No chemicals: how to dye your hair with henna, basma, chamomile decoction and even coffee. Henna and coffee, ways to dye your hair with it

New Year

Henna and coffee are often used to refresh hair color. The combination of these components is referred to as natural dyes, which can change color and strengthen curls. Dye your hair with natural ingredients you can do it at home, you just need to follow simple rules using henna. In this case, any recipe will bring desired result.

Features of staining

If you don’t want to completely change the color of your curls, you can dye them with henna and coffee. This coloring will give you an attractive shine. The recipe for making cosmetics is very simple, you just need a little time and buy everything you need. After the procedure, the strands will receive an original shade and gain strength.

To make it work desired shade, you need to test the product with henna and coffee. Using this, you can compare the results of dyeing and dye your hair correctly. This coloring is suitable only for dark strands. Before doing this, you should not use chemical dyes. Excellent result will work with chestnut, coffee, brown hair.

Staining procedure

This recipe involves the use of natural coffee in combination with tea. Products can be colored chocolate chestnut new color. You don’t have to visit a salon, because all the work can be done at home.

  • Required onion peel(0.5 cup), which is poured hot water. The product must be completely covered with water.
  • The composition must be boiled and allowed to cool for 30 minutes.
  • Then you need to bring it to a boil again, then mix the composition with black tea (1 tsp), and leave to infuse for half an hour.
  • It is necessary to strain the broth and heat to a boil. After this, you can add coffee (1 tbsp.).
  • The composition must infuse, and then henna is added to it. Before painting is carried out, it is necessary to heat the solution using a water bath. Only after this can you use the composition to renew your hair color. The composition must be applied evenly over all curls, and then wrap the head in polyethylene and a towel.
  • The duration of the procedure should be about 40 minutes. If you want to receive dark color hair, you will need more long time. The recipe effectively helps improve appearance curls. With its help, you can perform procedures at night, and in the morning you need to wash it off without shampoo. You should not wash your hair for 3 days so that the shade becomes stable.

Which products are best to use?

According to cosmetologists, henna and coffee have a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair. In addition to giving the hair an original shade, natural dyes will leave a pleasant aroma. The recipe is simple, so the procedure can be carried out at home.

Any recipe with henna and coffee is harmless to health. Compared to artificial dyes, this component restores the structure of curls and makes them strong. You can choose a recipe with henna and coffee to obtain a specific shade. Such procedures will help renew your hair to suit every taste. The palette includes a variety of colors from honey shades for black color. Henna and coffee produce an attractive chestnut color.

It is best to purchase henna in bags, since a loose product can bring unknown results. Even better would be to buy compressed tiles. In this case, the product is created based on 4 shades: brown, chestnut, black, red. For coloring, it is advisable to choose the first 2 shades. In addition to henna, the bar includes clove bud oil and cocoa butter. These ingredients allow the color to stay on your hair better. Henna and a combination of components will create a beautiful shade.

For the procedure you need to take natural coffe. Various varieties are suitable for this, but it is recommended to choose Arabica. The product should be finely ground and fried. The procedure will require 50-100 g of powder - the exact amount will be curled to the desired color and length of curls. In order for the color to be intense, you need to take a fresh product. The esters and antioxidants it contains have a positive effect on the skin. All you have to do is choose a recipe and follow the procedure correctly.

Home procedure

In order for the coloring to be correct, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • it is necessary to follow the proportions and rules of the recipe;
  • You should not add another ingredient, as the result may be unexpected;
  • Dyeing and curling cannot be done together, as this will damage the strands;
  • there is no need to lengthen the procedure time. Each recipe has a recommended time for coloring with the expected result;
  • after this it is recommended to do healing mask. It is also useful for ongoing care. Masks are created using simple products;
  • curls can only be treated with fresh composition. If cosmetics are stored for several days, they will not work;
  • After coloring it is useful to dry the strands in a natural way. A hair dryer is undesirable because it damages the structure of the strands. Also, you should not often use curling irons, stylers, or tongs. When creating styles with such devices, styling products should be used that will help protect the curls from damage;
  • You only need to comb dry curls both before and after washing. It is advisable to choose a wooden comb for this;
  • for care you need to purchase special shampoos, masks, balms. For ongoing care, it is recommended to choose medicated products;
  • To fix the shade, you must not wash your hair for several days;
  • Coloring procedures are prohibited for damage to the scalp or hair.

With regular paint, it is recommended to update the color of your curls only after a month, but with natural dyes it is possible to perform the procedure earlier. Therefore, hair is usually re-dyed after the color fades. Both complete staining and partial staining are performed, for example, overgrown roots are “removed”.

You still don't believe what you can get beautiful colour without harm to curls? Don’t be alarmed, this is not an advertising slogan for another expensive dye. This is quite real. Dark shade when correct use The hair is given natural dye basma.
This article will tell you how to use basma correctly and in what recipes.

Home dyeing with basma

If you do not have experience in dyeing basma, do not experiment on the entire head of hair. You need to try first on one strand, dye it with the prepared composition. This dye may not behave as you expected.
If the new shade suits you, start dyeing your entire head of hair.
To obtain a consistency convenient for application, basma is diluted with water, egg, and kefir. Choose the proportions correctly, as indicated in the recipe.
Different ratios of basma and henna give a variety of different shades on the hair.
To dye your hair black you need to take 25 grams of henna and 75 grams of basma. Add to the mixture essential oils and water.

To get chocolate or brown hair color with basma, mix basma and henna in equal quantities.

Recipes for hair coloring with basma

Basma and ground coffee
Preparation of the composition according to this recipe gives hair a chestnut color. Hair will become shinier and thicker.

    What you need to take to prepare the composition:
  • 25-50 grams of basma
  • 25-50 grams of colored henna
  • 20-40 grams of ground coffee
  • Hot temperature water
  • A third of a glass of kefir
  • Rosemary oil - 10 drops

Note! The ratio of basma to henna in the recipe should be equal.

Dye your hair with basma with the addition of raw eggs

This option is suitable for those who dream of burning black hair, but do not want their hair to be damaged.

The dye is applied with gloves to avoid turning your hands blue. It will be very difficult to get rid of this color, it eats in and does not come off for about a month, especially on the nails.
Hair must be covered with a bag and wrapped in a towel or old clothes. After some time, wash off the product with warm water without using shampoo.
It's best not to wash your hair after natural coloring the first three days, because during this time it still shows its properties, and the color becomes even more beautiful.

Safe hair coloring is one of the most current issues modern cosmetology. Many manufacturers special means They claim that their dyes not only do not injure the curls, but also take care of them during the procedure. However, in reality it turns out that they still cause harm, albeit minimal. This is why some girls prefer to use natural paints and dyes, which are recommended by folk cosmetology. In this article we will talk about how henna and coffee can be used for hair, we will describe the proportions for preparing this coloring agent in detail, and we will also provide you with recipes for preparing other products for the coloring procedure.

To make you happy with the results of the procedure, you need to read the following tips and adhere to them.

  1. The initial hair color should be light brown. Only then will you get a beautiful color. If you have light hair, then you should refrain from such coloring, as the shade may turn out to be unexpected and not very attractive. If you have dark strands, then their color is unlikely to change after dyeing.
  2. Carry out the procedure on undyed hair. The only exception may be curls dyed chestnut, coffee and brown.
  3. To carry out the procedure, you need to take natural ground coffee and henna pressed into tiles. Only these two products are guaranteed to change the color of your curls, without harming them.
  4. Do not apply the dye to all your curls at once. It is better if you select 1 strand from the total mass of hair that does not catch your eye and try the product on it. To do this, you need to treat it with a coloring compound and leave it for a while. Next, you need to wash it off and see what color you get. If you are satisfied with it, you can apply the product to all curls, and if not, then you can add one of the ingredients and test again. However, you should not get carried away, otherwise you will end up with multi-colored strands.

Required Tools

In order to carry out the procedure, you will need the following tools.

  1. Latex gloves. They will help protect your skin and prevent it from becoming stained during the session.
  2. Curl clips.
  3. Brush for applying the product.
  4. Comb with long end to make it easier to separate the strands.
  5. Towel. It is advisable that it be dark in color so that stains are not visible on it.
  6. Container for preparing the product.

Carrying out the staining procedure

Henna and coffee for hair, proportions and recipe you will find below, should be used for coloring as follows.

  1. Comb your hair. Please note that the procedure is carried out on dirty, dry hair, so you should not wash your hair before dyeing.
  2. Put gloves on your hands and divide your hair into 4 parts with two partings. Secure three strands with clips. Please note that coloring should be done from the back of the head. Separate 1 strand from the total mass of hair in one of the parts and apply a coloring agent to it. Start coloring from the roots, slowly moving downwards. After this, color all your hair, strand by strand.
  3. If you want to get a red tint, then insulate your curls, and if you need Brown color, then leave them as they are.
  4. The dye should remain on the hair for 6 hours or more. Note that if you reduce this time, you will be able to green tint curls.
  5. After the time is up, wash your hair with shampoo.

Henna and coffee: absolutely harmless to hair natural products, at the right approach to carry out masks, in compliance with all rules and proportions, the coloring effect is guaranteed

Recipes for hair masks from henna and coffee

A simple mask of henna and coffee

You will need:

  1. Henna - 2 pieces from pressed tiles.
  2. Fine ground coffee - 50 gr.
  3. Water - 150 ml.

Pour boiling water over the coffee and place it on the stove. Bring it to a boil and immediately turn off the heat. After this, leave it to cool. Note that its temperature should not drop below 40 degrees Celsius. At this time, grate the henna into a fine grater. Next, combine both products and mix thoroughly. If the mass is too thick, add boiling water to it. After this, heat the product in a water bath. Note that the higher the temperature of the dye, the brighter the color. However, it should not be too hot, otherwise you will get burned. After this, use the product as directed.

Mask of colorless henna and coffee

If you want to receive coffee color curls, and you only need henna to strengthen them, then you can use the following recipe for coloring. Compound:

  1. Colorless henna - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Coffee grounds - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Water - as needed.

Pour hot water over henna to obtain a mass of medium consistency. After this, mix the product with coffee and use it for its intended purpose according to the instructions we gave above. Note that the mask should remain on the curls for in this case 2 hours, and they must be wrapped up all this time.

Mask with henna, basma and coffee

  1. Ground coffee - 6 tablespoons.
  2. Basma - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Henna - 2 tablespoons.
  4. Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.
  5. Honey - 1 tablespoon.
  6. Water - as needed.

Pour boiling water over the coffee to obtain the consistency of liquid sour cream and leave to steep for 10 minutes. After that, mix it with henna and basma. Next, add all the other ingredients, and if the product is too thick, add more water to it. Before using the product, heat it in a water bath. You should keep it on your curls for no more than 2 hours after warming them.

Henna and coffee for hair, the proportions of the product you will find in our article, will help you not only change the color of your curls, but also improve their appearance, as well as their health. Follow our recommendations, and then you will get a rich shade that will delight you for a long time.

Mehendi, belly dancing, oriental sweets, Turkish TV series about love - the popularity of all this is due to the interest of our compatriots in the life and culture of the East. Exactly the same logical result of curiosity was the use of natural henna and basma dyes for hair coloring. Residents of India, Iran, Sudan and other countries have long used plant raw materials to become more attractive, make the natural color of their curls brighter, and the strands themselves healthier. To find out how to dye your hair with henna and basma at home, choose the right proportions and mix both components, just read this article with photos, tips and detailed instructions.

What is it, advantages

Both paints are completely natural composition because they are made from plants. To obtain henna, the lower leaves of the non-thorny lawsonia shrub are ground, and for basma, the leaves of indigofera from the legume family are ground.

In the first case, the powder is green, and in the second, gray-green in color. Attention!

The main advantage of both products is not only a gentle, but even a therapeutic effect on the hair: strengthening, nourishing curls, regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Henna in pure form dyes the strands red.

There are other varieties of it, with which you can get golden, red shades, and several tones of brown. If only basma is used for coloring, the hair takes on a blue-green color.

Therefore, powder from indigofera leaves is almost never used as an independent dye and in most cases it is mixed with henna. This tandem benefits both components: the combination neutralizes bright pigments and creates beautiful, natural shades on the hair. Which ones exactly depend on the ratio of coloring agents.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • undoubted benefits for hair. With their help, you can solve many problems - hair loss, slow growth, dandruff, excessive oily scalp;
  • improvement general condition hair that becomes shiny, thicker, more beautiful;
  • receiving various shades without chemical exposure permanent;
  • Effective gray coverage with a combination of both components(henna itself, unlike basma, does not cope well with the “silver” in the hair);
  • possibility of combination with others natural ingredients, allowing you to diversify the initial palette (this includes plant juices, herbal decoctions, spices, tea, coffee);
  • low cost of dyes;
  • ease of use at home;
  • hypoallergenic.

When planning to dye with henna and basma, also consider the disadvantages:

  • at frequent use healing effect becomes unnoticeable, because natural powders can cause harm: dry out hair;
  • To repaint, you will have to work hard. Henna and basma are not friendly with chemical compounds;
  • After the procedure, it is difficult to rid the curls of the remnants of dyes consisting of grass particles. It takes a long time and patiently to rinse your hair;
  • for some time the hair emits a specific smell;
  • It is quite difficult to choose the desired shade the first time. Often you have to experiment with proportions and composition to get what you need.

Advice. When purchasing, check whether natural raw materials have expired. Its quality directly determines the result of painting.


If the strands are dry, brittle, or the scalp is very dry, it is better to put off the packages of powders until better times. An alternative would be to combine them when dyeing with kefir, sour cream, and oils. It is not recommended to do the procedure during pregnancy and lactation: modified hormonal background

will negatively affect how the paint lays down.

Natural ingredients should be used with caution on light-colored hair because you may end up with unsightly yellowish-green tones.

It is undesirable to dye your hair with henna and basma after a recent perm or the use of a permanent or semi-permanent composition. In the first case, expect a quick straightening of the curls, in the second - an uneven color scheme. In the same way, you should not apply ammonia or ammonia-free paint from famous manufacturers

on colored hair if you have previously used herbal powders. Most likely, the new color will disappoint you, if it shows up on your hair at all. In some cases, even powders of plant origin can cause allergic reaction: itching, redness, swelling. Pre-test the dyes on the skin of your wrist or elbow.

Shades and proportions

It is immediately worth noting that information on the number of drugs is advisory in nature.. You may need to adjust the proportions in one direction or another. Much depends on the structure, condition, shade of the hair. Understand how much combined color meets your expectations, it will only be possible empirically. With each new coloring, the tone will appear stronger and become more saturated.

If you mix henna with basma in equal quantities, you will get a chestnut color of varying intensity (on blondes - lighter, on brown-haired - with a copper tint). You need to keep the mixture on your head for 1–2 hours. For other combinations, use the following ratios:

  • Light brown- the result of mixing 3 parts of henna and one part of basma. The color will appear within half an hour. The initial hair color should be light.
  • Ginger. A soft variety of bright colors is obtained by combining henna and basma in a 2:1 ratio. The recipe is suitable for blondes and requires keeping the paste for no longer than 10–15 minutes.
  • Bronze. The paint ratio is the same, 2 to 1, but the mixture must be applied to dark curls and do not wash it off for 30 minutes. It is possible to change the proportions: 1.5 parts of henna plus basma in the same amount (1 part).
  • Chocolate, brown. This color is given by a combination of 1 share of lavsonia powder and 2 shares of indigofera product. The composition is left on the hair for 15–50 minutes.
  • Black color will be obtained by using the same proportion, 1:2, and increasing the exposure time to 1.5–2 hours.

The products can be used not only in the form of a homogeneous mixture, but also one at a time. In this case, the duration of dyeing depends on what color you want to get in the end:

  • if light brown, then first apply henna for 60 minutes, then basma for 20 minutes;
  • if you want rich chocolate, leave the time for the first component the same, for the second, increase it to 40–50 minutes;
  • to get black, take 40 minutes for henna, 2 hours for basma.

Note, The amount of powder you need for coloring depends on the length and thickness of your hair, as well as what ratio you prefer. For short and medium strands, 100 to 300 grams of dry matter may be required, for long strands - 300–500 grams.

  1. To dilute basma, you will need water. This dye, unlike henna, is not afraid of boiling water and high temperature.
  2. It is better to dilute lawsonia powder with kefir (if your hair is normal or dry) or lemon juice, water and vinegar (if your hair is oily). An acidic environment helps produce a bright, rich color.
  3. Combine the prepared solutions before use, but make sure they are not too hot.
  4. Do not use metal products to prepare or apply the composition.
  5. After coloring, the composition will be washed off more easily if you add 1-2 egg yolks into it at the preparation stage.
  6. Cosmetic oil, flaxseed decoction or pharmaceutical glycerin added to the solution will prevent dry hair.
  7. Too much a large number of Basma in relation to henna can give the curls a green color.
  8. The paint should have a medium consistency. An overly liquid mixture will flow over your face and clothes, causing discomfort. Very thick hair will harden faster than the hair will take on a new shade.
  9. The temperature of the composition should be moderately warm. Cold dye acts more slowly, and hot dye can cause burns.
  10. When dyeing at home, especially long curls, it is convenient to use a water bath to heat the drug.
  11. Hair should be clean, dry or slightly damp. It has been proven that pigment penetrates better into the structure of moisturized strands.
  12. If you use a mixture of herbal ingredients, be sure to wrap your head in plastic, then with a towel.
  13. When applying the dye separately, you can insulate your hair only during the application of henna. Without this, the color will turn out very bright. Basma does not require such measures.
  14. To activate blood circulation and enhance the effect of coloring agents by distributing them throughout your hair, drink tea with ginger, lemon or a little light alcoholic drink.
  15. Do not use shampoo and conditioner when washing off henna and basma. This rule also applies in the first three days after the procedure.
  16. To fix the color, rinse your hair with vinegar or rosehip decoction (a tablespoon of any ingredient per liter of cool water).
  17. If the resulting shade seems too bright for you, use olive oil. Just distribute it through your hair before washing your hair again.
  18. An overly dark color can be lightened by rinsing the hair with water and vinegar or lemon juice.

Advice. Rinsing with henna and basma will help to renew the color and make it brighter. Take 25 grams of both products, dissolve in 1.5 liters of boiling water. Strain, cool and use as directed. You can take 50 grams of henna for the same amount of water.

Painting techniques

There are two ways to color hair with henna and basma: separate and simultaneous. According to reviews, both give approximately the same results. However, in the case of sequential application of dyes, you can control what color is obtained and correct it directly during the procedure.

For both methods you will need to prepare:

  • 2 containers for mixing solutions;
  • the same number of brushes or sponges (depending on the chosen method);
  • 2 spoons or sticks to stir the mixture;
  • comb-comb;
  • hairdresser's clips or crab clips;
  • Vaseline or fatty cream;
  • a plastic bag, shower cap or cling film;
  • a towel that you don’t mind getting dirty;
  • gloves;
  • waterproof peignoir/old robe or T-shirt.

How to dye your hair with henna and basma using the simultaneous method:

  1. Dilute the powders in different containers, then mix.
  2. Bring the mixture to a temperature of 40°C and leave it in a bowl with hot water to keep it warm.
  3. Lubricate your hairline thick cream(vaseline).
  4. Wear gloves, a robe, or a T-shirt.
  5. Divide your hair into 4 zones: occipital, crown and two temporal. Secure each one with hairpins.
  6. Start coloring from the back of the head. Divide this part of the curls into separate strands.
  7. Consistently apply a little warm composition to each. Move from the root zone to the tips.
  8. Next, process in the same way temporal zones and crown.
  9. Gather your hair in a bun, put on a swimming cap (bag) or wrap your head with film.
  10. Then wrap your hair in a towel.
  11. After waiting right time, rinse off the mixture with plenty of warm water.

Advice. If powder residues are difficult to remove, apply a little conditioner to your colored hair, because shampoo cannot be used.

Separate painting is carried out almost the same way:

  1. Prepare the henna first - it is always applied first.
  2. Protect your clothes with a robe, your hands with gloves, and the skin on your forehead, temples, and back of your head with cream or Vaseline.
  3. Form 4 zones of hair and pin them with clips.
  4. Treat the curls in the same way as when dyeing using the simultaneous method.
  5. When will it pass required time, rinse off the composition with water. You can use balm.
  6. Then dilute the basma and distribute it over the strands.
  7. Don't cover your head.
  8. Through allotted time wash off the dye.

The separate method is more often used to obtain black color.

Gray hair coloring

Henna is rarely used as an independent dye for gray hair, only if there is little “silver” on the strands. Otherwise, the result is a very bright orange color. Combination with basma makes it possible to soften a little, muffle the flashy shade, and make it more natural.

Graying curls are difficult to dye, so either several procedures or long-term exposure of the composition (up to 5-6 hours) is required. Soft hair absorb pigment faster, hard ones - slower.

Important point! To paint over gray hair, it is best to act in stages, applying the mixture in separate ways. The saturation of the shade will depend on the exposure time of each component.

  • to get blonde, including very light ones, henna should act on the hair for 2–5 minutes. Then the hair is doused with basma and immediately washed off with water;
  • for a darker blonde apply the mixture of lawsonia powder for 8–10 minutes, the indigofera product for 4–5 minutes;
  • light or dark shade of brown- the result of keeping henna for 10-40 minutes, basma - 5-30 minutes. The longer, the more saturated the tone will be. The time must be increased proportionally for both dyes;
  • so that the chestnut color comes out, apply both preparations sequentially for 20–25 or 40–45 minutes each (for a lighter or darker version, respectively);
  • paint yourself black It is possible if you soak first henna and then basma for 1–1.5 hours.

Natural raw materials of plant origin make it possible to get a new color and at the same time treat your hair. Just don’t get carried away with natural ingredients. It is enough to update the color every 2-3 months, and the rest of the time tint the roots.

By experimenting with the proportions of henna and basma, you can choose the most good shade just for your hair.

Useful videos

Coloring with henna and basma.

How to dye your hair.

Probably every woman dreams of having beautiful, well-groomed hair. But going to a beauty salon is not always possible, and besides, dyeing with chemical dyes, alas, does not make your hair healthier. To improve hair health, you have to make restorative masks and compresses. But there is a product that will simultaneously have a caring effect on the strands, and at the same time give a luxurious color and radiant tint.

How is this possible? Take advantage natural recipe henna with coffee for hair, and you will be satisfied with the result. The recipe described contains only natural ingredients: henna and coffee. No chemicals, therefore no damage to hair.

Beauty, treatment and care at the same time

Henna is natural paint for hair and body painting, it is made from the leaves of the non-thorny lawsonia plant. The leaves are collected, dried, then ground and made into paint. Moreover, body paint is made from the powder of the dried upper leaves, and hair dye is made from the lower leaves. Various natural additives were added to the powder, resulting in different shades of coloring matter: from copper to black.

In Arab countries, henna was used in medicine, as it has disinfecting and restorative properties.

It was used to treat various skin diseases, and also used for traditional body painting - mehndi. In addition, henna paste was used to treat and dye hair.

Which henna is better to buy?

Today you can buy not only henna powder, but also compressed briquettes, and in both forms, henna perfectly retains its qualities. To use in recipes, the henna in the bars will need to be grated to a powder state.

As a rule, henna is available in four shades:

  • red;
  • brown;
  • chestnut;
  • black.

If you don't plan dramatic changes, then for hair coloring it is better to choose brown and chestnut. But if you are not afraid of experiments, then you can choose red.

The final color will depend on the shade chosen, the proportions, and the exposure time.

A small life hack

Coffee henna recipe is great for hair treatment dark shades. Dyeing bleached hair can give unexpected results, since the dye will act more intensely.

It is better to take roasted coffee beans, and Arabica is preferable. You can grind it yourself, or you can buy it already ground. In addition to the main ingredients, the recipes use various vegetable oils, black tea, onion peel.

Method number 1. Simple hair mask

Depending on the length and thickness of your hair, you will need one or two servings of coffee and 1-2 packages of henna. That is, for short or middle length hair, take one serving of espresso and one package of henna; for longer and thicker hair, double the proportions.

Use a coffee pot or coffee machine to prepare a strong espresso without adding anything other than coffee and water. Add henna directly to the hot mixture and stir. Wait for the mixture to cool slightly. Then you need to dye your hair with a warm mixture, focusing Special attention root zone. The mixture should be left for about 5 hours. You can make this mask at night; to protect your laundry from staining, cover your head with film and wrap it in a towel. After time, rinse off the mixture and dry naturally.

This hair mask will have a restorative effect, give it a beautiful coffee shade and healthy shine. The mask can be done 1-2 times a month.

Method No. 2. Restoring mask for damaged hair

Take ground coffee, henna powder, natural honey And sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:1:1:1. Mix all ingredients and apply to hair for up to an hour, then rinse and dry without using a hair dryer. This coloring will strengthen your hair, give it shine and a coffee tint.

The proportions of hair masks may vary depending on their condition, length and thickness. By changing the amount of ingredients in recipes, you can choose your own individual coloring recipe. In any case, when using such natural ingredients you will not harm yourself.