Preparing pregnant women for childbirth in the maternity hospital, at home, in specialized courses. How to prepare for natural childbirth How to prepare for childbirth


Experienced pregnant women begin to prepare in advance for childbirth. But women planning to become mothers for the first time are a little confused and don’t quite understand what they need to do.

Step-by-step preparation

When should you prepare for childbirth? It is recommended to begin the preparatory process for the birth of a baby during pregnancy. The sooner a woman begins to mentally prepare for childbirth, the easier it will be to master the remaining aspects of the upcoming process.

How to prepare yourself for childbirth

  • pay attention to the physical condition of the body;
  • learn to breathe correctly during contractions;
  • master methods of psychological preparation;
  • additional incentives;
  • pack a bag with things and documents that will be needed in the maternity hospital.

If the timing of the birth of a child is delayed, a woman can prepare for a natural birth by stimulating the process. Precursors will tell the expectant mother that the baby is ready - separation and release of the mucous plug, breaking of water, painful cramping sensations in the lower abdomen.

But these are not signs of real contractions, but evidence that the child has dropped lower - into the upper pelvic region and is beginning to slowly put pressure on the cervix. If the pregnancy is progressing normally, you should not panic when contractions appear - they may be false.

It is necessary to go to the maternity hospital when the cramping pains become progressively worse. Between the first cramps and natural birth, there is time to get to the hospital without rushing.

Stages of childbirth:

  1. the period of dilatation of the uterine pharynx, which lasts several hours;
  2. transitional stage when the uterus is fully dilated; it lasts from 15 to 60 minutes;
  3. the period of expulsion, or advancement through the birth canal.

During the first birth, the third stage takes at least an hour, since the muscles of the uterus are not elastic enough for the procedure. In women who give birth repeatedly, the birth of a child occurs faster (sometimes even rapidly).

A period of expulsion that lasts 2 or more hours is a threat to the baby’s life. The woman in labor is cut into the perineum to widen the passage for the baby's head, or special devices (vacuum extraction or forceps) are used to forcibly remove the newborn.

Sometimes they resort to caesarean section. If the operation is planned, the woman is admitted to the maternity hospital in advance to prepare for the upcoming procedure. The same applies to situations where several children are expected to appear at once. As for partner births, here preparation is needed not only for the mother, but also for the future father (primarily psychological).

Physical hardening of the body

To make it easier for the baby to be born, the expectant mother must prepare herself physically for the upcoming procedure. This will make the body more resilient, ensuring a normal course of delivery.

Physical preparation for childbirth

  • therapeutic exercises for pregnant women;
  • hardening;
  • massage treatments;
  • mastering poses to ease contractions.

Each woman attending the School of Expectant Mothers is given physical exercises that the mother can do at home. In addition, a pregnant woman needs to be active and often walk in the fresh air.

Gymnastics. If a woman has been involved in sports before, you can continue training, but in a more gentle manner, stopping physical activity a month before giving birth. It is recommended to visit the pool during pregnancy. Swimming makes the muscles of the buttocks, perineum, and legs more elastic.

Massage. A massage of the lower abdomen and perineum will help prepare for the first birth. Light kneading actions will relieve tension from the muscles and tone the uterus. It is necessary to massage the lower back, which is especially stressed in the last trimester. Massage relieves swelling of the legs.


Some people find it more comfortable to lean against a wall or a partner standing next to them, while other pregnant women squat down or get on all fours. You can sit on a chair facing the back, with your legs apart.

A pregnant woman should master the ability to walk single file and sit correctly in squats from the first trimester. And the “butterfly” and “lotus” poses are also a good way of relaxation. It is not advisable to take a horizontal position on your back - this will limit the flow of blood to the baby. As a last resort, you are allowed to lie on your side, this will help you gather your strength.

Self-anesthesia allows proper breathing, which should not be fast and strong. Women who know how to relax and distract themselves from negativity endure contractions more easily.

Preparations in the last weeks

It happens that under severe stress, all knowledge, in the process of preparing for childbirth, flies out of your head. The woman panics, which negatively affects her psychological state. Therefore, it is necessary to consolidate everything with practice, which includes breathing exercises, the ability to relieve pain and the ability to stimulate labor to speed up the process. The body itself must react reflexively to a situation that is difficult for a pregnant woman to control.

Breathing exercises:

  • chest breathing - inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth;
  • with the diaphragm (with protrusion of the abdomen) - take a deep breath for 3 seconds, pause, exhale for 5 seconds, pause again;
  • rhythmically - inhale and exhale for 5 seconds, hold for 3 seconds;
  • “doggy style” - rapid breathing (usually with the tongue hanging out), while standing on all fours.

The last exercise helps relieve severe pain from frequent contractions. Rhythmic breathing is used together with labor attempts.

A woman in a hospital who has unbearably strong contractions is given an anesthetic injection. At home, you have to rely on your own strength and apply massage to special points on the body.

Massage to relieve pain during contractions:

  • stroking movements of the abdomen from the center to the sides;
  • light kneading of the lower back;
  • gentle pressure on the pits above the buttocks;
  • pressing on the lateral bones of the pelvis;
  • massaging the area on the palms between the index and thumb.

Acupressure. If you press on the points above the ankle on the inside of the shin, you can not only ease the contractions, but also speed up the opening of the cervix. This will prepare you for an easy birth.

Nutrition. When contractions begin, some women lose their appetite, while others, on the contrary, want to eat. You should not deny yourself this desire - light snacks help restore the strength that will be needed during childbirth. You need to drink plenty of fluids, while remembering to empty your bladder often.

Nipple stimulation. Closer to the baby's due date, women prepare for childbirth by stimulating their breasts with their hands and their nipples with a bath towel. Contrast showers, air baths and rubbing the nipples with ice cubes from herbal infusions are good.

By twisting and pulling the nipples with her fingers, a pregnant woman provokes the production of oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates labor. Therefore, procedures should not be carried out in advance, only immediately before the date of birth of the child.

Last stage

It is necessary to physically prepare for childbirth in the last days, not only in order to minimize pain, but also to try to avoid perineal ruptures. The labia and vagina are massaged with oils, which makes the skin softer, more elastic and stretchable.

How to prepare for childbirth:

  1. use prostaglandins;
  2. a Foley catheter is used;
  3. kelp is introduced.

Bladder puncture. A gentle method is the drug prostaglandin, produced in the form of a gel or suppositories. The drug is injected into the vagina and, in rare cases, into the cervix. The medicine does not penetrate into the amniotic sac, but promotes its rupture. If this does not happen, the midwife opens the bladder.

Prenatal treatment. It is worth taking care of the hygiene of the intimate area by shaving the hair; it not only interferes during childbirth, but can also become a source of infection. In the maternity hospital, pregnant women are shaved (this is a standard procedure), but it is better to prepare yourself at home.

The process of having a baby can be quick, and the woman simply won’t have time to shave. If the expectant mother is not comfortable performing the hygiene procedure herself, it is recommended to entrust it to her husband. It is not enough to simply prepare for the birth of the baby, you need to ensure that the contractions do not subside or last too long. Sometimes medical intervention is required to induce labor.

Foley catheter. If medical stimulants are contraindicated, a Foley catheter made of silicone is used. With this device, the woman will walk for several hours until labor enters the final phase.

The most popular recently is the use of algae to stimulate labor. The effect is observed within 3 hours after the introduction of kelp into the cervix. The stick, increasing in size, begins to put pressure on the walls, promoting the opening of the pharynx. At the same time, kelp stimulates the muscles of the birth canal and also activates the production of oxytocin.

Psycho-emotional mood

An emotional attitude toward the natural course of childbirth is another way to properly prepare yourself for the arrival of your baby. The more conscious a woman is about upcoming contractions, the easier it is to cope with pain.

You need to prepare yourself psychologically throughout pregnancy, but the last hours before childbirth are important. Courses teaching auto-training techniques will help here. Knowing what to prepare for, it is easier for a woman to do without drug pain relief.

Contact with beauty will allow you to tune in to a positive perception of the upcoming birth. Psychologists recommend listening to relaxing music, contemplating beautiful pictures, or drawing them yourself. Similar methods of self-preparation for childbirth are practiced all over the world.

Grantley Dick-Read. A doctor with many years of experience is confident that the pain during labor would not be so severe if the woman in labor had not panicked. Once your psycho-emotional state is under control, it will immediately reduce physical stress. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to learn auto-training.


This technique is based on Pavlov's teachings about reflexes. When preparing for childbirth, it is necessary to master breathing exercises and be able to relax on a subconscious level. The actions brought to the mechanism will make childbirth and the hours preceding the process more comfortable. Robert Bradley Schools.

This implies partner participation not only during the birth of a newborn, but also for the entire period of gestation. A pregnant woman listens sensitively to changes in the body, mentally preparing herself for the upcoming delivery. This helps her concentrate on the main point in time and consciously control the entire process. Your partner's support will give you strength and confidence. Sheila Kitsinger.

Michel Auden.

The concept suggests trusting nature and your own intuition. The only thing that will depend on the woman is to learn to liberate herself. Emotions, which should be positive, play a big role. Pregnancy will be filled with positivity thanks to the opportunity to explore hidden talents (drawing, singing, dancing).


Self-hypnosis, the ability to meditate, hypnosis are akin to the teachings of yogis. They begin to master the technique of self-hypnosis in the first weeks of pregnancy. This will allow you to perceive the situation only in a positive way. But it will be difficult to master hypnosis on your own, since you will need a practitioner.

Things in the maternity hospital

  • The closer the baby is due, the more attention is paid to the practical side of preparation. The expectant mother chooses the hospital and obstetrician who will deliver the baby. When agreeing with the doctor about a separate room, the woman discusses the terms of partnership participation.
  • What you need to take with you to the maternity hospital:
  • pregnant woman's exchange card;
  • passport;

clothes for yourself, the baby and the delivery room;

personal hygiene products.

Usually, even at the antenatal clinic, pregnant women are given a list of what they need to take with them to the maternity ward. This allows you to prepare for childbirth without haste and properly.

In this case, it is advisable to distribute things into 2-3 bags. One will contain documents and everything that is required in the delivery room, the other will contain what the mother and baby will need during their stay in the hospital. If everything fits into one bag, then the essentials are placed on top.

It is worth discussing in advance with your doctor whether you can wear your own nightgown in the delivery room, what clothes you should prepare first for the baby, and what your partner should wear. Toiletries will also come in handy during childbirth.

Prepared childbirth helps a woman feel confident in the last stage of pregnancy. By starting to tune in to the moment of the birth of the child in advance, the expectant mother will be able to master techniques and techniques that contribute to an easy outcome. The ability to control the entire upcoming process is the key to a happy birth.

In order to feel confident, not to panic, to behave correctly in the maternity hospital and to be able to help herself with unpleasant sensations, a woman in labor must have a fairly good idea of ​​what awaits her during childbirth. The expectant mother needs to know how not to miss the onset of labor, when to go to the maternity hospital, what documents and things will be needed for hospitalization, how to behave correctly during contractions and pushing, what specialists do and why during childbirth.

To meet this process “fully armed”, modern women begin seriously prepare for childbirth. Some study specialized medical literature, others subscribe to pregnancy magazines, and others search for information on the vast expanses of the Internet. During pregnancy, many attend courses for expectant parents, learn techniques for self-anesthesia and active behavior during childbirth, and write detailed notes that reflect the main stages of each stage of labor.

However, most women who have crossed the threshold of motherhood complain that at the most crucial moment all the accumulated knowledge disappeared at once and, despite extensive theoretical training, the first contractions still took them by surprise. There is a common saying: “Preparing is useless - during childbirth You’ll forget everything anyway.” Of course, this statement is false; This is how those who are lazy or are simply afraid to find out something about childbirth in advance justify themselves. And yet there is some truth in this statement: how not get ready for childbirth, the beginning of this process will still be associated with natural excitement, in which all the acquired knowledge may become confused in the head.

Suppose the expectant mother has the first “suspicious” sensations: her back hurts, her stomach tenses, and liquid discharge appears from the genital tract. At this moment, many thoughts simultaneously appear in her head based on the information received about childbirth; however, these thoughts are sometimes very contradictory - after all, different options for the onset of labor were discussed in courses and in specialized literature. So, where to start: call the doctor, your husband or an ambulance? What if this is a false alarm? What is the best way to behave now during “sensations”: try to relax or immediately use pain relief techniques? Should I count my contractions or go straight away? What is better now - lie down, sit down or walk? Where are the documents? Have you collected the necessary things and do you need to take them all with you at once? – Looking for answers to these questions during contractions, rummaging through a stack of magazines or thick course notes, is extremely inconvenient.

Meanwhile, there is a wonderful way that helps during the onset of labor avoid fuss and excitement, don’t make mistakes and don’t forget anything. This method is absolutely accessible and surprisingly simple: you need to make a “cheat sheet” on behavior in advance during childbirth. It should be clear and concise, without abstruse medical terms and lengthy explanations. In the cheat sheet, as in a young fighter’s memo, you need to outline, point by point, the necessary actions for each stage of childbirth, starting from the very first sensations until the moment of transfer to the postpartum ward.

For example, how to behave at the beginning, depending on your feelings, when to call the doctor, when to go to the maternity hospital, what documents to take with you and where they are, what to wear and what to take with you, etc.

Any expectant mother can easily write such a note; Recordings from courses and articles for future parents are perfect for this. In order for the instructions to be practical, you need to try to imagine that the described situation is unfolding at this very moment, and write down the questions that may arise in connection with this. Having identified the main questions, you need to find clear, comprehensive answers to them in authoritative sources (popular literature for expectant parents or lectures from courses) and write them down on paper. Then you need to edit the resulting notes so that they are sufficiently concise, while remaining comprehensive and understandable. You need to write a “cheat sheet” in advance (no later than the 36th week); Having written a draft, it is good to show it to a doctor in a antenatal clinic or a lecturer from a course to eliminate the possibility of errors and, perhaps, add something. After the memo is compiled, it should be placed in a visible place in the house, for example, attached with magnets to the refrigerator or a button to the wall in the room. The best solution would be to make several copies of the “cheat sheet”; keep one in a visible place at home, put the other in your purse along with the necessary documents (in case the onset of labor finds you outside the house), and the third - give to your husband (so that he also has a guide to action and can tell him how to behave).

Preparing for childbirth: action plan

You can make an action plan during contractions as follows:

Contractions appeared- compare three adjacent contractions and two intervals between them. Real contractions should be at regular intervals of no more than 10 minutes. If the intervals are uneven or more than 10 minutes, the contractions are not painful and nothing else bothers you, you can stay at home and observe whether they become more frequent. You can behave freely (eat, walk, sleep, take a bath, pack your things). Breathe calmly during contractions.

Check documents– passport, photocopy of passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, photocopy of policy, exchange card, birth certificate (if any), voluntary health insurance policy (if contract for childbirth).

Check the things you need to take with you:

  • bag “for childbirth”: still water, wet wipes, lip balm, thermal spray, shirt, robe, washable slippers (the list can be supplemented in accordance with the requirements of the selected maternity hospital);
  • things for the husband (if choosing a partner birth): washable slippers, clean socks, medical suit.

Regular contractions every 10 minutes or more often –

  • call an ambulance;
  • call your husband or mother (for convenience, at this point you can write down the phone numbers of the doctor, the ambulance, and your husband’s mobile number).

You can go to the maternity hospital by ambulance or by your own car. From now on, try not to sit on a hard surface, eat or drink. During a contraction, breathe calmly and behave freely between contractions. You can walk, lie down, sit on the ball. In a passenger car, sit in the back seat in a position lying on your side or reclining on your back.

Water is leaking

  • call the doctor (for individual management of childbirth);
  • call an ambulance;
  • call your husband or mom.

Go to the maternity hospital regardless of whether there are contractions; You can go by ambulance or in your own car. Use a sterile sanitary pad for postpartum discharge. Before the ambulance team arrives, lie down, do not eat or drink; in your car, sit in the back seat on your side or reclining on your back.

Severe abdominal pain, headache, vomiting, bleeding from the genital tract, general deterioration in health - urgently go to the maternity hospital; only by ambulance!

In the reception department - call the doctor (for individual management of childbirth), change your shoes, take off your outerwear, take all the documents (passport + copy, compulsory medical insurance policy + copy, exchange card, birth certificate or contract policy - if any) and go inside without a queue. Actions of the staff: the midwife fills out the card, measures blood pressure, pulse, temperature, height and weight, gives consent to hospitalization, calls the doctor. The doctor looks on a couch or chair, listens to the fetal heartbeat, and does an ultrasound (if necessary). After the examination, the midwife takes blood from a finger, shaves the perineum, gives an enema, takes you to the toilet, then to the shower and to the maternity ward.

In the ward - a CTG recording (you can lie or sit on a ball - ask the doctor) and a second examination. If you are allowed to stand up, you can walk around the ward, look for comfortable positions, sit on the ball. If you can't get up, lie on your side.

Painful contractions– during a contraction, choose a comfortable position, relax as much as possible, massage, use pain-relieving breathing. The options should be described separately. Between contractions, rest and breathe calmly. Consult your doctor about the need for drug pain relief.

I want to push- call a doctor; During a contraction, breathe often through your mouth (“dog”) so as not to start pushing ahead of time. If you are allowed to stand up, choose a vertical or semi-vertical position; if you can’t get up, lie on your side, raising yourself on your elbow and bending your knees. Relax all muscles as much as possible and monitor your breathing. Between contractions, lie down and breathe calmly; rinse your mouth, freshen up with thermal spray.

Attempts– push only when allowed. Push three times during the contraction; before pushing, take a deep breath through your mouth, hold your breath, press your chin to your chest and tighten your abs as much as possible. After pushing, on command, exhale smoothly with a half-open mouth. Between contractions, relax and breathe calmly.

Breathing during childbirth

Contractions Breath Poses Movements Massage
Short, non-painful, interval more than 10 minutes “Belly”: slowly inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth Any Rotation or rocking of the pelvis Not needed
Uncomfortable, interval 5–10 minutes Inhale through your nose for 3 counts, exhale through your mouth for 7 counts. Everything except sitting on a hard surface can be done on your knees, squatting, on a ball - without putting pressure on the perineum Walking, bending, turning Small of the back
Painful, interval 3–5 minutes “Candle”: frequent, superficial, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth Standing with support on your hands, on all fours, squatting, on a fitball Swaying, bending?/?bending the back, stepping from foot to foot Lower back, lower abdomen, inner thighs
Painful, every 2 minutes “Locomotive”: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, at the beginning of the contraction the breathing is calm, as the pain intensifies it becomes more frequent and forced, and as the pain subsides it gradually levels out Sitting on a ball, lying in bed on your side, standing on all fours Wiggle Lower back, lower abdomen, inner thighs, groin fold
There was a desire to push “Doggy”: frequent superficial, inhalation and exhalation through the mouth Ask a doctor (lying on your side, standing on your hands or on a ball) Wiggle Small of the back

Postpartum check-up– the doctor looks at the birth canal on the chair for ruptures; try to relax your pelvic muscles as much as possible and breathe calmly.

After childbirth– we stay in the maternity ward for two hours under the supervision of medical staff. Do not get up or sit down, keep ice on your stomach, try not to fall asleep; rest.

On the back of the “cheat sheet” it is advisable to make a short table on self-anesthesia methods, in which you can schematically reflect postures, movement and massage options for the main stages of childbirth, and also describe the types of breathing during contractions.

Of course, this is just an approximate plan for a “cheat sheet for childbirth.” The plan can be changed and supplemented at your discretion - the main thing is that it takes into account all the essentials for you and at the right time it is at your fingertips!

Childbirth is a serious and responsible moment in a woman’s life, requiring all her moral and physical strength to be exerted. Of course, over the course of thousands of years, nature has developed an optimal mechanism for restructuring the body for childbirth. First of all, this concerns changes in the amount and composition of hormones. But we must remember that modern man lives not according to the laws of nature, but according to the laws of civilization. Therefore, in practice, a woman is not always ready for childbirth - from the moral, physical or material side.

This situation can be corrected if the lack of readiness for childbirth is corrected with the help of preliminary measures. Preparing for childbirth will be useful regardless of whether you plan to give birth naturally or resort to caesarean section.

Physical exercise

Physical preparation for childbirth should be carried out throughout the entire period of pregnancy. It consists of exercises that strengthen the body as a whole and in particular those of its systems that are directly responsible for the process of childbirth. Physical activity stimulates proper blood circulation and prevents excess weight gain.

The optimal set of gymnastic exercises should be suggested by a doctor or trainer during childbirth preparation courses. According to their purpose, exercises are divided into:

  • General strengthening
  • Exercises for the abdominal and perineal muscles
  • Chest exercises

However, it should be remembered that in late pregnancy it is better to avoid strenuous physical activity, as it can lead to premature birth.

Proper nutrition

The child’s body is formed from those substances that come to it from the mother. Therefore, what you eat will serve as material for your baby’s body. Therefore, it is extremely important during pregnancy to monitor your diet, its composition and balance. Here are some simple rules that pregnant women are advised to follow:

  • Eliminate fried, fatty and high-calorie foods, offal, and smoked foods from the diet.
  • Consume more vegetable oil, preferably olive oil, fiber, and sea fish containing Omega-3 acids
  • Eat at least 4 times a day, but little by little
  • A month before giving birth, you should include more fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, kefir, and dried fruits in your diet.

Psychological preparation

Childbirth is a serious test, not only physically, but also morally. And therefore, all efforts to physically prepare for them will be useless if the woman does not prepare herself psychologically. This is especially true for women giving birth for the first time.

You should study all the information about childbirth, first of all, about its medical and physiological aspects. If you know well all the nuances of the process of childbirth, then in this case it will be easier for you to prepare for various circumstances, including unforeseen ones. Therefore, awareness is also an important preparation for childbirth. And the main thing that you need to know well is that contractions, pushing and pain during childbirth are the natural physiological behavior of the body. As practice shows, painful sensations are much better tolerated if a woman is mentally prepared for them.

Preparing for childbirth also involves creating a positive emotional mood. Yes, childbirth can be dangerous, but in the vast majority of cases it occurs without complications. It is better not to listen to prejudices or the opinions of friends who had problems during childbirth, but to read birth stories with a happy ending or listen to the advice of doctors.

Preparing for a trip to the maternity hospital

Any detail, even an insignificant one, can affect the outcome of childbirth. Therefore, it is better to take measures that will help avoid surprises in advance. Of great importance is how psychologically a woman is prepared for the process of childbirth and how aware she is of it. A less important role is played by the material aspect - whether things are ready for the maternity hospital and whether they can be taken with you to the maternity hospital during labor. Although this seems very important for a woman whose psycho-emotional state is very aggravated due to hormonal levels.

In order for a woman to go into labor with confidence, she must know in advance about the following:

  • How to recognize that labor itself has begun
  • At what point can you go to the maternity hospital?
  • What list of documents may be needed in the maternity hospital?
  • What things to collect in advance so that when determining regular contractions you don’t have to look for anything while rushing around the house
  • What behavior should be during contractions and pushing?
  • What manipulations can health workers perform during childbirth?
  • How you can help yourself to reduce pain during childbirth

There is one great way to prepare for childbirth, but you will have to work hard on it if you don’t want to forget something or do something wrong because of your own shortcomings. The method is to create a short and informative cheat sheet for yourself.

It is better to make such a cheat sheet in several copies and place it in different places, for example: one in your purse, another on the refrigerator, a third with your husband. It needs to describe all situations in the birth process and indicate the actions that need to be taken in a particular case. Information for the plan can be taken from notes from pregnancy courses or literature sold in bookstores and on the Internet. In order for the information in the cheat sheet to be comprehensive, when preparing an answer to a particular question, you need to imagine that the situation is unfolding at the moment and write down all the questions that have arisen. It is on them that you need to find complete information and write it down in a cheat sheet.

Action plan (example)

The cheat sheet should be clear and contain only important information. Having written a cheat sheet, you need to re-read it and throw away the excess.

Severe stomach ache, headache, red discharge, feeling unwell

  • Call an ambulance immediately.
  • Take things with you to the maternity hospital.

Water is leaking

  • Get dressed, use a sterile pad, call an ambulance and lie down until it arrives.
  • Call your mom or husband.

The appearance of contractions

  • Compare the intervals between contractions: real contractions are regular and are felt at least every 10 minutes.
  • If contractions are not regular and they come less often than real ones, your general health is normal, then you can stay at home and observe the sensations, while doing your usual things.
  • Check your bag at the maternity hospital - things for the birth (yours, your husband's - in the case of a partner birth), documents for hospitalization.

The appearance of regular contractions with an interval of 10 minutes or less

  • Get dressed and call an ambulance.
  • Call your mom or husband.
  • Don't forget to take things and documents.
  • Breathe calmly during contractions.
  • You can lie down and walk. You can only sit on the ball, but not on a hard surface.
  • Don't eat or drink a lot.

Severe pain during contractions

  • During the contraction itself: relax, take a comfortable position, massage, apply pain relief methods.
  • Between contractions, try to rest as much as possible. You can consult with a doctor and midwife about the correct behavior and the possibility of drug pain relief.


  • Call a doctor and do not push without permission, breathe out the contraction in a “dog” manner.
  • Listen to the doctor's instructions and do what he says, not what you want!
  • With the command “push”: while the contraction lasts, push 3 times, before pushing, take a deep breath and hold your breath, push “down” and not “into the head”.
  • Between contractions, rest and breathe calmly.

In addition, it will be useful to draw up a list of natural pain-relieving techniques, possible relaxation massages, and which breathing method to use at what time.

Unfortunately, at present, not every pregnant woman devotes enough time to prenatal preparation, mistakenly believing that at the right moment her body will instinctively tell her what to do and how. This opinion is absolutely wrong. It is the preparation for childbirth that contributes to the normal course of this process and helps to significantly reduce pain, as well as the possible risk of any complications.
In order to properly prepare the body for the upcoming process of labor, you need to know which stages are included in it, if you have the desire to take specialized psychological courses, establish a proper diet and pay due attention to physical exercise.

What do you need to know when preparing for childbirth?

What main points should you pay more attention to and how to behave when labor begins? Every pregnant woman should know the answers to these questions, not only to improve her own education, but also to make the process of giving birth to a baby as easy as possible.
First of all, in order to properly prepare for the inevitable childbirth, you need to know exactly how this process proceeds, how long it lasts, what stages it includes, as well as what sensations are characteristic of a particular period of labor.
Childbirth is a completely natural, but quite painful process that can last from two to twenty hours; of course, significant deviations up or down are quite possible, since each woman’s body is unique.
For example, the first birth is usually longer, lasting about twelve to eighteen hours. As for second births, they take a shorter period of time if less than five years have passed since the birth of the first child. This happens due to the fact that the tissues of the birth canal in women who become pregnant again are more elastic and prepared to stretch.

Stages of labor

There are three main stages in the birth process:
  1. The first stage of the labor process begins when the cervix begins to dilate and ends when the dilation is approximately ten centimeters. This period occupies the main part of the birth process and can range from several hours to several days. Immediately at this time, the woman in labor feels painful contractions, which become more and more severe by the time this stage is completed.
  2. The second stage includes the actual birth of the child, that is, pushing. Typically this period lasts approximately half an hour. The peak of discomfort occurs precisely at this moment, as the birth canal stretches as much as possible, trying to push the baby out.
  3. The third stage is absolutely painless, and includes a period of time that begins from the moment the baby is born until the birth of the placenta. At this stage, the woman in labor can afford a long-awaited rest.
So, each individual period of labor must be accompanied by certain actions on the part of the mother in labor in order to minimize pain and prevent the occurrence of possible complications.
Directly during labor, a woman must be able to breathe correctly, relax her muscles and push. Of course, obstetricians provide the necessary assistance, and also tell what should be done at one time or another. But not all women listen to their advice. Accordingly, such preparation for childbirth is extremely important and mandatory.

What needs to be done in preparation for childbirth and how best to prepare the body for the upcoming process of labor?

First, the expectant mother must learn to breathe correctly. The ability to take deep breaths when necessary, breathe quickly and often, and hold your breath will be necessary both during labor and pushing.
Proper breathing will allow a woman to significantly reduce pain, and will also help prevent the appearance of tears and cracks in the perineal area. In order to learn proper breathing, a woman can either attend special courses for pregnant women or simply watch a video of preparation for childbirth, where specially trained instructors will explain everything clearly and clearly.

Nutrition while preparing for childbirth

Proper nutrition in the third and final trimester of pregnancy is the key to an easy and safe birth.

Physical activity

Physical preparation for childbirth is extremely important.
  • Currently, there are special courses in preparation for childbirth, where instructors explain to expectant mothers exactly what exercises and gymnastics need to be done in order to maximally strengthen those muscles that are directly involved in the process of labor.
  • If it is not possible to attend such courses, a pregnant woman should pay great attention to physical activity. You shouldn't spend all your free time on the couch.
  • If possible, you should take long walks every day. You need to walk slowly, enjoying peace and fresh air as much as possible.
  • If it is not possible to go for a walk, for example, in the harsh winter cold, you can watch a special video that shows physical preparation for childbirth, choose a set of suitable exercises for yourself and perform them daily.

Ancillary drugs

Currently, there are many different drugs, the use of which includes preparation for childbirth. These can be either various creams, the effect of which is aimed at increasing the elasticity of tissues, or various medications that contain certain substances that help soften the cervix and prepare it for labor.
You should use medications containing a certain amount of hormonal substances only after consultation with your doctor, since inept use can lead to dangers such as premature birth. Often, such drugs are used by obstetricians and gynecologists only in cases of post-term pregnancy, to induce contractions.
Also, at the moment of the onset of labor, the use of anesthetic drugs is allowed, which completely or partially relieve pain. Most of them have virtually no contraindications and do not cause any harm to either the mother or the baby. However, each woman decides for herself whether it is worth taking such drugs or not.

Preparing the intimate area for childbirth

Some of the best remedies that can and should be used during pregnancy are those whose action may include preparing the cervix for childbirth. Typically, such preparations are made on the basis of various oils of natural origin. They help to increase the elasticity of tissues, which helps to avoid such significant troubles during childbirth as cracks or tears, the appearance of which, especially at the birth of the first child, is almost inevitable if the woman does not pay special attention to this problem in a timely manner.
Oil for preparation for childbirth usually includes a number of components such as essential oils of almond, rose, and wheat germ. In the event that it is not possible to purchase such a drug, it is quite acceptable to use regular olive oil or sunflower oil. However, the latter must be boiled and then cooled to a comfortable temperature before use.
In order to prepare the perineal area for childbirth, it is necessary to massage this area daily using the oils listed above. A number of manipulations included in the complex of such a massage include such actions as treating both the external genital organs and the internal vaginal area with the product. The massage should be done carefully, slightly stretching the tissue.

Weleda oil for childbirth preparation

One of the best products aimed at increasing the elasticity of tissues is Weleda oil. This drug is intended directly for women who are pregnant and includes a number of special substances that help properly prepare the intimate areas for childbirth.
For example, the product contains rose essential oil, as well as wheat germ oil, which significantly contribute to the fact that the skin and mucous membranes become more elastic and are easily stretchable.
Also, the advantage of this oil is that the instructions included with the drug contain an accessible and intelligible explanation of exactly how to massage the intimate area to achieve the best effect.

Psychological preparation

An important point that includes preparing pregnant women for childbirth is the psychological attitude. Fear of pain, the unknown, and the expectation that the sensations at the onset of labor will be very unpleasant do not add to a woman’s self-confidence and that the birth will go well. Accordingly, this aspect should be given special attention.
Many antenatal clinics quite often operate a school for preparing for childbirth, which can be attended by any woman observed in this medical institution. Mostly this service is provided free of charge, that is, in essence, it is an easy, free preparation for childbirth.
At this school, experienced obstetricians-gynecologists will tell a pregnant woman in an accessible form what exactly awaits her during the birth process, as well as what sensations will accompany her during this time period.
Also, if it is not possible to visit such an institution, the expectant mother can easily prepare herself psychologically. For example, you can draw and hang in a prominent place a bright poster in which you describe certain points in detail. It is necessary to read the inscriptions on this poster several times a day. Gradually, all points will be learned by heart, and the pregnant woman will have strong confidence that a successful course and subsequent outcome of childbirth awaits her.
The points that need to be written on the poster can be of this kind:
  • I am determined that my labor will be easy and painless;
  • I know that labor will begin exactly on time;
  • I am absolutely calm and not worried about the fact that quite unpleasant sensations may await me;
  • I am absolutely confident in myself;
  • I love my future baby madly, and I will do everything to ensure that childbirth causes him as little discomfort as possible;
  • I know how to breathe correctly, in due time I will not forget about this knowledge;
  • I'm looking forward to the first contractions as it brings me closer to meeting my baby;
  • I will look forward to each next contraction with great joy and help my body with proper breathing;
  • With each passing day, I am accumulating more and more energy and strength in myself in order to easily and painlessly endure childbirth;
  • My organs are absolutely ready for the birth of my miracle.
Of course, any woman can add to the list those items that she deems necessary. It should contain only positive phrases and set the woman up for a successful outcome of childbirth.
Any pregnant woman should prepare herself emotionally to the fact that every new contraction, every push, reduces the waiting time for the meeting between mother and baby.
One of the main arguments in this case should be that not only the woman in labor experiences painful sensations during active labor, but also the baby. For him, being born is not only fear, because he left such a warm and cozy house, but also very unpleasant sensations, which can be significantly reduced only if the expectant mother learns to breathe correctly and control her body.
In short, proper psychological preparation for childbirth is one of the key points in its successful resolution.

Physical training

Physical preparation for childbirth is no less important than psychological preparation. It should include certain exercises, or exercises aimed at improving the elasticity of the perineal muscles.
So, for example, exercises to prepare for childbirth could be as follows:
  • It is necessary to squeeze the vaginal muscles as much as possible and hold them in this state for a minute, then relax as much as possible. Repeat at least twenty times;
  • Alternately, every few seconds, relax and contract the vaginal muscles.
    Such exercises can significantly improve the elasticity of this muscle group and prepare them for significant stretching at the time of birth.

What types of births are there?

The closer the birth gets, the more often any pregnant woman thinks about what the main types of childbirth are. There are only a few of them, and each of them has its own specific advantages and disadvantages.

Perinatal birth

Under the term perinatal birth it is implied that the process of labor is absolutely natural. That is, absolute interference in it by outsiders can lead to bad consequences.
Perhaps such a statement made sense several centuries ago, but now it has lost its relevance. Quite often, women who are at the stage of active fetal eruption are faced with various complications, and the intervention of doctors in such cases is necessary.
It is also characteristic of perinatal childbirth that in this case the much-needed preparation for childbirth is almost completely absent. This process should take place at home, without the presence of an obstetrician. In a word, such a delivery does not justify itself.

What you need to buy

Preparing for childbirth also includes a number of specific things and items that will be useful to the expectant mother directly in the maternity hospital. Usually, each maternity hospital has its own list of things, but the following are still worth purchasing:
  • Underwear that is designed specifically for breastfeeding;
  • Corset. After childbirth, this accessory is necessary so that the uterus quickly shrinks to its original size;
  • Comfortable robe and shirt;
  • Personal hygiene items;
  • Clothing and hygiene items for the baby.

How to give birth without gaps

Every expectant mother thinks about this, since the presence of ruptures, as well as incisions, which in some cases are carried out by obstetricians, significantly slows down the process of postpartum recovery.
To avoid unpleasant consequences of this kind, you need to worry about this in advance and carry out a number of specific measures in a timely manner, including treating the intimate area with special oil, as well as exercises aimed at improving tissue elasticity.
Proper breathing is also important. It is the ability of a woman in labor to breathe deeply at a certain moment, or vice versa, often and shallowly, that affects the process of delivery and the risk of perineal injuries.

Training courses

In almost every city or other locality there are institutions such as a school or a childbirth preparation center. Attending such courses is not mandatory, but will be very useful for every pregnant woman.
Preparing for childbirth includes not only physical exercise, gymnastics, proper nutrition, but also a psychological component. It is in such a center that the expectant mother can receive all the information about childbirth that interests her.
Instructors will talk about how to breathe, how to control your body in order to make the process of the baby passing through the birth canal as easy as possible. They will also recommend special medications that will help increase the elasticity of tissues, preparing them for delivery.
One of the important points that a pregnant woman visits such a center is that she is surrounded by the same expectant mothers who are also afraid of childbirth and possible negative consequences. It is communication of this kind that can serve as a decisive factor in terms of a woman’s psychological preparation.
In addition to the pregnant woman, the future father can also attend the courses. This is extremely necessary if the spouses are about to have a partner birth.

Preparation cost

Different localities have their own specific price limits for attending childbirth preparation courses. Also, the cost can vary significantly depending on the time period during which the woman will visit the training center.
Mostly the training school includes courses lasting about three months. Their cost is about ten to sixty thousand rubles, depending on the region.
In addition, in almost every antenatal clinic or maternity hospital there are childbirth preparation schools, the attendance of which is absolutely free. Anyone can come there. Physical and psychoprophylactic preparation of pregnant women for childbirth, which is directly carried out by specialists operating at such schools and centers, is very important for the expectant mother. And, if such an opportunity exists, it is necessary to visit this institution.

Planning a pregnancy

Pregnancy planning and its proper course also directly affect how the birth will take place. Of course, not all possible risks can be foreseen. For example, an ectopic pregnancy practically does not depend on the general health of the woman.
However, complications such as hypoxia and fetal malnutrition can be prevented by significantly reducing the risk of such pathology in the fetus. To do this, the expectant mother must take vitamins and eat foods that contain all the necessary nutrients, such as iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium and others. The optimal period when you should start preparing for an upcoming pregnancy is six months before conceiving a child.

So, to summarize all that has been said above, it should be noted that the course of pregnancy and how exactly the birth itself will take place are influenced by many different factors.

  • The expectant mother should pay enough attention to her diet, eating enough healthy and wholesome food. You shouldn’t limit yourself unnecessarily in food, but you also shouldn’t abuse it by overeating. Products must be natural and fresh.
  • You should also move and walk as much as possible. Walking in the fresh air not only has a beneficial effect on the general physical condition of a woman, but also serves as an excellent psychological component. The pregnant woman becomes calmer, more balanced, and headaches, if any, go away.
  • In order for the unborn baby to receive a sufficient amount of substances necessary for its proper development, the wife must take vitamin complexes that are suitable for her. It is also permissible to obtain useful substances directly from consuming any products. For example, dairy products contain large amounts of calcium.
  • One of the important points in a woman’s psychological state is the family atmosphere. Close and dear people should surround the expectant mother with attention and care, so she will feel more calm and confident.