Transmission of thoughts at a distance - new technologies. Transferring thoughts and emotions to another person

February 23


Each of us, when talking, tries to penetrate into the inner world of another person, so thatYou better understand him and answer him correctly accordingly, in order to gain some benefit from the conversation - to come to a common agreement, or, on the contrary, to quarrel... Correctly attuning to a person gives a lot. To describe it in a nutshell, “you feel in his shoes” and returning to yours - Docyou get along, that you feel something. Why do we need tuning in telepathy experiments? It is necessary so that you correctly formulate the image of the person to whom you want to mentally inspire something.

AND So, I offer several types of settings.

1. Scheduled Attunement (Meditation)

You need to get comfortable, that is, sit in a comfortable position with a straight spine. Relax, close your eyes, stop the internal dialogue if you can. In general, use any method of preparation for meditation.

Imagine a direct energy channel into Space. You have to wait a few minutes, and that’s the main thing. keep the channel in mind and not get distracted. Next, you visualize the image of the person to whom you want to send a telepathic letter. Many people advise remembering as many parameters of this person as possible, but I realized that this is not the main thing. Just feel the presence of the recipient, think about him. You need to hold out in this state for several minutes. When you realize that the person seems to be with you, you need to begin directly transferring information.

2. Quick setup (in transport, on the go)

Sometimes you need to give news about yourself in operational conditions, such as traveling on public transport, traffic, etc... Here, as in the previous case, you need to be able to “withdraw into yourself,” that is, create a state of maximum concentration. Many have already experienced this state - this is when no one exists around you except you and your thoughts. I'm sure you've had cases when someone says something to you, but you don't perceive what was said and are forgiven for repeating the line later. Surely the type of self-absorption varies from person to person. But usually it happens like this: looking into nowhere (defocused gaze, “staring at one point”), thoughts rushing through the center of the brain. Notice that the brain always thinks differently. Just try to formulate where the thoughts are flashing through. With proper concentration, thoughts do not exist in the frontal lobe of the brain, but closer to the center or back of the head.

The main thing in operational adjustment is not to allow extraneous thoughts to take you out of the state of concentration. The same is true in the previous case, when you need to visualize a person, his parameters (first name, last name, place of residence, etc.). Similarly, you release a direct channel into Space, and then begin to transmit thoughts.

3. Short-term setup

This type of setting involves situations where you do not have time to concentrate. but I want to make myself known. This method is the least effective, but sometimes it works. It is said that Tibetans send telepathic letters very simply. A deep breath, a sharp exhalation - everything is gone! It's tempting, however, in order to develop such a degree of telepathy you need to work hard - no one said it was so easy. And keep in mind that the ability to receive messages is just as hard work. Here the question even arises of what is more important: learning to receive messages or transmitting them.

In a short-term setup, you need iron faith, without any doubt. Well, don't forget love! By the way, this feeling should be present in all methods!


So, you've learned to tune in. Now let's move on to the most important thing - the correct transmission of information. Many schools of yoga and esotericists advise various methods of transmission: using chakras, energy. Various schemes are offered - this is all great, but it does not always work. In our world, everything is so complex and so simple. The point is not in the method, but in the person himself and his compatibility with this or that method. You will see that I do not use any special esoteric terminology in the text. I want to convey the concept of telepathy as it came to my mind and was based on my personal experience.

Let's say you have correctly tuned in to the person and imagined his image. Now you need to stop the internal dialogue and clearly articulate what you want to send. Pay attention to the letter, feel it. When the letter is ripe, take a deep breath and, with a sharp but gentle exhalation, push the letter up the channel that you established during setup. Follow the flow of the letter and present it as accurately as possible. how it descends through another person's channel and enters his consciousness. I usually imagine how the formed letter in the center of the head slowly flows to the top of the head and, with an exhalation, rushes upward. Perhaps you will imagine something different.

To the question: “How will I know that the letter has arrived, or whether it was my letter?”, a malicious smile arises: telepathy is a thankless task. Do you know why? Because this is not science fiction. Here you will not see how a person will hear your message, or a hologram of your thoughts will appear to him - forget it. Everything will depend not only on you, but to a greater extent on the recipient, who, at best, will remember you. but won't matter)

Is it possible to transmit thoughts at a distance? In the 20s XX century Academician V.I. Vernadsky introduced the concept of the noosphere, defined as the “intelligent” shell around the earth.

In my mind The noosphere is a kind of field in which all the thoughts of all people on the planet are located. I would NOT call it collective intelligence or social consciousness, no, it’s more like a field where thoughts fly around indiscriminately.

Essentially, the thoughts you think do not originate in your head. They come to you from outside. Just from this field. This feature could easily be observed by those of you who, in order to “strengthen the power of thought,” engaged in the practice of “no mind,” that is, stopping their thoughts.

When I observe my silent mind, I notice how various thoughts literally attack my head, trying to break into my space, into my mental shell.

Remember, you probably have had situations when some thought directly bombards you beyond your desire. Has it happened? Our mind generally has two functions: to receive thoughts from the outside and to create them independently. You and I, people who strive to fulfill our desires, very often tune our minds precisely to create OUR thoughts and images.

We do this by writing down our desires and speaking affirmations, we visualize our desires. That is, we, through an effort of will, create our own thoughts and transmit them to the noosphere.

But who can catch this thought from the noosphere? Anyone! Now let's move on to practice and see how you can transmit thoughts at a distance to other people.

My dears, let me clarify right away. We don't force anyone to call! We only direct our thought into the noosphere in order to transmit it to another person. All this is quite harmless.

So, one day I really wanted a young man to call me. An old friend of mine, with whom I have not spoken for a very long time. And that's what I did.

I began to mentally imagine what he would say to me if he actually called. I came up with words that I knew exactly what he could say. To do this, I turned to my memory and remembered how he used to start his phone call to me.

And he started it banally: a long, drawn-out “Hello,” then a pause and “How are you?” I presented not only the content of the text. I also imagined his voice, intonation and emphasis. After this image, I moved on to another.

I imagined the phone ringing, I looked at the screen and saw that he was calling, I saw the name with which he was written in my phone book. I “flavored” both of these visualizations with the emotions that I will experience when he actually calls. So, of course, I will be happy...

Hmm, what should I tell him? It probably wouldn’t be bad for him to know about that... That was my train of thought. I fully believed that I would actually receive a call from him in the near future. And in the end he called me about 5 days later. Everything went exactly according to plan.

When I saw his name on the screen and then heard these “hello” and “how are you” - I was a little stunned. It's incredible how you can convey thoughts at a distance!

How to attract a message from the right person?

And now the second story. About SMS. This story was shared by a girl who told her:

I really wanted to make peace with the man.

In the evening, on a piece of paper, I spontaneously drew a dialog box, like in Viber, and a text from it: “Hello, I miss you.”

About two hours later I received a message from him on Viber with exactly the same text.

Wow! As you can see, both mental visualization and what we write down on paper work. Do you want to receive a call or SMS from someone? Then try it. No magic. Only the power of directed thought!

These two stories clearly show how one person can direct thoughts to a call or text message to another person.

Do you know what it looks like from the side of the person to whom the thought was sent? He will be absolutely sure that this is his own thought!

Now think, are you thinking your own thoughts now?

How to make a man think about you?

Many people ask me whether it is possible to “work” with a person at a distance. I answer everyone at once - it is possible. At the beginning of the article, you read how our thoughts move from one person to another.

Now I want to tell you how to direct your thought so that the right person “catch” it. This is done very simply - using your imagination.

You simply imagine this person and imagine that the thought you need enters his head.

And now I’ll tell you a more piquant way of instilling thoughts in a person, and not even thoughts, but rather desires... That is, for a person to think about you. This is only suitable in the case of a love relationship.

The author of the “Magic Touch” method is Amargi Killer.

"Magic Touch" Method

Imagine your person is naked. Your next step is to reach out and touch it. Use your visualized sensation to caress him erotically with your hand. If you lose the overall picture of this person, that's okay. Just concentrate on the area of ​​the body you are touching.

If you can't imagine what this particular body part looks like, complete it (it will work anyway). Using touch in your visualization is the most important aspect to make a man think about you.

This skill must be developed and you must practice touching in your mind so that you can “feel” it with your mind. When you touch someone in your visualization, you create a terrifyingly powerful connection with that person.

This is a “magical” touch that will send a person into a frenzy and attract him to you. Explore it with your fingers, palms, hands and spend time on it. Let your imagination explore every perception as you touch the person.

You create in your mind what you do to them and what they experience. Let your fingers and your hands explore different areas of their body: nipples, mouth, ears, inner thighs, hair, knees, etc.

No other technique of your mental ability can compare to this use of touch, and there is no way for a person to avoid it. If you do this for just five minutes, you create an effect that can last for several hours.

What's happened telepathy many people know this transmission of thoughts at a distance...and not only thoughts, but also the transfer of feelings (emotions), desires and attitudes to another person remotely.
Also, telepathy It also has feedback - reception, “reading” of thoughts, feelings and desires at a distance. In a word, a telepath can not only transmit information remotely, but also receive it from another person...often without the latter’s awareness.

Telepathic effects on humans have been studied for many years, including by intelligence services in different countries, but there is still no clear scientific evidence that it is really possible to read and transmit thoughts at a distance - this is still the field of parapsychology.

Over the past decades, scientists have conducted a lot of research on the issue of telepathy, and there is already some data on how you can learn to transmit your thoughts and attitudes to another person at a distance.
Today, on the site website, you will learn and, if desired, learn one technique of telepathic influence on a person, with the aim of psychologically helping him.

Telepathy, how to transmit thoughts at a distance - practice

Attention! If you want to try yourself in telepathy and learn how to transmit thoughts at a distance, then for this important understanding, care and desire to sincerely help the person to whom you want to transfer thoughts and attitudes (if you want to transfer evil, then it will return to you - don't joke with this telepathic technique).

First, find out the areas of application of this telepathy technique, i.e. those practices of transmitting attitudes and thoughts at a distance that have already brought success to people:

  • helping relatives and friends get rid of alcohol, drug and other addictions;
  • preserving marriage and love;
  • improving relationships with loved ones, colleagues, partners;
  • personal and professional growth;
  • selection of a life partner;
  • search for business partners;
  • help in getting rid of some emotional and psychological problems (stress, depression, fears...)
  • improved mental and physical health...

Remember! Telepathy is not magic, and it is impossible to solve all problems by transmitting thoughts at a distance.
Almost anyone can learn to telepathically influence another person, become a telepath, the main thing here is practice, practice and more practice...

So, let's learn telepathy: transmitting thoughts at a distance

This should be done in the evening, just before bed.
To begin with, you need to enter a light trance, some altered state of consciousness, i.e. you need to calm down and relax, for example, using the Jose Silva method or self-hypnosis techniques.

Then, when you are already in a relaxed state, mentally set yourself the following program setting:

I will wake up when (the name of the person to whom you will transmit thoughts) has had his last dream and he (she) becomes the most open and most receptive to the programming. I will wake up and remember why I woke up.

Then go to sleep peacefully. You should wake up (automatically) in the middle of the night or early in the morning, just at the moment when the person you are programming will be more receptive to receiving your thoughts and attitudes from a distance.

Next, when you wake up, begin to convey to the chosen person your positive, and only positive, attitudes.
Having completed the transfer of thoughts (telepathy), you can continue your sleep until your usual awakening.

If you don’t manage to wake up the first time, or if you wake up but don’t remember why, don’t be discouraged - keep practicing...

What is a “positive attitude” when communicating thoughts? This is when you use words and images to convey them to another person without orders, prohibitions, words of obligation, generalizing words, and without negative particles “Don’t” (i.e. avoid words: “stop”, “must”, “must”, “need”, “no”, “never”, etc.).

That is, thoughts transmitted at a distance may contain that you want good for him, and not that you do not want bad...

For example:“Stop yelling at the kids!” — wrong.
“You will become more attentive, calmer and patient, and you will take better care of the children.” — Right.

During telepathy, try to visualize (figuratively imagine) a positive situation - the desired result. Let it be colored by your own positive emotions.

It is better to prepare the program (“positive attitudes”) in advance...record it on a tape recorder or paper...and put it on the bedside table...

Based on numerous experiments on telepathy conducted, mainly in the West, we can safely say that this telepathic technique of transmitting positive attitudes and thoughts at a distance (even regardless of time zone) will work, but only if it is correctly understood, executed and practiced (training). )…

Once again, remember that you only need to transmit “good” - it will be good and will return... and vice versa, if you transmit “evil”, then expect it in the near future... (however, sometimes some people do not distinguish between good and evil...)

And one more thing, you can use this telepathic technique to give instructions to yourself personally, waking up at a time when your subconscious is more open to programming something positive.

I'll tell you about the technique of telepathy; there is nothing complicated about it. In fact, people unconsciously - or subconsciously - use this technique, but because of its unconsciousness, the signals seem to be blurred or poorly perceived by the objects (those to whom they are directed).

First you need to enter an altered state of consciousness - the so-called “Alpha”, or a light trance, or a light meditation, or stop the internal dialogue, the “thought stirrer”. Your head should become empty, not a single thought should slip through your head. How this is done - there are many different techniques, they are not discussed here.

“In order to convey a thought, you must first feel yourself, listen to yourself. You need to feel what feelings, what words and thoughts can make the person you have chosen” respond to your message.

"Next, you must mentally imagine this person, imagine the place where he is. You must feel him, mentally overcoming all possible barriers and distances. It should turn out as if some kind of connection is formed between you and that person beyond any distance. Perhaps you you will feel that this person is now at home and is busy reading a book, or maybe he is at school and writing a test, or just walking on the street... When you feel this person being next to you, right next to you, then try to hold on to these sensations and not what not to be distracted by."

Next, we convey the idea: clearly and with reinforcement by EMOTION - this is a very important note. The strength of the transmission depends on the strength of the thought, and the thought is pumped up by the emotion behind this thought. In other words, it is our mental energy that reinforces the thought, and the thought is primary, and the emotion follows it.

“Create this thought or feeling in your head and feel how it appears in that person, how he feels it, how he reacts.”

In some cases, if you just want to convey feelings to a person, for example, joy, to cheer him up, it is enough to generate this emotion itself: your thoughts will remain unconscious, or subconscious, unexpressed, but you will also successfully convey the emotion. Actually, the latter is something that people constantly convey to each other, unconsciously. This is the basis of unconscious energy vampirism between people, a fairly common phenomenon, I am still just studying it.

How to ask the person you need to mentally answer you? Everything is the same - you just start having a dialogue with him... thoughts will be perceived as your own - or he will send vague ones, in the form of sensations or emotions. The clarity of transmission depends both on the power of thought (pumping, potential of psychic energy) and on the ability to concentrate (for transmitting the actual words and phrases)

Also, many hypnosis techniques are based on this technique.

I can tell by the sensations: while transmitting/broadcasting my thoughts to another - a feeling on the forehead, warm, as if a soft hoop was being worn. When taking it, there is a feeling of slight tension in the back of the head. If the person you are contacting is “closed” and does not want to talk to you, or has put a block against unwanted interference, headaches may arise in very unexpected, “unusual” places.

Today, many people already have fairly strong telepathic connections between loved ones. With strangers, you already need “skill” and experience. But I have learned to convey it to my interlocutors online - taking as a basis not the physical body for presentation, but some kind of energy phantom, energy - or mental body - “feeling” it through the character written by it and the thoughts and ideas generated by it. Yes, you can “feel a person” this way too! :-) I have a lot of experience in developing this ability, and I even noted that sometimes it bothers me: accidentally caught thoughts of people around me who are not interested in me “sound” in my head like “white noise” of radio waves. Today I have almost completed this task - cutting off unnecessary, chaotic “transmissions”. Now the question remains - how to “defend” your thoughts - if anyone has something to suggest, I’ll be grateful!

That's all. Good luck in developing your “body” abilities! :-)

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In this article, I want to tell you about the most effective methods known to me on how to convey thoughts to a person at a distance, as well as warn you against possible dangers that await you along this path.

My name is Maria, and for 6 years now I have been practicing techniques for instilling thoughts at a distance. In books it is written very simply, but in reality you need to have great motivation and constantly pump up your willpower! I’ll tell you with my own example how I achieved my goal. If you are persistent and don’t give up after just a couple of workouts, then everything will work out!

I was studying in my first year of psychology when I became interested in psychoanalysis and Jung's theory. Then I plunged headlong into the theory of the collective unconscious. Its essence is as follows: our mind, in addition to personal information, has always had and will have access to universal human knowledge. It's like a network that touches everyone. And just as we communicate over the telephone network, the collective unconscious allows us to “reach out” to another, transmit thoughts at a distance. As F. Begbeder wrote:

“The more boldly I play with your subconscious, the more resignedly you submit to me.”

How to prepare for the suggestion of thoughts at a distance?

It is important to understand that telepathy does not work with consciousness, but with subconscious structures. The best preparation will be techniques that will force you to go beyond the boundaries of your usual “I”, for some time to abandon the restrictions familiar from childhood. In my case, yoga and meditation, which I had been doing for several years by that time, helped me. Another good way to tap into the subconscious is lucid dreaming. Art. Laberge has written many practical books on this topic. The main thing is to remember: if you decide to do this, you can’t stop halfway. Your determination is the key to controlling another person's thoughts from a distance.

Technique for instilling thoughts at a distance: stages

So, you have learned to tune into the subconscious and are determined to continue working. Great! The main thing is to remember: everyone can do this if they want!

  1. Preparing the premises. To practice, you need to choose conditions that are comfortable for you. Which do you prefer - cool or warm? With light music in the background or incense? In the dark or in the light? Create all the conditions to relax as much as possible, and go ahead!
  2. Preparing yourself. Sit (or lie down) in a comfortable position, turn off your mobile phone. Concentrate on your breathing: inhale for 4 counts and exhale for 8 counts.
  3. Visualization. Most people are visual people, like me. This means that it is easier for them to perceive visual information. During my first attempts at instilling thoughts at a distance, it was easier for me to work with a photograph of the person to whom thoughts were being instilled. Hold the photo in your hands for a while, tune in to the person, remember him.

If there is no photograph, or you already have some experience, close your eyes and mentally imagine your goal. Her or his hair, smile, gait. What can this person do now and how does he do it? If you are an auditory learner (one who perceives information more easily by hearing), concentrate on the memories of the person's voice. Is it loud? What timbre? For kinesthetics (such people are more accustomed to navigating the world based on tactile sensations), a good helper will be a thing associated with an object. For example, it could be a gift from this person, personal jewelry, or a pen with which he wrote for a long time.

  1. Telepathic influence. Only when you are completely tuned in to the person and it seems as if he is standing right in front of you, can you begin this stage. You need to send a clear request or phrase to those you influence. Confidently, firmly, in a voice that does not require refusal, pronounce your request. Better out loud. To begin with, you should use simple tasks like “call Marina” or “Are you hungry?” It is important not just to convey a verbal command, but to feel it. In the telephone example, imagine the object calling the number provided. And with food, convey the very feeling of hunger. Be persistent, but don't get stuck here for too long! 3-4 minutes is enough.
  2. Exit from the state. A very important point that beginners often don’t take into account! After transmitting the information, concentrate on yourself and the sensations in your body. Hug yourself, maybe pinch yourself. You need to feel yourself within your body. Look around, focus your gaze on familiar objects. So, you are a huge fellow for coming all this way! Allow yourself to rest a little or eat something sweet. For example, I prefer to go for a short walk.
  3. Workout. The technique of instilling thoughts at a distance does not always work out the first time. It's important to remember: You've already done more than most newbies before you! You can no longer stop there! I’m ashamed to admit, but I once gave up after the first two attempts. I only resumed training a few months later when I met my current mentor, who could do really scary things to people if he wanted to! Repeat your workouts 2 to 5 times a week. Remember, the harder you try, the faster you will achieve what you want. And I checked for myself: every person has such abilities. By the way, this was even proven in the neuropsychological laboratory of the brain.

Limitations and possible consequences

There are more suggestible and less suggestible people. You can influence anyone - the main thing is to guess the moment when he or she is least protected.

  1. The easiest way is to influence loved ones who do not put boundaries between you and them. After all, telepathy can not only harm, but also support, convey a sense of protection and even improve health.
  2. The most vulnerable periods of a person’s life are moments of intense emotions (sorrow, joy, fear), sleep (using the technique described above, you can learn to influence a person’s dreams), communication with loved ones (for example, lovers are at their weakest when enjoying each other’s company).
  3. Remember! When you establish a telepathic connection with a person, your mind is also open to him, although to a lesser extent than his. You should not start your training by influencing enemies, murderers, or just shady people. The consequences can be very dire!
  4. Don't forget about the boomerang effect. A negative impact will result in negative consequences for you.

Technique for quickly influencing a person’s thoughts

I began to use this method when I achieved my first successes in the technique of instilling thoughts at a distance. It is not always possible to allocate enough time for telepathy, especially since at my pace of life it is difficult to find a suitable place for this whenever there is a need.

So, to use this method, you need to write a clearly worded request on a small piece of paper. While you are writing what you want to convey to another person, mentally remember his image, voice, character. What you write should be addressed specifically to the object of your influence. It is advisable that nothing distracts you at this moment.

When the message is ready, the most important stage begins. Crumple up a piece of paper, squeeze it tightly in your fist, close your eyes and mentally repeat the message again. And then, without further delay, burn the sheet with the message. Either using a lighter or a candle - whatever is more convenient for you. That's all, the action can be considered completed, and you can return to normal life!

Telepathy with an animal

Techniques of suggestion of thoughts are often used on animals. This is especially true for trainers: only deep subconscious contact with the animal will allow them to achieve heights in training. Unlike a person, to “communicate” with an animal you need to see him, and it must see you. Here, eye contact and prolonged communication are important before using telepathy techniques. Therefore, the best subject would be a domestic dog or cat.

When you are completely ready and attuned to the animal, sit opposite it (or pick it up) and look closely into its eyes. Catch the moment when the animal catches your gaze and mentally send an order or request. The message should be as simple and natural as possible for the creature (“obey me,” “respect me”). Repeat this ritual daily to consolidate the effect on the animal.

So, if you have finished reading this article, it means that you are ready to develop and upgrade your knowledge in the area of ​​the unconscious. When you feel confident in handling the techniques described above, begin to create new ones yourself, tailored to your unique personality. After all, no one knows you better than yourself! Do not stop there, on this portal you will find many articles that will advance you on the path to self-development.