Shortening is a sufficient condition. How to learn to read faster

With your own hands

Our age of rapid speed, where we need to do a lot, overtake everyone and rise as high as possible, controls our lives and does not give us time to stop and just enjoy this moment.

We have forgotten how to live consciously. The Slow Life movement calls for a return to ourselves, a free decision to choose our own rhythm of life. Doing everything slowly, meaningfully, getting to the heart of events and enjoying simple things - this is what the philosophy of “slow living” is based on.

SlowFood - "slow" food

It is not surprising that it was in Italy that war was declared on FastFood - fast, monotonous food in a hurry, because Italians are famous for their ability to feel every minute of life. Living in the Slow Food style means eating deliciously, variedly, beautifully, with pleasure and slowly.

Cook yourself more often, using natural, environmentally friendly clean products, engage in joint preparation of food and its absorption in the company of friends and relatives, enjoy both the cooking process and the taste of food, eat in accordance with national traditions.

A person is very closely connected with the territory where he was born, so the most natural and beneficial for him are products of local origin. In Russia, the SlowFood movement is supported by the Ulitka restaurant chain (the name speaks for itself - don’t rush!).

“Slow food” is a thoughtful attitude to food, conscious pleasure, which gives the opportunity to chat with friends, meet new people, and indulge in doing nothing. Italians have one interesting feature - they know how to make a holiday out of nothing: invite neighbors, prepare a simple table and throw a feast - any of us who know how to be happy can do this.

Slow Art - "slow" art

Living slowly means being able to enjoy art without rushing. One of the principles of such a life is not to visit cultural events in a hurry, “for show.” Don’t rush in the hope of having time to visit 4 museums a day, because such an acquaintance with beauty will not allow you to fully enjoy and be imbued with its spirit.

It is better to choose one museum per week and slowly wander through its halls, stopping and studying several objects in detail. One must slowly read great books, slowly contemplate great paintings, slowly listen to great music.

Slow Tourism - "slow" tourism

How do many tourists travel? They drive along the road and stop only in places where they are present" good views", take a photo - and get back into the car. You can’t enjoy the trip like that - say supporters of “slow” life. You need to get acquainted with each new place slowly, imbued with its spirit and atmosphere: you need to immerse yourself in the environment, communicate with local people and move forward, following intuition.

If we have a map in our hands, and a well-thought-out travel plan in our heads (2 hours here, 3 hours here), we lose the ability to be spontaneous and unpredictable, and our journey becomes ordinary, and not individual, “ours.” Spending time on contemplation, perceiving the road not as a way to “arrive at the place”, but as an exciting part of the journey, are the key conditions for “slow” tourism.

Philosophy Slow

It's not about becoming an amoeba, but about not destroying or rejecting anything for the sake of speed. “Slow” life prefers the best to the fast, quality to quantity, life in its own rhythm to speed imposed from the outside. Activities should be selective, without fuss and haste.

Even if the crazy life of travel, work, and household chores does not allow you to relax, you can still choose 15 minutes between tasks and just sit in silence, leaving all thoughts, breathe, calm down, and “recharge.”

Choosing a slow pace of life gives us the opportunity to ask for help, rather than putting everything on our shoulders. We help each other, sympathize and become more tolerant of other people's weaknesses. Is it possible to do everything without giving up anything? I guess it's yes. Except one. We will not have time to realize the miracle of life and enjoy it to the fullest.

How to live in the Slow Life style?

We all want to be happy and enjoy this limitless feeling. But many of us are so accustomed to the eternal rush and time pressure that if suddenly they get two weeks of vacation and freedom to do nothing, they will experience panic - how is this done?

We are always busy with something and don’t know how to relax, and some of us feel happier at work than at home. We spend our weekends doing not what we really like, but in everyday worries: preparing soup for the week, cleaning the apartment, washing, ironing, and in the evening, exhausted, stretching out on the sofa in front of the TV. And this is how the whole life goes.

How to start practicing slow living?

You just need to ask yourself the question: " What do I want right now? What will make me happy?". And answer yourself honestly, and then take your time, enjoying every movement, enjoying the process of doing it. In Slow Life style.

He who is in no hurry succeeds

We all know popular expression: "The quieter you go, the further you'll get". And indeed it is. The more we rush, the more often we don't have time. Days and weeks pass so quickly, as if they never happened. The sun is getting warmer - we don’t see it, the buds are swelling on the trees - we don’t notice, the children are growing up - we are surprised later when this happened. To change the situation, the Slow life movement offers us following rules life:

  • Don't rush - then you'll have time.
  • Don’t constantly look at the clock, and on weekends, forget about it altogether, listening to the rhythms of your own body.
  • Inner peace leads to better concentration and increased efficiency.
  • Work should inspire, not exhaust.
  • He who lives slowly lives longer.
  • When we are afraid of losing time, we lose it.
  • The process is much more important than the result.
  • Don't burden yourself with excessive worries.
  • Learn to ask for help.
  • Not to live for something, but simply to live.

Managing your time correctly, not becoming a hostage to your affairs, choosing the rhythm of your life for each day yourself is not all that the Slow life style offers. He teaches us to take a broader look at the world, to see what surrounds us, to understand how much is given to man. It is this feeling of unity with the world that gives inspiration. Instead of the feeling of loneliness, the joy of merging appears, instead of fear comes trust, instead of selfishness comes love. How can this be applied in life? Guided by simple principles.

  • Watch sunrises and sunsets more often.
  • Learn to hear the stars.
  • Taste what you eat.
  • Communicate with nature, but don't walk with a specific purpose, otherwise you sacrifice the walk itself.
  • Play and imagine.
  • If you're walking next to someone, don't think about what to say.
  • Walk with children, watch them, learn from them.
  • Speak slowly and meaningfully.
  • Divide big things into small ones.
  • When you are worried and worried, stop and breathe slowly.
  • Enjoy the art slowly.
  • Spend time alone, without TV or the Internet.
  • Draw energy from life itself.
  1. Do not do all the work at once, distributing it evenly. You need to do household chores gradually, that is, do not put off cleaning the entire house, washing and ironing for one day, but do everything by day of the week: dust the furniture on Monday, do laundry on Tuesday, vacuum cleaner on Wednesday, wash the floors on Thursday etc. Or, if the house is large, assign each room its own cleanliness day. This way we will save energy.
  2. Doing things you love and getting a charge of vigor and inspiration from it. To fill yourself with creative energy and strength, you need to turn what you love into your work or at least a hobby: embroidery, yoga, modeling, writing a novel, macrame, drawing, growing flowers. By doing something, being in the flow of creativity, we do not lose strength, but replenish their reserves, becoming truly happy.
  3. Restrict intake unnecessary information into your life: cleanse it of excess television programs, telephone complaints from friends, thoughtless visits to Internet sites, learn to enjoy peace and quiet.
  4. Do not attend more than one event per day, observe moderation: do not go to the cinema in the morning, then to the attractions, then to the exhibition, or to the theater in the evening. Let the impression of the film remain for the whole day, let the book reveal its secrets little by little, let the exhibition inspire you to take time for silence and your own creativity.
  5. Communicating with those you love is not just a matter of habit. Realize how much you are needed, feel and show your love, take care of loved ones, arrange holidays for them, have heart-to-heart conversations and spare no time for tenderness.
  • Savor every minute.

The smooth flow of life helps us get more done. It should not be confused with thoughtless idleness. Consciously living people do it meaningfully, “savoring” every minute, as a result of which a extra energy, harmony and happiness are born. The practice of “slow” living may not solve all problems, but it will show us the perfection of the world, its beauty and infinity, expand the boundaries of our capabilities and help create islands of peace in a changing and developing life.

Good day!
This is probably a very common topic.
I can’t understand why people laugh at me? At my appearance, my actions, although I don’t do anything like that. They always talk about me... and for some reason only bad things, but it’s all not true! I hate to hear this. People consider me stupid, they rejoice at my failures. Sometimes it seems to me that I really am a loser. There is no support. No one has ever stood up for me. When I am offended, I rebuff the person, but I don’t always succeed. Sometimes it happened, that there is nothing to say in response. Sometimes I may not understand something, do something wrong .. it can be something elementary, sometimes it takes a long time for me to understand, and for this I am terribly ashamed! It turns out that I don’t understand simple things. It seems to me that I look stupid. It’s terrible! I’ve been humiliated enough... I don’t have any friends, unfortunately. I don’t know why. Many girls can’t stand me, although I don’t do anything bad to them, I just it’s clear that they don’t want to communicate with me.. Guys don’t look at me either. Yes, I’m fine alone, but sometimes I feel very sad. I don’t understand what’s wrong with me? I don’t like to quarrel with people. Sometimes I do rude and harsh. But if you don’t offend me, then everything is fine). I smile very often, and everyone tells me that I’m doing great. I like to study. However, I’m not good at everything. I’m interested in a lot of people and think about a lot of things. I don’t wish harm on people. Yes, I can be aggressive, but I try to improve... but it’s difficult.

Incognito, age: 16/08/06/2013


Hello! Teenagers and schoolchildren are sometimes unjustifiably cruel. You write: “When I am offended, I rebuff the person, but I don’t always succeed. Sometimes it happened that there was nothing to say in response.” Do you know who is most often offended? Those who are actually offended by offensive actions addressed to them. The offender sees: the goal has been achieved, the “object” has been offended - and continues to offend further. Think about it - maybe you shouldn’t show your offense to the offenders? Try to treat offensive jokes with humor and laugh. Or don't react at all if possible. The offenders will be discouraged and will gradually abandon you.
“Sometimes I may not understand something, do something wrong... it may be something elementary, sometimes it takes me a long time to understand, and for this I am terribly ashamed!” - This is fine. Each person has his own type of temperament. Phlegmatic people, for example, are slow and sluggish. For some people (me too, by the way;) sometimes it takes a very long time for everything to “get through”. But those who do everything slowly have the opportunity to do everything SENSITIVELY, carefully, and not “just a blunder and it’s done.” In many areas of life this is very important; hasty decisions are rarely correct. If you love to study, you're great! My slowness did not prevent me from getting a good education. And I’m sure it won’t hurt you to realize yourself in life. The main thing is to use it wisely, and don’t pay attention to those who laugh.
“Yes, I can be aggressive, but I try to improve... But it’s difficult” - you understand, aggression is bad. At first, if you want to lose your temper, you can go to your room and beat your pillow :))), wear it out, imagining that this is the one on whom you want to pour out aggression. And once you calm down, learn to act more judiciously. Think about how you can resolve the conflict with words, kind attitude, not anger, how to compromise.
Friends can be found in hobby groups and clubs. Think about how much there is in the world - photography, drawing, knitting and embroidery, and dancing (and if there are couples, there are boys too;). First you will have good friends with whom you will always have something to talk about - about common cause, and then maybe a real one will start with one of them strong friendship. Don't try to demand friendship from people. If you like someone, just try to communicate with him, help him with something, support him as much as possible. If they blatantly use your help, it means that you are not on the same path with this person; people don’t have many real friends. If he responds with reciprocal warmth, then this is your little man. Read more good books so that you have something to talk about with truly educated people - why do you need just anyone in your social circle? And if you feel like something is wrong, don’t put yourself down, don’t say, “I think I look stupid.” Tell yourself: "What can I do to look better?" Good luck! Everything will work out, don’t give up. ;)

Blue Bird, age: 24 / 08/07/2013

My daughter and I watch the cartoon “Blue Puppy”, and I myself see myself in the place of the puppy at school. But the fact is that changing your communication environment helps you change yourself and look at yourself differently. While some “turn their nose up,” others “will be happy to have such a friend” and there is no need to worry about the fact that these particular people (classmates or co-workers) do not see you among them. In general, take a broader view: there are millions of people!!

Evgeniya, age: 32 / 08/08/2013

Yes, go as if nothing had happened... try to be distracted, learn English while your friends are “sleeping”. they should not slow down your development... and then you will find yourself at the top, and they at the bottom... your character will be 100 times stronger. And so, where possible, limit your communication with such people. Do not show resentment, tears, or anger on your face. A slight smile, always. There is calmness on the face. Because what we perceive calmly no longer controls us. Not us.. not our mood.
and study the Bible, it’s also useful to know a lot.

Since childhood, we have been drawn to do what we will do throughout our lives. An anal baby will learn to do things efficiently - be patient with him, the child will do it slowly, but very well.

He has this attitude towards literally everything in the world. It is not surprising that an anal child eats for a long time - after all, he must chew his food very well. Notice that he never grabs food, doesn’t eat on the go, doesn’t stuff himself in a hurry - on the contrary, he approaches this matter very thoroughly. And the child sits on the potty for just as long, cleansing his body of impurities. This is observed already at a very early age, and even then he will be locked in the toilet longer than others.

An anal child even has a slow metabolism, so it is necessary to feed him properly.

Parents of an anal child, if they wish him a good future, must understand that their child is not slow, he is of high quality. And in every possible way to support and encourage his desire for quality in everything. Over time, he will learn and will do everything a little longer than others. A terrible mistake is made by parents who urge children with an anal vector, force them to rush, shout, literally drive them in the neck, “come on, come on, hurry up!” An anal child cannot go faster, not because he is slow, but because all his thoughts are directed in a different direction and he simply does not understand the parent urging him on. And then he simply falls into a stupor, he can’t do it, he gets angry with himself and with the one who urged him on. He cannot concentrate on the action, which means he cannot perform the action itself.

The result is always fatal, for example, a child may not poop for a week and have terrible pain in the intestines, just because his mother pushed him under the toilet door. And this leads to catastrophic consequences in adult life.

Remember! The more you push an anal baby, the slower it becomes.

Children with the anal vector are also very vulnerable and are easy to offend, even with one word. In response, they do not scream or hysteria like others, which would seem good, but in reality everything is much worse - because in response they are QUIETLY offended. So much so that sometimes they don’t talk to their beloved mother and sulk for hours. Resentments torment people with an anal vector from the very beginning. early childhood, and only very attentive and caring parent can make sure they don’t ruin his whole life. Be prepared for the fact that a child with an anal vector is constantly offended, very often quite unexpectedly for the mother and literally over a trifle - but for him it is very important and this is how he feels the world.

If an anal child is offended, it is important to understand his psyche. Constantly looking for a reason to be offended or taking offense is a bad sign.

A child with an anal vector is naturally very unsure of himself (not to be confused with visible shyness). Many parents are surprised to see that their children, for some unknown reason, are very afraid of everything new. And they are often called lack of initiative and mattresses, but this is also incorrect, not true - and in fact a very offensive name that has nothing to do with the truth. They just get incredibly nervous if they are told about the future, about changes, about everything that will happen tomorrow or in a year. For example, that the kindergarten needs to be changed. And if they themselves also have to make a decision about this, then this is real stress.

The anal vector refers to what Yuri Burlan’s Systemic Vector Psychology denotes as a “quartile of time” and people with this vector always live with an eye to the past. They have great respect for traditions, parents, and grandparents. It is very important for them how they lived in ancient times, and how the world was structured then. Often the most favorite subject of a child with an anal vector is history. And my least favorite topic is the future, incomprehensible and scary at the same time. This is how an anal person is designed by nature, and this is exactly how an anal child is designed. Trying to change it means breaking, destroying, exterminating its wonderful natural quality. Therefore, do not rush to make hasty conclusions; your child is not UNCONFIDENT, but simply cautious about the future.

However, we all understand that as an adult, one way or another, he will have to think about the future, shape his life, plan and develop. Therefore, it is necessary to patiently and very gently push the anal baby to action, develop in him a sense of responsibility for his life and the lives of those around him, and help him find something that will become a support for him for the rest of his life.

Forcing an anal child to take the initiative does not always bring the desired result. After all, when we do this, we demand from him manifestations of the qualities of a skin vector, which may not exist.

The child cleans and loves cleanliness very much

As mentioned above, a child with an anal vector loves cleanliness very much. And she is always happy to help her mother with cleaning. For anal people, the desire to divide into clean and dirty runs through their entire lives. And cleanliness is the most important thing in their life. The house should be clean, the tablecloth should be white, and the dishes should sparkle. This is their amazing desire, which already carries with it a wonderful character trait - diligence and patience, the desire for purity in everything. Therefore, it is necessary to support the child in every possible way in this endeavor, as soon as he is able, to provide him with the opportunity to clean - especially since he does it with pleasure and efficiently.

Cleanliness in everything is the key psychological health for anal baby. Cleaning, washing, cleaning - the child loves it.

Your own truth and your own justice

For an anal person, cleanliness is important in everything. A clean apartment is good, but there must also be a very clean relationship between the child and parents. Anal people even have a saying: “Better a straight truth than a crooked lie.” Straightforward by nature, they require the same attitude towards themselves.

Of course, parents often don’t tell their children and hide things from them. This is correct and normal, especially in certain cases. But it’s better not to lie directly to an anal child; he will think for a long time about why his mother is deceiving him. There is also no need to ask or force him to lie, this will confuse him and cause a lot of contradictions in him. And the lie will not sound believable, but something like “mom said she wasn’t at home.”

Praise for baby with anal vector

Praise for a child with an anal vector is the main component educational process. But you need to be able to praise. If this is done incorrectly, the child may become offended and become slow and withdrawn. And if you overpraise, you can make him dependent on praise. The praise must be fair so that he feels that he truly deserves it.

On how to properly praise a child, visit the website. system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan has a separate large article - read it.

Exactly means beautiful. Quality in everything

Today it is customary to take children to all sections and clubs in a row, or only to those that are fashionable. And at the same time, the child’s desires and his innate qualities are completely ignored. Not surprisingly, the result is complete disappointment. And with an anal child the situation is even worse - because he gets offended and becomes slow.

A child with an anal vector is very patient and strives for quality. And if his parents are able to choose the appropriate club for him, they will give him a real job that he will be in love with all his life. Today, in our age of haste, we have already forgotten what quality things are, but there is always a demand for them, moreover, they cost a lot of money.

An anal girl can be sent to handicraft courses, as well as culinary courses - the little housewife is growing up and this knowledge will be useful to her. And the boy must learn to work with his hands and he will grow up to be a man with “golden hands” who can do everything in the house. If there are other vectors, for example, sound or vision, then such a baby can be sent to any intellectual and creative professions. Good artists, designers, programmers, stylists, doctors, creators of the most beautiful things with their hands - these are most often people with a developed anal vector.

Choose an activity for your anal child that requires great care, responsibility, scrupulousness, patience and perseverance. Encourage him, remember, he doesn't like everything new. And soon he will amaze you with his talent - he will do things that you could not even imagine.

Mom is the main woman in the world, and at home it’s better than away

Anal children love their mothers more than others. From the early age They develop a special connection with their mother, which does not break until death. They are the ones who suffer the most when a mother, even at a very old age, dies. It’s as if the thread that brought them to this world is broken and the meaning of life is lost. “My mother, mommy” - an anal child values ​​​​his mother very much and even calls her affectionately in his thoughts.

Any mother of an anal child, especially a son, should never forget that she is an icon for her baby and sets for him a stereotype of relationships in a couple and in the family for the rest of his life. Anal people live cautiously, and often their very first experience determines their entire subsequent life. And the child’s very first experience of communication occurs with his mother.

If the mother is not attentive to the child, does not respond adequately to his grievances, pushes him on and drives him into slowness... then this can lead to a tense relationship with the person who is given by nature to be the closest. A strong resentment towards the mother turns the life of an anal person into a heavy burden that is very scary to bear. He will not be able to live a normal, adequate life, he will not be able to have a relationship, fall in love, or start a family.

Anal people also treat their family, elders, and brothers and sisters with the same reverence. They love their nation and are proud of it. Their home is their fortress.

The learning process: difficult, but forever

Typically, an anal child loves to learn and does it very successfully. He loves going to school, loves being an excellent student, and doing his homework.

There are exceptions - often due to mistreatment or misunderstanding. For example, a skinny teacher pushes, finds fault, humiliates. The anal child then becomes slow and sullen, resentful, and perhaps even gives up his desire to learn forever. But in the first grade there is not such an anal child who would not strive to go to school.

Therefore, it is very important to look at the first teacher, and even the classroom teacher. high school, before sending your child to school. Indeed, such a child learns the material slowly, but forever. If you give him the opportunity to develop, he will become best student in the classroom, he will know all subjects perfectly.

“Study, study, and study again” is the main postulate of the anal child. By the way, it is they who in the future choose the teaching profession and happily return to their home school in a new capacity: not to study, but to teach!

Our age of rapid speed, where we need to do a lot, overtake everyone and rise as high as possible, controls our lives and does not give us time to stop and just enjoy this moment.

We have forgotten how to live consciously. Movement Slow Life calls for a return to ourselves, a free decision to choose our own rhythm of life. Doing everything slowly, thoughtfully, getting to the heart of events and enjoying simple things - this is what the philosophy is based on "slow life"

SlowFood - “slow” food

It is not surprising that it was in Italy that war was declared FastFood– fast, monotonous food in a hurry, because Italians are famous for their ability to feel every minute of life. Live in style Slow Food- means eating tasty, varied, beautifully, with pleasure and without haste.

Cook more often yourself, using natural, environmentally friendly products, engage in joint preparation of food and its absorption in the company of friends and relatives, enjoy both the cooking process and the taste of food, eat in accordance with national traditions.

A person is very closely connected with the territory where he was born, so the most natural and beneficial for him are products of local origin. In Russia the movement SlowFood supports the Ulitka restaurant chain (the name speaks for itself - don’t rush!).

"Slow Food"- this is a thoughtful attitude towards food, conscious pleasure, which gives the opportunity to chat with friends, meet new people, and indulge in doing nothing. Italians have one interesting feature - they know how to make a holiday out of nothing: invite neighbors, prepare a simple table and throw a feast - any of us who know how to be happy can do this.

Slow Art - “slow” art

Living slowly means being able to enjoy art without rushing. One of the principles of such a life is not to attend cultural events in a hurry, “for show.” Don’t rush in the hope of having time to visit 4 museums a day, because such an acquaintance with beauty will not allow you to fully enjoy and be imbued with its spirit.

It is better to choose one museum per week and slowly wander through its halls, stopping and studying several objects in detail. One must slowly read great books, slowly contemplate great paintings, slowly listen to great music.

Slow Tourism - “slow” tourism

How do many tourists travel? They drive along the road and stop only in places where there are “good views”, take a photo - and get back into the car. This is not how to enjoy the journey, say supporters "slow" life. You need to get acquainted with each new place slowly, imbued with its spirit and atmosphere: you need to immerse yourself in the environment, communicate with local people and move forward, following your intuition.

If we have a map in our hands, and a well-thought-out travel plan in our heads (2 hours here, 3 hours here), we lose the ability to be spontaneous and unpredictable, and our journey becomes ordinary, and not individual, “ours.” Spending time on contemplation, perceiving the road not as a way to “arrive at the place”, but as an exciting part of the journey, are the key conditions for “slow” tourism.

Philosophy Slow

It's not about becoming an amoeba, but about not destroying or rejecting anything for the sake of speed. "Slow" life prefers the best to the fast, quality to quantity, life in its own rhythm to speed imposed from the outside. Activities should be selective, without fuss and haste.

Even if the crazy life of travel, work, and household chores does not allow you to relax, you can still choose 15 minutes between tasks and just sit in silence, leaving all thoughts, breathe, calm down, and “recharge.”

Choosing a slower pace of life gives us the opportunity to ask for help rather than putting everything on our shoulders. We help each other, sympathize and become more tolerant of other people's weaknesses. Is it possible to do everything without giving up anything? I guess it's yes. Except one. We will not have time to realize the miracle of life and enjoy it to the fullest.

How to live in the Slow Life style?

We all want to be happy and enjoy this limitless feeling. But many of us are so accustomed to the eternal rush and time pressure that if suddenly they get two weeks of vacation and freedom to do nothing, they will experience panic - how is this done?

We are always busy with something and don't know how to relax, and some of us feel happier at work than at home. We spend our weekends doing not what we really like, but in everyday worries: preparing soup for the week, cleaning the apartment, washing, ironing, and in the evening, exhausted, stretching out on the sofa in front of the TV. And this is how the whole life goes.

How to start practicing slow living?

You just need to ask yourself the question: “What do I want right now? What will make me happy? And answer yourself honestly, and then take your time, enjoying every movement, enjoying the process of doing it. In style Slow Life.

He who is in no hurry succeeds

We all know the popular expression: “The slower you go, the further you go.” And indeed it is. The more we rush, the more often we don't have time. Days and weeks pass so quickly, as if they never happened. The sun is getting warmer - we don’t see it, the buds are swelling on the trees - we don’t notice, the children are growing up - we are surprised later when this happened. To change the situation, movement Slow life offers us the following rules of life:

Don't rush - then you'll have time

Don’t constantly look at the clock, and on weekends, forget about it altogether, listening to the rhythms of your own body

Inner peace leads to better concentration and increased efficiency

Work should inspire, not exhaust.

He who lives slowly lives longer

When we are afraid of losing time, we waste it

The process is much more important than the result

Don't burden yourself with excessive worries

Learn to ask for help.

Not to live for something, but just to live

Managing your time correctly, not becoming a hostage to your affairs, choosing the rhythm of your life for each day yourself - this is not all that style offers Slow life. He teaches us to take a broader look at the world, to see what surrounds us, to understand how much is given to man. It is this feeling of unity with the world that gives inspiration. Instead of a feeling of loneliness, the joy of merging appears, instead of fear comes trust, instead of selfishness comes love. How can this be applied in life? Guided by simple principles:

Watch sunrises and sunsets more often

Learn to hear the stars

Taste what you eat

Communicate with nature, but don't walk with a specific purpose, otherwise you sacrifice the walk itself

Play and imagine

If you're walking next to someone, don't think about what to say.

Walk with children, watch them, learn from them

Speak slowly and meaningfully

Divide big things into small ones

When you are worried and anxious, stop and breathe slowly

Enjoy the art slowly

Spend time alone, without TV or Internet

1. Do not do all the work at once, distributing it evenly. You need to do household chores gradually, that is, do not put off cleaning the entire house, washing and ironing for one day, but do everything by day of the week: dust the furniture on Monday, do laundry on Tuesday, vacuum cleaner on Wednesday, wash the floors on Thursday etc. Or, if the house is large, assign each room its own cleanliness day. This way we will save energy.

2. Do things you love and get a charge of vigor and inspiration from it. To fill yourself with creative energy and strength, you need to turn what you love into your work or at least a hobby: embroidery, yoga, modeling, writing a novel, macrame, drawing, growing flowers. By doing something, being in the flow of creativity, we do not lose strength, but replenish their reserves, becoming truly happy.

3. Limit the flow of unnecessary information into your life: clear it of excess television programs, telephone complaints from friends, thoughtless visits to Internet sites, learn to enjoy peace and quiet.

4. Do not attend more than one event per day, observe moderation: do not go to the cinema in the morning, then to the attractions, then to the exhibition, or to the theater in the evening. Let the impression of the film remain for the whole day, let the book reveal its secrets little by little, let the exhibition inspire you to take time for silence and your own creativity.

5. Communicate with those you love, not just out of habit. Realize how much you are needed, feel and show your love, take care of loved ones, arrange holidays for them, have heart-to-heart conversations and spare no time for tenderness.

Savor every minute

The smooth flow of life helps us get more done. It should not be confused with thoughtless idleness. Consciously living people do this meaningfully, “savoring” every minute, as a result of which additional energy appears, harmony and happiness are born. Practice "slow" life may not solve all problems, but it will show us the perfection of the world, its beauty and infinity, expand the boundaries of our capabilities and help create islands of peace in a changing and developing life.


Thoughtfulness as a personality quality is the tendency to comprehend the present with the mind, feelings and reason, to notice new things, while maintaining sensitivity to the context, to think intently, to delve deeply into something.

In one big house There lived a mouse family. For many years the mice lived happily and carefree, ruled the kitchen and ate everything they could find. But one day, not at all wonderful, trouble came. The owners got tired of mouse raids and got a cat. The cat wanted to prove his worth at all costs, and began chasing mice throughout the house - up, into the attic, down into the basement, and, to the horror of the mice, even caught and ate several of their relatives! Then one of the mice called emergency advice to discuss how to handle the situation. Since mice were excellent creative abilities, they brainstormed and came up with a lot of ideas on how to get rid of the cat: poison it, shoot it, scare it to death, and so on. Finally, the smartest mouse spoke: - Why not tie a bell around the cat’s neck? Then we will always hear where he is, and we will have time to run and hide. Everyone decided that this was a wonderful idea, they began to pat the smart mouse on the back and congratulate him on such a creative decision. But suddenly, in the midst of these congratulations, the smallest mouse, which had been sitting in the darkest corner and was silent, stood up and raised its paw. - Can i ask you? - she squeaked timidly.“Of course,” said the leader of the mice, “ask.”- I think that it is great idea and all that... And I don’t want to spoil your fun, but... Which of us will tie a bell to the cat?

Morality: Creative ideas beautiful. But only if they are thought through to the end.

You can read “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy and when asked what the novel is about, answer: “Yes, there was one woman who decided to commit suicide, but did not trust the old ways - poisoning, drowning or hanging herself, and went along the “right path” - she lay down on the rails, it’s more reliable. No matter how many women threw themselves under the train after her, not one of them became Anna Karenina.” This is an example of mindless reading, in which only a bare plot that can fit within one sentence remains in memory.

You can read in different ways, - argued S.Ya. Marshak. - You can “swallow” book after book - a hundred books a month - skim through the pages quickly, superficially, being interested only in what happens next. Or you can read carefully, leisurely, re-read page by page, book by book, noticing each new thought, every figurative word...” In order to become a real reader, you need to learn to read. You need to learn to read all your life!

Thoughtful reading of a book or watching a film involves delving into thoughts in detail, analyzing the text and characters, and understanding the author’s intentions. A thoughtful reader is an aesthetic pleasure in reading, a craving for reading, a taste of happiness and joy from reading, the ability of creative perception and high literary taste, interest in the life and personality of the writer. A thoughtful reader means the ability to work with various works - take notes, quote, write out, use dictionaries and reference books, comprehend what you read, formulate own attitude to him orally or in writing, keep notes about what he read in various forms: diary, review, newspaper article, discussion of what you read in correspondence with friends, creative essay, etc. True reading is reading between the lines, thoughtful penetration into hidden sympathies author to the characters, suffering from parting with a read book, as with a good and true friend. It captures the soul - it evokes reflections about the world around us and about oneself, it forces us to peer into the complexity of human relationships, to think about our destiny, about the present and the future.

Thoughtfulness involves finding differences, focusing on new things, thinking, and thinking about an issue. Suppose we are faced with the task of focusing on an apple. It seemed that it was necessary, like a camera, to focus on a given stationary object. But soon we become convinced that attention is scattered, and extraneous thoughts come to mind. Now let's try to study the apple thoughtfully, paying attention to various nuances. We begin to ask ourselves questions: “What type of apple is this? Is it useful or not? When is it best to eat it: morning, afternoon or evening? How many calories does it have? Is it possible to give an apple to a dog? What dishes can be made from apples? What products does it go with? Is it possible to give it small child? Now we notice that it has become easier to maintain attention. In other words, when we find new properties and details in the object under study, that is, we approach it thoughtfully, attention sharply improves, and the tension from its concentration drops.

Thoughtfulness generates sympathy for the object being studied. A person who has studied any issue in detail feels comfortable when it comes up, and even consciously switches the conversation to his favorite topic, where he is an expert and expert. This makes it easier to confirm your weight and significance in the eyes of others. Thoughtfulness awakens further interest in a given topic and involves a person in search the smallest details and nuances of the issue.

Thoughtfulness is the opposite pole of thoughtlessness, a stereotyped, stereotyped response to life situations. Outwardly, it looks physically collected and manifests itself in the following characteristic forms: a pause before an answer, the ability to repeat what an opponent said, the ability to repeat what one said, the ability to formulate what thesis was defended by one’s own statement.

Of course, thoughtfulness is easy to fake. Many people strive to create an opinion of themselves as a thoughtful, businesslike and serious person. Having read only “The Ryaba Hen” in his entire life, this pretender to thoughtfulness does not immediately answer questions, counts to five in his head, and only then answers with the learned air of an expert. If he is approached with basic questions: “What time is it?”, “How are you?”, the imaginary owner of thoughtfulness counts to three. He had already guessed - under no circumstances should he answer right away. After waiting a pause, he, without slowing down the pace of his statement, answers clearly and quite energetically.

People involved scientific activities, the probabilistic form of presentation of the material is well known. For this, vocabulary phrases such as “It seems”, “In my opinion”, “It is likely that”, “Possibly”, “It seems that” and others are used. In textbooks, newspapers and magazines, probabilistic statements are replaced by absolute statements. For example, when a definition of a concept is given, students are left with the role of mindless cramming, although the correctness of its formulation causes great disagreement among experts. Or, even worse, they explain one concept by another concept that is related and close to its semantic load.

For example, instead of thoughtfully understanding the specific properties of this or that personality quality, a superficial, thoughtless form of perception of the world is imposed on the reader. So, a thoughtful person became interested, for example, in defining the quality of “politeness.” Dictionaries and encyclopedias helpfully give him an “exhaustive” definition: good manners, courtesy, respect, friendliness and tact. He, dissatisfied with this definition, flips through the dictionary and finds that courtesy is politeness and respectfulness, and deference is courtesy and politeness, and tact is delicacy and good manners. In a word, vicious vicious circle a thoughtless, superficial vision of the world, and there is only one way out of it - thoughtfulness.

Petr Kovalev 2013