DIY roses from egg cells. DIY flowers from egg containers


Composition “Bronze Fantasy” from waste material. Master class with step by step photos.

Yudicheva Marina Anatolyevna, teacher primary classes boarding school No. 1 in Kirov.
Purpose: This composition is wonderful gift for any holiday. Can be used to decorate the interior of a home, classroom, or group.

Description: The material is intended for children of average school age; for children of senior preschool and primary school age in cooperation with parents; for teachers and all creative people
Target: making a composition from waste material (nylon, yogurt bottles, egg trays)
- teach how to make crafts from waste materials,
- develop aesthetic taste, creative thinking, small muscle motor skills, cooperation skills,
- cultivate a caring attitude towards others.

To complete the work you will need the following materials.

-egg tray,
-polymer glue, PVA glue,
-twigs from willow or other tree,
- felt-tip pen or pencil,
-aerosol enamel bronze color,
- a bottle of yogurt,
-nylon (you can use old tights),
- beads.


1. Let's start making flowers.
1) Take the tray and cut it into pieces.

2) We will need 21 such parts (3 parts per flower).

3) Fold in half.

4) Draw the shape of a petal.

5) Cut it out.

6) Part of the flower is ready. One rose will require 3 such parts.

7) Bend the petals of two parts carefully to the sides with your fingers.

8) Carefully shape the petals. One rose will require two of these.

9) We make the middle of the rose.

10) We twist the resulting part.

11) Let's move on to coloring the petals. This is where children will need the help of an adult (I recommend wearing gloves). Lay it out on newspaper and carefully paint each part on both sides.

12) The lower petals are ready. You need 7 of them.

13) Medium rose petals.

14) Central petals.

15) Collect a flower. Apply glue to the inside of the lower petals.

16) Insert the middle petals and drip glue into the center.

17) Glue the central petals.

18) Glue a bead to the center of the flower with polymer glue (later it will serve as a limiter for the branch).

19) We make 7 such flowers.

20) At the bottom of each flower we make a hole and insert a twig into it.

21) Roses are ready!

Let's start making the vase.
1) Take a bottle and nylon. Cut off a part from the tights 10 cm longer than the height of the bottle.

2) We dilute PVA glue with water in a container (about 2 parts glue and 1 part water).

3) Soak the nylon.

4) We insert the bottle inside the nylon.

5) Carefully cover the bottom of the bottle with the edge of the nylon.

6) We tuck the other edge of the nylon inward (about 1 cm).

7) Drape the remaining nylon randomly. Let the glue dry.

8) Then we paint the caprn on the bottle with the same paint as the roses. Let the paint dry and decorate the vase. Glue the beads with polymer glue. The vase is ready.

We compose a composition.

Master class on making panels “Sunny Bouquet” from egg trays.

DIY panel “Sunny Bouquet” as a gift.

Let him decorate the walls of the house,
This is a tender picture.
Let it be to your liking,
The intention of creation.
Let her create comfort
Will find its decoration.
And wonderful color
Home is your space.
teacher additional education Novichkova Tamara Aleksandrovna MBU DO Lesnovsky House of Children's Creativity.
Description of work: This master class is intended for school-age children, primary school teachers, educators, additional education teachers, creative parents and those who love to create unusual crafts, from ordinary, waste material.
Purpose: a panel was made for a sample, it can become an interior decoration, as a gift.
Target: making flowers from egg containers, creating panels.
- learn to make flowers from egg trays, see in unnecessary things benefit;
- teach correctly, create a composition when decorating a panel of flowers;
- develop cognitive interest in decorative - applied creativity, imagination, sense of taste;
- cultivate attention and care for loved ones.

Materials and tools:

Egg container;
- pencil;
- scissors;
- glue "Titan";
- stamens for artificial flowers;
- the basis for the panel is the frame.

When the last eggs have gone into making pancakes or an omelet, we don’t think twice about throwing the container in the trash. And if you look carefully and think about it, then even from such a small thing you can make a beautiful decorative thing with your own hands. Even great designers adapt and create masterpieces from ordinary objects. Let's try to be in the role of designers. I suggest getting a little creative and making a gift out of a simple egg container. It may be a small thing, but it was made with love and with your own hands. And if you involve your children and grandchildren in your work, you will get great pleasure together. Children are always interested in doing various crafts. Without wasting any time, let's get to work.

Step-by-step execution of the panel.

Cut the container into separate cells.

Carefully cut off the top of the cell with scissors. Round the edges. Then we form a flower from four petals.

There are 10 cells in the container. So, we make 10 colors. There is an idea, but how many flowers to make, everyone will decide for themselves.

We take stamens for artificial flowers. Each flower has three stamens. You can use threads.

Make a hole in the flower with the tip of the scissors, fold the stamens in half and insert them into the hole. WITH reverse side We glue the stamen of the flower.

Draw random leaves on the lid of the container different sizes.

We cut them out and make teeth on each leaf. Leaves can be of any shape. This will also depend on your imagination.

From the remains of the container we cut out twigs and small petals for buds.

Let's prepare the base - the frame for the panel.

Before we start composing the composition of the “Sunny Bouquet”, let’s talk about the composition. Let's remember with the children, what is composition? How to correctly arrange flowers in a painting. You can make a sketch first.
Composition is the ability to correctly arrange objects in the drawing plane, to combine them into a single whole, the ability to interest the viewer, to attract his eye to your work.
Now let's start composing the composition. First glue the branches.

Below we have five colors.

We complement the bouquet with three more flowers, combining them together.

And on the top branches we glue one flower at a time.

Add buds. At the bottom of the composition we glue a fallen bud. This is what our panel looks like so far.

The matter remains behind the leaves. Glue it at the bottom first. Let's see how to arrange them more interestingly, and at the same time hide flaws or inaccuracies.

Glue the remaining leaves, filling the free space between the flowers. It's a matter of taste here!

Our panel is ready! We go into the room and hang it on the wall. Let's see where our panel will find a worthy place.

I hung a panel on the wall in my office, where the works of students from the Needlewoman association are displayed. It turned out well! There is a sample, but the girls know how to fantasize and will be able to make their own, unusual works.

Thank you for your attention to the master class. Congratulations to all the women working on the site on March 8th.

Are you still throwing away egg trays? But in vain! This is not only an indispensable material for making papier-mâché, trays can be used to create very beautiful roses for creating flower arrangements in the interior or for decorating gift wrapping self made. See for yourself how beautiful it is) These are the most beautiful roses I have ever seen. Moreover, I’ve already tried making it, have you seen my golden topiary? From personal experience I can recommend you to paint roses from egg trays with spray paints, which are sold most different colors and shades. Painting them manually with a brush is quite a chore)

Before you start watching the photo master class and get inspired to use egg trays, I want to pay attention to the beauty of our eyes) The eyes are given extraordinary beauty and the charm is long, curvy and thick eyelashes, it is so? You've probably already heard about the miracle product that makes your eyelashes irresistible? I suggest you buy Careprost, ideal remedy for eyelash care, in the online store for very affordable price. You can start by reading reviews about Careprost to determine for yourself several reasons in its favor)

For work we will need:

egg trays, scissors, glue (it's best to use a hot glue gun), paint, wire for stems, green floral tape, green paper for leaves (you can use ready-made artificial leaves)

Cut the egg tray and trim the cells as shown in the photo

We paint the petals with acrylic paint, gouache, nail polish... or, as I recommended above, spray paint

Collecting petals into a rose

Cut out the sepals

Egg trays are one of the most available materials for needlework. Flowers create a mood on a rainy day, decorate the interior and become an indispensable gift for any woman. In this article we invite you to learn about how to do beautiful flowers from egg cartons. Once you learn how to make basic preparations, you can assemble bouquets and decorate wreaths or photo frames. Since cardboard egg trays are an environmentally friendly material, even children can work with them.

- egg trays;
- brush;
- dye;
- tape;
- glue;
- wire.

Master class, making flowers from egg trays

First of all, you need to divide the tray into separate sections and give them the shape of petals. By forming petals of different heights, you can make several blanks for a flower.

After this, you can place the blanks one inside the other. In order for the petals to fit tightly in the center, one blank needs to be cut. Can cut out extra petals and glue them into the center.

The flower is ready! If you want to decorate your burlap wreath, you can leave the flowers unpainted or spray paint them.

If you are planning to make a bouquet of cardboard flowers, it is better to paint the blanks before gluing the flower.

There are other methods for cutting flowers from egg trays. As in the previous case, you need to cut the box into sections in which the eggs were previously stored.

After this, 4 cuts are made on each section, the part is slightly straightened, and after that 4 more cuts are made again. These are future petals, each of which needs to be given rounded shape. When the workpiece is ready, you can start painting acrylic paints or gouache. Make stamens out of cardboard and paint them yellow. Place the flowers and stamens on the wire and secure.

It is noteworthy that cardboard egg trays make a beautiful photo frame that you can give to your loved one or friend. Flowers are cut out according to any of the patterns and glued to thick cardboard or chipboard.

You can decorate to your taste and create real masterpieces. Modern needlewomen have even been able to make flower lanterns from egg cartons.

Watch this helpful video: Flowers from egg trays

To do this, an LED was inserted into the center instead of the stamen. You can come up with your own shape of flowers and make a wreath or other product for interior decor.

The papier-mâché technique is in great demand not only as a way to create beautiful crafts, interior items, but also as one of the types of recycling of outdated newspapers and egg cartons. This skill is now very widespread, used in educational institutions, including kindergartens. The created products are durable, smooth and resistant to weather conditions, so they can be placed in rooms, left outside, as an element of decor in the courtyard of a private house or garden.

The technique involves the use of two techniques - pasting a certain base with pieces of newspaper or sculpting from a special mass. In this case, egg trays are often used. By collecting them, you can make a sculpture large enough for a winter or summer garden. And all you need are egg trays, water, glue.

PVA is the most common option. Its advantages include ease of use and the ability to form a waterproof film on the surface of the craft. This allows you not to use varnish to cover the surface in the future and expose the products outside without fear that they may become deformed.

Craftsmen often use wallpaper glue.

But for papier-mâché it should be diluted a little with water. Crafts made using such an adhesive composition will not be “afraid” of mold and mildew.

If it is not possible to purchase glue in a store, you can weld a well-known and affordable paste at home.

Using cheap components, especially egg trays, which are almost always thrown away, you can make any little things and decorate your living room, nursery, or kitchen with them. Often, with the help of this technique, craftsmen create beautiful sets for decorating the kitchen, desk lamp as fairy-tale heroes, or Egyptian cats for living room decor.

A special feature of the technique and the main key to success is the accuracy of the sculpting. One of the important factors is to let each piece of the craft dry thoroughly. In this case, it will not fall apart or change over time.

Papier-mâché master class: flowers

You can make beautiful flowers using glue and egg trays.

For this you will need:

  • 5 egg trays;
  • Water;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • White acrylic or gouache;
  • Thermal gun;
  • Thick wire (will serve as a stem for the flower);
  • Paints, brushes.
  • Colorless nail coating.

Depending on how many flowers you plan to make, you will need a certain number of pieces of wire. There can be 3, 5, 7, 9, 12 - as many as you like. By the way, for flowers you can make a beautiful vase using the papier-mâché technique.

The adhesive composition is pre-prepared: the egg trays are soaked in warm water, after swelling, the water is drained and PVA or paste is added. The composition should have the consistency of not liquid, but not thick sour cream.

First of all, you need to stick the composition onto the wire. Moreover, if you plan to make a rose, you must immediately mold a stem with thorns. Leave until completely dry.

Flowers and leaves are made using the sculpting technique. They can be of different sizes, curved shapes or have smooth contours. To understand how to make them, it’s enough to remember how crafts are made from plasticine. The technique is identical.

All parts of the flowers are covered with white. It is better to give preference to gouache or acrylic coatings. Any paint can then be easily applied to them. After drying, the parts are painted in the appropriate colors: green for the stem, red, orange, yellow for the flowers, depending on what type of flowers is chosen.

The buds are attached to the stems with hot glue. Finally, the surfaces are torn with a colorless nail base. You can place butterflies and ladybugs on flowers.

Papier-mâché decorative elements using egg trays (video)

Papier-mâché for the garden

Hedgehog. A hedgehog will look beautiful and original in a garden with flowers, and you don’t need expensive components to make it. A papier-mâché hedgehog for the garden is a wonderful decorative element. You can mold a whole family of them. The main thing is to show maximum imagination. The hedgehog is based on an ordinary light bulb, because its structure resembles a hedgehog. But, it is possible to make an animal by sculpting it from a mass of papier-mâché (egg trays, water, glue).

If the method of using the base is chosen, the light bulb is pre-lubricated with oil so that it is not difficult to remove later. Things will go faster if you have two light bulbs at hand. The composition is applied to half the base, and you immediately need to form the animal’s face and spines. After drying, the halves of the future craft are removed and glued together with “Moment”. The legs are made from adhesive.

The craft is covered with acrylic and painted in the appropriate color. Eyes and nose are drawn with a marker.

Gnome. Thanks to the papier-mâché technique, craftsmen make most interesting compositions. And if there is artistic talent, then there is the opportunity to create large sculptures for the garden, for example a gnome. Of course, it will take a lot more time to make, because street gnomes are quite voluminous sculptures. And here it is important that each part dries well for the strength and durability of the structure.

Will be needed:

  1. 5-liter empty plastic container (torso);
  2. Balloon or ball (head);
  3. 30-40 egg trays;
  4. Water;
  5. PVA glue or paste (about 1.5 l);
  6. Paints and brushes;
  7. White enamel;
  8. Colorless coating varnish.

The plastic container and the ball are covered with a mass of papier-mâché. After drying, the bases are removed, and the cut halves of the body and head are glued together. A mass of papier-mâché is connected to each other. The face and hands are formed from the adhesive composition. After a while - the remaining parts - headdress, fingers, legs. After drying - cheeks, nose, eyes, beard. There is nothing complicated about this, the most important thing is that the material must dry well, so there will be a lot of it even if it is damaged of this rule the sculpture will “float”. You can make a gnome for the garden in different poses - he can sit, stand or look out, as your imagination dictates.