The scenario of the New Year's party "a magical journey through fairy tales." The scenario of the New Year's party let's save Russian fairy tales The scenario of the New Year's party a journey through fairy tales

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1 Characters: - adults Leading Snow Maiden Grandfather Frost Baba Yaga Sea King Nightingale the Robber Kashchei - children Mermaids Musketeers Robbers Fox Alice Cat Basilio 1st child. Opens the New Year Fabulous doors, Let the one who believes in a fairy tale come into this hall. 2- child Let the one who is friends with the song come into this house. We begin the winter holiday, There is no more wonderful! 3rd child. A beautiful hall shines today, Sparkles with many lights. And our New Year's round dance Calls affably children. New Year's party "Journey in a Fairy Tale" the older group of children enter the hall to the music and take their places, perform a round dance "The New Year is coming to us"; the guys sit down in their places, the Snow Maiden enters the hall

2 Hello guys! What a misfortune befell us! Santa Claus prepared a full chest of gifts for you, wanted to please you with gifts, asked me to look after the chest, but I didn’t see it, the evil Kashchei stole all the keys to the chest with gifts. The evil sorcerer does not want the children to rejoice. His black heart is sweeter when grief and tears are around. Yes, and Santa Claus himself disappeared somewhere. Host: And what should we do, Snegurochka? What is a holiday without gifts? I think we should go looking for the key. Probably, again Kashchei scattered them all over the fairy forest, or maybe he hid them with his friends - you never know evil spirits on earth? Presenter: Isn't it dangerous to go in search of keys? And I think it’s necessary not to lament, but to hit the road - to find the keys! The fees are waiting for us for a short time, but the path is an unknown road. Will you guys come with us to look for the keys to the enchanted locks? Children: Yes! And do not be afraid of difficulties, do not be afraid of evil spirits? Children: No! Oh guys! You hear, it seems we have guests. music sounds and dancing from behind the Christmas tree, Fox Alice and Cat Basilio come out, greet everyone. Basilio the cat: He froze his ears, froze his tail, And he doesn't feel my cat's nose at all. Fox Alice: Do not whine in vain, What should we do clearly!

3 Cat Basilio: And what to do? Fox Alice: I heard that the keys to the chest with gifts were gone, let's help in the search. Will you take us with you? Well, of course we will. Everyone is more fun together. Fox Alice: You know, the musketeers also found out about your trouble and they are already rushing to your aid. I think I can even hear their swords clinking! Musketeer (1 child) We will protect you from adversity From troubles and misfortunes To make a magical new year Come to our hall for a holiday! under the music "It's time to go" Musketeers come out and dance Thank you, Musketeers! We are very happy that now we have such defenders. And now it's time for us to go. Only we need a good winter song on the road. Do you guys know this song? Children: Yes! Then let's go! lead a round dance, the song "Zimushka-winter" Oh, guys, well done. With the song and the road does not seem so long. But we need to rest a little, let's sit down. the guys sit on chairs, at that moment Baba Yaga flies into the hall Baba Yaga: Oh, I smell the human spirit on my land! Who dared it? Hello, grandmother.

4 B. Yaga: Hello, hello! What are you looking for in the world, are you running away from work or are you looking for work? We are looking for the keys to enchanted locks. Kashchei hid the keys to the chest in which Father Frost prepared gifts for the children. And what is a holiday without gifts? Will you help us? B. Yaga: Well, this is not an easy job. Do you have enough intelligence? And you, grandmother, check us, and we will try. How, guys, will we try? Children: Yes! B. Yaga: I want to test you. I have riddles, wow! Listen! 1) If the forest is covered with snow, If it smells of pies, If the Christmas tree goes to the house, What kind of holiday? ... (New Year) 2) It flies in a white flock And sparkles on the fly. It melts like a cool star In the palm of your hand and in your mouth. (Snow) B. Yaga: What are you like!!! Well, in the end, I'll tell you. 3) Name, guys, The month in this riddle: Its days are shorter than all days, All nights are longer than nights. On the fields and on the meadows Until spring, snow fell. Only our month will pass. We are celebrating the New Year. (December)

5 We guessed, grandmother, your riddles. B. Yaga: I see that you are smart children. So be it, even though Kashcheyushka asked me not to give up the key, but I can’t help but help such good kids. Hold the key! Thank you Grandma Yaga. Tell me, where Kashchei hid the rest of the keys to his locks? B. Yaga: Oh, I don't know, I don't know. I gave you the key. If Kashchei finds out, don't give me a treat then. Go to the Sea King, maybe he will help you? (B. Yaga leaves). Goodbye! Attention, guys, get ready, we dive to the bottom of the lake, into the underwater kingdom of the Sea King. We close our eyes, take a deep breath, enter... the music on the theme of the sea The Sea King is playing. Who's making the water?!! Go where you go!! Hello, Your Royal Majesty! Sorry to disturb the peace of your kingdom. The guys and I came to you on the advice of Baba Yaga. Kashchei hid gifts for the guys under these locks. And without gifts, it's not a holiday. Help us please. Sea King: Holiday, speak. I love holidays! What holiday are you guys looking forward to? Guys: New Year! King of the Sea Although I am formidable, I love the holidays And I will not tolerate sad faces. I love praise and affection. I’ll tell you the truth, without fear, Even though I’m only a thousand years old (I’m healthy, really, thank God), But I love a good word, I melt from them, I don’t melt And if you came here for the holiday, Amuse me, the king.

6 Presenter: Our dear king of the sea! Together with us in search of the missing keys and the little mermaid. They can dance for you! The Sea King Oh, thank you, friends, You have already pleased the king. For this I will repay you with kindness, With my magic staff I will swing. You are a wave, a wave, swing The magic key appears. dance of mermaids Hold the key, Kashchei accidentally dropped it into the water, and my servants found it. Thank you, king of the sea. We will definitely invite you to our party! Well, it's time for us to go. Goodbye. Sea King And good luck to you. Goodbye, guys! It's time to hit the road again. music on a marine theme sounds, the king “floats away” (a whistle is heard, the Nightingale the Robber flies in) Nightingale: Which “path-road”? What, got caught? U-tu-tu... I eat you at dinner. Why do we have, Nightingale is a robber, because we can be useful to you. Nightingale: How will you be useful to me? I am at war with Kashchei, and you are small, how can you help me? Presenter: Although we are not great, we are not afraid of anything. Really guys? Bold and courageous musketeers are with us! And our team has its own robbers. Come on, you robbers, come out and show the Nightingale!

7 dance of the robbers Nightingale: Yes, perhaps, with such children and Kashchei is not terrible. Well, dashing! So be it, Kashchei dropped one of the keys in my forest, I accidentally found it. I'll give you the key, but when I need your help, don't forget about me. Nightingale is a robber, you just whistle, and we will come, right, guys? Children: Yes! the lights go out completely in the hall, disturbing music sounds. Be careful, guys, we seem to be in the realm of Kashchei the Deathless!!! Kashchei runs in Yes, you were not mistaken. This is my kingdom - Kashchei the Immortal!!! And inevitable death awaits you in it. Why do you have such anger, Kashchei the Deathless? I don't like it when the human spirit smells. Answer quickly, why did you come to me? We are looking for the keys to the chest in which Santa Claus sent gifts to the children for the New Year. We know you have it! Ha-ha-ha ... Yes, I hid the keys. I know that you have collected almost all the keys, but I have the last one. Without it, you will never open a chest with gifts. I will never give it to you! (resolutely steps forward). Give me the key or you'll regret it! Who wants to scare me?

8 Santa Claus enters the hall Santa Claus: Ah, there you are, Kashchei. I've been looking for you all over the world for a long time, but it still doesn't work out in one fairy tale to meet These guys do not take courage. Come on, Kashchei, let's measure our strength. With whom?! With these little guys??? But now we will check what, as you say, “these little ones” are capable of. Come on guys, musketeers, robbers, Basilio, let's measure strength with Kashchei. Hold the rope guys, and you, Kashcheyushka on the other side One-two-three!!! Pull the rope!!! guys pull the rope, Kashchei falls Oh-ho-ho!!! Doesn't count, I'm not prepared. Let's do it one more time!!! So it's not fair, I'm alone, and there are many of you. Kashchei falls again. That's the same, Kashchei. What did you think? Yes, no one in the world is afraid of such friendly, dexterous and strong guys! Come on, give me the key and go away, otherwise you will not be well! Will not give it back! (gets up again resolutely). D. Moroz: Well, blame yourself! (Starts to blow). Children, help me! (everyone blows) (froze) Oh-oh-oh, have mercy, don't let them die... Don't blow!!! Hold the key. D.Moroz: That's right! (Takes the key). (Kashchei runs away): Oh-oh-oh, it would be faster to take the legs away.

9 Santa Claus: Well, hello guys! Finally, we met. I, too, was looking for the keys to the chest, but you beat me to it! Snow Maiden, come on, count if all the keys are in place. The Snow Maiden counts and passes the keys to Santa Claus Yes, that's right, I have the last key! I’ll clean them up under the Christmas tree for now (puts the keys under the Christmas tree, looks at the Christmas tree, sees that it’s not on fire) But our Christmas tree is not on fire !!! Disorder Come on, Christmas tree, smile! Come on, tree, wake up! Let's say together cheerfully and loudly: One, two, three, shine with the light of joy!" the guys repeat after Santa Claus, the tree lights up And now, guys, I invite you to a festive round dance near our beauty !!! Guys, do you like to play? children drive round dance ("New Year's Song" Goal) Children answer I know one game, I think you all will like it very much. Well, guys, don't be shy. We'll play hockey! I need two teams We must be dexterous! Snow Maiden, well, help me (the Snow Maiden helps distribute the attributes) the guys line up in two teams, the Snow Maiden and the presenter give them the details, Santa Claus explains the rules of the game

10 Game "Hockey" The guys line up in two teams. The task is to gently roll the snowball around the chair with a stick and pass the stick to the next player. The team that reaches the child who first started the game wins. Guys, are you ready? And, we started to the music. “Like at our gates” children play Well done, guys! I have another game for you. Get into a round dance, listen to me carefully and repeat all the movements after me. Playing in a circle We will now go to the right And then we will go to the left In the center of the circle we will gather And we will all return to the place We will quietly sit down And lie down a little (children fold their hands under their cheeks) And jump lightly Let our legs dance And clap their hands We will turn to the right (circle to the right side) Do not start all over again (join hands again) repeat the game one more time Danced and played - and a little tired. Do not take it for work, read poetry to me!

11 children read poetry Well done guys! You are all very smart and brave! We sang songs with you, played. All is well that ends well!!! Well, now, the most important thing! Let's finally see if everything is intact in our casket. Santa Claus takes the keys, opens the chest and takes out gifts (3-4 gifts in the chest, the rest in boxes) Friends, guys, parents. We wish you a Happy New Year. I wish you happiness and good mood for the whole year! Well, we are going back to the fairy tale. Winter bypasses the entire planet, And a fairy tale roams the world with it. On New Year's Eve she enters the house, And we are waiting for her today. She's on her way now. And you soon believe in it! Santa Claus and Goodbye! Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are leaving. The final song "Fairy tales walk around the world" sounds. The boys sit on the floor, the girls behind them.

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Tatyana Mingaleva
"Journey through fairy tales". Scenario New Year's Eve


Adults - Fairy (host, Baba Yaga, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden,

Children - Bunny, Dragon, Princess, Gnomes, Robots.

Fairy. Dear kids!

Girls and boys!

You hurry together into the hall.

Near the Christmas tree New Year's

There will be a carnival!

To the music, the children run into the hall, where they are met by fairy fairy.

Fairy. Hello my friends!

It's me you all today

Gathered near the Christmas tree

Because today is a holiday

Noisy New Year's Eve.

Let fairy tale

He's coming to us today!

(Waves his wand - the tree lights up).

1 child:

Hello tree, how happy we are

that you came to us again

And in green needles

The freshness of the forest has brought!

2 child:

On the branches of your toys

And the lanterns are on

colorful crackers,

Beads are burning!

3 child:

You are the forest dawn freshness

Brought light into our room,

Straightened resinous needles

Light up sparkling lights!

round dance "Herringbone"

1. Green needles and bright outfit,

Snowflakes-sisters on the branches shine,

Frozen from the cold, keep warm,

We will sing a joyful song to you!


Oh! What a Christmas tree, do not take your eyes off,

You, a prisoner of the forest, do not be sad on a holiday!

A festive, friendly round dance began to spin,

So meet the same, Christmas tree, New Year with us!

2. Bunnies, crackers, lights and balls,

Brilliant threads of colored tinsel,

Mirrored walls will repeat a hundred times

Your Christmas tree, festive, bright outfit!

3. And dripping drops from green eyelashes,

May the holiday know no boundaries of fun,

Quite warmed up in warmth and kindness,

We, the Christmas tree, will say "Thanks" you!

An envelope falls on a thread from the ceiling, the Fairy picks it up and reads it.

Guys, this is a letter from Santa Claus, he writes that the Snow Maiden was bewitched by the Snow Queen and sent to fairy tale. Now the Snow Maiden does not remember who she is and will not be able to come to our holiday. Santa Claus asks for help - to find the Snow Maiden and disenchant her.

Well, can we help? Then listen, I will conjure and take you all to fairy tale.

Song « fairy dreams»

The night has fallen to heaven, close your eyes soon

And story will open its doors again in front of you.

They fly, they fly fabulous dreams.

The light turns off and on. Gnomes run out (person 7). Everyone starts to work (dig, saw, hammer a nail, carry a cart, etc.)

Fairy. Hello little people, who are you?

Gnomes: Don't you know?

Fairy. Guys, do you know who this is? (answers guys, what do you think what they are from fairy tales("Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs", right.

Gnomes. Well done guys, you got to know us. And now, to get to know each other better, listen to the song.

1. They live in the country of magical gnomes,

They build houses everywhere

Looking for golden stones

And fry pancakes at night!


Gnomes, gnomes, gnomes,

Gnomes are familiar to everyone

Gnomes are like people

Come play soon!

2. Little kids eat

Pears, melons and watermelons.

Chocolates and cakes

And candy and ice cream!

Gnomes. Guys, do you want to play with us?

The game "Winter exercise".

We are not afraid of powders -

Catching snow

Clap your hands!

Hands to the sides, at the seams -

There is enough snow for us and for you!

We walk through the snowdrifts

On steep snowdrifts.

Raise your leg up

Make your way!

Nose - inhale,

And exhale through the mouth

We breathe deeper.

And then march in place


How is the weather, good?

We are now dreamers:

We hit the enemy!

Wave your hand -

Right on target

Snow is flying!

Fairy. Thank you dear, but have you seen the Snow Maiden here?

Gnomes. No, they didn't. The only girl we have seen and know is our Snow White.

Fairy. Well. Then we go to another fairy tale. Thank you and goodbye!

Children and gnomes to each other. Goodbye!

Fairy (conjures).

Here the stars of the brilliant round dance will spin you for a moment,

Will cover the heart from the snow and the most severe cold.

The night goes over the world, stepping on the earth,

The night is over the world, scattering the stars,

From what kingdom, from what country,

They fly, they fly fabulous dreams!

The light turns off and on. The princess comes out from behind the tree. Looks back. Sings a song "Princess".

1. Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a princess,

AT live a fairy tale!

Eat pineapple and banana for lunch

And don't worry about anything!


The princess has a wonderful castle,

And the pages are standing around!

Gilded carriage

And the stables have foals!

2. How does a golden crown suit me,

And a white outfit.

You come to me soon

AT fairy tale to a masquerade ball!

Fairy. Hello princess, we recognize you. Guys, what fairy tales princesses meet? ( "Swineherd", "Twelve months", "Flint" etc.)

Fairy. Well done. Princess, why are you singing such a sad song? Even we got upset. But today we have New Year's celebration, bright and cheerful.

Princess. And it's true. And how many children came to visit me. Hello guys, hello dear guests. And I felt sad because I was all alone and alone, there was no one to even spin and dance with.

Fairy. Princess, and you invite our girls, and they will perform the dance of snowflakes for you.

The princess distributes snowflakes to all the girls. The dance of the snowflakes.

Princess. Thanks for making me laugh.

Fairy. Princess, have you seen our Snow Maiden in your kingdom?

Princess. No, I think she is kind and cheerful, like all of you, and having met her, I would not be sad. I'm sorry I didn't get to meet her.

Princess and children. Goodbye!

Go down to the land of wonders and magic without fear.

We wish you a nice stay with the old, kind fairy tales.

The night goes over the world, stepping on the earth,

The night is over the world, scattering the stars,

From what kingdom, from what country

They fly, they fly fabulous dreams.

The light turns off and on. Music sounds "Planet Zhelezyaka", robots come out to the music, dance accordingly to the robots.

Robot. Welcome to the planet Claptrap, here everything is made of iron, even we.

Fairy. Hello Iron Men. We also know a little about you. Guys, what fairy tales we know about the iron men ( "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Wizard of Oz")

Robots. All right. What brought you to us?

Fairy. We are looking for the Snow Maiden, without her our holiday will be boring.

Robots. No, we didn’t see the Snow Maiden, we rarely have people here at all, so we won’t let you go just like that. Let your boys dance with us. (boys are invited)

Dance to the music "Planet Zhelezyaka"

Robots. Thank you. Wonderful dance. We really enjoyed. We're glad. We look forward to visiting you again. Goodbye!

Fairy and children. Goodbye!

Fairy (conjures).

The night goes over the world, stepping on the earth,

Night comes over the world scattering stars,

From what kingdom, from what country

They fly, they fly fabulous dreams.

The light turns off and on. Baba Yaga flies out from behind the tree on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga. Phew, it's all done. Now they will not have a holiday, there is nothing for them to have fun. And what did I do? Oh yes, the bunny, the symbol of the old year, was put in a cage so that it would not go anywhere, and everything would remain the same, in the old year. And I'm also a small dragon - a symbol New Year, planted on a chain! Here! Since there is no symbol, then the New Year will definitely not come. Ha-ha-ha!

And yet ... And I also asked the Snow Queen to send the Snow Maiden to me, and now she does not remember anything and lives with me as with her mother. And she knows nothing that the guys are waiting for her for the holiday. Ha ha ha!

Fairy. Hello!

Baba Yaga. Fu Fu Fu! Who are you?

Fairy. I am a Fairy and the guys and I are looking for the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga. I don’t know anything, I didn’t see anything, I didn’t hear anything!

Fairy. And here we are with the guys, we heard how you boasted just now, right, guys?

Baba Yaga. So what? Anyway, she doesn’t remember anything, and she won’t leave me, her mother anywhere.

Fairy. And we will see it now. Guys, let's call Santa Claus, he will help us to disenchant the Snow Maiden.

Everyone calls Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters.

D. M. Hello, guys! Friendly preschoolers!

I wish you happiness, health and strength,

Very, guys, I was in a hurry here.

Almost fell into a snowdrift along the way,

But it seems that he came to visit just in time.

Well, guys, did you find my granddaughter?

Fairy. They found something, but they don’t show it to us, but about us and about the holiday She forgot New Year's.

D. M. Well, it's okay, as soon as she sees me, her beloved grandfather, she will immediately remember everything.

Baba Yaga. But he won’t see, I won’t let go, I won’t show!

Fairy. And let's better arrange competitions, and if Baba Yaga's team wins, then we will all be left without New Year and Snow Maiden, and if the team of Santa Claus wins, then Baba Yaga will give us the Snow Maiden. Do you agree?

D. M. and Baba Yaga (together). Agree.

Baba Yaga and Santa Claus choose teams of children. Competition:

1. "Running in bags around the Christmas tree"

2. "Who will pull the ribbon faster"

3. "Tug of War"

It is necessary that the team of Santa Claus definitely win.

Baba Yaga. Okay, even though I am a villain, but you defeated me in a fair fight, I will give you the Snow Maiden.

Brings out the Snow Maiden, and with her the Bunny and the Dragon.

Snow Maiden. Hello guys Fairy! Hello grandfather!

Thank you, friends.

I became the same again.

The Snow Maiden will guide you

in New Year's round dance!

Round dance for Santa Claus.

1. Come out soon, friend,

Make a wider circle

Or almost frozen

Dear friend Santa Claus.


Santa Claus, Santa Claus, dance, get warm.

We will not let you go, do not even hope!

2. "Have fun!" -

We speak openly.

If you dance out of time,

We won't show it!

3. We are with you, Santa Claus,

Happy to meet you

It would be nice all year

The holiday didn't end!

Snow Maiden. Guys, more guests came with me, whom I met in Baba Yaga's house, this is the Bunny - a symbol of the Old Year and the Dragon - a symbol New Year. Shall we play with them? (children's answers)

Bunny. Hello kids, girls and boys!

Dragon. It took us a long time to get to your holiday and along the way we came up with riddles for you.

Roof in a fur hat.

White smoke overhead.

Yard in the snow, white houses,

Came to us at night (winter)

The wind blew and frost

Snow brought us from the north.

Just since then

On my window (pattern)

I can't feel my legs for joy,

I'm flying down the snowy hill.

The sport became dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this? (skis)

Rushing like a bullet I'm forward

Only the ice creaks

Let the lights flicker.

Who is carrying me? (skates)

Snow Maiden. Well done, guys, guessed all the riddles.

Baba Yaga. Yes, you are all having fun, everyone is having a holiday, but I am offended, no one invites me, no one welcomes me.

Fairy. Do not be upset, Baba Yaga, because we are all on new year holiday, stay with us, and see how the guys know how to have fun, and don't do nasty things anymore. And so that you have a cheerful mood, listen to our song about you.

song "Baba Yaga"

1. On chicken legs in a hut,

Among the prickly trees and mosses.

A mischievous old woman lives

And with her fourteen owls!


You're flying on a broomstick!

Oh you, Grandma Yaga, oh you, Grandma Yaga!

You collect toadstools for dinner!

2. And goblin, and brownies,

Hurry to her delicious dinner:

A chop with a toadstool awaits them,

Potatoes and vinaigrette!

3. Grandmother Yozhka loves to feed everyone,

And best friend Kashchei,

Brings a bucket of fly agaric and

He asks for a plate of cabbage soup.

Baba Yaga. Thank you my darlings, thank you my darlings. For such a song, you do not feel sorry for any gifts.

Snow Maiden. And it's true, but we forgot about the gifts, grandfather.

Father Frost. We haven't forgotten anything. Everything will be now.

Am I a wizard or not?

They say that I am 100 years old.

Bring me a big cauldron

Put it right here on the table.

Salt, sugar and a bucket of water

A little snow, tinsel.

I'll add a snowflake.

One minute friends

We need to mix everything in the cauldron,

magic words to tell:

"Snow, snow, snow! Ice, ice, ice!

Miracles for the New Year!

Snowflake, help!

Turn everything into gifts!

(opens the lid of the boiler and distributes gifts)

The secret of surprise: a smaller saucepan is placed in a large cauldron, it is into it that water is poured and all components are poured. Several gifts are placed between the walls of the pot and the cauldron. The rest of the gifts are brought by the educators discreetly in a bag).

Song "New Year"

On the white snow is the New Year,

Magical weather in the world.

And everyone is waiting for something wonderful

From new new year!


A New Year, A New Year

Dancing and singing with us

And even adults act like children!

A New Year, A New Year

He distributes his gifts

He distributes his gifts to everyone in the world!

2. Miracles fly around the world to every home,

Everything in the world is on it looks like a fairy tale!

Let us grow wiser, let us grow up

And the adults will get younger!

3. Let's not be in new year

Grievances accumulate in vain!

When we are in harmony with our friends,

Everything in our life is wonderful!

D. M .: Well, that's all, the ball is over,

Fun noisy carnival!

Be healthy! I will come

Visit you next year!

(Baba Yaga, Snow Maiden and Santa Claus say goodbye and leave).

Children one by one go to the group to the music.

In my work I used:

1. Songs of Lydia Razdobarina "Visiting fairy tales»

2. New Year's songs by Natalia Lukonina and Lyubov Chadova.

Larisa Kravets
The scenario of the New Year's party for children of the senior group "Journey through fairy tales"

Journey through fairy tales.

Scenario New Year's party for the middle group

Kravets L. E.

Target: Deliver children the joy of the holiday, create a favorable, friendly atmosphere.


Development of communication skills, imagination and fantasy;

Strengthen singing skills, develop creative abilities children;

Cultivate a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

adult characters: Kikimora, Simka (cartoon character "Fixies"), Snow Maiden, Santa Claus.


The music sounds, the Snow Maiden comes out.

Snow Maiden: How nice that today the guests came to us here. And, not looking at the worries, everyone found a free hour! Happy New Year and welcome to the holiday.

AT fairy tale, the best in the world. The roles are played by CHILDREN.

Music sounds, children enter the hall in pairs, go around the Christmas tree and stand in front of the guests.

Child 1: Everywhere music and laughter,

Joyful faces...

Invited us to a party

Zimushka is a queen.

Child 2: Everyone knows that in the New Year

Miracles happen,

And cherished dreams

Come true in the New Year.

Child 3: And, of course, Santa Claus

Hurries to us with gifts,

Unusual, big

Sweet and bright!

Child 4: Naughty holiday today,

The round dance is spinning!

Girls and boys

They will have fun!

The ringing of a crystal bell is heard.

Snow Maiden:

Do you hear? On our Christmas tree suddenly jangled needles? Maybe they ring for us to light the fires? our Christmas tree New Year's without lights it is impossible today! You move away, together, all in unison tell: "Christmas tree, Christmas tree, wake up! Light up with lights! (children repeat)

The tree lights up.

-5 child: How beautiful in our hall. As if in fairy tale we got.

Everywhere stars shine and lanterns burn.

-6 child: Look, look, what kind of tree is it?

There are beads and crackers on it and a star is burning at the top!

-7 child: On a wonderful holiday, On a day New Year

The Christmas tree came to visit us today.

Children and adults, mothers and fathers,

Gently shake her green paws!

-8 child: Our Christmas tree will have fun,

Let's make her a necklace out of garlands,

We will hang sweets, balls and crackers,

After all, Christmas trees, like children, love toys!

-9 child: Sweet, kind, like a princess,

Suddenly a guest from the forest will smile at us!

And will pump with its branches,

And in a round dance will spin with us!


Snow Maiden: New Year - carnival, serpentine, bright light! He even sent greetings from childhood to adults!

Only you. and dream. There is nothing more.

And 12 strokes do magic!

Now the magic clock will strike 12 strokes and the New Year will come!

(music plays "Kikimora" Lyadov.)

Snow Maiden: Guys, what is this, do you hear? Hide quickly.

(children run to chairs, Kikimora comes out to the music.)

kikimora: Ah, we gathered again, you have a holiday again, are you probably waiting for gifts? And here's to you (shows fist) you won't have a holiday. Now I will quickly finish with you, break your magic clock, and the New Year will never come. And this grandfather, how is he, but ... Frost will not come, and he will not bring gifts to you. (pulls numbers off dial) And I will scatter the numbers in different fairy tales so that you can't find them.

(Kikimora leaves)

Snow Maiden. Guys, what to do?

Who will help us fix the magic clock? I know! Listen carefully.

Humans very soon

They fix electrical appliances!

You can't see them, don't look

After all, they live inside.

There is no place for mysticism

If near... (Fixies.)

(A melody from a cartoon sounds, a fix comes out.)

Simka: New Year's greetings to you friends! Here I am. Did you recognize me? I'm Simka! I came to you for a holiday. Why are you so sad?

(children answer)

Simka: Oh, so this is a couple of trifles, take a helper and go to journey through fairy tales. I think that we will definitely find all the numbers and return them to their places. But the guys in front of such a distant travel needs to stretch. Ready?

(children go in a circle)


Simka: And here is our helper. Now I will press the button and we will go to fairy tale.

(presses the button, the children walk around the Christmas tree to the music and sit down.)

Simka: Quiet. It looks like someone is coming.

(Snow White comes out hanging toys, tinsel on the Christmas tree. Snow White sings a song.)

SONG "FIRST SNOW" Arkady Filippenko.

Simka: Hello Snow White. What are you doing?

Snow White: I cleaned up for the holiday

Christmas tree dressed up in beads

Brothers - Gnomes in the New Year

They lead a round dance

Simka: Snow White, we're in trouble. Kikimora broke the magic clock, and the numbers scattered fairy tales. Now the New Year will not come and Grandfather Frost will not find us. Help us, please.

Snow White: Okay, I'll help if I find the Dwarfs.

(shouting) Where are you dwarf brothers?

I'm waiting for you near the house

Come to Snow White

and help guys

(Music sounds, gnomes enter with a shovel on their shoulder)


Gnome 1: I am a funny, cheerful dwarf, I live in a dense forest.

My beautiful cap is famously shifted to the barrel!

Gnome 2: I like to joke, laugh, run, jump, somersault,

I was in a hurry to celebrate the holiday, hello, my friends!

Gnome 2: I didn't just come here, I didn't come here in vain,

Happy New Year, I really want to congratulate you friends!

There is nothing more interesting than on such a wonderful day,

Winter, festive sometimes to meet with the kids.

Simka: Oh, yes, forest gnomes, here are the dancers,

Nice you were having fun here, but we have a problem.

Help us guys find the numbers from the magic clock.

Gnomes: We need to remove the snow. Maybe you and I can find numbers under the snow.

"Snowball in a Shovel".

(Children carry snowballs in shoulder blades, under the snowballs they find numbers from the clock)

(After the game, the children sit down)

Simka: Thank you Snow White and the Dwarfs, do you want to join us in other fairy tales will set off? (The Dwarfs and Snow White agree.)

Simka: So guys, where is my helper? Let's go further.

(All children walk around the Christmas tree and sit down, the marine theme sounds, because of the Christmas tree "swim up" mermaids.)


Mermaid 1: On the ground now fun:

Dances, jokes, laughter, play!

Dressed up a miracle tree

Santa Claus is waiting - it's time!

Mermaid 2: And we have? Only fish dancing!

Carnival for herrings!

People have a sea of ​​gifts.

At least someone invited me to visit!

Mermaid 3: All! Don't come near me

Don't let me be sad!

Simka: Do not be sad Mermaid, we invite you to a holiday in kindergarten with us.

Simka: Now I will press the button, and instead of ponytails you will have legs like girls. One two Three. (the music of the sea sounds, overflows, the little mermaids swim away behind the Christmas tree and return without tails)


(music - song of the crab Sebastian "And underwater...")

Simka: Mermaids, you need to help the guys. Evil kikimora broke the magic clock, and the numbers are different scattered fairy tales. You did not find them in the underwater kingdom?

Mermaids: (bring out chest) Maybe here?

Simka: (opens the chest, and there are Christmas tree decorations) And here are the Christmas decorations. Guys, in the underwater kingdom, a Christmas tree should also New Year's. Yes? Let's decorate Christmas trees for marine inhabitants. And we will have Christmas trees .... (chooses 2 adults).


(Christmas decorations on clothespins and tinsel are taken out of the chest, decorate Christmas trees. They find numbers at the bottom and give them to Simka.)

(Oriental music sounds) Where did we get?


Jasmine: I am Princess Jasmine, slim and tender,

To be an example of beauty for everyone

It just doesn't make sense!

I want a holiday! I want a tree!

Shahrazade: I arrived with an oriental caravan,

Camels brought me.

Peacocks live in my country

There are even fabulous Genies.

But it doesn't make sense!

I want a holiday! I want a tree!

Budur: And I'm beautiful Budur

Gold, satin, purple.

But what's the point of being rich?

I want a holiday, I want a Christmas tree!

Simka: Hello princesses, beauties. We heard that you want to New Year's holiday? We invite you to our kindergarten.

Simka: Only now we had a misfortune, the evil kikimora broke the magic clock, and the numbers for different scattered fairy tales. If the numbers are not returned, then the New Year will not come. Have you seen them in your eastern country?

Budur: You saw it, but first, tell us what the New Year is?

Simka: The guys will tell you now.

Children: Adults and children know

All the people know:

The best holiday on the planet

It is a New Year.

There will be white snow spinning

Christmas tree to shine.

Let's have fun together

Meet the New Year.

It's snowing, it's snowing

Soon, soon the New Year

Santa Claus will come to us

Bring gifts to everyone.

Oriental beauties: What a good holiday (give numbers)

(go around the Christmas tree, sit down.)

(Music from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” plays in the background)

Masha: Bear, did you and I dress up the Christmas tree?

Bear: Dressed up.

Masha: Have you invited forest animals to the holiday?

Bear: Invited.

Masha: Have you laid out the gifts under the Christmas tree?

Bear: Spread out.

Masha: Oh, Mishka, it seems to me that we forgot something.

Bear: Poetry!

Masha: So my dears ... get here!

Forest dweller 1: At the green Christmas tree

beautiful needles,

And from top to bottom

Beautiful toys.

Forest dweller 2: Balls, magic lanterns hang on branches,

And beads and snowflakes, and blue ice floes.

Simka: Guys, look where we are! Did you recognize them? Who is it? I see you are also preparing for the meeting New Year, Yes?

Misha: Of course, Santa Claus will come soon.

Masha: And he will bring gifts.

Simka: And we had a misfortune, Kikimora is evil, she broke the magic clock and the numbers for different scattered fairy tales, you are in fairy tale did not find them?

forest dwellers: Found!

Masha: we just won't give it up. Play with us.

Simka: Good! (children walk around the Christmas tree)


(children sit on chairs, heroes give numbers)

A blizzard sounds in the background, snowflakes appear.

Snowflake 1st: Winter came with gifts, she has no count of them.

This guest has ice, skates and sleds.

Snowflake 2nd: Still - white snowflakes winter brought us,

She covered trees and houses with this miracle.

Snowflake 3rd: We will scatter, snowflakes,

Through the fields and through the forests

To fill up all the paths,

We need to turn around.

DANCE OF SNOWFLAKES (with ribbons)

Simka: Snowflakes, trouble happened to us, Kikimora is evil, she broke the magic clock and numbers according to different scattered fairy tales, you did not find them?

(Snowflakes give numbers)

Simka: That's lovely! We got all the numbers! I click on the helper and move on.

(they walk around the tree and sit down)

(Pinocchio, Malvina, Artemon run out to the music)


(to the song Pinocchio Entin Yu., Rybnikov A.)

Malvina: Hello, my name is Malvina!

I am Pinocchio's girlfriend.

Artemon is obedient to me,

And Pierrot is in love with me.

Pinocchio: And I'm a wooden boy

In a striped cap.

I was created for the joy of people

Happiness is the key in my hand.

Artemon: Friends, we went to you for a holiday

Along the forest path

And shone underfoot

white snowflakes

Pinocchio: Suddenly in a snowdrift

Have seen something

Come closer

Picked up the key.

Simka: Do you know what this key is from?

All: NO

Simka: This key is not simple, we will take it with us. The magic clock needs to be wound up. We are going to kindergarten, and we invite you Malvina, Pinocchio, Artemon to the holiday with us. (go around the Christmas tree, sit down)

(Kikimora appears)

kikimora: Look, have you found all the numbers? Not to be a holiday, well, give it all to me (picks up numbers)

Simka: Guys, you need to call the heroes, we can’t cope with her alone! (Presses on the helper, the heroes come out to the music)


kikimora: Oh, don’t ruin your little ones, here are all the numbers for you. I'm not angry, I just also want to go on a holiday, and I also want a gift. And no one calls me, no one invites me. Forgive me guys.

Snow Maiden: Well guys, excuse me?

Children: Yes!

Snow Maiden: Well, hook all the numbers back. And you guys make sure that Kikimora does not mess anything up. Pinocchio, wind up the clock.

(Kikimora clings to numbers, children count up to 12 in chorus, wind up the clock, the chimes are heard, Santa Claus comes in).

Father Frost: Hello adults! Hello children! I am Santa Claus the best in the world. I remember exactly a year ago I saw these guys! The year has gone by like an hour. Here I am again among you!

Snow Maiden:

We were waiting for you, Santa Claus, we are waiting for you for the evening! We will start a round dance, we will sing a song for you!


Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, play with our kids.

Father Frost: Of course I will!


Snow Maiden: We danced well, sang and played songs, but we were a little tired. Sit down, children, rest. Let's read poems to Grandfather.

Father Frost: Well done guys, it's time to give gifts.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, where is your big bag with gifts?

Father Frost:. (looking for) What am I old, did it! I forgot my bag somewhere!

Fixik will have to call, Santa Claus to help.

Simka, come here. Santa Claus is in trouble here!

Simka, don't blame me. Well, come up with something! He promised gifts to children, but he lost his bag!

Simka: Don't worry grandpa, I've captured your gift maker here.

Father Frost: Oh, that's good, though it's a little rusty, I haven't used it for a whole year. You have to cover it with snow. (gives snowballs to several children, grease the gift maker. The first 2 times unnecessary objects fly out of the apparatus, then gifts appear)

distribute gifts.

Father Frost: It's time. Need to forgive. I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!

Snow Maiden: Let both adults and kids meet the New Year together! Happy New Year!

"Magical journey through fairy tales"


Adults: Host, Santa Claus

Children: Snow Maiden, Old Man, Fish, Snow White, Gnomes, Snow Fairies, Snow Queen, Robbers

To the New Year's music, the presenter leads the children into the hall. Semicircle.

Vedas : The old year is over, hello New Year!

Many happy days are waiting for you guys.

Happy New Year and I wish you with all my heart

Happiness and health to you, both big and small!

Children: 1. He came to us again today

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This New Year's holiday

We waited impatiently.

2. The past year goes into the past,

And hurried time does not wait,

The last calendar leaf was torn off,

The New Year is upon us!

3. Frequent forest, blizzard field

The winter holiday is upon us.

So let's say together:

All: Hello, hello New Year!

4. A magical holiday brings us


And dances with us leads


5. You carry a Christmas tree from the forest

Guys in the New Year,

You turn everything into a fairy tale

When your snow is falling!

Vedas : Look at the beautiful Christmas tree! How beautiful she is today.

Children: 1. How good is the Christmas tree.

Look how she dressed up.

Christmas tree dress in green silk.

Bright beads burn on the chest.

2. You grow to the ceiling,

Get fluffy, tall

Everyone is more beautiful and slimmer,

To delight guests!

3. Herringbone, herringbone,

Golden Star!

Christmas tree-wonderful

Let's sing a song!

The song "Song of the Christmas Tree", after they sit down.

The Snow Maiden enters the hall to the music

Snow Maiden: Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all!

With new happiness, happy new year,

New snowy weather!

And what a beautiful Christmas tree you have! Until the lights are on.

Snow Maiden: It's not a problem!

And now everything is together, together

Loudly say: one-two-three,

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!(children say the words together)

The tree lights up.

Vedas : How beautiful! Thank you, Snow Maiden! Let's all start a round dance!

Round dance with the Snow Maiden

Children sit down

Presenter: Snow Maiden! Where is Santa Claus? We have been waiting for him for a holiday with the guys for so long!

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather Frost and I walked around the world for a long time and congratulated the guys on the New Year! We even visited fairy tale characters! And I lost it in fairy tales .. Help me find it?

Presenter: Guys, let's help the Snow Maiden find Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden: I have there is a magic bell! With the help of it, we will go through fairy tales!

Snow Maiden: (Rings the bell)

Magic bell, ring!

Bring us to the first fairy tale!

Magical music sounds.

Coming out Month

Father Frost:

Month, Month, our friend, a gilded horn,

You walk under the skies, over fields and forests,

Have you seen Grandfather Frost from above?


I have been walking in the sky for a long time, I see a lot, I know a lot,

In the circle of stars I sit, from a height I look into the distance,

I see an old man hurrying towards you, across the field, straight ahead.

The month is leaving (sits on a chair)

An old man enters

Old man: Hello guys! I'm looking for the sea here, I need to talk to the Goldfish. Have you seen the sea here?

Snow Maiden: Did not see…

Old man: Hush hush! I hear the sound of the surf

Here it is, the sea. (sits on a chair with the guys)

Pisces come out to the music

Dance of the Fish

1 FishWe are golden fish

We are so naughty!

Deftly splashing in the water

On the salty seabed!

2 Rybka AT oceans and seas,

In mountain rivers and ponds,

Deep in shallow water

Fish live there, no doubt.

3 Rybka Happy New Year
And with all our hearts we wish
Laughter, joke, no worries
Celebrate this New Year.


What do you want, old man?

Old man:

Don't be angry, goldfish.

The old woman scolds even more,

Does not give me, the old man, peace.

She doesn't need your kingdom

She wants a color Panasonic TV for the new year


Do not be sad, old man, go with God. There will be a TV for your old woman.

fish float to the music


Wait, old man, have you met Santa Claus?

Old man:

No, I haven't met... (leaves)


That's the trouble, in this fairy tale we did not find Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, don't despair!

We will find Santa Claus!

In the meantime, let's sing a song!

Song "Christmas song"

Children sit down

Presenter: Snow Maiden, take out your bell, let it take us to another fairy tale!

Snow Maiden:

Magic bell, ring!

Take us to another fairy tale!

Music sounds, the Nutcracker comes in, approaches the Christmas tree and dresses it up.


I made toys, decorated a Christmas tree for the holiday.

There are beads, and balls, and colored lanterns.

May the New Year with new happiness

Under the fairy tale of sleep, he will enter your house

And along with the smell of spruce

Joy, happiness will bring!

Leading: Hello Nutcracker! We travel with the Snow Maiden and children through fairy tales and Santa Claus. Have you seen Santa Claus in your fairy tale?

Nutcracker: No, I have not seen Santa Claus

But do not be sad, you are friends!

I hear the soldiers are coming

They dance and sing!

Tin soldiers enter to the music

Dance of the Tin Soldiers and the Nutcracker

Soldier 1 The star is on the tree

In anticipation of good luck

Thank you for everything fate

Soldier 2 Sweeps, blizzard sings

Let me believe in the New Year

That all dreams come true

And the stories never end!

Soldier 3 Don't miss New Years

Sing and smile

Believe that success will come to fate

With a new, wondrous happiness!

Presenter: And what a holiday without games! Let's play with you!

Nutcracker: Let's!

Game with soldiers and the Nutcracker

Presenter: Have you seen Santa Claus in your fairy tale?


No, we haven't seen...

Goodbye, we have to go! (the soldiers and the Nutcracker leave)

Presenter: Oh ... and in this fairy tale there is no Santa Claus ...

Presenter: Snow Maiden, take out your bell again, let it take us to another fairy tale!

Snow Maiden:

Our magic bell

Take us to another fairy tale!

Magical music sounds. The snow fairies come out

Dance of the snow fairies

Fairy 1 No you didn't know

No you haven't heard

Snow is not water that has frozen over the roofs

Not bad weather, not a winter trophy

Snow is a thousand little fairies!

Fairy 2 The snow fairy flew

The sun touched the train,

The snow flew up to the sky

Silver showering the forest.

Fairy 3 A blizzard paves the way for us

Hooves beat the snow elastically

Mane snow wave

The icy wind blows.

Fairy 4 We sing funny songs

And we live so happily!

Let's play together

To make it more interesting!

Snow Maiden:

Have you met Santa Claus? He got lost in one of the fairy tales...

Fairy: In the realm of our Queen

Didn't meet Santa Claus

The fairies leave, the children sit down

The blizzard is noisy. The Snow Queen enters.

The Snow Queen: Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all!

In my winter kingdom

There is a place for you!

We sing funny songs

And we live so happily!

Let's play together

To make it more interesting!

Father Frost: Well, guys, let's play with the Snow Queen, maybe she knows where my bag is.

Music game

Children sit down

Snow Maiden: How beautiful is your kingdom

And what decorations are here!

Blizzard snow chalk

It brought us to you

Presenter: Snow Queen, have you met Santa Claus?

The Snow Queen: In his kingdom of snow, ice

I didn't see Santa Claus! (leaves)

Music sounds. Santa Claus enters

Father Frost : Hello guys!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all children!

Congratulations to all guests!

Leading: Santa Claus, and we have been looking for you for so long with the Snow Maiden and the guys, and you found us yourself!

Father Frost: I got lost in fairy tales! But it's good that I met you!

Presenter: Our guys have prepared poems for you, listen here.

Santa Claus sits on a chair

Reading poems

Father Frost: Oh what good fellows, receive gifts! (Looks around, but there is no bag) Oh, oh .. my head is full of holes .... I forgot my bag somewhere ...

Music sounds. The robbers are running.

Dance of the Robbers

Father Frost: Oh .. what robbers ... brave ... and how they dance ...

Rogue 1 We are dashing robbers!

We are cool guys!

Near or far

Give me your wallet!

Rogue 2 We don't need science

And it's clear why:

We have legs and arms

And the head is useless to us!

Rogue 3 Oh-dy-dy, oh-dy-dy,

We are guys anywhere!

We took all the gifts

Santa Claus got robbed!

Rogue 4 Greetings from Santa Claus

Without all the threats

You were visiting

And you, grandfather, forgot about us!

Father Frost: I haven't forgotten about you! I give gifts only to good, well-mannered and polite children! And you rob everyone, offend, interfere with the game and don’t know how ...

Rogue Not true! We know how to play!

Sing songs and dance!

Let's show now

Let's play a game and prove it!

And then we'll give gifts

We won't hurt you anymore!

Snow Maiden: Let's play together

And we'll find out in the game!

How can you play

Not to scare everyone!

The game of children with robbers (relay race)

Rogue: Oh, and nice you played!

With you, we did not lose heart!

You are fun to play with

Jump, run and jump!

We give away your gifts (gives bag to Santa Claus)

And we look forward to seeing you all again!

Father Frost: It turns out, guys, our robbers are not so evil after all! They proved to us that they can be good and reliable friends!

Snow Maiden: We will start a round dance

Let's sing a song together!

Round dance "Happy New Year!"

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Congratulations friends!

Let bad weather pass you by

I wish you all the best!

Father Frost : Hey, kids! Well done!

And do not say that youngsters!

You made me happy today, amused me to glory! It's time for me to youhave fun and give gifts.

I congratulate you, children,

I wish you happiness, joy

So that you grow and get smarter

They had fun, they sang songs,

So that your laughter will always ring,

Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!!!

Santa Claus and Snow rochka distribute gifts.

Sounds like a Christmas song.

The holiday is over.

Developed by the musical director Popova Galina Leonidovna, MBDOU of Kurgan "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 45", DELFIN. The middle and senior groups participate in the celebration.

Scenario New Year's party SAVE RUSSIAN FAIRY TALES


  • baba yaga,
  • Rooster,
  • spiderman,
  • Father Frost,
  • Snow Maiden.

Children stand in pairs at the door.


“Now we will open a fabulous door for you.
There are good heroes - you just believe in it.
There are many miracles in the world, and in our fairy tale there are.
Well, friends, on the road, let's enter the magical forest!

Children "slide" into the hall on invisible sleds.

  • Middle group: “The sledges themselves are running”, music by Filippenko.
  • Senior group: “Our sleds are coming, going” music by M. Eremeeva (magazine “Music Director”, No. 6, 2006, p. 34).

Children sit on chairs.

Extravagantly dressed Baba Yaga is vacuuming the path.

Baba Yaga:

- In our forest on New Year's Eve
The blizzard covered the path.
Well why, who's to say why
They don't like me, Babka-Ezhka?

- I had one fiance - drove off to the sea. I called on my cell phone that I should meet some foreigner. And what will I do with it?

- I'm good, I'm good
Yes, I'm badly dressed.
Nobody gets married
Girl (me means) for it!

Baba Yaga: - How everything is running here with me ... Soon the guest should appear, but I can’t tidy up in any way. (Looks in the mirror.) Yes... People say that beauty is a terrible force. Well, the guests have arrived!

The music from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians" sounds, the Cat and the Rooster appear, they sing:

They came to you for an hour.
Hello! Hello! Salute!
Meet Yaga, rather us,
Your friends are coming!

Baba Yaga: - Fu-you, well-you, the bast shoes are bent! Kotofei Ivanovich and Pyotr Petrovich came. Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh! It became interesting to live in the forest: solid jokes. Yesterday, for example, Koschei called. The villain drove off to the Canaries. It's cold, you see, he's in the woods! And the water there too: he went on a circumnavigation. He's probably floating on his belly. Me too, floating teletubby! What is happening! Ugh!

Cat: - Why did you stay here? We wanted to come to you for the holiday, congratulate you, but you haven't started it yet.

Baba Yaga: - Yes, I was told to meet a foreign guest! And I wanted to fly to Paris, to a fashion show, on my motor. It's called a stupa.


- What are you, Grandma Yaga,
Have you never seen Paris?
In Russia, fun awaits us,
After all, today is the New Year!
Get it guys now
Cheerful dance!

Children lead a round dance:

  • Middle group: "New Year's Song", music by Savelyeva (magazine "Musical Palette", p. 28).
  • Senior group: "Zimushka-winter" (magazine "Merry note").

Baba Yaga: - Well, everyone, have fun and will be. Be gone, evil spirit! (She drives the children and the cat with a rooster away.) I went to get ready for the meeting.

The children sit on the chairs, the Cat and the Rooster leave. Foreign music sounds, Spider-Man appears.

Spiderman (kisses Yaga's hands): — Hello, gerl! Here from e name?

Baba Yaga: "Get out, evil spirit!" What passions! I saw all sorts of evil spirits, but this was the first time. What are you talking about, scarecrow?

Spiderman: — I am a foreign guest. My name is from Spiderman.

Baba Yaga: - Wake up, unfortunate! Come on guys, get out! Overseas wonder Yudo has come!

The Cat and the Rooster come out, laugh, fall on the floor with laughter.


- I'm a very sly Mr.
I am superman.
When the time comes
I seize the moment.
I'm crying very hard
Hearing the beat of the heart.
My time has come.
I am Spiderman.

Rooster (peeping out from behind the Cat): - You don't scare me! And anyway, what kind of disgrace is going on? Some foreigner came to us and wants to establish his rights here!

Cat: “Come on, get out of our forest and into your skyscrapers!” We are the masters here!

Together: - Go away!

Spiderman: - Don't shout too much. Mine is not afraid of you. I will entangle the taiga with my cobwebs, and you, a relic of the past, will not dare to utter a word. We will be the new owner here!

Cat: Let's start scaring him.

Rooster: - I'm afraid!

Cat: - Well, let's at least from afar!

Rooster: - Isn't that scary?

Cat: - Not! You won't catch up with us, you won't kill us and you won't dance!

The cat and the rooster are dancing a Russian dance.

Baba Yaga: - Zyts! Why are they dancing here? I'll deal with him myself. Go for a treat, and we will chat with this guest, so to speak in Russian, in our own way.

Yaga rolls up his sleeves, clenching his fists. The cat and the rooster leave.

Spiderman: “You are such a wonderful girl. I will sing you a Russian romance. I studied the Russian language for a very long time and this romance.

Spiderman sings to the tune "Random Waltz" from the repertoire of L. Utesov.

The night is short. All gone for now.
We'll dance together tonight.
Come on, where's your hand?
Even though I don't know you at all
And in America, my dear home,
I want to hug you
I want to enjoy
At Yaga, under the window, dance the night together.
So say a word
I don't know what.

Baba Yaga (fanning, flirting): “He completely bewitched me, little rascal. Oh… (covers his mouth with his hands) Oh, what am I saying! Oh… (begins to hiccup).

Spiderman: - Well, everything, got hooked! (Turns to Baba Yaga.) My darling, my baby! Do you want me to take you far, far away? You will live in a high house, swim in the pool, go to the best resorts. Agree?

Baba Yaga: - I agree, my ugly! You bewitched me with Russian romance. Take me sir, I'm yours forever.

Spiderman: - I'll take you away, but there is one condition: we must take hostage the Snow Maiden - in English "snow girl". Let her be an American girl.

Baba Yaga: - I agree to everything.

Spiderman: “You are such a wonderful girl…”

To the music of Baba Yaga and Spider-Man leave. The melody of the Russian folk song "Oh, my box is full-full ..." sounds. Cat and Rooster come out. They carry a pot, sing.

Cat and Rooster:

- Full-full saucepan -
Enough to fill everyone's stomach!
Take food, Yagushechka!
Everyone is carrying a Rooster and a Cat.

Cat: - Yaga, take a treat! (They are looking for Yaga.)

Rooster: “Where is Yaga and the foreigner?” Nowhere. Where did they go?

Cat: Well, I think there's something wrong here.

Rooster: - Whatever happened. You are our smartest, and you decide how we will continue to be.

Cat: - Well, uh-uh, I'm so-a-a-ak I think ...

Rooster: — Are you kidding me? What can you think about for so long?

Cat: - I know everything. This foreigner wants to take the heroes of our fairy tales to America.

Rooster: — That's right… They'll take everything away from us soon. So they have our cartoons, and instead of their native, Russian, our children are palmed off with their low-quality products.

Cat: “We must save us, the characters of Russian fairy tales, otherwise all these foreigners will indeed take our places.

Rooster: And our children will play their games!

Cat: — Watch their horror stories!

Rooster (crying): And they will become evil and bad.

Cat: No, it's scary to even think about it. We must act!

Rooster: - Get to work! We meet at 12-00. Let's take the treat with us!

The cat and the rooster leave. The Snow Maiden enters to the music.

Snow Maiden:

- The stars shine brightly in the sky,
And the forest is so dark.
I didn't go down that path
And she is guilty of that.
And here is the Christmas tree
So it came right.
I'll light the fires on her
And I'll look around.
Herringbone, beauty, one, two, three,
Shine bright lights!

The tree lights up.

How many bright lights the Christmas tree has!
How many smart children today
How many parents, our guests!
I came to congratulate you all on the holiday,
Let's sing together at the Christmas tree, kids.

Children sing:

  • Middle group: “Christmas tree, hello!”, music by Y. Mikhailenko (magazine “Music Director”, No. 6, 2007, p. 11).
  • Senior group: "New Year's Song", music by G. Gladkov (magazine "Music Director", No. 6, 2007, p. 5).

Spider-Man and Baba Yaga appear.

Baba Yaga (in a whisper): - Here she is, the Snow Maiden. Now we will grab her!

Spiderman: - O! Yes! Beautiful ... No, strength is not needed here, cunning and ingenuity are needed here.

Hiding behind a tree.

Baba Yaga: - Hello, Snow Maiden! Hello beauty! Are you cold?

Snow Maiden: No, Babushka Yaga.

Baba Yaga: — What are you doing here?

Snow Maiden: - I was walking along the wrong path, my grandfather and I missed each other. Oh, who is this? Looking over the tree.

Baba Yaga: - Where? I do not see. It seemed to you.

Snow Maiden, bypassing the Christmas tree: — Here he is! Who are you?

Spiderman: - I'm a boyfriend. I came to Russia for the Christmas holiday, Russian means calling you to America. Hello girl! Do you agree or not?

Baba Yaga: She agrees, she agrees! And do not argue! It's time to visit their Santa Claus to go and get acquainted. Take her under the white hands and let's go, let's fly on my motor.

Snow Maiden: - No no. What are you doing? I have to wait for my grandfather. Let me go!

Baba Yaga: "Don't resist, dear. You will bathe in money - dollars!

The Snow Maiden is taken away. Santa Claus comes to the music.

Father Frost:

“Ah, that white blizzard!”
Why covered the roads?
Where are you, Snow Maiden, now?
At least give me a vote.

- Oh ... Yes, I see everyone has already gathered for the holiday. Hello guys. Hello parents. I look, and the Christmas tree is already sparkling with lights, granddaughter, you can see it was here, but where, guys, is she now?

The children answer.

Father Frost: “Don’t be Santa Claus if I don’t find my granddaughter, the Snow Maiden.” Forward! Santa Claus is in a hurry to help you, Snow Maiden.

Leaves. The Cat and the Rooster appear from different sides of the Christmas tree, bumping into each other.

Cat: Are you friend or foe?

Rooster: - Friend.

Together (in a whisper): - We are starting the operation "Let's save Russian fairy tales."

Dance "forward, Russia!".

Cat: - Right there, freeze! Someone is coming! Enemy from the flank!

They hide.

Baba Yaga and Spider-Man appear, dragging the Snow Maiden.

Spiderman: - I'm freezing. Get your stupa engine ready to fly!

Baba Yaga picks in a mortar, tears something off and quietly throws it away.

Baba Yaga: — Oh, someone ruined the car! One spare part is missing.

Snow Maiden: - Let me go! I need to go to the children for the holiday! Let go!

The cat and the rooster come out of hiding.

Rooster: - Yeah, got it! We did not expect Baba Yaga from you such dirty tricks.

Cat: Yes, we didn't expect it! And aren't you ashamed? And also our dear, Russian woman.

Baba Yaga: - What are you, guys, it was I who decided to check why an overseas guest was sent to our forest, and I personally conducted a special investigation. You see, he decided to drag us to his place so that neither Baba Yaga nor the Snow Maiden could come to the children on New Year's Eve.

Cat (advancing on Spider-Man): - Well, guess three times what we will do with you now?

Spiderman: “Well, well, why such rudeness? Let's sit down at the negotiating table and discuss everything at the highest level.

Baba Yaga: - Now we will sit down and play with you in the “Weak Link”. Well, answer the question.

Cat: - Who came to us uninvited?

Rooster: - Who wanted to take away the Snow Maiden?

Cat: - Whose stupidity, like impenetrable taiga?

Rooster: - You do not know?

Cat: - You are not answering?

Cat and Rooster: You are our weakest link! Leave our fairy tale and do not spoil the holiday!

Spiderman: - I am kind. I just really wanted our Santa Claus to have such a beautiful granddaughter. He is very lonely.

Cat: “That doesn't excuse you. After all, every fairy tale of any country has its own heroes.

Rooster: “So get back to yourself. After all, you also have a New Year in America and American guys are waiting for you.

Spiderman: “Well then, goodbye my Russian friends, I’m leaving. Goodbye!

Music sounds, Santa Claus comes in.

Snow Maiden: - This is my grandfather.

Father Frost: - My sweet granddaughter! I already thought I wouldn't find you. Well, it's time to start the New Year! I see everyone is here. Good old familiar heroes of fairy tales and children are here. We will sing, dance and play, and receive gifts.

Snow Maiden:

- This hour has come,
The New Year has come.
The holiday is coming to us with great strides.
Get up all to the Christmas tree to dance.
The holiday has come to us
The New Year has arrived!

Children lead a round dance.

Children: - Good Santa Claus, we will make you laugh to tears.

The teaser game "Santa Claus" is being held. Children and Santa Claus sing to the melody of the Russian folk song "Ah, you canopy, my canopy."

Children: - Santa Claus, Santa Claus, you have a snub nose.

Father Frost: “I have, I have, I have a beautiful nose.

Children: - Santa Claus, you have an icy beard.

Father Frost: “I have, I have, an icy beard.

Children: - You have something, old, all in patches felt boots.

Father Frost: - I have, I have, these are boots.

Children: - Santa Claus, Santa Claus, we will bring you to tears.

Father Frost: - Enough teasing the old one, I'll catch everyone now!

Santa Claus catches up with the children, they sit on the chairs.

Father Frost: - You said something about my felt boots here. But did you know that felt boots are primordially Russian footwear? It is not afraid of any frosts and snowstorms. But you can still take it off and play, measure strength.

The game "Strongmen" is being held. A line is drawn with chalk. Two children put felt boots on one hand and try to fight with these boots, pushing the opponent away from the line as far as possible.

Father Frost:

- Nice, you have fun,
The legs themselves are torn to dance.
I ask you to help
Together we will dance.
Well, my granddaughter
There will be dances announced.

Snow Maiden: - We play, we don’t get bored, we start the Russian dance! (Children dance.)

Oh, fun, and only, the polka sounded loudly. (Children dance.)

Come out waddling, we'll dance a gypsy. (Children dance.)

The back has not yet hurt, let the lezginka sound now. (Children dance.)

And now it sounds for you, New Year's winter waltz. (For older groups.)

Gently music flight, start a round dance. (For medium groups.)

Father Frost:

Did I dance well?
Very, children, I'm tired!
I'll go to the winter forest
I'll have some rest there!

Snow Maiden: “Grandfather, we won’t let you out of the circle.

Father Frost: - Like this?

Snow Maiden:

- But like this. The music will play
Let's all dance in a circle
How will the silence
Don't let grandpa out then.

The game "We will not release" is being held.

Father Frost: - Since you won’t let me out, then you will play snowballs with me.

There is a snowball fight. After the game, the children sit on the chairs.

Father Frost: - Do you remember, granddaughter, last year, you told an interesting game, either with a boy, or with a high chair. Here I am old, I don’t remember the head with a hole. And I want to play. (The Snow Maiden tells the game, Santa Claus and children play).

Rooster: - Played, Santa Claus, but did you bring gifts?

Cat: - What are you, Santa Claus, with a white beard. Where are the gifts, come on, woe to you and me.

Father Frost: — I brought a big bag. There are toys, books in it ... But I don’t remember where he is, dear kids.

Rooster: - And we will go around the Christmas tree and find your bag ourselves!


- Come out, kids, we will look for a bag,
So that Santa Claus can give you gifts.

Children find a bag under the tree.

Father Frost:

- I am very grateful, I found the loss,
You go to the chairs and receive gifts.

Children sit on chairs. Santa Claus and the heroes of fairy tales give them gifts.

Father Frost:

— Love each other, learn, grow
And all this year, I ask you not to be sad.
We will return to this hall again!
Believe, because it was Frost who told you!

All heroes:

- We leave you to return to you again.
And you are ready for this meeting!
Goodbye our little friends!