Small with big hips. Stars with curvy hips

For a wedding

Hips are considered one of the most striking indicators of sexuality, since looking directly at a woman from the front, appreciating the beauty of her neckline is a little uncomfortable. And nothing prevents you from looking at girls from behind. Beauty standards and fashion canons are constantly changing, while rushing from one extreme to another. But one thing remains unchanged - this beautiful hips, which attract, attract and attract men's admiring glances.

The world podiums are quite long time evoke female and male society have the opinion that only long-legged, tall beauties are beautiful, with parameters established by fashion, in which there is no room for wide hips. But, despite this, the opinions of men in this case were divided. A tight little butt can be quite attractive, but at the same time it does not arouse any interest in terms of sexuality.

A girl with very narrow hips looks beautiful only if she has relatively small breasts and a very thin waist, in other words - proportional figure. But as studies show, most women with narrow hips do not have a pronounced waist, despite the fact that they are very thin. The majority of men agreed that women look sexier, if they have a pronounced waist, as well as proportionally beautiful, wide hips.

Wide hips primarily attract men because they have an association with a girl's puberty. The flat one is more reminiscent of a child’s figure, so not all men like such shapes. And even more so, *plank* forms do not cause much attraction. But you shouldn’t forget about the individuality of opinions, because you can’t say anything unambiguously.

Men generally try not to focus their attention on just one part of the body, but rather evaluate the overall silhouette. If your gaze falls on wide hips, then your attention is immediately drawn to how harmonious the hips look against the background of the waist and, of course, with the chest.

Average ratings, obtained through surveys and studies in which men took part different ages, professions and nationalities, they say this - seventy-five percent of all men surveyed give preference to women with wide hips, a rounded, even slightly plump, butt, but without cellulite and hanging fat. Eleven percent prefer thin people and fashion models, another eleven answered that the shape of such a part of the body as the hips should be proportional to the entire figure and not have *ears*. And the remaining three percent assured that the shape of women's hips is not at all important to them, since they consider other parts of the body to be sexual stimuli.

Finally, it is worth noting that no matter what a woman’s hips are - wide or narrow, the main thing is that they look beautiful, sexy and attractive. This is easy to achieve by keeping your body in excellent condition. physical fitness and, of course, choosing correctly.

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For most women and girls, the issue of acquiring a sexy, toned body is relevant.

There are several advantages wide hips.

Curvy shapes are seductive

Wide thighs usually mean wide hips, and anyone who says Marilyn Monroe's curves aren't sexy is a liar.

If you have been hiding your curves until now due to lack of self-confidence, then stop doing it now! Wear tight-fitting clothing; everyone will appreciate it.

Wide hips = big butt

Naturally, voluminous buttocks look more seductive than narrow ones. Today, women spend more and more time in gym trying to pump up their buttocks and make their butt rounder and do hundreds of squats to do this.

Plus, women with big hips much healthier and stronger.

The lower torso will be strong

The leg muscles are the largest in the entire body, and all thanks to the hips.

The more muscle, the faster the metabolism and the better fat burning.

And who doesn’t want to run hard, squat, and train with heavy weights?

And this is only a small part of the benefits of large hips!

Less risk of heart disease

Here's why: getting rid of fat that accumulates in the thighs and buttocks is much more difficult than getting rid of fat that is deposited in abdominal cavity, however, it is better than having a protruding belly (this was the conclusion of researchers in Oxford).

Having excess belly fat increases your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Blood sugar levels decrease

Also, the above study showed that women with large hips better blood flow, low level cholesterol and hormones that lower sugar are better produced.

Less pain in old age

Iowa researchers have found that strong thigh muscles can help women avoid knee pain in the future.

Unique style

It doesn't matter if you're petite, tall or average, wide hips mean it's difficult to choose the simplest clothes, so the number of a seamstress becomes a favorite in your phone book.

As a result, you have no choice but to stand out from the crowd.

You have great company

What do runners, rock climbers, surfers, and snowboarders have in common? Large muscular thighs. They need them to overcome all obstacles and win medals.

So you should be proud of your thighs.

Large hips – strong muscle corset

It doesn't matter how wide your hips are. Strong hips mean strong muscles, which means a healthy spine and less risk of back injuries.

Endurance on the dance floor

Take Beyoncé for example, have you seen her dance? This is partly due to her amazing thighs.

While your friends are exhausted after several hours of dancing, everything is just beginning for you, because strong thighs are more suitable for night dancing.

Your phone is safe

Your phone will have a soft landing if it accidentally falls during such a piquant moment.

Yes, the advantage is quite controversial, but it’s true that many of us use our phones while in the restroom and often our knees cannot save the phone from falling (especially if there is a gap between the thighs).

Like for wide hips!

Skinny thighs and Thin legs are the envy of many women.

Lack of muscle mass doesn't always look good and can pose a health risk.

You may even become the target of ridicule and bullying, which can greatly affect your self-esteem.

If you are unable to gain weight in certain places, you can try increasing muscle mass in the hips and legs area.

How to make your hips wider

Our body gains weight when we consume more calories than we burn. To gain weight, you should increase your calorie intake by 250-500.

However, it is not for you to decide where the increase in volumes will occur.

If your middle or upper body stands out, and your legs and hips are thin, then as you gain weight, the proportions will remain the same.

It's all about calories

Calories provide fuel for the body and energy for functions such as circulation, breathing, and all muscle activity.

Each time consumed more calories than the body burns to produce “fuel”, the excess is stored in fat cells, which leads to their growth.

Excessive consumption of any food leads to increased thigh fat. An extra 3,500 calories roughly equates to 0.5 kg of fat. This process usually lasts for weeks or months if you continuously consume more calories than your body needs.

In most cases, after the age of 8 years, girls' bodies accumulate fat more actively than boys' bodies.

IN adolescence fat cells in girls they increase almost 2 times compared to boys.

Most of the fat is deposited in the thighs and buttocks.

If you have not yet reached puberty, then you should not do anything to gain weight; this is very likely to happen naturally due to hormonal changes in the body.

To widen your hips you need to eat

Try to eat healthy foods, but in larger portions than you are used to. Building muscle requires a lot of energy. You will have to eat more often than the standard 3 times a day.

Don't go to extremes, but try to get out of your comfort zone so that your muscles get the food they need.

Aim to consume more calories than you expend.

Daily calorie expenditure can be calculated using online calculator, which takes into account your volume, age and activity level.

Based on the results, add 250-500 calories to your diet. You can also consult a nutritionist about the amount of calories you need.

Don't use junk food as a source of extra calories. This is a mistake many people make because they believe that calories are only found in such foods.

Calories should come from healthy foods such as starchy vegetables (corn, sweet potatoes), fruits, whole grains, dairy products, unsaturated fats and protein.

For example, for breakfast, add 2 tablespoons of walnuts to your porridge.

Second breakfast can consist of 2 slices of whole grain bread with 2 tablespoons peanut butter and banana puree.

You may be adding extra calories with each meal.

For lunch, in addition to dessert, you can eat yogurt without fillers, and for dinner, drink a glass of low-fat milk.

Products for wide hips

Anyone who wants to see progress in the growth of their thighs and buttocks should eat as much protein as possible. The most popular misconception is that protein shakes or protein consumption are exclusively for bodybuilders.

This is far from the truth. Every human body Every person on the planet needs protein-rich food to stay healthy. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you exercise or not, in any case, increasing the amount of protein in your diet will be beneficial.

If you are training to enlarge your buttocks and thighs, then your protein intake should increase as it is building material for muscles.

Below are the highest quality sources of protein.

Protein for thigh growth

  • Legumes (beans, chickpeas);
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Eggs;
  • Lean ground beef;
  • Lean meat tenderloin;
  • Protein powder;
  • Salmon;
  • Skinless chicken breasts
  • Soy nuts;
  • Steak;
  • Tilapia;
  • Tuna;
  • Turkey;
  • Sandwich with vegetables;
  • Any fish (not fried).


  • Brown rice;
  • Bread;
  • Couscous;
  • Porridge with low content Sahara;
  • Cereals;
  • Quinoa;
  • Sweet potato;
  • Cookie;
  • 100% whole grain bread.


Fats don't make you fat! Despite this outdated belief (which, by the way, some still adhere to), fat does not make you fat, unless the product contains a horse dose of calories.

Excessive excess calories and unhealthy foods are what lead to obesity.

There are healthy sources of fats that can help you lose weight or improve your figure. They are:

  • Almond oil;
  • Extra virgin olive oil;
  • Fish fat;
  • Nuts (almonds, cashews, etc.);
  • Peanut butter (preferably one that contains peanuts; avoid oils containing sugar and hydrogenated oils, which are harmful to health).


  • Broccoli;
  • Dark green vegetables;
  • Cabbage;
  • Spinach;
  • Tomatoes.

Going forward, start replacing, adding, or mixing these healthy foods to grow your butt.

Protein will help you gain weight

When gaining weight, it is best to focus on muscle growth rather than fat. To grow muscles, you should increase the amount of calories you consume, and also do not forget about training.

If you consume 0.55 grams of protein per 0.5 kg of body weight daily, then your body will quickly recover from training and your muscles will grow.

IN daily ration You can add a protein shake, especially if you are very busy during the day.

When increasing your calories, make sure some of them come from protein-rich foods.

For example, during breakfast, replace butter with nut butter (2 tablespoons - 7 grams of protein); eat porridge not with water, but with milk, thereby adding another 8 grams of protein to your diet; add ½ cup roasted white meat chicken to salad (20 grams protein); 100 grams of ground turkey in marinara sauce or vegetable soup (22 grams of protein).

As a snack, you can use low-fat cheese, Greek yogurt or hard-boiled eggs.

Train your hips and thighs

Strength training will help every girl build muscle mass, her legs and thighs will become strong and elastic. Thanks to such training, you will build muscle and Bottom part the body will increase in volume.

You can train exclusively your legs and hips 2-3 times a week (preferably not in a row). For best result train 3-4 times a week.

If you're new to strength training, start with one set of 10 to 14 bodyweight exercises, such as lunges, step-ups, and squats. After a week or two, include weights in the form of barbells and dumbbells in your workout.

Increase the weights over time.

As you progress, you can start doing single-leg squats, donkey kicks, glute bridges, and deadlifts.

After 8-10 reps, you can increase the weight to maximize muscle growth.

Although your goal is to grow muscle in your legs and thighs, don't forget to train your upper body and do cardio.

Include exercises for the chest, arms, shoulders and back in your workout.

For cardio, you can use running, cycling, brisk walking for 20-30 minutes to maintain healthy respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Overcoming Difficulties in Gaining Muscle Mass

There are body types that are genetically not inclined to increase volume. In this case, it is important to understand that increasing calories in the diet will help activate the muscle growth process.

To improve your performance in the gym, consume protein-containing foods after workouts. Half a chicken, a turkey sandwich or a protein shake will do you good.

Be sure to get enough sleep and drink enough water to have healthy body and build muscle mass. During adolescence, the body requires 8-10 hours of sleep per day.

In more mature age required amount hours of sleep is reduced to 6-8.

The best exercises for wide hips

  • Don't be lazy while training, because muscle growth occurs only when you load your muscles to the maximum. When under load, muscle fibers tear, then recover and become stronger and larger;
  • If you do not increase the load, then this process will not occur. Your muscles only respond to exercise when you feel a burning sensation. If you approach training responsibly, the results will not be long in coming;
  • Use adequate load. Beginners can train with their own weight. If it becomes easy, you can use dumbbells or a barbell. The weight should be such that it is enough for 10-15 repetitions;
  • It is imperative to be able to distinguish between when you are on the verge of injury and when the body is already at the limit of endurance. If you are a beginner, you should consult a personal trainer before starting to exercise to learn more about your physical abilities;
  • Always comply correct technique performing exercises. If the technique is incorrect, you will not get the desired result and there is a risk of injury. If you are not sure about the technique of performing an exercise, watch training videos or consult a trainer;
  • Remember that you should feel a burning sensation in the thigh area. If you feel it in another place, then most likely you are doing the exercise incorrectly and thereby harming your muscles or joints;
  • Should not be used too heavy weights. If the dumbbells are too heavy for you and you cannot fully perform the exercise, then you need to reduce the weight;
  • Over time, increase the number of repetitions and working weights. Every week your muscles will become bigger and stronger. In order for your hips to increase in volume, you should increase the load every 2 weeks.

A little more about nutrition for wide hips

After doing the amazing exercises we suggested, your thighs and buttocks are ready to grow.

Micro tears have formed in the gluteal and adjacent muscles and the muscles are now in recovery mode.

Now your muscles need correct amount calories and protein. You need the right proportions of protein, fat and carbohydrates to trigger maximum muscle growth.

There's no point in sweating in the gym without eating right.

For those who don't, don't worry, all you need is basic information about macronutrients.

I suspect that most of those reading this article are eating solely to maintain weight.

If I'm right, then you need to reconsider your ineffective diet.

Since training burns calories, you will eat a little more, because your appetite will grow in accordance with your body's needs.

It's time to start consuming 100-150 more calories.

Those who want to gain weight can eat even more. And those who want to shape their buttocks and lose weight should eat a little less.

Don't worry. Your body itself will signal hunger; your task is to feed it the right foods.


How soon will there be visible progress?

As soon as you start following all the rules, the results will be noticeable almost immediately.

In the first week you will see overall weight gain and an increase in hip size.

There is no need to be scared as most women do when they see not sexy buttocks and perfect thighs, but excess weight. Just be patient, everything will be soon.

Another couple of weeks will pass, and you will see even more voluminous thighs and even greater weight gain.

Still not a perfect butt and thighs. Do not panic! The best is yet to come.

At this stage you will train 3 times a week plus cardio and you will see significant improvements.

4 weeks of training and the result will be even more noticeable, and training will be a pleasure.

A month will pass and you will be happy to see your perfect hips and sexy buttocks. Keep training and improving your form.

Are you shaped like a pear, an apple or a banana? Having determined this, you will not only be able to choose the right clothes, but you will also know weak spots your health. It turns out that women with a pear figure are much luckier than those whose figure resembles an apple, a study has shown. Not only is this body type more popular with men, it also signals health.

Nutritionists from the University of Oxford announced that they analyzed data from dozens of studies and noted the relationship between body type and health.

It's all about how the excess weight is distributed across your figure. The most dangerous thing is when fat is concentrated around the waist (the so-called abdominal type of obesity). This is the “apple” shape. It is considered a risk factor for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Thin waist– this is an indicator of health, researchers say. An analysis of 31 studies involving 300,000 men and women from around the world found that waist circumference is a more accurate indicator of health than BMI. Normal indicator– when your waist is ½ of your height, nutritionists say.

Los Angeles native Mikel Ruffinelli on this moment is the woman with the widest hips in the world. Despite his short stature, just over one meter fifty, Mikel weighs quite a lot - one hundred and ninety kilograms, and her record thigh volume reaches approximately 2.4 meters. Based on the above, it is easy to understand that Mikel Ruffinelli is smaller in height than in width. But, according to the record holder herself, this fact does not bother her at all.

Ruffinelle herself is very pleased with her figure. She believes that men like girls with pronounced forms, and not skinny ones, and in turn, she considers her figure more than seductive and even finds confirmation of this in the form of fans, of whom, by the way, she has quite a few. For all her rather large hips, her waist is relatively thin - 1 meter.

Ruffinelle not only has fans, but she even works as a model and receives very decent money for filming - about a thousand dollars per shoot.

Mikel has been married twice, and is currently married to a computer specialist. According to him, she is very attractive woman and he really likes her figure, which he considers sexy and beautiful.

But with all these advantages, such an unusual figure also has disadvantages. She has to drive her own truck because... an ordinary car it simply doesn't fit. Also, ordinary furniture is not suitable for Mikel; everything has to be made to order.

Many of us have a complex about wide hips. However, is it worth it? In my new article I will tell you about celebrities with wide hips, who not only do not have complexes, but have also made a pop cult out of their curvy hips. Let's get started.

1. Kim Kardashian, the owner of not only wide hips, but also a decent butt. Kim: “Self-confidence is the most important rule on the way to a sexy figure. Love your curves. And skillfully emphasize them, and don’t try to hide them.”

Weight: 53 kg, height: 157 cm, 99-66-86

2. One of the sexiest TV presenters is Anfisa Chekhova. She is not shy about her body and wears revealing outfits.

Height: 165 cm, weight: 69 kg, 100-76-108

3. Jennifer Lopez made her butt famous, so she's proud of hers. curvy hips and a round butt.

Height: 167 cm, weight: 57 kg, *-58-96

4. Beyoncé does not suffer because her bottom does not fit into model size 38. "I feel great when I'm not spreading out and when I'm not skinny. Natural curves look much more appetizing."

Height:172 cm, Weight:62 kg, 88-66-98

5. Monica Bellucci

Height: 175 cm, weight: 64 kg, 89-61-89

6. Nicki Minaj flaunts her luscious size in every possible way.