Creating light curls is a spectacular and relevant solution. Curls for medium and long hair


Messy curly hair is one of the biggest hair trends of the season, especially around the holidays. Creating such a simple, at first glance, hairstyle without the help of a stylist requires the knowledge of some tricks.

Method number 1

One of the easiest ways to make light waves is to use a diffuser. This method is often used by stylists at shows when you need to create not one, but several similar images in a short time.

1. Apply a little styling mousse to damp, clean hair and lightly comb it with your hands along the entire length.

2. It is best to fix the resulting natural waves with a hair dryer with a diffuser nozzle. Dry your hair thoroughly from roots to ends, and in 15 minutes you will get an up-to-date styling with a careless effect.

Method number 2

If you want to create waves with greater amplitude, while maintaining the naturalness of the strands, divide wet hair into several parts. Alternately twisting each part into a tourniquet, dry your hair with a hairdryer. The result should be vertical curls. The finishing touch is Sebastian Shine Shaker to hydrate dry hair and give it a healthy glow. If necessary, you can fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Sebastian Shine Shaker

Method number 3

Trendy waves with the effect of creases and deliberate negligence are easy to create with the help of a hair straightener. This technique was invented by stylists, and skilled fans of curls have long mastered it.

1. Divide your hair into medium sections.

2. Pinch one strand of hair with the tongs so that the styler is perpendicular to the head and as close to the base of the hair as possible.

3. While holding the tip of the strand, turn the curling iron 180 degrees and smoothly slide it down 2-3 centimeters. Then turn the iron again 180 degrees, but in the other direction. With such movements in one direction and the other, bring the styler to the end of the strand.

4. Do the same with each strand. The result should not be round curls, but slightly wrinkled hair.

5. At the end, combine all the individual strands and comb. Styling looks especially impressive on short and medium hair.

Method number 4

Curlers are a classic way to create even curls. Waves will look natural if you use flexible boomerang sticks. To do this, dry your clean hair with a hairdryer to a semi-moist state. Roll your hair in thick strands on curlers, creating any shapes and curves. The main condition is that the waves should not be too steep, "puppet". Twist the curlers in different directions for a casual effect and remove them when the hair is completely dry. After removing the curlers, tilt your head down and slightly tousle the resulting curls.

What can emphasize the beauty of women's hair more than voluminous and stylish styling, which is so relevant now?

Lush curls are a real find for owners of sparse and thin hair, because it allows you to temporarily acquire an outstanding mop that looks incredibly airy.

And if nature rewarded you with a thick braid, then this is another reason to boast of such dignity with the help of stylish styling.

Fashionable and beautiful styling - airy curls

Lush curly hair has significant advantages over more modest and less voluminous styling. Firstly, you can twist such curls on medium hair without any fear - they will not become noticeably shorter.

Secondly, the volume on the head always looks much more advantageous than straight and smooth hair. That is why this tricky hairdressing technique is widely used by fashionistas and Instagram stars - it is much easier to get a successful portrait this way.

Thirdly, voluminous fluffy curls made for long hair will instantly add a solemn touch to your look.

And this means that the air hairstyle itself will already be the main accent in your bow - you don’t need to come up with anything extraordinary. Such styling is ideal for almost any style of clothing and will brighten up any female appearance, and all because it is really universal.

You can also notice lush curls on the heads of star beauties, moreover, both foreign and domestic. Some of them even choose this hairstyle as the main one and flaunt it almost every time under camera flashes.

If you take a closer look, you will immediately understand why: airy curls, especially large ones, visually make facial features noticeably smaller and more refined, and therefore with them any woman seems more beautiful and feminine than she really is. Also, voluminous styling with large curls will divert attention from your appearance flaws ... and even disguise fullness!

It is no wonder that this airy hairstyle is most liked by eminent fashionistas who always need to look impeccable.

However, with the help of banal improvised means, which are sure to be found in the beauty arsenal of any modern girl, you can wind lush curls with your own hands no worse than Beyoncé or Jennifer Lopez.

With such a stunning voluminous styling, you can safely go to a gala event, and to a friend's wedding, and to your own birthday, and it is also the best choice if an exciting romantic meeting awaits you in the evening. It has long been proven by observant sociologists that men like those women who have lush curly curls on their heads, even if they are much less attractive than girls with smooth hair.

And although this phenomenon is not easy to explain logically, it would still be foolish not to use it so that it is so easy to become much more beautiful in an instant for the views of the opposite sex!

Before we tell you the simplest and most accessible secrets so that you can build such a magnificent hairstyle on your head, it would be useful to first clarify some details in order to avoid fashionable blunders.

  • Firstly, such styling in itself involves the creation of a large, almost grandiose volume - and therefore there is no way to do without bouffant! So if your hair is very weak and your hair is dry and brittle, then you should first treat it, and only then wind it up.
  • Secondly, although we will need styling products to fix the effect of airy curls for a long time, it is important not to overdo it here: strands generously watered with foam or varnish can simply “stiffen” and the hairs stick together, falling limply and losing their shape. What splendor can we already talk about here?
  • Thirdly, such an airy hairstyle and, moreover, fluffy curls are made exclusively on clean and washed hair. Therefore, plan your time in advance - you will first have to go to the bathroom and wash your hair so that the strands after drying are light and crumbly.
  • Fourthly, if you have thick or very long (or even just unruly hair that is hard to curl), then it is better to choose not large curls, but medium curls - this way the hairstyle will last longer.

If you are going to twist such curls, then it is better to buy styling products from an expensive segment (or even from a professional line). Such styling mousses give better volume to the hair and rarely stick them together.

But a very cheap product can ruin all your work, especially for foams and hair gels with strong fixation and with the effect of wet strands - it is better to immediately put such cosmetics away, it is definitely not suitable for lush curls!

What else is important to remember when winding big and beautiful curls? The longer you fix the given shape, the longer this styling will delight you. Therefore, it is best to choose the option with curlers - besides, it is also completely safe, since it will not harm your hair at all. But a hot curling iron should not be used too often - you can ruin your hair great.

A little female trick: if you have very little hair, and even with lush hairstyles, the volume is still clearly lacking, then do not be afraid to use a couple of overhead strands on hairpins or tips for such a hairstyle!

Moreover, under the fleece and under the lush curls, no one can see them anyway. And if you still doubt, then know that most of the glossy photos with such airy curls hide just such a secret!

Of course, curling hair on curlers is not the fastest thing to do. Therefore, it is better to immediately decide whether you have 3-4 hours of free time. If yes, then feel free to choose this option that is safe for hair health!

  1. First of all, do not be too lazy to go to the bathroom and wash your hair properly. This is important if you want to have impressive volume at the roots that will last a very long time! If your hair is oily and quickly loses its appearance, then it is better to use a special deep cleansing shampoo before styling - it will reliably get rid of excess fat and hair and scalp.
  2. Then we prepare the necessary equipment: we need a comb or brush with very fine teeth, which is convenient for bouffanting. By the way, such primitive plastic combs are often sold on stalls in the market or in budget cosmetics stores, and it is very convenient to make a lush hairstyle with them. We also can’t do without a fixative - it can be foam, mousse or a suitable gel. You can also use a good hairspray. And, of course - curlers!
  3. We wipe the hair with a towel, ridding it of excess moisture, comb the wet mop and think about what kind of parting we want to build on the head. Oblique is well suited for girls who have a large or wide face - visually oblique bangs draw out an oval. But a straight and even parting in the center of the head is well suited if you have regular features and well-marked cheekbones.
  4. After that, we apply styling cosmetics to the strands: distribute a little mousse or foam over the palms, and then rub it over the hair. If you are going to use hairspray, then just sprinkle it on top of your hair, but don't get carried away!
  5. When the preliminary procedures are over, we take a hair dryer and dry the hair a little so that it turns from wet to just wet. At the same time, we dry the upper part of the hair and the roots more - this will help create more volume.
  6. When the hair dries a little, we take a suitable comb and make the future styling more airy: gently comb each strand from the tips to the roots with short movements, paying special attention to the middle and upper parts of the hair.
  7. After that, we take on curlers - it is better if they have Velcro or a special fixing elastic band - so the beauty device will definitely not leave your head. We wind the upper strands first, curling them horizontally and away from the face. Then we wind the middle part of the hair and after - the bottom.

After that, spray the curlers well with a hot hairdryer to once again securely fix the desired shape of the curls.

And then leave the mop to dry completely. When the hair is completely dry, remove the curlers and fluff the curls a little again, lightly going through them with a fine-toothed comb to create a bouffant.

If you are afraid that the splendor effect will disappear or if it is damp and windy outside, you can additionally sprinkle a little more hairspray on the already finished styling. That's all! Stylish weightless and voluminous curls are ready.

How to make airy curly hair on a curling iron

When time is running out, and you need to look incredibly beautiful, then curling irons and hair straighteners come to the rescue.

If your home has a similar beauty inventory, then you can build magnificent curls on your head in just an hour!

  1. We wash our hair so that the hairstyle turns out really lush and crumbly.
  2. Dry the mop with a clean towel. If you have dry and dull hair, weakened by numerous dyes, then you can use a restorative mask. But oils are best avoided!
  3. We comb the hair, first apply a styling agent to the strands (but only in moderation!), Dry the hair with a hairdryer, and then treat it with a thermal protection agent so as not to overdry the mop.
  4. After that, we comb the hair, make the necessary parting and heat the curling iron. Large curls are suitable for medium hair or for long hair that holds a given shape well. But the medium diameter curling iron will create the most lush curls.
  5. We take one strand and curl it on a curling iron horizontally or slightly at an angle down - this way we get more fluffy curls. Hold the curling iron for 15-20 seconds, unravel the strand and take on another.
  6. At the end, when the whole hair is already curled, we take a comb with fine teeth and comb it at the roots of the hair and below, trying to act in such a way as to get a natural effect. The final touch will be hairspray - it will save your efforts.

If you use overhead strands, then you can curl them with a hot curling iron if they have a thermal protective coating - this is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the package. Then you first need to curl them.

As you can see, getting stylish and feminine lush curls at home is as easy as shelling pears. All you need is to arm yourself with our detailed tips and show a little diligence!

Every second owner of perfectly straight hair at least once in her life tried to turn them into elastic curls. And if it is not so easy to do this with a long braid, then with an average length the situation is completely different. Having at your disposal curlers, tongs or a curling iron, you can literally create beautiful curls on medium hair in just a couple of minutes.

Why curls are good for medium length?

This styling opens up a lot of advantages for its owner:

  • It is suitable for any occasion, whether it is a romantic dinner, a youth party or a social event;
  • On medium hair, curls hold both shape and volume longer;
  • This length opens up a lot of possible options. These are voluminous curls, and small curls, and light curls, and elastic zigzags and much more;
  • By winding the strands, you can add volume to even very sparse and thin hair;
  • This hairstyle is the best way to correct facial imperfections;
  • Luxurious curls for medium hair are very beautiful, modern and feminine.

Laying "a la Julia Roberts"

The stunning heroine of the legendary "Pretty Woman" conquered men with her lush mane of hair. Do you want to create the same hairstyle right now? To do this, you will need a little patience and a small set of tools - curlers, tongs and curlers.

Making light curls with curling irons:

  1. We comb the hair and divide it into thin strands (2 cm each).
  2. We clamp the strand with forceps almost at the skin itself and draw it to the ends of the hair. The faster your movements are, the softer and more tender the curl will turn out.
  3. We fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Curlers or curlers for light waves:

  1. We comb the hair and divide it into thin strands.
  2. We wind each strand vertically.
  3. Let the curlers cool down. In the case of papillots, they must be left overnight.
  4. We unroll the hair and separate the curls with our hands.
  5. We make a small bouffant at the crown.
  6. Spray the curls with varnish.

Curls like a doll

Both young and adult fashionistas dream of Barbie doll curls. Not only that, many men consider playful curls to be the sexiest hairstyle option. Shall we learn how to create them?

  1. We comb the strands with a comb.
  2. We separate the upper part of the hair with the help of a crab and stab it at the crown.
  3. We divide the bottom into small strands (no more than 2 cm) and. You need to do this in the direction from the roots to the tips. Do not hold the curling iron for more than 2-3 seconds!
  4. We release the upper part from the crab and repeat the whole procedure.
  5. We lay the curls with our hands, dry them with a hairdryer and fix them with varnish.

corkscrew curls

Large curls on medium hair are somewhat reminiscent of a corkscrew. They look very romantic, especially in combination with cocktail and evening dresses, as well as with summer sundresses.

How to make corkscrew curls?

Use curlers

  1. We comb the hair with a comb, grease it with mousse and divide it into thin strands.
  2. We wind each strand on curlers - thermo or with Velcro. Their position must be vertical.
  3. We remove the curlers and spray the hair with varnish.
  4. To make the curl of the tips more expressive, apply a small amount of mousse on them and touch them up with your hands.

Use a curler:

  1. We apply a little fixative to the hair, comb it in the middle and divide it into thin strands.
  2. We wind each strand onto a curling iron. We fix its tip with a clamp.
  3. At the end of the procedure, remove the clamps and form curls with your hands.
  4. Spray everything with strong hold varnish.

There is also a way to make cool curls without curlers and curling irons, we are talking about it.

Easy and careless

It seemed that it could be simpler than a slight negligence created by the wind itself? In fact, this task requires considerable efforts, skills and abilities.

How to create them yourself?

  1. We comb the strands with a comb.
  2. Apply heat protectant and styling cream.
  3. Dry your hair with a diffuser, trying to lift it up a little.
  4. In this case, you can forget about varnish. Hair after such styling looks like you drove in a convertible at full speed.

Curls in the form of a zigzag

Zigzag curls for medium hair with an iron are very popular among today's girls. With this styling, you can go on a date and go to the office. And it's very easy to do:

  1. We comb the hair and divide it into four zones - the side, crown and forehead.
  2. In each of the zones, we disassemble the hair into equal parts.
  3. Now we need special or kitchen foil. Mode it so that the length of each piece corresponds to the length of the strand, and the width is 2 times larger.
  4. We wrap all the strands with foil and fold these envelopes with an accordion.
  5. We clamp this accordion with the blades of the iron for literally five seconds.
  6. We wait until the envelope has cooled down, and remove the foil from the hair.

Curls in the form of spirals

To create such curls, you will need special curlers in the form of a spiral and, of course, the instructions of the masters of our site:

  1. We comb the hair with a comb, moisten it with water from a spray bottle and apply a cream or styling spray.
  2. We divide the entire hair into thin strands (1 cm) and pass each of them through a spiral. For this, the set has a special hook. We twist the hair directly from the root zone. At the end of the process, you can dry your head with a hairdryer.
  3. We wait until the strands have completely cooled down, and remove the curlers.
  4. Spray hair with varnish.

The effect of a professional perm

If you have ordinary bobbins at home, known since the time of our grandmothers and mothers, consider yourself the most fashionable and beautiful. To create curls for medium hair, it is best to use wooden bobbins - hair dries much faster on natural materials.

  1. We wash our hair with shampoo and let it dry a little.
  2. We apply a styling agent to the strands and comb them with a comb.
  3. We begin to twist the strands from the back of the head.
  4. We pay special attention to the ends of the strands. Otherwise, the finished hairstyle will look messy.
  5. We wait a couple of hours until the hair is completely dry, and carefully remove the bobbins.

Curls for medium length take a minimum of effort, time and money, but the result will exceed all your expectations.

If the main thing for you as a result is its long-term effect, we recommend that you pay attention to all kinds of salon long-term styling. The list of such procedures today is very wide and is not limited to traditional chemistry.

Modern hairdressing technologies offer girls a lot of safer and more gentle methods for creating beautiful curls. Among such harmless procedures are biowave, carving, Japanese perm, silk wave styling, amino acid perm and many other options.

IMPORTANT! No matter how gentle the product used for long-term curling is, it is strictly forbidden to use it at home. If you decide to take such a crucial step, you can do this procedure only in a proven salon under the guidance of a qualified specialist.

How to make curls for short hair at home?

You don't have to stress your hair like a long-term salon perm. We advise you to experiment with short-term styling first. You can easily make them yourself. There are many ways to do this. The most common curling methods using the following devices:

  • Curler.
  • Curling iron.
  • Straightening iron.

Each of these methods has the right to exist. Choose any of these methods, focusing on your personal tastes and preferences, as well as on the availability of the necessary hairdressing equipment and accessories.

Laying algorithm step by step

So, you are ready to proceed directly to the curling process. Where should you start? Let's briefly analyze the sequence of actions for different types of home installation:

  1. If you want to curl your hair with curlers, wash your hair first. Divide your hair into several zones for convenience. Alternately wind the strands on ordinary or thermal curlers. Remember that such a perm is best done on dry hair.
  2. How to make curls with curlers, you will learn here:

  3. Curling with a curling iron should also be done on clean hair.. They may be dry or slightly damp. The principle of laying here is about the same as when curling curlers. They take strands of hair one by one and wind them on a hot thermal device.

    It can be a traditional cylindrical curling iron or a more modern conical one. This fashionable device today allows you to create curls of different sizes - from small curls to large curls.

  4. Watch the master class of curling hair with a curling iron:

  5. If you have long mastered curling on curlers and curling irons, you can try another non-banal method - styling with an iron. A strand of hair with this method of curling is captured between the plates of the iron, and then the device is pulled over the entire surface of the strand, achieving an elastic curl.

As you can see, all these styling options are quite easy to use. Just a couple of workouts - and you can easily create stylish and modern styling on your hair.

Photos of spectacular hairstyles

We bring to your attention styling options for short hair:

Wavy strands without heat treatment

Not every girl wants to expose her hair to daily thermal effects or sleep on hard and uncomfortable curlers every night. If the techniques described above do not suit you, you can try other, non-traditional ways to create beautiful curls on short haircuts. We describe just a few of these methods:

  • Beach styling. You can make it with your own fingers and a sea salt spray.

    At the same time, the hair is treated with a spray and randomly wrinkled and twisted with hands, achieving a slight effect of negligence.

  • Soft waves with a bundle or flagella. Thus, you can make both soft large waves (by making one big bunch) and small voluminous curls (by winding several small flagella).

    After a couple of hours, loosening your hair, you will get a very beautiful and natural effect.

  • Curling on pigtails. An easy way to get beautiful frizzy strands of different sizes (depending on the number of braids).

    It is better to braid such a hairstyle at night, and in the morning to dissolve the braids.

The beauty of these styling methods is that they are all produced without any thermal effects, and therefore do not injure the hair. In addition, they are all quite simple and can be easily reproduced at home.

How to use styling?

To make the styling especially beautiful and stylish, and its result lasted as long as possible, it is necessary to use high-quality styling products. Among modern cosmetic lines there are a lot of products designed for different purposes.

To create careless curls, gels, foams and light mousses are usually used. To fix the result, after styling, you can additionally use fixing sprays or hair sprays.

IMPORTANT! If you are curling your curls with the hot method, in addition to the styling products described above, you will also need to use special thermal protective agents that will save your hair from the harmful effects of high temperatures.

Which curls will last the longest?

Persistence of a curl is a purely individual thing.. For some, curls can last all day, while for someone they disappear after a couple of hours from styling.

It all depends on many factors, including the individual characteristics of the hair structure, their length, thickness and volume, as well as many external factors, such as the level of air humidity, weather conditions, a competent choice of styling, etc. Therefore, a definite answer to the question of which curls will last longer cannot be given.


Curl styling is always very beautiful, feminine and romantic.. Not only long-haired beauties, but also girls with fairly short haircuts can afford this hairstyle. Anyone can master this type of styling, it is enough to show only a little effort and patience.

In the fast pace of life, hastily hairstyles are becoming more and more common, one of which is curls - a luxurious styling that has been breaking all records of popularity for a long time. A huge advantage of the hairstyle is that it can be easily and quickly done at home. Playful curls, large curls, beautiful waves are easy to create in just 5 minutes, without resorting to the help of hairdressers and stylists.

To do this, you will need a mousse or spray for fixing and one of the following improvised means: diffuser, hair dryer, iron, curling iron, curlers. With this set of tools, you can make great big curls in 3 minutes.

5 quick ways to create curls

  1. With the help of a curling iron. It is desirable that the selected curling iron has a conical shape. Such a tool allows you to wind curls, both on long hair and on short ones. Hair must be dry, otherwise its structure may be damaged. Strands, approximately 1.5 - 2 cm thick, wind onto the curling iron, moving from the ends of the hair to the roots and holding the tool in a perpendicular position. You need to hold the strand for 7 - 8 seconds, and then gently straighten it. You can make a light pile and fix the styling with varnish. The hairstyle will take only 5 minutes of your precious time and will add charm to your look.
  2. Diffuser- one of the universal tools that allow you to quickly create beautiful waves with a disheveled effect. Apply a small amount of mousse to clean hair and work through with your hands. Fix the curls and dry your hair with a hairdryer using a diffuser. Spectacular, careless styling is ready!
  3. One of the ancient and proven ways - regular curlers. To get large curls, you need to take curlers with a diameter of 4 - 5 cm. Wind wet hair on curlers and dry with a hairdryer. You can also use thermal curlers - for quick hair styling. Lightly fluff the finished hairstyle with fingertips for volume and sprinkle with varnish for stability.
  4. With ironing. This method of making large curls is designed for owners of thin hair.
    • Comb your hair and twist it into a tight braid.
    • Slowly run the flat iron through your hair, squeezing it firmly.
    • 5 minutes and beautiful waves are ready to please the eye and cheer you up!
  5. hair dryer- a great tool for creating luxurious hairstyles. In order to make curls in a few minutes, it is not necessary to use styling products that are harmful to the hair structure. Divide clean, damp hair into strands, twist each of which into flagella and dry with hot air. You should get large vertical curls with a small amplitude.

Another operational method

You need to stock up on foil, an iron and a straight comb.

  • Step 1 Treat your hair with a heat protectant.
  • Step 2 Divide your hair into several zones.
  • Step 3. Separate a small strand (1.5-2 cm), sprinkle it with varnish and wind it around your finger. Then cover the curl with a piece of foil and fold it in half so that the hair is in the middle of the envelope. Do the same with the rest of the strands.
  • Step 4. Each envelope must be heated with an iron for 20-30 seconds and left to cool.
  • Step 5. After the foil has cooled, unfold it, straighten the strands slightly and fix the hair with varnish.

A similar procedure can be easily and simply done in 5 minutes, resulting in original and beautiful curls.

All of the above steps will help create a variety of beautiful hairstyles in a hurry, which will also look stylish and luxurious.