Esoteric technology for restoring feminine energy. How to restore strength and regain energy? Experimenting with your own makeup and hairstyle, shopping

With your own hands

— 4 ways to restore energy
— Seven ways of energy protection from energy vampires
— The most popular way to restore vitality
— How to cleanse energy
- The easiest way to restore energy

1) Meditative methods.
Sit on the floor cross-legged, the position should be comfortable. If it is difficult for you to sit upright, spread something soft, lean your back on a pillow, etc. Main conditions: the spine must be straight, your posture must be comfortable.
The task is to pump up all the chakras, from muladhara to sahasrara. The exact location of the chakras can be found online.

First, concentrate on muladhara, imagining the chakra in the form of a luminous red ball with a diameter of about 5 cm. Concentration time is approximately 5 minutes. There is no need to detect it, work according to your feelings. It is necessary to achieve a feeling of warmth in the chakra area. Once this has been achieved, move on to the next chakra, etc. Chakra activation is a very good exercise for restoring the body's energy.

A similar activation can be carried out before going to bed, while lying in bed. After pumping your chakras, visualize your aura. Imagine it as dazzling white - the brighter the white you can imagine, the better.

2) Energy gymnastics.
An excellent way to restore energy is to use Hermes gymnastics; its description can be found on the Internet. A set of exercises allows you to restore the circulation of energy in the body and raise the overall energy level.

Chinese taijiquan gymnastics is also perfect for restoring energy. Its main advantage is that even elderly people or those weakened by illness can practice it. It restores energy very well, but requires long, regular exercise.

Perfectly restores energy and normal running. Regular daily jogging quickly normalizes the energy field, gives vigor and optimism.

3) Proper nutrition.
The energy of the body depends very much on the quality of nutrition. Eliminate from your diet any products containing preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers and other additives. Eat more natural foods with minimal heat processing. Increase the amount of vegetables and fruits, as well as fish, in your diet. Minimize your consumption of flour products.

— The most popular way to restore vitality

One of the most common ways to restore a person’s energy is to visualize a bright luminous ball, which, like a hot sun, performs the function of cleansing the chakras of negative energy that has accumulated for various reasons in a person’s energy shell.

1) Mentally create an image of the solar disk and imagine how it rotates counterclockwise - there is a strong draw of negativity, which you reinforce with a mental message and at the same time visualize the process;

2) Then you change the direction of rotation of the disk - there is a powerful golden flow of energy to saturate and replenish the energy shell with energy;

3) Create a virtual solar sphere with an internal mirror surface behind you, saturate it with pure energy and bring it into contact with the energy-information shell.

4) Next, create an image of the sun with the direction of rotation of the disk clockwise and direct the energy flows emitted by the sphere towards yourself, squeezing all the negativity outside the shell and directing it into the virtual sphere.

5) Then you lower it deep into the bowels of the earth to transform the contents into positive energy of creation.

The existence of a large number of different practices for cleansing the chakras and filling them with energy makes it possible to choose one or another method that can increase vibration in the chakras and restore vitality.

— How to cleanse energy

Option 1
This method may be optimal for people who have a heightened level of sensitivity and have a good connection with their subconscious, with their Spiritual Self. People of this type can not only physically feel energy, but even perceive it in the form of images. In such cases, it is better to work with your energy directly. Such people should engage in meditation and, in the process, find areas with accumulated negative energy and cleanse themselves of it. Imagining, for example, that the negative is washed away by streams of clear, clean water and absorbed into the ground. Or it is burned out by a burning ball, which then goes into the sky.

Option 2
This option is intended for those who have just begun to learn to feel their energy. It is believed that a person has two main energy flows running along his spine. One stream enters from space through the top of the head and exits through the legs into the ground. Another stream is directed from the ground through the legs to the tailbone, and then rises to the crown and exits it.

You need to take a comfortable sitting position and straighten your back, relax and try to feel these flows. At first the sensations will be barely noticeable, but after a few trainings you will even be able to control them. The movement of energy flows can be accelerated at will. When their power begins to increase, this means that the energy field is cleared, clamps and blocks go away, well-being improves, and overall energy increases. But you should be careful and if you experience discomfort or a headache, you should stop the session.

Option 3
You can cleanse a person’s energy in this very effective way. This method is directly related to communication with nature. It is very useful to walk on the ground barefoot or sit on warm heated ground. It also has a great positive effect if you stand under a waterfall. When streams of water fall from above, the negativity seems to be washed away from you. To some extent, a waterfall can be replaced with a cool shower, while imagining how the water washes away accumulated negative emotions.

The aura can also be cleaned with the help of trees (linden, poplar, aspen). They are able to absorb negative energy, as they are energy vampire trees. And some trees, such as maple, oak or birch, on the contrary, can give positive energy, since they are donor trees.

You can interact with trees in the following way: approach a tree, lean against it, imagine how negative energy flows from you to the tree, or how pure positive energy flows from the tree to you. Stand like this for a few minutes, preferably at least half an hour, and you will be able to feel that the negativity has gone away, or you will feel a surge of strength, as is the case with maple, birch or oak. Don't forget to thank the tree for its help. The trees hear you!
It should be remembered that trees are energy vampires and can take away some of the positive energy, so you need to be careful with them. It is also not recommended to interact with trees in winter; it is believed that during this period they sleep.

Option 4.
You can also cleanse a person’s energy by getting rid of negative emotions and memories. One of the techniques recommends clearly remembering a situation that was unpleasant for you and you are still under its influence. Try to remember the situation in detail, all the people who took part in it, the phrases spoken at that time, your feelings and even thoughts. Imagine everything as if you were looking at the situation from the outside. Do not judge, do not evaluate, and especially do not draw any conclusions.

At the same time, you should take a few deep breaths and exhales, relax and imagine how you transfer this situation to the picture. Draw it mentally on canvas. Draw everything down to your past emotions and thoughts. Then take this picture and set it on fire, imagine how it burns, flaring up more and more and the ashes from it fall into your hand. When the painting burns out completely, go to the window, open it and blow the ashes off your hand. Scatter the ashes to the wind. Let the wind take away all the pain and resentment and carry it far away from you.

This meditative technique helps to get rid of negative memories. You will immediately feel inner relief. Past negative emotions and memories will no longer affect you. To enhance the effect, you can repeat the meditation.

- The easiest way to restore energy

Rest restores human energy. Rest means rest. For some reason, many people confuse vacation with idle time. A holiday is a holiday and we all need it too. Guests, friends, trips, attending various events - all this is wonderful, one of everyone’s favorite parts of life. But after such events I want to relax. And when I talk about rest, I mean rest.

Every person sometimes has moments when he feels that “that’s it, he’s at the limit.” And if you miss this moment and don’t rest for a day or two, then the body, and life itself, will do everything to “rest” you through illness and similar unpleasant things.

Therefore, it is worth learning to listen to your body, your body and your soul. If you feel that your strength is leaving you, if you understand that everything in life has become difficult and with incredible efforts, if you understand that you “can’t take it anymore,” then the first thing you need to do is lie down and lie, lie , sleep, then sleep again, and sleep again.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

Loss of vitality can be caused by various reasons. If you know why you stopped enjoying the new day, it will be easier to solve the problem. What if there is less and less strength left, and why is this happening, you have no idea? There are 2 options here. You can determine the cause of the loss of strength and eliminate it, or strike on all fronts at once, carrying out preventive work in each area. The choice is yours. Start with something simple: pay attention to the subheadings of the article, perhaps you will find out the reason that led you to a state of apathy.


Nutrition is a way of eating behavior that we automatically adhere to. If you have managed to become a lover of healthy lifestyle, you eat according to the rules every day and do not feel discomfort. The same goes for fast food lovers - since you are used to chewing fried food, you do it all the time. But the body, although it supports your habits, remains dissatisfied. Determine if your diet is affecting your well-being.

There are several ways. The first is called “American”. American researchers recommend eating red meat no more than once a week, as it is difficult to digest. If you are a vegetarian, make up for the lack of protein by eating beans and lentils. In the USA, it is recommended to exclude fast food or eat French fries and hamburgers no more than once a month.

According to Japanese rules, you need to act differently. Japanese doctor and scientist Michio Kushi offers to restore strength and love of life using the method of nutrition of Japanese monks. Their life lasts 90-97 years, and their health is strong. Monks give up meat, milk and sugar. They eat vegetables and grains, as well as fish and seafood (once or twice a week). How do you like this option?

Changing eating habits is difficult. Start gradually. Stop eating meat every day, reduce the amount of sugar and forget about some dairy products. Over time, you will accept the new way of life. Remember the movie "Kill Bill 2"? There, Uma Thurman climbed the steps, broke her fingers into blood and carried water to the monk. And it saved her life.

Personal life

What condition is she in? There can be many options here, the main thing is that none of them is drawn out or “zombie-like”. You may be in a romantic stage of communication, a long-term relationship with your other half, or a period of separation or conflict. All options are possible. But if you have been unsuccessfully searching for love on social networks for three years or continue to cling to relationships that are destroying you, you should think about it. It will help you to ask yourself: can I be in this situation all my life? If the answer is “no,” then you need to change at least something through an effort of will. Otherwise you will find yourself in an energy vacuum.

Physical activity

Sedentary work and lying down on weekends are the best way to lose energy. Psychologists know why you don’t move: when you remember the gym, physical education and running, you feel bad. But the choice of exercise is up to you. If you are not a fan of activities, choose the load option that you can handle. Do something nice for yourself: go to the pool, yoga, Pilates, tennis. Master the sport you've always dreamed of.

The only danger is that your optimistic mood will be replaced by disappointment when you don’t find time to exercise: an hour to train, an hour to travel, an hour to get ready. Keep this in mind right away: to gain energy, you need to sacrifice time.


How long has it been since you made something with your own hands? Do you get creative in your free time? Is there something that distracts you from routine and bustle? Each of us must have a “strength occupation.” Don't take advice lightly. If you want the energy to return, return your individuality. Just don't limit yourself to stamps: cross stitch, applique, knitting. You can breed bugs, photograph cats, write ten-word stories, play the harmonica. As long as you like it. An additional bonus will be joint activities in interest groups. There you can share your successes, participate in competitions, and communicate.


We are used to thinking that work is a way to be left without strength and energy. Don't forget that apathy and fatigue are two different things. You may not have any strength left, you may be squeezed like a lemon, but at the same time you are satisfied with yourself and energetic. What situations at work lead to loss of energy?

  • Lack of encouragement and constructive criticism from management
  • Uninteresting matter
  • Responsibilities that are annoying
  • Unfriendly staff
  • Lack of prospects
  • Routine

If some points are about you, you need to change the situation. You can talk to management, set up a team, and see prospects. Much depends on you. Energy is not only the amount of your strength, but also your mood, desire, motivation. If you feel like you are stuck in your job and nothing can be changed, change it. It is important to make such decisions consciously. Start by writing a resume and searching for a vacant position. It is better not to take sudden steps. Assess your abilities objectively: what can you offer an employer? How relevant is your knowledge in this or that area? Once a new location is found, you can leave. The energy will return with new challenges and adequate leadership.


In communication, it is not quantity that matters, but quality. How often do we wait until the interlocutor completes his remark in order to speak out ourselves and demonstrate our knowledge of all issues! More like a way of self-affirmation. How do you communicate with loved ones, friends, strangers in line or service staff? All these people want sincere attention.

Do you think there are many people who completely understand you? To the smallest detail? Until slight changes in mood? Probably a little. But you understand everyone. You “know” “what he was thinking”, “what’s on her mind” and “why they do this”. This approach prevents people from truly bonding. Everyone puts a stamp and asks “how are you?” for show and imposes his vision of the world.

Try to change your personal attitude towards people. Find something interesting, unusual in them, something you haven’t noticed before. Only ask questions to which you do not know the answer. Then you will be interested in listening to your interlocutor and he will feel it.

Exercise: remember those situations that can be called the happiest and brightest in your life. They may be related to childhood or events that happened a week ago. Imagine them in detail. Surely during these states the energy was with you. And this energy was enough. Now answer the question: were these events connected with other people? Probably yes. After all, endorphins are produced at the moment when something unites you with other people. And endorphins are also energy.

Psychological condition

Energy is the desire to do something, motivation, desire, a feeling of life inside. If the energy is gone, it could be depression. Depression is a defense mechanism that limits your desires in order to protect you “from the outside world.” You are sitting at home sad, but safe and sound. This reaction may occur in response to stress or mental trauma. If all of the above tips do not help, contact a professional psychologist. But first you should try to change your habits - start right now.

To know how to restore strength and vital energy, you need to imagine under what circumstances it is lost. It is necessary, first of all, to close the holes through which energy leaks. Otherwise, we will be like a person trying to draw water into a sieve.

There are several main loopholes through which strength is lost, leading to a feeling of constant fatigue and exhaustion, both mental and physical, as a result.

Psychological or emotional fatigue occurs due to nervous tension, stress associated with experiences and worries, obsessive thoughts, active constant mental activity. Any type of experience overloads the nervous system, thereby developing fatigue and sometimes causing a feeling of complete indifference towards the entire world around us.This is a kind of payment for the once overpaid price - in emotions, experiences. Therefore, it is so important to remember that our supply of feelings is not endless, strong experiences, negative emotions deprive us of strength, and positive ones restore them, and even then not immediately.

Keep track of how many times a day you doubt yourself? How many times have you been afraid to say what you think? How many times have you compared yourself to someone? How many times have you been jealous? Stop! These are the primary absorbers of our energy.

Almost every person experiences the negative effects of fear at some point in their life. Fear keeps a person in high mental tension, constantly taking away mental and vital energy, freezing muscles. In childhood, a person is afraid of the dark, pain, surprise, water, heights. In adolescence, he is afraid of his unattractiveness, inferiority, and loneliness. In adulthood, he is afraid of losing a good job, human judgment, betrayal, and worries about his children. In his declining years, he is afraid of illness, loneliness, poverty, and death. It is important and necessary to remember that all our obstacles, difficulties, bad situations actually serve one purpose - the spiritual growth of a person. And if this is so, then there is nothing to be afraid of them, we must accept them and solve life’s problems as they arise. You can also write “fears” to neutralize your fears. The point is this: sit down and for 40 minutes, without stopping and without analyzing, write all your fears in a row on a piece of paper, and then either bury them or burn them, thereby closing the channel of loss of vitality and energy.

Another channel for the drain of strength and energy is doubt. Doubts about the correctness - incorrectness, necessity - uselessness, timeliness - untimeliness of the decision being made. In such cases, it is important to trust your intuition, past experience, or take a piece of paper and write down all the pros and cons in two columns. And remember that reflection is good in moderation - otherwise it takes a lot of strength and energy. And any decision made will bring relief and peace. The main criterion for the correctness of a decision is freedom of expression of feelings and emotions. Unexpressed feelings retain the charge of emotions for a long time, and it falls heavily on the shoulders of their bearer. Express your feelings in a timely manner, do not put them “in the bank at interest,” so that later you do not have to withdraw an impressive capital of grievances, disappointments, and fatigue.

Another channel for the leakage of energy and strength is guilt. The dangers of guilt have already been discussed in detail earlier. Let us note here that a moderate feeling of guilt is familiar to many, especially often it appears at critical stages in life - loss of loved ones, divorce, dismissal, etc. Moderate and transient feelings of guilt in such cases are normal and natural. The main thing is that it does not get out of control, does not take over all thoughts and does not “dictate its terms” at every step. To get rid of the feeling of guilt, it is enough to be able to accept yourself for who you are, take care of yourself and treat yourself in a friendly manner.

And the last significant channel for loss of strength and energy is prohibitions or thought viruses. They were also mentioned earlier. The important thing to remember here is that you need to start every day with a clean slate. And to do this, you need to release and neutralize all negativity in a timely manner. And to do this, you need to allow yourself to be angry and not consider it something inappropriate, bad, forbidden. Moreover, by allowing yourself to be angry, you will notice one amazing change in your life - you will want to be less angry. Or the anger will not reach some catastrophic proportions.

When allowing yourself to express negative emotions, remember - the world is imperfect, we came here for experience and development. You need to learn to accept, forgive and be tolerant of the shortcomings, mistakes and mistakes - both of your own and of other people.

So, constant fatigue is a consequence of negative emotions. They are the ones who steal psychic energy and drag us down. There are two ways to neutralize these energy absorbers - by understanding their cause, allowing yourself the freedom to express feelings and emotions, and learning to accept yourself for who you are.

All positive emotions treat fatigue and help restore strength and energy.

It is the achievement of significant life goals that is the tool through which a person’s level of vital energy increases. A realized life goal increases a person’s level of vital energy. Any obstacle you overcome gives you its power. Unfulfilled goals or desires weaken vital energy.

We cannot always accumulate positive emotions, especially when there are not enough reasons for them. In this case strength and energy are restored, who would have thought, healthy indifference and sense of humor.

Sources of strength and energy also lie in passion for your work, and the process should be more important than the result. It is very important for people who are inclined to be able to positively evaluate the work done. Because dissatisfaction with yourself only takes you away from your intended goal and deprives you of energy reserves. You cannot compare the quality and quantity of the results of your work with the results of others - this distracts you from completing your tasks and prevents you from adhering to your value system. And, consequently, it reduces satisfaction from the work done, deprives one of strength and, in general, reduces the quality of life.

Sometimes, in order to clear your head of negative thoughts and your soul of negativity, it is enough to do a general cleaning at home or in the workplace, throw out everything unnecessary and carefully put the essentials into shelves.

Fatigue can be treated by changing activities - for example, a new activity, or a change of environment. Also, additional means of restoring mental energy are physical exercise, running, and outdoor recreation.

Constant, chronic fatigue or how to restore strength and regain energy.

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Practical advice will tell you how to quickly restore strength and energy. If you know them, you will be healthy. I continue to share simple practical tips that everyone can follow. For today’s publication, I have collected 15 effective methods of self-regulation and recovery.

Personally, they help me a lot in everyday life to feel energetic, healthy, balanced, not to overexert myself and maintain a balance of energies.

So, how to quickly restore mental and physical energy?

In my experience, the following help quickly restore strength and energy:

1. Sleep.

An important component of a healthy life. A must for me is to go to bed early and get up early.

Learn more about the importance of sleep from a scientific point of view

2. Switching activity.

Being able to switch to another task in a timely manner helps me stay productive throughout the day.

The generator of ideas, as well as the engine and motivator, is our brain. What the brain is capable of, how to activate it

In order not to overwork, I adhere to a cyclical approach to my work. I use the pomodoro technique. How and why

3. Water.

The most effective way to quickly restore strength and energy. If you can't take a shower, you can simply rinse your hands up to your elbows. Water washes away all the negativity, bad soaps and really improves your well-being.

4. Complete and total disconnection from business and the Internet.

I definitely include this day off on my weekly to-do list. Usually this is Saturday or Sunday. On this day I don’t turn on the computer at all, I completely disconnect from work and... Such “reboots” are useful.

Another way quickly restore strength and energy. Especially in this age of information overload, silence truly becomes golden. Useful practice. It acts at the level of cleansing the body and thoughts.

If you want “deep silence” for several days with cleansing of both body and soul, then you can become a participant in the retreat. This, so to speak, is already a professional level of immersion in silence.

How does this happen? Usually a group of like-minded people gathers and goes somewhere away from the hustle and bustle of the city (for example, Thailand) and spends days there in silence. This also includes eating vegetables and fruits, yoga, meditation and related attributes. The pleasure is not cheap, but effective. A thorough cleansing of the brain is guaranteed, and at the same time, renewal of oneself.

7. Digging in flowers and soil.

This method balances the mood level. Take note if you like to relax and gain energy.

8. Experiment with your own makeup and hairstyle, shopping.

Girls will understand me.

9. Music, dance, singing.

Another cool way to quickly restore strength and energy. The music can be anything, the main thing is that you like it - slow, fast.

Dance is a unique way of not only restoring energy, but also activating the brain, just like sports.

10. Drawing mandalas.

The method works, especially suitable for those involved in creativity.

Working with plasticine and clay also calms you down, puts you in a positive mood, and gives you energy.

11. Driving.

It may seem strange, but driving also helps to quickly restore strength and energy. These are trips out of town, an empty road and music - all that is needed to gain strength and replenish energy.

12. Reconnecting with nature.

One of my favorite ways to recover quickly. It is such simple things as lying on the grass, hugging a tree (an energetically strong tree is birch), admiring the ducks on the lake that make us happy. What could be better than family outings into nature!

13. Breathing practices.

The simplest thing is breathing based on your pulse. For seven seconds - inhale, for seven seconds - exhale. This method is relaxing and also really cures headaches.

14. Smoothie, orange juice, green tea.

A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice or a freshly prepared smoothie is no less invigorating than strong coffee.

Green tea is a separate story. According to scientists, the phytosubstances contained in green tea slow down the aging process and also reduce the risk of developing parkinsonism and Alzheimer's disease.

Welcome, dear reader!
The height of autumn is the time when summer is long behind us, and there is still time to live before the New Year holidays. This is where the familiar state of seemingly causeless fatigue arises, when you feel exhausted even in the absence of obvious physical activity.Howto enjoy every new day? Let's find out!

When the ship started leaking...

But before we understand how to gain and accumulate the energy necessary for a happy life, it is important for us to track the weak points of the body, those “holes” through which precious forces leak. This occurs on four levels: physical body, energetic body, mind and emotions. Already one awareness of these reasons will help you stop the process of draining the body’s resources and understand howrestore vital energy.

Examples of energy waste at the physical level:

  • Uncontrolled and unconscious muscle clamps, blocks;
  • Energy-consuming postures, such as stooping or, conversely, excessive looseness of the body;
  • Chronic diseases or other ailments, especially those accompanied by constant pain;
  • Unconscious copying of gestures, movements, gait, body postures of an energy vampire located next to you.

Examples of energy expenditure at the energy level:

  • Constant thoughts that this negative state will last forever, complaints about decreased energy tone;
  • Irrhythmic, shallow breathing, when the exhalation is shorter than the inhalation (it should be the other way around), breathing through the mouth;
  • Staying “within four walls” for a long time, lack of walks in the fresh air, in nature.

Examples of energy expenditure at the mental level:

  • “Self-criticism”, self-digging, uncontrolled chewing of negativity;
  • “Restless mind” syndrome: constant jumping of thoughts from subject to subject, inability to separate one’s “I” from one’s own thoughts, identifying oneself with them;
  • Too deep immersion in dreams, separation from the real world;
  • Unproductive rumination about the past or worry about the future, inability to live in the here and now;
  • Pointless complaints about things you cannot change: the weather, politics, the economy, other people;
  • Unfinished, unstarted or postponed tasks that keep popping up in your memory and reminding you of themselves.

Examples of wasting energy on an emotional level:

  • Emotional trauma and pressure;
  • The predominance of aggression, despondency, anger, pessimism and other negative emotions (this is one of the most serious reasons preventing the preservationrestoration of vital energy);
  • Having conflicting goals or desires;
  • Internal emotional conflicts, addictions, unhealthy attachments;
  • Unresolved problems in your personal life that hang like a “dead weight”;
  • Negative emotions of loved ones directed at you;
  • Sleep disorders: nightmares, insomnia, lack of sleep, irregularities - late going to bed or late getting up.


Energy – raise, course for a happy life!

Now, knowing the main “gaps” in your physical and mental system, you can take emergency measures and stop the process of uncontrolled drainage of the body’s resources. It's time to find out howrestore vital energyand achieve the desired goals with its help.

Filling with energy on a physical level:

  1. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle: good nutrition and sleep, quitting smoking and alcohol;
  2. Measures to cure and prevent diseases, at least the very first steps;
  3. Carrying out various cleanses, for example, therapeutic fasting (if there are no contraindications), herbal decoctions, cleansing of internal organs in order to get rid of toxins;
  4. Using meditation to get rid of muscle spasms and blocks;
  5. Oriental practices: tai chi chuan, qigong, hatha yoga, etc.

Filling with energy at the energy level:

  1. not with the mouth, but with the nose, while the exhalation is longer than the inhalation;
  2. Closeness to nature, walks in the fresh air;
  3. Maintaining balance and calm during periods of weakness, understanding that this state will not last indefinitely;
  4. Using energy practices that help you relax your body and at the same time focus on sensations and the movement of energy within you.

Filling with energy at the mental level:

  1. Consciously tracking thoughts throughout the day;
  2. The ability to observe your thoughts as if from the outside, without dissolving in them and without identifying yourself with them;
  3. Acceptance of yourself: both the strengths and weaknesses of your personality, refusal of self-flagellation;
  4. Awareness of a simple truth: nothing lasts forever, positive and negative periods of life alternate, this is a natural process.

Filling with energy at the emotional level:

  1. Emotional hygiene: the ability to label what you feel;
  2. Developing the habit of maintaining a positive outlook on life, regardless of external circumstances;
  3. Monitoring negative emotions, the ability to express them ecologically, without blocking, but also without allowing them to destroy you;
  4. Working through emotional traumas and pressures using various practices;
  5. Maintaining positivity when interacting with people;
  6. Refusal to communicate with people who drain you energetically;
  7. Emotional openness, development of love and