Birthday invitation text. Original and funny texts for invitations


Take the invitation
Come to my birthday
We will be glad to see you,
On this day, and at this hour,
Bring your wishes,
Don't be late, hurry up
Take your congratulations,
After all, there is no better gift,
Than many loved ones
At the table and wishes
Full house!

We will be glad to see you at the festive table
We promise there will be a lot of laughter and fun,
Come - the door to this house is open for you:
We invite you to celebrate your birthday with us.

It's our birthday
The mood is just great.
We invite all relatives
And friends - what the hell are you doing!

On this joyful day
The sun is shining brightly - brightly
The table has been set for a long time
The only thing missing is gifts.

Come quickly
All acquaintances, friends
We are waiting for your congratulations
There is a reason - I was born!

Let's celebrate, walk,
We will be glad to see you all!
What would this birthday be
Remember with a smile for us.

We are sending an invitation,
We're celebrating a birthday.
You should be there at four
We gather everyone at the apartment.
And then my mother is here,
The restaurant will book a place for us.
We'll have fun until the morning,
It's time for you to get ready now.
Hurry up and put everything aside,
And hurry up for the holiday.

We invite you to a birthday party,
We will be waiting for you with great impatience,
And we wish you to come -
You are always a welcome guest in our home.
Come, come, come!
Be sure to compose a greeting:
Only the one who reads the congratulations
Gets a piece of the pie!
(This is a joke - let's be honest.)
Waiting for you. Be sure to come!

I have an important holiday soon,
Which I'm glad to see
I'll be there for you personally. So many different
You will see interesting people.
Come to congratulate me,
I look forward to congratulations.
I won't accept refusal if, you know,
You just say: “Sorry, I couldn’t.”

Today is my holiday -
Birthday. I you
I invite you to a feast -
Come. I'll be waiting.

I'm celebrating my birthday
And I hope you come
I invite you, I treat you,
You will find the time and place here:

I invite __________ (date)
You on holiday, on your birthday,
I'll be glad to see you, friends,
Be sure to come and visit.

Street house,
Don't forget the address, it's important
Remember my holiday,
So that all our plans are not disrupted.

I want to invite you to my birthday,
I really want to see you there
I'll be honest, it's going to be a lot of fun.
And there will be no sadness - and not even a little bit,
You will be a pleasant guest at the holiday,
To have a very pleasant time,
Come to me - you won’t forget the holiday,
After all, with joy it is completely compatible,
Here guests leave my house with a smile,
Come don’t forget, because you will soon understand
What’s so interesting doesn’t happen often!
And you can find the date and time here:

For a wonderful holiday
Arrive exactly on time!
Carry your lovely one,
Wonderful congratulations!

I invite you
With a big gift
For a cup of tea
Or even a jug!

I love gifts
To the point of itching bones!
Not a small change, not a stamp,
What's more important!

Rida Khasanova July 5, 2018

Despite the fact that many newlyweds prefer to have classic wedding celebrations, themed weddings are also gaining popularity. Particularly interesting in this process is the stage of preparing the program and all the nuances. When coming up with an invitation text, you can start from general style weddings and make it comical and cheerful. For the adult generation, the text can be made more restrained, and for friends it can be creative and fun.

Cool text option for a wedding invitation

Options for invitation texts for a themed wedding

Having arranged wedding in any style: Hawaiian, gangster, maritime, French or medieval, cowboy, you can be sure that guests will remember it for a long time for its originality and non-trivial approach of the newlyweds.

The text of wedding invitations can also reflect its style - this will immediately set the guests in the right mood for the holiday

In the style of the film "Brigade" for the groomsmen :

“Sorry, brother, it happened that way, I couldn’t do anything. I’m not like that, but life is like that. The arrow is at the cannon (the date and time of the wedding), the lads will all be there. Wipe away a stingy tear and only without offense. Your brother and sister (name of the bride and groom).”

In space style:

“Attention everyone! Says (name of the locality where the wedding will take place). Today at the cosmodrome " Right choice» the ship starts newest generation entitled “Let’s take a risk, and we’ll see.” The purpose of the flight is to create a new planetary system “We did it!” Spaceship pilots (name of the bride and groom). We invite everyone who is interested in a safe return to the starting point. The launch will take place at (time, place of wedding).”

In the style of the play "Romeo and Juliet":

“Honorable Señor and Señora (names of guests). We ask (date) to honor with your presence the celebration at which you will observe the merger of two respected families in (name of the city, village, surnames of the bride and groom) and the conclusion of the eternal union of their children (names of the newlyweds). Let there be peace and harmony in their families forever and ever, and let the heirs not keep the world waiting for their appearance!”

Funny joke wedding invitation Hawaiian party style:

“We invite you to rock out at the party dedicated to our wedding. The reason is serious, but it is not at all necessary to remember it. Be sure to bring a swimsuit, fins, inflatable mattress, flip flops and scuba gear. Dress code: the brighter the better. The main prize will be drawn among the most colorful guests. Entry with a sad face is prohibited. A mass madness of minds is planned for (date and time) at (venue). Bride and groom".

Cowboy style(for unmarried friends):

"Cowboy, stop the horse
And look at me!
I was just as careless
But it turned out that forever
I'm tamed like a mustang.
So you're invited to the wedding!
Mustanger (groom) and his lady (bride)."

An example of an invitation in a cowboy style

Original texts of wedding invitations in prose

A wedding invitation in prose can be not only solemn and official, but also original, interesting. It’s nice to read such a text, as it feels like the newlyweds pay attention to even the smallest details when preparing for the holiday.

Taking such a card many years after the wedding and reading the invitation, guests will remember again wonderful holiday, which they had the honor to attend

Cool wedding invitation:

“Dear (names of guests)! We solemnly announce to you that the bride promised to cook delicious borscht, wash and iron shirts, and the groom - to give flowers, nail shelves and take out the trash on time. To confirm the seriousness of our intentions, as well as great love to each other, we invite you to a fun wedding celebration. We will sign the above promises (date and time) at the address (place) and mark this event. Future husband and wife (names of the bride and groom).

An example of a cool wedding invitation in prose

A comic invitation to guests at the wedding table:

“When all the thoughts in your head are about only one person, when you want him to always be there, then it’s time to create happy family. Dear (names of guests), we wish that in our lives there will always be a place for both family and friendly meetings. We are proud of our friendship with you and invite you to share the joy of the celebration, which will take place on (date) at (address). So that our life is not bitter, but sweet, we will treat you to a delicious loaf of bread in the restaurant (name, address) at (time). Your lucky ones (names of the newlyweds).

Cool text for a wedding invitation in prose:

Dear (guest's name)! No matter what country we were in, what city streets we walked through, the happiest moments of life always connected with loved ones. We create new story our family and invite you to be our guest to share with us the joy of marriage. The celebration will take place at (time) at (street, house). Signature of the bride and groom."

Original wedding invitation text

Cool texts for wedding invitations for friends

Most often, funny invitations with cool design are sent friends of the bride and groom. After all, it is close comrades who will be able to fully appreciate the sense of humor, since they observed the development of relations between the young people and witnessed various funny moments.

For friends, a wedding invitation can be sent via SMS, e-mail or in in social networks by adding funny animated stickers and pictures to the text

Examples text with humor to invite friends:

  1. Friends, you were right! She still fooled me, save me! The operation to save me will take place at the registry office at the address (street, house). You will recognize your lost friend by his black suit and bowtie on his neck. The invader is in a fluffy white dress. Laugh at my goodbye free life You can go to (restaurant address). Come and die, so with music.
  2. Just imagine - we've gone crazy. We decided to put on pretentious clothes, put the doll on the hood of the car and get married! We don't mind if you twist your finger at your temple, laugh at us and get a lot of pleasure from our boring classic wedding. The show “Farewell to Freedom” will take place for you at (place, time). From you good mood and congratulations (in hard currency), and from us - a reason for your fun. Crazy (name of the bride and groom).
  3. No, this is not spam. The letter is actually addressed to you, friend (name). We finally decided to live happily ever after together, and die on the same day, surrounded by numerous children and grandchildren. . A master class on the topic “How to start a family without killing each other” will be held at (address and time). Yours (names of the bride and groom).

Interesting text for a wedding invitation

To make a wedding a real show, bright and fun, it is not necessary to invite professional organizers or scriptwriters. Enough use your imagination, a sense of humor and the funniest friends, then the holiday will pass easy, relaxed and unforgettable.

We invite you to the wedding,
Prepare your congratulations,
We will be glad to see you,
And hear a lot of words
A wedding is very important
This is a holiday of tender words
And don't forget on time
Bring your congratulations!

Wedding invitations
We send it to all our friends,
To all my friends and acquaintances
To everyone who is faithful, devoted to us!

We will be very glad to see
In that Holy holiday you
And so we present
Invitations from us!

We solemnly invite
To our wedding you now,
We have a big, huge holiday,
This is our decree for you.

So that you walk, have fun,
We drank for happiness more than once,
And we will be very pleased
That we have many of you friends.

Gorgeous, unusual day
It's waiting for us, a couple.
We want to register
What unites us.
Naturally, relatives are from Moscow
He will also come from Kursk.
Prepare your congratulations, and we
We'll meet you in Russian!

It's a bright day for us today -
A day that unites hearts.
Waiting for their time to be confirmed
Marriage ties two gold rings.
Relatives and friends, we will be together
The two of us will walk hand in hand all our lives along the same path.
Congratulations and shouts of “bitter!” »
Best gift can not found

Come to such and such a place
Very exactly at the appointed time.
Our couple planned
Make a vow to each other. And for us
It will be a joy to see you with yourself
Absolutely dear people to us,
Imagine what this is like:
He takes her as his wife. Hurry
You make an appointment with the hairdresser,
Plan your day, write it down,
Are you on time? Well, hurry up!

Not all flights flew towards you
An invitation in verse!
Our wedding day is not far away,
You will compose a greeting
Lovingly and diligently
(This is a must)!
We also need to write,
We'll be waiting for you!
We will be glad to see you,
And the time, place, day and hour -
You will find it all
Right here on the back!

Do not miss
This day and this hour,
You are coming to ___
Congratulate us on your wedding.

Let's have fun together
It's delicious to eat and dance.
The celebration will take place
__________. Will wait.

Now with all respect we present the invitation
For the wedding, which finally
Solemnly, legally and with the Mendelssohn march
We will seal the union of hearts in our passports.

And please do not refuse - come to celebrate
Mutual love is a joyful, happiest day.
We've already ordered everything, and it's better not to be late,
Warm champagne gives me a migraine...

Dear (names of guests)!

(Wedding date) forget about everything! Leave your phones at home, turn off the TV and computer, lock the door, because we are waiting for you at our wedding celebration.

The painting will take place at (place and time of the ceremony). The party will take place(date, restaurant name, address, time).

Stock up on a good mood and comfortable shoes, because our celebration will be fun!

Waiting for you! (Names of newlyweds).

The film studio (names of the newlyweds in English) pictures asks you to participate in the filming of a romantic action movie called "...and they lived happily ever after!"


(Bride's name) – Bride

(Groom's name) - Groom

Parents of the newlyweds.

First episode "Outdoor ceremony "GOODBYE FREEDOM!" (Farewell to freedom!). Actors' appearance - (time and place of the ceremony).

Second episode "Finally pouring." Bottling starts at (time and place of the banquet).

Third episode "Erotica". Only the main actors participate!

We decided to create our own city of the future, whose name is Family! We dream of settling in a house on Love Street in the Joy area, where it is light from the lanterns of Care and the music of Tenderness sounds. We would like to walk along the alleys of Boundless Sincerity and admire the attraction of Passion. We would sit with friends on Trust Boulevard, and spend our working days on Respect Avenue. Family is the city of our future!

Dear (names of guests)!
(Date) we invite you to official ceremony laying the first stone in the construction of our future city called Family. The wedding ceremony will take place (place, time). We will also be glad to see you at the grand celebration in honor of the birthday of our city at (banquet place, time)!

Founders of the city Family (names of the bride and groom).

We decided to tell the whole world a secret!

We're getting married!

And this is not a joke!

Soon, or rather (date), we decided to connect our life lines and intend to write our own story about “They Lived Happily Ever After”! On this day we are going to have fun until we drop and we would be pleased to see you, (names of guests) among our guests who came to share our happiness and delight with us!

All formalities will take place at (place and time).

The wedding feast will begin later, namely at (place and time).

Your best congratulations - with humor! Smile! (Names of newlyweds).

The inevitable happened - our crazy couple in love decided to build their own family nest! The stars told us the best day for our serious endeavors - (wedding date)!
We would be glad to enlist the support of those closest to us, share our most positive emotions of this day, and plunge into the atmosphere of our immense love!

Dear, dear, precious, (names of guests). Be with us on this Our Crazy Important Day!
We want to confirm this grandiose event with signatures in the registry office (address) at (time), and enjoy our holiday, which will begin at (time), at the address (venue of the banquet). We warn you that the continuation of the celebration may be completely unpredictable! (Names of the bride and groom).

Dear, dear, beautiful, wonderful, radiant, and of course a very important person for us! Yes, yes, exactly you!!!

You received not just a text, but an invitation to our wedding celebration, which will take place on (wedding date) at (ceremony location) at (ceremony address), and a subsequent meal wedding cake, and not only, in the restaurant (venue of the banquet) at the address (address of the banquet).

Don't forget to bring a good mood with you! (Names of newlyweds).

Dear (guest name)!

We have the honor to invite you, as a devoted fan of our union, to wedding celebration with registration and subsequent fun in honor of the birth of our new family!

We will do everything to ensure that our wedding celebration takes place on top level. We ask you to take a good mood with you, and we will provide for the rest!

Tribune: VIP. Places: the most honorable. The event will take place on (wedding date) at (ceremony location) at (time). (Names of newlyweds).

Wedding invitation reminds Nice memories O solemn holiday friends or family even after many years. A postcard with the text of the invitation is also kept as a memory of respect. An invited guest, receiving an envelope with a beautiful card, should not only learn about the place and time of the celebration, but also receive a charge of pleasant emotions.

Picking up funny texts For wedding day invitations, you should take into account the size of the card and the text that is already printed in it in advance. Short invitation speeches are suitable for small reminders. Poems complement the already written invitation lines, and full funny wedding texts are more suitable for handmade cards. Take advantage of our ready-made templates cool wedding invitations and your holiday will become unforgettable already at the preparation stage!

Cool texts for wedding invitations

Dear (names)!

It is with great trepidation and excitement that we announce our wedding to you.

An important decision will become the basis for our new life in the union of two loving hearts.

We consider you the main people in our lives and therefore (date) we are waiting for a special event. The official part will take place at (time) at (where).

Entertainment part: at (time) in a restaurant at (where).

Dear (names)!

Finding your soulmate in the vast Universe is a great miracle that our fate has in store for us. We want to strengthen this miracle with an official union and create a strong family.

We invite you (date) to our wedding!

In (time) we will cement our love by mutual consent at the address (where),

At (time) we will perform our first dance as newlyweds and treat you to the sweetest cake in the restaurant (name) at (where).

Sincerely (names).

Dear (names)!

We are proud to inform you that we have been walking and walking for a long time and have finally met our happiness. In order for it to last forever, we want to start a family and will be glad to see you (date) at our wedding. Time and place for official happiness at (time) at (where). Time and place for happiness in the closest circle at (time) in the restaurant (name) at (where).

Future newlyweds (names).

Our dear (names)!

We hasten to inform you that the inevitable has happened! We are getting married and want to share all the joys of this with you. significant event. Come support us (date, time) at the registry office (address). After this exciting event, we will be happy to wait for you (time) at the restaurant (name).

Yours happy groom and bride (names).

Cool wedding invitation text for friends

Dear (names)!

We sincerely and endlessly value your friendship. As you may have guessed, the two of us were united not only by friendship, but also endless Love. All the forces of the universe were powerless, we can’t do anything about this feeling except get married urgently.

This happy event will take place on (date).

I had to make an agreement at the registry office at the address (where) for (time).

And order a restaurant (name) for wild fun at the address (where) at (time).

You will recognize us by white dress and a black suit.

Login password: "Love".

Future newlyweds (names).

Dear (names)!

We invite you, as our closest friends, to meet (date) and (time) at (name) at (where) to see the new, happiest family.

We sincerely wish on this day to be among the people who are most important to us and at (time) we are waiting for you at the restaurant (name) to test your friendship with fun competitions!

Your friends and happy lovers (names).

Dear (names)!

We don't want to imagine a day without fun and bright moments with friends. But each of us, in the stormy flow of days, is looking for our own quiet haven. Therefore, we want to inform you that we have made the most serious decision in our lives - to start a family in the name of our true love.

We invite you to share this joy solemnly on (date) with us and (time) at (name) at (where).

A party in honor of the new family is planned for (time) at (name) restaurant.

We will be glad to see you, your friends (names).

Cool wedding invitations in verse

We are carefree birds

We soar in the sky,

For the valuable and eternal

We thank fate.

And now the time has come

For your nest,

We want to make an alliance

Forever, forever.

The event is coming for us

Quite unusual:

Solemn, valuable

And very, very personal.

We invite you

For the wedding at the exact hour,

At a certain place

The groom will come to the bride.

We decided all our lives

Hold your hand

It's time for us

The union will be established.

Your beautiful love

We store it so carefully.

For attending a wedding

Thank you!

Short signatures on wedding invitations

Dear (names)!

We cannot do without your participation on the most important day of our lives. We invite you (date) and (time) to rejoice for us at (name) at (where), and then at (time) taste wedding loaf at the restaurant (name) washed down with champagne! We promise a lot of fun fun competitions and a sea of ​​positive emotions!

Your (name) is wearing a veil and (name) is wearing a tie.

Revered (names)!

We invite you to look at the bride, more beautiful than the red maiden, and the groom, more beautiful than the indescribable prince (date) at (time) in the palace itself main country our wonderful one at the address (where).

We invite you to ride on fast stallions and continue the feast for the whole world at (time) in the Banquet Hall of the restaurant (name), where the bride will lose her shoe, like Cinderella, and the ball will take place, and there will be honey and beer, and a wedding loaf!

Princess (name) and Prince (name).

Dear (names)!

Arrive at (date, time) at (name) to see the most happy couple as newlyweds. At (time) restaurant (name) awaits you big celebration in honor of the bride and groom.

Your (names).

Cool responses to a wedding invitation in writing

Dear (names)!

Let the clink of glasses mark the upcoming solemn day with a noisy event.

We appreciate the nobility of the groom and the sincerity of the bride.

We accept the invitation with the best thoughts!

Your (names).

Dear (names)!

We have received good news from you and are looking forward to this date!

We gratefully accept the invitation to the wedding and believe in your love.

Sincerely (names).

Dear (names)!

It is a great honor for us to be present at your wedding ceremony.

We look forward to this day as the most important day in your life and gladly accept the invitation.

With gratitude, (names).

Dear (names)!

May your love be crowned with a strong union, and may snow-white wedding doves flap their wings and carry you into happy life new meaning.

It is a great honor for me to be a guest at the wedding, but, unfortunately, due to life circumstances, I will not be able to be with you on this day.

WITH Best wishes, (names).

Cool and informal wedding invitations are a great and fun way to convey the mood of the future newlyweds, their serious attitude to your decision. The text can be either funny or strictly official. Often friends are issued to the closest relatives invitation cards with humor to make you smile and tune in fun party. Templates for wedding invitation cards can always be supplemented with words from the heart for each guest individually.