What to do if the baby is pushing in the stomach? Why is the baby in the mother’s belly very active?

For men

The pregnancy period is one of the happiest moments for every woman. But with its onset, the expectant mother faces many various issues with which she goes to the doctor. One of them is how many months does the baby start to move in the stomach?

When should you expect fetal movement?

A pregnant woman can identify such violations on her own. To do this, she should use the “count to 10” technique. From the 28th week of pregnancy, count fetal movements between 9 and 21 hours. The tenth is recorded on a special card. If the fetus is inactive or the number of kicks is more than 15 in 12 hours, you need to consult a doctor.

If the child behaves quietly for some time, do not panic, because such a lull may be temporary. The baby can be stirred up. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • Lie on your back and lie quietly for a while. In most cases, after 5 minutes the fetus will begin to push.
  • Lie down on your side and stay in this position for 10-15 minutes. This position is uncomfortable for the baby, so most often he will start pushing.
  • While lying on your back, stroke your belly, talk to your baby, sing him a song or read a story. This will not only make him push, but will also help him establish close contact with you.
  • Accept cold and hot shower, Special attention while focusing on the abdominal area.
  • Go down or up the stairs, take a few breaths or physical exercise.

If you do not feel fetal movements within 12 hours, see a specialist who is observing you.

For every woman, the day when her baby begins to move in her stomach is a special event. After all, this is what allows you to truly feel what is developing inside new life. You now know how many weeks fetal movement begins and how it occurs. The baby's kicks are a way of communicating with the mother while still in the womb. Soon you will be able to understand how your child reacts to your voice and loved ones, different foods, time of day, your mood and much more. If you are concerned about fetal movements, contact your doctor. There is no need to listen to the advice of your friends, because every woman’s body is individual and the course of pregnancy for each woman is different. Have an easy pregnancy and successful birth!

Answers to popular questions from our pediatrician

Is it possible not to hear the baby’s movements due to the subcutaneous fat layer?

Fetal movement is perceived differently in each pregnant woman and depends on many factors: what kind of pregnancy, the attachment of the placenta, external factors, nutrition, mother’s emotions, daily routine, as well as physique. Each pregnant woman describes this phenomenon in her own way: some compare it to the movement of a fish, others to a gurgling sound, while others feel like something is rolling around inside. The sensation of the intensity of movement of a child in utero may differ, since the physical build and thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer may weaken sensitivity, however cannot completely exclude it. The absence of movement serves a wake-up call, let me remind you that in primiparous women, the first perception of intrauterine movement should occur at 20 obstetric weeks, in multiparous women at 16-18 weeks. If you do not feel fetal movement, you should consult a doctor. And also don't ignore routine examinations in order to timely determine possible complications gestation.

That baby moves in the womb, everyone knows.
But few people have thought about why the child makes certain movements.
In this article we will talk about what causes the baby’s movements, as well as how the mother feels at these moments.

The baby begins to move in the womb quite early. From the third to the fifth week, the baby’s first movements occur, but they are unconscious, since it is not yet formed, and, therefore, the baby cannot control his actions purely physically.

Starting from the eighth week of gestation, the baby’s nervous system begins to form.
The formation process ends by the end of the eighth week.
Now the baby will form reflexes that are caused by nerve endings.
Gradually, the child masters many actions, but he performs each of them unconsciously.
In addition, the size of the fetus and amniotic sac are still very small, so it can move freely in the uterus, rarely touching its walls, which explains the fact that the mother does not feel the baby move during this period .

On the sixteenth day, the baby makes the first more or less conscious movement - he begins to respond to sounds.

From the seventeenth week little lump inside you will already be able to squint, and from the eighteenth week grasping movement develops and the child begins to finger the umbilical cord with his hands.
When the child’s perception of specific sensations has already been formed, the next stage of development begins.
At this stage, your child will learn to respond with movement to various sensations.

By the end of the first, your child will already know what comfort is.
If something bothers the baby, the child will let you know about it with pushes.
For example, when the fetus lacks oxygen or nutrition, he starts to move actively, thereby massaging the placenta and restoring its normal supply with everything necessary.

Around the twentieth to twenty-second week of pregnancy, the tremors become regular.
At the same time, it must be said that in first-time mothers, constant tremors begin to be felt somewhat later than in multiparous mothers.

If we talk about the mother’s sensations during these tremors, then everyone describes them differently.
At first the thrusts are very timid and uncoordinated. Some mothers don't even pay attention to them.
Most women say that with the start of regular kicks, a special kick begins, because now the baby can “talk” to his mother, and the mother, in turn, becomes a real sensor of her child’s condition.

Gradually the child’s movements begin to take on a special meaning, meaning.
The baby moves quite a lot. So, for example, a five-month-old fetus can make from twenty to sixty movements in half an hour, but it may be less.
The time of day also influences a child’s activity.

Around the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy, a special language is formed, with the help of which the baby tells his mother about his well-being, his pleasure or his anxiety. Now his movements begin to resemble the movements of a newborn.
The baby's activity may be influenced by the mother's condition.
It has been observed that when the mother is happy, the baby begins to move more actively than usual.

If fetal movements become too intense
, began to cause pain to the mother, this indicates that the child is not comfortable.
First, the mother must change her body position.
If this does not help, and the painful sensations continue for several hours, then you should consult a doctor.

It should be said that painful sensations in the hypochondrium in the third trimester of pregnancy are normal and are not considered a deviation.
The mother should monitor the baby's kicks.
The absence of tremors for twelve hours or more is a very alarming signal.
From the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy, the baby should move about ten to fifteen times an hour.
It should be noted that the child sleeps for about three hours, during which there may be practically no movements.
If a woman notices that within a few days the baby has begun to behave too violently or, conversely, has calmed down, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In order to independently stimulate the child’s movements, you can do some exercise, eat something sweet or spend breathing exercises associated with holding your breath.
A woman should remember that sudden strong movements of the fetus are associated with its troubles.
For example, this can happen when a mother sits with her legs crossed, which interferes with the normal flow of oxygen.
In this case, you just need to change your body position to a more correct one.

Maximum physical activity the fetus is observed in the period from the twenty-fourth to the thirty-second week of pregnancy, after which it gradually begins to subside and practically disappears by the time of birth.
For most women, the number of tremors increases in the evening. This is completely normal.

The doctor who will be caring for your pregnancy will tell you how you can record the number of baby movements, and what number is considered normal.
If you notice deviations from these readings, additional tests may be needed, such as listening to heart sounds (auscultation), ultrasonography or cardiotocography.

Most often, deviations in fetal movement are observed due to oxygen starvation.
Fetal hypoxia can develop for many reasons, for example, due to complications of pregnancy, if the mother has diseases ( diabetes mellitus, arrhythmias, etc.), with bleeding and fetoplacental insufficiency.
Hypoxia can also be caused by diseases of the fetus, for example, infection or Rh conflict.
At initial stages hypoxia, restless fetal behavior and increased motor activity are noted.
If hypoxia progresses, the intensity of the tremors weakens or even stops completely.
So to the expectant mother should pay attention to her baby's movements great attention .

When I was pregnant, I listened to my body with trepidation and waited for the baby to give me news, when would I feel the first movements of the fetus? And when this happened, at first I didn’t believe it, and then I was overwhelmed with indescribable emotions! I think that for any expectant mother, the first movements of the fetus are emotions that will be remembered for a lifetime, they are akin to what you experience when you see two lines on a test. Memories of pregnancy are stored in a woman’s memory for a long time as the most pleasant and carefree time, full of hopes and slight anxieties. Fetal movement is not only a joyful moment, but also a very good indicator that can tell the doctor about health, development and how future births will go, let's talk about fetal movement in more detail.

When do they appear?
The fetus in the mother's belly begins to move very early - from 8-10 weeks it swims freely, somersaults and pushes with its legs and arms. Only mom doesn’t feel it yet, because there’s a lot of space inside the uterus, it floats in amniotic fluid, which soften the shocks. He still has a little strength and his size is very tiny - only 3 cm. Gradually, the baby grows and closer to the middle of the term, when his size becomes more than 10 cm, and his strength becomes greater, the mother feels his first timid tremors, which makes the future parents very happy.

It is usually believed that during the first pregnancy, movements begin to be felt a little later, around 20 weeks of pregnancy. Since the mother is not yet experienced and mistakes the movements for intestinal motility or bloating. Those women who are pregnant with their second or third babies. They feel movements earlier - sometimes as early as 16-17 weeks of pregnancy. average term the baby started to move. perceived by the mother is 18-20 weeks. Thin women feel movements earlier than plump women, but in any case, by 21-22 weeks, movements in all women become distinct. Now, in response to your remarks, the baby will gently tap you from the inside with his leg or hand.

How does it feel?
Describing movements is not an easy task; it is impossible to define them unambiguously - each mother has her own epithets for this. Some women say that it feels like gurgling in the stomach, others feel tremors or rolling. The first movements can easily be confused with the process of digestion - many mothers at first think that it is seething in their intestines, although this “seething” is clearly observed in the area of ​​the uterus. The movements are still irregular - at one time the woman feels them clearly. And sometimes there are periods of calm. But while the baby still has plenty of space in the belly and there is no need to worry about irregular movements, distinct movements will be especially important after thirty weeks.

From now on, the movement is felt like tremors. Movements of the limbs and turning over inside the abdomen, the child can calm down for several hours - sleep, and then can actively “stretch” in the mother’s stomach. sometimes the mother can even guess by its outline whether it is the baby’s hand or foot. Ten or more movements per day are considered the norm, and the child’s activity does not depend in any way on what the woman eats and drinks. However, many mothers think that babies are more active after consuming sweets or after drinking juice; perhaps these foods are more to the baby’s taste.

What do the movements mean?
Always be attentive to the sensations of your body; you should always note the baby’s activity. Your baby's excessive activity or lack of movement for a long time should be a concern for you. If you are celebrating similar phenomena– Consult your gynecologist. Doctors usually recommend observing the baby’s movements for several days in a row and noting his activity in a notebook. The cessation of physical activity for 12 or more hours is considered especially alarming, since from about 24-25 weeks the baby moves in the tummy about 10-15 times per hour, although sometimes it is possible to sleep for up to two or three hours, almost without moving.

Try to stimulate your baby to physical activity yourself - do a few simple exercises from gymnastics for pregnant women, breathe as you will need to breathe during childbirth, hold your breath for a few seconds, eat something sweet or tasty. What usually wakes up your belly bug. Usually this is enough.
Remember - the baby’s movements may not always be the same - sometimes they are more intense, even within one day he behaves differently. The fact is that even in the stomach he has hours of rest. And hours of games and entertainment, by the way, often do not coincide with your biorhythms. Sometimes the mother simply does not notice that the baby is moving if, for example, he only bends and unbends his limbs, changes the position of his head, opens his eyes or sucks his finger.

After 4-5 months, if you want to evaluate and feel the baby’s movements, do this - eat something tasty, sweet - tea with jam, cake, bun or chocolate. 15-20 minutes after eating, go to bed to watch TV or read a magazine, lie quietly for a couple of hours, usually dense or sweet food in combination with the lack of movement of the mother quickly forces the baby to express himself - they begin to push the mother, encouraging her to walk and warm up. If you can’t persuade your baby to be active in this way, perhaps he’s just sleeping, and try again later. If during the day, despite all the attempts you have made to stimulate his activity, the baby still behaves quietly and does not detect even slight movements, consult a doctor. The doctor will carefully examine you and listen to you, listen to the baby’s heartbeat and, if necessary, do an ultrasound, then everything will become clearer.

What if he is very cheerful?
Mothers can be frightened not only by the lack of movement, but also by the sudden excessive activity of the baby. Often babies begin to kick vigorously and go on strike if the mother sits or lies in an uncomfortable position, experiences hypoxia, is worried or is pinched a large wreath uterus. This occurs due to lack of oxygen. Which the baby is trying to eliminate in the only way available to him. This is, for example, sitting cross-legged, lying on your back, then it’s enough to get up to warm up or just change position.

If the fetal activity is increased almost constantly, you need to visit a doctor unscheduled, this often means some trouble for the child, but it is too early to panic - first get examined. Sometimes mom just thinks that the activity has become stronger and the kicks are more sensitive, because the baby has simply grown up. Any normal pregnant woman worries about her belly! Doctors will recommend that you check the activity of your baby from 28 weeks twice a day, morning and evening, using simple tests.

One of the tests was developed by Prison - it is called “counting to ten”. It is very simple to perform and requires absolutely no preparation or expense. Get a special piece of paper, for example, attached to the refrigerator, and every day mark on it the number of fetal movements from 29 weeks of pregnancy - we count down at 9 am and end at nine pm. Not all movements need to be recorded. And only the first and every tenth of them - we indicate its time on the piece of paper. These data can then be shown to your doctor at the next visit; less than 10 movements per day should alert you - this may be a sign of fetal hypoxia - lack of oxygen.

The assessment is then carried out in this way - we mark the counting time and record all the baby’s movements. coups, pushes, kicks, if they all fit within 10-20 minutes, motor activity is normal. If it took longer, the baby may have been sleeping or resting. If he didn't move for the whole hour. Have a snack. Lie down without moving and start counting again. If after this he does not begin to be active, you should consult a doctor. However, there is no need to make predictions about the strength or nature of movements - all children are different and the baby does not always have to move a lot.

If there are twins in the tummy, it may feel like the entire tummy is constantly moving, and children do this very actively. An ultrasound will confirm that your baby or both are active. The baby's activity will gradually increase until about 32 weeks, and then, due to the tightness of the uterus, it will gradually decrease. By the time of birth, babies may even calm down - preparing for a crucial moment. By the end of the third trimester, the strength and intensity of movements are greater, but their number may decrease. The mother can already clearly guess where the baby moved his leg and where his arm, the baby can stretch out and rest in his stomach, if the baby’s head is down - the mother will feel quite strong blows from the legs on the ribs and in the right side, if he is head up - the movements will be more often at the bottom belly.
In the evening and at night, babies are often active - and this is normal, there is no need to worry.

What will alert you?
A very common misconception is that a baby's activity is a sign of a lack of oxygen. Most often, the situation is even the opposite; in the absence of movements or very low activity of the fetus, hypoxia is suspected. Although sometimes it happens, the baby just fell asleep. If after thirty weeks the baby moves little, weakly and very rarely, immediately consult a doctor. The doctor will examine you and possibly prescribe therapy to improve blood circulation in the placenta.

To clarify the situation, CTG is often prescribed, which can be performed from 34 weeks. This method allows you to assess the baby’s condition by analyzing his movements and heartbeats. In 30-60 minutes, the doctor will use sensors to record the fetal heartbeat and its reaction to movements. After this, the child's condition is assessed. If the CTG is unimportant, the mother may even be admitted to the hospital.

What could a baby’s unusual “behavior” mean?
As we said earlier, the main cause for concern for expectant mothers is a decrease in fetal activity, or its sharp increase. If you noted this, maybe your baby is hinting to you that it’s enough to lie on the couch or hang around the monitor and it’s time to take a walk or eat? If movements constantly alarm you, see a doctor. Most likely everything is fine - but better once again make sure of this. If there are signs of hypoxia, you need to start timely treatment. Hypoxia can occur due to various reasons– complicated pregnancy, your illnesses, anemia, problems with the placenta. However, if you notice them in time and treat them -All will pass safely.

About truth and fiction?

Many expectant mothers think that the baby in the belly, just like the mother, should know when it is day and when it is night, so that it can play during the day and sleep at night. Alas, this is not so, and the baby does not distinguish the time of day, which means he sleeps when it is convenient for him. Sometimes this happens during the day, and at night, when mom wants to rest, he wakes up in a playful mood and cheerfully kicks his half-asleep mother in the ribs!

Sometimes the baby in the mother’s belly may hiccup or cough, this is not dangerous and does not indicate illness - this is training for life outside the tummy. Hiccups occur due to excessive swallowing of amniotic fluid.

Many even try to determine the child’s temperament based on the baby’s movements—some babies are calm. Which do not push much and do not cause trouble for mom. And there are fidgets who kick their belly so hard that mom begins to groan! Now is the time to call dad. The voices of men often soothe children even while they are in the stomach. Remember - kids don't like sharp sounds, loud voices and stress - they react to them by freezing.

The baby is actively knocking on the tummy - every mother knows this. Pregnant women wait with trepidation for the first movements from the very first weeks of pregnancy, sometimes confusing them with work internal organs. And when the second half of pregnancy begins, and the baby makes itself known, many become confused and suspect something is wrong.

Young mothers panic for any reason. The baby practically does not move or, on the contrary, actively kicks - a reason to call the doctor. Question - why does the baby kick so much in the stomach?, almost all mothers ask. So, let's look at the possible reasons.

Unusual activity or passivity of the baby always worries the expectant mother. In fact, why suddenly spontaneous bursts of vigor? Maybe the baby is giving an alarm signal?

  1. First of all, children's riots” often have a completely understandable reason. Any change in position may cause dissatisfaction in the baby. It seems that mom is comfortable and comfortable, but what causes irritation to the baby? In any new position, bones and organs can put pressure on the uterus, restricting the baby's movements. There isn’t enough room for him anyway, and yet his ribs are touching his legs! In fact, feeling sharp kicks in the stomach, just change your position!
  2. Secondly, soberly assess your surroundings. Your baby may not like the smells or noise around you. In addition, the food you eat also undergoes a thorough “audit”. The baby is always happy with sweets, but bitter and sour will displease him.

If the baby’s activity does not decrease, no matter what you do, this is a reason to visit a doctor. Don’t get depressed or panic, this is a simple consultation with a specialist! Your anxiety is completely justified, but anxiety and fear will be transmitted to the baby, so control yourself.

A possible reason for the child's activity may be lack of air., however, only a doctor can diagnose it.

To independently monitor your baby’s well-being, record every movement during the day. If there are at least 10 of them, this is a normal indicator of activity. At a longer term, the expectant mother must definitely monitor the baby’s movements in order to catch any deviations from the norm. Remember: Doctors can carry out the therapy necessary for the baby, but it is you who must signal this. If movements occur too frequently or for a long time, consult a doctor for CTG or unscheduled Ultrasound. If the clinical picture is undesirable, the doctor will admit you to the hospital for round-the-clock observation.

The expectant mother sighs with relief when the first trimester of pregnancy smoothly passes into the second phase: behind are the “nerves” about the possible threat of miscarriage, debilitating toxicosis and weakness. The reward for the inconvenience endured for a pregnant woman is the moment when the baby begins to move. This amazing feeling is so unique that it is difficult to compare it with anything else. let's discuss normal indicators movements for the baby and at the same time we will find out what to do if the child stops moving.

Every woman in a position waits with bated breath for her little blood to make itself known. The cherished tremors inside the abdomen do not lose their charm even for mothers who are pregnant again. If you are interested in what time the baby begins to move in the womb, we note that this event cannot be tied to an exact date. The moment that takes your breath away and brings tears to your eyes is unique to every expectant mother and is largely determined by the specifics of fetal development.

When does the baby begin to move in the stomach during pregnancy?

The ability to move develops in the baby long before the mother can feel it. In this regard, we will pose the question about fetal movements as follows: at how many weeks does the mother feel her baby begin to move?

The baby first begins to move 8–9 weeks after it appears in the mother’s body. If we shift this period to obstetric weeks, then you get 10 - 11 weeks of pregnancy. Now the body of the embryo is “overgrown” with tissue consisting of neurons and muscle bundles. Job nervous system is still in its infancy, so the movements of the fetus are not oriented in space and are similar to convulsive shudders. Naturally, a woman cannot yet feel the movements of such a tiny organism inside. The uterus is full amniotic fluid, in which the child calmly maneuvers without touching inner surface your "refuge".

Relatively clear coordination of fetal movement is acquired by 11–15 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, when the baby already has a cerebellum and both hemispheres of the brain. Thanks to the presence of these important organs, the child constantly “moves” inside the uterus, namely, moves his legs and arms, and tastes his fingers.

Especially impressionable expectant mothers are sure that they felt the baby moving in the stomach already at 13–14 weeks. However, any gynecologist will say that this is impossible. In early pregnancy, a woman can be confused by her bowel movements.

At what stage does a child move so that his mother feels it? First time presence little man a pregnant woman feels 16 to 24 obstetric weeks after the birth of a new life in her body. Remember the exact date, when the baby has clearly shown his character, it is very important: based on this day, the doctor will determine the expected date of his birth. If a woman is preparing to become a mother for the first time, 20 weeks are counted from the date of the baby’s first movements, for multiparous women – 22 weeks. This method does not claim to be unconditionally accurate, but if you take into account all the available data (the date of the first movements, the start date of the last menstruation and ultrasound results), the likelihood of a strong miscalculation is minimal.

When does a baby move during pregnancy: obstetric norms

To begin with, let us clarify that the timing of the first movements (16 – 24 weeks) is quite arbitrary. The mother feels the presence of the child inside subjectively, and this is largely influenced by her lifestyle. A woman, mobile in work and leisure, sometimes simply cannot concentrate on what is happening inside her. Another option for the absence of noticeable fetal movements is a specific method of attachment of the placenta. The baby cannot be heard for a long time if the placenta has grown into the anterior wall of the uterus. However, if the volume of the abdomen is gradually increasing, and the doctor can perfectly hear the child’s heart beating, there is nothing to worry about.

When your baby first “greets” you, his activity will increase every day, and soon you will get used to the presence of the pushing creature in your stomach. The peak of greatest fetal mobility occurs at 24–32 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. By the 24th week of its existence, the baby develops its own routine: it sleeps about 16–20 hours a day, and “walks” from 4 to 6 hours.

In terms of activity, a woman and her child complement each other: when the mother is busy with something, her movements rock the baby and he is probably sleeping at this time, but when the pregnant woman lies down to rest, the baby will immediately remind herself of herself with a series of noticeable jolts. TO late evening fetal activity usually reaches maximum levels. Moreover, the emotional connection between a woman and a child is absolutely obvious: often the baby pushes forcefully when his mother is scared, happy or upset.

When the pregnancy period exceeds 32 weeks, the baby grows so much that it can no longer spin in the stomach as it pleases. Now he's just kicking the woman from the inside. The mother will definitely notice that the child begins to move less and “fight” more, then she will have to get used to his new behavior. For example, the activity of a baby can become a significant obstacle to a good night's rest: its kicks, although they will become more rare, will noticeably gain strength and will be very painful for the pregnant woman. Now almost nothing depends on the expectant mother, except perhaps not to lie on her back, so as not to compress the vena cava, through which oxygen gets to the baby. You just need to endure this time before giving birth.

How many weeks does the second/third baby move?

The first intrauterine movements of the baby cannot be adjusted to the normative periods with an accuracy of one day or week - these indicators are quite arbitrary and are determined by the constitutional characteristics of the woman, the thickness of the fat on her abdomen, as well as the birth order of the child.

The movements of the firstborn appear at 20 weeks (according to obstetric terms), and graceful, thin girls and women generally hear them 10 days earlier.

Regardless of the order of pregnancy, all babies begin to move in the uterus at approximately the same time. However, it has been noticed that if a woman already has a child, she will hear the movements of his brother or sister a little earlier than the first time. “Experienced” mothers know how a child should move, so they are more sensitive to what is happening inside them. Moreover, physiology repeat pregnancy is somewhat different from the first: in multiparous women, the uterine muscles are more stretched and less susceptible to hypertonicity than in first-time mothers, so it is easier to feel the second/third baby than before. This usually happens at 18–19 obstetric weeks.

On the other hand, multiparous women perceive their delicate situation as something natural, in contrast to the constantly worried expectant mothers carrying their first heir. They are busy raising their first child, and do not always have free time to listen to the baby's signals inside. Therefore, in most cases, multiparous mothers notice the baby’s movements at the same time as first-time mothers, when the fetus is already noticeably pushing.

The nature of sensations when a child moves

Expecting your first child is an exciting and exciting period for his mother. How I want to finally feel the real presence of the baby in order to respond to his thrusts, gently stroking his rounded belly! But how not to confuse the child’s first movements with the usual internal activities of the body? To clarify the situation a little, let us turn to experienced mothers. So, what do the baby’s first movements look like? Typically the answers are:

  • as if there was a fish splashing inside;
  • a ball bounces easily in your stomach;
  • as if someone is gently stroking the stomach from the inside;
  • a weightless butterfly flutters;
  • like being tickled with a feather;
  • light tremors.

It turns out that every woman perceives the body movements of the baby in her stomach in her own way, and this depends not only on her romantic mood, but also on personal constitution. “Skinny ones” notice movements earlier than “chubby ones,” so they feel even the most weightless vibrations of the fetus.

Sometimes a pregnant woman finds it difficult to determine what caused the strange sensations inside - the activity of the baby or too vigorous intestinal peristalsis. Indeed, overflows and rolling of different nature sometimes it can be quite justifiably attributed to active work organs digestive system. To find out the true source of the specific movement inside, the expectant mother needs to be more careful: soon she will learn to recognize the signals that the baby sends her. Don't worry if you still haven't felt your baby's movements. How longer term pregnancy, the less shy and more active the “belly” becomes.

How many times does a child move: average norms

There will come a time when a pregnant woman gets used to the movements of the fetus and begins to study their character. What should you consider first? Firstly, throughout the day it is useful to count how often and when the baby reminds you of itself. This is necessary in order to determine whether everything is okay with him. Record in your memory or write down in a notepad the time of every tenth movement of the baby.

Secondly, if the child is silent for a suspiciously long time, and you don’t like it, eat something, and then lie down to rest after eating. Healthy baby will definitely “perk up” when mom has breakfast or lunch. While resting, count how many times the child moves within two hours. If you feel from 5 to 11 movements during this time, there is nothing to be afraid of. If your baby continues to ignore you, get up, walk around the room, and then lie down again. As a rule, such actions help to wake up even the most notorious sleepyheads.

What to do if your baby is quiet

Sooner or later, every woman in an “interesting” position will study her baby’s daily routine in detail. Now it is important to know the following: if your stomach is quiet and calm for about 3 hours in a row, it’s time to go to the hospital for an unscheduled examination. A very alarming sign shortly before birth is the absence of any signs of life in the abdomen for 6 hours. This indicates that the child does not have enough oxygen and therefore saves energy while not moving. Only a gynecologist can understand the situation: he will evaluate the character heart rate baby, will conduct a CTG. Depending on the results of the examination, the expectant mother is either prescribed specific treatment to compensate for the baby’s oxygen deficiency, or is referred for an emergency birth. The doctor makes a decision based on the individual health indicators of the mother and child.