How to iron men's shirts correctly. How to iron men's shirts Start ironing a men's shirt


Every woman who wants her man to always be well-groomed and neat should know how to properly iron men's shirts, trousers, and suits. And not only to know, but also to be able to do it masterfully - without a hitch, or rather without a single wrinkle. Even knowing the algorithm of work, ironing men's shirts is not easy without the skill, but it is a fixable matter. The main thing is that there is someone for whom these shirts need to be ironed :) Therefore, do not rush to complain about your hard lot as a woman when you see mountains of linen waiting to be ironed. You are a happy woman! And when love lives in the heart, even such an unpleasant activity turns into pleasure. If your chosen one is not completely hopeless, by using feminine charms and showing ingenuity, over time it will be possible to teach him this “art”. In truth, it is worth noting that among the representatives of the stronger half of humanity, whose brains are not burdened by gender stereotypes regarding the division of labor, there are individuals with whom you can safely sign up for a master class on ironing men’s shirts, but this is rather an exception to the rule.

Video tutorial: shirts without a single fold

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Master class: how to properly iron men's shirts

The washed shirt should be dried flat on hangers and ironed while still damp. Wet shirts are much easier to iron and require minimal effort. If the moment is missed and the fabric is dry, an hour and a half before ironing, moisten it from a home spray bottle, roll it up, wrap it in a towel, a piece of linen fabric, or place it in a clean plastic bag so that the moisture is even.

Do not spray rayon shirts with water, otherwise stains will remain on the fabric after ironing.

To ensure that the ironing process gives you the minimum of hassle and is as comfortable as possible, be sure to get an ironing board and a high-quality iron with a stainless steel surface and a thermostat to select the optimal temperature for different materials.

To avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of stains, do not forget to regularly change the water filters and clean the soleplate of your iron. To steam fabrics, it is better to fill the iron with distilled water, which is sold in pharmacies, rather than tap water. When using distilled water, salt deposits do not form in the iron reservoir and the likelihood of staining is minimized.

Most shirts should be ironed right side out. Shirts that are dark in color or decorated with embroidery are ironed on the reverse side to make the pattern more prominent. When ironing from the front side, shiny streaks may remain on dark fabrics, but if it becomes necessary to iron the shirt from the front side, then use steam, lightly touching the product with the iron. In addition, shirts made of shiny fabrics should be ironed from the inside out to prevent them from fading.

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Choosing the optimal mode for ironing shirts

The ironing mode should be selected according to the type of fabric, so as not to burn or ruin the shirt.

  • Pure cotton shirts require 150 degrees, wet steam and high iron pressure.
  • Shirts made from cotton with a polyester blend should be ironed at 110 degrees. A small amount of steam can be used.
  • Linen shirts are ironed at a temperature of 210-230 degrees, with a lot of steam and strong pressure.
  • A mixture of cotton and linen requires a temperature of 180-200 degrees, abundant steam and intense pressure.
  • Viscose shirts are easily ironed at 120 degrees. To prevent water stains from leaving the fabric, it is not recommended to wet viscose, but using steam is acceptable.
  • Shirts made from fabric with a compressed effect are ironed without steam at a temperature of 110 degrees.
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Techniques and procedures for ironing men's shirts

A men's shirt should be ironed in a strictly defined sequence: first the collar, cuffs and sleeves, and then the placket, front and back. The basic rule is to iron the small parts first, and then move on to the large ones.

When ironing large parts, to avoid warping and stretching of the fabric, the iron should be moved in the direction of the grain thread. Also, do not hold the iron in one place for too long or press it too hard against the surface of the fabric.

  • Collar

Iron the collar from the wrong side from the corners to the middle. Then we iron the collar from the front side in the same way. Under no circumstances should we iron the fold or bend the collar along the stand. Continue ironing until the collar is completely dry. A perfectly ironed shirt should not have the slightest wrinkle, which is especially difficult to achieve with soft button-down collars.

  • Cuffs

It is from the cuffs that you should begin ironing long sleeves. As with the collar, the cuff is first ironed from the inside, and then from the front side. A double cuff is ironed a little differently: first we unfold the cuff and iron it on both sides without folds, then we fold it and, having given the desired width, iron it along the fold so that the buttonholes lie flat one on top of the other.

  • Sleeves

Fold the sleeve in half so that the seam is in the middle. Having smoothed the seam, turn the sleeve over and iron it on the other side. After this, we fold the sleeve along the seam and iron it from seam to edge so that folds do not imprint on the fabric. When using an ironing board for sleeves, simply pull the sleeve over it and iron it in a circle. Regardless of the length of the sleeve, the arrows on the sleeves are not ironed out! This is considered bad manners and is allowed only when there is very little time for ironing and you know for sure that the man will not take off his jacket.

  • Front of shirt

We start with the right shelf (in men's shirts it always has buttons). On the narrow part of the board, lay out the front of the shirt with the front or back side (depending on the fabric) and iron the yoke and top. Then we iron the rest of the front, paying special attention to the spaces between the buttons. The left front is ironed in the same way, but much faster, since, unlike the right, there are no buttons on it.

  • Back

Place the back of the shirt on the ironing board with the wrong side or right side down, depending on the type of material. We iron the back, moving from the right side seam to the left. At the same time, we gradually turn the shirt and iron it in the following order: first the side seam, then we move up along the sleeve seam, then we unfold and work the yoke, move to the middle, turn again - the left side of the yoke, move to the seam of the left sleeve, and then down to the side seam.

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How to fold a shirt without wrinkles

Ironed shirts are best kept on hangers in the closet. After the ironed shirts have cooled, you can safely hang them on top of each other in any convenient order. You can also fold an ironed shirt, but this trick should be performed so that the shirt does not wrinkle. This is done as follows:

  • fasten all the buttons;
  • turn the shirt upside down;
  • fold the sleeves;
  • then fold the shirt at the sides;
  • straighten and carefully fold the shirt in half.

To prevent the collar from creasing, you can insert a strip of cardboard under it. In the closet, folded shirts are stacked one on top of the other, with collars in opposite directions. Shirts should be folded and placed in a suitcase in the same way.

Ironing a long-sleeve shirt is a simple task, but not for those who have never done it before. Many young married girls have some difficulties with this. A single man may also encounter this problem if, for example, he needs to look respectable in some situations. It is much more difficult to iron a long-sleeved shirt than a short-sleeved one, because ironing these parts is the most difficult. To ensure that they are perfectly even, certain rules must be followed. Once you get the hang of it, this type of work will take no more than 5 minutes.

How to iron a men's shirt correctly

To make your work easier, you need adhere to the following rules:

How to prepare for the process of ironing a shirt

How to iron a men's shirt correctly? First you need prepare everything you need so as not to be distracted while working. To do this you will need:

  • Iron. It is better if it has a non-stick coating, a spray bottle and a steam function.
  • Ironing board – large and small. The latter will be needed for ironing sleeves. You don’t have to use it, but its presence greatly simplifies the ironing process. In this case, it will be much easier to align the sleeves and “arrows” will not form on them.
  • Water for the spray bottle. It is better to keep it at hand so as not to run around with a hot iron throughout the apartment.
  • Towel. It must be light or white, otherwise you can accidentally stain things. It is best if the towel is cotton. It is placed on the board as a backing. You can also iron it through it to prevent water stains or color loss on your clothes. If there is no small ironing board, then a towel is used instead, inserted into the sleeve.

Correct ironing mode

To achieve optimal results, you should consider the temperature and humidity level that would suit a particular type of fabric. If the composition of the fabric cannot be determined, then begin ironing at the lowest temperature.

After everything is prepared, start ironing a men's long-sleeve shirt.

How to iron collar and cuffs correctly

The collar is the smallest detail of the shirt, so they start stroking her first. This is done from the wrong side, moving the iron from the edges to the center. This will prevent the wrinkles from being smoothed out in the corners. After this, the shirt is turned over and the same actions are performed. You should not iron the collar too much along the fold, otherwise it will be irregularly shaped, and this looks very unsightly. It is very difficult, almost impossible, to correct such a mistake.

Then move on to the cuffs. Iron them in the same way as the collar, unbuttoning them first and straightening them on the board, so as not to get “arrows”. If the cuffs are double, they are unfolded and ironed in a straightened form. After this, the cuffs are folded and ironed along the fold.

How to iron sleeves correctly

Let's move on to the most problematic part of a man's shirt. To properly iron a long sleeve, it should be straightened across the entire board. To do this, you need to fold it in half, focusing on the seam. Ironing begins from the shoulder to the cuff. It is not advisable to bring the iron too close to the edge, otherwise “arrows” may form. After the sleeve is ironed, it is unfolded so that the seam is in the middle at the bottom. Then they begin to iron the rest of the part. Repeat everything in the same way with the second sleeve.

For convenience you can use a small ironing board. If it is not available, use a rolled towel.

How to iron the shelves and back correctly

Ironing the fronts begins on the side of the shirt on which the buttons are located. First iron the area around them. Under no circumstances should you iron over buttons, as unsightly marks may remain. After this, the iron begins to move from the shoulder from top to bottom. The same steps are repeated on the other shelf. Pocket follows iron in the opposite direction- down up. This will prevent wrinkles from forming.

Finally, the most voluminous detail of a men’s shirt remains – the back. It is very easy to iron. To do this, the shirt is laid out on a board and straightened so that there are no wrinkles. This must be done in such a way that one sleeve is next to the long edge of the ironing board. The iron is moved from top to bottom. Ironing begins from the shoulder, moving towards the edge. As soon as one half of the back is ironed, the shirt is placed so that the other sleeve is near the long edge of the board. If there is an unironed place in the middle, then it must be ironed at the end.

So, male the shirt is completely ironed. All that remains is to carefully inspect it to make sure that everything is ironed. If no such defects are found, then the work was done perfectly. If you find any wrinkles, you need to iron the area again to remove them.


Thus, following simple rules and tips, you can easily learn how to iron a men's long-sleeved shirt. A perfectly ironed shirt will allow a man to look elegant and respectable. Having filled your hand, ironing a shirt will soon take only a few minutes, the main thing is - attentiveness and patience.

Did you know that according to statistics, the average person spends 350 days of their life ironing? We spend almost the whole year smoothing out wrinkles and frills, steaming tablecloths and napkins. But most of this time is probably spent ironing shirts. “How to iron a shirt?” - this question can serve as a test to determine the skill of a real housewife.

Ironing a shirt correctly is an art. Let's share little tricks that will help turn a tedious process into an easy and labor-intensive task.

First, you need to prepare your workplace. It's great if your iron is equipped with a steam generator, and your ironing board has a special device for smoothing sleeves. This saves a lot of time. If you have a regular iron, you will have to arm yourself with sprays and a sprinkler.

How to iron a shirt correctly

1. Prepare the shirt. It is easier to iron shirts when they are still damp. If the laundry is dry, be sure to moisten the material. You can use special sprays that contain starch. Then your shirt will retain its attractive appearance and freshness for a long time. If you don't have a spray, regular water from a spray bottle will do. After you have wet your shirt, place it in a bag for a while or wrap it in a clean towel so that the moisture is evenly distributed throughout the fabric.

  • Little trick: Artificial silk shirts should not be sprayed with water as this will leave drip marks. It is better to wrap such a shirt in a damp terry towel for several minutes.

2. The ironing process should begin with small details: collar, cuffs, pockets, on women's models - frills, flounces, lace.

  • Little trick: Many people are used to starting ironing shirts from the collar. But this is not entirely practical. By the end of the whole process, the collar becomes wrinkled again and has to be smoothed out additionally. The fabric on the collar is already the most susceptible to abrasion, and ironing it too often will only reduce the life of the shirt.

So, first we smooth out the cuffs. It is better to do this from the wrong side to avoid the appearance of lasa. Only those cuffs that need to be worn with cufflinks should be smoothed on the front side. In this case, turn the sleeve right side out, fold the cuffs and iron them carefully, avoiding the appearance of transverse folds.

Then lay the sleeve seam side up and iron, carefully steaming the armholes, seams and folds near the cuffs.

After this, fold the sleeve along the seam and smooth it on both sides. We do the same with the second sleeve.

Arrows on the sleeves: a stylish solution or bad manners?

To do or not to do arrows on the sleeves - there is no definite answer. Some people think that arrows are a manifestation of bad taste, others argue that a shirt with arrows on the sleeves retains a neat appearance longer.

Some designers offer fashionable shirts with arrows for business people, but it is better to iron shirts in a sporty or casual style without arrows.

The only thing in which the opinions of stylists coincide is the presence of arrows on the long sleeves of military uniform shirts.

Arrows are completely unacceptable if you are going to iron a woman's shirt, unless it is a military uniform.

So, whether to display arrows on the sleeves or not is a matter of taste and habit.

3. We stroke the yoke and shoulders. Lay the shirt out on the ridge of the ironing board and carefully press the shoulder seams and yoke of the shirt. It is unacceptable to iron the arrows on the shoulders.

4. Smooth out the floors and back. Carefully lay out the shirt and carefully iron the hems and back. Particular attention should be paid to pockets (if any) and the space between the buttons.

  • Little trick: If the shirt is light, you can iron it on the front side. Shirts of dark and bright colors, shirts with embroidery and prints are ironed only from the inside out. This will help maintain the color saturation longer.

5. Iron the collar. Lay the collar with the back side up and iron, stretching the fabric slightly, first the collar flap, then the stand. Fold the collar along the seam and iron along the fold line. To avoid the appearance of shine, the front side of the collar should be ironed, pressing only lightly on the iron.

After you have finished ironing a men's or women's shirt, be sure to hang it on hangers so that the product is completely dry and does not lose its shape. It is more convenient to store ironed shirts on hangers in a spacious closet.

  • Little trick: After purchasing a new shirt, do not rush to throw away the plastic racks. You'll need them if you prefer to fold your shirts. Such stands better retain the shape of the collar.

Some tips on choosing temperature conditions

When choosing the iron temperature, it is best to follow the instructions on the markings that are on any product. Manufacturers always indicate what temperature is acceptable for ironing. Otherwise, follow these recommendations:

100% cotton requires 150 degrees and wet steam;

For polyester shirts, temperatures no higher than 110 degrees are allowed;

Linen fabric should be ironed damp, at an iron temperature of 210-230 degrees, with plenty of steam and with strong pressure on the iron;

A viscose shirt will be ironed at 120 degrees. By the way, such a fabric does not need to be pre-wetted;

Silk fabric requires especially careful handling. Select the minimum temperature setting and iron through a thin cloth or gauze to avoid the appearance of lass from the iron.

Now you know how to iron a shirt correctly and quickly.

The ability to iron a shirt yourself is a necessary skill for any man. Every time resorting to the help of your spouse, mother, sister and even mother-in-law is clearly not an option. Moreover, not all women (no offense) are able to do this correctly and as carefully as the person who will have to wear the item. And if we are talking about your favorite men's shirt from a prestigious brand, it is certainly better to rely on your own strength. There's nothing complicated about it.


    Achieving the most effective results. No one is more interested in the perfect appearance of a shirt than the owner.

    Ironing yourself will allow you to pay attention to the smallest details, the importance of which cannot be underestimated. Even minor wrinkles on a shirt can spoil the impression of the best men's suit from a famous brand.

    Representatives of the fair sex may simply not be around, for example, during a business trip. And taking your shirt to the dry cleaner every time is not the best solution. Plus cost savings.

    Reduced wear and extended service life. Ironing a man's shirt correctly is the ability to concentrate on problematic elements (collar, cuffs), and not put unnecessary pressure on other areas.

    Ironing a shirt takes very little time, but the skill lasts a lifetime.


In order to iron a shirt, a man must have the necessary equipment at his disposal - ironing board And iron. It is advisable to use a good Teflon-coated iron with a steam spray function. Place the ironing board in a convenient place to make ironing your shirt as comfortable as possible. Of course, the item must be pre-washed and dried.

Before you begin, read the shirt care tips provided by the manufacturer. Typically, such information is indicated on a special label on the inside of the shirt at the bottom left. Pay attention to the iron icon, which should not be crossed out. Perhaps this type of shirt cannot be ironed at all.

    One point. The shirt is synthetic. Keep heat low (175 to 230 degrees).

    Two points. Shirt made of silk or wool. Keep the heat at medium (250 to 300 degrees).

    Three dots. Cotton shirt. Keep the heat high (320 to 400 degrees) and use steam.

Wait until the iron heats up, turn the shirt inside out, turn on the music or TV and start ironing.


Start ironing the shirt from the back, which is where the most wrinkles occur when worn. To do this, completely unbutton the buttons and lay the shirt along the ironing board. First, take a good look at the lower wide part and remove any unevenness. Then move on to the shoulders.

Place one shoulder side through the narrow part of the board and, using moderate pressure, guide the iron toward the bottom of the shirt, working from top to bottom. While doing this, carefully hold your shirt and be careful. After all, you need to not only get rid of old wrinkles, but also avoid the appearance of new ones. Use steam if necessary. Do a similar procedure with the second shoulder and move on to the sleeves.

Ironing a long-sleeved shirt is not easy. This is one of the most inconvenient elements. To begin, place one sleeve of your shirt on the board. Using your hands, carefully align the edges of the sleeve along the seams and eliminate any unevenness in the material. Start from the lower armpit area and slowly work your way towards the cuff.

In order to form an even arrow, carefully walk along the upper part of the sleeve (along the seam). If there is no such goal, then do not bring the iron to the very edge and especially do not press hard. Steam thoroughly and iron the cuffs. After this, repeat the steps with the second sleeve and move on to the collar.

If the design provides, remove the detachable collar and unfasten the buttons. After straightening it, place the collar on the ironing board with the back side facing up. Spray thoroughly with water or steam and wait 30 seconds. Then work the iron carefully from the center to the edges.

Typically the collar material is thicker and stiffer than the rest of the shirt, so iron with a little more force. Next, fold the collar over and lightly run the iron along the front seam to sharpen the corner.

The final step is ironing the front of the shirt. Pay special attention to the area near the collar, as this area is located near the neck and catches the eye.

Use the narrow side of the board. If there is a pocket, carefully guide the iron from the center outwards (as with a collar) to avoid wrinkles. Slowly, to avoid damage, go over each section of the shirt between the buttons.

    Ironing a slightly damp shirt will be more effective, especially with cotton fabric. If the item has dried completely, use a water spray to remove wrinkles.

    Be careful not to get the iron on shirt parts such as buttons, labels, metal fasteners or zippers (if any).

    Keep your iron in good condition. The surface must be clean and free of mineral deposits.

    Place the shirt on a hanger (at least the back of a chair) immediately after finishing the process.

Break down various stereotypes about the division of household labor between men and women. Learn to iron a shirt yourself and add another useful skill to your men's style basics. Do not forget that you need to choose the shirt correctly from the beginning and then properly care for the item.