The man hides his feelings and turns away. He says cute things

February 23

Hello! I am sincerely glad that you do not forget to read new articles on my blog. I assure you, this time it will be no less interesting.

I'm sure you know firsthand that women are more inclined to clearly express feelings and emotions. Men prefer to show their love in a slightly different way - with the help.

How to understand that a man is in love and does not hide it?

When he kisses you, when he hugs you, when he looks at you - most often with all this he is trying to tell you that he loves you. It is believed that men are straightforward creatures. But there are also more complex and, moreover, ambiguous moments that are not always noticeable and understandable.

So you don't have to guess what your man's actions mean, I'll tell you 15 subtle signs that he's showing his love for you.

  1. Passionate long kisses

When he initiates kisses and you feel passion every time, this clearly indicates the presence of romantic feelings for you.

If, when he kisses you, it seems that for him it is akin to a duty (after all, he is your boyfriend), you should doubt the presence of feelings.

  1. His friends love you

From the company of your man's friends you can always understand how he feels about you.

If you feel that you are the object of their adoration, it means that he only tells them good things about you.

Naturally, this creates an extremely positive attitude towards the woman who makes their friend happy.

  1. He is always glad to see you

I'm sure you know how unnerving it can sometimes be when someone whose personality you're not particularly interested in "wanders" into your personal space.

This feeling is exactly the opposite of what you feel when a loved one is on “your territory”.

Now remember how he reacts when you “impose” your presence? For example, when he does something personal like playing on a video console, tinkering in the garage, or even just reading a book. Does he happily accept your presence or irritably let you know that you would like to go do something?

  1. A man in love smiles after a kiss

When your partner has real feelings for you, every time after kissing, a smile in one form or another (from a smirk to a beaming smile “from ear to ear”) will be present on his face.

This is due to the fact that kissing is associated with pleasure, which makes you a little happier.

  1. A man in love listens attentively

While he may not talk out loud about his feelings often, the fact that he listens intently to you when you talk is incredibly meaningful.

He may lean closer, nod periodically, and generally express in every possible way that your words don’t go in one ear and out the other.

  1. A man in love has a proud profile

No matter how strange it may sound, a man’s good posture and straightened shoulders are a clear sign of feelings for the woman who is next to him. After all, this is how he tries to impress her. And quite often this happens unconsciously.

Agree, you would like your boyfriend a little less slouched.

  1. Hand in hand

Even if he doesn't like kissing and hugging in public, holding hands is always an option.

This The best way silently and unnoticed by others to say “”.

If he calls, texts or messages through social networks for no reason during the day, it means he is constantly thinking about you.

Of course, not all lovers behave this way. A significant part, but not all. Therefore, you should not assume that he is not interested in you if he does not do this. Before drawing conclusions, pay attention to other signals.

If a man doesn’t overwhelm you with a stream of SMS and calls, perhaps he does))

  1. He enjoys activities together

Has it ever happened that your man “tagged along” with you when you went shopping?

Usually men don't like this. But romantic feelings“force” him to love absolutely any activity that will give him the opportunity to spend a little more time with you.

Cooking dinner together, cleaning the house, working in the garden, during which a happy and contented expression does not leave his face - all this obvious signs that he really feels good next to you.

  1. Eye contact

Does he often look into your eyes? If often, and in different settings (both alone and in society), then this type of contact is important to him, as another way to communicate his feelings.

Well, if your eyes almost never meet, it’s a lost cause :)

  1. A man often runs his hand through his hair

There are two explanations for this action.

First, he instinctively tries to look as good as possible in front of you and therefore simply straightens his hair.

Secondly, romantic moments, especially in “fresh” relationships, are often accompanied by nervousness. In this case, he can run his hand through his hair unconsciously - at the will of his nerves.

In any case, this gesture is .

  1. Mirror behavior

Does he tend to order the same thing as you at a cafe? Does he bite the sandwich at the same time as you, looking into your eyes? Have elements appeared in his behavior that are usually characteristic of you? Does it happen that you speak in the same phrases?

Unconscious copying of behavior, speech, manners and facial expressions is a psychological phenomenon called isopraxism and often manifests itself in lovers.

  1. A man in love gives meaningful gifts

By this word I do not mean expensive gifts. This means that he spends his time and energy to find a gift that really suits your desires and interests.

In addition, this is a continuation of point 5 that he listens carefully - he also remembers what you are talking about, so that he can later use this information when choosing a gift.

  1. A man in love laughs often

Does he think you're funny and can't help but giggle when you do something stupid?

Oddly enough, the more often he laughs and shows that he is having fun with you, the more serious the level of his interest in you.

  1. Spontaneous touches

Does he touch you when you are in public place? He holds your hand, hugs you around the waist, strokes your head.

Such random touches usually show that, even without sexual overtones.

Signs of a man in love

I hope that now it will be much easier for you to “unravel” your man.

By the way, you can help expand this list by describing in the comments your own observations that allowed you to draw a conclusion about the presence (or absence) of feelings in your partner.

With faith in you and your success,

Yaroslav Samoilov.

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People are different from each other, especially men from women. They think and act differently. Their actions defy explanation. A woman can naturally read information from gestures, eye and facial expressions. How can you tell if a guy you know is in love but is hiding his true feelings? Let's figure it out together.

Why does a guy hide his feelings?

The young man likes the girl, he does not show feelings for her. Think about it, maybe there are reasons for this:

  • believes that feelings and tenderness are a sign of weakness;
  • afraid of looking funny;
  • fears being misunderstood and rejected;
  • he has a family;
  • is in shock from what happened.

Signs of a guy in love

Love is a magical feeling that makes people change for the better. No matter how a man tries to hide it, his behavior and actions give away true nature. In this case, pay attention to signs of sympathy.


The man becomes flexible and caring. It is important for him to see the woman he loves more often; he looks for any excuse to meet.

Tries not to offend his beloved, picks up necessary words, pays more attention. Listens to advice and agrees with the lady of his heart in everything. If the passion needs help, he will immediately lend his shoulder.

Between them are installed trusting relationship. He shares plans, experiences, talks about the past and dreams. But this is not so easy to do, even if you have a friend in front of you.

How else can you understand that a guy is sincerely in love, but desperately hides his feelings? He is cheerful and witty. Boasts of achievements, successes, financial opportunities.

With all his might he wants to appear with the best side. It is important for him that the woman sees a serious, promising and responsible person in front of her. The best best wishes.


The lover is betrayed by a look full of tenderness and delight. The guy keeps him on his passion for quite a long time. But at the same time, it is difficult for him to withstand her gaze; he looks away. After a while, he again looks at the woman he loves. And she intuitively grasps his feelings.


Another sign of falling in love is a sudden change in appearance. He is all clean and shaved, smelling of perfume. Changes hairstyle. Some men start going to the gym because they really want to please the object of their worship.

The guy becomes more neat and tries to dress tastefully. New beautiful things and accessories appear. Many people change their style radically.

If a young man experiences only sexual attraction, his back is straight. He shows the woman that he is strong and portly. A person in love, on the contrary, develops a certain stoop and awkwardness in movements.


How to understand by gestures that a guy is in love, but makes no attempts to get closer and hides his feelings. You can always see a lot if you look closely at a person.

Such a man is betrayed by trembling excitement, he is not calm. Hands are constantly in motion: shifting various small objects, fiddling with them in the palms.

The guy wants to touch the woman he loves. He uses every moment to make close contact with her (straightens his hair, removes a leaf from it, etc.).

Looks intently into the eyes. He often straightens his curls with his hand and smoothes them. This gesture suggests that the young man wants to please the lady.

An exception

It happens that in big picture There may be exceptions to manifestations of love. Many men don’t show their feelings because they don’t know how to do it. They are too proud, unsure of the true motives of love.

However, such a man can be “declassified” by his behavior. He avoids communicating with his crush, stays away from her. Afraid to show feelings, hides them behind a mask:

  • indifference;
  • increased attention to other women (causes jealousy);
  • hypertrophied care (trying to please, to be gallant);
  • jealousy of other potential competitors (if the person is not jealous at all).

Women's tricks - options for "exposure"

How can you tell that a guy is in love if he shows interest but hides his feelings? Let's try some little tricks!

Option #1. If there is a party at which the object of worship will be present, allow the other man to give you a little attention and gentle advances. Or arrange in advance with a friend to come as a fan.

Look at the test subject's reaction. His behavior may change:

  • demands attention;
  • speaks louder than usual;
  • jokes a lot;
  • deliberately starts a quarrel with an imaginary gentleman;
  • restless.

Option #2. Invite your crush on a date. Come up with a simple reason for a meeting without hints of an intimate relationship:

  • go to a classical dance lesson together (need a partner);
  • spend time at the skating rink;
  • visit an art exhibition that has opened (if the guy is knowledgeable, invite him as an expert);
  • go to a concert of your favorite singer (you have an “extra” ticket).


Maybe you will have other ideas to communicate with the object of adoration and check his attitude towards you.

His behavior will reveal his true intentions. How to understand that a guy is in love if he is not indifferent, but at the same time hides his feelings?

The guy's first reaction is the most sincere and truthful. If a man loves, he will happily respond to one of your proposals and reschedule things.

If you tried in every possible way to provoke jealousy on the part of your chosen one, and in response you received complete indifference, this indicates indifference. And don’t have any illusions about the guy’s secret crush.

Sometimes you need to take the first steps towards yourself, to understand the existing relationships and feelings. Sometimes it is they who help the man he loves to open up, give him the opportunity to confess his feelings and get closer to his beloved.

The inner world of a man is very simple, laconic, understandable, but not for a woman. Intuitively, yes, but not logically. How, for example, can she understand a man who is definitely in love, but behaves like an insensitive blockhead or a frozen penguin? And then guys claim that it’s women who make life difficult? Why hide your feelings and why can’t you come up and say: “I like you, let’s live happily ever after and die one day when we turn one hundred!”? No, he is suffering, but is silent. And try to find out why he hides his feelings? Let's try, find out and explore the signs that indicate a man in love.

Sign 1. Acts like a stupid “sheep”

It’s a bit of a shame, but this is the truth, which was subtly noticed by Agatha Christie: “If a man is in love without any pretense, his gaiety and pompous gallantry dissolve without a trace. He looks more like a sheep." Of course, this does not apply to every man, but many lose all sanity, and even adequacy in the presence of the object of their love. Fortunately, this condition is pure form not seen very often. Mostly men in this category demonstrate tension, awkwardness, and fussiness, generated by the fear of not being liked. They are let down by the overstated importance of the situation. Here the law of meanness comes into play, and in order not to goof off, the vulnerable male psyche “falls” into extremes: stupor or bravado.

Sign 2. Metamorphoses occur with his voice and speech

Verbal signs are some of the most eloquent, and it’s not just about the content of what is said. A man's speech may be confused, incoherent and inappropriate, although he, for example, is usually famous for his oratory skills. A man is also able to unconsciously manipulate his voice, making it softer, more pleasant, more polite. Or he can chat incessantly, or remain silent, like a partisan during interrogation. If a man knows how to control himself in exciting situations, he will still reveal his feelings by asking more about the woman or talking about himself.

Sign 3. Turns into a solid “ear”

A man in love becomes like himself " big ear" - an ideal interlocutor who knows how to listen and hear. He will definitely remember the woman’s casual remark about what men's fragrance she likes it, or what she likes to have for breakfast, or what kind of transport she uses to get to work. And then the very next day a man smelling like " Antonio Banderas", meets a woman at a bus stop near work with her favorite croissants and Mocaccino. Isn't this love? Perhaps not every man in love and hearing will be able to materialize at least a woman’s small dreams, but he will definitely allow her to speak out, which only a man in love can do.

Sign 4. His eyes are the mirror of a loving soul

What is reflected in this “mirror” depends on the woman’s disposition. If a man fears that his love will be rejected, or feels unworthy of a woman, his eyes will express the look of a devoted but beaten dog. But if a man is full of hope and confidence, you can easily read courage, determination, flirtation or intrigue in his eyes. Unfortunately, the look of a man hiding his feelings is not so eloquent. However, he can also be “caught” in love if he lingers for a long time, for example, on a woman’s lips, or, conversely, averts his eyes when communicating with a woman, blushes or is embarrassed.

Sign 5. Becomes a gallant gentleman

Men in love express their feelings in two extremes - indifference or excessive (and sometimes intrusive) attention. Moreover, everyone does this, both those who are not ashamed of their feelings, and those who hide them behind seven locks. But it also happens golden mean- a noble gentleman who will open the door for a woman, give her a hand and take care to make a woman’s life easier. If a man does this without a shadow of interest on his face, of course, he can simply be suspected of good upbringing, but no woman will confuse good manners with the gallantry of a man in love.

Sign 6. Pays increased attention to his appearance

It is a well-known fact that men are much less fashionable than women. They don’t really like to take care of their appearance either - as men age, they tend to look older than their peers. Men in love are another matter. It’s as if a “program” was inserted into their heads - to be beautiful, well-groomed, fit, fashionable. And even those men who do not lag behind women in their ability to take care of their appearance, when in love, begin to visit with redoubled alacrity. GYM's, clothing stores and even beauty salons, which were previously considered a women's “paraffia”. They passionately desire to please the woman they like, even if she doesn’t yet know it.

Sign 7. Jealous and demonstrating ownership

When a man is secretly in love, he considers the woman already his, even if she has no idea about his feelings. He does not tolerate when other men show increased signs of attention to her, and can betray himself with aggressive behavior, both towards suitors who have encroached on his “property”, and towards a woman who allows other men to flirt with her or openly pester her. If a man realizes that he is wrong, he will deliberately avoid the woman so as not to reveal his feelings.

Sign 8. Makes ridiculous jokes or behaves like a clown

Hiding behind humor or playful behavior has been a habit among men since childhood, when they did not know how to deal with suddenly surging feelings for a classmate. Then humor, jokes and other kinds of tomfoolery often became salvation and a reliable cover. A model of behavior has developed and become entrenched in many men, remaining the leading tactics for communicating with women into adulthood. A man can tell stupid jokes, act out of place, joke out of place, etc. The fact that he looks like a buffoon in the eyes of a woman is something he cannot understand. Unfortunately, the mask is only visible to the one who looks at it, but not to the one hiding behind it.

Psychologist Elena Tsitrava

Why do men hide their feelings? This question very often worries many ladies. Often representatives of the stronger sex are stingy in expressing their emotions and, no matter what feelings women evoke in them, they behave with restraint. Psychologists say that men are usually soft and vulnerable, but why then do they pretend to be insensitive, who are unfamiliar with emotional experiences? The answer is quite simple: they want to please, because representatives of the stronger sex were instilled with the idea from childhood that a real man must be unshakable and stern.

Why do men hide their feelings for a woman?

Representatives of the fair sex often do not understand the goals, actions, feelings of their chosen ones and are constantly in the dark about what they feel for them. Why is this happening?

Representatives of the stronger half have not yet earned capital, will make a career - to serious relationship don't strive. Having decided on a relationship, a man strives to provide decent life to his lady and works even harder for this purpose. Love or passion does not affect a man's productivity. A representative of the stronger sex does not stop leading his usual life - meeting with friends, hobbies, and at the same time introduces another item into his routine - the woman he loves and her problems. A representative of the fair sex in a relationship, on the contrary, completely surrenders to a new feeling. Household chores, friends, work fade into the background. Therefore, very often women are offended by their husbands due to the lack of attention given to them.

Why does a man hide his feelings when he is in love?

A man in love is characterized by confusion and... If a previously self-confident representative of the stronger sex behaved boldly, demonstrating determination, as well as pressure in all actions, then during meetings with his beloved he feels a certain awkwardness, is afraid to open up and show his weakness, demonstrating feelings. Those closest to him notice these internal changes in a man.

Representatives of the stronger sex explain the reasons why a man, when in love, hides his feelings for a woman. Below are some examples:

– most women like “bad” guys who do not adhere to norms, rules and principles. Ladies love being next to just such a chosen one, because you never know what to expect, and at any moment the anticipation of an adrenaline rush never leaves you. That's why unfortunate men have to put on masks of scoundrels and;

– a man hides his feelings because he believes that this is how he should behave. Women are allowed to be emotional and sensual, and similar men society is not welcoming. In fact, both sexes are equally emotional;

– men often lie about the number of their ex-girlfriends to appear more desirable in the eyes of the opposite sex. The idea that over the past two or three years a man has been able to charm one woman forces one to come up with complicated love stories your past;

– a man hides his feelings in order not to show how much he likes the lady and how much he is already in love with her;

– for representatives of the stronger sex, the definition of “in love” is equivalent to the definition of “weak”. It is difficult to find a representative of the stronger sex who will call himself weak; it is because of this fear that men hide their feelings;

– it has been noted that often women, having realized that the chosen one is already in their “networks”, lose interest in him. This behavior alarms the stronger sex and forces them to be more restrained in expressing feelings;

– men do not want to show that they depend on a certain woman and do not like to be conquered;

– reluctance to be controlled makes men hide their feelings;

– the fear of remaining completely defenseless also forces the stronger sex to hide their feelings. Opening up to another person takes time and trust. Men, just like women, have weak spots, and are very afraid of attacks on them;

– representatives of the stronger sex are more dependent than women in intimate terms. Women often don’t even realize that they can easily manipulate the stronger sex and men are in no hurry to tell them about it;

– every representative of the stronger sex is proud that he is a man and loves to demonstrate his inner strength, to impress the young lady you are interested in.

So, it becomes clear that there is nothing unusual or strange in the behavior of men. They, as best they can, win and retain the interest of the young lady they like.

Why men hide their feelings - the opinion of psychologists

In the opinion of most representatives of the fair sex, it is a rather primitive thing. But in thinking this way, the ladies are mistaken. Representatives of the stronger sex are specific, not ordinary. They don't like to cause problems empty space, while complicating everything. And in general, the stronger half behaves in a completely different way compared to women. Therefore, only an understanding of all the intricacies of the device male psychology will give an opportunity weaker sex build the most effective models of relationships with their chosen ones.

Male psychology is structured in such a way that only outwardly they are overly persistent, self-confident and unshakable. Often this is a mask. Most women are at a loss as to why their relationships with men do not work out. They do not understand that when communicating with men they mistake the mask for reality, and therefore commit a large number of mistakes that the male sex does not forgive.

It has long been customary to classify men as stronger sex. They received such an attitude solely because of their physical advantage over the ladies, but mentally they are not as strong as the fair half. Often, the female sex does not understand that their chosen ones, accompanying them through life, can also be vulnerable and vulnerable, in need of care and tenderness.

Often each individual sins by interpreting another person through the prism of himself. In other words, each subject ascribes to another individual characteristics that are inherent in himself, or a pattern of behavior that is observed in him under certain conditions. And when a partner in a relationship behaves differently, a person thinks that they are not valued. But in fact, the partner only expresses disagreement or agreement in a different way.

Often in life, people cannot look at situations from an alternative position or from a perspective, as if from the outside. IN difficult situations wives do not want to put themselves in the place of their husbands, and only assume what they should do. At the same time, women forget about the many associated factors and personal factors. Therefore, the average husband, not having the ability to read women's thoughts, acts in a completely different way. Because of this, there are women's grievances on husbands who do not want to understand them. Of course, this approach negatively affects gender relations.

Why do men hide their feelings and how to find out what feelings the chosen one is experiencing?

It is very important for a woman not to rush her chosen one. Endless questions “do you love me?” or “how do you feel about me?” cause discomfort, embarrassment and disturb mental balance. manifests itself in a hundred other nuances, and words do not reflect reality. If a man has not yet understood himself and his feelings, and is not completely sure of his chosen one, then constant questioning will destroy the relationship that has just begun to emerge.

Women always get little attention; they freely express resentment and joy. Why are men different? Psychologists note that men and women often do not completely understand each other’s feelings and thoughts, because most representatives of the stronger sex emotionally distance themselves from relationships, while many young ladies passionately strive for them. is that 80% of women are “pursuers”, and 80% of men are “distancers”. Representatives of the fairer sex want to be closer because previous relationships or they experienced feelings of abandonment as children.

Why do men hide their feelings and emotions?

Men try to keep a safe distance and hide their feelings from women because they are afraid of being dragged into a relationship. Most representatives of the stronger sex of distancers act as pursuers at the beginning of a relationship, trying to seduce the lady. The lady's refusal only exacerbates the tendency to pursue. But given that the woman takes this step because of the destruction of the relationship, and not consciously, this only pushes the man further away.

The scenario for future relationships dates back to childhood. Most boys are afraid of being lost, of losing their masculinity and independence. But mothers often find it difficult to let their sons grow up on their own. As a result, boys, due to the fact that they are moving away from their mothers, experience...

A young man with this complex, developed in childhood, will avoid relationships with a girl if she turns out to be demanding, will develop in him a feeling of guilt due to the fact that he ignores her, or if he himself is afraid that he will not be able to meet her demands.

In the case of girls, if the father is too close to his daughter or, on the contrary, rejects her, then the daughter perceives the mother as a rival, feeling guilty for this and.

Thus, the distancer man is running away from obligations and painful dependence, and the pursuer woman dreams of the distancer “rewriting” the script of her relationship with her father. The highest values ​​for the distancer are freedom and independence, and for the pursuer - close relationships and partnership.

Do you absolutely know that a young man is secretly not indifferent to you, but for some reason stubbornly hides his feelings? Or maybe it's just a trick of the imagination? How to understand that he is really in love? We will talk about why men hide their attraction so carefully. You will learn how you can determine their true feelings by their behavior, gaze, gestures and body language.

Here are some of the most common reasons why men tend to hide their feelings:

  • He has a girlfriend or wife. The most common and common reason. The guy already has someone and he doesn’t want to break off a comfortable relationship for another girl, even if he really loves her. Articles that will be useful to you: , .
  • IN men's world It is customary to be restrained, to be able to control yourself and your emotions. Showing your interest or love means for young man show your weakness. He has no right to be weak under any circumstances. It's different for women. When a guy is interesting to us, we try to show it. A man prefers to do everything consistently and does not waste his energy on stupid fantasies. Even if the relationship does not go beyond intimate, he will be restrained in showing his interest.
  • Bad experience. Having experienced a difficult breakup, men do not seek to tie themselves in any way again. It is much easier for them to date without being constrained by any obligations. Some even become recluses.
  • A man lives alone for a very long time. He is independent, his own boss. He’s so used to it, he’s so comfortable. Therefore, he begins to perceive a woman as something that can disrupt his established life. For her sake, the guy will have to change his foundations and habits, but he doesn’t want to do this.
  • He is not sure of his feelings. Or maybe this is not love at all, but just fleeting sympathy? Then why discover it? It will pass and that will be the end of it. And we, women, suffer, suffer, think about what is going on in his head.
  • A man is subject to stereotypes. For some reason, in their male world it is believed that the more restrained and colder a young man behaves, the more more woman will fall in love with him. This is actually a big mistake. You should not abuse indifference, no matter how strong your principles are.
  • The guy is afraid of being rejected. The young man thinks, is it necessary to take the first step? What if he's not good? What if the sympathy is not mutual? Even confident men can turn out to be timid and shy at such a moment. In this case, they prefer to remain silent and pretend that the girl is indifferent.

The main signs that he is secretly in love

Of course, everything is individual, but there are common signs:

The man began to actively monitor his appearance, take a shower more often, comb your hair, visit gym, smelling like an expensive or not very perfume - all this speaks of a desire to impress a woman.

He is happy to talk about himself. A young man in love will never miss a chance to tell about himself, his hobbies and interests. He may even start boasting about his achievements. In this way, he makes it clear that the woman matters to him, and he would like her to get to know him better.

Listens carefully. The young man will listen with pleasure and show interest in your words, life and needs. He has a desire to help, to show concern. Even if he doesn't dump you expensive gifts, he will try to please in other ways.

In addition, your fan will try to find out as much as possible about you more information. But since he wants to hide his feelings, he will do it secretly.

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Manifestation of aggression - possible sign love. It sounds paradoxical, but it is true. Sometimes a guy tries to hurt a woman as much as possible, even to offend her. In this way he is trying to attract your attention.

Another reason aggressive behavior on the part of the man there may be excessive pressure and intrusiveness on your part. A man perceives such behavior as an encroachment on his sovereignty and independence. If a man wants a relationship, thinks about it, then he strives to manage the situation himself.

A man in love is betrayed by his behavior. We have collected.

In addition, it is useful to take a closer look at it. They can also tell a lot of interesting things about his feelings.

A man in love is jealous. If one or more contenders for her heart begin to revolve around the object of his love, then he may also begin to behave aggressively. He will want to win you away from other fans. Whether this happens openly or secretly depends on the man.

He flirts actively with others. In your presence, a man can calmly flirt with another woman, thereby, on the one hand, showing his indifference, and on the other, trying to make you jealous. A man, oddly enough, sometimes also wants to receive proof of your feelings.

The guy shows indifference. IN general company a man will not show attention, trying to avoid glances, meetings and general topics. It's simple: if he himself is not sure of his feelings, then it makes no sense to show them in the presence of other people.

The man is constantly looking at you. If a man constantly glances at you, it means he is in love. A man can sneak a glance or, conversely, maintain a visual connection. It all depends on his temperament and self-confidence. More details on this topic:

Has the young man begun to appear more often in your field of vision? This definitely shows his interest. The reasons for its appearance can be the most stupid. For example, because his horoscope predicted so. He will never name the real reason. After all, he does not yet know whether the woman will reciprocate his feelings.

Does a man try to get closer or touch at every opportunity? This fact can speak not only about falling in love. This is also an indicator that a man is showing sexual interest in you. He will be very tactful in its manifestation and will try not to offend. For men, the first intimate contact with the woman they love is as exciting as for a woman.
Useful video on the topic:

What to do if you notice signs of falling in love in a man

If you like a guy, then the one the right step– . If it’s all about some of his fears or complexes, then he will feel bolder and take the first step.

If you hinted to him, and he still keeps his distance, it means he has some kind of serious problems. Perhaps it should.