How to clean a chewing gum stain from trousers. How to remove chewing gum from clothes: effective ways


No one is immune from an unpleasant situation; both children and adults face it. A trip on public transport, a visit to a cafe, or a walk in the park can turn into a search for practical advice on how to remove chewing gum from clothes. Don’t despair or panic prematurely, because there are effective ways to get this taffy off your clothes. In many cases, even the simplest of them will help remove the unwanted item from the item, and you will not have to throw it away.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes

If you find chewing gum on your item, there is no need to try to immediately rub it off, peel it off, or tear it off. Haste often results in the item being unable to be saved, since the chewing gum eats deeply into the fibers of the fabric. Such attempts lead to the widespread belief that it will not be possible to remove stuck gum. But some people who are faced with an unpleasant situation know that it is easy to remove an unwanted “accessory” if you use, for example, a hair dryer, iron, cold or gasoline. Try this too!

Remove from trousers

For almost all types of clothing, the same rule applies: if you fail to remove chewing gum in one way, move on to another. If you are puzzled by the question of how to remove it from your trousers, then there are two simple, practice-tested options: cold (freezer) or heat (boiling water). The first method involves putting the trousers in the freezer. After a couple of hours, take it out and carefully scrape off the frozen chewing gum with a knife. If this does not help, then pour boiling water over the damaged area and then rub the area with a toothbrush.

Wipe smeared chewing gum off jeans

You can try to save your favorite jeans from an unwanted “accessory” at home using simple methods. The sticky structure is easily affected by temperature, so even hot tap water can help. Hold the stained area under running water for a while and then clean the cloth with a toothbrush. The same principle of exposure to high temperature is provided for the method when boiling water is used. Immerse the stained area in boiling water and leave until the water has cooled. Next, carefully remove the gum with a knife.

Peel from cloth

All simple methods of how to quickly remove chewing gum from clothes come down to exposure to high or low temperatures. But what to do in a situation where the fabric cannot be subjected to such a test? While you can iron jeans or a T-shirt by placing a napkin on the stained area, this method is not suitable for delicate fabrics (silk, satin, corduroy). These types of fabrics do not accept the use of vinegar or gasoline, but cooling aerosol, dry ice or a special spray for removing unwanted “accessories” are ideal.

How to remove chewing gum stains

If there are no difficulties when looking for an answer to the question of how to remove chewing gum from clothes, then in order to understand how to remove a chewing gum stain, you need to pay a little more attention to the topic. By eating into the structure of the fabric, bubble gum can irreversibly ruin the item. The following products for removing stains from this unwanted “accessory” have proven effective in practice:

  • Vinegar. This product is best used on thick fabrics. Vinegar essence helps remove chewing gum stains: heat a small amount of liquid, moisten a toothbrush, and then rub the stain. If necessary, repeat the entire process until the stained area is clean again.
  • Ammonia is a universal preparation that copes well with different types of stains. Its effectiveness has also been proven against marks left on clothing by chewing gum. Place a cotton pad soaked in ammonia on top, leave it for a while, and then scrub the area with a toothbrush. All that remains is to wash the item to finally remove the remaining bubble gum.
  • Freezing is the easiest method, but is suitable for fresh stains. Place the spoiled item in a bag and then put it in the cold (a refrigerator freezer is suitable). As a freezing option, dry ice and Freezer coolant have proven effective in removing toffee stains.

Chewing gum can stick to clothing anywhere. At work, at home, on a minibus, a child or an adult sometimes manages to get such a “gift.” Sticky chewing gum is very difficult to remove from clothing. In order to get rid of such a nuisance, you will have to make a lot of effort and spend at least 30 minutes of free time.

In this article you will find 6 ways to remove gum from jeans. But before you begin any of the procedures, try to clean the chewing gum from the tissue as much as possible, and after that, use any of the methods described below.

How to clean chewing gum?

1. Nail polish remover will do the job well. Apply it to the stain and rub a little, then scrape off the remaining gum from the clothing. Repeat these steps several times until you completely remove it from the fabric.

2. You can also use tape. Cut a piece and glue it to the fabric where the stain is. Then sharply tear off the strip. If necessary, do this procedure again, but with a new piece of tape.

3. You can remove chewing gum from trousers using detergents. It is best to use Fairies for this. Apply it to a sponge and rub the stained area well with it. Do this until the product completely dissolves the chewing gum.

4. You can remove chewing gum from jeans using boiling water. Dip a piece of clothing containing the stain you want to remove into it. When the gum begins to soften, scrape it off with a toothpick (you can use any other device with a long handle).

5. If you don’t want to bother with heating water, then pay attention to another way to solve this problem. Cover the stained area with a paper napkin and iron it on top with a well-heated iron. This way you can transfer the gum from your clothes to a napkin.

6. How to remove chewing gum from trousers if the methods described above do not suit you for some reason? Place your clothes in a bag to prevent them from getting dirty. Then place it in the refrigerator freezer for several hours. When the clothing is frozen, take the item out and tear off the gum from it. Perform this step carefully so as not to damage the fabric.

Just in case

If you are unable to completely remove chewing gum from your clothes, you can use products such as gasoline, vinegar or cologne. Apply the liquid to a cotton pad and wipe away any remaining chewing gum. Be sure to wash your clothing after you have completely removed the stain.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 6 minutes


If you are faced with a problem such as chewing gum stuck to your clothes, bag or other item, do not become discouraged and do not rush to throw away what you think is a completely spoiled item.

Removing chewing gum from clothes is quite easy , because there are many proven methods to help solve this problem.

The simplest and most reliable option for removing chewing gum from clothes is undoubtedly dry cleaning clothes . There, using various chemicals, they can easily return the clothes to their original appearance. Of course, this “pleasure” requires considerable financial costs.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes at home?

  1. Boiling and hot air
    If there is chewing gum on your jeans, you can remove the gum from the jeans using the boiling method: put the contaminated jeans in water at a temperature of 100? C so that the chewing gum melts. When the water has cooled to a temperature where you can put your hands in it, take an unnecessary toothbrush or knife and try to rub the gum off your pants as much as possible.

    You can also soften chewing gum warm air from a hair dryer operating at maximum power , which is directed at the fabric from the reverse (inner) side of the chewing gum.
    The use of methods with high temperatures is only possible for those fabrics that can be washed at high temperatures (this is indicated on the clothing labels).
  2. Freezing
    If the soiled item is small and can easily fit into the refrigerator freezer without touching the edges of the freezer, then you should try this method. So, fold the item stained with gum in such a way that the stuck gum is on the outside. Place the folded clothes in a plastic bag. It is necessary that the chewing gum does not stick to the bag. If it sticks to the packaging bag, make a hole in it and place it in the freezer.

    Leave the clothes folded in the bag in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours until the gum becomes hard. Then, using a knife or tweezers, try to scrape off the gum. This shouldn't be difficult: frozen chewing gum usually crumbles and comes off easily.
    If the soiled item is too bulky and does not fit in the refrigerator compartment, then the area with the chewing gum can be frozen using ice cubes. Place a few pieces of frozen water on the gum stain and, after freezing, scrape it off with a sharp object.
    If there is a white stain left, wipe it with ethyl alcohol.
  3. Petrol
    It can be purchased in cans for refilling lighters. First, drop a little gasoline on the inside of the item to check if the fabric will change color, if another stain will appear, or if the fabric will be damaged. After such a check, making sure that everything is in order, you need to soften the chewing gum: hold the thing over steam.
    Then apply the chemical flammable material to the stain with a cotton swab and leave for 5-7 minutes.
    Then use a napkin or piece of cloth to collect and remove the chewing gum from clothing.
  4. Ironing
    Using high heat and an iron, you can remove gum from pants, jeans and other items.
    Place the stained clothing on the ironing board, stain side up. Place a napkin, gauze folded several times, or a sheet of paper on top of the chewing gum.

    Then use a heated iron to iron the contaminated area several times. When exposed to high enough temperatures, chewing gum will soften and stick to the paper or napkin. Read also:
  5. Rapid cooling means
    Using a cooling aerosol such as Freezer, which is used to cool chips and is purchased at electronics stores, or dry ice, used to cool food, you can quickly remove the gum by first freezing it.
  6. Vinegar
    You can clean chewing gum from clothes using vinegar from denim, but for delicate, delicate and thin fabrics (chiffon dresses, items made of silk, satin, corduroy trousers) this method will not work.

    Heat a small amount of vinegar in a bowl. When it is hot, apply it with a brush (such as a toothbrush) to the area where the gum is stuck. Rub the stain vigorously. If the stain is not completely removed, heat the vinegar again and remove any remaining gum residue.
  7. Nail polish remover
    After eliminating the bulk of the gum by methods such as freezing and ironing, the remaining gum is easily removed using a liquid intended for removing nail polish - only without acetone, which can transform the color of clothing.
  8. Sprays
    Now there are special sprays on sale that are specifically designed for removing chewing gum. You can also use stain remover sprays, the effect of which also applies to removing chewing gum from clothes.

Have you accidentally started chewing gum? Don't know what to do with your clothes now? Don't want to take it to the dry cleaner? Don’t worry, so that you can easily deal with this type of problem on your own, let’s find out how to remove chewing gum from your pants.

If you want to quickly and easily remove chewing gum from jeans, you can use the refrigerator for this. Work like this:

  1. First, take an ordinary plastic bag. Fold your pants so that the stain is on top and place the item in this bag. Make sure that the cellophane does not stick to the fabric.
  2. Place the bag in the freezer and seal it there for a while. Wait until the tissue is completely frozen.
  3. After the fabric has frozen, remove the item and clean any remaining elastic from it with a brush.

Video: removing chewing gum by freezing:


work the fabric very quickly. Make sure that the gum does not melt. If you do not have time to completely remove the stain, you will have to put the pants back in the freezer.

Method 2 - boiling

How to remove chewing gum from rough tissue without special chemicals? Use ordinary boiled water for this purpose. Proceed like this:

  1. First, put a small amount of water in a saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  2. Remove the saucepan from the heat and place the part of the product to which the gum is stuck into the water. Wait until the water cools down a bit, otherwise you risk getting burned.
  3. Take the knife without removing the product from the water, then use it to remove the sticky dirt. After this, rub the fabric to remove any remaining adhesive from it.

How to clean your chewing gum if you didn’t manage to remove it completely the first time? Just repeat this manipulation by heating the water again. Please note: this method is only suitable for jeans. There is absolutely no need to use it for delicate fabrics.

Method 3 - hot water

This method of cleaning chewing gum is suitable if the dirt is not very ingrained. It can only be used on rough fabrics. Apply it this way: open a hot water tap, bring the contaminated area under the stream, and after a few minutes try to clean off the remaining gum with a toothbrush.


If you use this method to remove chewing gum, do not rub the cloth too hard. If you overdo it, you can easily ruin it.

You can also use a stream of warm air from a hair dryer instead of hot water. Heat the sticky mass and remove it with a spatula or a dull butter knife. All the work in this case will take you only a few minutes.

Method 4 - gasoline

What's the easiest way to remove smeared gum? This can be done using gasoline (it is best to use purified lighter gasoline for this). Use it like this:

  1. Immediately you need to pour a little gasoline directly onto the dirt.
  2. After this, you will need to wait a few minutes until this product separates the elastic from the fabric.
  3. Next, all that remains is to clean off the remaining dirt. This can be done with an ordinary toothbrush.


Typically, after such cleaning, a small amount of dirt remains on the fabric. How to remove chewing gum and gasoline stains from a product? You will just need to machine wash your pants, following the manufacturer's recommendations. Use the most ordinary washing powder for this purpose, and not a trace will remain of the stain.

This option for removing stubborn chewing gum can be used for various types of fabric. You can even use it on silk, wool and cotton.

Method 5 - iron

This is another simple method for removing such dirt from pants. Apply it like this:

  1. To begin, place cardboard over the chewing gum mark itself. Turn the pants over so that the cardboard is directly on the ironing board.
  2. Heat your iron to medium heat.
  3. Iron the fabric until the chewing gum is completely transferred to the cardboard.

How to remove a stain that may remain on fabric from an elastic band? After it transfers to cardboard, simply wash the item. This is necessary in order to remove any remaining stains.

Method 6 - vinegar

How can you remove stains from rough fabrics? An ordinary 9% table vinegar does the job well. Work with it like this:

  1. First, pour this product into any tin container and heat it well in it.
  2. After this, take a clean toothbrush. Soak it well in vinegar while it is still not completely cool.
  3. Gently and carefully rub the stain until it is completely removed from the pants.
  4. If your vinegar gets cold while you're working, just reheat it and start over.

Video: how to remove chewing gum using vinegar?

How to clean pants from the unpleasant odor that may appear after such treatment? Just put the product in the washing machine and wash it in express mode as you usually do. Then dry your pants thoroughly. After this, neither the chewing gum nor the smell of vinegar will remain on them.

Method 7 - tape

How can you remove such dirt if you don’t have any special chemicals at hand? You can use ordinary tape for this purpose. All you have to do is stick it on the gum and then quickly tear it off. The tape will be able to remove the elastic from the fabric.


Use this method only for fresh contamination. If the elastic band has already melted and gone deeper into the fabric, the adhesive tape is unlikely to cope with it.

You can also use new chewing gum instead of regular duct tape. Just knead it well with your fingers, then stick it on top of the old one, press it down well and tear it off sharply. If you do it right, the new chewing gum will remove the old one. All you have to do is simply use a knife to clean off any remaining dirt, and then wash the trousers well.

Method 8 - liquid soap

This is a universal, gentle way to remove chewing gum from pants. It should be used like this:

  • To begin with, pour as much liquid soap as possible onto the dirty area. You can take a product of any brand, but it is better to use a product that has the least amount of dyes, as well as specific fragrances.
  • After this, you need to take a toothbrush and rub the detergent over the fabric.
  • Then you should take a dull knife and very carefully remove any remaining dirt with it.


To prevent stains from remaining on your clothes, simply wash the product after such cleaning. Usually one wash is enough to completely remove stains.

Method 9 - fairies

How can you get rid of this stubborn stain in a few minutes? Do this with the help of fairies or some similar means. All you need to do is put a little bit of this product on a clean kitchen sponge and then rub the stain with the sponge. Don't stop until the dirt is completely gone.


Be sure to wash your pants thoroughly after removing the gum. Otherwise, there may be unsightly stains left on them, which will be extremely difficult for you to remove.

Method 10 - acetone for nails

You can remove such sticky things from sweatpants and trousers with a regular acetone-based nail solution. All you have to do is pour a small amount onto the stain, and then scrape off the gum with a dull knife or razor. If the first time you do not manage to get rid of the stain in this way, simply repeat this procedure.


This product may discolor the fabric of your trousers. If you are concerned that this may happen, test this product on any inconspicuous area of ​​fabric first. Once you are sure that it does not lighten your item, you can safely use it.

Method 11 - acetone

This method of how to wash such dirt from pants can only be used for the coarsest materials. You risk damaging delicate items this way. You will need to work with such a chemical like this: you need to put a small amount of the chemical on any clean cloth, and with the same cloth you will need to wipe the dirt very well until it is completely removed. After this, you will need to remove any traces of the stain.


Use this method only if other, softer methods do not give you the desired result. Be careful not to spoil the item when working with such specific chemistry.

If none of the methods presented here on how to easily remove chewing gum from trousers helped you, do not despair. Just take your damaged item to the dry cleaner. They will be able to deal with this problem in just a few hours, without ruining the fabric of your favorite trousers. Remember that it is in such establishments that they can even handle such delicate fabrics as silk.

Video: what is the best way to remove clothes?

Have you noticed a piece of old chewing gum stuck tightly to your skirt, jeans or new trousers? Learn how to remove gum from clothes using home remedies and get your clothes in order.

Hot wrestling method

High temperatures are the main enemy of any dirt. To remove gum from things, try one of these effective control methods.


  1. Place the area with the stuck gum in boiling water.
  2. Let the clothes soak.
  3. Place a knife or other sharp object into the container and pick out the gum.
  4. Rub the fabric with your hands.
  5. Dry the item and check the result. Repeat if necessary.


How to get rid of chewing gum on clothes using water vapor? It's very easy to do this:

  1. Pour water into the kettle and let it boil.
  2. Hold the damaged item over the spout.
  3. Once the gum has softened, brush it off with a toothbrush.

Hot water

If the item of clothing can be washed in hot water, put it in a basin and soak the clothes for literally 5 minutes. Then you need to scrub off the chewing gum with an old toothbrush.


  1. Place the clothing on a thick cardboard sheet. The gum should be at the bottom.
  2. Set your iron to medium heat.
  3. Iron the area several times - the cardboard will absorb the elastic.


  1. Warm up the gum with a hairdryer.
  2. Clean clothes with a brush.

Cold processing method

The cold method of treating fabric stained with gum is as effective as its hot “brother.”


  1. Fold your clothes so that the gum is on top.
  2. Place it in the bag, being careful that the rubber band does not stick. If this is very difficult, place the clothes on top.
  3. Place the bag in the freezer and let the gum freeze.
  4. Remove the bag from the freezer and remove the clothes from it.
  5. Scrape off the elastic with a scrap knife, but not too sharp so as not to cut the fabric. You can take an oil maker.

Don't let the gum melt, and if it does, freeze it again.

Ice cubes

An alternative to the freezer that will help you out if the chewing gum is small.

  1. Place the item in a bag or simply cover the area that needs to be treated with it.
  2. Place ice on top.
  3. Wait a few minutes for the rubber band to freeze.
  4. Scrape it off with a knife.

You can also use dry ice for freezing, “Freezer” (used for cooling microcircuits, sold in radio parts stores) and “Chewing Gum Removers,” a special store-bought spray for removing gum. Their effect is similar to freezing gum.

Cold water

  1. Run the area with the stuck gum under cold water.
  2. Separate it with a brush or a dull knife.

Other cleaning methods

Other means that can easily be found in almost every home will also help remove chewing gum from clothes.


  1. Apply nail polish remover or pure acetone to the rubber band.
  2. Gently rub the area with your hands.
  3. Once the gum is removed, wash your clothes with soap.

Adhesive tape

If the chewing gum has not yet ingrained itself into the fabric, try regular tape.

  1. Cut a small piece (should cover the elastic).
  2. Press it firmly onto the gum.
  3. Remove with a sharp movement.
  4. Repeat if necessary.

Medical alcohol

Rubbing gum will help remove gum from your pants. But you can only use it on a single-color item; a colored one can fade. Instead of alcohol, you can take any alcoholic drink.

  1. Soak the sponge in alcohol.
  2. Wet the area where the gum is stuck well.
  3. Clean the fabric with a knife after 1-2 minutes.


Another good way! Just be careful - do not let gasoline get on your hands and mucous membranes, and inhaling its vapors is extremely undesirable.

  1. Pour gasoline onto the cloth (just a little is needed).
  2. Wait 1 minute.
  3. Scrape off the gum with a knife or use a brush.
  4. Wash with detergent and fabric softener to remove the smell of gasoline.

Liquid soap

  1. Apply a little liquid soap to the dirty area.
  2. Rub the soap in with a toothbrush, trying to break up the gum.
  3. Scrape off any remaining gum with a dull knife or just your fingernails.
  4. Machine wash the item.


A number of different oils are suitable for these purposes - peanut, olive, orange, sunflower and eucalyptus. When using this method, be very careful not to create stains.

  1. Soak the gum in oil. You can moisten a cotton swab and apply it to the dirty area.
  2. Wait a few minutes - the elastic will become very soft.
  3. Remove it with a knife or an old toothbrush.
  4. Wash with powder and liquid stain remover.


This method is not suitable for delicate materials, but otherwise it is excellent! With its help it is possible to remove elastic from jeans.

  1. Heat the vinegar on the stove (you will need 200 grams).
  2. Dip the brush into it and go over the area with gum stuck to it. Do this very quickly before the vinegar cools down.
  3. Wash with powder.


This technical liquid is great for removing elastic from wardrobe items.

  1. Apply toluene to the area where the chewing gum has stuck.
  2. Scrape it off with a knife.
  3. Wash the item with powder.

Wedge with wedge

Another piece of chewing gum will help you remove chewing gum from your favorite pants!

  1. Chew a new record.
  2. Knead it in your hands.
  3. Stick to the place where the elastic is located.
  4. Peel off with a sharp movement - the old chewing gum will stick to the new one.
  5. Stick and unstick - and so on several times.

This will eliminate the main area of ​​contamination.

Have you tried everything, but still can’t remove chewing gum from your clothes? Take it to the dry cleaner and let the technicians fix the problem.