Lesson summary for the middle group “Trees are the main inhabitants of the forest kingdom.


Software tasks:

Educational objectives: continue to introduce children to various types trees, shrubs, their appearance, teach children to compare, analyze; introduce children to this method of representation, such as blotography, and show its expressive capabilities; learn to complete the details of objects (blots, to give them completeness and similarity to real images; learn to see the “unusual” in the ordinary;

Developmental tasks: develop imaginative and associative thinking, imagination, fantasy, creative individuality, interest in creative activity.

Educational objectives: to cultivate accuracy in drawing with paints, respectful attitude to each other in working together, the ability to admire the beauty and diversity of natural forms.

Vocabulary work: Consolidate vocabulary on the topic “Trees”; strengthen children's ability to answer questions in complete sentences.

Methods and techniques: Poems, riddles, didactic game “Find out what I’m talking about”, mini-conversation about trees, analysis and display of a sample, exhibition, cleaning the workplace.

Materials and equipment: Paper, watercolor, ink or thinly diluted gouache in a bowl, brush No. 10, straw (drink straw). Method of obtaining an image: the child scoops up paint with a plastic spoon, pours it onto a sheet, making small spot(a drop). Then blow on this stain from a tube so that its end does not touch either the stain or the paper. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. The missing details are completed.

Preliminary work:

Observation of trees and shrubs in the kindergarten area.

Learning poems about a tree, talking about a tree

This forest fashionista

He often changes his outfit:

In a white fur coat - in winter,

All in earrings - in the spring,

Green sundress - in summer,

On an autumn day - dressed in a raincoat.

If the wind blows,

The golden cloak rustles.

I. Semenova

Examination of illustrations;

Determining the structure of a tree;

Didactic game"Find out what I'm talking about." (Goal: develop associative thinking).

The teacher posts pictures of trees, describes the plant and invites the children to guess which one he is talking about. Then the children add their own descriptions.

For example:

Slender, curly, white-trunked (birch)

Sad, mournful, weeping (willow)

Slender, green, prickly (spruce)

Strong, mighty, spreading... (oak).

Individual work: help Nastya and Matvey with the work with a tube and applying the first strokes of paint.

Move directly - educational activities.

Educator: Guys, today I want to turn you into wizards. I have a magic box, and now you and I can guess what’s in it. Yes, guys, there is a stick in the box, and I will say magic words.

One two Three,

Teach us to draw.

Educator: We will not draw the way we always do. The drawing will come out almost by itself. Let’s guess what we’re going to draw.

The teacher reads riddles about the tree.

1. Its in spring and summer

We saw dressed

And in the fall from the poor thing

All the shirts were torn off.

Answer: Tree

2. It's fun in the spring, cool in the summer,

Nourishes in autumn, warms in winter.

Answer: Tree.

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, do you know what a blot is? A blot is a mark, a spot left by paint. A blot can also be a way of drawing. The teacher offers the children several ready-made drawings made using blotography. This is how we will draw our “Fairytale Tree”. Let's drip drops of gouache onto sheets of paper and begin to blow various stems for flowers through a tube, and before that we'll practice breathing exercises:


I am a strong wind, I am flying,

I fly wherever I want (arms down, legs slightly apart, inhale through the nose)

I want to whistle to the left (turn my head to the left, lips with a straw and blow)

I can blow to the right (head straight, inhale, head to the right, lips like a tube, exhale)

I can go up (head straight, inhale through the nose, exhale through the lips with a straw, inhale)

And into the clouds (lower your head, touch your chin to your chest, calmly exhale through your mouth)

Well, for now I'm clearing away the clouds ( circular movements hands).

Repeat 3-4 times.

Educator: Now let's start drawing. This is what we got. Next we will draw flowers with you. Flowers were printed with a crumpled piece of paper, and the yellow center was made with the tip of a brush.

Educator: Guys, I really enjoyed working with you. You tried hard today.

Demonstration of children's works:

Educator: - What did we draw today?

Educator: - With what?

Educator: - Artem, whose work did you like best and why?

Educator: - Who liked their work and why?

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", " Artistic creativity"(drawing), "Reading fiction", "Socialization".

Types of children's activities:gaming, communicative, cognitive - research, productive.

Target: learn to distinguish between trees and shrubs.


1. Teach children to divide the proposed objects into groups, based on the diagram.

2. Learn to identify common ones essential features trees and shrubs ( root, leaf) and differences (a tree has one trunk, but a bush has many).

3. Learn to schematically depict a tree or bush.

4. Develop children's speech, enrich active vocabulary(name of trees, bushes, parts of the object).

5.Cultivate interest in the world of plants.

Materials and equipment:diagrams “Tree”, “Shrub”, subject pictures of trees and shrubs. For each child: a sheet of A5 paper, a pencil.

Dictionary: names of trees and shrubs(birch, spruce, pine, maple, rose hip, lilac, chokeberry), parts of the object(root, trunk, branches, leaves, needles).

Preliminary work:acquaintance with the concepts of “tree”, “shrub” with the help of a fairy tale - the animation “How a tree and a bush met”, observations in nature, examination of object pictures depicting trees and shrubs.

Follow up work:examination of subject pictures “Trees”, “Shrubs”. D/i: “Trees and bushes”, p/i: “Find a tree (bush).”

1.Organizing time.

Q: - Children, Pinocchio came to our lesson today.

Just look how sad he is.

What happened to Pinocchio?

(He brings the toy to his ear, pretending to

that Pinocchio is whispering something).

Q: - It turns out that Pinocchio doesn’t know what a tree is and what a bush is, and everyone at school laughs at him. Let's help Pinocchio figure out which plant is called a tree and which is a shrub.

The children agree to help Pinocchio.

2. Reading diagrams.

Educator: - Look, there are 2 diagrams in front of you.

What plant do you think

Is the first scheme suitable?

Children: This diagram fits the tree.

Educator: - How did you guess?

Children: Because a tree has roots, one trunk and leaves.

Educator: - Correct!

Which plant is suitable for the second scheme?

D: This scheme suits the bush.

Educator: - Why?

Children: Because the bush has roots, many trunks and leaves.

Educator: - From these diagrams you can immediately guess that the tree

Both shrubs have something in common, but how they differ.

Danil, what do you think?

How are trees and shrubs similar?

Danil: Trees and shrubs have roots and leaves.

Educator: - Sasha, what do you think?

How are trees and shrubs different?

Sasha: A tree has one trunk, but a bush has many.

Educator: - Here is Pinocchio, now you know what a tree is and what a bush is.

Guys, Pinocchio is a little tired and wants to play with you.

3. Physical education minute.

Pinocchio stretched,

Once - he bent down, twice - he bent over.

He spread his arms to the sides.

Apparently I couldn't find the key.

To get us the key.

You need to stand on your toes.

Children perform movements after the teacher.

Educator: - And now, Pinocchio, the children will show you what kind of trees and shrubs there are in nature.

4. Guessing riddles.

Dividing the proposed objects into groups,

based on diagrams.

Educator: - Guys, listen to my riddles and try to guess what plants they are about.

1. He stands tall and slender.

The leaf on it is carved, patterned,

He shakes the branches,

Who will say this? (Maple)

Is maple a tree or a shrub?

Why do you think so?

Children: Because the maple has one trunk.

Under what scheme should we place a picture of a maple tree?

Children: Under the diagram there is a tree.

2.On pieces of paper here and there

Purple fireworks.

It's on a warm May day

Blooming. (Lilac)

Is lilac a tree or a shrub?

Children: Shrub.

Educator: Why?

Children: Because lilacs have many thin trunks.

3. My needles are longer than those of a Christmas tree.

I grow in height very straight.

If I'm not on the edge,

branches only at the top of the head.(Pine)

4. I look so much like a rose

Except it's not that good.

But my fruits.

Suitable for everyone to eat.(Rose hip)

5.Not caring about the weather

He wears a white sundress.

And on one of the warm days.

May gives her earrings.(Birch)

6.Under the leaf on each branch

Little children are sitting.

The one who will collect the children.

He'll stain his hands and his mouth.(Chokeberry)

Educator: - Well, Pinocchio, now you yourself can determine where the tree is and where the bush is.


Educator: - And as a farewell, the guys and I want to give you small gifts. Children, let's draw a tree and a bush for Pinocchio so that he doesn't forget everything he was taught today.

See how I do it.

(Shows the children a schematic representation of a tree and bush).

6. Reflection.

At the end of the lesson, children give Pinocchio's drawings, explaining what exactly is depicted in his drawing - a tree or a bush.


Direct educational activities in middle group on speech development

theme "Trees"

Educational areas:

1.Social and communicative development

2. Cognitive development

3. Speech development

4. Artistic and aesthetic development

5. Physical development


    Fix the names of trees, their structure, external signs;

    Teach children to distinguish trees by external features;

    Form adjectives from nouns;

    Develop sound culture speech and vocabulary enrichment.

    Develop auditory attention, memory, coordination of speech with movement

    Learn to form words with diminutives suffixes

    Bring up careful attitude to nature


demo material- pictures of trees, leaves from various trees, blank leaves for coloring, presentation “Trees”, colored pencils, computer.

Forms of organizing children's activities

Physical exercises: “It’s good to walk in the forest”, “We drew”


Didactic games “Say kindly”, “Which sheet”, “Fold correctly”, “Count correctly”.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Shading autumn leaves colored pencils.

Self-care and basic household work

Joint efforts to clean the workplace.

Cognitive development

Direct and ordinal counting up to 3. View the presentation “Autumn Leaves”.

Speech development

Making riddles. Description of trees.

Discussion of completed work.

Conversation about the beauty of autumn nature.

Logic of educational activities

Activities of the teacher

Pupils' activities

Individual work

Expected results


Organizing time. The teacher shows pictures of trees.

Listen carefully to the teacher and look at the pictures.

The teacher individually corrects the work, calling out the names of the trees.

Show interest in pictures of trees and name them.


The teacher asks riddles

1. What kind of girl is this:
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round.

2. I come with gifts,

I shine with bright lights,

Elegant, funny,

On New Year I'm in charge!

3. The trunk turns white,

The cap turns green.

Standing in white clothes

Dangling earrings.

4. And you don’t even have to guess -
Right here, let’s call it right away,
If only someone could tell me
That there are acorns on it!

5. I look out my window,
I see one tree.
Red grapes hang
The birds want to eat them.

Listen carefully to the teacher.

They solve riddles.


D/game “Children from which branch?”



Aspen – aspen

Oak –

Rowan -

Children listen carefully to the teacher.

The teacher individually corrects the work, forming a new word.

They form adjectives and expand their vocabulary.


Presentation "Trees", with a predominance of yellow color.

They watch the presentation carefully and ask questions.

Show interest in the teacher’s story, actively communicate and interact with each other.



It's good to walk in the forest!

Here is a tall pine tree

She reaches for the sun.

An ancient oak tree above the clearing

He spread the branches to the sides.

The Christmas tree is reaching out to us,

The sun came out from behind a cloud.

We went for a walk, guys.

Now it's time for the chairs.

Children listen to the text and perform the movements

The teacher individually corrects the work, showing movements.

Coordinate actions with words. Use the air supply rationally.


Description of trees

Answer questions. Name the characteristics of trees and their fruits. Write a descriptive story.

There are trees and their fruits.


D/game “Find the tree”

Listen carefully to the teacher and complete the task

Show interest in the game; answer the questions asked in complete sentences;


Color the leaf

The leaves are painted on the leaves, with right side- yellow, and on the left - orange.

Show interest in the task and distinguish colors. Orientate in space.


Didactic game: “Say kindly”

Leaf, branch, birch, sun,

The teacher throws the ball to the child and says the word. The child returns the ball after forming a new word.

They form nouns with diminutive suffixes.


Didactic game: "Fold it right."

Children are asked to assemble puzzles from 4 parts. To do this, you need to divide into teams and choose an emblem for yourself.

Getting ready to work together effective game, help each other.


Didactic game “Count the leaves”

Listen and complete the task.

Children count within 3, straight and ordinal counting.



1.What was our lesson about?

2.. What did you watch the presentation about?

3. What games did you play?

Answer questions.

They try to make sentences correctly. Actively participate in the discussion.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 6 "Fairy Tale"

Tsivilsky district of the Chuvash Republic

Open lesson in the middle group “Dwarfs”

Topic: "Trees"

Conducted by: teacher Kuzina A.F.

Tsivilsk 2014

Software tasks:

1. Teach children to divide the proposed objects into groups, based on the diagram.

2. To consolidate the general essential characteristics of trees (root, trunk, leaf ).

3. Systematize children’s knowledge about plants as living beings that have roots to breathe, hold on, and eat; trunk to deliver nutrients from the earth to other organs; For their growth and development, plants need soil, moisture, light, and warmth.

4.Develop children's speech, enrich their active vocabulary(name of trees, bushes, parts of the object of their functions).

5.Cultivate interest in the world of plants.

Materials and equipment: cut pictures to create a tree (pine, spruce, birch) for each child, interactive board(with prepared didactic material).

Dictionary: names of trees, shrubs (rosehip, lilac, chokeberry ), eats, breathes, reproduces, grows, seeds, parts of an object(root, trunk, branches, leaves, needles)

1. Organizational moment.

Educator : Our guest today is Buratino. Just look how sad he is. What happened to Pinocchio?(He brings the toy to his ear, pretending that Pinocchio is whispering something.) It turns out that Pinocchio doesn’t know that plants are also alive. Let's help Pinocchio figure out which parts of the plant are intended for what.

The children agree to help Pinocchio. If you guess the riddles correctly, you will find out what we will be studying.

2. Making a riddle (displayed on the interactive whiteboard).

Russian beauty stands in a clearing,
In a green blouse, in a white sundress.

My needles are longer than those of a Christmas tree.

I grow in height very straight.

If I'm not on the edge,

branches only at the top of the head.(Pine)

What's in summer and winter
In a shirt alone?

He stands tall and slender.
The leaf on it is carved, patterned,
He shakes the branches.
Who will say this?

I look so much like a rose
Except that it's not that good.
But my fruits
Suitable for everyone to eat
.(Rose hip)

Under a leaf on every branch
Little children are sitting.
The one who gathers the children
He'll stain his hands and his mouth.
( Chokeberry)

On pieces of paper here and there
Purple fireworks.
It's on a warm May day
… (Lilac)

It's like a snow globe is white,
In the spring it bloomed,
It gave off a delicate scent.
And when the time has come,
At once she became
The whole berry is black
. (Bird cherry)

Educator: How to call pine, spruce, birch in one word ( Trees) Today we will continue to study the tree. - Where can you see all this diversity of trees? ( In the woods)

3. Physical education minute.

Pinocchio stretched,

Once - he bent down, twice - he bent over.

He spread his arms to the sides.

Apparently I couldn't find the key.

To get us the key.

You need to stand on your toes.

Children perform movements after the teacher.

Educator: And now, Pinocchio, the children will show you which parts of the plant are intended for what.

4. Studying new material.

The teacher shows the children a toy Christmas tree and a live one.

Educator.- Tell me, is this a living Christmas tree?

Children.- No

Educator.- Why? (children's answers). What kind of tree can be called alive? (children name the signs of a living creature, the teacher sets up models - breathes, eats, grows, reproduces). Models are attached to a magnetic panel.

Presentation (Drawing of nutrition, growth, plants), examination of illustrations of trees and their seeds.

5. Game “Tree and Seed”. Connect a tree with its seed (work on the interactive whiteboard)

6. Game “Make a tree”

Well done, you know the trees well, and now I will ask you to complete the task.

Educator: To do this, take an envelope, there are parts of the plant there, make a whole tree from them( in envelopes, trees cut into parts (crown, trunk, root) and guess their names).

7. Game “Sort by height” (work on an interactive whiteboard)

8. Generalization

Educator: And now, guys, let’s summarize and consolidate our knowledge so that we and Pinocchio don’t forget what we learned today. (the teacher again pays attention to the models, shows images - breathing, eating, growing, reproducing).


— Strengthen children’s knowledge about familiar trees; conditions necessary for their growth.

- Learn to solve riddles; decide problematic tasks; consciously apply knowledge about the rules of behavior in the forest.

— To develop children’s knowledge about the importance of trees in human life; the desire to plant a tree yourself and take care of it.

— Develop curiosity, memory, and the ability to draw conclusions.

- Foster a love of nature.

Preliminary work:

Visiting the school grounds to compare spruce and pine needles, examining deciduous trees on the territory of the kindergarten, looking at illustrations of encyclopedias about the significance and structure of trees, reading natural history fiction, making visual aid parents.


Pictures: for the game “Name the tree”, for the outdoor game “Create a forest: coniferous and deciduous”, “Rules of conduct in the forest”, seedlings ( birch, spruce, cedar), buckets of water, shovels, a forester costume, a basket of sweets.

Integration of areas: cognition, safety, work, reading fiction, communication.


Educator: Guys, I want everyone to have good mood, Good morning and good afternoon. We will send our warmth, our good mood, with an air kiss to each other and to our guests. Today we will have an extraordinary interesting activity. Do you know why? Because it will take place on the street.

Educator: Where do you think the air is cleaner - in the city or in the forest? Why?

Children: The air is cleaner in the forest because there are many trees.

Educator: What needs to be done to make the air cleaner in cities?

Children: Plant different trees.

Educator: Do you think a person can live without a forest?

Children: No, trees clean the air from dust and dirt, the forest is the “lungs of the planet.”

Educatorb: What does the forest give to a person?

Children: Fresh air, medicinal herbs, mushrooms, berries.

Educator: Guys, a tree is a home for many living creatures. Birds make nests in the branches of trees; squirrels, owls, and wild bees can live in the hollow of a tree. Snakes and hedgehogs make burrows among the roots, and various insects live under the bark. Trees are great friends to both humans and all living beings. And we should be grateful to the trees.

Educator : Before planting a tree, we need to find out whether it will grow in our conditions. Will a palm tree or an orange tree grow here?

Children: No. These trees grow in hot countries with warm climates.

Educator: That's right, that means we need to plant trees that are not afraid of frost and strong cold winds. What kind of trees are these?

Children: Birches, oaks, rowan, pine, spruce.

Educator: Tell me, what is the name of the forest where birch, rowan and oak trees grow?

Deti: Foliar.

Educatel: What is the name of the forest where spruce, pine, and cedar grow?

Children: Coniferous.

Educator: Well done. I suggest you play the game “Create a Forest”

Game "Create a forest"

children who have pictures with deciduous trees, gather near a birch branch, and those who have pictures of coniferous trees gather near a pine branch.

Educator: Guys, now we’ll go to the site and see what trees grow on our site.

Children: One small Christmas tree.

Educator: She's probably bored. What to do? ( children's statements)

I have a friend who is a woodsman, let’s ask him to bring us small trees. Let's contact the forester at cell phone. Who wants to talk to him?

Talking on a cell phone.The forester arrives.

Lesovichok: Hello, which one? kindergarten I came? Where is he located? ( children's answers)

Lesovichok: I fulfilled your request and brought small trees. Look at them and tell me what they are called?

Children: Birch, pine, cedar.

Lesovichok: What other trees do you know?

Children: Poplar, aspen, spruce, oak.

Lesovichok: Well done! I also want to see if you can s to solve riddles. And find the answers in the pictures.

— He’s standing in white clothes, with earrings on the branches. ( birch)

- What kind of girl is this, not a seamstress, not a craftswoman? She doesn’t sew anything herself, but wears needles all year round.( spruce)

“Grandma hung up orange beads, waxwings flew in and ate all the beads.” ( Rowan)

I have longer needles than a Christmas tree, I grow very straight in height. ( pine) Lesovichok: Well done. And now I propose to look at the trees that I brought.

Game: “What does the tree have?” (tree structure)

-The tree has strong roots, -There is a trunk, and on the trunk there is bark,

Buried deep in the ground, if the heat covers it,

so that the tree stands firmly, but if there is severe frost,

so that the branches and leaves are nourished. The trunk will be protected so that it does not freeze. Lesovichok: Who can say what time of year is best to plant trees?

Children: In spring or autumn.

Lesovichok: Why did you decide to plant trees?

Children: So that we have more oxygen, the air is cleaner, admire the beauty of the trees, so that birds and insects fly to us more often .

Lesovichok: It's time to plant trees.

Girls hold the seedlings and water them, and boys cover the roots with soil.

Lesovichok: We planted trees, but in order for them to grow big, we need to water them more often, make sure that no one breaks them, otherwise people come to my forest, break branches, light fires, pick flowers, I just don’t know what to do?

Educator: Lesovichok, we will give you prohibition signs that you can place in the forest.

Children describe the signs Lesovichok: Thanks guys, these signs will be very useful to me. Let's all stand in a circle together and hold hands.

And now we will smile, hold hands tightly,

And at parting we will give each other a promise:


Lesovichok: It's time for me to return to the forest. For your work, I want to treat you to my forest sweets. Goodbye.

Treats children with sweet nuts. The children say goodbye to the forester.

Educator: Guys, did you like our lesson?

What new have you learned?

What did you like most about the lesson?

How will you and I care for our seedlings?

Photo report: