake. Therefore, when purchasing jewelry with cut diamonds, you should always check their authenticity.

Diamonds – best friends girls, and a friend, as you know, must be real. How to distinguish between true and devoted friend from an inexpensive fake - cubic zirconia? Of course, if the jewelry is purchased in an appropriate store and has a passport, no questions will arise. But if it is purchased secondhand or is someone’s gift, then find out whether it is new friend an unscrupulous pretender, it will be a little more difficult.

There are many ways, as well as experts and lovers of stones who claim that they can distinguish one from another by eye.
Indeed, it is more or less likely that an inexpensive fake can be distinguished from a noble stone. And for this there is a lot offered effective ways, however, not all of this is worth putting into practice. Let's look at each of them.

  1. Scratch glass. A hard diamond (and, accordingly, a cut diamond) cuts glass without difficulty. What about cubic zirconia? Its hardness is significantly higher than that of glass, although lower than that of diamond. And if a diamond cuts glass, cubic zirconia scratches it. For a non-specialist, it will be almost impossible to understand the difference. In addition, cubic zirconia is a rather fragile material, and during such tests it can be damaged. You didn’t plan to throw away your ring or earrings if it turned out that they were with cubic zirconia?
  2. Scratch the stone sandpaper. For a diamond, this will be an easy test, which it will endure without harm to its own beauty, but cubic zirconia will be scratched. Again, the product will be damaged.
  3. Temperature – natural stones are always cool, so if you manage to heat the stone in your hands, it is most likely a fake. To use this method, your hands must be very sensitive and the stone must be quite large.
  4. A common myth is that diamonds are completely invisible in clean water(here they usually remember smugglers who took advantage of this quality expensive stones), alas, is really nothing more than a myth. Diamonds have a different refractive index than water, which is why they are visible in water.
  5. Diamonds have one more thing interesting property. If you smear a stone, for example, vegetable oil or something else greasy, it will stick to the glass. But, of course, it will not be possible to determine the authenticity of a stone if it is in a product.
  6. Another way is to look through the stone at a black and white surface (ordinary newspaper will do), if you can see the transitions from light to dark - it is not a diamond. However, a diamond in a setting, and even a deep-set one, cannot be checked this way.
  7. A lens with thirty times magnification will help you figure it out. With such a detailed examination in natural stones natural inclusions will be visible. Synthetic material of course, it does not contain them.
  8. Shine. It is assumed that the sparkle of a diamond cannot be confused with anything else; this stone “burns” in the light and fascinates with its beauty. And many owners and fans of these expensive stones answer the question: “How to distinguish a diamond from cubic zirconia?” They will answer with confidence: it is impossible to confuse them. However, visits to jewelers with enviable regularity upset those who are so confident in their ability to distinguish stones by their shine. Experts say: the brilliance of a stone depends solely on its cut, and it’s easy to make a mistake here.
I must say that some of these recommendations will help you figure out where the stone is and where it is not, only if the imitation diamond is not the same High Quality. Even experienced jewelers cannot distinguish a masterfully executed fake with the naked eye from the original. So the only one really effective method To distinguish a diamond from cubic zirconia, turn to professionals.

A girl's best friend is diamonds. However, such friendship is often expensive in the literal sense of the word, which is why young ladies often choose a more affordable option - cubic zirconia - as their beloved friend.

Cubic zirconia is artificial material, however, with all this, its refractive index is quite close to diamond, which is why it is often quite difficult to distinguish cubic zirconia from a diamond. Many unscrupulous sellers take advantage of this for their own insidious purposes, wanting to profit from tens of thousands of hard-earned honest people who, due to their inexperience, cannot understand where is a real diamond and where is a skillfully transformed cubic zirconia.

Today we will give you a few valuable recommendations, following which you can distinguish a real diamond from cubic zirconia. Thanks to this, the next time you go to a jewelry store to make a purchase, you can be sure that a dishonest seller will not be able to deceive you and sell you cubic zirconia at the price of diamonds.

There are quite a few ways to distinguish cubic zirconia from a diamond, which is not surprising, because you will have to pay dearly for a mistake, and no matter how sad it may be, but in the literal sense of the word.

  • First way. Try to look through the stone if possible. You won’t be able to see light through a diamond, there will only be a luminous point, but cubic zirconia transmits light perfectly. By the way, you won’t be able to read the text through a diamond - put the stone on a newspaper or any sheet with printed text, were you able to read it? This means there is cubic zirconia in front of you.
  • The second way to determine what is in front of you, a diamond or cubic zirconia, is more accessible than the first. Take the stone (or inlaid jewelry) in your hand and hold it for a while. Real stone even in the hottest heat it will be cool, cubic zirconia will take the temperature environment.
  • Another thermal, so to speak, method of distinguishing a diamond from cubic zirconia. You need to breathe on the stone; a diamond will not fog up, but cubic zirconia will do so easily..
  • You are unlikely to be allowed to use the fourth method of verification in your case. jewelry store, however, we cannot help but say about it. You need to coat the stone with oil and place it on the glass surface. Stuck? There is a diamond in front of you. Cubic zirconia will not stick.
  • The fifth method is visual. Look at the stone, or rather at its edge. Experts say that diamonds have sharper edges than cubic zirconia..
  • If you trust your eyes, then try to find defects and irregularities on the stone Yes, don’t be surprised, exactly minor defects give out a real diamond, cubic zirconia is always perfect.
  • Another method, admittedly, is somewhat controversial. It is believed that a diamond can easily leave a mark on glass, but cubic zirconia cannot do the same..
  • And finally last method to find out what kind of stone, diamond or cubic zirconia is in front of you, is to test it with time. Of course, this method will not help you when buying jewelry, but it will instill confidence while wearing it. Take a look at the stone, if after several appearances it has lost its shine or is scratched, then you can confidently say that it is cubic zirconia, since diamond is the strongest stone in nature; it cannot be scratched by anything, except with another diamond.

This is just a small list of ways to distinguish a diamond from cubic zirconia. Some of them are controversial, some are difficult to put into practice. In any case, if you are not sure that you have purchased a diamond, have it checked by professionals, since only in this case can you be one hundred percent sure which stone is in your ring or earrings.

Diamonds have been in great demand among fashionistas all over the world for many years. However, often under the guise of expensive precious mineral They give out cheap fakes. That is why it is so important to know how a diamond differs from other stones, what characteristics and properties it is endowed with.

Experts in the world jewelry art There are several ways to distinguish a diamond from other stones that have many similarities with them. Diamond - truly royal stone, which enchants with its dazzling brilliance and radiance. However, under certain conditions, other minerals can be given a similar shine.

Characteristics of Diamonds

When choosing a diamond, to determine its authenticity, you can pay attention to the following characteristics stone:

  1. Bright shine. It is necessary to look through the stone: diamond has a high degree of refraction, which is what gives rise to such a dazzling shine. No other mineral will sparkle as much as diamond due to its lower degree of refraction.
  2. Transparency. If the diamond is uncut, you can determine its authenticity by the degree of transparency using next method: Place the mineral flat on a magazine or newspaper. Real diamond opaque, so it is impossible to see the drawings through it, much less read the text, which cannot be said about fakes.
  3. Invisibility of the cut. When examining a diamond in a setting, the corners and top of the cut should not be visible through it.
  4. Reflections of gray shades. High-quality diamonds may have an additional tint; only minerals with a gray sheen are highly valued. If the stone sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow, most likely you are looking at a poor quality diamond or a fake.
  5. Doesn't fog up. To verify the authenticity of a diamond, you can breathe on it. If the stone fogs up in a few seconds, you are being offered a fake; a real diamond will remain clean and transparent.
  6. Invisibility in water. This method can only be used at home; it will not help when purchasing jewelry or a precious mineral. If a real mineral is placed in a glass of clean water, it will remain invisible. This type of fake is known when the upper part of the stone is a real diamond, and the lower part is made of a fake. In the water you will be able to see whether the stone is solid, and you will also be able to see where the genuine and fake material meet.
  7. Weight. As a rule, all other stones are slightly heavier than diamond. For example, the weight of zirconium exceeds the weight of a diamond by 55%. To determine the authenticity of a mineral based on this criterion, jewelers recommend weighing it and checking it against a table that corresponds to the size of the stone in grams or carats.
  8. Brand. A cheap frame may indicate that the stone is fake. You can check the presence of a mark on the frame and verify its compliance with high-quality metal - 10K, 14K, 18K, 585, 750, 900, 950, RT, Plat.
  9. Ultraviolet testing. The stone should be placed under ultraviolet light; the majority of diamonds glow under the influence of ultraviolet radiation blue. If under the lamp the stone glows yellow, green or gray, that means there is cubic zirconia in front of you.
  10. Doesn't heat up quickly. A distinctive feature of a real diamond is that it heats up very slowly and weakly in the hand. If you hold it in your palm, long time it will stay cool.

There are some other options that you can use to make sure that you really have a real diamond in front of you. Experienced jewelers say that real diamonds can cut glass or leave scratches on it. You can also rub sandpaper over the surface of the stone in a place inaccessible to prying eyes. If after contact with sandpaper there are no traces left on the surface of the diamond, then it is not real.

However, you should understand that all these methods do not provide a 100% guarantee that what you have in front of you is a genuine diamond. When purchasing diamonds or jewelry with them you should make sure that they have a certificate confirming the authenticity of the stone.

Important differences between diamonds and rough diamonds

What is the difference between a diamond and a diamond and is there a difference between these minerals? Diamond is the world's hardest crystalline carbon. This mineral is formed under natural conditions under the influence of high temperature and pressure. Diamond acquires unique properties only after it gem cut Thus, in natural conditions this stone does not represent any aesthetic value. In order for the edges of the stone to sparkle, jewelers have learned how to cut it correctly. Thus, a diamond processed in a special way in order to give it aesthetic appeal, it was called “diamond”.

It is a beautifully cut diamond, and at the same time it has all the characteristics that this mineral is endowed with in the natural environment, but at the same time its aesthetic properties are much higher. Due to processing by jewelers using special equipment, the price of a cut diamond is much higher than that of an uncut diamond.

Diamonds are used only in the manufacture of jewelry. In contrast, uncut diamonds are widely used in medicine and industry. This is another important difference between a diamond and a diamond.

Differences between cubic zirconia and diamonds: how do stones differ by eye?

What is the difference between cubic zirconia and a diamond? Are there any similarities between these two stones?

Cubic zirconia is an artificial material whose degree of refraction is very close to that of diamonds. It is because of this property that cubic zirconia is often confused with diamonds. There are several ways to distinguish cubic zirconia from a diamond so as not to become a victim of deception when buying jewelry:

  1. You should look through the stone. It will be impossible to see light through a diamond; only a luminous point is formed, while cubic zirconia transmits light very well.
  2. The second difference between cubic zirconia and diamond is the ability to heat up and transfer heat. A real diamond always preserves low temperature, even in the heat it will be a little cool, and cubic zirconia takes on the ambient temperature.
  3. Another easy way to distinguish a genuine diamond from cubic zirconia is to breathe on the stone for a few minutes. If the stone fogs up, it means it is cubic zirconia.

How else can you distinguish cubic zirconia from a diamond?

This method of how to determine a diamond from cubic zirconia cannot be used when choosing precious jewelry V jewelry salon, but it wouldn’t hurt to get acquainted with it. The stone needs to be smeared with vegetable oil and pressed firmly against the glass surface: if the mineral sticks, it means you have a diamond in front of you.

Please note that there are some defects on the surface and inside the stone. This is exactly how a diamond differs from cubic zirconia by eye, and this difference can be seen even without special equipment. The fact is that cubic zirconia is an artificial stone, so there cannot be any defects in the form of scratches, chips, cracks and small inclusions.

How to determine whether a ring is a diamond or a cubic zirconia?

You can find out whether the diamond in front of you is a real diamond or cubic zirconia disguised as one by testing it with time. This option will not be useful when buying jewelry, but it will instill confidence while wearing it that the girl is adorned with a truly authentic piece of jewelry. gem. Pay attention to the appearance of the stone after several appearances. If it soon loses its shine, becomes dull, and scratches appear on it, then it is cubic zirconia.

How does cubic zirconia differ from a diamond in terms of external characteristics? If you put these two stones side by side and look closely at them, you will notice that the edges of the diamond are much sharper than those of cubic zirconia. The surface of a stone of artificial origin is always perfectly smooth and even, since it was made by man himself; a diamond does not have this property. it's the same good way, how to distinguish cubic zirconia from a diamond in a ring by examining the surface of the stone in the jewelry. You can also look deep into the stone: a polished diamond is so clean that the bottom will not be visible in it.

How to distinguish moissanite from a diamond: optical test

Moissanite- This the rarest mineral of cosmic origin, which received its name in honor of its research, Nobel laureate Henry Moissan.

Moissanite is a type of silicon carbide. For some time it was considered a type of diamond due to the presence of many common properties.

In 1904, scientists conducted a series of studies and determined that moissanite has nothing to do with diamond, since the latter has a carbon base. Despite the similar crystal lattice, they still differ in color.

The most faithful and reliable way How to distinguish moissanite from a diamond is to carry out optical tests, widely used by craftsmen in jewelry. When examining the internal structure of crystals, specialists will find that moissanite does not have such a sharp fusion of edges as a diamond. Plus it's expensive synthetic stone The ghosting effect is clearly pronounced.

How else does moissanite differ from a diamond?

How does moissanite differ from a diamond when comparing these two stones at home? You need to lower the stone itself or a piece of jewelry made from it into a vessel with water, moissanite will remain on the surface of the liquid, and the diamond, just like cubic zirconia, will sink to the bottom.

Determining the Mohs hardness scale is another way to distinguish a diamond from moissanite. In its hardness this dear fake diamond significantly inferior to natural diamonds. The difference between moissanite and diamond is that when using a special diamond-coated tip, there will be no noticeable damage to the surface of the diamond. However, it should be noted that in jewelry this method is used extremely rarely due to the high cost of minerals.

The difference between black diamonds and moissanites

The “open flame” test will allow you to determine which stone is in front of you. If you bring artificially grown moissanite to an open flame, it will change its color - it will turn green, regardless of the original color. When carrying out the test, you can use a lighter, match or alcohol lamp, but such actions should be performed very carefully, since with strong and prolonged heating, moissanite can permanently turn green.

Black diamonds– are very rare, so moissanites are often sold under their guise. The difference between black diamonds and black moissanites is almost impossible to visually determine. Only a highly qualified, experienced jeweler can establish the authenticity of a black diamond using special equipment.

How to distinguish a diamond from zirconium: how the stones differ

Expensive diamonds are often replaced by scammers with cheaper versions of stones, including zirconium. The following expert advice on how to distinguish a diamond from zirconium will prevent you from becoming a victim of scammers:

  1. If you are not afraid of spoiling an artificial stone that was sold to you under the guise of a diamond, dip it in the solution of hydrochloric acid. A real diamond will not be damaged, it will remain just as attractive, and the zirconium will be covered with opaque white spots.
  2. A real diamond after jewelry processing is characterized by its colorlessness and transparency, zirconium is distinguished by the presence of colored impurities.
  3. The stone can be lowered into water: a genuine diamond will sink to the bottom and will sparkle in it, but at the same time it will be almost invisible. Zirconium can be clearly seen in water, but it will not emit a dazzling shine.
  4. If you examine zirconium under a magnifying glass, the stone will show bifurcated back edges.
  5. You can find out about a fake even if the stone is set into a ring. To do this, you need to put it on your finger and look carefully inside: due to total reflection, it will be impossible to see your finger through a real diamond, but through zirconium it will be visible, since this stone has a completely different refractive index.

Knowing the difference between a diamond and zirconium, you can replenish your jewelry arsenal with real diamonds, and not fakes.

What is the difference between an emerald and a diamond: color, price, hardness

Perhaps the most popular jewelry stones are diamonds and emeralds. Despite the almost identical popularity of minerals, they have their differences.

The most important difference between an emerald and a diamond is the color of the stone. True diamonds are completely transparent, while emeralds have green color. There are also green diamonds, but this color is unevenly distributed on their surface.

Regarding price, some emeralds can be more expensive than real diamonds. A pure emerald crystal can cost $5,000 per carat, while the minimum price for a single carat diamond is $4,000.

Emeralds are not endowed with such high strength and hardness as diamonds. Given the low hardness of emerald, specimens without such defects as cracks and small chips are rarely found in nature. Even minerals with inclusions of other rocks are widely found.

How to distinguish a sapphire from a diamond by visual inspection?

Sapphire- a precious stone of natural origin, ranking second after diamonds in hardness, beauty and value. Sapphires have Blue colour various shades- from light blue to dark blue and even black. They can be pure blue or with greenish or purple tint. You should know that there are practically no diamonds with such an unusual color; they can be blue, purple or green, but without mixing these shades. In addition, this color is extremely rare.

How to distinguish a sapphire from a diamond by visual inspection of the stone? If you look at a sapphire, you can see it heterogeneous structure, this feature is not observed in diamonds.

How are Swarovski crystals different from diamonds?

Oh worldwide famous brand Many people have probably heard of SWAROVSKI, and Swarovski stones, the products of this company, adorn many fashionistas. In the process of producing jewelry, the brand uses cubic zirconia, an expensive stone of artificial origin, appearance very reminiscent of real diamonds.

Many girls and women who decide to purchase jewelry with these stones want to know how Swarovski crystals differ from diamonds. Despite the fact that the SWAROVSKI brand uses cubic zirconia, they differ significantly from those stones used by other jewelry companies. First of all, when processing them, all the rules and standards of diamond cutting are used. Thanks to this approach, Swarovski cubic zirconia sparkles just like diamonds.

Cubic zirconia is a very attractive stone. However, not everyone knows how to determine that it is he. After all, there is a market sufficient quantity fakes made of glass. In addition, cubic zirconia is very similar to a diamond. To determine the authenticity of a stone, you need to take several steps, which will be discussed below.


First, let's figure out how to distinguish cubic zirconia from glass. The shine will tell you that this is a real stone. It is not for nothing that it is compared to a diamond, since it refracts light perfectly and sparkles. Glass cannot boast of such qualities; it is inferior to cubic zirconia in brilliance.

The stone also has good hardness data, so it can scratch the glass itself. Therefore, this method will help to verify the authenticity of the mineral at home.

Of course, it is not always possible to distinguish a fake. After all, there are types of glass that have only slight differences from stone. Therefore, it will be difficult or even impossible to identify them with the naked eye.

One of these options is rhinestone. This glass is often used to imitate semi-precious or precious stones. If you have doubts, but you can’t verify it yourself, you should show the jewelry to a specialist.

Here the question may arise: why is a glass product considered a fake? Understanding the differences between the elements will help answer this question:

  • the stone shimmers attractively, incomparably with glass;
  • cubic zirconia is much stronger, while glass can crumble, so the stone in the ring will last much longer;
  • jewelry with such an addition looks more sophisticated, and if the stone loses its shine, a simple polishing with a napkin is enough;
  • psychological comfort from the knowledge that the ring contains cubic zirconia and not glass.


Zircon is a natural gemstone. Cubic zirconia is grown in laboratory conditions.

Zircon is slightly inferior in price to diamond and is mined in limited quantities. It is less durable and hard.


Before getting into the details, you can first look at a photo of what a diamond and cubic zirconia look like.

The refractive index of cubic zirconia is close to that of a diamond, which makes it difficult to determine how to distinguish it from a diamond. This similarity, of course, is actively used by scammers who seek to present jewelry with cubic zirconia as expensive diamond jewelry. After all, the average user is unlikely to be able to distinguish stones from each other.

Therefore, knowledge of how to determine the authenticity of cubic zirconia is helpful information which can save a large number of funds.

Let's consider the options:

  • If possible, it is worth looking through the stone. A diamond will not allow you to see light; you will notice a luminous point, while cubic zirconia allows it to pass through well. You can do a simple test. You need to put paper with printed text, if it can be read through the stone, then you are holding cubic zirconia in your hands. This simple method will allow you to distinguish stones at home.
  • There is another, even more affordable option. You need to take the stone in your hand and hold it for a while. Cubic zirconia will be at ambient temperature, while diamond will always be cool despite the warm air.
  • You can also breathe on the stone; cubic zirconia will fog up, but a diamond will not.
  • Another determination method can be used, but it has certain implementation difficulties. And that's why. You should smear the stone with oil and then apply it to the surface of the glass. Sticking will only be observed if you are dealing with a diamond.
  • If you pay attention to the edges, the diamond has sharper edges. You can find small defects that, oddly enough, are characteristic of a diamond. The stone in question has an ideal surface.
  • There is one more option left, the most impractical, since it allows you to find out the truth only after some time. If, after wearing, a stone loses its shine or becomes damaged, the answer to what kind of stone it is is obvious. After all, diamond has the highest hardness.

All that remains is to make a final conclusion. If you are not sure what is in front of you, then you can do something simple: take the product to a professional for evaluation. He will help put all the dots in this matter.


Now let's look at the question of how to distinguish cubic zirconia from a fake. Growing this stone requires certain technical equipment and adherence to technology, therefore material costs are required.

Any product that is not made according to technology or deviates from it is a fake. To save money, some manufacturers simplify production, which undoubtedly leads to a deterioration in the quality of the mineral.

Here are the main signs of a classic fake:

  • Low shine. A real stone has high rate refraction, which is not as easy to achieve as it might seem.
  • Big sizes. A real stone has dimensions of no more than 2 cm. A fake, of course, can have any size.
  • Low cost. The price of cubic zirconia is comparable to the cost semi-precious stone, because the technology for its production is one of the most difficult. Therefore, a low price may indicate a fake.


It remains to summarize. As you can see, there are certain ways that allow you to high level reliability to determine the authenticity of the stone. All that remains is to look at the photo in order to have a more accurate idea of ​​what cubic zirconia looks like.