Rose oil for the face - fragrant skin rejuvenation at home. Benefits and uses of rose oil

New Year

One of the most popular flower cosmetics is rose essential oil. It is excellent for all skin types. This is a real find for dry, sensitive and mature skin. Legends have been written about him since ancient times, and the annals of different countries and peoples mention magical properties.

Characteristics, useful properties and composition

The most noble species are Moroccan and Damascus rose oils. Their compositions differ in the percentage of components, but the action is identical. Moroccan rose oil is a powerful aphrodisiac.

The color of the oil depends on the feedstock: from muted yellow to pale green. The lower the storage temperature, the thicker the consistency. Normal density returns as the temperature rises.

Main components:

  • geraniol;
  • roseol;
  • farnesol;
  • citronellol;
  • phenylethinol;
  • nerol;
  • eugenol;
  • acids: lauric, palmitic and arachidic.

Essential oil of rosewood has the following effect:

  • helps in the fight against flaky and irritated skin;
  • nourishes and moisturizes dry skin, evens out its color;
  • treats neurodermatitis and dermatitis;
  • reduces or completely eliminates the manifestations of stretch marks on the skin;
  • contributes to the preservation of youthful skin, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and vascular pattern on the face;
  • brightens with the possibility of complete elimination of age spots and wrinkles.

The oil rejuvenates the skin, saturates it with moisture, tones and softens. It restores skin firmness and elasticity. The result of regular use is a fresh healthy look.

It is one of the best remedies for inflammation and irritation of the skin, has powerful antiseptic properties.

Acquisition Methods

There are several ways to get this wonderful tool:

  1. Ether is obtained in production;

Rose oil in industrial environment produced in two ways:

  • distillation

Hot steam is distilled through a mass of petals. The final substance is separated into essential oil and hydrolat (flower water). Both products are sold at average prices due to the relative simplicity of the process and the high volume of production.

  • enfleurage

The petals are placed on plates with odorless fat and left until the esters are absorbed by the base mass. A portion of roses is repeatedly changed to fresh at intervals (several days). The result of this step is fudge. The second step of enfleurage is its mixing with alcohol or other pure solvent. The fat is separated from the rest of the solution, then the alcohol is separated from the oil. The resulting oil is called the absolute. It is so concentrated that it can even solidify at room temperature. The price of such a product is always high. To make 1 liter, you need to use at least 3-5 tons of flowers of the first freshness.

Absolute is considered the ideal for skin care. It goes on sale diluted to 5% concentration. The complementary basis, as a rule, is jojoba.

aromatherapy properties. Dosage in aroma lamp

Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine. There are two mechanisms of its action: a direct pharmacological effect and the influence of aroma on the brain through the olfactory system.

How to use:

  1. Inhalation directly to disinfect the respiratory tract and achieve a psychological effect.
  2. Contact application for skin care, massage, adding to baths.
  3. Aromatization in the room and air disinfection.

In aromatherapy, rose oil is used as an effective sedative. It is very popular among the fair sex. With just a few drops of this essence, you can relieve stress, get rid of nervous tension and create a more positive outlook on the world. For women, rose oil will help to become more self-confident and reveal the inner reserves of femininity and beauty charm. Being a powerful aphrodisiac, it helps to solve a number of issues related to sexual problems.

Rose oil properties:

In aromatherapy, as in any treatment, there are rules:

  1. The first procedures are carried out using small doses.
  2. Rose oil is not used in its pure form, but is dissolved in base oils (almond, apricot, peach, olive).
  3. Entry into aromatherapy sessions should be gradual - to begin with, no more than 20 minutes in duration. To achieve the most effective result from aromatherapy, it is necessary to create certain conditions: - create subdued lighting, without bright light sources; Eliminate everything in the environment that creates stress for you; - create silence; - isolate yourself from others, it is better that during aromatherapy you are not disturbed or distracted.

Pmedicinal use

In medicine, the range of therapeutic effects of oil is quite wide and varied. So it is successfully used to normalize the menstrual cycle in women, treat infertility in men, improve heart function and normalize the activity of the digestive tract.

Popular effective recipes:

  1. Dry and cracked areas of the skin are treated with a compress: a tablespoon of vegetable oil is heated in a water bath, it should not be hot. Add 3 drops of ether, moisten a cotton cloth with the composition and apply to the damaged area until it cools completely. The procedure is performed twice a day. The result will be noticeable in 2-3 days.
  2. An irregular cycle can be smoothed out by using a mixture of calendula juice with rose ether (2-3 drops per 100 ml of juice). It is introduced into the vagina by douching.
  3. To cleanse and treat inflammatory processes of a different nature in the body, it is recommended to take baths for 15-20 minutes (starting from five minutes). A mixture of rose oil and sea salt is added to the collected water - 5 drops per 20-30 grams of salt (Approximately 2 tablespoons. Such baths increase the overall tone of the body. The course of treatment is two to three weeks (daily or every other day), for preventive purposes it is enough once a week.
  4. In order to treat angina, rose oil in the amount of one or two drops is applied with a pipette to the affected area (application with a cotton swab is possible). The procedure is repeated 3 times a day for three days. The frequency of application with an interval of 4-5 hours.
  5. Pulpitis is treated by filling the canal with a mixture that includes rose oil. It completely kills microorganisms in 5 minutes.
  6. Toothache for 3-4 hours can be removed by applying diluted ether to the cavity affected by caries.
  7. Treatment of periodontitis is carried out by applying a moistened swab with rose water. The compress is applied to the affected gum. Bleeding gums and bothersome pain go away after a few sessions. Inflammation processes are treated and gums are strengthened.

Application in cosmetology

Pink ether is widely used for cosmetic purposes: for the face, hair and body.

  • To nourish and moisturize tired, dry and dehydrated skin, add 5 drops of ether to 100 grams of fat cream, wipe your face once a day.
  • Baths for the skin of the face, neck and decollete. Pour 0.5 - 1 liter of water heated to 80 degrees into a large container, add 3 drops of ether. The procedure is carried out by bending over the steam, while the head is covered with a towel. Breathe for 7-10 minutes. After that, masks containing oil or aroma washing are recommended.

You can enrich the composition of the cream for daily use: per 50 ml bottle. three drops will suffice.

  • Face masks can be very diverse. You can add a couple of drops to the usual masks or make it according to the following recipe: dissolve a couple of drops of essential oil in one tablespoon of the base (honey, olive oil, egg yolk or fermented milk product). Massage the mask evenly onto the skin and hold for five minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  • Rose water for washing: dilute three drops of rose oil in half a teaspoon of emulsifier. As an emulsifier, vodka (40% alcohol), honey or whey is used. The resulting composition is mixed with half a liter of warm water. Rinse the skin and gently pat dry with a towel.
  • Rose oil for hair is very effective - it returns shine, strength and stimulates active growth. Dry hair ends are restored by applying a mixture of almond oil and rose ether to them - about 1 tablespoon for 3 drops. A massage mask is suitable for the roots. The basis of care is a nourishing scalp massage. It is necessary to prepare a mixture: add five drops of ether to 1 tablespoon of almond or olive oil. Apply over the entire surface of hair growth and massage the scalp for at least 10 minutes. Spread the rest over the entire length of the hair. To create a greenhouse effect, wrap your hair with a towel and leave for 1-1.5 hours, then rinse. If a headache occurs during or after the procedure, the concentration should be reduced.

The combination of rose oil with various components

Ideal companions as base oils: almond, apricot, olive.


Application in everyday life

Rosewood oil can repel insects and is often used as a natural insect repellent.

With regular aromatherapy sessions, it helps to quit smoking.

If you are planning a long trip, be sure to take rose oil with you - it increases attention and will not allow you to lose vigilance on the road.

Dosage and emulsifiers

The most commonly used emulsifiers are: — ethyl alcohol 40% (vodka); - honey; - fermented milk products (kefir, curdled milk, yogurt); - bran; - sea and table salt; - soda. The dosage is kept according to the prescription. Most often, it is 3-5 drops of ether per 1 tablespoon of emulsifier. Primary aromatherapy procedures are carried out for a short period of time - up to 20 minutes. The dosage of rose oil is minimal - 1-2 drops. In the absence of side effects and individual intolerance, it increases to 3-5 drops.

How to choose a quality product.

  • Natural essential oil is packaged in a dark glass bottle. It should not be stored in a display case - sunlight is detrimental to this product.
  • The cork must be tight to avoid escaping oil.
  • A dropper or pipette with the ability to calculate the volume is attached to the package (does not apply to small bottles of 1-2 ml.).
  • Packaging for medicines - with protection against the first opening.
  • The label and packaging must contain complete information about the manufacturer.

The myth that natural ether will completely evaporate if dropped on paper is not true. This is not an indication of quality.


Rose oil is a very valuable product. And its production takes a lot of raw materials: to obtain 1 kg. oil is spent 5000 kg of raw materials. The final price averages 250-300 rubles per 5 ml. If the price is lower, then most likely you have purchased a diluted product - it will not lose its beneficial properties, but more oil will be needed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Oil for the health of women and children:

The ether of the queen of flowers is considered one of the most expensive and healing products. In ancient Greece, it was called the blood of the goddess Aphrodite. And this is not surprising, because since ancient times it has been used in religious ceremonies, and noble beauties applied a viscous liquid to the body and made various face masks. Rose oil is also a recognized aphrodisiac, and even an antidepressant, the healing properties of which are full of legends.


Today, 80% of rose oil is produced in Bulgaria, which is exported to different countries and used in the perfume industry. The main part of the raw materials is grown in the valley of the Kazanlak mountains. The most ancient of all existing species are Shrovetide:

Acquisition Methods

Experts say that in order to get a liter of rose cosmetic oil for the face, you have to process about 5 tons of fresh petals. Depending on the pressing technique, two types of etherol are distinguished:

  • Otto - obtained by hydrodistillation. It has a rich aroma, therefore it is used for the production of aphrodisiacs and perfumes;
  • Absolut is an alcoholic filtrate of wax, concrete colors and special fatty acids. It is used in aromatherapy, cosmetology and is the basis of medicines for the treatment of reproductive organs.

There is also a home method for making rose ether. For this, refined olive oil is insisted on dried petals for a month, portions of which are changed daily.

Composition and properties

As we have learned, the oils of Damascus and Moroccan roses are considered the most valuable. Indeed, to obtain one drop of ether, it is necessary to collect at least 30 buds. The composition of the finished product includes more than three hundred useful components, including geraniol, nerol, phenylethylene alcohol and citronemol. In addition, the petals of the plant contain a complex of vitamins, sugars, wax, quercetins, organic acids and anthocyanins.

The aroma of rose oil has a tonic effect in case of loss of strength, fatigue, calms the nerves, stimulates mental activity, increases concentration, helps with insomnia, restores hormonal levels and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.


Let's see what positive effect rose oil has on the face. Feedback from customers and experts assure that the regular addition of etherol to creams, masks, tonics and lotions guarantees the following result:


Despite a lot of positive qualities, rose oil for the face (damask and any other) has several prohibitions on use. Firstly, it is individual intolerance, which always manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction after external use. To find out how the skin reacts to the concentrate, it is enough to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:9 and rub the wrist with the resulting solution. If after a few hours there is no burning sensation and rash, feel free to apply the product on the face. Secondly, a pronounced smell can harm those who have problems with the psyche and pressure. Diseases of the circulatory system can also be a barrier to use. Therefore, the best option in all cases is to consult a doctor.

Perfect skin is possible

Now you know that rose oil for the face is an effective facial treatment with a deliciously delicate fragrance that combines emollient and moisturizing properties. It is able to maintain its effect for a long time.

It is worth noting its versatility. The product is suitable for any type of dermis, regardless of age. Therefore, etherol can be used by young ladies to combat teenage acne and acne, as well as by older women to emphasize the oval of the face and smooth out wrinkles. Feel free to purchase a fragrant bottle and write down recipes for masks that you can make yourself and enjoy an amazing result.

Rose oil for the face: home use

As mentioned earlier, the ether of a delicate flower has regenerating and antiseptic properties. In order to make the face cleaner and reduce the number of pimples, dilute 15 g of yellow clay with nettle decoction. Add 6 drops of oil and a pinch of turmeric (if the skin is very light - on the tip of a knife). Steam your face by making a hot chamomile compress, then use a cosmetic spatula or brush to apply the mask and wait 10 minutes. Rinse with water and a little lime juice.

To increase elasticity, soften the keratinized layer of the dermis and eliminate peeling, use a folk mask recipe that will help keep your skin young. Make your own mayonnaise by beating an egg in a blender, 1 tsp. sugar, 250 ml olive / vegetable oil, 1/3 tsp. salt and a tablespoon of lemon juice. In 20 g of the resulting sauce, mix 5 ml of aloe juice and 7 drops of ether. Cleanse the skin and spread the mask, avoiding the area under the eyes. After 35 minutes, remove the composition with a sponge.

For facial skin, rose oil can be a lifesaver in the fight against age spots. Take a medium-sized egg white and beat until foamy. Add 10 g of yogurt, 8 drops of damask rose ether and 11 macadamia. Mix thoroughly. The resulting composition should have a light consistency. Apply the mask to cleansed skin, paying special attention to the forehead, cheekbones and chin. After 40 minutes, it must be washed off with a decoction of calendula and completed with a cream based on vitamin C.

Rejuvenating and purifying masks

Mix 18 g pumpkin puree prepared in advance, add 9 and 16 drops of rose esters and tamanu. Spread the composition with a plastic spatula from the bottom up (from the chin to the cheekbones, and then to the forehead). After 30 minutes, wash your face with water, adding a few drops of bergamot essence.

Result: restoration of tone and elasticity, acceleration of regeneration of dermal cells. For women over 30, it is advisable to use the mask described below once a month for prevention. With severe asymmetry of the face, the presence of static wrinkles and swelling - up to 5 times every 3 weeks.

The recipe for the second facial mask with rose cosmetic oil will help remove dead cells, remove toxins and clear closed comedones. To prepare, grind two tablets of white coal and ascorutin. Dilute the resulting powder with a small amount of concentrated calendula decoction. Enter 12 drops of ether and stir. The cleansing composition should be applied to the skin with soft rubbing movements. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to pre-steam the face. After 15 minutes, wash off with plantain infusion, and then (required) complete the procedure with a nourishing cream with a high content of organic acids and vitamins.

Preparing hydrolat and lotion

To make rose water at home, you need to evaporate 150 g of dry petals at 90 ° C for 1.5-2 hours. As soon as the raw material completely loses its color, the resulting liquid must be cooled, then squeezed out, and then filtered. The hydrolat is recommended to be stored in a sterile closed container at a temperature of 4-6 °C.

Based on the previous recipe, you can prepare a lotion that is suitable for any skin type. Take 50 ml of rose water, St. John's wort and cucumber juice. Apply the resulting composition daily to cleansed skin. You need to store it in the refrigerator or in a cool place.


For long-lasting hydration, the Italian brand Bioearth has developed a facial product with rose essential oil and hyaluronic acid. Thanks to its light formula, the concentrated liquid is easy to apply and absorbs quickly without leaving a greasy film on the skin. Regular use of Siero Intensivo Serum will help the epidermis retain softness and elasticity for a long time, as well as increase elasticity and restore a healthy glow.

Directions for use: Spread a few drops of the product over clean skin with light movements of the fingertips. For optimal hydration, the manufacturer recommends applying 10 drops twice a day for combination skin and 15-20 for dry, flaky skin.

No less effective, according to customers, was a product from the Levrana brand - a two-phase face serum with damask rose oil. Reviews claim that the greatest effect of use can be seen on the skin around the eyes. The product perfectly nourishes, does not tighten the dermis, does not cause allergies and is suitable for daily use. An excellent result is achieved thanks to the active ingredient, which restores the elasticity of the skin, the contour of the eyelids and fights such a problem as uneven skin tone.

Face cream with rose oil Gulabari

"Gulabari" is an amazing remedy that retains the miraculous properties of hydrolat, the benefits of which were appreciated by the queens Nefertiti and Cleopatra. Throughout the ages, rose water has been considered the best assistant in the struggle to preserve youth. The hydrosol was used as a tonic and was certainly added to baths. The cream also includes rose oil, vitamin E, glycerin and many other components that carefully care for the beauty of your skin. "Gulabari" tightens the oval, evens out fine wrinkles, and also has a calming and antiseptic effect. The product of the Dabur company has a beneficial effect on the dermis of oily and combined types: it prevents the appearance of acne and narrows pores. Despite the presence of oil in the composition, the cream does not leave a greasy sheen and a sticky film.

Active substances:

  • saffron - gives radiance, refreshes and evens out tone;
  • turmeric, or golden turmeric - has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, improves firmness and elasticity; this is a real budget facelift;
  • rose oil - promotes moisture retention, eliminates age spots, fights age-related changes;
  • shea butter - protects against the negative effects of UV rays;
  • sesame oil - a large number of processes occurring in different layers of the dermis are normalized.

The rules for using the cream are as follows: apply daily in the morning and evening on previously cleansed skin.

There are many ways to achieve beautiful skin and healthy hair, including the use of rose oil.

The rose and its captivating, alluring aroma has attracted and will attract people at all times. Such a gentle and at the same time majestic rose is a godsend for cosmetologists and perfumers.

The use and benefits of rose essential oil in cosmetology

Rose essential oil has been revered by many nations since ancient times. It was considered very valuable and useful. Its scope is so vast that it is easier to describe areas where it has not been used.

In cosmetology, rose oil has a special place. It is at the top of the list of oils that promote skin rejuvenation, its speedy healing.

Essential rose oil is used for aromatherapy, relaxing baths. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, calms it.

Rose essential oil is an aphrodisiac, so you should be extremely careful when using it.

A great use for essential rose oil is massage.

rose essential oil

Which rose oil is the most beneficial? What rose oil is made from?

There are several varieties of roses that are grown specifically for oil production. They differ in their properties, aroma.

Varieties of roses used to obtain oil:

  • Kazanlak rose
  • White Kazanlak rose
  • centifolia rose
  • White Rose
  • Red Rose

In cosmetology, nutmeg oil and wild rose oil (which consists of several oils) are highly valued. Why these particular oils? Because they contain the largest amount of fatty acids that contribute to the rapid regeneration of epidermal cells.

Kazanlak rose oil, in turn, is very much loved by perfumers due to its magical aroma. By the way, earlier it was called “gul” oil.

Damask rose oil is actively used to treat many diseases in the female part and not only. It is also considered extremely useful. In appearance, the Damascus rose is very much like a peony.

Muscat rose oil, benefits

  • Muscat rose oil is a unique oil. It has a super-healing, regenerating effect. It is actively used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine.
  • Muscat rose oil contains a large amount of fatty acids necessary for the normal functioning of skin cells. Therefore, it is actively used for cosmetic purposes to combat even the deepest wrinkles.
  • This oil is heavy artillery in the fight for female beauty and youth. Regular use of it can keep the skin fresh, supple and soft for a long time.
  • Muscat rose oil is great for minor scars and cuts. If your skin has small scars, then nutmeg rose oil will be a real salvation for you.
  • This oil is extremely beneficial for nails. It makes them strong and white. Smoothes the surface of the nail plate

Benefits of wild rose petal oil

Oil has a second name - "liquid sun". So it was named for the richest concentration of useful substances in it.

Wild rose (wild rose) has collected all the useful substances from the earth, water and clean air of wild, untouched nature. It enriches the skin with vitamins and trace elements it needs.

Wild rose oil is suitable for absolutely any skin. But it is best to use it for fading, aging skin. But if your skin is tired from the abundance of cosmetics, too cold climate and stress, then wild rose oil will definitely help it recover.

  • The remarkable property of the oil is that, having a fairly light structure, it does not clog skin cells, so it can be used with a clear conscience as a night cream.
  • Two or three applications of this oil on the lip area are enough to get rid of the jam.
  • The aroma of wild rose oil is not strong enough to overpower other scents, so it is used even by people who cannot stand the smell of roses for some reason.

Benefits of damask rose oil

  • Damask rose oil has a really crazy scent. Not every rose bush smells like this oil smells.
  • It is used for aromatization of rooms. Pretty strong aphrodisiac
  • Damask rose oil, real, very expensive. More often on sale you can see not essential, but cosmetic oil of Damascus rose, diluted jojoba oil
  • If you see just such oil on the store shelf, do not rush to be disappointed and pass by. Jojoba oil on its own is very beneficial, but when combined with damask rose oil, it gives excellent results.

Suitable for aging skin and skin prone to dryness, age spots. Perfectly evens out the complexion. Gently cares for the skin around the eyes. Recommended for the décolleté area.

Interesting fact: Damask rose oil is suitable for oily skin types. It does not leave greasy marks, the skin after it does not shine, but looks even more matte than usual.

Damask rose oil, as well as wild rose or rosehip oil, is used as a night cream. It nourishes the skin and moisturizes it.

How to use rose oil for wrinkles?

Rose oil for wrinkles has been used for a very, very long time.

  • As mentioned above, almost any kind of rose oil effectively fights wrinkles. Even the deepest (frontal, nasolabial)
  • There is cosmetic and essential oil of rose. The essential oil is very fragrant, but should be used with care. There is a high risk of skin burns. Essential oil is always mixed with cosmetic, so the oil acts much softer.
  • Cosmetic oil is absolutely safe. It can be used in its pure form. Very often, rose cosmetic oil is obtained by mixing essential rose oil and some other odorless cosmetic oil (wheat germ, jojoba, for example)

rose oil

For wrinkles, rose oil is used as follows:

  • They make various masks, which include other oils or other components.
  • Apply in pure form

In its pure form, rose oil for wrinkles is easy to use:

  • The skin of the face is thoroughly cleansed of cosmetics and impurities.
  • Apply with a cotton pad oil on the face and distribute evenly
  • Wait until the oil is absorbed, remove the residue with a clean cotton pad

Rose oil mixed with other ingredients also effectively fights wrinkles. Rose oil can be mixed with:

  • Jojoba oil, wheat germ, cocoa butter, peach oil, olive
  • From food suitable oatmeal, sour cream, egg, clay

As part of any mixture, the oil will show its healing properties. Just a couple of drops of rose oil is enough to see the result.

rose oil

How to use rose oil for the skin around the eyes?

The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. She needs special care. The very first signs of aging appear on the skin around the eyes in the form of small wrinkles. They are also called "crow's feet".

Getting rid of such wrinkles is not difficult if they have just begun to appear. If there are already a lot of wrinkles, and they appeared a long time ago, then only complex care will help to cope with them.

Cosmetic rose oil has just such properties, thanks to which it can eliminate fine wrinkles around the eyes, or make large wrinkles less noticeable.

How to apply rose oil for the skin around the eyes is an interesting question. You can smear the skin around the eyes several times a day with this oil. You can apply the oil on the skin at night, and remove the residue in the morning. The oil is perfectly absorbed into the skin, so both options are possible.

If desired, rose oil can be mixed with other oils that also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin around the eyes:

  • Wheat germ oil
  • Coconut oil (for this it is better to take refined, otherwise the smells of rose and coconut will mix and you will get a not very pleasant aroma)
  • peach oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Castor oil (do not take too much castor oil and do not leave it overnight, it is very heavy, the eyelids can swell)
  • Olive
  • Almond
  • walnut oil

How to use rose oil for the body?

Rose oil can be used wonderfully in body care.

Where exactly is rose oil used?

  • Massage
  • Scrub
  • Wraps
  • In the fight against stretch marks

Rose oil is used as a massage oil. It not only has a pronounced regenerating effect, but is also a good anti-stress, that is, it relaxes. And relaxation of the body and mind is the key to a quality massage.

It can be used both separately from other oils, there and together with them. For massage, rose oil is mixed with jojoba, apricot, olive, peach oil.

Rose oil works great as an addition to a homemade scrub. Such a scrub may include sea moth, sugar, ground coffee, oatmeal, honey. Rose oil will soften the effect of the scrubbing element, while improving the result of using the scrub.

Rose oil is added to scrubs to give the skin firmness and elasticity. It can also be added to anti-cellulite scrubs.

Rose oil may also be contained in a mixture for body wraps. In addition to oil, they usually use:

  • mustard
  • Clay
  • Algae (kelp)
  • sea ​​salt
  • Chocolate
  • Cocoa

If your goal is to give the skin elasticity, then rose oil can be used for wrapping without additional ingredients.

Application of rose oil for hair

Rose oil is used primarily to strengthen the hair follicle and give hair shine.

It acts on the hair very gently, envelops it and protects it from harmful external influences.

What are the benefits of a little rose for hair

  • Makes hair shiny
  • Accelerates hair growth
  • Eliminates dandruff
  • Normalizes the secretion of sebum, thereby eliminating excessive oiliness of the scalp
  • Prevents hair splitting (if the hair is already split, it prevents their further splitting)
  • Eliminates brittle hair
  • Makes hair soft to the touch

From this list, we can conclude that rose oil is a real find for maintaining the health and beauty of hair.

Many are tormented by the question: “How to wash rose oil from hair? Does it make your hair greasy?" . In fact, rose oil is quite light. Depending on the structure of the hair and the amount of oil itself, they require from one to two washes maximum. Hair after it does not look greasy, but rather stays clean longer.

  • You can use rose oil for hair as part of other masks, or on your own.
  • Before use, the oil is heated to 40 degrees in a water bath, then applied either to the tips or to the entire length.
  • Hair is removed under a shower cap, and a towel is wrapped on top of the head
  • Keep such a mask from 30 minutes to several hours (you can even leave it overnight). Rinse off with shampoo

Inna, 23 years old, Moscow

I have had split hair since childhood. The food was good, I did not use rubber bands. Fucked up and that's it. Sheared. When she grew up, she began to cut with hot scissors, did various procedures for soldering her hair, but all to no avail. A friend brought rose oil from a trip, she was advised to buy it there. It cost a lot, but she was promised just a crazy result. I tried to apply this oil on my hair before going to bed, and wash it off in the morning. Has made 5 procedures. The hair is better, but still quite severely split, although less than before using the oil. Then I decided to cut the ends for the last time in order to continue using the oil, because it prevents the hair from splitting. Surprisingly, it helped and for half a year now I have beautiful healthy hair without a single cut hair. Now I recommend this to everyone.

Maria, 28 years old, Kirov

I have never used hair oils, this is new for me, but rose oil just captivated me. Not a single balm gave such an amazing result as this oil. I regret that I spent so much time looking for my remedy and was skeptical about natural products. In addition to rose oil, I also began to use coconut oil. I just can’t decide which one is better, but the hair shines even in a dark room, it has stopped breaking, it grows quickly. In general, I am satisfied, I advise everyone.

Video: About the benefits of rose oil

Rose oil is considered a diamond in cosmetology, reviews of the rarest and most effective drug are only good. The rose tree is valued for its wood. It is from it that the life-giving drops of the miracle elixir are obtained, which have the richest composition and properties. As far as the opinion about the uniqueness of the remedy is justified, the correct use of rose oil for the face, for the skin around the eyes in particular, is further.

Rose oil for cosmetic purposes is obtained from the valuable tree bark. It got its name due to the delicate pinkish tint of the wood, but not the flowers. Flowers differ significantly from roses, with a yellowish tinge. The homeland of the plant is Brazil, Guiana, Peru.

The crushed wood is subjected to steam distillation technology. The main supplier of the elixir is Brazil.

Don't expect to get cheap rose oil, which has such amazing reviews. The high cost of the material, the range of production affects the price.

The second name of the remedy is cayenne oil. It is an almost colorless liquid, fluid, with subtle notes of resin and bitterness. Since it is impossible to make rose oil at home, you will have to spend money.

Rose oil properties

The unique composition makes it one of the most effective cosmetic elixirs. The owner of a large number of advantages, it has a multilateral effect on cells.

Rosewood oil for the face is one of the safest cosmetic preparations. Its benefits are many:

  • Miraculously tones the skin;
  • It has a sedative property, reduces pain;
  • It is characterized by antiviral and antiseptic action, it is used in the fight against acne, pimples;
  • Eliminates the activity of dry dermatitis, eczema, reduces an allergic reaction;
  • It has a positive effect on the cells of the dermis, activating the synthesis, the appearance of new collagen, elastin fibers;
  • Deodorizes the skin.
  • The aroma of the drug has a favorable, relaxing effect on the nervous system. Performing a classic massage with an extract, in addition to the rejuvenating effect, an aromatherapy session is guaranteed.

How is rose oil used at home?

Use rosewood oil for the face with other ingredients or in its pure form. Gentle action allows you to apply oil from wrinkles around the eyes. A variety of recipes for nourishing, rejuvenating masks for any type of skin. A prepared cream with rose oil, with regular use, will return at least 5 lost years.

Rosewood oil for face and skin is absolutely harmless. There are no contraindications for use.

It can be used as an aromatherapy agent. To do this, a few drops are added to special lamps for aromatherapy, emulsifiers.

beauty recipes

A rose oil mask is a sure way to regain lost elasticity and restore water balance. The result will be visible after the first procedure.

  • For dry skin, a composition of essential extracts of orange, chamomile, wheat germ, sandalwood oil and cayenne is useful. Combine drugs in equal amounts. It is recommended to use the oil composition during massage sessions. Strengthen blood flow, speed up metabolic processes, activate the production of collagen will help deep facial massage.
  • Revive, invigorate fading cells of the epidermis, using rosewood oil for the face, is also allowed. This will require a small amount of almond essential oil, pomace of sandalwood and rosewood, leuzea, orange. Almond extract will complement, enhance the effectiveness of the mixture, learn more about its properties.
  • Some oil components are interchangeable. Therefore, it is not worth getting upset, postponing the procedure in their absence. The almond remedy is replaced by an extract of avocado, olives, and the wheat germ elixir is replaced by grapefruit, jojoba.
  • Rose oil at home is used to enhance the effectiveness of skin care creams. It is enough to add 2-3 drops of the product to the main cream.
  • You can prepare a nourishing skin cream based on such oils: jojoba, hazelnut, avocado - 1 tablespoon each, orange and rosewood - 5 drops each, jasmine and vanilla - 1 drop each. 2 drops of geranium can complete the composition.

Oil works amazingly against wrinkles around the eyes in combination with 1 tsp.

In Ancient Hellas, such a parable was known: the philosopher Socrates came up with a competition for the shortest and most witty answer. The question was raised: what is the most useful and beautiful thing in nature, one of the students picked a rose and handed it to the philosopher. He won.

The rose is a favorite flower for many, it pleases the eye with its perfection, originality of forms and wonderful smell. Today I want to talk about rose oil, which is very popular for its medicinal and cosmetic properties.

The use of rose oil is very popular, but do not forget about contraindications, this is primarily pregnancy, allergies, children under 6 years of age. Never use the oil in its pure form, dilute with vegetable oils or other essential oils.

So how do you apply rose essential oil?

Essential rose oil medical use

Rose oil contains:

  • citronellol-20-30%;
  • geraniol-50-60%;
  • nerol up to 10%;
  • phenylethyl alcohol 1-2%;
  • other substances.

What diseases are rose oil used for?

How to apply rose oil?

Application of rose oil for the face

Rose oil has an excellent cosmetic effect, eliminates various skin problems.

What is the effect of using rose oil for the face?

Recipes for using rose oil for the face

1) You can prepare a wonderful tonic - 5 drops of oil in a glass of water and wipe your face.

2) If you mix 10 drops of almond oil and rose oil, you will get an excellent remedy for wrinkles

3) Massage with the following mixture will help against cellulite:

  • wheat germ oil-5ml;
  • rose oil - 3-4 drops;
  • almond oil - 20 ml.

4) Mix:

  • a teaspoon of almond oil;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • a drop of rose oil;
  • vitamin E capsule.

A wonderful mask to combat wrinkles and dry skin is ready. Apply for half an hour and rinse.

5) Make a mixture for the bath that will make the skin velvety, soft:

  • milk-1l;
  • rose oil - 10 drops;
  • 1 tbsp honey.

Warm milk and honey slightly, stir, add oil and pour the wonderful composition into the bath. It is fashionable to replace the milk-honey mixture with a glass of kefir or yogurt.

6) Massage Oil for Lovers:

  • rose oil - 4 drops;
  • ylang-ylang oil - 1 drop;
  • sandalwood oil - 5 drops;
  • peach oil-5o ml.

7) To prepare an anti-aging cream with rose oil, you will need:

  • rose oil - 3 drops;
  • patchouli oil - 3 drops;
  • ylang-ylang oil - 2 drops;
  • neroli oil - 2 drops;
  • almond oil - 30 ml.

Mix everything and put in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, then apply on the face, preferably before bedtime.

I always put 4 drops of rose oil into all my creams, masks, tonics, shampoos, hair gels. I felt that my skin became fresher, softer, and my hair fell out less. I also always add to olive oil, based on a tablespoon of oil - 2 drops of rose oil) rose oil and it turns out an excellent remedy for the face and eyelids.

What are the health benefits of rose oil? I think that you will definitely choose something for yourself and apply.

I look forward to your comments on the use of rose oil.