Is it possible to work in the evening on a church holiday? What activities are prohibited on church holidays?

For men

According to the fourth commandment, one must work for six days, but devote the seventh, Saturday, to serving God and godly deeds, leaving other concerns on this day. Nowadays, the Old Testament Sabbath has been replaced by the New Testament Sunday, and on these days we have to study the most different things, But church holidays are still honored as holy days and set aside for spiritual life.

Fourth Commandment

The call not to work on church holidays goes back to the wording of the fourth commandment, which reads: “... you shall work six days, and in them you shall do all your work; but the seventh day, the Sabbath, is for the Lord your God.” On the seventh day, it was supposed to do works of mercy, study the Word of God, visit temples - live a spiritual life, take care of your soul. Church holidays dedicated to saints and events from the Bible also fall into this category.

The most revered of all holidays on which one should abstain from work is Easter, the Resurrection of Christ. It falls every year on a new...

In anticipation of church holidays, believers and superstitious people begin to rush to complete as much accumulated work as possible. This allows you to relax and do nothing during the holiday period. Everyone received information that it is undesirable to work on church holidays, and especially to clean the home.

It happens that the day before a person simply did not know that tomorrow big celebration and, waking up in the morning, he seems to understand in horror that the house is a mess and he can’t work! Let's find out why people so confidently pass on from generation to generation superstitions that on church holidays you should never clean up, and that it is better to spend the day in a mess, so that later...

Why can't you clean on church holidays?

Regarding church holidays and general cleaning These days there are many signs and superstitions circulating among the people. Our great-grandfathers sacredly revered Orthodox events and strictly forbade working on these dates. In the morning we got up early and the first...

About two thousand years ago, our Lord Jesus Christ said in the Gospel that man is not made for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath is for man. Church understanding of the meaning of holidays, Sundays It comes down not to being passive and not moving a hand, but to the fact that these days we must pause the usual everyday, family, work bustle and raise our heads to the sky. To do this, if we have at least the minimum opportunity, we need to go to pray at the service, and then, as far as life circumstances allow us, devote this day to concerns not addressed to ourselves. If we have children, it is better to devote Sunday not to doing laundry, but to communicating with them, because it is much more difficult than washing dishes to talk deeply and openly with your own children. If we have older relatives whom we have not visited for a long time, we need to get to them and call them. If there are people who need our support, then it would be good to support them.

You can do handicrafts on church holidays, but not instead of...

Recently there was the Annunciation. And soon it’s Easter. Many rural residents are constantly wondering: is it possible to work on church holidays? In the countryside, especially in spring and autumn, there is a lot of work in the garden and courtyards. Moreover, Sundays are also considered church holidays throughout the year. To answer the question of when to work, when not to work, and on which church holidays, I will try to summarize all the information on this matter: what I heard and read personally, what I heard from our priests, what I heard from people who constantly go to church.

Where did it come from, since when is it forbidden to work on church holidays?

The fourth commandment of God says:

“Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy: six days you shall do it, and in them you shall do all your work; but on the seventh day, the Sabbath, is for the Lord your God.”

With this commandment the Lord God commands us to work for six days and engage in necessary things to do, to which one is called, and to dedicate the seventh day to His service and to the saints...

Even when we were young, our elders often told us that we shouldn’t work on Sunday, but we just grinned and went on working, fortunately our health allowed us to do so. Meanwhile, no matter who you ask, no one knows where this belief came from. Let's look into this issue.

According to priests, church holidays and Sundays in Christianity are those days on which you really cannot work. This is due to the fact that God created the world for 6 days, and on the seventh he decided to rest. So a person should not work without rest, because in this case he will only spoil his health. At such times, it is recommended not only to relax, but also to attend church and devote oneself to the Lord. Meanwhile, some physical work is still allowed - for example, you can clean a sick or old person’s apartment or simply look after him. There's nothing wrong with that.

By the way, each holiday has its own ban. So, on Christmas it is forbidden to go hunting or...

I've been busy at work all week. I only have time to do household chores - do laundry, cook dinner - on Sunday, when I return from church. But my grandmother claims that working on Sunday is a sin. Is it so? Julia

Archpriest Konstantin OSTROVSKY, rector of the Assumption Church in the city of Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, dean of the churches of the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow diocese, answers:

Of course, if someone manages to organize their time in such a way that all Sunday and holidays he can devote himself exclusively to prayer and works of mercy, this is wonderful. In the morning the man went to the liturgy, took communion, had a meal with his pious family, the whole family visited the sick and those in prison, went to church in the evening for a service, again had a meal with his family, everyone prayed and went to bed. What would be better! But if the mother of the family refuses to cook dinner because she can’t work on a holiday, and her husband and children are hungry and maybe even...

Is it possible to work on church holidays and Sundays? Isn't this a sin?

A question I regularly hear is: “You also work on holidays. And this is correct for a healer who uses Orthodox conspiracies and prayers?

I answer: of course, you can work on a holiday! And, yes, this is absolutely correct! A request to the authors of this question: give me a link to some point in the Holy Scriptures or in the Constitution, which clearly states that healers should not receive people on religious holidays. You see, on Orthodox holidays people get sick and suffer from various problems no less than on other days. Or even more (many victims of damage feel deterioration precisely on the days of church holidays corresponding to the ancient pagan holidays). So why should I refuse to help them?

Surely you have heard the famous biblical parable that when the Pharisees accused Jesus Christ of treating a man on Saturday (a holy religious day), he replied: “If you had...

January 14 is a holiday. It was established in memory of the fact that the Infant Jesus, according to the Old Testament tradition, was circumcised on the eighth day after His Nativity, and He was given the name Jesus (Savior). He said this, explaining the meaning of the holiday: “He who intends to live according to the new laws must first fulfill the old ones. This will show that he is truly a “law-abiding” person, and not a self-willed person. Only he who has fulfilled the old has the right to establish new things.”

But for some, the essence of the holiday is that on this day you cannot do laundry, get a haircut, and it is not advisable to work. How to explain to such people that all these signs have nothing to do with the holiday? Is it worth talking if you are not asked? And if they ask, how to answer correctly? Priests advise.

No unsolicited comments

, rector Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi at the State Tretyakov Gallery, dean of the missionary faculty of PSTGU:

– There’s no point in specifically approaching and starting to reason with you when you’re not asked. There are things that can be comprehended by coming to Church, reading the Holy Scriptures, learning faith from the inside, and not looking from the outside. From our unsolicited comments and edifications, a person will definitely not immediately begin to become a church member.

“No one goes to hell for drinking and eating,” said one priest. Everyone needs to look after themselves, set an example - as they should - this will be the mission. Perhaps you will want to approach him later with questions. But interjecting with advice and explanations when we are not asked to do so can have the completely opposite effect.

Yes, people don’t understand the meaning of the holidays, they don’t wash, they don’t clean, they don’t braid their hair, they go swimming - it’s their own business. So, will the Lord punish them for this? It’s worse when people understand everything, know it, but get angry and condemn it.

If a person himself comes up with a question, then it is important to answer not haughtily, saying that you have been in the Church for a long time, you understand everything, but he is so “uneducated.” Only a friendly answer, with love, can be heard.

If you feel that you cannot explain and tell clearly, it is better to refer the person to a priest.

Don't just "broadcast"

Abbot of the Nikolsky Monastery of the Omsk Diocese

Hegumen Zosima (Balin)

– Before starting a story about a holiday or church event, it is worth mentally asking for God’s help and mobilizing all your inner potential of benevolence and philanthropy. Without these two components, all your efforts will be in vain.

The success of half the work (at least) depends on the attitude with which you are “missionary”. You need to be prepared for the fact that your interlocutor is not at all eager to plunge into the abyss of high theology. Start a conversation at the everyday level, about candles and which icon to put them with. And then tell us about the content of the holiday and its deep meaning.

Beware of dumping all your spiritual and intellectual baggage on your interlocutor.

You don’t just need to broadcast it, you need to see and feel the person’s reaction. Draw connecting threads to things that are familiar to him, for example, tell him which church in your area has the icon that you are talking about. Offer, perhaps, to stop by to pray and light a candle when you have a free minute.

Don't be shy to ask yourself more often question: “How would I construct a story about a church holiday, or a revered image, or the life of a saint of God?”

And, most importantly, remember that the result always depends on the Lord and His all-good will, so as not to be upset if your sowing does not bear fruit immediately.

First step, second, third...

Archpriest Igor Gagarin, rector of St. John the Baptist Church in the village of Ivanovskoye:

Archpriest Igor Gagarin

– It is impossible to give one answer to this question, to recommend a recipe for all occasions. You need to have a sense of tact. Sometimes you need to say, explain, and sometimes you need to remain silent. It all depends on specific situation, from the interlocutor, on how ready he is to hear.

On the one hand, we, of course, must testify to our faith and, if possible, tell people about it what we consider necessary. But this needs to be done wisely.

Everyone knows the expression “do not throw pearls before swine” (Matthew 7:6). This does not mean at all that I should look at all people as pigs. But I must soberly assess the situation and see whether there is the right soil here on which my words will bear the proper fruit.

In most cases, people don’t like being taught how to live; they get irritated when you start correcting them or telling them something. We definitely don't need this kind of reaction.

Trying to push a person towards faith is the best way to push him away from it.

Therefore, there is no need to push. But if you see that the person himself is looking for answers to some questions, will gratefully accept what he hears from you, if you see that he himself is reaching out to find out, and you are not pushing him, this is a completely different matter.

You need to talk about faith, but do it very carefully, tactfully, kindly, and with love. And only if, I repeat, I have reason to assume that I will be heard, that the person will accept my words not as an attempt to impose something on him.

And about “stupid” questions... Don’t rush to consider them stupid. In a question about faith addressed to us, no matter how stupid this question may seem, there is always something right and healthy.

After all, if a person comes up and asks, for example, to recommend an icon “for good luck in work,” you can look at the situation from two sides. On the one hand, there is some kind of magical approach. A person thinks that he needs to do this, that, and that, and the result should be positive. We immediately want to condemn.

But, on the other hand, you can look at it differently: a person understands that his own strength is not enough, he needs help from above. So he turns to this help. But, since he has no church experience, he can do this clumsily and, at first glance, even stupidly.

Treat this with respect, say: “It is very correct and good that you came and understand that you need to turn to God and the Church for help, that you are looking for what is good, God’s, look for a saint who will help you in this appeal.” Well, then it’s important to try to kindly explain to him that the point is not in front of which icon to pray for what...

It is important not only what we say, but also how we say it. When we do this with patience, kindly, perhaps expressing approval to the person, then there is a chance that we will be heard and understood correctly.

Kindness and friendliness are indispensable conditions for successful missionary work.

It seems to me that we must remember this all the time in our communication with people who are taking only the first step in the Church, so that communication with us awakens in them the desire to take both the second and the third...

Without illiterate demagoguery

, rector of the Trinity Cathedral in the city of Yakhroma, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region:

– Since biblical and evangelical times, everyday things have often acquired an edifying character. Missionary witness outside the context of personal experience easily deviates into demagoguery, most often illiterate. This situation can only be leveled out by the “everyday” preaching of people who are theologically literate and have personal experience application of these truths in personal life, compared with the experience of Christ’s Church.

Community is a counterbalance to personalization and a guarantee that personal testimony is only the key to the door behind which the experience of Christian life opens. The life of the Eucharistic community as one family, whose head is Christ.

If a person is not yet ready to enter the community, then there is another way - self-education. Ideal conditions have been created for this - a lot of literature, various media, it’s just a matter of a person’s desire to hear the word of the sermon, but this experience must be compared with the experience of the people who make up the Church.

Regarding the issue of personal preaching, I think it is only possible in a situation where they want to hear you. The answers must be extremely honest, undisingenuous and not at odds with your life principles. Only in this case can one achieve the main goal of the Christian, even if “everyday” mission - to awaken personal trust in Christ, in the Church, to awaken in a person the will for salvation.

Many believers are interested in: what can and cannot be done during church holidays? There are several such holidays. Biggest Orthodox holiday– Easter, Light Christ's Resurrection. In addition to Easter, believers celebrate twelve great holidays:

  • Nativity of the Virgin Mary,
  • Exaltation of the Holy Cross,
  • Introduction to the Temple Holy Mother of God,
  • Nativity,
  • Epiphany,
  • Meeting of the Lord
  • Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
  • Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem
  • Ascension of the Lord,
  • Day of the Holy Trinity,
  • Transfiguration,
  • Dormition of the Virgin Mary.

There are also holidays in honor of great saints and angels.

What should you not do on Orthodox holidays?

We will tell you what you should not do on church holidays. According to established tradition, these days you cannot do housework - cleaning and laundry, as well as sewing, knitting, embroidery, and working in the garden. It is recommended to refrain from watching entertaining television programs, going to the theater and cinema.

The meaning of such prohibitions is not that certain actions cannot be performed, but that an Orthodox holiday is, first of all, a day that is dedicated to God.

Believers should take a break from worldly, everyday affairs and devote themselves to spiritual concerns. Try to show more warmth and care towards friends and loved ones, help poor and sick people.

How to properly celebrate Orthodox church holidays?

Conduct Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary you need to have pure thoughts. You cannot allow yourself even evil thoughts, and not just bad deeds. It is believed that from this day begins new life. It is customary to extinguish an old candle in the house and light a new one. In Rus', this holiday was associated with the arrival of autumn and the harvest festival, for which they thanked the Mother of God.

On the day of celebration Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord believers observe strict fast(you cannot eat meat and dairy products, eggs, fish). It is believed that those who fast will have their seven sins forgiven.

In the old days, on this day, people painted crosses with garlic, charcoal or chalk on the doors of their houses, lintels or mats in order to protect the house and household members from evil spirits. On this day you should not start new businesses, lend or lend money.

Holiday Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple is considered a clean and blessed day. After visiting the temple God-parents They give their godchildren gifts and treat them with sweets.

IN Christmas Eve before Christmas believers refuse food until the first star. This tradition is connected with the legend about Star of Bethlehem which announced the birth of Christ. The table is served with sochivo - lean porridge with honey, dried fruits and nuts.

It is believed that in Holy holiday There is no need to wear black clothes for the birth of Christ, as they symbolize mourning. These days it is customary to do charity work. In the old days, there was a custom to invite lonely people to dinner, treat the poor, and place food outside the house for homeless animals.

IN Epiphany Christmas Eve and for the holiday Epiphany of the Lord They sanctify water in temples and natural reservoirs, for which ice holes are cut in rivers and lakes.

It is believed that swimming in an ice hole cleanses the soul and body, and a true believer after this does not suffer from any diseases for a year. Holy water is kept for a year next to the icons. It is sprinkled at home and consumed on an empty stomach along with a piece of prosphora.

On Candlemas In churches, candles are blessed as a sign of the cleansing of the world by the light of Christ’s Gospel. People keep these candles at home for a year and light them in special cases- for example, during prayer for the sick, in moments of mental anxiety and excitement. Also in temples they consecrate water, which is believed to have the ability to heal people from various diseases.

On Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in some churches, after the liturgy, white doves are released into the sky to represent the good news. It is also customary to release birds from cages into the wild. On this day, according to signs, “the bird does not build a nest, the girl does not braid her hair.”

It is better not to visit the hairdresser and even if possible not to comb your hair, otherwise your hair will fall out. It is not customary to wear new clothes, which, according to legend, can get dirty or torn. In Rus', it was believed that before this date nothing could be sown in the fields and gardens, since the earth was still sleeping.

IN Lazarus Saturday the day before Palm Sunday V Orthodox churches willow branches are blessed, which believers keep at home as amulets. They protect the house from fire and lightning, and retain their magical properties during a year. It is not recommended to wash on this day, unless exceptional cases, since the water in Palm Sunday can “wash away” grace and happiness from a person.

On the eve of the main event Christian holidayEaster– observed for many days Lent. On Easter they consecrate in churches painted eggs, Easter cakes and cottage cheese, which are served throughout the Easter week.

IN Soviet years When many churches were closed, the custom arose of visiting the graves of relatives on this day. However, the church does not recommend this, because Easter is a bright holiday for Christians, and you should not indulge in despondency at this time.

IN Ascension of the Lord You can’t work on the land, otherwise the year will be bad. Housewives pies are rectangular in shape with small crossbars, symbolizing a ladder - the path of Jesus to heaven.

The day before Trinity Temples and residential buildings are decorated with fresh greenery and flowers. To decorate houses, branches of birch and oak are most often taken, but willow or aspen are prohibited from being used for this.

The greenery used to decorate the temple can be dried and then used to treat various diseases. In Rus', it was customary to go to church on Trinity Sunday with a bunch of grass, which should be mourned; tears symbolized rain. It was believed that after this there should be no drought in the summer.

On a holiday called The origin of the honorable trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord or Honey Spas , honey and bee products are blessed in churches. A small water blessing is also held, after which this day is named Savior on the Water (Wet Spas).

Believers make religious processions to reservoirs and springs. It is believed that people who bathe in the blessed water can be healed of illnesses.

On holiday Transfiguration of the Lord, which is also called Apple Spas , the fruits of the new harvest are blessed in churches, people give each other apples, and treat the sick and poor. IN old times Until this time, it was forbidden to eat fruits of the new harvest.

On holiday Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary peasants do not work in the fields. Among rural residents There is a belief that on the Assumption you need to leave a few ears of corn in the fields so that next year there was a good harvest.

Also on this day you should not walk on the ground barefoot, especially in dew. It is believed that dew is the tears of the Mother of God, so walking barefoot promises illness and adversity.

On Sundays and Orthodox holidays, believers who strictly adhere to church canons, regularly attend services, celebrate religious events and do not want to take on sin ask themselves.

Where did this ban come from? The fact is that cleaning, doing any cleaning, means doing physical labor that requires a lot of effort. On weekends and holidays, you need to devote yourself to rest and reading prayers. You can often hear that the church does not recommend doing laundry or washing dishes on Sunday. You can clean up on another day, so it’s better to do it in advance so that it’s clean on Sunday.

What Orthodox people don’t do on holy holidays

According to established traditions, on Orthodox holidays and Sundays, believers devote themselves to prayers and spiritual concerns. These days you need to distract yourself from worldly problems, forget about grievances and misunderstandings. It will be useful to take care of your relatives and help poor and sick people.

On Orthodox holidays, you cannot do any housework; it is not recommended to sew, embroider, knit, or work in the garden. It is also considered a sin to indulge in gluttony. In addition, believers should refuse to watch entertainment programs, TV series and various films.

The meaning of these prohibitions is that on Sundays and on religious holidays you should think about God, and not clog your mind with everyday problems.

Do not do handicrafts

Why are believers not allowed to create and do handicrafts on Sundays? If you carefully study the Bible, it says that certain things are forbidden to be done on the sixth day of the week - Saturday. The fact is that in former times Saturday ended the week, whereas now Sunday does it. Therefore, traditions gradually changed.

As for needlework, the clergy have nothing against spending creative time on this day, but in the old days it was hard work for a woman.

They don't work in the garden

Work in the garden on Sunday and Religious holidays is also prohibited because it is hard work. This takes a lot of effort and time, makes you think about worldly concerns, while you need to think about God. Garden work can be postponed until another day.

They don't wash

In ancient times, in order to wash, you had to be well prepared - chop wood, light the stove in the bathhouse, bring plenty of water. Since then, there has been a ban on washing on Sundays and Orthodox holidays. There was no way to take a shower then comfortable conditions or soak in the bath. Today this prohibition is not strict, but deeply religious people try not to violate it. They prefer to wash the day before.

They don't clean up

Most main question, which interests believers: why you can’t clean on Sunday. There are several different versions of the origin of this ban. Orthodox Christians claim that when God decided to create the world, he did it every day, and on the last day of the week he decided to rest. This is where this belief came from, and since then believers have tried not to do household chores on their days off.

On Sunday you cannot clean also because on this day all believers go to church and spend a lot of time there. Cleaning can wait, because there is another time for this. But what to do if you don’t have time to do this on weekdays: live in the dirt or clean? If people clean up on Sunday or during a holiday, then you definitely need to ask for God’s forgiveness.

They don't wash

Why can't you do laundry on Sundays? Many years ago there were no automatic washing machines and people were forced to wash by hand. Now everything is much simpler, and many priests do not forbid using washing machine on weekends and holidays. Some people advise doing laundry on Sunday evening. However, there are still those who believe that this is a great sin. Some people only rest on Sunday and are unable to do laundry on weekdays. Therefore, they do not have a question about whether they can do laundry on Sunday.

They don't swear

Swearing is bad on any day, but it is especially not recommended to do so on Orthodox holidays. This shows disrespect for God. On the contrary, it is daylight hours must be spent caring for others. Orthodox believers must learn patience and wish the best for others.

Where did this ban come from?

Where and why did the ban come from, why can’t you clean and do laundry on Sundays and holidays? A large number of recommendations regarding prohibitions of any activity are based on centuries-old Orthodox traditions.

The customs have been followed for many centuries, which is why people still adhere to them. In ancient times, it was believed that only lost souls were capable of committing sin.


Church prohibitions There are not so many signs that religion does not approve of. For example, it is believed that you should not clean on Sunday because you might sweep money out of the house. As a result, the family will go hungry. On some Orthodox holidays, it is forbidden to swim, braid your hair, or use sharp objects.

All these signs, sins and similar prohibitions have nothing to do with religion and should not be taken seriously. You can clean and do household chores if it does not cause much difficulty.

How to spend a Sunday?

Sunday is the best day to spend with your family. Most often, it happens that you are busy with business all week, of course, but you try to free Sunday for cleaning and other household chores. It's better to go for a walk with your children, chat with your husband, or visit your parents instead. This will benefit everyone much more than running around the house with a rag in your hands.

Some women believe that the holidays have arrived, so cleaning should be organized first. This shouldn't happen.

On a day of pleasant time with your family, you can think about spiritual self-development and attending church services in the morning. Believers prefer to spend their day off in prayers and other important matters. This practice clears the mind and prepares for the coming week. As for other activities, choosing useful ones is not so difficult.

If previously only household tasks fell on Sunday, now you need to diversify your leisure time. You can read useful tips for repairs and do it on weekdays, study culinary recipes and please your loved ones on the next Orthodox holiday. And if a woman decides that I want and can - I will clean, and the house will be clean, then she has the right to this.

The main thing is not to bother yourself by doing other things. They are best done gradually.

The clergy keep up with the times and do not get hung up on the prohibitions that were common many years ago. The Church claims that no one forbids washing or doing handicrafts. You should only refrain from hard work. Also during church holidays, visiting the temple is recommended. Sunday is best dedicated to God and family.

Comparison with other countries

In other countries, people adhere to different religions, which also have their own prohibitions.

In Europe and America, most people prefer to spend Sunday morning at church. True believers do not pay attention to signs, but adhere to traditions - reading prayers, thanking God, attending church meetings weekly and celebrating religious events.

Let's make a final conclusion

Any religious topic is not always completely clear even to believers, since there are many conventions.

Cleaning on Sundays and holidays is not strictly prohibited, so this ban can be called conditional.

There are more strict rules and commandments to be kept. If there are any doubts about Sunday work, then in this case it is recommended to transfer all work to weekdays, and the last day of the week can be devoted to proper rest.

When I was in school, we were all raised to be atheists. And at home too. But for some reason my mother still adhered to some church customs. She baked Easter cakes for Easter and always said that you couldn’t work on holidays.

What is considered a sin on church holidays?

In the Orthodox religion there is seven deadly sins, which, of course, should never be done. And on holidays, any work is also considered a sin. Especially dirty, associated with washing and dirty water. This means that on church holidays and Sundays you should not:

  • wash himself;
  • something wash: floors, windows, even dishes;
  • wash clothes;
  • tidy up the house;
  • work on the ground: in the garden, in the field, in the vegetable garden.

All this work must be done in advance and it is better to finish on the eve of the holiday or on Saturday until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. And you could start working (according to, again, my mother) on a holiday or Sunday after 4 hours. She couldn’t explain to me why this was the case, but I think it’s connected with the services in the church.

In the church the day begins not at midnight, but at 6:00 evenings. Then (or a little earlier) the evening service begins. This means that by this time all work should be completed. And a person needs to get himself in order, dress up in order to go to church services.

Then, before sunrise it begins morning service. The service is carried out in several stages. The liturgy ends at approximately 4 o'clock in the afternoon. At the final service, the death of Christ is usually remembered, the day is over.

Before holidays and Sundays, the evening service is combined with the morning service. It's called all-night vigil. Apparently, my mother was right if this is how she taught me to adhere to church holidays.

Foul language is also considered a mortal sin. Therefore, on holidays it is especially necessary to refrain from swearing, swearing, quarrels. There is no need to sort things out. It is better to find a reason for reconciliation.

My mother did not allow me on Sundays and church holidays to knit. This really irritated me. It's not dirty job, and not even a job, but a hobby. When you do what you love, it's just pleasure.

Although earlier, when people did all the things with their own hands, this was considered work.

Later I found out that the clergy are now Handicrafts are allowed on holidays. But I still, on my mother’s advice, try not to do anything like that in the morning (on church holidays). And in order not to sin, I go for a walk or to the store. Sometimes even to church. But very rarely. Maybe in vain?