How to congratulate your beloved on March 8 in an original way. Happy Birthday Ideas


Absolutely every man in love periodically thinks about the question of what he can give to his beloved in order to really please her. This question is especially relevant on the eve of March 8, since guys really want to please their girls on this day. But at the same time, young people are interested in the answer to the question not only of what to give, but how to congratulate their beloved on March 8 in an original way. However, there is nothing complicated about it. All you need to do is follow a few simple tips to really please your significant other on International Women's Day.

What to do

When it comes to congratulating the woman you love on March 8, many men begin to wonder how best to do this. Some young people, in order not to bother themselves with this issue, limit themselves to the classic methods of congratulations. They give their girls flowers and some kind of present. This is where all the congratulations end. But if you want to really surprise your beloved, then choose an original way of congratulations.

1. Breakfast in bed
Perhaps this method is the simplest method on how to surprise a girl on March 8th. And although it cannot be called truly original and unusual, with its help you can really surprise your beloved. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to live with your significant other in order to bring her breakfast in bed that day. The fact is that you can simply stop by early in the morning on March 8th at one cafe or another, buy two breakfasts and bring them to your girlfriend. Your loved one will surely like this method of congratulations.

2. Dreams come true
Do you know what your beloved woman really dreams of? If the answer to this question is yes, then you have a great opportunity to make this dream come true on March 8th. Of course, if a girl dreams of traveling around the world, then not every guy will be able to make this dream come true for his beloved at the moment. But if a lady wants something more realistic, for example, to jump with a parachute, then it is much easier to realize such a dream.

3. Romantic gifts
When a guy is in love with a girl, he tries to demonstrate his feelings for her in a variety of ways. He does romantic things for her that prove his feelings. Well, in order to congratulate his beloved on March 8 in an original way, a man can give her a truly romantic gift. For example, he can present her with a huge teddy bear. This gift is suitable for a girl of any age.

4. Congratulations through the window
A rather extreme, but truly original way to congratulate your loved one on March 8th. If you decide to do it, you will need to order a lift or use the services of industrial climbers. Which method to choose is up to you. However, you must understand that if you decide to congratulate your loved one on March 8th by knocking on her window, then you need to understand that you may have certain difficulties with this.

5. Carriage for me! Carriage!
If you prefer not an extreme, but a romantic, at the same time, eccentric and memorable way of congratulating your beloved on March 8, then you need to come to her with a gift on a carriage. If you do this, you will surely make your beloved feel like a real princess. This option for congratulating your beloved on International Women’s Day looks really original.

6. Serenade
Do you want to surprise your beloved on this wonderful spring holiday? If you really want this, then why not sing a serenade for your beloved under the window. This method of congratulations will make your beloved feel like Juliet.

Note: this option for congratulating a girl on March 8th will be appropriate only if she does not live on a very high floor or in a very busy area. That is, you must be sure that this option will be appropriate.

7. Going to a concert
Does your beloved have a favorite musician, singer or band? Are they coming to your or a neighboring city soon? If yes, then you have a unique opportunity to congratulate your soulmate and take her to a concert of her favorite artists. It is not at all necessary that the concert take place on March 8th. However, you must give her the tickets on this very day.

8. Beauty as a gift
Another great and original way to congratulate your soulmate on March 8th. On this day you can take her to a beauty salon, which she will surely like. However, you must understand that you will need to pre-register your loved one for certain procedures, since on this day all the girls will rush to beauty salons.

9. Long live surprise
Perhaps the most original and unusual way to congratulate your beloved on March 8 is one or another surprise. That is, on this day you should try to surprise the girl as much as possible by doing something truly unusual for her. Here you need to show your imagination.

What not to do

During preparation for March 8, many men make a lot of mistakes that prevent them from beautifully and originally congratulating their beloved women. And if you want to avoid these mistakes, then you need to know what not to do, congratulations to your beloved on March 8th.

1. Don't spare money
If you have the opportunity to congratulate your beloved on International Women’s Day in an original way, then do not spare money on it. If you really love this person, then why skimp on him?

2. Don’t spend your last money on congratulations
Some may think that this advice contradicts the previous recommendation. However, this is not entirely true. There is no need to spare the money you have, and you can spend it. But if you want to take out a loan to congratulate your loved one on this holiday in an original way, then you cannot do this.

3. Don’t put off choosing a method of congratulations until the last minute
Many men begin to think about the question of how to congratulate their beloved on March 8 in an original way only on the eve of this holiday. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong. Take care of the way to congratulate your significant other in advance.

4. Don’t give your loved one kitchen utensils and household appliances.
Some guys make a big mistake on March 8th by presenting kitchen utensils to their beloved as a gift. The fact is that some girls may regard such a gift as a designation of a woman’s place. Therefore, avoid such gifts.

5. Don't forget about romance
Since March 8 comes almost immediately after Valentine's Day, many young people forget about romance on International Women's Day, because it all goes away on February 14. But if you want to really please the lady of your heart, then don’t forget about romance.

6. Don’t put off congratulations until the last minute
Many men work on March 8th. Therefore, the young man does not live with his beloved, he cannot give her a gift in the morning. And there’s nothing wrong with that, because the girl must understand everything. And if the presentation of a gift can really be postponed until the evening, then you need to congratulate the woman in the very morning. After all, if you don’t do this, then she may be offended by you.

7. Don't forget about sincerity
Whatever method of congratulations you choose, you need to understand that your congratulations must be sincere.

1. The original way of congratulations does not have to be wild and extreme. The main thing is that he pleases the girl.
2. On the eve of the holiday, you must listen especially carefully to everything that the girl tells you. In a conversation, she will probably hint to you what she wants to get for the holiday. If you manage to hear and understand her hints, then the likelihood that you will please her on this day will increase extremely.
3. If you want to congratulate your loved one on March 8 in a truly original way, then start preparing for this holiday in advance.
4. Don't be afraid to talk to your sweetheart's friends on the eve of the holidays. With their help, you can find out what exactly the girl expects from you on March 8th.
5. Don't be afraid to be original. Many guys think that it is enough to present their beloved with flowers and some little thing to congratulate her on International Women's Day. Of course, this may indeed be enough. But if you want your congratulations to be truly remembered by your beloved for a long time, then approach this issue with imagination.

There is a wonderful day in our country when any woman becomes a queen, enjoys the favor of men and deservedly receives compliments and gifts. We are talking about a holiday, preparation for which should take men maximum time and require special imagination.

Anyone can buy and give a routine gift in the form of a boring perfume and a stereotypical bouquet of mimosas, but only a few can congratulate you in such a way as to surprise or even amaze a woman with your ingenuity. Let's think about how to congratulate you on March 8th, and choose the original option that suits your lady.

Where to spend March 8th with a girl...

1. Homebody.

A woman who values ​​home comfort and spends a lot of time at home is unlikely to go with you to a disco or go on a long excursion. You will have to congratulate and surprise her at home, but here you will also have to think through several options. How to congratulate on March 8 if a girl prefers the comfort of home to noisy parties? First of all, protect your lady from the usual housework, cooking and cleaning.

Do all this yourself while she is sleeping, and do not forget to bring her a fresh bouquet and a modest one prepared in advance, promising a small surprise. What could be the surprise? You can secretly invite her old friends whom she hasn’t seen for a long time, your mother-in-law who lives in another city, or just your friends. If your wife does not like guests and noisy feasts, you can invite the toastmaster and have fun with your family.

The eighth of March is a great occasion to take a closer look at your wife or girlfriend: does she really like to stay at home so much? Perhaps she sacrifices her leisure time for the sake of you and your children in order to have time to redo all the things in the house. Think about other options for how to congratulate on March 8th in an original way and celebrate this holiday: you can go to the cinema, to an exhibition, a concert, on a visit, to a dacha or to a restaurant.

2. Extreme.

Here is where to turn around! There are so many extreme offers now that it is simply breathtaking. How to congratulate such a friend on International Women's Day and spend an unforgettable day? You can give a parachute jump, extreme piloting, go-kart driving, Zorb riding, a snowmobile ride, or a wind tunnel flight.

3. An athlete.

What could be more enjoyable for an athlete than to spend her holiday doing what she loves! Participation in cross-country skiing, freestyle on a mountain slope, figure skating on an outdoor or indoor skating rink, several fun hours on the slides in a water park, bowling, billiards and other pleasant entertainment will give a girl a lot of positive emotions. To congratulate your lady on March 8 in such an original way, follow the announcements in the press about sports holiday events in advance and feel free to take part in them. The water park is especially popular in winter and spring - because there you can forget about the slush and frost and fully enjoy the coolness of the water and the steep descents from the water slides.

4. A lover of spectacles.

Vivid spectacular events are not uncommon in big cities, especially during various holidays. Where to go on March 8 and what unusual place to congratulate your loved one? Laser shows, concert performances, sports competitions and outdoor quizzes - this and much more can be attended completely free of charge. You can also purchase tickets in advance for the desired day to the stadium if the girl loves sports, or to the concert hall if you are lucky enough that her favorite artist or musical group will perform on March 8th. Theaters, exhibition halls and other interesting places, March 8, are also open on holidays.

5. Party girl.

It’s fun to congratulate lovers of noisy companies on March 8 and make it much easier to organize a holiday. Make an agreement with your friends and go on a visit, to a club, or a restaurant together. You can even organize a picnic in the forest, but provided that the ladies are not afraid of snow and frost, because at the beginning of March it is still quite cold. Don't forget about pleasant music, festive fireworks and pleasant ones.

6. Fashionista.

How to congratulate a fashion lover on Women's Day? Yes, very simple! She needs to be taken to a fashion show and then organized a shopping spree in a fashion boutique. In addition to everything, you can give her a subscription to a beauty salon or a certificate for the purchase of fashionable goods from catalogs of well-known companies. Your generosity (and in this case you will have to be very generous) will please your chosen one, and she will be charmed by a day spent usefully and interestingly.

If you have not yet determined what type of woman your chosen one is, then do not hesitate to experiment. Think for yourself where you could take your wife or girlfriend, where you could spend time on her holiday, how you could congratulate your beloved in an original way, while being romantic and attentive. A woman will certainly appreciate the fact that she was not forced to prepare a festive dinner, greet guests and wash dishes, that you took care of her femininity and beauty on this day, that you know and respect her interests and hobbies.

Our advice today is for men. After all, a holiday is coming, which makes the entire male population perk up: some disappear for several days in March under various pretexts to avoid a shopping marathon, the stingy ones go for flowers on March 9 or make do with three tulips, others freeze helplessly in front of a display case with perfumes , and those who don’t want to bother with a present for their loved one simply buy a gift certificate. And they hand it over with the words: “This is for you.” It's sad, dear men...

While there is still time for thorough preparation, read our ideas on how to congratulate a woman so that she has only positive emotions from International Women’s Day. We are charged with inspiration for a feat, take our feet in our hands and prepare to congratulate our one and only so that we can hear how she proudly boasts to her friends what surprises her beloved husband spoils her on March 8th.

Festive breakfast

March 8, although an official holiday for the whole country, is not for you. For the sake of the missus, we get up today, if not with the first roosters, then certainly much earlier than everyone else in the house and prepare breakfast for the whole family. If you live together, serve coffee straight from bed as soon as your sweetheart opens her eyes. And to have breakfast with your children, set the table in the kitchen.

Since today we have taken responsibility for the mood in the house, we set the table in accordance with the theme of the day: there must be a bouquet (which you will have to run for while everyone is sleeping), festive dishes and beautifully presented dishes.

Let everyone wake up to the delicious smells from the kitchen, and for this, think about what and how you will cook. Even a banal egg breakfast can be prepared in such a way that it will delight you for the whole day. It is enough to diversify the omelette with tasty additions; choose one additional ingredient or mix: bacon, boiled chicken, green onions, tomatoes, cheese, champignons. Plus toast with soft cheese and fresh vegetables and “the morning was a success!” Those who have absolutely no culinary inclinations are sent to the bakery for the freshest croissants. Don't be lazy to grab coffee creamer!

Magic greeting jar

If you find it difficult to say out loud many wishes and compliments at once, write them on small pieces of paper, tie each with a ribbon and put them in a stylish transparent jar with a lid. The vessel itself can be simply but beautifully decorated with a sticker with an inscription. It will be a pleasure to re-read messages from your loved one not only on holidays, but also when you want tenderness.

Date on the roof

On March 8, everyone is bustling around as usual in search of a free table in a restaurant. But you told yourself that you would be great, so in a few weeks you agreed with the owner of the most picturesque roof in your city about unhindered access on the 8th.

So, let the stunning view really be a surprise, we ask the girl to dress warmly, but we don’t tell her where we’ll take her. At the entrance to the desired house, we blindfold ourselves and carefully climb to the very top. And when we take off her blindfold, in front of her, in addition to the city lights and the sunset sky, there will be a candlelit area with a table for two, dinner and champagne, accompanied by pleasant romantic music.

The only disadvantage of such an event is the vagaries of the weather. It’s easy to cope with this problem if you take woolen blankets and hats with you, and of course, ask the lady not to wear an evening dress.

To take the hassle out of your life, find out if there are rooftop dating services in your city. Or enlist the help of friends. While you are picking up your wife, they can set the table with food from the restaurant, light candles and turn on music.

Holiday photo shoot

You probably know a new female passion when they post photos of themselves hugging a bouquet of flowers on social networks. On this holiday, they will definitely take selfies with the bouquet you gave them. So give your wife the opportunity to get real professional photos.

Another option to spend March 8 in an unusual way is to take a photo together with a photographer. Warn your wife that today you are going to a photo studio, where a makeup artist and hairdresser have already been invited, who will relieve her of worries about creating an image. Women simply love it when they look after her, like in a beauty salon. Let her just wear her favorite dress and grab the right accessories at home. And in front of the camera you will already present the ordered bouquet and gift.

A wonderful congratulations on March, after which you will be left with happy photos.

Gift outside the window

An original way to give a gift. At night, while the girl is sleeping, tape balloons outside the window on the balcony to which a box with a gift will be tied. After waking up, your beloved will begin to draw the curtains and will definitely smile when she sees such beauty. All you have to do is hand over a bouquet of flowers.

Home SPA salon

Congratulate the woman you love... in the bathroom. This path will be in the afternoon, before the party. Fill the bath with warm water, sprinkle rose petals, light candles and invite your loved one. Give her an appropriate gift, which she will immediately try with interest.

We recommend including the following items in the gift basket: shower gel, fragrant bath bomb, sea salt, body scrub and cream, facial masks, aromatic oil. Sales consultants in the store will help you with choosing cosmetics, but you can’t go wrong if you buy good universal personal care products...

Let your beloved devote a little time to herself, for which she will be eternally grateful, having received a couple of relaxing hours as a gift before celebrating International Women's Day.

Hiding postcards with congratulations

A woman will be pleased to receive congratulations on March 8 unexpectedly, and even throughout the whole day. We suggest buying cute miniature cards and writing a few nice wishes on each one.

Hide each message in certain places that your wife will definitely get to on this holiday. The card can be placed, for example, in a book, in a bookmark, attached to the back of a milk carton, hidden in her coat pocket, in a glove, in a cosmetic bag, under the lid of a laptop, in a box of cookies, in a drawer with underwear, in the glove compartment of a car. ... And don't limit yourself to just these places: the more options you come up with, the happier your wife will be today.

Video congratulations

If it so happens that you will not be around on March 8 for some (valid, of course) reasons, record a video greeting on March 8 on your phone and send it by email.

In general, you can resort to the help of friends and make a real mini-film dedicated to your beloved woman. Let the story contain a short photo story about one of her days (you can take a photo of your wife in advance, as if by chance), also add recordings from your joint video archive.

The film ends with words of congratulations from you or even a song performed by you. Or, in a video editing program, just make a dynamic presentation of her photos with cute captions.

The eighth of March is a spring day,
When everyone congratulates women
With the fact that in the whole big Universe
There are none more beautiful and wonderful!

On this day I wish you
Love and affection, warmth,
Good luck endlessly,
Health, happiness, kindness!

Today is the day for the most tender.
For the sweetest and dearest.
Today is March 8th -
Day of our dear women.

Let warm words and wishes
The flow will never end for you.
May all your dreams and expectations
Hopes give you a sprout.

Let your days be full of love,
They will be strong in reliability,
And all the troubles and problems
Let them be far from you.

Let's hurry on this glorious day
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
All, all women on the planet.
There is no more beautiful person in the world!

We congratulate all the ladies:
Daughters, grandmothers and mothers,
Dear wives, beloved colleagues
And all the beautiful girls.

We wish you to bloom,
To bring joy and love,
Never get angry
Always be happy!

You can't live in the world without women,
Even children know about this
We sing their praises:
Happy International Women's Day!

Love to you, our dears!
May all the saints protect you
From evil, betrayal, bad weather
And they will reward you with feminine happiness!

On a warm, spring day I want to wish
So that everything works out,
And so that all the peaks have one smile
Yours was easily conquered.

Bloom, dear, like a rose in the garden,
Make everyone happy with your beauty.
Luck in life, luck, success
Let them be your reward.

I send congratulations
Happy International Women's Day,
Spring birds singing wonderfully
I remind you of him.

And from the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness,
Swim in sincere love,
Rise high, burn with passion
And light the lights in the sky!

Happy special holiday,
Spring holiday
I want to congratulate
You are under the ringing drip.

Let warmth and affection
Everyone will give you
And love and a fairy tale
Your knight is brave.

Let kindness and tenderness
Warms the soul
And the winds and thunderstorms
Happiness will not be disturbed!

This day is the most flowery,
Despite the calendar.
Roses, lilies, tulips
We bring it as a gift to you.

Congratulations, dears,
Happy Women's Day!
You are so beautiful today
That we won’t come to our senses.

Stay the same
Let your dreams come true.
And let the men leave
Every day there are flowers at my feet.

Happy spring holiday!
May your wishes come true
Wake up from the winter mood,
There is no longer any excuse for sadness.

Let the earthly vanity pass you by,
He doesn’t put his hands in your affairs.
May the days be filled with bright colors,
There will be no room for sadness, boredom!

May this day, and not only,
Men carry in their arms
There will be so much love and affection
To rise into the clouds!

Flowers cover the road,
Spirits flow like a big river,
And the decorations shine.
Let there be peace in your heart!

First of all, men should learn about one little women's secret that they are not even aware of. Each woman On this day, she expects not just congratulations, a woman expects a wonderful fairy tale, miracle, magic on this day. And they expect the organization of these miracles from their beloved men. Or from secret admirers, if a woman does not currently have a beloved man. Every woman wants day March 8 became for her an unforgettable fairy tale, where she will be the main character - a princess, a queen, who is adored and carried in her arms.

How to turn the day of March 8 into a real holiday for the woman you love? Actually, it's not that difficult. A little imagination, ingenuity, and most importantly - love and desire to please your woman .

Of course, for many men the biggest difficulty is what to come up with to please your beloved . This article is for such men. In fact, women will be happy with any romantic little things on this day. The main secret is to stretch out the surprises throughout the day until the evening, and not present all the gifts in the morning. Here are some ideas for holiday March 8 that will not leave any woman indifferent.

March 8 wake up early in the morning, while your beloved is still sleeping, at 6 am, or even earlier, and go buy flowers. Your most important task is to get up quietly so as not to wake her and arrive with flowers as early as possible before she wakes up. You can't imagine how happy she will be to wake up from what you put next to her bouquet of flowers ! Believe me, this is the secret dream of every woman! If you do not live together, then leave a bouquet of flowers under your beloved’s door, putting in it a postcard with tender words and a signature from whom the flowers are from. After that, ring the doorbell and run away. This is another secret dream of every woman - to open the door and see a bouquet of flowers on the threshold. After that, do it for her all day pleasant surprises . Send her an SMS with tender words every hour, even if you live together and send sms you will be from the next room!

Give her a kiss an armful of balloons filled with helium. Then after some time a small soft toy. Then a heart-shaped keychain. Or a cute souvenir, or a vase. You can come up with a lot of such cute little surprises. It's so easy to make a woman happy! Make her look for your hidden surprises by playing hot and cold with her. Or write her an SMS from the next room, where she needs to look for her next little gift.

If you have any expensive gift for her, then leave it for the evening. Let her not even realize that in addition to small surprises, the most important gift awaits her. Give her your main gift in a beautiful package and always with another bouquet of flowers. She will be delighted to receive two bouquets from her beloved on this day!

If possible, arrange romantic dinner by candlelight , cook dinner yourself if you know how to cook. If your woman likes to visit restaurants, then you can invite her to a restaurant that day by booking a table in advance. If she is a lover of discos - take her to a disco in the evening .

Surround her with care and affection all day long, show her love and tenderness. Those men who do not have a beloved woman, do not despair. Remember - March 8 is one of the best days to meet new people, even on the street, for example. And also the best way to finally show your sympathy to a woman who you have liked for a long time, but for some reason you were afraid and did not dare to show it to her. Believe me, on this day every woman expects her secret admirers to show up.