How to make one from an ordinary doll. Why are voodoo dolls created? How to sew a doll with your own hands: master class on making a head


Buying a doll today is not a problem - there are a lot of dolls for sale. But the problem arises in choosing good doll. Hundreds of Barbie dolls and scary baby dolls are sold in stores. These dolls are not suitable for small children. I suggest you do it for your baby Motanka doll. And if you have a child over three years old, he can do it himself DIY fabric doll as a gift to your mother, grandmother, aunt or sister on March 8th or birthday.

Homemade dolls are very kind. Many people believe that rag doll, which mother makes with her own hands, has a soul.

The easiest way to make motanka dolls is because you don’t even need a needle and thread to make such dolls. We made these with our own hands from fabric together with three year old daughter. As a result, we got a lot of pleasure from the manufacturing process itself and two cute dolls: a grandmother and a granddaughter.

Motanka dolls

Instructions: How to make a doll with your own hands

Step 1. Prepare the necessary materials to make a motanka doll.

To work you will need:

  • pieces of fabric different colors(the brighter the better)
  • piece of fabric white
  • rubber bands
  • compass (plates)
  • scissors

Step 2. We make blanks for the motanka doll.

2.1. We cut out circles of different diameters from pieces of fabric. The more fabric circles you prepare, the fuller the skirt will be.

My advice: make the first fabric circle as large as possible.

Look at the previous photo. We made a fabric circle around the circumference of the largest plate only for the third skirt.

Most small circle should be larger than a tea saucer.

2.2. From white fabric we cut out a large rectangle, in which the larger side will be slightly larger than the diameter of the largest fabric circle.

Step 3. We make a head for a rag doll with our own hands.

3.1. Roll a thick ball out of cotton wool. Instead of cotton wool, you can use padding polyester or napkins.

3.2. Place the ball in the center of the fabric circle on the wrong side. This will be our motanka doll.

3.3. Twist the fabric around the ball.

3.4. We secure the motanka doll's head with an elastic band. Instead of elastic, you can use threads, ropes, laces.

3.4. We straighten the fabric - this will be the first layer of the rag doll's dress.

Step 4. We make a fluffy dress for a doll from fabric with our own hands.

4.1. We cover the motanka doll with a fabric circle with a diameter smaller than the previous one.

4.2. Secure with an elastic band.

4.3. Repeat steps 4.1 - 4.2 as many times as you have prepared fabric circles.

Step 5. Making the head and arms of the motanka doll.

5.1. Cover the doll with a white cloth.

5.2. Secure the fabric with an elastic band.

5.3. To make handles, fold the fabric inward and secure with an elastic band. If the handles are too long, shorten them with scissors.

Step 6. Decorate the head of the motanka doll.

6.1. We cut out a scarf for our rag doll.

6.2. We put the scarf on the doll's head and tie the scarf.

The doll is probably every girl's favorite toy. Not everyone knows that in ancient times the doll was used as a talisman and an object of worship to the gods. And only with the help of little researchers did it gradually turn into a favorite children's toy. Nowadays, stores sell many different dolls and baby dolls for every taste and budget. But most the best gift For your little princess there will still be a doll made by yourself.

Firstly, such a doll will be original, secondly, you won’t find one like it in the whole world. Secondly, it will be made according to your idea, which means you will be able to convey your physique, character, mood, style. Thirdly, it will be very useful to involve your daughter in making such a toy. And finally, you will put a piece of your soul into it.

There are many options for making dolls. Let's focus on the simplest ones.

Fabric doll with house

They were very popular in our childhood paper dolls. This doll could be drawn on thick paper or cardboard, cut it out and come up with different outfits for her.

Now such a doll can be made from flat or three-dimensional fabric. And the outfits are easy to attach using Velcro. To make a three-dimensional doll, it is enough to add a thin layer of padding polyester or foam rubber to a cardboard frame and cover it with nylon tights, and stitch it where necessary.

Embroider the eyes and mouth with thread, make the hair from yarn or floss.

For such a doll, you can also make a house out of fabric: a crib, a closet in which clothes will be stored, a bath.

Volumetric soft doll

Also easy to do soft doll. For this you will need a pattern, nylon tights, synthetic winterizer or cotton wool. Start sewing the doll from the head. To make your face more expressive, use the bottom from plastic bottle, sealing the cheeks, chin, nose with foam rubber or synthetic padding.

All parts should be stitched, leaving room for stuffing, turned inside out, stuffed with cotton wool or synthetic padding, and sewed all the parts together. When stuffing, it should be taken into account that the head and neck should be stuffed tightly enough, the neck should support the head. But the arms and legs, on the contrary, should not be filled completely; if they do not bend, it will be impossible to seat the doll. You can make several from one pattern different dolls by dressing them up in different clothes.

Here you can give free rein to your imagination and imagination, and be a fashion designer. The most interesting thing is that such a hobby can easily develop into a hobby; you will learn how to make interior dolls. Such a doll can be a souvenir and a wonderful gift.

Today I will tell you how to make a fabric doll with your own hands at home, such a scheme and method with which you can stamp dolls, I only change their clothes, hair, face, etc. This method of creating fabric dolls is certainly difficult, but it is practical and girls like the homemade products themselves younger years. Here in this craft you definitely need to know how to sew, and even better if you know how to embroider. If you have a good imagination, then make similar dolls with your own hands a large number of and decorate the entire children's room with them; naturally, the toys should all be different. We have already done this, but this method is completely different.

We will need:
Fabric of different colors.
Embroidery threads.
Threads for knitting.
Sintepon or cotton wool.
You will also need various available tools.

I will briefly describe the creation method, but you will see for yourself in the photo, everything is very clear there.

We take the fabric, draw a pattern on it, then using special tools we embroider the doll’s face, eyes, eyebrows, etc.

This is how we embroider. If you don’t know how, you can try to draw.

We use the fabric practically and try to use every piece for crafts. We draw the dolls next to each other.

Now let's cut it out.

These are the legs and arms we get, as well as the face and torso.

We combine the body completely and see how it turns out.

I made six dolls, the head and body are solid, and the arms and legs are separate.

Using cotton wool or padding polyester, we stuff our craft and thereby make it voluminous.

This is how it works.

Closer view. Volumetric dolls filled with cotton wool. The head is a little flat, but it doesn’t matter, the hair there will create volume and hide everything.

If you have hair from a purchased doll, you can try it on too.

It is difficult to chain the hair, first you need to gather it in a bunch, then tie it, and only then sew it on your head.

If you're not too lazy, you can sew clothes.

In general, your imagination is limitless, do whatever your heart desires.

This is the basic do-it-yourself fabric doll we came up with.

Try, learn and try, it’s never too late to do this. For many, this is an exciting activity that develops into an everyday hobby. And if you don’t like sewing, then try or learn.

Today you can buy whatever your child wants in stores. From rattles to electronic gadgets. But for some reason, children are always drawn to dolls or animals made with their own hands from knitwear or fur. What attracts them so much to them? You can sew such a doll yourself, at home, together with your child.

How to sew a doll yourself?

Modern needlewomen have the opportunity and special material for making dolls. This includes special knitwear, fillers, accessories for eyes, eyelashes, hair made from yarn and thread, and ready-made wigs. Shops for handicrafts provide everything necessary for creativity. That's why many people try to sew on their own. Making such a doll with your own hands (patterns for some are available in this article) is a most interesting activity that often becomes an exciting hobby.

You can do sewing without going to the store:

  • just choose knitted T-shirt flesh-colored;
  • a little padding polyester;
  • a couple of beads;
  • threads and needles for sewing;
  • hair yarn;
  • pattern.

Simple doll

Primitive Ragdoll-amulet It was also sewn by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Children love them for the warmth and comfort that these toys give them. Not a single factory doll, even a very beautiful one, will become the toy with which a child will sleep for a long time. Children are guided by sensations: in a dream they touch a doll, but it is plastic and cold. An association arises not with a doll, but with a car or a bucket. And this is wrong. Therefore, the doll should be warm, soft and cozy.

Without thinking twice, you can make a sewing pattern yourself. While the child is sleeping, the outline of the torso, head, arms, legs is quickly drawn. Everything is transferred to knitted fabric. Be sure to leave a seam allowance of 5 mm. All this is stuffed with padding polyester - the product is 80% ready. You should think about who it will be: a girl or a boy?

Clothes, hair length, and the expression on the face depend on this. Having decided, you should mark the eyes, mouth, and nose on the face. The simplest thing is to embroider everything. You can use beads or buttons to decorate the eyes. But if the child is very small, then there is a danger that he may tear off or bite off and swallow the bead. That's why everything is embroidered. Hair is made from yarn: it is wound onto a cardboard of the required length of thread, and stitched in the middle with a stitch “forward with a needle.” WITH reverse side- cut and the wig is ready. It should be sewn on, trimmed and braided with ribbons. Having figured out how to sew a doll, you need to think about clothes for it.

Clothes for dolls

If a woman knows how to knit a little, then this is the most the best option for making clothes for dolls. Knitters always have a lot of balls of multi-colored yarn left - it's time to put them to use. You can make a blouse and a skirt. Or a jumpsuit and booties made from leftover yarn. A dress made from a piece of chintz will also look beautiful. The cut can be made simple, one-piece. Decorate with lace, braid, ribbons.

Great importance should be attached color scheme, select fabrics of the same texture. It is desirable that the clothes can be taken off and put on. This develops the child’s skill and desire to dress properly himself.

Patterns of other types of dolls

All fabric doll patterns should be transferred to material that can be used more than once. Film or transparent tracing paper is suitable for this. Thus, the pattern for sewing a Waldorf doll should also be transferred. This type of toy appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. In Germany, the first schools were organized in which teaching was conducted according to a special program. The toys were made by hand from natural materials: made of wood, cotton fabrics, pure camel or sheep wool.

It is the making of rag dolls according to the Waldorf model that has gained wide popularity in the world. This is an ordinary fabric toy, which is made according to a pattern, but only from special knitwear. The peculiarity is in the manufacture of the head.

Head decoration

For these dolls, take a small ball of thread with a diameter of 5-6 cm. Strips of natural wool are folded into rays, in the middle of which the ball is inserted. This creates a ball onto which an elastic bandage or knitted sock is pulled.

At the base it contracts with strong threads- it turns out to be a head. It is pulled with threads vertically and horizontally in such a way that it is given a shape similar to a child’s head. A place for the nose is selected and a small bead or ball rolled from wool is secured. And only now the outer doll jersey is pulled on. The eyes are already marked on it and the mouth is embroidered.

A Waldorf rag doll does not take long to sew: the most time is spent making the head, and most importantly, the hair from threads. To do this, take a skein of yarn and crochet a small hat. It should fit snugly to the head and match the hairline. Then it is sewn around the perimeter to the head and pre-cut identical pieces of yarn are already tied to it. This process is long, but the hairstyle turns out great.

Another way is to embroider the entire surface of the head with satin stitch. And then sew threads of the same length. This method of styling your hair allows you to comb your hair, braid it or make ponytails.

Assembly of the body

The head should have a certain shape. The arms are sewn to the bottom of it and secured well. Patterns of fabric dolls Bottom part looks like a jumpsuit. The legs and body are stuffed with wool and sewn on around the neck and arms. The lack of wool is supplemented through the side openings - sleeves, and then sewn up. Fingers are sewn on the legs and arms. But if you don’t do this, it won’t get any worse: both options are acceptable.

Now you can start sewing clothes and decorating the face. Clothes can be knitted as in previous version. The Waldorf doll is very soft, without a rigid frame and absolutely not dangerous for the child.

Tilda dolls

Many needlewomen who start with large dolls gradually move on to more delicate work: they try to sew Tilda dolls. Patterns for them can always be found in specialized literature. This toy was created by Norwegian artist Toni Finanger. She invented and brought into life cats, bears, bunnies: they are all made in the same style. But not every pattern produces what is intended. How to sew a doll that has these thin hands and legs? Yes, it's not that simple.

But the difficulty lies not in sewing, but in stuffing it. Such narrow parts do not pack wool well - it lies unevenly. “Cellulite” appears on the arms and legs: lumps of six are visible on the surface.

But first you need to cut out all the details and stitch them. Then, using a pencil, gradually fill them in. You should not take too large balls of wool so that the surface of the knitwear is smooth. All details are collected. A wig is being made for Tilda. For such a doll, made by yourself, the hair can be made from yarn or wool. The threads are wound onto cardboard of the required width. On one side they are stitched, and on the other they are cut and sewn to the head.

Doll face

IN classic version The Tilda doll has no nose, no mouth, no ears. They sew beads on her eyes, give her blush, and that’s it. A hairstyle is a special part, a detail. Her hair must be simply “gorgeous.” You can, of course, embroider eyebrows and mouth. But you don’t have to do this. This is the beauty of the Tilda doll.

And they make a variety of clothes for them. You can make any clothing patterns for a doll with your own hands, it’s not at all difficult. Beautiful dresses, dressing gowns, pajamas, hats and even shoes - all the needlewomen make themselves. It is very easy to dress a ballerina doll.

Tilda - ballerina

The ballerina dress consists of only two parts - a skirt and a gathered ruffle ribbon for the top. From thin fabric nylon, for example, cut a ribbon 40 cm long and 10 cm wide. It is stitched and gathered onto a thread along the wide edge. The assembled part is sewn to the body like a skirt. Another piece of tape, 2 cm wide, is gathered onto a thread along the entire length, in the middle. Draped and sewn from shoulder to shoulder. This design makes the doll airy, light and like a ballerina. Accuracy in manufacturing plays a role special role: threads should not hang anywhere, the edge is beautifully processed.

In fact, having learned how to sew a doll, everyone understands that it is not too difficult to do. And with a certain skill, it’s quite simple. And you can engage in such a hobby with your children. Such communication brings parents and children closer together, promotes mutual understanding, and develops fine motor skills and fantasy. Many sew characteristic dolls(even pregnant or very fat ones). The way people can be in life. Together they come up with outfits for them, sew them and dress them.

Are you looking for a new hobby or just decided to try yourself in a different form of creativity? Want to learn how to make dolls out of fabric? The article describes the process in detail and provides patterns. Choose the option you like. Sew with your children. This exciting process can turn into an enjoyable everyday activity.

Hobbies for yourself or creativity with your daughter

It's always a pleasure to create souvenirs with your own hands. Knowing how to sew is a useful skill. If you decide to find a new hobby, tell your daughter how to do it at home. If you get your child interested, you can spend quality time together inventing different characters and translating them into fabric.

Required materials and tools

To understand how to make a doll with your own hands at home, you should study what is required for this. And you need the following:

The number of materials and their list will depend on the chosen method of creating products.

How to make a doll with your own hands: manufacturing technology

The whole process can be divided into two stages:

  1. Creating the character's body.
  2. Execution of the outfit.

In the first step you need to do the following:

  • head;
  • face;
  • hairstyle;
  • body;
  • hands;
  • legs.

Clothes are made separately, but are usually made permanent. It can be sewn directly to the base or even glued. The most important and responsible thing is to make the body itself. It is made according to separate parts, this is what they do, for example, the head together with the torso, the limbs together with the body.

When stuffing parts with padding polyester, it should be taken into account that the density of the head should be greater than that of the legs. If you fill the limbs too tightly, they will be almost impossible to bend, making it impossible to seat the doll. When the neck is not filled enough, the head may fall. This should also be taken into account. If something doesn't work out the first time, don't be upset. All comes with experience.

It is worth noting small nuance about making seams. Some sew them before cutting out the parts from the flap, and then take scissors and go around the outline almost close to the seam. You can also do traditional way. On complex curved contours, cuts are made so that the fabric does not tighten after turning out and stuffing the element onto the front side.

Turning out the long and narrow parts of the legs and arms, which is exactly what characteristic feature popular interior dolls, difficult. It is worth using a pencil or stick, while keeping seam allowances to a minimum.

Now you know how to make a fabric doll: first make the head, then the rest of the body, and lastly make the outfit. This is the most interesting, exciting creative stage, but you also need to go through the rest.

How to sew a doll with your own hands: master class on making a head

Dolls most often begin to be sewn with this element. The head is made from fabric or from a cut part from In the first case, two parts are sewn together according wrong side. Through the hole left, the product is turned inside out and filled with padding polyester. In the second option, cotton wool is immediately stuffed into a nylon “bag”. By tightening the fabric with threads in certain places, you can form the relief of the face. If you want naturalness and volume, you can even use the bottom of a plastic bottle as a base. It will be enough to add cotton wool to it for the roundness of the cheeks and chin.

If you decide to make a head from calico or other natural fabric, But suitable shade didn’t find it, take a white material and create it yourself by coloring it with natural pigments of tea or coffee desired shade. Coffee gives a darker color.

The dyeing technology is that white fabric dipped into a hot solution (infusion) natural ingredient, keep in it until it cools. It is pulled out, hung or laid out on a flat surface to avoid streaks, and ironed until it is not completely dry. After these procedures, you will receive the desired shade, which, thanks to the last operation, will not be blurred.

It is better to dye the fabric in large patches in a pan to ensure uniform color, but first try to do it on a small piece. Tea should always be strained, otherwise the tea leaves stains. You can not only hold it in the infusion, but also boil it for about 0.5 minutes.

Facial features are usually painted with paints. Acrylic ones will do. To prevent the pigment from falling into the fabric, it is worth priming the desired areas with PVA glue. The second way is to embroider eyes, lips, and a nose using fabric using stuffing. You can glue store-bought plastic eyes. This option is usually used if the doll is made in the form of a character from the animal world (cat, hare).

The hair is made from floss threads, knitting yarn or other available material. If you have an old wig from an unwanted children's toy, you can try that on too. Usually the hair is first collected into a hairstyle and then carefully attached to the head.

Outfits for dolls

Now you have learned how to make dolls from fabric, but you still need to decorate them. A certain image is created not only by facial features, but also by clothing.

The basis of any character can be made using one template. This will significantly speed up the process. Your heroes will be distinguished by their clothes. Sew a sundress for one, a dress for another, dress the third in pants and a shirt (this will be a boy doll).

Outfits can be themed, or they can be used. As already mentioned, clothes are usually permanent, so they can even be glued rather than sewn to the base.

Thematic collections

If you are making interior dolls for your home, choose some general idea For example, cooks are suitable for the kitchen, fairies or princesses are suitable for the bedroom. In the living room you can arrange the characters in national costumes. If you are sewing gifts for friends and relatives, choose a character in accordance with the specific profession of the person for whom the souvenir is intended. So, you will get a doll-teacher, artist, driver, etc. Funny fabric dolls come in the form of animals: cats, dogs, sheep, goats, bears and mice, bunnies.

The characters are made simply in the form of cute animals without elongated body proportions.

Souvenirs for sale

Now you have learned how to make dolls from fabric, you have seen how varied the ideas for their design can be. You can turn such an activity not only into interesting hobby for yourself, but start making souvenirs to sell.

Products are now in hand-made style very popular, especially for interior dolls. They are the ones who can unobtrusively diversify a room, give it unique style and zest. Buyers for your products can be found via the Internet on special thematic platforms, in in social networks, or you can put the products up for sale in gift shop of your city. There are even stores that specialize in some kind of specific form products or sell only handmade local craftsmen.

You learned how to make dolls out of fabric. This is not difficult if you have a ready-made sample, several body parts and clothes. Choose the idea you like. Transform interesting activity into a family hobby.