Oils for the growth and strengthening of nails. Castor oil - a godsend for nails Which oil is suitable for nails

Church holidays

A woman's beauty begins at her fingertips. Well, the beauty of nails - with their grooming and health. Beautiful hands can arrange a person, or vice versa - forever turn away from you. In today's realities, no woman can afford to do without a manicure. You need to take care of your hands and nails constantly, not limited to going to the master. To maintain beauty, you need to regularly use oil for nails and cuticles, take care of your hands and often nourish and moisturize them. How? Get comfortable.

Do you need nail oil

The cuticle was not created in order to regularly go to the salon on and not even to constantly fight with it. This is a defensive reaction of the body. Thanks to the formation of these rollers, the nail is reliably protected from infection, harmful microorganisms, microbes entering the layers of the epidermis, and the development of the fungus is prevented.

There are two types of cuticle:

  • Dead - dead skin cells that need to be carefully removed as needed using trimmed manicure, special manicure tools
  • alive - that's what it requires especially careful, regular care

The cuticle is constantly growing, as are the nails. Therefore, care should be taken on a regular basis.

In the care of living cuticles, nails and hand skin, the most effective remedy is specially selected oils. There is a fairly large variety of oils for cuticles and nails on the market for care products, but you can make them yourself, at home. This option will cost you much less.

Depending on the direction of the effect, they help strengthen thin, brittle nails, whiten them, soften and nourish the skin, heal microtraumas after trimmed manicure, have an antiseptic and soothing effect on nails and nail folds, and prevent the appearance and development of fungus. In addition, the regular use of such products helps to preserve the freshness and prolong the beauty of your manicure, as well as make your hands velvety to the touch. Experts strongly recommend the use of such drugs if:

  • you have hands
  • off season
  • with frequent stay in overdried rooms (this includes a heated room)
  • with temperature fluctuations
  • if you wear extended nails, are fond of nail art

We all live in such conditions, so there will be no harm from the use of natural oils for sure. Agree, those who do not use oils cannot boast of an impeccable manicure.

What should be the purchased cuticle oil

Most often, the composition of the drug includes one of the base oils (olive, coconut, jojoba, almond oil for nails, peach, sunflower) and one of the essential oils (celandine, tea tree, castor, peach, wheat, burdock and others). These are the main components of the tool. However, in addition to nutritional components (oils), they include vitamins (most often - A, C, E), cementing substances that strengthen the nail plate, and flavors.

Before buying, read the composition, make sure that you are not allergic to any component. Decide what effect you are looking for - healing, strengthening, softening of the cuticle - and ask the consultant to choose the appropriate product for you.

If you decide to purchase oil for your nails, choose the product with the most convenient brush or dispenser for you. The ability to apply it like a varnish is its huge advantage. And the disadvantages can be attributed to the narrow focus of the impact.

What oils to use in home recipes

In the process of preparing an oil composition for hands, nails and cuticles, you can add oils that have the functional load you need, the product can be multicomponent - this is the main advantage of a homemade product. In addition, such a remedy will be 100% natural.

We have selected for you a list of oils with a breakdown of their effects:

  1. Rosemary, tea tree oil - regenerates skin cells, damaged cuticles are quickly restored, suitable for stimulating growth. This is a nail oil.
  2. Tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus - antiseptic effect on the skin and nail cavities.
  3. Castor oil for nails - for nail growth and cuticle softening.
  4. Cedar, sandalwood, pine - a strengthening effect on nails, regular use accelerates their growth.
  5. Citrus oil - giving the nail plate shine, whitening.
  6. Jojoba - protects the skin and nail from the harmful effects of chemical components of varnishes and adverse environmental influences.
  7. Mosquito rose oil, coconut - perfectly moisturizes the skin, saturates with vitamins.
  8. Wheat germ - prolongs the shelf life of the homemade oil composition, and also perfectly moisturizes the skin, protects it from drying out, restores its elasticity, and saturates it with vitamin E.
  9. Cucumber - moisturizes the skin most intensively, like coconut.
  10. Burdock oil for nails - intensively moisturizes, protects from drying out.
  11. Myrrh, like castor, heals microtraumas, promotes nail growth, makes it stronger. Preventive agent against fungus, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  12. Ylang-ylang - strengthens and thickens the nail plate.
  13. Celandine has an antiseptic effect, sometimes it is used against a fungus as prescribed by a doctor.

For moisturizing and nourishing, you can use any essential oils for nails that you have in your home (celandine, coconut, peach, olive oil for healthy nails). However, for a healing and powerful firming effect, we recommend using one of the homemade recipes.

To increase the effectiveness of the composition and the intensity of its impact, we recommend adding the following auxiliary components to the mixture:

  1. Propolis oil extract (4 drops per 10 milliliters of composition) - has a water-repellent effect, which will help the product stay on hands longer, a powerful antiseptic and reductant.
  2. CO2-extracts (4 drops per 10 milliliters of the mixture) - a strong bactericidal effect, perfectly combines with oils.
  3. Vitamin E (1 oil capsule per 10 milliliters of product) - increases the nutritional effect.
  4. Aevit (1 capsule per 10 milliliters of combined oils) - an oil mixture of vitamins A and E.

Effective Homemade Recipes

For an excellent healing and nourishing effect, one-component products can also be used (for example, castor oil, tea tree oil, celandine or peach). Just apply any of the listed essential oils to your nails and wipe off the residue with a tissue after a few minutes. It is not worth rinsing off.

Terms of use and contraindications

In order not to harm your health, please listen to our recommendations:

  1. Do an allergy test for each of the suspected ingredients.
  2. When compiling a recipe, be guided by the following proportions: for every 5 milliliters of base oil, add 2 drops of essential oil.
  3. If you need to measure the required amount of a substance in milliliters, it is most convenient to do this with a syringe.
  4. You need to store the home remedy in a glass vessel in a shaded place, it is better to stock up on it for 3 months in advance, but no longer. For this, 15 milliliters of the product should be enough for you with regular use.
  5. Before use, make sure that you do not have a fungus, other skin diseases.
  6. Hand oil should be used 1-2 times a week or as needed, as well as after a manicure. Apply a drop to the base of each nail, massage the skin for several minutes, remove the residue with a dry cloth.
  7. Do not apply the composition to the nail plates before using varnish or building.
  8. If you have an exacerbation of the fungus, it is better to wait a little while using oils. As in the case of deep cuts and wounds on the skin.
  9. Make sure that the purchased components are of high quality, without synthetic additives, and have not gone rancid. Real essential oils can't be cheap.

Develop a habit in yourself every day to perform a set of procedures to preserve youthful skin, beauty and growth of nails, hands and hair - for this you need to allocate very little time. And then you will always catch admiring glances.

To nail beauty preserved for a long time, and the manicure looked perfect, it is necessary to regularly use oils when caring for nails.

They maintain the elasticity of the skin and quickly restore rough skin, giving healthy looking skin and nails. The trace elements and vitamins contained in the oils can eliminate any problems associated with nails.

If the nails become brittle have lost their shine, became rough and began to exfoliate, they urgently need help. The spa salon offers all kinds of procedures aimed at restoring the nail plate:

  • hot manicure (nails are placed in a hot composition, useful substances penetrate better into the expanded nail plate, the course consists of 4 procedures within a month);
  • biogel coating (after applying the biogel to the nail, its surface becomes smooth and durable, the course requires 3-4 treatments);
  • wax sealing (effectively restores nails, after a warm oil bath, a cream with beeswax is rubbed into the nails).

Oils that are used at home for strengthen nails, allow:

  • nourish the nail plate from the inside, penetrating deep into the nail;
  • eliminate brittleness and delamination of nails;
  • protect the nail from fungal infection;
  • accelerate the growth of nails;
  • make them beautiful.

Types of oils to strengthen nails

What kind of oil to smear nails to strengthen them at home? With self-care of nails, it is possible to use oils of vegetable origin:

  • olive;
  • apricot;
  • peach;
  • almond;
  • jojoba;
  • wild rose;
  • cocoa;
  • castor;
  • burdock;
  • grape seeds;
  • wheat germ.

With their help, delamination of nails, brittleness is eliminated. For accelerating nail growth use oils: olive, castor, burdock.

Rosehip, burdock, olive and cedar oil gives nails healthy look.

  • grapefruit
  • lemon
  • eucalyptus;
  • lavender;
  • chamomile;
  • bergamot;
  • sandalwood;
  • tea tree;
  • patchouli;
  • pines;
  • cedar;
  • rosemary;
  • myrrh;
  • thyme;
  • roses;
  • calendula.

By adding essential oils to the base oils, they are used to prepare oil baths, taking into account the problems that need to be solved. deal with stratification of nails oils of bergamot, ylang-ylang, thyme, myrrh, pine, cedar help.

Oils also help strengthen nails: bergamot, thyme, rosemary, sandalwood, lemon.

Application methods

To do nails strong and preserve their health, you can use the oil in the form of applications, rubbing, baths. It is desirable that oils be part of the cream for daily hand care (if not, add a few drops).

Good strengthens nails(available at the pharmacy): inexpensive, easy to use.

Greater effect give baths from a mixture of olive oil with the addition of avocado oil, castor oil (5 ml each) and tea tree oil (5 drops). The mixture in a water bath is slightly heated, fingers are placed in it for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water, lubricate with cream. Repeat every 2-3 days.

Strengthens nails olive oil: it is necessary to rub it into the nail plate in the evening, put on cotton gloves and leave it overnight. It is recommended to add a little lemon juice to it twice a week.

coconut oil strengthens nails well, applied in the evening on the nail plate, cotton gloves are put on top.

Successfully applied to strengthen nails, you can rub it into the nail plate by mixing it with lemon, calendula, wheat germ and castor oil.

Brittle nails can be quickly and effectively strengthened with jojoba oil and vitamin E(sold in a pharmacy).

Prepare jojoba oil and vitamin E, apply oil on the nail plate. Through 2-3 minutes rub it into the nails, apply vitamin E on top. So jojoba oil will act on the nails with greater efficiency.

Sunflower oil often used as a base for baths and masks. To 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil, add 2 drops of oils: eucalyptus, lavender and sage to enhance the effect. Heat the mixture, lower your fingertips, hold for 10 minutes.

Essential oils


Used for the purpose strengthening of the nail plate, protect nails from delamination. The action is enhanced with the use of vegetable oils. Coniferous essential oils effectively fight delamination of nails. Citrus oils strengthen the nail plate and prevent nail cracking.

Well prevents brittle nails a bath of a mixture of almond oil and myrrh oil, ylag ylang or bergamot.

Oil compresses strengthening nails. The base oil is mixed with essential oil, the mixture must be warmed up, soak a napkin in it, put on your fingers and cover with something warm.

For an oil application, the hands are pre-steamed in hot water, then a mixture of base oil with the addition of bergamot essential oil (1 tablespoon of base oil and 3 drops of essential oil) is rubbed into the nail plates. Wrap in cling film, leave for 5 minutes.

A wide variety of oils that effectively strengthen nails allow you to choose the most suitable option.

Beautiful and well-groomed nails are an important detail in the image of a successful woman. Many modern beauties dream of having long, always their own, natural nails, because it is natural beauty that is now at the peak of popularity. Unfortunately, only a few can grow nails, because for an active woman today it is quite difficult to do this: the modern rhythm of life, poor nutrition, frequent stress, eternal lack of sleep have a bad effect on the condition of the nails, therefore, in order to look fashionable and stylish, most beautiful young ladies prefer building.

But, you can grow your nails with ease, it is enough to arm yourself with a few minutes of time and simple means that will help achieve the desired result.

You will learn more about nail oil in the video:

Features and Benefits

The rapid growth of nails is influenced not only by the physiological characteristics of a person, but also by his own work. By giving a little attention and personal time to your nails, you can make them healthier and more beautiful. In any pharmacy or in the cosmetic department of boutiques, you can find a lot of products to enhance the growth of the nail plate.

The most popular and effective substances are oils. They combine many useful substances that provide nutrition to the nails, their enhanced growth, protection from negative environmental factors and strengthening.

It will be useful for girls to know that the maximum effect can be achieved by using herbal and essential components at the same time.

Regular use of avocado, olive, and castor oils in combination with watermelon seed oil promotes nail growth. Improve their appearance.

Wheat germ, jojoba, rosehip, almond, olive and apricot oils have a general strengthening effect on nails. Regular application of oil compositions to the nail plate gives them an aesthetic and well-groomed appearance, prevents brittleness, delamination and the appearance of various diseases associated with a lack of nutrients.

How to choose

Oils that stimulate the rapid growth of fingernails and toenails can be bought at a pharmacy specializing in a store in the form of a ready-made product, but you should not rush to buy. Before taking the auxiliary substance to your home, you need to check if it contains all the necessary components.

Mandatory components are base and essential oils (any choice), as well as vitamins E, A and C. The base oils, as a rule, include olive, coconut or almond oil. To essential - burdock, lavender, eucalyptus.

The bottle should contain detailed information about the method of use and indicate the expiration date of the contents.

How to use

To get a positive result, you need to fully care for your nails, and this is a number of different pleasant procedures. Baths, masks, massages - all this will make the nails strong, long and beautiful.

In specialized stores and pharmacies, ready-made products for hair growth are sold, and using such products is quite convenient due to well-designed containers and the presence of a brush. But, many girls are concerned about the question of how to use a potion prepared at home, because there is no special bottle and brush at hand. Everything is extremely simple - just buy an ordinary pipette, and use it to apply the necessary liquid to each nail.

You also need to know certain rules for applying oil in order to subsequently obtain a positive result.

  • Before starting the procedure, you need to check whether there is an individual skin intolerance to any component of the cosmetic product. To do this, you need to mix one part of the base oil with a few drops of essential oil, then drop the resulting mixture on the inside of your wrist and wait a few minutes. If no negative aspects appear during this time, then you can safely proceed to therapy at home.
  • The syringe will be a good tool for accurately measuring the constituents of the base substance.
  • No more than three months in a cool, shady place and only in a glass, tightly closed container, you can store the oil composition for nail growth.
  • Do not apply oils before applying nail polish or extensions.
  • To get the maximum effect from the aromatherapy procedure, it is worth doing it at least 2 times a week. Healing oil composition can be applied after manicure.
  • If there are wounds or inflammatory foci on the hands, you need to wait for their complete disappearance and only then carry out procedures using oils.
  • You need to buy ethers in specialized outlets, where they monitor the quality and timing of the sale of the products sold.
  • It is better to use essential oils in the evening, before going to bed. Apply a few drops of the product to the nail plate and gently rub the cosmetic composition with light massage movements.

Cooking with your own hands

You can not only buy nail oil, but cook it yourself. In this case, the composition of the healing drug will contain exactly those substances that are suitable for a specific problem.

How to make oil-wax for nails at home, you will learn from the video:

There is nothing complicated and burdensome in the preparation of butter. You need to have on hand the necessary base and essential oils, such as almond oil, tea tree oil, and vitamin E (all of which are freely available) and handy tools (a syringe for measuring liquid or pipette, a mixing plate and a bottle for storing growth elixir) .

Health indicator - the state of the nail plates. Their quality reflects all the negative changes that occur in the body. Avitaminosis, hypervitaminosis, chronic and infectious diseases in the acute stage, hormonal changes - pregnancy and lactation - the nails are weakened and become soft or brittle.

But even after the immune system stabilizes and health comes to relative well-being, you have to deal with nails for a long time. Oil mixtures help to cope with problematic capricious nail plates in a short time. Applications, impregnations and masks with oils strengthen "hand decoration" soften and tone.

What are the best remedies for strengthening and rapid growth of nails?

Burdock oil for nails is used for increased brittleness and dullness of the plates, prevents their delamination, strengthens the cuticle, protects against the introduction of fungal flora and stimulates growth.

  • To get rid of brittleness, you need to rub 2 drops of oil daily into problem areas and wear rubber gloves for 15 minutes so that the product is completely absorbed.
  • It is no less effective to make baths based on the base product by heating it in a water bath and adding sea salt. 15 minutes a day of calm rest with your fingertips dipped in the bath, and a manicure can be envied.

Castor oil

Castor oil is used to care for hands and nails, it has antioxidant, rejuvenating and tonic properties, and is a natural antiseptic.

To protect the cuticle from irritation, it is enough to use the following remedy: mix burdock and castor oil in equal parts, generously apply to the fingertips, leave for 5-7 minutes. In the future, the manicure will be absolutely painless - even if the master is not experienced enough, it will be possible to push back the cuticle without difficulty.

A mask for nail growth can be combined with oil hand wraps - for this you need the following ingredients:

  • castor and burdock oil in equal amounts, for example, 1.5 tablespoons each;
  • aloe gel in the amount of a teaspoon or a tablespoon of fresh juice of this plant;
  • a few drops of lemon juice.

The mixture is applied to the hands, first cotton gloves are put on top, then latex gloves for warming. After 20-30 minutes, the rest of the non-absorbed product is washed off with warm water, and a few drops of castor oil are applied to the brushes instead of cream.

Do you need to whiten the nail plate that has turned yellow after working with chemicals or due to regular smoking? Castor will come to the rescue again. A tablespoon of sea salt, 10 drops of iodine and 2 tablespoons of castor oil are added to the juice from a medium lemon. Daily 15 minute baths for 2 weeks, and you can safely do a French manicure.

Almond oil

Almond oil is so useful for strengthening nails and eliminating cuticle irritation that it can often be found in cosmetic stores along with manicure devices - varnishes, fixatives and other products - already packaged in a bottle with a brush.

The cuticle becomes thinner under its influence, becomes more tender and obedient, the nail plate acquires a healthy shine and stops cracking. If manicures are done frequently, nails and fingertips need regular nourishment.

Hand bath with almond oil:

Mix with 300 g of warm water and make a 10-minute bath - the skin on the hands will be like silk.

avocado oil

Avocado oil for nails is used in case of inflammation of the nail fold. This remedy has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, helps to stop the development of inflammatory processes.

To cure a pronounced inflammatory process, the base product - 1 tablespoon - is mixed with essential - 2 drops of tea tree or chamomile.

Is the cuticle reddened and swollen, and the nail plate is brittle and exfoliating? Mix a tablespoon of avocado oil and 3 drops of ylang ylang or lemon essential oil. Apply daily for 10-12 days, and after fixing the problem - after each manicure.

Linseed oil

Is flaxseed oil used to strengthen nails? Yes, but only inside. If the nail plate is far from perfect, exfoliates, too soft, then linseed oil is the best medicine.

This natural product contains an easily digestible complex of vitamins and acids, its chemical composition is very rich:

  • oleic, linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids (Omega-3);
  • vitamins A, E, K and F;
  • fatty acid.

An additional bonus of a two-month regular daily intake of the remedy is weight loss, an increase in the tone of the walls of blood vessels, a decrease in the possibility of hemorrhoids and its treatment, an acceleration of intestinal metabolism, and a decrease in cholesterol.

If it is more convenient to take a tonic medicine in the morning, drink 1 tablespoon, during the day - 3 times a teaspoon.

As an external agent, flax oil is not rational to use. It quickly loses its beneficial properties in the light and releases phenol - a very dangerous compound that has a detrimental effect on living cells of all organic systems of the human body.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil in its pure form does not affect the health of nails. However, when combined with vitamin E, the effectiveness increases so much that it has a beneficial effect not only on the outer part of the nail plate, but also on its base.

First, the fingertips are covered with an oily agent with a brush, and then a thick layer of vitamin E is applied to them - it can be bought in liquid form or taken from capsules. The composition should not be washed, it is perfectly absorbed. After such treatment, damaged nails grow back healthy.

Essential oils for nail growth

For nail growth, such products in their pure form are not used. They evaporate quickly, have such an active effect that, if they come into contact with the skin, they can cause irritation, as from a burn, and injure the nail plate.

Essential oil is not used as a medicine, it is an activator of beneficial properties, enhancing the effect of beneficial ingredients.

At the same time, it in itself has a healing effect, so you need to know in which case which essential product is used:

  • brittle nails and the inflammatory process of the cuticle stop the essential oils of sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, tea tree or lavender;
  • an increase in the hardness of the nail plate - essential products of grapefruit, lemon, calendula, eucalyptus;
  • you need to whiten and give a healthy shine - lemon, orange, myrrh, lime, rosemary;
  • get rid of a fungal infection - sandalwood, rosemary, tea tree, chamomile;
  • for prevention, it is enough to use ylang-ylang, bergamot, chamomile, roses.

One drop per nail file, and the surface to be cut is sterilized, as if under the action of an alcohol-containing antiseptic.

Fortifying oil courses for therapeutic purposes are best done systematically - 3-4 procedures per week for a month. At this time, it is better to refuse to apply varnish, let the nails breathe.

Do not limit oil impregnation with your fingertips. If it extends to the entire hand, the skin of the hands will become soft, silky and healthy.

Why use oils in nail care?

Brittle, exfoliating, dull and rough nails require special care, which can be provided by oils that have healing properties. So, the effect of the influence of oils on the nails: - the oil intensively nourishes the nail itself;

  • affects the softening of the cuticle;
  • perfectly strengthens the nail plate;
  • helps to avoid delamination and brittleness of the nail;
  • improves nail growth;
  • protects the nail, helping it avoid fungal infection.

Help vegetable oils enhance their effectiveness of their essential counterparts. But what oil can strengthen nails best, we will try to find out. All of the following oils can be easily used at home for nail care.

Vegetable oils that help strengthen the structure of the nail

The following oils will help to perfectly strengthen and comprehensively improve the appearance of nails: - wheat germ oil:

  • olive oil;
  • apricot:
  • peach;
  • almond;
  • jojoba oil;
  • wild rose;
  • cocoa;
  • castor;
  • burdock.

Among other things, these oils can not only reduce brittle nails, but also prevent dryness and flaking of the nail plate. But natural oils such as watermelon seed oil, avocado, olive, castor and burdock oil are very effective in improving nail growth.

In addition to strengthening, peach kernel oil, burdock and olive oil, pine nut oil, rosehip oil and sesame seed oil have excellent healing properties.

Essential oils and nail care

As we have already said, complex nail care ensures the enrichment of vegetable oils with the help of essential oils. In this case, the following are considered the best oils for these purposes: oils of grapefruit, lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, tea tree, chamomile, bergamot, sandalwood, patchouli, pine, cedar, rosemary, myrrh, thyme, rose, calendula.

These oils have a much more diverse range of properties, in contrast to the base ones. It is with the help of these oils that you can prepare an oil bath for nails, which has a special specific focus. For example, to eliminate the lamination of the nail plate, you can use oils of bergamot, ylang-ylang, thyme, frankincense, myrrh, pine or cedar. If you want to strengthen your nails, use thyme, bergamot, rosemary, sandalwood or lemon oils.

Grapefruit, eucalyptus, lemon myrrh, and rosemary oils are suitable for whitening nails. But an excellent shine on the surface of the nails will help to give oils of lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, roses.

Relieve inflammation oils of rosemary, sandalwood, chamomile, tea tree. By the way, these oils are an excellent antiseptic, so they are heavily used to prevent and treat a fungal infection.

But the general strengthening properties are inherent in such oils as bergamot oil, chamomile, ylang-ylang, myrrh. These oils are used in nail care, even if the nail plate does not have any particular problems.

Remember that proper nail care must necessarily include the use of oils in any form, whether it be applications, rubbing or baths. Among other things, to strengthen your nails, you need to have essential oils in your daily hand and nail care cream. Well, if they are not there, you can add them to the cream yourself (3-5 drops).