How to understand that you are heterosexual. What is hetero orientation

For a wedding

The concept of heterosexuality implies participation in sexual relations between representatives of both sexes. This term came to us from the Greek language, the particle “geteros” is translated as “other”, and the particle “sexus” is translated as “sex”.

Heterosexual orientation

Heterosexuality cannot be interpreted quite unambiguously. It can be interpreted as attraction to people of the opposite sex. Attraction also varies. They feel attraction that is platonic, either sexual or erotic. Also, heterosexuality should be understood as the choice of a sexual partner specifically from people of the opposite sex.

In general, sexual orientation is divided into three types: heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual. The first type discussed above - heterosexual - is suitable for most human individuals. By the way, animal world He is also not uniform in his sexual preferences.
For the second type, homosexual, it means choosing a partner from representatives of one’s own sex. Women are attracted to women, men seek relationships with men. For the third type, bisexuals, both sexes are equally attractive.

Hetero orientation and society

Modern society is overwhelmingly heterosexual. It is difficult for people with other types of orientation to express their unconventional essence without receiving condemnation. But humanity is becoming more and more relaxed. Acceptance of other forms of sexual orientations is increasingly evident against the backdrop of increasing moral freedoms.

Studies of hetero-orientation by scientists

Traditionality heterosexual orientation there is no doubt. However, already in the 19th century science became interested in this concept. The first documented study of this topic was carried out by Richard Krafft-Ebing. In his opinion, heterosexuality, necessary for procreation, is a naturally necessary instinct for all living beings.

The American scientist Kinsey introduced a certain classification, highlighting the types of sexual orientation. He identified sexuality, attraction, sexual behavior, etc. Modern scientific thought recognizes normal behavior all three types of sexual orientation, calling it a positive norm. Although until the recent past, only traditional orientation was not a deviation. Now scientists face another task: to find out the reasons for the emergence of this type of orientation.

Often, when filling out various profiles and, first of all, on a dating site on the page, you need to fill out an orientation field. The site offers three options: hetero-, bi- and homo-. Heterosexuality involves choosing a member of the opposite sex as a sexual partner.

Hetero orientation - how to understand it?

Despite the fact that annually the number same-sex couples is increasing, the majority of people in the world are heterosexual. They experience romantic, emotional and erotic attraction to opposite sex.

To understand what hetero orientation means, scientists in different parts of the world conducted research. This topic was first raised by Richard Krafft-Ebing. The scientist suggested that heterosexuality is a kind of instinct in living beings, since it is this that allows procreation. Research by another scientist, Kinsey, allowed sexual orientation to be divided into subtypes.

Many scientists, understanding the meaning of hetero orientation, argue that it is laid down in a person at the genetic level, but there is also a version that it is formed during life, namely in the process of upbringing.

As already mentioned, in addition to heterosexual orientation, there are also bi- and homosexuals. Let's talk about this in more detail:

  1. Bisexuality is an orientation that implies attraction to both men and women.
  2. Homosexuality is an orientation that involves being with people of the same sex.

Today, the issue of recognizing other sexual orientations besides hetero is quite acute. In some countries, for example, in America, even registration was officially allowed same-sex marriage. The opposite situation is in Russian Federation, where in 1999 a decree was issued that heterosexuality is the norm and other sexual preferences are deviations.

How to determine the sexual orientation of hetero, bi and homo?

Because the sexual orientation multidimensional and changeable, not all people can accurately determine their affiliation. Kline's sexual orientation grid will help you cope with this task.

To measure your sexual orientation, it is necessary in three time dimensions: past (5 years ago), present ( Last year) and ideal future to evaluate seven parameters

  1. Sexual attraction – representatives of which gender cause more arousal.
  2. Sexual behavior - with representatives of which gender they performed various sexual actions: kissed, had sex, etc.
  3. Sexual fantasies - representatives of which gender you usually imagine in your erotic fantasies, and also who you think about during self-satisfaction.
  4. Emotional preferences - which people do you like to be friends with, maintain relationships with, share your secrets, etc.
  5. Social preferences - with representatives of which gender it is easier to find contact in ordinary life: work, communicate, spend leisure time.
  6. Representatives of which orientation do you mostly spend your time with? free time: with homo-, hetero- or bisexual people.
  7. Self-identification - what orientation do you consider yourself to be.

Take a sheet of paper and divide it into three columns: past, present and. After that, fill out seven lines in each of them according to these indications. As a result, numbers from 0 to 6 should be written in 21 cells.

Explanation of answers:

Klein grid Human sexuality
Sexual identity
Binary gender system
Egodystonic orientation
Romantic orientation
Biology and sexual orientation
Sexual orientation statistics
Situational sexual behavior
Sexual behavior of animals
Paraphilia Bestiality

Heterosexuality(from Greek έτερος - other + lat. sexus- gender) - emotional, romantic (platonic), erotic (sensual) or sexual desire to persons of the opposite sex; sexual interest in persons of the opposite sex and erotic orientation towards them; erotic focus on an object of the opposite sex; preference for sexual partners of the opposite sex; the direction of a person's sexual attraction to people of the opposite sex.

Heterosexuality is common to most people and bisexual animals.

Basic concepts and terms

The term "heterosexuality" is close to modern meaning“attraction to the opposite sex” was first proposed by Richard Krafft-Ebing in the book “Psychopathy of Sex” (). Krafft-Ebing believed that heterosexuality is an innate instinct aimed at procreation.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the term was also used in meanings different from the modern one. So, in 1892, Chicago psychiatrist James Kiernan used this word to designate mental disorder- “mental hermaphroditism”.

Heterosexuality is, in a broad sense, a phenomenon of human sexuality that includes or may include heterosexual orientation, heterosexual identity and/or heterosexual behavior.

Heterosexual orientation is characteristic of the majority of the world's population.

Heterosexuality is associated with procreation: vaginal sex is biologically aimed at conception.

The term “heterosexual” is used to designate people of heterosexual orientation; in colloquial speech the word “straight” is also used. natural- natural, natural). The outdated expression "normal orientation" implies that heterosexual relationships are the norm, and their alternatives are deviations from this norm. Modern science considers all three sexual orientations as normal and positive varieties of human sexual orientations. The system of ideas according to which heterosexuality is considered as the only natural and morally and socially acceptable form of human sexuality is called heterosexism.

Due to the polysemy of the term “heterosexuality” in Lately It has become customary to use clarifying or narrower terms - for example, to talk about heterosexual orientation or heterosexual behavior, about heterosexuality in general (as a phenomenon) or about heterosexuality as a point on the “sexuality” subscale of the Kinsey scale - with the exception of situations where the meaning of the term “heterosexuality” » is clear from the context.

Heterosexual behavior

Heterosexual behavior manifests itself in following forms: premarital sex, marital sex, alternative forms of marriage (eg triads), extramarital sex, sex between people who are not married.

Sexual technique of heterosexuals

For long period society was dominated by the idea of ​​vaginal sex as the only normal way sexual relations. The twentieth century is characterized by a decline in the reproductive imperative and an increase in social acceptance of sex as a means of obtaining pleasure, regardless of the purposes of conception. In this regard, non-vaginal forms of sexual relations began to be considered normal.

The forms of heterosexual sexual relations are diverse. In particular, the sexual technique of heterosexuals is largely determined by the individual preferences of the partners, the choice of technique that satisfies both.

Sexual techniques include: love games and caresses, genital stimulation, copulation or coitus, oral-genital sex, anal sex and others. Lovemaking usually refers to any activity other than direct sexual intercourse. The term "foreplay" is also used. Through caresses, partners communicate their readiness for sex and give each other sensual pleasure. Caresses consist of touching hands and kissing.

Preferred genital caresses vary from person to person. different people. They are performed manually or orally (fellatio and cunnilingus). The main criterion of heterosexuality is often called sexual intercourse, in which the penis is inserted into the vagina, that is, coitus. There are many variations of coitus (man on top, face to face; woman on top; insertion from behind; side by side, and others). Some heterosexual partners also practice anal sex.

see also

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  1. Psychology. AND I. Dictionary reference / Transl. from English K. S. Tkachenko. - M.: FAIR PRESS. Mike Cordwell. 2000.
  2. Psychoanalytic terms and concepts Dictionary. Ed. Borness E. Moore and Bernard D. Fine.
  3. Leibin V. Dictionary-reference book on psychoanalysis, 2010
  4. Dictionary of natural sciences.
  5. Dawkins, Richard. Chapter 5. The roots of religion // God as an illusion = The God Delusion / trans. from English N. Smelkova. - St. Petersburg. : ABC, ABC-Atticus, 2014. - P. 211. - 512 p. - (ABC-classics). - 3000 copies.
  6. - ISBN 978-5-389-05381-6.
  7. Richard von Krafft-Ebing.
  8. Jonathan Ned Katz
  9. :
  10. Dr. James G. Kiernan. "Responsibility in Sexual Perversion". Chicago Medical Recorder, vol. 3 (May 1892): 185-210.
  11. American Psychiatric Association.
  12. Australian Psychological Society: Sexual orientation // / Ed. N.D. Tvorogova. - M.: PER SE, 2007. - 416 p. - (Psychological Lexicon. encyclopedic Dictionary
  13. // in six volumes / Ed.-comp. L. A. Karpenko. Under general ed. A.V. Petrovsky).
  14. // American Psychological Association
  15. // Australian Psychological Society
  16. // American Psychological Association
  17. // American Psychological Association
  18. Masters W., Johnson W., Kolodny R.


  • / Ed. N. D. Tvorogova. - M.: PER SE, 2007. - 416 p. - (Psychological Lexicon. Encyclopedic Dictionary in six volumes / Edited by L. A. Karpenko. Under the general editorship of A. V. Petrovsky).

Excerpt characterizing Heterosexuality

– Life doesn’t leave you alone anyway. I would be glad to do nothing, but, on the one hand, the nobility here awarded me the honor of being elected leader: I got away with violence. They could not understand that I did not have what was needed, that I did not have that well-known good-natured and concerned vulgarity that was needed for this. Then there was this house that had to be built in order to have our own corner where we could be calm. Now the militia.
– Why don’t you serve in the army?
- After Austerlitz! - Prince Andrey said gloomily. - No; I humbly thank you, I promised myself that I would not serve in the active Russian army. And I wouldn’t, if Bonaparte had stood here, near Smolensk, threatening the Bald Mountains, and then I wouldn’t have served in the Russian army. Well, that’s what I told you,” Prince Andrei continued, calming down. - Now the militia, father is the commander-in-chief of the 3rd district, and the only way for me to get rid of service is to be with him.
- So you are serving?
- I serve. – He was silent for a moment.
- So why do you serve?
- But why? My father is one of the most remarkable people of his century. But he is getting old, and he is not only cruel, but he is too active. He is terrible for his habit of unlimited power, and now this power given by the Sovereign to the commander-in-chief over the militia. If I had been two hours late two weeks ago, he would have hanged the protocol officer in Yukhnov,” said Prince Andrei with a smile; - this is how I serve because no one except me has influence on my father, and in some places I will save him from an act from which he would suffer later.
- Oh, well, you see!
“Yes, mais ce n"est pas comme vous l"entendez, [but this is not the way you understand it],” continued Prince Andrei. “I did not and do not wish the slightest good to this bastard protocol officer who stole some boots from the militia; I would even be very pleased to see him hanged, but I feel sorry for my father, that is, again for myself.
Prince Andrei became more and more animated. His eyes sparkled feverishly as he tried to prove to Pierre that his actions never contained a desire for good to his neighbor.
“Well, you want to free the peasants,” he continued. - This is very good; but not for you (you, I think, did not detect anyone and did not send them to Siberia), and even less for the peasants. If they are beaten, flogged, sent to Siberia, then I think that it is no worse for them. In Siberia he leads the same bestial life, and the scars on his body will heal, and he is as happy as he was before. And this is needed for those people who are perishing morally, making repentance for themselves, suppressing this repentance and becoming rude because they have the opportunity to execute right or wrong. This is who I feel sorry for, and for whom I would like to free the peasants. You may not have seen it, but I saw how good people, brought up in these traditions of unlimited power, over the years, when they become more irritable, become cruel, rude, they know it, cannot resist and become more and more unhappy. “Prince Andrei said this with such enthusiasm that Pierre involuntarily thought that these thoughts were suggested to Andrei by his father. He didn't answer him.
- So this is who I feel sorry for - human dignity, peace of conscience, purity, and not their backs and foreheads, which, no matter how much you cut, no matter how much you shave, will still remain the same backs and foreheads.
“No, no, and a thousand times no, I will never agree with you,” said Pierre.

In the evening, Prince Andrei and Pierre got into a carriage and drove to Bald Mountains. Prince Andrei, glancing at Pierre, occasionally broke the silence with speeches that proved that he was in a good mood.
He told him, pointing to the fields, about his economic improvements.
Pierre was gloomily silent, answering in monosyllables, and seemed lost in his thoughts.
Pierre thought that Prince Andrei was unhappy, that he was mistaken, that he did not know the true light, and that Pierre should come to his aid, enlighten him and lift him up. But as soon as Pierre figured out how and what he would say, he had a presentiment that Prince Andrei with one word, one argument would destroy everything in his teaching, and he was afraid to start, afraid to expose his beloved shrine to the possibility of ridicule.
“No, why do you think,” Pierre suddenly began, lowering his head and taking on the appearance of a butting bull, why do you think so? You shouldn't think like that.
- What am I thinking about? – Prince Andrei asked in surprise.
– About life, about the purpose of a person. It can't be. I thought the same thing and it saved me, you know what? Freemasonry No, don't smile. Freemasonry is not a religious, not a ritual sect, as I thought, but Freemasonry is the best, the only expression of the best, eternal sides of humanity. - And he began to explain Freemasonry to Prince Andrey, as he understood it.
He said that Freemasonry is the teaching of Christianity, freed from state and religious shackles; teachings of equality, brotherhood and love.
– Only our holy brotherhood has real meaning in life; “everything else is a dream,” said Pierre. “You understand, my friend, that outside of this union everything is full of lies and untruths, and I agree with you that the smart and good man there is nothing left to do but live out your life like you, trying only not to interfere with others. But assimilate our basic beliefs, join our brotherhood, give yourself to us, let us guide you, and now you will feel, as I did, part of this huge, invisible chain, the beginning of which is hidden in the heavens,” said Pierre.
Prince Andrey, silently, looking ahead, listened to Pierre's speech. Several times, unable to hear from the noise of the stroller, he repeated the unheard words from Pierre. By the special sparkle that lit up in the eyes of Prince Andrei, and by his silence, Pierre saw that his words were not in vain, that Prince Andrei would not interrupt him and would not laugh at his words.
They arrived at a flooded river, which they had to cross by ferry. While the carriage and horses were being installed, they went to the ferry.
Prince Andrei, leaning on the railing, silently looked along the flood glittering from the setting sun.
- Well, what do you think about this? - asked Pierre, - why are you silent?
- What I think? I listened to you. “It’s all true,” said Prince Andrei. “But you say: join our brotherhood, and we will show you the purpose of life and the purpose of man, and the laws that govern the world.” Who are we, people? Why do you know everything? Why am I the only one who doesn’t see what you see? You see the kingdom of goodness and truth on earth, but I don’t see it.
Pierre interrupted him. – Do you believe in a future life? - he asked.
- To the future life? – Prince Andrei repeated, but Pierre did not give him time to answer and took this repetition as a denial, especially since he knew Prince Andrei’s previous atheistic beliefs.
– You say that you cannot see the kingdom of goodness and truth on earth. And I have not seen him and he cannot be seen if we look at our life as the end of everything. On earth, precisely on this earth (Pierre pointed in the field), there is no truth - everything is lies and evil; but in the world, in the whole world, there is a kingdom of truth, and we are now children of the earth, and forever children of the whole world. Don't I feel in my soul that I am part of this huge, harmonious whole. Don’t I feel that I am in this huge number of beings in which the Divinity is manifested - high power, as you wish, that I constitute one link, one step from lower beings to higher ones. If I see, clearly see this staircase that leads from a plant to a person, then why should I assume that this staircase breaks with me, and does not lead further and further. I feel that not only can I not disappear, just as nothing disappears in the world, but that I will always be and always have been. I feel that besides me there are spirits living above me and that there is truth in this world.
“Yes, this is Herder’s teaching,” said Prince Andrei, “but that, my soul, is not what convinces me, but life and death, that’s what convinces me.” What is convincing is that you see a being dear to you, who is connected with you, before whom you were guilty and hoped to justify yourself (Prince Andrei’s voice trembled and turned away) and suddenly this being suffers, is tormented and ceases to be... Why? It cannot be that there is no answer! And I believe that he is... That’s what convinces, that’s what convinced me,” said Prince Andrei.
“Well, yes, well,” said Pierre, “isn’t that what I’m saying!”
- No. I am only saying that they are convinced of the need future life not arguments, but when you walk hand in hand with a person in life, and suddenly this person disappears out there into nowhere, and you yourself stop in front of this abyss and look into it. And, I looked...

Heterosexuality(Greek getero - opposite, other, other and sex - sex) is a concept that can be literally defined as attraction to the opposite sex. In a narrow sense, heterosexuality This is exactly how it is understood. How sexual attraction exclusively to the opposite sex.

But there is also a broader understanding of the term “heterosexuality”. And in this context, heterosexuality is interpreted as a specific phenomenon of human sexuality, in which the components included in it can be identified. These are heterosexual orientation, heterosexual identity and heterosexual behavior.

Heterosexual orientation is the sexual, erotic, emotional attraction of an individual to an individual of the opposite sex. A person's heterosexual orientation presupposes that he - this person - is more or less constant in his sexual attraction to the opposite sex. That even if he had, say, homosexual contacts, they were not of a regular nature, but remained only episodes in his sexual life. While heterosexual relationships prevail by a significant margin.

Heterosexual identity is understood as a person’s self-identification with persons of heterosexual orientation. If this is a man, then he considers himself to be a heterosexual man, that is, to those who are characterized by heterosexuality. If this is a woman, then she classifies herself as a heterosexual woman, who is characterized by heterosexuality.

Heterosexual behavior is sexual behavior that is inherent in a person with a heterosexual orientation. In a man, his heterosexuality, heterosexual orientation determines his attraction to sexual intercourse with women and the behavior corresponding to this. A woman’s heterosexuality is also manifested in behavior characteristic of a woman with a heterosexual orientation who is interested in intimate contacts with a man.

From the queries of Internet users on the topic of heterosexuality, it becomes clear that the audience is interested in what heterosexual means, the meaning of the word “heterosexual”.

The concept of “heterosexual”, the definition of this word stems from the interpretation of the term “heterosexual orientation”. A man who is a carrier of heterosexual orientation is called heterosexual. Sometimes in literature a heterosexual is called a heterosexual. And in Russian, another name has been invented for a heterosexual - straight.

A person's heterosexuality is manifested in his intimate life. In the sexual activity that this person accepts. In the forms and varieties of sexual practices he uses. Finally, heterosexuality also determines sexual experience this or that person.

Heterosexual experience for a man is the experience of sexual contact with a woman. And for a woman, heterosexual experience involves her having sexual intercourse with a man.

Heterosexuality is considered to be the dominant form of human sexuality. Some authors argue that it is heterosexuality - and only it - that is natural for humans, since the connection of opposite sexes, characteristic of heterosexuality, provides the main function of copulation - the function of reproduction. All other types and forms of sexuality are supposedly deviations from the norm.

But there are other points of view. According to some of them, heterosexuality is only one of three types of human sexuality. The other two accepted in modern sexology - homosexuality and bisexuality - also have the right to exist. Along with heterosexuality.

There are experts who do not limit the list to three types of sexuality. Noting that, for example, pansexuality is also known, they consider heterosexuality simply one of the manifestations of human sexuality.

Sex has always been and will always be the most important aspect in people's lives. That is why sexual orientation is of interest to both ordinary inhabitants of the planet and famous scientists. The latter spend enormous amounts of money (usually allocated by the state) to conduct important research. All scientists agree that the "roots" this issue are deep in physiology.

For what reason does a person choose a certain orientation? What exactly attracts a person to representatives of the other or their own gender? There is no clear answer to this question. And disputes on this topic do not fade away at all. Since ancient times, drawings have come down to us that depict people with different sexual inclinations. Kinsey and Freud had serious discussions about what influences the choice of orientation. Times change, and along with them, views change.

Issues of sexuality concern many specialists who conduct the most various studies on this topic. And heterosexuality is given Special attention. It's about about erotic attraction to members of the opposite sex. It would seem that this is quite normal phenomenon, because it is based on the natural need for procreation (this is, as a rule, what vaginal sex is aimed at). But not everyone knows that heterosexuality can go beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable, taking on a sophisticated forum of sexual activity.

Before you learn what heterosexuality is, you should look into the history of the word “hetero.” It came from Greece, previously “hetero” had the following meaning: “different” or “other.” In fact, this word is not a full-fledged one, it is rather a prefix with which you can form different interesting words: heterotrophs, heteroatoms, heterodiffusion, heteroallelism, etc. Of course, for many, the word presented has become independent in the meaning of “heterosexuality.” It is used independently only in colloquial speech.

So, heterosexuality is a type of sexual orientation in which a person (individual) experiences passion for members of the opposite sex. Interestingly, the concept of “heterosexuality” refers to the sexual, emotional, and romantic components of attraction.

To put it simply in simple words, it can be noted that heterosexuality refers to the relationship between a girl and a guy. It is worth noting that heterosexuality is the most common orientation on Earth. And since the majority are heterosexuals (heterosexuals, straights), the desires of bisexuals and homosexuals are perceived by many as deviations. This is why public protests occur so often.

Clashes against the background of worldviews can be very heated. And one can argue endlessly about what is normal and what is abnormal. Some specialists (in addition to 3 types of sexuality: homosexuality and bisexuality) also define a fourth type - pansexuality.

Sexuality in ancient times

As noted earlier, in ancient times the topic of sexual orientation was controversial and hot. Even in huge cities (Rome, Greece) there lived homosexuals, partial heterosexuals, and bisexuals. "Abnormal" orientation was observed among famous personalities, military, rich people, officials and nobles. Many of them had their own families and children. But this did not stop her from enjoying lovemaking with sexual partners of the same sex. What is especially surprising is that such a phenomenon did not cause such widespread dissonance as in our time. This once again highlights the fact that in ancient times passion and attraction were an entirely personal matter.

As for the military, it should be noted that homosexuality was no less respected there than heterosexuality. Due to the fact that there were no women on military campaigns, soldiers often felt passion for their brothers in arms. In addition, homosexuality flourished against the backdrop of the fact that the conquerors humiliated the men they captured right on the battlefield. Therefore, the soldiers treated such pranks adequately, as well as heterosexuality.

Heterosexuality in modern times

Heterosexuality manifests itself in a person’s sexual life and determines his sexual experience. For a man, heterosexual experience is the number of sexual contacts with women. And for a girl, such an experience involves intimate intercourse with men.

It is hardly possible to find a person who would have to explain what heterosexuality is. Nowadays, heterosexuals are the most common orientation. Their behavior is manifested in different forms: sex for friends, triads and others alternative views marriage, premarital sex, extramarital intercourse, sex between people who are not married. All this is within the bounds of acceptable morality.

But those who deviate from the “norm” may be punished. Perhaps you don’t know, but in some countries terrible things are possible. Physical punishment for the fact that a person experiences sexual attraction to members of the same sex. There are even countries where strict morality “reigns”; they provide for the death penalty for homosexuality. And despite this, many cannot help themselves.

Sexual orientation is an inexplicable and difficult to manage phenomenon. Even scientists engaged in numerous studies have not been able and cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question: what exactly can a person’s sexual orientation depend on. Some experts argue that it depends on conscious choice, others say that orientation is determined by genetics. Special role postnatal factors play a role in its formation psychological factors. In any case, sometimes you just have to come to terms with the current situation.

Heterosexuality and religion

If you are wondering how religion relates to similar phenomenon, it should be noted that in Catholicism, and in Islam, and in Orthodoxy, and even in Zoroastrianism, heterosexuality refers to the only sinless type of sexuality, which cannot be said about homosexuality (this is a great sin). As for Buddhism, in some movements (for example, “modernist”) homosexuality is permitted.