Congratulations to kindergarten graduates from a psychologist. Touching congratulations in verse at a kindergarten graduation - from children to staff

Other celebrations

Time flies unnoticed and now “yesterday’s” children are preparing to say goodbye to their beloved kindergarten. Thus, over the course of several years, for many, the kindergarten has become a “second” home, and teachers and staff have become caring and loving “parents.” However, before leaving the familiar world of toys and afternoon nap, the children are about to celebrate their graduation. Today this is a real magical ball for girls and boys - with beautiful lush dresses and “grown-up” hairstyles, formal suits and white shirts. According to tradition, at graduation in kindergarten Congratulations come from parents to children, as well as teachers and all preschool staff who took part in the lives of their beloved children. Warm words of parting words from the head of the kindergarten resonate in the hearts of all those present - the phrases are filled with sadness from separation soon and pride in the achievements of the little graduates. In turn, the children learn beautiful poems and lines of prose for their teachers, who have long become family and friends. With the help of congratulations collected on our pages, the kindergarten graduation celebration will be remembered for its participants as a touching and joyful event.

Heartfelt congratulations on graduation in kindergarten - from parents to staff, in prose

Graduation in kindergarten is the first “adult” holiday for every child. Therefore, it is so important to make this day unusual and bright by preparing interesting numbers and congratulations in poetry and prose. It is especially pleasant to hear words of congratulations to the kindergarten staff - from the pupils and their parents. After all, every preschool institution employs many employees who provide favorable living conditions for children every day. We tried to collect the most sincere congratulations in prose to the kindergarten workers - at graduation such words would be appropriate in the form of a small solemn speech delivered by someone from the parent committee. I wish you success in such an important work and happiness in your personal life, dear kindergarten employees!

Examples of sincere congratulations on the occasion of graduation in kindergarten from parents to staff - beautiful words of prose:

Now the time has come for us to say goodbye to kindergarten. Yes, specifically for us, the parents. After all, for long years that our children were in kindergarten, we, the parents, came here more than anyone. But on this solemn day I would like to say a huge thank you to all of you for what you have done without exception for our children. I would like to say words of gratitude to all the kindergarten workers - after all, you all made our children’s stay here a fairy tale. We are grateful that our children spent their childhood here and with you. And the best reward for you will be the success of your students in later life. And we will definitely help them with this.

Kindergarten and everything connected with it are unlikely to remain in the memory of our children, but you all left a noticeable place in our memory. After all, thanks to you and your work, our children have grown up. Thanks to your work, they have become smarter, friendlier and more mature. Few people may notice or appreciate your work, but it will bear fruit in the future, when the time comes. And then all today’s children will remember you - their teachers and mentors. They will remember everyone who helped them all these years in kindergarten. And now we just say thank you and really hope that you have only good memories of working with our children.

We remember bringing our little children here. And today they are already quite big and ready to take another very important step towards adult life. And they spent all this, this entire period of their lives with you. You taught them everything that our children can do now. You have given them basic life skills and concepts. Thanks to you and your work, we can safely send them to school and not be afraid for them. Today at graduation day our children, we want to thank you for your efforts, for your work and care for our children. Your work is often criticized and not noticed, but without your work the continuation of the civilized world is not possible. Thank you for your work, may your efforts not go unnoticed.

Touching congratulations in verse at a kindergarten graduation - from children to staff

In addition to teachers, the kindergarten has a whole staff of employees - musical director, nannies, kitchen and laundry workers, nurse, speech therapist, caretaker. Thanks to the daily work of many kindergarten workers, children are surrounded by care and attention. Tasty dinner, clean linen, health monitoring – for full development everyone creates children the necessary conditions. Therefore, for graduation in kindergarten, kids learn touching poems, which they dedicate to their beloved nanny, nurse and the rest of the staff. Our selection of poems presents the best lines - by choosing the appropriate option, you can learn and congratulate all kindergarten employees at the graduation party. Thank you for your love and endless patience!

A selection of children's poems-congratulations on the occasion of graduation in kindergarten - for staff:

Beloved, sweet, kind, gentle,
My dear, beautiful nanny.
And in kindergarten, covering the blanket,
You always sang songs for me.

But, even though I grew up and graduated from kindergarten,
You are always kept in my heart.
Dear, beautiful, sweet, gentle,
My beloved, kind nanny.

There is a wonderful doctor in the garden -
We are not afraid of meeting with him.
Interestingly, he heals
Only wrong speech.
Complex sounds to mint
The kids learned -
Let's shout loudly, without flaw,
We are a speech therapist - Hurray!

For the health of the little ones
Permanent patronage
They did it without any burden,
Our nurse and doctor.
Here, now, we’ll tell you honestly:
Living healthy is so wonderful!

Beautiful congratulations on graduation in kindergarten - from parents to children

For parents, not only other people's children grow up quickly, but also their own children. It would seem only “yesterday” a funny little toddler holding on to mother's hand, for the first time timidly crossed the threshold of kindergarten - a new and unknown world. Only a few years have passed, the kids have grown up and will soon become first-graders, saying goodbye to their beloved kindergarten forever. The graduation party is a joyful and exciting event for parents who, along with their children, prepare congratulations to teachers, staff and, of course, the little “heroes of the day.” In connection with the upcoming graduation in kindergarten, we offer several congratulations from parents - simple, beautiful and touching words to their children on such an important day for them.

Texts of beautiful congratulations for graduation in kindergarten - for children from parents:

We, your parents, are very happy for you, our beloved girls and boys! You graduated from kindergarten and are growing up before your eyes - you simply won’t be recognized! We wish you to find new friends, master school curriculum and get to know the world around you better.

Guys! Today is your graduation!

You have been waiting impatiently for it for a long time!

So elegant, bright,

You'll go home with gifts!

And at this solemn, festive hour

Listen to the congratulations and instructions here!

Both mom and dad wish you, children,

So that you know about everything in the world,

So that you don't get sick, play and sing,

We were getting ready for school, growing up quickly!

Children are like mushrooms

We grew up on a hillock,

Became taller

Everyone loves football!

As if from dough -

There's not enough room for them here!

That's it, it's time for them to go to school!

Ball, goal, goal!

We congratulate them

We wish everyone happiness,

Always be obedient

keep up in school;

Like balloons

Be friendly with everyone

Enjoy the new

And don't be discouraged!

Congratulations on the graduation party in kindergarten - from parents to teachers

For many children, a kindergarten teacher is a “second” mother, caring and loving. When leaving for work in the morning, parents can rest easy, because their baby remains in good hands. Indeed, the work of a teacher is not easy and requires enormous spiritual dedication, patience and love for children. At the graduation party they hear from parents sincere words gratitude and congratulations to all the teachers with whom the kids learned the first lessons of kindness in their lives, developed their talents and Creative skills. Congratulating educators, we can note their invaluable contribution to the education of the younger generation - with the help soulful poems and lines of prose. A low bow to you from grateful parents, our beloved teachers!

How to beautifully congratulate a teacher at a kindergarten graduation - options in poetry and prose from parents:

Accept our recognition today
For all your kindness and experience,
For raising our children!
There is no profession in the world that is more needed,
And the children have become accustomed to your hands,
And now it will be difficult to explain to us,
That they will no longer see your eyes,
Their years go by, their days are formed,
And our children, of course, have grown up,
After all, they were always at work with you,
Now with a song, now with a brush, with many books!
Have you taught children letters and numbers?
And now they will go to school,
And they express gratitude to you with love
Their moms and dads! And goodbye to you
There will be a desire for success and creativity,
Thank you for everything, for your work and patience,
We all wish you happiness with inspiration!

Dear teachers,
Our mothers are second,
Your chicks now
Move to first grade.

We congratulate you on this,
We appreciate and respect you very much.
Let your pupils
They will be able to make our world more beautiful.

Thank you for your work,
For kindness, warmth, care
From the bottom of our hearts we want to say,
Wish you happiness in life!

Congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from children - teachers in verse

Kindergarten is the first “school of life” and the stage of a child’s socialization in society. Thus, it is within the walls of a preschool institution that children gain invaluable experience in communicating with peers, the necessary skills and abilities. A kindergarten teacher becomes the main mentor and second “mother” for a couple of years, trying to surround each little pupil with attention and care. At the graduation party, children recite touching poems of congratulations to their beloved teachers, wishing them good luck and inspiration in their important and difficult work. It is better to choose a congratulation for the teacher in advance, so that before graduation child thoroughly rehearsed his performance. Among the many children's poems, dedicated to educators, we have chosen the most touching ones that are easy for preschoolers to remember.

Children's poems-congratulations for the graduation ceremony in kindergarten - for teachers:

Goodbye, our beloved, kind kindergarten!
We were together for many years in a row!
And now we are parting - we have to go to school,
But we will not forget you on our life’s journey!

The teachers have become like family to us now,
They opened the door to our kindergarten for the first time!
They had fun with us and taught us,
And now they’re escorting you to school, to first grade!

We wish them health, happiness and goodness,
We will remember them with love, with joy always!
And when we grow up, we will come to you again
And we will bring our beloved children to kindergarten! Write your “thank you” -
Let the first grade teach!

Congratulations in prose on graduation in kindergarten - from the head of the children

Every year in last days In May, kindergartens hold graduation matinees. For children and parents, this is one of the most important and joyful events, for which it is customary to prepare in advance - draw up a script, select original congratulations in poetry and prose to teachers and all kindergarten workers. According to established tradition, at every graduation it sounds solemn speech the head of the kindergarten - with congratulations and best wishes to the future first-graders. After all, the head remembers each of her graduates when they were still very little, who grew up literally “before her eyes,” and in a couple of years turned into a smart preschooler. Therefore, each such “graduation” for the manager becomes a joyful and a little sad event, because you have to part forever with the children who have become family and friends. When choosing parting words for your children at graduation, use our examples of congratulations - we are sure that the children will remember such simple and heartfelt lines in prose for many years.

Examples of congratulations for kindergarten graduation from the head of children - the best lines of prose:

Dear children, today is your first prom! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts. You have become adults and are leaving your favorite kindergarten, but you will love school no less. Ahead lies school everyday life, new friends, discoveries, knowledge. Try, learn. Only then everything in your life will work out!

So the little one has become an adult, congratulations on her first graduation. Let all the knowledge and skills acquired in kindergarten help the child achieve his small and big goals. I wish you to continue walking confidently along the path, meeting only kind and sincere people. Health, joy and cheerful friends.

We wish all the best to the young kindergarten graduate. Let the school that lies ahead not disappoint and not extinguish the joyful, curious light in children's eyes. Let the world always present only the most pleasant and interesting surprises.

So, in our selection, everyone will find the most beautiful congratulations for kindergarten graduation in poetry and prose - from parents and children to teachers, preschool staff. In addition, here you can choose touching words congratulations and parting words to children from the head of the kindergarten and parents. Simple and heartfelt congratulations will fill the graduation atmosphere with warmth and will remain in the memory of all its participants for a long time. Happy graduation, dear kindergarteners!

I'm the first to graduate
I want to congratulate you
It's time, parents,
You're back in first grade.

Kindergarten school is over
Bright days
And soon they will call you
School bells.

We wish you, parents,
We will be patient
Girls and boys
Help with learning.

May success smile on you
Children will be healthy
To be the happiest
You were in the world.

So the boys have grown up,
First graduation in my life.
Group, cots -
Our dear kindergarten!

And mom and dad's eyes
They're already sparkling with tears.
It's very sad to part,
But we are happy for the guys.

To you, parents, patience,
And for the kids - nothing but praise.
So that your child is at school
I only received “A” grades.

Dear Parents, congratulations on your child's first graduation. We wish that in the future everything will turn out well and well for the baby, as it was in kindergarten, may you have enough strength, patience and love to support your child in everything, may school be easy for you, may your child make you happy every day with your successes, fun ideas and happy smiles.

How many years and how many days
You brought children to us,
Wonderful guys
To our wonderful kindergarten!
We congratulate you all,
The children will soon be in first grade,
Let them grow healthy
They only bring you joy,
They do well at school
Let them behave decently
Remember modest manners
And they will be an example in everything!

Parents, today is an important day for you,
After all, your children are a little older.
First class awaits them soon,
Please accept our wishes.

May children bring joy every day,
Let spring always bloom in your soul,
Let you have not life, but sweetness,
May luck always be true.

Your children are already quite big,
Kindergarten left behind
Goodbye dolls, hello marks!
We'll give you some parting advice:

Lead your children by the hand,
Help them take a step into the adult world.
You may be sad, but look more cheerful,
We wish you happiness, kindness, warmth, all the best!

Oh, parents, don't be sad!
And take our bow from us
For such wonderful children,
There are a million rays of sunshine.

Our flowers have grown up,
And now it’s time for them to move forward.
Our dear daughters and sons
They leave us forever.

For all these little crumbs
We will miss you very much,
Sometimes you feel sad inadvertently,
And remember them with a smile!

Today's graduation party
And..: “Goodbye, little garden” -
Holiday for parents
For sons and daughters.

I want to congratulate everyone
Happy this day,
Wish parents
New strength for school.

May your memory be preserved
The joys of the moment
Well, in the future I wish
Strength and patience to you.

Today your little ones have become older,
And the first graduation in my life,
I wish lives become sweeter
And so that the children hurry home.

I wish you all patience and courage,
Being parents is very difficult.
And let happiness wash over you like a wave,
Good luck to you, in spite of all sorrows!

With the first graduation of the child
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Both boys and girls
Everyone is no longer kids.

We see them off on their school journey,
Strength to them, more endurance,
Congratulations on your new life,
It takes longer to study at school.

And patience for parents,
Strength and nerves in reserve,
Your children, without a doubt,
They will become the best for you.

Parents! Today kids
Everyone leaves kindergarten.
Sometimes with fear and fear
Children's eyes are burning.
We need to congratulate you on the event.
That they always helped together.
You all responded to requests
We tried to be attentive.
We wish you with all our hearts.
May you be patient.
After all, school is child labor.
And a difficult, long route.
You will need strength.
Let the children give them to you.

For many children, kindergarten is the first and important step in Big world, the opportunity to gain communication skills with peers, new knowledge and skills. Crossing the threshold of kindergarten for the first time, a child goes from familiar home conditions to special world, interesting and mysterious. As a rule, within a few preschool years the kindergarten becomes family and loved, and the teachers become real “second mothers.” However time is running, and prom is just around the corner! With bated breath, grown-up girls and boys are preparing for the first “adult” holiday in their lives - they are learning poems and songs for teachers and parents, trying on elegant ball dresses and fashionable suits. In turn, parents send beautiful congratulations to their children on graduation - in kindergarten - good words parting words and wishes in the new school life. Thus, official congratulations in prose are best suited for kindergarten staff, and funny rhymed lines with a touch of humor can be dedicated to the little “heroes” of the occasion. We are sure that among the congratulations presented below for graduation in kindergarten, you will definitely choose great options- to all participants of this wonderful event.

The best congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten from parents to staff

In a kindergarten, many employees take care of the well-being, health and development of children - teachers, nannies, music director, nurse, cooks, caretaker. Each of them puts a piece of their soul into their work, contributing harmonious development child's personality. By tradition, the best congratulations on graduation in kindergarten come from parents to the staff of the preschool institution. In connection with the upcoming graduations, we have made a selection of beautiful congratulations in prose - for all kindergarten staff from grateful parents of future schoolchildren.

A selection of the best congratulations for the graduation year from parents to kindergarten staff

We last time gathered together today in this cozy hall! Our children have finished kindergarten and their first lessons, first textbooks and first discoveries await them! I would especially like to express my gratitude to everyone who raised our little tomboys these years, took care of them, helped them get to know this world and find new friends. I would also like to wish our little graduates to be brave, inquisitive, responsible and diligent! Congratulations to everyone on your graduation!

On behalf of all parents, I want to say Thanks a lot to all kindergarten staff. You helped our children grow up a little and prepared them for future achievements at school. We wish you professional growth, prosperity and simple human happiness!

Thanks to everyone who works in kindergarten! You guys felt comfortable, warm, and interesting. You did everything for our children to make friends and develop together, learn something new. They have grown up, school awaits them, but their beloved teacher and nanny will forever remain in their memory. All the best to you and remember us, because we will never forget you!

Today our children are graduates, today they say goodbye to their beloved kindergarten. Thank you very much to our wonderful teachers and nannies, as well as to all the employees of the kindergarten, you are wonderful people and truly deserve the most good wishes happiness and health. And we wish our flowers of life interesting studies at school and fun hobbies in life.

Today for all of us big celebration, today is our children's first graduation. We thank all the teachers and staff of this wonderful kindergarten for the excellent education of our mischievous children, for their happy smiles and interesting hobbies. Let this kindergarten produce many more talented and self-confident children, let it open for our children new road into the world of science and school knowledge, may a ray of happiness and good luck continue to shine for all of us.

Beautiful congratulations from children to kindergarten staff on their graduation of the year

Every day the children are surrounded by the attention and care of adults - not only teachers, but also kindergarten staff. Thus, the most beautiful graduation congratulations from children are traditionally dedicated to their beloved nanny, nurse, or speech therapist. Many sincere and kind words The kitchen and laundry workers, the supply manager, and the watchman also deserve gratitude - the children learn poems and songs for them. Cute and childishly touching, such lines best convey the whole gamut of feelings and emotions, emphasizing the solemn significance of the moment. We offer a choice of several beautiful congratulations in verse for staff - from little kindergarten graduates. Undoubtedly, every employee will be pleased with such attention, and poems performed by children will be remembered for a long time by everyone present at the holiday.

Examples of beautiful congratulations from children for graduation - in kindergarten for staff

For the first time I came to kindergarten, as if in a fairy tale -

And the fairy tale turned out to be like this for a long time:

I found friends, beauty and goodness there,

And the nanny turned out to be a fairy for us!

In her golden and beautiful hands

Any work will seem like a miracle,

She will also serve semolina porridge

So it’s impossible to answer “I won’t”!

In a beautiful and affectionate fairy tale.

Thank you from moms and kids

For your care, patience and affection!

Who came to kindergarten in the morning?

These are our chefs.

Porridge is ready for breakfast

The porridge is cooked. Hooray!

Who cooked the fragrant soup

And a side dish of different cereals?

Who baked us buns

Or apple pie?

These are our chefs

They've been working since six in the morning.

Dear chefs,

Adults and children

They say thank you

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts

For borscht, cutlets, porridge...

We appreciate your work!

You do a magical job:

The sounds and notes obeyed you.

You can command

There are melodies in the soul.

Thank you for your songs,

That they danced with us together,

What is the music of all our days

Sounded more fun with you!

If the kindergarten roars, -

This means that everyone will be vaccinated.

Come on, line up with the nurse,

And don't be afraid, like in the game.

They’ll just put a “button”

Sweeten it with a vitamin

Tears dry quickly

And the kindergarten is happy!

Eh, you have a special talent

Calm the guys down

So that with a smile and health

Everyone off to kindergarten!

And we are the watchmen

Let's not pass by

Thank you for being

Kind like that.

Decent, honest,

Doesn't sleep at work

And no fly will fly by!

Congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten from parents to children in poetry and prose

Growing up children always causes conflicting feelings among parents. On the one hand, it is joyful to watch the successes and achievements of preschoolers - after all, it would seem that just recently these were tiny toddlers who crossed the threshold of kindergarten for the first time. However, at the same time, many parents experience anxiety when thinking about the upcoming life changes of their offspring. Traditional congratulations on graduation in kindergarten of the year from parents contain touching words of parting words and wishes - excellent grades, new interesting discoveries and true friends. Reading poetry and congratulatory prose, representatives of the parent committee usually present each graduate with colorful diplomas of completion of kindergarten and gifts. In anticipation graduation party we collected different variants Congratulations in poetry and prose to future first-graders from loving parents.

Options for parents to congratulate their children on their graduation year in kindergarten

So the boys have grown up,

First graduation in my life.

Group, cots –

Our dear kindergarten!

And mom and dad's eyes

They're already sparkling with tears.

It's very sad to part,

But we are happy for the guys.

To you, parents, patience,

And for the kids - nothing but praise.

So that your child is at school

I only got straight A's.

Happy first graduation, kids!

You have become quite big.

My dear boys

And the girls are golden,

There are roads ahead of you -

Only you walk boldly,

Meet a lot of happiness

And good, faithful friends.

You will read a lot of books

And learn science.

Growing out of my pants,

Don't forget kindergarten!

First graduation ever!

Whose is it? He is, of course, yours.

We congratulate you together,

We hug you tightly.

We wish you joy at school,

Only get "A's"

Make your mom proud...

And in the corner so as not to stand.

And your friends, girlfriends,

More new toys

After all, you are a big child.

There's a children's graduation in the kindergarten!

Today in the lives of our kids there is very an important event. Our children have grown up and are saying goodbye to kindergarten. On this day we want to wish them have fun days, joyful events, carefree. May your childhood last a little longer, and may school welcome you with open arms!

Our dear children, the most touching hour has come. How amazing it is to realize that you have grown up so quickly and are now on the threshold of school. We hope that you will not lose your friendship, and that you will also conquer new heights at school hand in hand. We owe the teaching staff a big thank you for your work and great patience!

Touching congratulations to children on their graduation from a kindergarten teacher

It is not at all easy for a kindergarten teacher to say goodbye to her students - in just a few years these little fidgets have become so dear and loved. But it was thanks to the teachers that the children received their first lessons of kindness, respect for loved ones, caring attitude to nature. And what beautiful crafts The kids learned to create with their own hands - under the strict guidance of the “second mother”! Touching congratulations at graduation - in kindergarten, children dedicate to the teacher who has invested so much mental strength in their difficult and important work. Each graduate recites poetry beautifully and “with expression,” touchingly saying goodbye to kindergarten, younger friends, beloved teacher and other employees. In turn, the mentors sincerely wish the children happiness, good luck and inspiration on their new school path - in kind parting words.

The best examples of congratulations for graduation - in kindergarten for children from teachers

You came to the garden as little children,
In September I will start first grade.
Today is your graduation day
With which we congratulate you.

You've learned a lot here:
Write letters and count a little.
Your hands have worked hard:
Glue, sculpt and make a bouquet...

Study hard at school, guys.
Remember everything you and I have been through.
We wish you all health and happiness,
Find the right path in your life.

We wish all the best to the young kindergarten graduate. Let the school that lies ahead not disappoint and not extinguish the joyful, curious light in children's eyes, and may the world always present only the most pleasant and interesting surprises.

We are very happy for you
And we have a reason for this -
You graduated from kindergarten!
Congratulations, well done!

You're growing before our eyes,
You'll be going to first grade soon.
You will recognize the world around you.
And you will find more friends.

Dear, dear, dear children,
You are all so different - funny, funny,
Beautiful, elegant on their first graduation,
Let the holiday be bright, beautiful, unearthly!
For us, you kids have become our pride,
You worked hard with us, learned and played.
Be more attentive at school
Don't forget us educators.

Guys, we are all very happy for you!
Today is your kindergarten graduation!
Even though it was a happy time with you,
But we understand that it’s time for you to go to school!

Now you have become quite big,
Boys are real men
The girls are all beauties and a treat for the eyes!
Your success is a reward for educators!

Official congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten from parents to teachers

Parents of young graduates are rightfully proud of the success of their children. Indeed, today these are not just kids, but preschoolers who are on the verge of new exciting discoveries in the Land of Knowledge. Of course, such a wonderful result of education was largely achieved thanks to the professionalism and personal qualities of the teachers who were always there for the children - supporting them, teaching them, caring for them. Therefore, at graduation - in kindergarten, congratulations from parents to teachers are most sincere, with words of gratitude for their everyday and difficult work. According to established tradition, congratulatory speech for teachers and kindergarten staff, they are pronounced by the most “active” mothers and fathers, most often representatives of the parent committee. Lyrics official congratulations for graduation are presented in our collection - an excellent addition to the words will be beautiful bouquet flowers presented to the group teacher.

Texts of official congratulations in prose for teachers for the graduation year from parents

Dear and respected educators, today your pupils, glorious and wonderful children, are leaving the walls of kindergartens. Congratulations on finishing. Even if the moments of parting are joyful and sad, but still time does not stand still, it is time for the children to continue their journey and strive for something new, and new pupils are waiting for you, to whom you will give your care and love. Thank you for the wonderful upbringing of children, for the first and important knowledge, for interesting and vibrant hobbies. You helped children overcome fears and self-doubt, taught them to go to the end and achieve their goals. This is your merit, and you should be proud of it. We wish you for long years successful activities, wonderful children and great happiness in every day.

Dear and respected teachers, we congratulate you on your holiday - happy graduation! Let this day be remembered with touching children's smiles and sparkling eyes. You gave our children a piece of yourself, surrounded them with care and love. Thank you, sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts. We wish you many years of health, happiness and unbridled vital energy. Thank you!

Dear educators, today say “Goodbye” to our children. And we thank you because the children felt like they were at home in the garden. We wish you health, good luck, creative and professional success. Let your new students be as glorious as today's graduates!

Dear, beloved, patient, kind, sweet teachers, we express our deep gratitude to you for your work, for your care. Thank you for your understanding at any moment, for your help and your efforts. You are doing a great job, helping parents raise and educate their children. Thank you very much. We wish you good health and happiness, strength and good luck.

Dear teachers, congratulations on your graduation! Let children's smiles, sincere clear eyes, gratitude from your parents, endless respect will be your reward. May life give you only goodness, happiness, love, everything that you put into the souls of your children. Patience, understanding, health, fortitude, positivity!

Congratulations from children to teachers at graduation - in kindergarten

Every year a huge number of children become graduates, leaving the walls forever preschool institutions. On the day of farewell to their beloved teachers, the children read poems with words of gratitude - for their boundless patience and care, maternal affection and love. In their congratulation poems, graduates express regret for their passing childhood, but at the same time they look to their school future with hope and optimism. Listening to the performance of preschoolers, many teachers can hardly hold back tears - it is not at all easy to part with those in whom they have invested so much effort, labor and warmth. Beautiful congratulations for graduation - in kindergarten it is best to prepare in advance so that the child has time to properly learn and rehearse the poems. Every teacher will be pleased to hear a touching children's “thank you” from their charges, who will very soon conquer new heights. We are sure that among the children's congratulations in verse that we offer, you can choose the most interesting options— for a kindergarten teacher for the graduation party.

We choose a congratulation for the kindergarten teacher from the graduates of the year

Today we say goodbye
With my beloved kindergarten,
We've grown, we've grown,
We need to go to school.
Thanks to the teachers,
Thanks to our nannies,
And the doctor and the cook,
We will say “thank you” to everyone.
On this special day -
Both sad and cheerful.
We have grown, we have grown!
Let's go to school!

There is no position more important -
Deputy of our mothers!
He knows and can do everything:
How to settle quarrels,

Make you laugh or comfort you
To answer questions...
Walls in the hall, snow caps
And dress up the girls...

Our teacher,
We remember you forever!
And let everyone know that it’s yours
The position is great! Top class!

Thanks to the teachers
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And on a gloomy day it is light.
You pitied us, you loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
It's a pity that we can't see you
Take it with you to first grade.

"Goodbye! Goodbye!" —
Today we tell you,
Only our favorite kindergarten
We don't want to forget.

You tried to do for us
The kindergarten is warm and familiar.
To our beloved teachers
We say thank you.

You taught us a lot:
Draw, sculpt, play.
We learned to dance with you,
Sing songs, read poems.

We learned a lot of fairy tales
And they got smarter every day.
We are grateful for this.
Kindergarten it was like home.

For a long time you were like mom and dad to us,
And days, and weeks, and even years.
For this I am very grateful to you,
We will always love and remember you.

More patience and health to you,
Be satisfied with your work.
We wish you success in your work, which is so difficult,
And many bright and juicy ideas.

Beautiful congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten - a great opportunity express the most sincere feelings gratitude to the teachers for their kindness and care for their little pupils. Here you will find a wide selection of congratulations from children and their parents to the entire kindergarten staff, as well as touching poems and lines of prose for young graduates from loving mothers and dad. Happy graduation day!

Thank you, teachers,
For affection and love,
For work and charm,
For many kind words.

For wiped noses,
Wiped away tears
For fairy tales and walks,
Exercises and warm-ups.

Happy graduation to you today
Let's congratulate and be sad,
And in the fall with a briefcase
Let's go to first grade.

We wish you inspiration
And strength to create.
We wish new children
Give your warmth.

The work of a teacher is not easy -
You need a whole lot of skills:
Read books to the kids,
Draw and play
Collect a bag of different toys
And know the plots of many fairy tales.
On the street, dig in the sand,
Run around in tag, don’t be lazy,
Feed and caress everyone,
Don't even think about getting tired.
Of course, it’s impossible to count all the things to do.
You have a big heart.
Thank you for the days in the garden,
For your affection and kindness.
We wish you inspiration,
Creative success, patience,
Well-deserved big salaries.
Thank you for the kindergarten!

Dear and respected educators, today your pupils, glorious and wonderful children, are leaving the walls of kindergartens. Congratulations on finishing. Even if the moments of parting are joyful and sad, but still time does not stand still, it is time for the children to continue their journey and strive for something new, and new pupils are waiting for you, to whom you will give your care and love. Thank you for the wonderful upbringing of children, for the first and important knowledge, for interesting and vibrant hobbies. You helped children overcome fears and self-doubt, taught them to go to the end and achieve their goals. This is your merit, and you should be proud of it. We wish you many years of successful activity, wonderful children and great happiness in every day.

Dear teachers,
Our mothers are second,
Your chicks now
Move to first grade.

We congratulate you on this,
We appreciate and respect you very much.
Let your pupils
They will be able to make our world more beautiful.

Thank you for your work,
For kindness, warmth, care
From the bottom of our hearts we want to say,
Wish you happiness in life!

Thank you for teaching our children,
You, like mothers, were always in a hurry to help them,
They fed and nurtured all the preschool children...
Every parent is glad to see you!

We will be sad without your care,
But we wish you a wonderful job,
Happiness, health, success, good luck,
So that everything would be this way and not otherwise!

We dedicate our recognition to you
For experience and wisdom, for your qualities,
After all, do good people from children -
Your profession is nothing more difficult in the world.

And we are grateful to those kind hands
The warmth they gave both to the children and to us.
And the children grow, and they mature,
After all, time flies, a string of days...

Thank you also for using books
Did you teach numbers and letters to children?
And they gave them something that cannot be taken from books:
You left your light in their souls.

And in the fall the children will go to school,
But they will bring you their gratitude
For work and patience, for that comfort,
In which their childhood lives forever.

Our beloved teacher,
It's already graduation.
You were there all year round
And they didn’t know about peace.

Spent time with us
We were taught to draw
Songs were sung and sculpted,
They put us to bed.

We loved you very much
For warmth and kindness,
For care, tenderness, affection
And of course beauty.

You raised them like family,
They were given care and affection.
Parents to you every moment
They said thank you for them.

But now the kids have grown up,
Already on schoolyard stepped.
Let them remember forever:
You loved them very much.

And we wish you happiness,
Huge, bright, pure love,
Good health on your journey,
Support from family and friends.

Today is holiday and fun,
And there are tears in my eyes.
We'll probably say goodbye
With your favorite paths.

They will play in the flower beds
Other kids
The playgrounds will be occupied by children's
Girls and boys.

Thank you, teachers,
That you loved us so much.
Like second mothers
For us you have always been.

They treated our scratches,
Broken knees
They pitied us furtively.
On the staircase.

Boots and sandals
Put it on soon
Today we are leaving,
But don't forget us!

All our lives we will remember
How fun they joked.
Thank you, teachers.
You are like family to us!

The boys grew up out of their pants,
They are leaving kindergarten now.
With sadness for girls and boys
Our teachers are watching.

We thank you for your concern,
For attention, warmth,
Daily work with children.
The children are very lucky to have you!

We wish you strength and inspiration
To raise new generations.
May God give you health and patience,
And there are plenty of opportunities to live long!

Dear educators!
Thank you for your efforts,
Let your dreams come true
Congratulations on your graduation.

I wish you patience too,
And happy children's eyes,
Live in a great mood
And go forward laughing!

With you from the very morning
There were children left.
And until the evening, mom to them
You had to replace it.
But with hard work
You did it in no time!
Thank you for this
Children and of course mothers!
Congratulations, teacher,
May there be enough patience for everyone
And always in kindergarten
The children are looking forward to seeing you!

There is no position more important -
Deputy of our mothers!
He knows and can do everything:
How to settle quarrels,

A kindergarten teacher,
We respect and appreciate your work!
And it’s not easy, I must admit,
Children expect a lot from you
Congratulations on your graduation!
Strength, health to you, good mood!
So that there is always enough at work
And love, and kindness, and patience!

Thanks to the teachers
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And on a gloomy day it is light.
You pitied us, you loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
Dal that we can't you
Take it with you to first grade.

For the first time I came to kindergarten, as if in a fairy tale -
And the fairy tale turned out to be like this for a long time:
I found friends, beauty and goodness there,
And the nanny turned out to be a fairy for us!

In her golden and beautiful hands
Any work will seem like a miracle,
She will also serve semolina porridge
So it’s impossible to answer “I won’t”!

Make you laugh or comfort you
Answer questions
Walls in the hall, snow caps
And dress up the girls

Our teacher,
We remember you forever!
And let everyone know that yours
The position is great! Top class!

We were together for many years
We lived very friendly with you,
And now it's time
Separate forever.
Know that we will not forget you
We will often remember
How our children were taught
You - read, write, count.
We tell you - thank you
For enormous, complex work
And we hope that at school
Our children will count everything.

It's beautiful for us to speak
It will be useful at school.
To be a wit -
Need to learn!

We learned from the heart
We worked with you,
We are friends with sounds
You tried as hard as you did.

Know that we will not let you down,
You are simply our idol!
Let's start talking now
A lot and seriously!

Thank you for the kids!
From grandmothers, fathers and mothers.
We appreciate your hard work.
Decades will pass, but we will remember that
That our children had a home,
Which was good.
In which you want more!

Graduation in kindergarten - poems for the teacher

For wiped noses,
Wiped away tears
For fairy tales and walks,
Exercises and warm-ups.

Happy graduation to you today
Let's congratulate and be sad,
And in the fall with a briefcase
Let's go to first grade.

We wish you inspiration
And strength to create.
We wish new children
Give your warmth.

Our beloved teacher,
It's already graduation.
You were there all year round
And they didn’t know about peace.

Spent time with us
We were taught to draw
Songs were sung and sculpted,
They put us to bed.

You every day and every hour,
Dedicating yourself to hard work,
Just thinking about us,
You live by worry alone.
So that the earth may be glorified by us,
And so that we grow up honest,
Thank you nannies, teachers,
Thank you for all the good things!

Thank you for teaching our children,
You, like mothers, were always in a hurry to help them,
They fed and cared for all the preschool children.
Every parent is glad to see you!

We will be sad without your care,
But we wish you a wonderful job,
Happiness, health, success, good luck,
So that everything would be this way and not otherwise!

We dedicate our recognition to you
For experience and wisdom, for your qualities,
After all, making good people out of children is
Your profession is nothing more difficult in the world.

And we are grateful to those kind hands
The warmth they gave both to the children and to us.
And the children grow, and they mature,
After all, time flies, a string of days.

Thank you also for using books
Did you teach numbers and letters to children?
And they gave them something that cannot be taken from books:
You left your light in their souls.

And in the fall the children will go to school,
But they will bring you their gratitude
For work and patience, for that comfort,
In which their childhood lives forever.

The boys grew up out of their pants,
They are leaving kindergarten now.
With sadness for girls and boys
Our teachers are watching.

We thank you for your concern,
For attention, warmth,
Daily work with children.
The children are very lucky to have you!

We wish you strength and inspiration
To raise new generations.
May God give you health and patience,
And there are plenty of opportunities to live long!

Dear teachers,
Our mothers are second,
Your chicks now
Move to first grade.

We congratulate you on this,
We appreciate and respect you very much.
Let your pupils
They will be able to make our world more beautiful.

Thank you for your work,
For kindness, warmth, care
From the bottom of our hearts we want to say,
Wish you happiness in life!

You raised them like family,
They were given care and affection.
Parents to you every moment
They said thank you for them.

But now the kids have grown up,
We have already stepped into the school yard.
Let them remember forever:
You loved them very much.

And we wish you happiness,
Huge, bright, pure love,
Good health on your journey,
Support from family and friends.

It's very sad to leave
We'd like to stay
Only school is ahead
Our kindergarten is behind us!

They taught us patiently,
Helped and loved
We are grateful for everything
All the hard work is obvious!

We read and wrote
They sang songs and danced,
And we read poetry
Those were great days!

Congratulations on your graduation,
We wish you happiness and joy,
Let it bloom for a hundred years in a row
Our favorite kindergarten!

Today is holiday and fun,
And there are tears in my eyes.
We'll probably say goodbye
With your favorite paths.

They will play in the flower beds
Other kids
The playgrounds will be occupied by children's
Girls and boys.

Thank you, teachers,
That you loved us so much.
Like second mothers
For us you have always been.

They treated our scratches,
Broken knees
They pitied us furtively.
On the staircase.

Boots and sandals
Put it on soon
Today we are leaving,
But don't forget us!

All our lives we will remember
How fun they joked.
Thank you, teachers.
You are like family to us!

U (Name and Patronymic)

Congratulations to the teachers
You, looking at the fruits of your efforts,
You should be proud of yourself!
And spending years on children,
You appreciate your work!

Congratulations to the assistant teacher
Sociologist, kindergarten psychologist

Slowly, slowly,
To a big, complex life
You hold the baby's hand,
They introduced it carefully.
We followed you, barely breathing,
On the road of knowledge,
Our children are not afraid
School assignments.

Congratulations to teachers on graduation
Head of kindergarten

And our manager is a beauty
And he handles everything.
And her work is extensive,
And we will thank her very much
For the ability to compete
And trying to finance
For fresh food
And prosperity for the kindergarten!

Words of gratitude to teachers in verse
Congratulations to teachers in verse

Congratulations to teachers on graduation
Congratulations to the teacher from the children

Who's off to school today
Our teacher and friend,
Who's at the New Year's tree?
Bunny, cat, chipmunk.

We will sing your glory in chorus,
And to those who remain silent I will say:
- Oh, guys, you're wrong,
La-la-la and zhu-zhu-zhu!

Congratulations to teachers on graduation
We are going to kindergarten with pleasure,
After all, we feel comfortable and happy with you!
For being so affectionate, very kind -
Thank you from us, from dads and moms!

Health and great success ahead
And may your dream come true as soon as possible!
And we will behave well,
We promise to obey you!

Congratulations to teachers on graduation
Who is able to replace relatives for a while,
Giving your baby a ray of light?
Who can teach a child to read?
The teacher, of course, it is!

Yes, your profession is worthy
So that people always understand:
The teacher will raise your baby,
He will take all sorrows away from him!

Poems dedicated to educators
You have had hard work -
He requires a lot of attention (patience),
After all, everyone understands for themselves,
What does it mean to educate children?

While the working day dragged on -
You replaced the children's mother.
And today everyone wants
Thank you for everything!

We are so sad to say goodbye to kindergarten!
It became a home for our children.
I would like to return someday
But these are all just children's dreams.

We wish you success and good luck,
We are so grateful for your love.
She means a lot to the children in life,
They don't forget anything!

Kindergarten graduates today
Back in new life preschool children
We want to congratulate the teachers
From the parents of these guys.

May all your wishes come true -
And health, and happiness, success.
We all say goodbye to you!
We will remember you all with joy!

They are hoarse, painful
Children are taught to live, grow,
So that each of their pets understands
That there are many goals ahead,

What after the winter snow cold
A gentle spring is coming,
That there are puddles everywhere on the roads,
But, alas, you can’t fall into them,

What about women, mothers, relatives and friends
Congratulations should be given with love.
The eighth of March is a celebration of life,
He shouldn't be forgotten.

And teachers today
We congratulate the whole crowd,
Let there be less grief in life,
Let joy flow like a river!

Parents and children of kindergarten congratulate you on the holiday. We wish you joy, goodness and success in life and work. We want to thank you for your work and your patience and attention to our children. I bow to you for your attention and love for our children.

And we all want to wish the kindergarten staff:
Be very patient in order to raise children.
They are not easy job May it always bear fruit,
And they will never have mistakes and miscalculations.

In order to raise all the children in kindergarten well,
There is a lot to do, you have to be on time everywhere.
Take them out for a walk and feed them tasty food.
And after lunch, immediately put them to bed in bed.

We wish everyone inspiration and success always.
From parents - thank you, never have quarrels.
The team was always friendly and solved problems,
And he certainly won all the difficulties in his work.

God's gift was given to you by nature -
You the best teacher of the year.
Communicate skillfully with children
Treat with care and gentleness.

Thank you very much
For your hard work,
A very important job
You do here.

For your understanding,
For a lot of kindness,
We say: “Thank you!”
In the face of all the children.

The manger needs kind hands,
In kind, open smiles,
In honest and loving, soft hearts,
To nurture them into children.

We are pleased to say,
In the nursery there is such a teacher.
We are glad to congratulate him now -
So take it boldly!

Participants: Parents of children take part in the congratulations.

We're going, we're going, we're going
For a holiday in kindergarten
We take it with us in the car
Gifts for guys
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,
We're still bringing it here
Mom, grandmother, father,
Yes, and a tomboyish grandfather,
Smiling, humming,
What a company!
What a company!

Let me introduce ourselves, we are the parents of the nicest children in the world!

But because our children are from kindergarten N ____! And we are firmly convinced that our kindergarten is the best!

Yes, because our beloved children have been living, singing and dancing in our kindergarten for 3 years now

Namely: ____ interesting and cute boys

And ______ no less interesting and prettier girls

Yes, but we sometimes have increased laziness

That's why our children like to sleep a lot

But our children don't like homework

But still they are the most beloved, the smartest, most talented and extremely smart

Even if it was difficult sometimes
Is it worth remembering
Experiencing all the sorrows
Let's hurry to the nursery again
We will not forget these years
Let's keep it in memory
Our dear kindergarten, where we went
Everything connected with him.