How to remove a ballpoint pen from jeans. How to remove pen ink from clothes: advice from experienced housewives

To mom

Today, handwritten work and filling out various forms manually have come to naught, since computers are now used for this.

However, it is not possible to completely abandon the use of ballpoint or gel pens, because while studying at school or university, working in an office or even at a construction site, one way or another we are faced with filling out, signing and writing text information using ink. And the use of ink can cause stains on clothing or furniture.

In order not to panic and not get lost, you need to remember a few available tools or have a specialized product for cleaning ink stains in your home arsenal.

Removing ink stains from clothes

Folk remedies for removing stains from a gel or ballpoint pen can be used either separately or in combination with special chemicals. Products should be selected based on the type of material and ink composition.

Be careful, as some fabrics cannot withstand exposure to solvents. In order not to permanently spoil a contaminated product, please note: following rules and recommendations:

  1. Ink stains are best removed immediately, since fresh stains respond best to both cleaning and chemicals;
  2. Synthetic materials must not be treated with solvents or products containing acetone;
  3. Before using any fabric cleaner, we recommend testing it on an inconspicuous area. If the material or paint deteriorates, do not use this product;
  4. Cleansing delicate fabrics, you should consider the most gentle means possible;
  5. When choosing a stain remover, study its possible interaction with the material.

Attention! When removing an ink stain, do not let it spread or smear on the fabric, otherwise the area of ​​contamination will only increase and the ink will stain the item.

Let's look at the most popular means for cleaning ink stains from a ballpoint pen.

Glycerol represents the maximum effective remedy in the fight against various spots or blots.
Mode of application:

  • Pour glycerin onto the contaminated area and leave for several hours;
  • Dissolve in warm water a couple of teaspoons of table salt and rinse the product there.

Glycerin can also be mixed with alcohol, taking both ingredients in 1:1 proportions.

Soda and ammonia:

  1. Both ingredients must be mixed in equal quantities;
  2. Add 200 ml of water and pour the solution onto the stain;
  3. Leave for three to four hours so that the product can dissolve the ink;
  4. Next, the product must be washed.

Peroxide and ammonia:

  1. To 200 ml of warm water you need to add one teaspoon of peroxide and one teaspoon of ammonia;
  2. You need to moisten a cotton pad or a piece of cotton wool in the resulting solution and apply it to the stain;
  3. After three to four hours, wash the product.

Milk. You can also use sour kefir or yogurt:

  • Soak the stain with the milk product and then leave it for an hour or two. After this, wash the contaminated item by hand or in washing machine with powder;
  • If the stain is old, soak it in milk for several hours. After this, you need to prepare a soap solution and add a little ammonia to it. You need to wash the contaminated item in this solution.

Mustard is an excellent remedy even for removing stains from silk or cashmere. Mode of application:

  1. A little mustard powder must be mixed with a small amount of water to form a paste;
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the stain and leave for a couple of hours;
  3. Wash the product.

To remove the gel pen, you can use the following components:

  • Alcohol or alcohol-containing solutions. The first step is to thoroughly wipe the stain with a damp, clean towel. After this, moisten a cotton pad or cotton pad in an alcohol solution and place it on the stain, allowing the ink to dissolve. After this, the item must be washed as usual;
  • Acetone. You can use either pure acetone or nail polish remover with acetone, but remember that it is not suitable for delicate fabrics. The cleaning procedure is absolutely the same as with alcohol.

How can I wash white fabric?

We live in the digital age, and now it is more common to use a computer keyboard or voice input than . However, schooling still follows classical traditions, and very often one may encounter a situation where White shirt, the child’s blouse or T-shirt was damaged by an ink stain.

A doctor's signature is required on prescriptions and sick leaves, and therefore white robe Not immune to ink stains. For many housewives, this problem becomes insoluble, and only the most experienced know how to help snow-white fabric and quickly get rid of the stain.

If you belong to the first group, then the information presented below is just for you.

Important! Before choosing a method for removing ink stains, you should decide on the type of fabric, since a lot depends on this.

The composition of the product can be found out by reading the tag on a damaged white blouse or robe. So:

Information. The ink of a regular pen is water-soluble, while the ink of a ballpoint pen is alcohol-soluble. So, when faced with a problem with ink removal, take the time to look at which pen caused the stain.

Stamp paint from jeans

It is quite difficult to clean denim fabric from the resulting stains due to its density, so you will not be able to quickly get rid of ink stains. In any case, if you pay attention to this sufficient quantity With time and effort, you can return your jeans to their former newness.

If the stamp ink stain is fresh, then you can limit yourself to using a soap solution and a brush, carefully wiping off the marks.

In addition to this, for best result, you can rub the stain with soap or dishwashing detergent and leave it for several hours.

For light jeans It is permissible to use solvent or concentrated acetone.

Simply moisten a cotton pad and gently wipe the stain.

You can also use a special stain remover for jeans, after which you will have to wash the product in a washing machine or by hand.

If you have ruined colored jeans, you can use a mixture of turpentine and ammonia, the proportions of each substance are equal to 1:1. This solution is used to fill the stamp ink stain, and then the product is sent for washing.

For light jeans, you can use another, no less effective method:

  1. Mix 100 ml of water and 10 ml of oxalic and citric acid;
  2. Apply the mixture to the contaminated area and leave for several hours;
  3. Rinse the product in clean water.

Remove from jacket, leather, suede

Quite often it happens that on your favorite jacket from genuine leather or suede appears unpleasant ink blot. Many people are willing to spend a lot of money on dry cleaning or get rid of the item of clothing altogether.

Let's look at the main ways to clean leather and suede jackets.
So, clear leather jacket you can use the following means (by the way, this is also true for leather upholstery of a sofa, eco-leather car interior):

These methods are also applicable for dermantine.

Attention! Whatever cleaning method you choose, first test it on an inconspicuous area. If the product does not spoil the material of the item, then feel free to use it.

With suede or sheepskin, everything is somewhat more complicated, but you can deal with contamination:

  • Taking advantage sandpaper. A large number of stains from suede are removed by friction. You can also use an emery nail file; it can be found in almost every woman’s cosmetic bag. You need to rub carefully, without applying much force, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the fabric. After the procedure, you should fix the result by wiping the stain with vinegar or an alcohol solution;
  • You can also erase the stain using a regular eraser. It is necessary to choose a stationery item white, or brown if it is made of rubber, but in no case colored. The thing is, a pre-colored eraser can make the stain even bigger. You can purchase a special eraser; they are usually sold along with a suede care kit.

Of course, preventing a stain from appearing is much easier than trying to eliminate it. There is a special protective spray for suede available on the market, which must be used to regularly coat the material.
Products from natural suede require special care, when cleaning, adhere to the following rules:

  • Be extremely careful when using liquids, as they can ruin such a delicate material as suede;
  • Also, do not coat the material excessively. chemicals, because their excess can destroy the fibers.


As you may have noticed, it is quite possible to get rid of ink marks if you give it maximum time and effort. Of course, there are times when a stain simply cannot be removed no matter what you use.

Useful video

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A pen is an indispensable item Everyday life person. With its help, small children learn to draw, students write lectures, and older people use it at work and at home, to fill out various papers.

Very often you can find pen marks on your clothes. These can be lines, strokes, blots.

The latter appear if the pen was in the pocket of a shirt, jacket, jacket or jeans and began to leak. These stains are extremely difficult to remove. This is due to the fact that the ink is sufficiently stable, dries quickly, and it is not always possible to erase the stain immediately.

White fabric may also leave streaks that plain soap and cannot be washed off with powder. But don’t despair, much less throw away your favorite thing. Since there are many ways in which you can remove stains and give clothes original appearance.

Here are some tips for removing stains:

  1. You need to deal with the stain immediately, without putting off washing until later. The ink dries fairly quickly, but the more time has passed since it appeared on the item, the more difficult it is to remove it.
  2. You need to choose a method for removing ink from clothing based on the type of fabric.
  3. First you need to try to remove the stain with gentle means (laundry soap, alcohol), and only then use more aggressive substances (nail polish remover, acetone).
  4. Special attention You should pay attention to white things so as not to ruin them completely.
  5. Consider the size of the blot. If the stained area is small, you can try homemade stain removers. industrial production, otherwise use improvised means.
  6. Follow safety rules. Put on your hands latex gloves if products containing oxalic acid or other substances that can harm the skin are used to remove stains.

Do you know that: Dry cleaning services are expensive, but anyone can remove the ink themselves at home and almost free of charge.

Types of handles

The handles that modern world used by most people, they are divided into two types: ball and gel.

The main difference between them is the density, viscosity and brightness of the ink.

The paste in gel pens is more liquid, so the risk of it leaking is much greater than with a regular ballpoint pen.

Traditional methods gel paste stains can be dealt with using:

May also be useful:

  • latex gloves;
  • absorbent fabric;
  • cotton swabs;
  • Toothbrush;
  • paraffin;
  • petrolatum.

Means for removing ink from different types of fabric

To prevent the stain from increasing in size, you can draw a circle around it with melted paraffin or Vaseline.

What remedies can be used for ink stains:

  1. The most gentle product, suitable for almost all types of fabric, is laundry soap, but, unfortunately, washing with it does not always get rid of ink on clothes.
  2. You can use industrial stain removers. But it is worth paying attention that to remove paste from white and colored fabrics you need to use different means.

Expert advice: The effectiveness of any method can be increased by first soaking the stain in cold water.

  1. Alcohol-based products can also help remove ink stains from clothing. They should be poured directly onto the stain and allowed to soak in, then rub the stained area with a moistened cotton swab and wash the item in the machine.
  2. You can also remove blots using acetone and substances that contain it. First you need to soak the item in water for a short time, then put it on a towel front side things, and rub from the wrong side cotton pad, soaked in acetone. Then you should blot the stain using a cloth or cotton pads.

Note: Acetone should not be used for delicate fabrics.

  • if the ink marks are small in area, you can pour a little valerian on them and let them absorb, then rub the stained area with a soft, absorbent cloth;
  • may also help salt, which needs to be moistened with water and the resulting slurry applied to the stain and left for a couple of days, then shake off the salt and wipe the surface with a damp cloth or wet wipe.
  1. Silk. The fabric is very thin and delicate, so the use of aggressive stain removers in this case impossible:
  • Table mustard, stored in the refrigerator, can help: you need to apply a small layer of it to the stained area and let it dry, then rinse under running warm water;
  • You can try to remove some of the ink using a damp cloth: moisten the stain with water, then put an unnecessary, clean cloth on a hard surface that absorbs moisture well, lay the item on it with the stained area, then another layer of absorbent cloth and a heavy object, leave for 5 minutes , remove the load and see if the stain is gone; if yes, then just rinse warm water fabric, if not, you can spray hairspray on the stain, it should disappear;

Note: You can use fabric instead paper towels or add a layer of starch, which will absorb the ink and prevent the stain from increasing in size.

  • ink stains can also be washed off with lemon juice: to do this, you need to take a lemon, cut it into several parts and squeeze the juice onto the stain, then rinse the item in water.

Denim clothing has long become an integral part of the wardrobe of almost every inhabitant on planet Earth. It has won the love of millions thanks to its convenience and suitability for all occasions in life. Without this element of clothing, today it is difficult to see a student who, in the process of studying, very often leaves on them the results of the mental process in the form of ink scribbles. To avoid complaints from their parents, children decide to wash the handle from their jeans themselves. This is not worth doing, since it is impossible to wash the handle off jeans in a school environment. It is impossible to do this the first time. Therefore, only at home can you remove ballpoint pen ink from jeans.

Washing handles from jeans at home

Home furnishings - perfect place without rushing to save your favorite thing. There are always tools in the kitchen that can be used to easily remove ballpoint pen ink from jeans.

  1. Soda. It is used to remove contaminants not only from denim, but any other surface. Let us remember that bleaching is one of the main characteristics of sodium carbonate. Therefore, concentrated baking soda is suitable for white denim. Before you wash ballpoint pen from jeans of blue color, dilute sodium carbonate in water (three to one). It should work out thick mixture, which we apply to the stain with a wide painting brush and leave for fifteen minutes. After the time has passed, wash the product in cool water.
  2. Vinegar. Liquid with pungent odor just like sodium carbonate bleaches fabric. We recommend choosing nine percent acetic acid. We dilute it with water in a one to one ratio. Before removing dirt, it is advisable to place a clean piece of rag under the part to be treated. Wet the desired area with diluted vinegar. For half an hour, soak the stain with plain water, not allowing it to dry. Important! Watch the time so as not to lighten the material.
  3. Salt and alcohol. First, before removing the pen from the jeans, treat the ink mark with alcohol. Then cover it with salt.

Large paste stains on jeans are not uncommon. A pen placed incorrectly in your pocket will easily leak out and ruin your favorite outfit. First, soak your clothes in a solution of water and an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide. Take 1 l. water and 1 tbsp. ammonia - the solution is ready. Under the influence of this composition, the ink should become lighter. As soon as this happens, take out your clothes and soap them with soap, not toilet soap, but household soap. If you want to receive guaranteed result, then leave the soaped item for 12 hours and then wash it.

How to wash jeans from ballpoint pen paste (old stain)

In this situation, in order to wash pen from jeans, you need to find a means of removing old traces of ink.

These include:

  • lemon juice;
  • denatured alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • glycerol.

Whatever substance you choose, you must add an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide to it. However, first, apply the mixture to a small piece of jeans and make sure that the fabric reacts normally before you wash the ballpoint pen from the jeans.

How to wash a pen filled with ballpoint ink from jeans is clear from the above examples. But many people use gel pastes, which also leave unpleasant marks. And the problem of how to wash gel pens from jeans seems insoluble for their owners. However, there is no need to panic. The solution to the question “How to remove a pen from jeans?” so simple that it will surprise you not only with the means used, but also with the result.

Gel paste is more durable than ball paste. Mixtures or solutions with a more aggressive effect can cope with it. If we used 9% vinegar to remove a ballpoint pen, then for a gel pen it is better to use vinegar essence. The essence is not used in pure form. It must be diluted with heated water in a one to one ratio. Rub the vinegar solution over the gel marks and watch them disappear before your eyes. To get rid of strong stain You will need to add soda to the essence.

Sometimes methods of how to wash handles from jeans involve the use of milk. It is needed for soaking jeans clothes. After the gel marks disappear, the clothes will need to be washed with powder.

Lemon juice in combination with laundry detergent works well with gel paste. Rub the resulting mixture onto the gel marks and then wash the jeans.

How to remove ballpoint pen stains from jeans

Not all household contaminants can be removed easily and quickly using washing powder. Pen marks may remain on items. long time, but it is possible to use different ways solutions to this problem. When deciding how to remove pen ink from clothes, you need to pay attention to the type of material and color. White things require a lot of effort.

The danger of using improvised means to remove stains, including stains from a ballpoint pen, is that you can damage the fabric. This means that you must first determine the type of material from which the item is made: cotton, linen, velvet, denim, leather, etc. The main methods that are suitable for widespread fabrics, including cotton/linen:

  1. When deciding how to wash a pen from clothes, you can consider folk recipe– exposure of the stain to sour milk. They cover the contaminated area and leave it to soak for a while. The next step is washing with the addition of washing powder. This method is also suitable for delicate fabrics such as velvet.
  2. Concentrated lemon juice. It cannot be diluted with water for this purpose. Apply the juice to the contaminated area and leave for a short time. After this, you can proceed to the normal washing cycle. When solving the problem of how to remove ink from clothes, you should know that this method is not suitable for white items.
  3. Stain remover, and it is recommended to use a product marked Oxi. It is also important to pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations regarding fabric type and color.
  4. Ammonia, turpentine. The mixture is prepared from equal shares of these substances. It is applied to the ink stain, after which you need to wait until the product works and the item is cleaned.
  5. When dealing with the problem of how to remove ink from white clothes, it is recommended to use an ammonia solution. To prepare you will need 200 ml clean water and 5 ml of ammonia. The product is applied to the contaminated area using a cotton swab. Then all that remains is to wash the product with powder.
  6. Starch, talc or chalk. Sprinkle the powder onto the stain and cover it with a napkin/paper towel.
  7. Alcohol and acetone. To prepare the solution, the components are taken in equal parts. The mixture must be heated in a water bath. Moisten the stain with the prepared solution. This must be done carefully using a small amount of product, after which the contaminated area of ​​the product should be ironed using gauze. If streaks appear, you can use ammonia. This method is recommended for use on white items, as acetone can discolor colored clothing.
  8. A mixture based on ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Equal shares of components are used for the solution. It is recommended to take such an amount that the result is 1 tsp. facilities. The resulting concentrated solution must be diluted in clean water (200 ml). Then the finished substance is applied to the ink stain using a cotton swab.
  9. Alcohol and glycerin in a ratio of 5:2. The ink is treated with this mixture, then the product is washed with powder.
  10. Pasta from cold water and mustard powder is great for delicate fabrics. It is applied to the pen stain and washed off after 2 hours.

Important: Before using any of the products, you need to check how it behaves on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

How to clean a leather item

Ink often ends up on a wallet, bag, gloves made of natural/artificial leather; sofas upholstered in this material can also be damaged. In this case, it is possible to save things at home, but first you need to decide how to wash the ink from a ballpoint pen.

Effective methods:

  • Solutions based on alcohol-containing products. It is allowed to use vodka, cologne, alcohol. After moistening a cotton swab, you need to apply the product to the stain. The ink is rubbed off until the product is clean.
  • Any fat cream(for children, for face, hands). Using a tampon, the cream is applied to the contaminated area. For the product to work on the stain, it must be left on for a short time. Then all that remains is to remove the remaining cream and wash the item using a soap solution.
  • When deciding how to remove ink from clothes, you should consider an unusual method using an eraser designed to remove ballpoint pen marks from paper (you can also use a regular eraser) and tape. Adhesive tape is attached to the contaminated area, covering the stain. The effectiveness of the method depends on how tightly the tape is pressed. Then the adhesive tape is removed, and some of the dirt will be removed along with it. Remains of ink are cleaned with an eraser.
  • Salt and turpentine. In this case, cleaning the leather item will take much longer. First, the stain is covered with a moderate amount of salt. The product should be left in this form for 1-2 days. After this, the salt must be shaken off the item and the stain should be treated with turpentine.
  • When deciding how best to remove pen ink from clothes or furniture, you can consider another unusual product, namely hairspray, which must be sprayed over the stain. Without waiting for the product to dry, it is removed from leather product with a damp cloth. If the ink does not disappear after the first attempt, apply more varnish until the stain is removed.
  • Glycerin is used both in pure form and as part of a solution. In the first case, you need to apply a moderate amount of the product to the contaminated area and leave for a couple of minutes, and then wipe off. To prepare the solution, you need to take glycerin and ammonia in equal parts. This product can also be applied to a stain on a leather item. After a few minutes, it can be removed with a clean cloth.

How to remove gel pen stains

It is believed that it is easier to clean a stain from a ballpoint pen than stains from other types of ink. However, if you apply suitable means, then it is quite possible to wash gel ink from clothes. It is recommended to use proven methods whose environments:

  1. Lemon juice. This remedy is also effective against other contaminants. Treat the stain with concentrated juice. The product is left in this form for 30 minutes, then it is allowed to proceed to normal washing.
  2. It is quite possible to remove gel pen ink from clothes using laundry soap. In this case, the contaminated area must be wiped down, after which it is recommended to wash the item in water at a temperature below 30 degrees.
  3. Lemon acid. This is no less effective than concentrated juice. The principle is similar: acid is poured over a pre-wetted ink stain and left to act on the stain for no longer than 40 minutes. After this, you are allowed to proceed to regular washing with powder.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide, ammonia. However, in this case there is no need to mix the substances with each other. First, treat the stain with peroxide. Then you need to dilute ammonia (1 tsp) in 200 ml of clean water, this solution is also used to treat the area contaminated with ink, after which the product is washed in the usual way.

Important: Use untested means at hand (Domestos, cologne, toothpaste) to clean things from traces gel ink it is forbidden.

Removing stains from denim

There are methods that are effective in combating stains on denim products. For minor stains, remove marks from the handle with laundry soap: rub the stain with it; if necessary, you can use a brush. Another method is based on the use of alcohol and salt. In this case, the stain is treated with alcohol, and a little salt should be poured onto the moistened area. If these methods do not produce results, you can use vinegar. It is diluted in water, then heated over a fire until bubbles appear. Use the resulting solution to fill the stain from the pen.

Thus, it is possible to remove ink marks if you choose the right product. Lemon juice and lemon acid, turpentine, salt, vinegar, ammonia and other substances. You can also use available products: face cream, hairspray. However, all the means described above should be used only after testing on the material. To do this, the substance is applied to a small and inconspicuous area of ​​the product.



Ballpoint pen stains are considered one of the most common and also the most difficult to remove. The biggest problems with such stains arise during the first wash or during the first attempts to erase the stain: instead of an inscription or line made in ink, you get something less pale, blurry and... firmly ingrained into the fabric.

Nowadays, there are many ways to decorate denim clothes more attractively than, like in the good old days, drawing a skull and crossbones or Metallica lettering on your jeans. However, anything can happen - a pen carelessly placed in a pocket can leak, paint your jeans younger brother. And just an accidentally drawn dark blue line on light denim jeans... In this article we will try to understand the methods of removing ink stains from jeans and choose the most effective one.

Methods for removing ink stains from denim

  1. shows good results handwash in warm water using a brush and regular laundry soap. The only caveat: this method is applied only to small ink stains - various kinds dashes and scribbles. A large ink stain from a leaking pen, or a carefully shaded “drawing” will only blur after such a wash.
  2. The ink can also be dissolved with alcohol. In order to get the result, you need fresh stain blot with a cotton swab and alcohol as many times as necessary to completely remove the stain, and then evaporate the alcohol from the surface of the fabric. Attention! If your jeans are not of very high quality, and you doubt the method of dyeing them, then you should be careful with alcohol: it dissolves some fabric dyes very well. And instead of a stain from a pen being removed, you can simply get White spot from dissolved paint
  3. sometimes housewives also use various recipes based on ammonia: ammonia + baking soda, ammonia + hydrogen peroxide, ammonia + turpentine. In fact, sometimes these methods work very well, but it would be a good idea if you first try these techniques on a separate piece of fabric from your jeans. To do this, you can use those patch flaps, usually included with jeans along with a set of additional buttons and other accessories.
  4. It is also logical to use modern achievements household chemicals: stain removers, special powders and washing modes.