DIY Christmas eight-pointed star. Star of Bethlehem with your own hands from improvised materials

Other occasions

Males should pay particular attention to this work. After all, thanks to simple tricks, the cheapest raw materials and minimal time, you will be able to fulfill your long-standing promise: to give your beloved a star! And may it bring you happiness! Let's start with her.

These little origami stars look beautiful when there are a lot of them, and they are all the same. Therefore, immediately cut a sheet of bright colored paper into thin strips 27 cm long and 1 cm wide. The thinner the paper, the longer the strips should be. For thick paper, 13-15 cm is enough.


  • Tie a knot at the end of the ribbon. Bend the short tip so that you get a five-pointed outline.

  • Press the short, wrapped end of the tape over the long end and continue winding it almost in a circle. The form itself will tell you the direction. Try to make even turns, without skipping or moving the strip from the previous row. Do not pinch so that our star of happiness is voluminous. But do not loosen it so that it does not fall apart. When the length is over, tuck the tip of the strip into the "pocket" of the previous two turns.

  • Treat every corner. Squeeze the middle of the adjacent sides with two fingers and form an acute angle. The complexity and sharpness of the corner depends on the density of the paper.

Make a lot of these stars of happiness and give it in handfuls.

simple 5 pointed star

origami star

This asterisk is not as simple as it seems. Production details - see the video.

A real colored five-pointed origami star will be obtained from five modules.

  • Cut the same squares out of paper (3 blue, 2 yellow). Draw a diagonal.

  • Bend opposite corners with the adjacent side to the axis.

  • Turn the piece over.

  • Fold it diagonally.

  • Tuck the bottom corner so that its inner side becomes a continuation of the horizontal. Turn the workpiece over and tuck the second corner as well.

  • Fold the side right side along the drawn axis. Turn the module over and repeat the action.

  • Make 3 such modules from blue paper and 2 from yellow.

  • Place the left yellow horn over the right blue one. Make them hug.

  • To do this, unfold the sides and wrap again over the other horn..

  • Attach three more modules in the same way and the origami star is ready.

Shuriken. Throwing Ninja Star

Stars do not only for beauty. Sometimes they become formidable weapons. For example, shuriken is an iron throwing star, an obligatory attribute of oriental militants. We will make it out of paper according to the scheme shown in the photo.

What is the Star of Bethlehem? This is a celestial phenomenon, which is called a star. It is not known for certain what exactly the Magi could see. It is believed that it was a comet. But be that as it may, the Star of Bethlehem in the Christian religion is a symbol of the Nativity of Christ. It is one of the main attributes of the Christmas holidays. It is customary to decorate the top of the Christmas tree with it. In addition, this symbol is used in decorating church utensils, iconostases, as well as temple structures. This article will consider several workshops for making this craft from different materials.

Craft Paper Star of Bethlehem

Option 1

The most popular and easiest way to create the Star of Bethlehem is to use paper. You can take plain white or colored paper and cut out two identical squares. Then the sheets are folded diagonally, horizontally and vertically.

A sheet of paper is unfolded and four cuts are made on four sides of the square. The cuts should be equal to half the distance from the edge to the middle. Now a triangle is bent to each corner on both sides. You should get eight curved triangles. The result is four beams.

In each beam, one side is smeared with glue, and the second is glued on top with an overlap. Due to this, the star acquires volume.

The same manipulations are carried out with the second sheet of paper. When both halves are ready, they are glued together so that each ray is separate. It turns out an eight-pointed star.

Option 2

Another way to make a star out of paper is origami.

A sheet of paper is folded diagonally, unfolded and the side corners are folded to the intended line. Then do the same from below. You should get a figure resembling a rhombus. Now, in turn, bend the top of the figure, first to the right corner, then to the left. The result is two crossed lines.

The sheet is turned over and the lower corner is now folded up and to the left along the marked lines. Then it is straightened and the upper corner is bent. The resulting figure is given a flat shape, smoothing along the middle lines. You need to make eight such blanks. Finished elements are interconnected, hiding a smaller angle inside the next part.

Option 3

The next way to create the Star of Bethlehem is quite unusual. For manufacturing you will need:

  • Many sheets of office or colored paper (about 50 pieces);
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Threads;
  • stapler.

All sheets are cut in half along the long edge. Each sheet is twisted so that one end is narrow and the other is slightly wider. It is necessary to twist the sheet tightly enough and smear the free edge with glue. Otherwise, the sheet will unwind.

When all the sheets have turned into rays, they begin to collect the star. To do this, take three beams and fasten them with a stapler, getting a kind of fan. After all the fans are collected on a thread and pulled together well. The thread is tied into a strong knot. The result is a star in the form of a ball. Such a star can be hung from the ceiling.

Craft Star of Bethlehem from cardboard and twine

For room decor, this simple option for creating a Christmas star is suitable. For manufacturing, you will need to take a star template and circle it on cardboard. Then step back from the edge 1.5-2 cm (depending on the initial size of the star) and draw another smaller star on the inside. Next, the workpiece is cut out. It remains to wind the twine tighter and the star is ready. If desired, the star can be decorated with additional decor.

styrofoam star

To work, you will need the following tools: scissors, pencil, compasses, knife, glue or glue gun. From materials: colored paper, polystyrene, decorative elements.

Start by building a template. Take a sheet of foam and draw two circles with one center. One is bigger, the second is twice as small. Next, eight rays are drawn at an equal distance from each other. The smaller circle turned out to be divided by rays into segments. These segments must be divided in half. The resulting points will become the bases of the rays. These points are connected to the edge of the rays on the outer circle. Next, the star is cut out.

It remains to decorate the star as you wish. For example, you can cut out multi-colored rays and the middle from colored paper. You can highlight the middle by pasting its contour with pieces of foil. The rays of the star are decorated with beads, rhinestones, bells, New Year's tinsel. Such a star will look great on the door, additionally decorated with sprigs of spruce.

There are a lot of ways to make the Star of Bethlehem. If you wish, you can come up with something unusual on your own or use unusual materials to create your own Christmas masterpiece. In any case, it is better to experiment with children. This will help to introduce them to centuries-old traditions and just have a good time with the whole family.

Video on the topic of the article

How to make a Christmas star out of paper with your own hands for a competition in kindergarten or school? Now we will show 5 ways to do this, and you can choose what you and your child can do.

The time for Christmas decorations has passed: no longer needed. It's time for Christmas crafts. The most popular of which is the Christmas star. If you have the time and desire, you can make a Christmas star from. If not, we offer five paper crafts of varying degrees of complexity.

It is unlikely that kids will be able to cope with such crafts on their own. But this does not mean that you should not try to give your child paper and glue with a brush. If you know that your child is experiencing hard failures, then so that he is not offended, and in order not to turn preparations for the holiday into a hassle, do not torment the baby with complex crafts. Just draw a star on the cardboard, cut it out, and give the child paints to decorate it to his liking.

Such stars can decorate an apartment, a group in a kindergarten or a class at school. You can give them as a gift or glue them to a staff and carry them with you for Christmas caroling.

Christmas paper star: option number 1

The first craft is not just a paper Christmas star. This is a star light. So get ready, it will not be easy to make it. However, it's worth it. To build such beauty with your own hands, you will need 5 sheets of thick paper, scissors, a paper or construction knife, glue, a stapler and a string.

Paper Christmas star: option number 2

This Christmas paper star is much easier to make with your own hands than the previous one. You will need two sheets of paper, scissors and glue. Fold the paper as shown in the picture, make cuts, and then glue with the second of the same part.

Or here is a video version of this Christmas craft for school or kindergarten.

DIY Christmas star: option number 3

Christmas origami star. Great Christmas craft for adults and kids. The main secret is patience. Lots and lots of patience.

Christmas paper star: option number 4

These incredibly beautiful Christmas stars are called Scandinavian. They can be made not only from paper, but also from cotton fabric. The algorithm is the same: cut the fabric into strips and weave.

DIY paper Christmas star: option number 5

The easiest of all crafts. So, meet, a Christmas star that you can make with your own hands in one minute.

We hope these master classes on how to make a Christmas star out of paper with your own hands have inspired you and your children to great deeds. And your Christmas craft will be the best at the competition at school or kindergarten.

The star of Bethlehem, according to the Gospel of Matthew, illuminated Judea with divine light at the very moment when Jesus was born. But today we will not talk about the Nativity of Christ at all, but rather about how to make a star out of paper, if there is nothing to crown the dome of the Christmas tree. Or about how to make 3D stars of different sizes for an original bedroom pendant. Small ones can be folded from foil, and large ones can be painted with acrylic paints and sprinkled with sparkles - you get a luxurious interior decoration.

It will also be useful for you to learn how to make a three-dimensional paper star for an action-packed ninja game. Decide for yourself how to use a paper star: a small one should be hung on a Christmas tree, and let a large three-dimensional star, for example, adequately decorate the top of the Christmas symbol. Or let it hang from the ceiling, being surrounded by origami balls, symbolizing all the planets of the solar system. Let's start, perhaps, with the simplest scheme - a four-pointed star. This scheme for beginners will please many with its simplicity, so ...

Four-pointed origami star

Our scheme 1 invites you to make a shuriken star - a ninja smashing weapon (By the way, you and your little warrior may be interested). However, you can endow these paper stars with your own semantic variations. You will need 4 square-shaped sheets to assemble individual modules, from which you will get a modular origami shuriken star. Consider fig. 1 take a closer look and then proceed step by step:

  • Fold the square blank in half diagonally, one of the corners will be sharpened along it by bending the planes to the median deflection;
  • Bend the bottom corner up, forming a triangular shape of paper crafts. The resulting triangle must be folded in half along the vertical axis to make an asterisk;
  • Along the line of a small triangle, bend the lower edge towards you, squeeze the place of the crease. Unfold the bottom of the workpiece and screw the convex triangle inward (see Fig. 1). Make 3 more such paper crafts (same size, random color);
  • Assemble a convex star from colored paper by inserting the lower corners into the sinuses-pockets of an adjacent part, then seal the joints and straighten the arrows, giving them the desired volume.

How to make a five pointed star out of paper

Shuriken, as you can see, has developed into one or two. But the classic origami invites you to make a heavenly body from a single square sheet without connecting blocks. How to make a five-pointed star out of paper, will tell our detailed review below and fig. 2:

  • Fold a square sheet (can be made from standard A4 office paper) along both diagonals, then in half and again in half to a small square - the markup is ready, unfold the workpiece to its original position;
  • Fold the workpiece into a triangle, bending inward the opposite side planes from the top of the diagonal intersection;
  • Bend one of the equal edges of the triangle inward, equaling it to the central axis. Repeat the action on the reverse side, but with the opposite edge.

When adding curves, move aside one vertex from the front side and the second from the back side - a five-pointed origami star in your hands. And the voluminous five-pointed pentagram is the result of the adjustment of the “rays”. Bend them so that from a distance the craft looks voluminous.

DIY star of Bethlehem

A Christmas star from a pre-prepared paper square folds in a peculiar way, but it does not bode well for you. Folding an eight-pointed star from separate modules will be more difficult, but we will soon conquer this peak. And the hexagonal star folds like this:

  • Your reference outline is fig. 3. He clearly shows how to make a Bethlehem companion of the Magi. To begin with, fold the sheet (square) exactly in half, then unfold it to the indicated horizontal position;
  • Fold the upper corners forward, aligning the corner itself with the line of the central deflection. At the same time, the lower corners should remain even, significantly sharpening. Repeat the action with the second top corner;
  • Return the sheet to the original, then again bend the first bend of the corner towards you. Without unbending the structure, break the second upper corner on top of the first. Bend the section that protrudes beyond the edges of the workpiece towards you, equaling it along the edge of the triangle;
  • Wrap the same protruding section inward, in the opposite direction. The star has acquired half of the peaks. Now bend the top corner of the convolution towards you, equaling it to the center of the base of the triangle;
  • It is almost possible to collect an asterisk from paper. It remains to bend the lower, freshly bent corner upward again, bringing out the tip - one of the peaks of the nascent star. Take the lower left acute corner to the opposite blunt one and again bend it towards you, forming another vertex;
  • The remaining "free" section also bend to the opposite corner and take the last peak to yourself. Ready!

Let's add volume!

How to make a three-dimensional paper star? An eight-pointed modular star made of colored paper is folded according to the principle of the designer. We have to make a complex luminary from separate blocks, each of which is folded like parts for a shuriken (see Fig. 4).

Such a product is performed in the same way as a shuriken (use Fig. 4 and folding patterns of a four-vertex shuriken - Fig. 1), although the effective octagram takes a little more time. But by folding such a thing with your own hands, you will truly surprise your relatives and friends. Surprised by the new level of your capabilities? Then rather tell your family how you did all this, because everyone will be pleased to see their personal contribution to decorating rooms for the upcoming holiday. Can you show them the diagrams?

A star is an indispensable element of New Year's or Christmas decoration. Five-pointed stars adorn postcards and posters dedicated to Victory Day. They are perhaps the most characteristic detail of the Moscow Kremlin. You can mold a star from plasticine, plastic, clay and even marzipan.

You will need

  • - material for modeling;
  • - stacks;
  • - board.


A star can have a different number of rays. They can even be of different lengths and thicknesses, such as firework stars. In a five-pointed star, all the rays are the same. Prepare plasticine and tear off 5 approximately identical pieces from it. Plasticine must first knead a little.

Take 1 piece of plasticine and roll out a thick "sausage" from it. It is better to do this between the palms, and not on the plank. While you are sculpting, clay maintains a constant temperature and remains pliable. Roll out 4 more of the same "sausages".

From each "sausage" make a "carrot" - a long cone. This shape is achieved if, while rolling, a little more pressure is applied to one edge of the workpiece. All "carrots" should be approximately the same in length and thickness. If necessary, remove excess plasticine with a stack.

Lay out the "carrots" as the rays of the star will be located, that is, in a circle, with a thick end towards the center. Remember roughly their position. Blind together 2 fragments, keeping the intended angle between them. It's okay if it turns out a little more or a little less than necessary. You will correct your creation before finishing the work. Stick the rest of the beams to the workpiece.

Flatten the star between your palms. Carefully smooth out the junctions of the beams. To do this, you can, for example, slightly wet the pale with water and draw it along the desired lines with light pressure. You can make the rays and convex. Mark the middle line of each beam with a stack. Carefully pinch the plasticine with your fingers, moving along this line from the end of the beam to the center.

Small stars can be done differently. Blind a round "cake". If the plasticine is already soft enough, just flatten it between your palms. Cut out a star from paper. Put it on the "flat cake" and cut out the stack. In the same way, you can make stars from marzipan.

Stars for a festive panel for Christmas or Victory Day can be painted. Cover your creation with an even layer of water-based paint, and then paint with gouache or acrylic paints and varnish. If your panel has several elements, then first make the base. Stick pieces of plasticine on a cardboard or plywood rectangle so that the layer is at least 0.5 cm. What color the plasticine is does not matter in this case. Make a composition, blind all the elements together. Cover with water-based paint and paint.