Medicine for milk lactation. Dinner is served! Ways to stimulate lactation for proper feeding of the baby

Other reasons

Breastfeeding is natural process, which is sometimes broken. There are many reasons for this, one of them is hypogalactia (decreased volume or duration of lactation). But what if a nursing mother wants to continue breastfeeding? How to organize this process without harm to the child?

Exist various methods increasing lactation. More on this below.

Reasons for decreased lactation

Primary hypogalactia is a deficiency of milk from the first days; it occurs rarely, in no more than 5% of women due to neuroendocrine disorders.

In other cases, lactation decreases for the following reasons:

  1. A woman does not have a dominant lactation - the conviction that breast milk better food(psychological problem).
  2. Unbalanced diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Stressful conditions.
  4. Long pauses between feedings.
  5. Early introduction of artificial nutrition.
  6. Feeding a newborn on a schedule, not on demand.

All these conditions are dangerous and threaten a sharp decrease in production. breast milk.

Another danger is that can arise during the first six months after childbirth. In a nursing mother, the amount of breast milk periodically decreases and increases. This is explained by the fact that the child grows, his appetite increases sharply, and the mother’s body simply does not have time to adapt to such changes. It is during this period that hormonal imbalance occurs, which affects milk volume.

To maintain and improve lactation, it is necessary to calculate the lactation crisis and try to feed the baby more often. To improve lactation, use various herbs, folk remedies and biologically active drugs.

Symptoms of low breast milk

Hypogalactia is determined by the child’s behavior; the main symptoms are:

  • the baby slowly gains weight (less than 500 g per month);
  • decreased daily urine volume (urinating less than 6 times in 24 hours);
  • the newborn is restless, especially during feeding.

It is based on these signs that a decrease in milk volume in a nursing mother is calculated. If you suspect hypolactia, then conduct a study, to do this, weigh the child for 24 hours before and after feeding, write down the data.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, then it is necessary to act. To improve lactation, increase the number of feedings per day. If the problem is of psychological origin, then consultation with a specialist is necessary. Herbs, balanced diet also help to cope with the problem.

Products to increase lactation

The nutritional value of a lactating woman's diet should be about 2400 kcal, which is 800–1000 kcal more than usual. The daily diet of a nursing mother includes lean poultry, sea fish, dairy products. You can't do without vegetables and fruits. As for butter, the daily portion should not exceed 20 g. It is important to strictly observe the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

The daily volume of liquid is at least 2 liters, it is better if it is ordinary filtered water. If you drink too much liquid, the milk will contain less protein and vitamins. And therefore it is necessary to adhere to the norm.

If a woman consumes large amounts of sugar, confectionery and flour products during lactation, the amount of protein in milk will decrease. And newborns need proteins for normal development.

Make sure there is a problem before increasing your milk supply. To do this, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

To increase lactation, give up following products and drinks:

  • chocolate;
  • tonic drinks (coffee, strong tea);
  • citrus;
  • mushrooms;
  • cocoa;
  • alcohol.

Due to onions, garlic and spices, milk acquires an unpleasant taste, and the baby may refuse several feedings.

To increase milk production, drink weak tea with honey. But watch the dosage, as honey is considered an allergen. Drink the drink 30 minutes before feeding.

Do not give up meat, chicken broths, hard cheeses, seeds and fermented milk products.

Specialized products that increase lactation:

  • Femilak is a dry mixture containing vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acid, taurine.
  • Enfa-mama is a dry mixture with a similar composition, but without taurine.
  • Dumil Mama + – dry milk product with similar components without taurine.
  • Olympic is a dry mixture with vitamins and soy protein.
  • Milky Way is a milk mixture with soy protein isolate and goat's rue extract.

All these products saturate the mother’s body with minerals, microelements, multivitamins, and correct the diet in terms of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Folk remedies to increase lactation

You can fight hypolactia with folk remedies. During breastfeeding, use herbs to prepare medicinal decoctions.

To improve lactation, prepare the following drinks:

  • Pour 8 g of dandelion (root) into 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew. Consume 4 times a day before meals.
  • Nettle is an excellent milk extractor. Pour 25 g of dried herb leaves into 200 ml of boiling water, strain after 20 minutes and consume 30 ml three times a day.
  • Pour 40 g of cumin with boiling water (300 ml), strain and take 100 ml three times a day.
  • Pour 50 g of dill with boiled water (300 ml), let it brew, strain after 20 minutes and take 100 ml three times a day.
  • To increase milk production, drink 200 ml of birch sap 30 minutes before meals.
    These remedies help fight hypogalactia in the mother. It is necessary to obtain a doctor's permission to use traditional recipes. After all, many herbs are allergens.

Effective means to increase lactation:

  • Boil carrots in milk, divide it into 3 servings and consume three times a day. Repeat the procedure every day for 2 weeks.
  • Eat green onions daily.
  • Mix 50 g of cumin fruits with sour cream (120 g), place on low heat and boil for 3 minutes. Consume the entire serving at once.

That's not all folk recipes, which help fight hypolactia. Be sure to consult your doctor about the possibility of using this or that product.

Drugs to increase lactation

Sometimes folk recipes do not help cope with hypolactia, or a nursing mother does not have time to prepare infusions and decoctions. Then they come to the rescue medicines to increase milk production.

When taking medications and medicinal drinks, follow your diet; this is the only way to increase your milk volume. Effective drugs:

  • Lactogone with royal jelly, dill, ginger, nettle, oregano, etc.
  • Apicaltin based on pollen and royal jelly helps fight hypolactic acid. To avoid unpleasant symptoms Take medications containing bee products under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Lactavit – effective drug with cumin, fennel, nettle and anise. Strong herbs have a beneficial effect on the mother’s body; with their help, lactation increases.
  • Apilak is a preparation based on royal jelly, which contains various vitamins and microelements.
  • Mlekoin is a homeopathic medicine that stimulates the production of prolactin, necessary to improve lactation. Homeopathic remedies are safe for children.

When lactation has improved, the question arises of maintaining this state.

Therefore, lactating women must adhere to the following rules:

  • Watch your diet.
  • Follow the regime, the minimum duration of sleep per day is 8 hours.
  • Walk for 3-4 hours.
  • Be sure to put your baby to your breast at night so as not to disrupt the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for increasing lactation.
  • Consume fermented milk products.
  • Take multivitamin complexes.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Relax while feeding.

If these rules are followed, lactation should recover and even improve. If the situation does not change as a result of using all these methods, consult your doctor.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Drugs that are used to stop breastfeeding have an effect on the female hormonal system, stimulating a stop in the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the formation of milk. It is necessary to take pills to stop lactation with caution: the hormonal system is extremely unpredictable and for some women such drugs may be contraindicated, since they can cause the development of serious illnesses, including mastitis.

Termination of lactation with tablets

A natural stage in the life of any mother is to stop feeding her baby. At the same time, the timing of interruption of feeding is individual, but WHO standards provide for the completion of feeding before 2 years. In the future, the child does not need mother's milk. Excessive breastfeeding causes maternal health problems (the main pathology is osteoporosis).

It is better to wean your child off the breast gradually, so that changes in diet do not cause him stress and digestive disorders. However, in some cases, it is necessary to stop feeding or stop lactation immediately. Good reasons for this are:

  • separation from the baby;
  • severe pathologies of the mother (tuberculosis, diabetes, HIV);
  • late pregnancy termination;
  • stillbirth;
  • abscesses mammary glands;
  • severe prematurity of the fetus (especially with cerebral hemorrhages).

Operating principle

Medicines to reduce lactation are aimed at suppressing the production of prolactin, a hormone that initiates and maintains milk production. Nevertheless, active ingredients the composition of such medications can cause side effects and have a number of contraindications - these factors must be taken into account when choosing a drug to reduce prolactin. According to the instructions, tablets to stop lactation, created on the basis of gestagen, have fewer possible negative reactions than drugs with estrogen, which often provoke:

  • migraine;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomiting, etc.

Indications for use

There is no consensus on the timing breastfeeding, however, the minimum period is considered to be 6 months (until the baby is introduced to complementary foods). As a rule, pills to stop lactation are prescribed by a gynecologist at the request of a woman who no longer wants to breastfeed or medical indications. The latter are divided into unconditional (mandatory) and conditional (applicable only in some cases).

Unconditional reasons for taking pills:

  • drug or alcohol addiction;
  • late miscarriage;
  • carrying out chemotherapy for pathology;
  • herpes of nipples or breasts;
  • HIV infection;
  • taking medications prohibited during breastfeeding;
  • active phase of tuberculosis;
  • lactose intolerance of the newborn.

Conditional indications for suppressing lactation are:

  • mastitis;
  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • abnormalities in the development of the mother's nipples or mammary glands.

Tablets to suppress lactation

Baby gets out mother's milk a large number of nutrients and antibodies to various diseases, therefore natural feeding is the primary task of any mother. This explains why doctors strongly recommend maintaining lactation if there are conditional contraindications (breastfeeding can be stopped temporarily to eliminate negative factor, and then resume). Milk production is stopped with medications only in extreme cases, when weaning must be abrupt.

Steroid hormonal drugs

Anti-lactation pills based on steroid hormones have a similar or similar effect to the hormones produced by the woman’s body. To stop milk secretion, gestagens are usually used, which have an effect on prolactin according to the principle feedback, in more in rare cases Estrogens are prescribed. Despite the similarity of contraindications and side effects, drugs are tolerated differently: the first ones are much easier. To the group of steroids hormonal pills to stop lactation include:

  1. Microfollin. The tablets contain estrogens and are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The hormonal drug can not only stop lactation, but also cure acne on the face and help fight prostate cancer in men. The disadvantage of the tablets is the prohibition on their use by women with thrombophlebitis, pathologies of the circulatory system and liver, etc. The advantage of the medication for stopping lactation is its effectiveness and speed of action.
  2. Norkolut. The main active ingredient is norethisterone. The drug belongs to the group of progestogens; under its action, the uterine mucosa passes from the proliferative phase into the secretory phase. Anti-lactation pills can block the production of gonadotropin (a pituitary hormone) and suppress follicle maturation with subsequent ovulation. The downside of the drug to stop milk secretion is the likelihood of developing thromboembolism and thrombosis with long-term use. The advantage of the drug is its wide spectrum of action compared to analogues.
  3. Duphaston. The main substance is dydrogesterone - an analogue female hormone progesterone. With the correct dosage, Duphaston eliminates the lack of female sex hormones, thereby normalizing the functioning of the woman’s reproductive system, which is the main advantage of tablets for stopping postpartum lactation. A negative effect is the possibility of bleeding, which is eliminated by increasing the dose. Before starting therapy you need to undergo gynecological examination, donate blood to determine hormone levels, since taking pills can negatively affect the functioning of the reproductive system (knock down menstrual cycle, lead to the development of neoplasms, etc.).

Non-steroidal hormonal tablets

The action of medications in this group is based on the accumulation of dopamine or stimulation of dopamine-sensitive receptors. Thanks to this action, non-steroidal hormones help reduce the synthesis of prolactin, as a result of which the tablets stop lactation. In addition, dopamine is a precursor to adrenaline, which slows down the production of oxytocin, which is responsible for milk secretion. The category of non-steroidal hormonal tablets includes:

  1. Dostinex. One of the most popular anti-lactation remedies. the second name of the drug is Cabergoline. Dostinex is prescribed immediately after childbirth; the tablets act on the hypothalamus, as a result of which the production of hormones, including prolactin, which promote lactation, stops. The doses of Dostinex are prescribed by a doctor, and their exact adherence is mandatory, since the medication can cause side effects. The disadvantage of this medicine is that it often causes headaches. The advantage of the tablets is their effectiveness: a minimal amount of the drug is required to achieve the expected effect.
  2. Bromocriptine. The drug is a derivative of ergot alkaloid; it provides a stimulating effect on dopamine receptors in the hypothalamus, thereby reducing milk production. The advantage of tablets to stop lactation is their wide spectrum of action: the drug helps in the treatment of infertility due to higher level prolactin, mastopathy, cystic formations, etc. The disadvantage of the medication is that it is prohibited for low blood pressure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.
  3. Parlodel. Prescribed if it is necessary to abruptly wean a child from the breast. In addition, the pills reduce the production of growth hormone, thereby restoring the balance between estrogen and progesterone, which helps reduce the number of cysts formed in the mammary glands. The disadvantage of the drug for stopping lactation is that it cannot be combined with vasoconstrictors; in addition, the medication has big list possible side effects. The advantage of Parlodel is that it is relatively affordable price and efficiency.


This method of stopping lactation, such as taking pills, has a number of contraindications, so before starting to use them, it is important to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. The main prohibitions on the use of medications of this type:

  • chronic pathologies of the liver, kidneys;
  • other diseases of a chronic nature;
  • tendency to hypertension or hypotension;
  • diseases of the blood, heart, blood vessels;
  • ailments of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • menstrual cycle disorders.

Price for tablets to stop lactation

Stopping lactation is difficult for both mother and baby, because this process is stressful for the body. However, in some cases this is the only Possible Solution. Special medications that are sold in pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription help stop milk production. The pharmacodynamics of such tablets are approximately the same, but the composition and spectrum of action may differ, so the choice of medication should be made by a gynecologist. Below is a table with prices for tablets to stop milk flow.


Breast milk - perfect product for feeding the baby. Its composition is significantly different from cow's, so feeding with diluted milk from a goat or cow can lead to vitamin deficiency and illnesses gastrointestinal tract child.

The main thing in the article

Symptoms and causes of cessation of lactation

In modern maternity hospitals, not so long ago they introduced new position- Breastfeeding sister. She shows how to properly put your baby to the breast and stimulate lactation. Despite the attempts of maternity hospital staff, half of mothers breastfeed their babies for no longer than 6 months. Most of them lactation crises occur in the third month of feeding.

Unfortunately, many mothers do not understand the process of formation and outflow of milk; it seems to them that the baby is not eating enough, since there is little food in the breast for the baby. But in most cases, this is a lack of understanding of the process and a desire to quickly say goodbye to bloody nipples and constant stretching of the glands.

Objective signs of milk shortage:

  • the baby hangs on the chest for a long time and is constantly worried;
  • the number of “pees” per day is less than 8 times;
  • often asks for breasts.

The most interesting thing is that many mothers constantly weigh their baby before and after feeding to find out how much he has eaten. This is a biased value and does not provide accurate information.

In the first days of feeding, the milk is very fatty, it yellow color. A baby needs 10 ml of this food. Most objective way- wet diapers. You need to remove the baby’s diaper for a day and swaddle him in the “old-fashioned” way. After this, monitor the child’s urination process. In just one day, the baby should go “little” at least 8 times. If less, we can talk about hypolactation - lack of milk.

Reasons for cessation of lactation:

  • reduction in the number of feedings;
  • reduction of sucking time;
  • mother's poor health;
  • lack of food and fluid in a woman’s diet;
  • temperature;
  • ARVI and other ailments.

Note! Now you are a mother and about a full-fledged night sleep must be forgotten. Most prolactin is produced at night, so you can't go to bed at 11:00 pm and wake up at 8:00 am. Without night feedings there will be no milk.

Not enough milk: what to do?

If you have done the wet diaper test and your baby is gaining weight very poorly, then you should think about stimulating lactation. Naturally, pediatricians are worried about the baby’s health, so they recommend feeding the baby with formula. But here it is formed vicious circle: more mixture – less feedings breastfeeding and, accordingly, a decrease in the amount of milk. After the formula, the baby is full and will not suckle on an empty or tight breast. Therefore, after a while you will completely switch to the mixture.

Ways to stimulate lactation:

  • frequent applications;
  • use large quantity warm liquid;
  • increase in “sucking” time;
  • pumping after feedings until the last drop;
  • taking medications and tea to stimulate milk production;
  • feeding at night.

Nutrition of a woman during lactation

Grandmothers and older women and new mothers are advised to eat nuts, honey and condensed milk to stimulate lactation. This is actually the wrong approach. Scientists have found that it is impossible to influence the percentage of fat content with the help of food. This is a genetic trait. So don't bother adding extra pounds and do not provoke diathesis in the child. It is nuts and honey that are strong allergens that cause a rash on the face and body of a child.

  • increase the amount of liquid;
  • eat small portions, but often;
  • do not eat processed foods;
  • sweets and chocolate are prohibited;
  • forget about sausages;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits are introduced gradually, one product every three days.

Keep a food diary of the foods you eat. This way, you can discover what your child is allergic to.

Products for lactation

There is a list of products that stimulate lactation.

Products useful for lactation:

  • chicken and rabbit;
  • chicken broth soups;
  • offal (liver, heart, stomach);
  • juices and fruit drinks;
  • watermelon;
  • dairy products;
  • green salad;
  • cereals

As you can see, condensed milk and pork are not on the list. Nutrition should be balanced and complete, and exclude foods prohibited for nursing mothers.

Drugs to increase lactation

Nowadays you can find a lot of products in the pharmacy to increase your milk supply. These are mainly dietary supplements and medicinal herbs. Many pharmaceutical companies have developed special teas for nursing mothers. But these are traditional and familiar means to everyone. However, there are also hormonal drugs for lactation:

  • Domperidone. This is an antiemetic drug that is manufactured in Canada. It has not been tested in this country and is not allowed to be used to stimulate lactation. The medicine contains a hormone that blocks the release of certain substances in the body. Because of this, the level of prolactin in the blood increases, which leads to an increase in the amount of milk.
  • Progesterone and estrogen. These are also hormones that can help increase the amount of prolactin. Doctors have developed a special scheme to stimulate lactation.

It is worth noting that hormonal agents should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. They can cause uterine bleeding, engorgement of the mammary glands and sore nipples.

Medicine Apilak for lactation

This is a drug based on royal jelly. Insects feed the queen and larvae with milk. Thanks to this, the clutch and growth of insects increases. This drug can be considered a dietary supplement. It is absolutely safe, but women who are allergic to honey are not allowed to take it.

Instructions for using apilak:

  • For lactation, use exclusively tablets.
  • An hour before meals, place the tablet under your tongue and dissolve it.
  • Take 1-3 tablets per day.
  • The course is 10-14 days.

The drug contains, in addition to royal jelly, vitamins A and B, as well as folic acid.

The drug Mlekoin for lactation

Mlekoin is a preparation based on plant raw materials. It is completely natural and does not contain preservatives. The medicine contains the following herbs:

  • Stinging nettle. It has a beneficial effect on endocrine system and regulates the functioning of the pituitary gland, which gives “orders” for the production of prolactin.
  • Dream-grass. Normalizes the outflow of blood from veins and vessels, stimulates lactation. Sometimes it restores the menstrual cycle in nursing mothers.
  • Abraham's tree. Calms the nervous system. The plant normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system.

Mlekoin is a homeopathic granule that needs to be absorbed. You need to take 5-10 granules per day. This should be done 30 minutes before meals.

Folk remedies to increase lactation: recipes

Traditional medicine offers many recipes that stimulate milk flow.

Traditional medicine recipes:

  • Carrots and milk. You need to grate raw carrots and mix 3 tablespoons of these shavings with a glass of milk. Eat the gruel three times a day. It is advisable to do this between main meals.
  • Ginger. You need to grind dry ginger root. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting powder into 5000 ml of water and cook over low heat for 7 minutes. Cool and strain. Take 80 ml decoction three times a day.
  • Honey, nuts and butter. Grind 10 kernels in a meat grinder walnut. Mix with 120 g of honey and 50 g of butter. This paste should be eaten before each meal, 20 g (tablespoon).

Herbs for lactation

Instructions for using herbs for lactation:

  • Nettle. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of dry crushed nettle raw material. Cover with a saucer and leave for 15 minutes. Strain and drink the warm decoction instead of regular tea.
  • Fennel. Seeds are used to stimulate lactation. To prepare the product, pour 20 g of raw material into 200 ml cold water. Place the pan on the fire and let the liquid boil. Turn off the heat and leave for 20 minutes. Drink 80 ml after each meal.
  • Fenugreek. This is a very effective lactation stimulator. It is even used in women who want to breastfeed their adopted children.
  • Chamomile officinalis. Calms and normalizes work nervous system. Often problems with lactation appear against the background of overwork and stress. Chamomile helps you calm down.
  • Field alfalfa. Shown to women after caesarean section and with large blood loss during childbirth. This herb stops bleeding, which increases hemoglobin and normalizes prolactin production.

Tea to increase milk lactation

Now at the pharmacy huge selection lactation teas from well-known companies. Here are the most popular:

  • Hipp. Contains lactose and medicinal herbs. The drink has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It calms and stimulates the production of prolactin. This tea is expensive, but many mothers find the product quite effective.
  • Humana. This drink is granular. It contains extracts medicinal herbs and rose hips. It increases hemoglobin and can be drunk in unlimited quantities. The price is also quite high, the drink runs out quickly. One package lasts approximately 1 week when taken 3 times a day.
  • Nestik. This tea is from a more affordable price category. It contains herbal extracts, rosehip juice and lactose. The price is lower than Humana and Hipp.
  • Grandma's basket. This tea is from a domestic producer. The tea does not contain herbal extracts, but a real collection. The filter bags contain a mixture of chamomile flowers, fennel fruits and rose hips. Tea costs a penny.

The most important thing is not to panic and resist the urge to feed your baby formula. Increase the number of applications. Allow the baby to “hang” on your chest.

  • At night, wake up every 1.5 hours and apply sleepy baby. The more night feedings, the faster your milk supply will increase.
  • Drink plenty of fluids and medications to stimulate lactation.
  • Experiment with teas to stimulate lactation. Purchase immediately inexpensive remedy. The composition of lactation drinks is not much different.
  • Start with nettle infusion. This is an inexpensive herb, but really very effective.

Breastfeeding - difficult task. Many women, faced with pain when the glands become full and cracks form in the nipples, give up the idea of ​​breastfeeding. But no formula can replace mother's milk; fight for every drop of “natural” food for your baby.

VIDEO: How to increase lactation

Today, there are quite a few drugs, for example, tablets, teas and mixtures, which are designed to help a breastfeeding woman regulate the flow of “milk rivers” if necessary. But are they effective? Opinions differ on this matter, and this is due to the following reasons:

  1. The hormone is responsible for the presence, quantity and production of milk prolactin, which is produced as a result of frequent latching of the baby to the breast, irritation of the receptors of the filiform papillae and nerve endings halos. If taking medications increases the amount of this hormone in the mother’s body, it is in very small quantities;
  2. the hormone is responsible for the relaxation of the milk ducts, and, accordingly, the nature of the flow of milk from them oxytocin. It is produced as a result of the mother’s emotional feelings during feeding, so its production decreases when there are sensations of pain (for example, due to the presence of cracks in the nipples), and increases under favorable circumstances - the baby’s hugs, painless sucking and even the baby’s crying.

But it is impossible to say that tablets, teas and mixtures of lactogenic action are useless, because in this case they would not be so popular and would not have rave reviews from breastfeeding women.


The desire to breastfeed a baby does not always coincide with the capabilities of the mother’s body. Unfortunately, lactic crisis or hypogalactia can appear either immediately after birth or after some time, during which the mother successfully fed the baby breast milk. And if more conservative methods, e.g. frequent application baby to the breast and drinking plenty of fluids, do not help - it is necessary to resort to specialized and developed according to the needs of a woman during this period, tablets to increase lactation.

The most well-known drugs are the following:

  • Mlekoin is a homeopathic medicine that stimulates the production of breast milk. It is indicated for prolonging the feeding period, increasing milk supply and as a prophylactic from mastitis. Due to the low concentration of the active substance (due to safety measures for mother and child), the main principle of action is placebo effect– therapeutic suggestion;
  • Appilac is a biogenic stimulant, the main component of which is the dry matter of native royal jelly. It is recommended to take a course of 2 packages of the drug, and if necessary, extend it;
  • Lactogone – biologically active additive, which consists of carrot juice, nettle (see Nettle for breastfeeding), dill, oregano, ginger and royal jelly. Also contains vitamin C and iodine. It is recommended to take 1 tablet with meals 3-4 times a day.

Teas and blends

Lactogonic teas and fortified milk formulas for mothers are also considered to increase lactation. The most popular granulated teas are:

  • BIO-tea HiPP Natal – based on the herbs of anise, fennel, caraway and lemon verbena;
  • Vevi – based on herbal mixture;
  • Humana – based on herbal and fruit collection with a vitamin complex;
  • Grandmother's basket - anise, caraway, nettle, clover and lemon balm.

The effect of lactogonic teas is similar to a simple hot drink, but more beneficial and fortified. They also have a relaxing and calming effect.

Powdered milk and soy formulas, which are milkshakes, also help increase breast milk supply and also have beneficial influence on its composition and fat content. Examples of such drugs are Olympic, Femilak, Enfa-mama, Milky Way, etc. they contain protein and fat components, vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, D, etc., as well as micro- and macroelements. The recommended dose for consumption is 1 glass of the prepared drink per day; it is noteworthy that it is recommended to drink it every day at the same time, preferably in the first half of the day.

It is a crucial period for both mother and newborn. Sometimes young mothers are faced with the fact that, while feeding on breast milk, the baby does not gain weight well and is often capricious. This most likely indicates irregularities in the mother’s diet, or a basic lack of milk. It is then that mothers face the problem of how to increase the lactation of breast milk so that the baby has enough and does not need to supplement with various formulas.

Lactation and menu for a nursing mother

First of all, you need to pay attention to the diet and lifestyle of the nursing mother.

The daily menu must include:

  • Meat (poultry, fish);
  • Milk or fermented milk products (1 liter);
  • Cottage cheese (100 grams);
  • Cheese (30 grams);
  • Vegetables (500 grams);
  • Fruits (300 grams);
  • Butter (20 grams);
  • Vegetable oil (25 grams).


  • Large amounts of foods rich in carbohydrates (sugar, bread, confectionery);
  • Any alcoholic drinks;
  • Allergenic products: chocolate, coffee, nuts, caviar, citrus fruits;
  • Hot spices and additives (onion, garlic, pepper).

How to increase lactation with folk remedies

Many mothers learn from their mothers and grandmothers how to increase breast milk lactation using various folk remedies. There are several ways that can really help.

1. Increasing the amount of fluid you drink through the use of vitamin drinks from various herbs. Helps improve lactation cumin, fennel, anise, nettle and some others. Here are a few recipes that can be easily prepared.

For a drink made from cumin seeds (15 grams) you will need one liter of water, one lemon and one hundred grams of sugar. Seeds are poured hot water, peeled and chopped lemon and sugar are added to them. All this is cooked over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Strain. Drink chilled 3 times a day.

Anise infusion is prepared without adding other products. The seeds are poured with boiling water for an hour. The resulting infusion is cooled. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. An infusion of dill seeds is prepared in the same way.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Tea with milk. It is better to drink before feeding, about half an hour.

Special teas for breastfeeding, which contain fennel, cumin, lemon balm, and anise, provide double benefits for stimulating and increasing lactation. (See and special)

2. Increasing the frequency of feedings and breastfeeding. The baby should be fed on demand, without taking a break at night. Feeding a baby at night is the key to long-term and high-quality lactation for the entire feeding period. It is better to abandon strict feeding by the hour.

3. Breast massage. After feeding, try massaging the breast from which you fed in the shower. Massage should be done for 5-10 minutes under running water warm water. Direction: in a circular motion from the nipple to the periphery.

4. Video

Drugs to increase lactation

There are several ways to increase lactation with pills.

  1. Multivitamins for nursing mothers. Usually their appointment is prescribed by the doctor who observed the woman during pregnancy. The duration of taking vitamins depends on the duration of the breastfeeding period.
  2. Homeopathic remedies. For example, Mlekoin. The drug is available in the form of granules, which should be taken 15 minutes before meals. Can be used throughout the entire breastfeeding period.
  3. Dietary supplements. Tablets containing various vitamins and nutrients ( royal jelly, lactogonic herbs).
However, you should not abuse pills and vitamins industrial production. To increase the amount of milk, it is worth putting the baby to the breast more often, eliminating extraneous irritants during feeding and stress. And most importantly, don’t be nervous and maintain a positive attitude.

Not enough milk or 13 ways to enhance lactation