Mandatory ultrasound during pregnancy. Study preparation


Have you been planning to become parents for a long time, but still doubt whether an ultrasound will show early pregnancy, even if a blood test confirmed a positive result? How is ultrasound performed and what are the limitations? We will try to give qualified answers to these questions.

Is it dangerous for the future of the crumbs?

Numerous studies unanimously confirm the high efficacy and safety of ultrasound examination during pregnancy. And although there are rumors among expectant mothers, their elderly relatives and even sometimes the old school of medical staff from antenatal clinics and maternity hospitals about the dangers of manipulating the sensor and the harmful effects of ultrasonic waves, these experiences are groundless.

As a rule, in the absence of pathologies in the condition of a pregnant woman and fetus, an ultrasound examination is prescribed four times. Many miss the first ultrasound in early pregnancy because of the fears described above, which can be fraught with an omission from the type of anomalies in the development of the baby and serious complications for the mother, up to the development of a tubal pregnancy.

To find inner balance and peace of mind, it is very important for future parents to know whether ultrasound can be done in early pregnancy or not.

Types of ultrasound examination

Ultrasound is a type of diagnostic measures, the principle of which is to transmit ultrasonic waves through soft tissues. What ultrasound is done in early pregnancy?

  1. 2D - two-dimensional image of the fetus (height-width) allows doctors to detect an attached fetal egg in the uterine cavity, assess the condition and development of the unborn child, its height and size. 2D - the most inexpensive type of manipulation, is widely used in antenatal clinics and state maternity hospitals. The whole procedure takes 10 to 20 minutes.
  2. 3D - three-dimensional color three-dimensional ultrasound, in which the image is displayed on the monitor screen. Future parents will be able to look at the fetus and see its first movements and even facial expressions! The quality of the research result is an order of magnitude higher than the two-dimensional one, while the radiation level is the same. The duration is from 30 to 50 minutes, which is associated with the constant movement of the baby and the need to measure many important parameters.
  3. 4D - the same three-dimensional image, but the movements of the unborn child are displayed on the screen of the device in real time. To many mothers, babies wave their hands from the screen, rub their eyes, and even suck their thumbs. With 4D diagnostics, it is possible to create a video recording.

Is ultrasound in early pregnancy harmful? Definitely not.

A three-dimensional and four-dimensional type of research is recommended for a period of 11 weeks or more, since at this time it is already possible to examine the baby's legs and arms and even determine its gender.

Types of ultrasound machine sensors

A conventional ultrasound machine has two transducers: transvaginal and transabdominal.

Transabdominal ultrasound during pregnancy

Superficial or transabdominal ultrasound is widely used in the diagnosis of many diseases.

It is produced as follows:

  • a pregnant woman lies on her back, exposes her stomach and lower abdomen;
  • a small amount of universal contact gel is applied to the skin near the navel, ensuring maximum contact of the sensor with the surface of the epidermis;
  • the doctor drives the device over the stomach, slightly pressing; an image of the uterus with the fetus is displayed on the monitor screen.

Transvaginal ultrasound

The transvaginal probe is a small tube with a rounded end; often used with ultrasound to determine pregnancy in the early stages.

To conduct this examination, the woman lies on her back, exposes herself below the waist and spreads her legs bent at the knees to the sides. An ordinary thin condom is put on the sensor of the device for reasons of hygiene. It is then gently inserted into the vagina for examination.

Transvaginal ultrasound will show early pregnancy with a greater degree of probability than a classic study. It has a number of advantages:

  • allows you to detect an ectopic pregnancy in time (a fertilized egg can be fixed in the ovary, in the fallopian tube and even on the cervix) and prevent the development of peritonitis and internal bleeding;
  • will be able to determine the low attachment of the fetal egg;
  • will detect serious pathologies of fetal development at a time that allows for an abortion.

Do I need to prepare for the procedure?

So, you've signed up for an exciting procedure and you want to know if there's any preparation needed.

When examining the pelvic organs with a transvaginal probe, special preparation is not required, except for elementary hygiene. You must be calm and positive, then the baby will not flounder too actively and will allow the doctor to conduct a thorough examination.

Transabdominal ultrasound in some cases may require a full bladder. This nuance must be clarified at the time of registration for the procedure. Take a bottle of clean drinking water and a chocolate bar with you. Cocoa will help to stir up the child and make him take a comfortable position for examination.

When to do an ultrasound in early pregnancy?

Experienced obstetricians are advised to undergo ultrasound at least four times during the gestation period. Sometimes the number of preventive studies increases, which is associated with newly appeared complications and peculiarities of the course of pregnancy (incorrect position of the fetus in the uterus, the presence of entanglement, placenta previa or its short length).

First ultrasound

The first ultrasound of the fetus in early pregnancy is usually performed after the onset of a delay and suspicion of fertilization that has occurred to confirm it.

First screening

The first screening is carried out as standard from the 11th to the 13th week and may additionally include venous blood sampling for genetic testing. The first screening evaluates the anatomy of the future baby, revealing the most formidable developmental anomalies (Down syndrome).

Second screening

Doctors prescribe a second study at a period of 20-23 weeks to identify malformations of the fetus and placenta. An examination of the already formed internal organs of the fetus, ultrasound of the heart and brain is carried out.

Third screening

At the 30th-32nd week of pregnancy, the woman goes to the third scheduled screening. Uzist diagnoses possible late anomalies in the structure of internal organs, evaluates the size of the crumbs, its weight and the compliance of these parameters with the expected period. The correct location of the fetus in the uterus is checked, recommendations are given on the method of delivery (caesarean section or natural childbirth). It is possible that a woman will have to undergo an ultrasound diagnosis of the fetus before hospitalization and in the maternity hospital itself.

Do ultrasound during early pregnancy, is it necessary?

It is the very first ultrasound procedure that causes such a stir and a flurry of doubts. If you are still in doubt about whether to do an ultrasound in early pregnancy (3-5 weeks, immediately after a missed period), we suggest considering all its advantages:

  1. Diagnosis of pregnancy, detection of a fetal egg in the uterine cavity, assessment of the place of its attachment (relevant for multiparous women after cesarean section).
  2. Timely diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, its location and size. When a fertilized egg is fixed in the ovary or fallopian tube, there is a high probability of rupture of the organ and the occurrence of internal bleeding, with a high probability surgical intervention will be required.
  3. Diagnosis of the so-called false pregnancy associated with the growth of neoplasms in the uterine cavity. The delay in menstruation in this case is symptomatic, its cause is hormonal failure.
  4. Accurate setting of the gestational age, estimated date of conception, date of birth.
  5. Embryo heart rate check.
  6. Diagnosis of multiple pregnancy (the number of fertilized eggs that have taken root in the uterus).
  7. Early diagnosis of threatened miscarriage. The most striking symptom of a possible interruption, visible during ultrasound examination, is uterine hypertonicity.

If you doubt the need to manipulate the sensor, but want to make sure that conception has occurred, you can donate blood for hCG - this analysis is also highly informative.

Horror stories about ultrasound

Many of the most controversial myths circulate among the people about the ultrasound procedure. The most striking thing is that a significant part of them are distributed by doctors themselves.

Myth one. The impact of the ultrasound machine on the fetus is not fully understood and may contribute to abnormalities and malformations.

In fact, every second of life, any modern person is exposed to a huge range of different rays, from a microwave oven to a home wi-fi network. And this is still we have not taken into account the constant radiation background of large and small cities!

Myth two. Transvaginal probes can cause early termination of pregnancy.

Nature took care of our survival, which is why it is not so easy to get rid of a baby. During gestation, many continue to exercise, carry weights, and have sex. Non-aggressive penetration into the vaginal cavity of a rounded smooth object will not create any discomfort for the fetus.

Myth three. Ultrasound affects the fetal brain, heating it up and leading to irreversible mental illness.

Let's start with the fact that at a period of 3-4 weeks the embryo does not yet have a brain and it itself is still a clot of uncontrollably dividing cells. Yes, and there can be no heating purely physically: ultrasonic waves affect human tissues in a different way.

When asked whether it is possible to do an ultrasound in the early stages, we give an unequivocal answer: it is necessary!

Just 40-50 years ago, our grandmothers did not even dream of seeing a baby before he was born. Now, periodic dates with a belly-maker are a common thing. Although the benefits of conducting an ultrasound examination are obvious, disputes about its danger or non-danger in relation to the baby in the womb still do not stop.

What is an ultrasound?

Ultrasound is a method and tissues. It is carried out using an ultrasound machine equipped with a special sensor and monitor. The sensor is called a transducer. He, in contact with the skin of the abdomen of a pregnant woman, produces vibrations (sound waves), which directs deep into the body. There they collide with the internal organs of the woman (as well as with parts of the body and internal organs of the baby) and are reflected from them, subsequently displayed on the monitor.

Ultrasound is two-dimensional, three-dimensional and four-dimensional. What is the difference between them? With a two-dimensional ultrasound, only the obscure outlines of the fetus in black and white are visible on the monitor. Thanks to three-dimensional ultrasound, the doctor will be able to see a three-dimensional color image, examine in detail the organs and systems of the baby. Four-dimensional ultrasound allows you to see the movements of the fetus.

This procedure is absolutely painless and does not create any discomfort.

Why do ultrasound during pregnancy?

Conducting a study using ultrasound is not due to the whims of future parents, but to the urgent need for, the problems of the course of pregnancy itself.

Actually, the first ultrasound will be able to confirm pregnancy in the early stages, establish the presence of a fetal egg (sometimes as many as two, or even three), and determine the exact gestational age. This method, if available, is very valuable. After all, if you diagnose it in the early stages, you can avoid surgery.

Moreover, at a later date, ultrasound allows you to see if there are pathologies. These include placental abruption, the threat of spontaneous abortion,. Timely diagnosed pathologies and, accordingly, the measures taken will allow you to save the pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby. Also, ultrasound can detect fetal malformations. Sometimes they can be cured, and sometimes, unfortunately, the woman will be asked to terminate the pregnancy.

On the eve of childbirth, ultrasound will allow you to find out some of the nuances that will determine both the course of the process itself and the behavior of doctors. Remember, only this method can tell with 100% accuracy whether there is an entanglement with the umbilical cord. And this is very important, because it threatens with complications of the birth process, and sometimes creates a danger to the health, or even life, of the baby.

Do not forget that some women need to undergo an ultrasound scan. And much more often than the bulk of pregnant women. These indications include chronic diseases. The most common among them are various blood diseases.

Do not neglect the procedure if before that you already had pregnancies that ended unsuccessfully (miscarriage, miscarriage) or if there are seriously ill patients in the family (for example, with Down syndrome).

When is the first ultrasound done during pregnancy?

A woman is usually referred for the first ultrasound during pregnancy at 12-13 weeks of pregnancy. This early research method is extremely important: with its help, the doctor will be able to assess the primary formation of the fetus, to assess the process of laying organs and systems.

In some cases, the first ultrasound during pregnancy may be performed earlier. Firstly, to confirm the presence of pregnancy, and also to exclude the fact of ectopic pregnancy. Suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy requires a mandatory examination using ultrasound - only in this way will it be possible to reliably establish whether this pathological condition really takes place. And only in this way will it be possible to intervene in the situation in time and carry out the necessary cleaning, otherwise serious consequences cannot be avoided.

The reason for an earlier ultrasound can also be alarming symptoms in the form of vaginal bleeding (or spotting) and pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Such symptoms are highly likely to signal the threat of termination of pregnancy. And, although it is very difficult to determine whether there is a threat of miscarriage exclusively by ultrasound, however, through such a study, you can find out the cause of bleeding. According to the results of the ultrasound, the doctor will be able to comprehensively assess the situation and give the woman appropriate recommendations.

At what time can pregnancy be determined by ultrasound?

Very often, a woman goes for an ultrasound scan, still suspecting pregnancy, without a referral from a gynecologist and of her own free will. Such actions are usually dictated by the desire to find out whether it is worth talking about pregnancy when the characteristic symptoms are present, but the test does not show the result.

The question arises: at what time will the ultrasound show pregnancy and does it make sense to go for an examination at 1-2 weeks of delay in order to finally decide? The answer is worth it: ultrasound is able to show pregnancy already at terms of 3-4 weeks, and this is exactly the same 1-2 weeks of delayed menstruation.

But not always, if an ultrasound shows a fetal egg at the earliest possible date, it is guaranteed to talk about the presence of pregnancy. Unfortunately, the fetal egg may turn out to be empty and not contain an embryo, and it will be possible to establish this only from the 5th week of pregnancy.

At what time do planned ultrasounds during pregnancy?

If the pregnancy proceeds favorably and without any deviations, for the entire time of bearing the baby, the woman will be scheduled three scheduled ultrasound sessions. The first ultrasound is performed in the first trimester, the second - in the second, the third, respectively - in the third trimester. A planned ultrasound during pregnancy allows you to assess whether everything is going according to plan, and, if there are suspicions, it is repeated.

First scheduled ultrasound serves as a method for diagnosing pregnancy as such, allows you to determine whether there are risks of miscarriage, diagnose "failures" in the development of the fetus at the earliest stages - when all vital organs and systems are laid down and any deviation is fraught with the development of pathologies.

Second scheduled ultrasound during pregnancy, it is prescribed in the second trimester in order to assess the development of the baby, and at the same time, the state of the placenta. In addition, during the second ultrasound session, it is usually already possible to determine the sex of the unborn baby.

Third planned ultrasound falls, as you might guess, on the time interval of the third trimester. At this stage, the degree of development of the baby, the state of the uteroplacental blood flow, and even the presentation of the baby are traditionally examined.

Weeks in which ultrasound is done during pregnancy

The specialist who leads the pregnancy will clearly answer the question of when to do an ultrasound during pregnancy. As a rule, the timing of the ultrasound is determined as follows:

  • first ultrasound - 10-14 weeks. The gestational age and the approximate date of birth, the number of embryos are determined, the tone of the uterus is assessed. The state of fetal formation, the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities and malformations are also examined, the thickness of the cervical fold (collar zone) is assessed - one of the main markers of Down syndrome;
  • second ultrasound - 19-23 weeks. The sex of the baby, the size of the fetus and the correspondence of these indicators to the gestational age are determined. In addition to assessing the size and growth rate of the fetus, it is possible to assess the development of the internal organs of the baby. In addition, the state of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid are being studied, the absence of chromosomal abnormalities is confirmed;
  • the third ultrasound - 32-36 weeks. It is necessary for the diagnosis of late fetal anomalies that did not appear earlier. The size of the fetus is determined, the date of the upcoming birth is specified again. The condition of the fetus and its position before childbirth are assessed, the possibility of entanglement with the umbilical cord is excluded.

Is ultrasound harmful to the fetus during pregnancy?

Most representatives of modern medicine unanimously assure that ultrasound is safe for the fetus and does not cause embryotoxic effects. Their opponents, representatives of various spheres of life, unanimously declare the allegedly monstrous consequences of using an ultrasound machine. In fact, there is information that almost all "horror stories" are very exaggerated and do not have any serious evidence. Yes, ultrasound actually causes a slight heating of the cells of the body, but this does not affect the condition and health of the fetus. The connection between the use of ultrasound and various pathologies and anomalies in newborns has not been proven.

However, many question such arguments, they say, since it has not been proven, this does not mean that it does not affect. Based on this, the following judgment will be reasonable: while scientists and doctors are investigating this issue, we will be careful and once again we will not expose ourselves and the baby to ultrasound. But if it is vital - another question, because sometimes 10 minutes of examination save the life of a baby. Are any more arguments needed? For those who were not convinced by this, we report: it has been proven that ultrasound is safe for both the baby and the mother for half an hour. And the radiation that opponents of ultrasound are so afraid of actually lasts less than a minute. The rest of the time the device works for reception.

Especially for- Olga Pavlova

From Guest

My pregnancy was late and very long-awaited. Uzi was passed quite a bit, from the very first days. I still remember the first ultrasound, when there was a delay and they told me that I was either pregnant or had a polyp in the uterus. Turned out to be pregnancy. I don’t remember exactly how many ultrasounds later, but I completely trusted my doctor, that’s why I did all her recommendations and didn’t even think about anything bad. And the baby was born healthy. I think it's better to find a good doctor than to read different horror stories on the Internet. I found my doctor at the Nearmedic Clinic, and I am grateful for everything they did for me.

From Guest

I also think that it is better to do ultrasound according to indications. My husband and I really decided to do one unscheduled 3D ultrasound and were very pleased! Were in Art-Med on Presnya. I liked the doctor, the equipment is the most modern. We were first diagnosed as 2D, then the sensor was switched to 3D / 4D. And the baby was seen in real time.

From Guest

I sometimes get the impression that many expectant mothers just don’t know anything about ultrasound. Do not watch series, but read the latest achievements of world-famous scientists. About what harm ultrasound can bring, and what it is fraught with. To this I can add that doctors are reluctant to talk about the possible consequences. Moreover, ultrasound can only detect defects in 50% of cases. Therefore, ask your doctor about all the positive and negative aspects of ultrasound, and then make a decision: to do it or not.

During pregnancy, any woman needs to undergo 3 planned ultrasounds, plus additional ones - on the recommendation of an obstetrician-gynecologist. When is the last ultrasound scan done? The timing of the study may vary. According to the law, the third screening (comprehensive study) must be completed at 30-34 weeks, a planned ultrasound earlier - at 30-32 weeks. But the third scan is not always the last: sometimes the doctor prescribes another procedure, just before the birth.

Why is the final ultrasound necessary?

The main task of ultrasound at the gestational age of 30-34 weeks is to find out the readiness of the mother and baby for childbirth and determine the tactics for their implementation.

As with previous ultrasounds, one of the main functions of the analysis is to identify the presence / absence of serious malformations in the child. Most pathologies show a second ultrasound, but some anomalies can only be seen in the third trimester. These include renal hydronephrosis (fluid accumulation in children's kidneys), megaureter (dilation of the ureter).

If a pathology is detected, the last scan will allow you to decide whether the baby needs surgery immediately after birth or if there is a possibility of a delay. Surgery can be postponed if the anomaly does not threaten the life of the baby. If a defect incompatible with life is diagnosed, the doctor may recommend an artificial birth (up to the 40th week).

Tasks of the last ultrasound

Regardless of which week of the third trimester the last ultrasound is performed, its tasks are the same. In the last stages of pregnancy, ultrasound is designed to evaluate:

  • Fetoplacental and uteroplacental blood flow (abnormalities may signal developmental delay);
  • The size of the baby, their compliance with the gestational age;
  • Localization of the placenta and the degree of its maturity;
  • The position of the child in the uterus (head, pelvic or transverse).

The last two points directly affect the choice of tactics of childbirth - natural or caesarean section. In this case, the position of the baby in the uterus is not always the determining factor. When the scan is done at 33 weeks or earlier, there is a risk that the baby will have time to roll over.

What determines the last ultrasound?

The last ultrasound during pregnancy is always done by the transabdominal method (through the outer wall of the abdomen). First, the doctor evaluates the number of fetuses and their location, then the anatomical structures of the fetus, clarifies the condition of the placenta and amniotic (amniotic) fluid.

During the last ultrasound, you can determine:

  • the number of fruits and their position;
  • the difference in the size of the embryos (if twins or triplets are expected);
  • some malformations of the child;
  • changes in the cerebral cortex in the fetus;
  • infection of the embryo due to diseases that the mother suffered during 9 months of gestation;
  • position, structure and thickness of the placenta;
  • the distance from the edge of the placenta to the internal os of the cervix;
  • the amount of amniotic fluid, its color and purity (heterogeneous composition may indicate fetal hypoxia).

Norms of the last ultrasound

For ultrasound at a gestational age of 30-34 weeks, there are certain norms fixed in special plates. Do not be afraid of minor deviations in performance from standard numbers: this rarely indicates any developmental disorders. If the mother has any doubts about the condition of the child, the attending physician will explain in detail the results of the ultrasound and dispel all concerns.

The norms for the last ultrasound during pregnancy include the following parameters:

  • presentation of the fetus;
  • indicators of fetometry (the circumference of the child and the length of the tubular bones);
  • internal organs;
  • biophysical profile (assessment of posture, breathing, movement of the baby);
  • indicators of the placenta;
  • amniotic waters;
  • mother's pelvic organs.

The indicators of fetal fetometry on the third ultrasound are the biparietal diameter (BDP), head circumference (CG), abdominal circumference (OC), fronto-occipital size (LZR). The length of the hip, shoulder and the total weight of the child are also evaluated.

During the final ultrasound, the doctor examines the internal children's organs and skeleton: brain structures, spine, face, lungs, heart and tummy.

To assess the condition of the mother and her readiness for childbirth, indicators of the placenta are of great importance. First of all is the location. It is optimal if the placenta is attached to the back wall of the uterus, but other localization is also allowed. The only pathology is presentation, when the placenta is too close to the cervix and practically blocks the exit from the uterus. The specialist also looks at the thickness of the placenta at the site of attachment and maturity.

Additional studies at the last ultrasound

When the time comes for the last ultrasound, in most cases, doctors prescribe the patient for prenatal screening. This is the name of a comprehensive analysis for the most complete assessment of the condition of both the expectant mother and the baby. The last screening during pregnancy includes:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • doplerometry:
  • cardiotocogram;
  • "triple screening" (biochemical blood test).

Doppler is an assessment of the speed of blood flow in the vessels of the child, as well as the uterus and placenta. In the third trimester, such an analysis allows you to recognize possible fetal hypoxia, evaluate the work of the child's central nervous system and the cardiovascular system. Doppler ultrasound is performed in the same way as a conventional scan.

Cardiotocography is a study of the baby's heartbeat, which also allows you to find out if the baby is suffering from a lack of oxygen. Cardiotocography is done using an ultrasound machine, but at the same time, not the image of the child, but his cardiogram is displayed on the screen.

A planned ultrasound at the 30-34th week of pregnancy is not always the last. In some cases, you may need a final scan just before the birth, after the 37th week. This is required to clarify the presentation of the fetus, the speed of blood flow in the uterus and placenta, the condition of the fetus itself. The last ultrasound at the 37th week is required for multiple pregnancies. Often, the doctor advises to carry out the procedure for patients with overweight.

Ultrasound is an opportunity to find out that everything is normal with your child, that he has enough oxygen, that he feels well, develops well and has no pathologies.

In the normal course of pregnancy, three planned ultrasounds are performed (at, 19-22, 30-32 weeks of pregnancy). The second planned ultrasound during pregnancy is prescribed at 19-22 weeks of pregnancy.

Why do an ultrasound at 19-22 weeks of gestation?

  • To assess the progress of pregnancy
  • To determine the sex of the baby
  • To determine the size (body weight, limb length and size of internal organs) of the fetus by gestational age. The doctor compares the results of the previous ultrasound with the data, calculates the growth rate of the indicators. That is, if the child is behind in terms of pregnancy or, conversely, ahead of them, this is not a disaster. In this case, you need to conduct another study in two weeks. During these two weeks, the baby should grow in size, also for 2 weeks.
  • To detect malformations or chromosomal abnormalities. It is with the help of ultrasound that you can consider all possible problems in the development of the child at 20-22 weeks of pregnancy. In the first trimester, the baby is too small, in later terms the placenta may interfere, and time will be lost to treat the baby.
  • To determine the state of amniotic fluid and placenta. It is through the placenta that the child receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals for timely and holistic development and growth. It is important to determine not only the size of the placenta, but also whether growths are present in the form of calcifications (calcium deposits) or cysts. The amount of water is also determined, there are such concepts as low water and high water. Ideally, the amount of amniotic fluid should be assessed as normal.
  • To study the internal organs of the child, namely the kidneys, bladder, stomach, liver, lungs, intestines and gallbladder
  • For examining a child's heart

If at 20-21 weeks there are doubts about the diagnosis, another ultrasound is prescribed in a week. In this case, you can assess the state of development of the baby in dynamics. Therefore, it is important to undergo a second ultrasound before 22 weeks, since after this period it becomes increasingly difficult to influence the detected pathologies of fetal development. If developmental pathologies are detected on time, then proper treatment usually has a positive effect on the further course of pregnancy and the development of the child. This treatment is prescribed by a geneticist, to whom the expectant mother will be referred for a consultation if developmental abnormalities are detected in the child.

What does the doctor evaluate during an ultrasound? Inspection order.

  • The number of fetuses in the uterus, the presence of a heartbeat and their location.
  • A thorough examination of all parts of the body and internal organs of the fetus (their structure and location).
  • Assessment of the amount of amniotic fluid.
  • Examination of the umbilical cord and placenta (the structure is examined, pathologies are excluded, the location of the placenta and its degree of maturity are assessed - 2nd degree up to 32 weeks).

On ultrasound at 20-21 weeks of gestation, the norm of weight is approximately 250-300 grams, the norm of growth is 16-18 cm. At 22 weeks of pregnancy, the weight is about 350-400 grams, the length from the crown to the sacrum is 19 cm.

Deciphering ultrasound

After the ultrasound, you will receive a research protocol, the main part of which is the condition of your child. Here's what you can learn from this document:

  1. Fetus. Quantity and its (their) condition.
  2. presentation- head, pelvic, transverse, oblique, unstable. Before 30 weeks, presentation does not matter much, because the baby is constantly moving, somersaulting and turning over. But closer to the 30th week, the baby should take a head presentation for proper natural childbirth. However, often the child takes a breech presentation, in which a caesarean section is usually performed. Although there is always a chance that closer to childbirth, the baby will still roll over.
  3. Fetometry of the fetus.

1) Measured BPD (BPD) (biparietal size or size between the temporal bones), LZR (OFD) (frontal-occipital size or distance from the forehead to the back of the head) and OG (HC) (head circumference), J (ABD) (diameter of the abdomen ) or OB (AC) (abdominal circumference), DB (FML) (femur length), PC - heart size and PM - cerebellum, DHRK (chest diameter).

2) Data are also entered on the estimated weight of the fetus, its growth.

3) The period is written, to which these values ​​\u200b\u200bcorrespond, the growth of the fetus from the previous ultrasound,

4) signs of fetal hypotraphy are found or not found.

5) The gestational age is set incorrectly. Every woman has a different menstrual cycle, some have 28 days, and some have 35. Therefore, ovulation will not always occur on the 14th day of the cycle.

6) Constitutional features of the structure of the fetus. In the fetometry of the fetus, an error can be used, since each child can have an individual rhythm of his development (it is studied in dynamics), and the structure of the parents' organisms is also taken into account.

7) The child develops in leaps and bounds. It is the norm at the end of the 2nd beginning of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

4. Congenital malformations. Yes / no

5. Wrap around the neck with the umbilical cord. This is a fairly common occurrence. Actual before childbirth.

6. Heart rate or heart rate. The norm is 110-180 beats per minute. The longer the gestation period, the less often the baby's heartbeat becomes (120-160 beats per minute)

Location of the placenta:

  • anterior - the placenta is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus
  • posterior - the placenta is attached to the back wall of the uterus
  • previa - the placenta covers the cervix. This condition is dangerous. A woman needs to move as little as possible, cancel all trips.

From this article, we learned at what time (19-22 weeks of pregnancy) it is necessary to do a second planned ultrasound, deciphered the ultrasound protocol, and also determined the goals of ultrasound at this stage of pregnancy.

It's important to pass scheduled ultrasound precisely at a certain time, in order to exclude malformations, if necessary, have time to conduct a second ultrasound to study the results in dynamics and prescribe timely treatment.

I wish you all the best ultrasound results! May our children be healthy!