Erotic fantasies to write to a man. How to Write a Sexy Letter

To mom

Any man is pleased when he is loved, when he is admired, when he is taken care of. For a woman who gives him happiness, he will be ready to do anything. But it happens that everyday life and everyday life kill the romance between lovers. If you want to add tenderness and passion to your relationship, I suggest writing a letter to your loved one.

Remember how long it's been since you received postcards and letters? A man will definitely be happy with such a surprise and will appreciate your efforts. But so that he can once again be convinced of how unpredictable and amazing you can be, so that he can again see you as passionate and desired woman, we will write not just a letter, but an erotic message.

Of course, your loved one will be pleased to read an erotic letter when you are not around. He will think about you and want you even more. But you shouldn’t give up the idea of ​​surprising your loved one just because you live in the same apartment. Just ask him to check his mailbox after dinner if he doesn't do it himself.

The man will be surprised by the unexpected letter, will rejoice at the words written in it, and then, for sure, will not let you fall asleep soon.

What do you need for erotic writing?

You don't have to look for a holiday for a gift like a letter. Please your man just like that, without any reason. After all, you are also pleased when your loved one gives gifts not only on March 8th and birthday.

In order to please your husband with an erotic message, you don’t need much. First you need to find a pen and a piece of paper. It will be great if you find another envelope and a few stamps at home. If not ours, then buy them at a stationery store or post office.

Of course, you can write a letter not by hand, but type it on a computer. But, you must admit, your husband reads printed text every day in emails. But text written in your own hand will be much more pleasant to read, even if the handwriting is not at all legible. This will even add mystery and intrigue to the message.

Even the fact that a man knows your handwriting and can immediately guess it is very good. If he may not recognize you from your handwriting, then it is better to sign the letter. For intrigue, you don’t have to write the name on the envelope, but it is advisable to write it under the text itself. Otherwise, a man may begin to fantasize and think about who could write him a letter and represent something other than you. And this is not at all what we want.

In addition to the above stationery, you will also need about an hour of free time.

Do so that no one can interfere with you at this time. Turn off your phone and close the door. While you are writing a message for a man, focus only on him and your feelings. This will make the text more sincere and of higher quality.

The main condition when writing an erotic letter is to put a piece of your soul into it. Your letter to a dear man should be honest and frank. Write what you may have wanted to say for a long time or what you would never dare to say. Open yourself to your loved one from a new side.

So where do you start writing?

It is better to start a letter by addressing your loved one. Think about it: maybe you should start with the words “Dear Dmitry,” or maybe it would be better to write “Hello, my gopher.” It all depends on how you are used to communicating with a man. But it’s still better to give preference to a more serious option. You are writing adult letter with a very childish purpose. Try to do without “babies”, “cats” and “hamsters”. Make a man feel like a man.

What can you write in a frank letter to a man?

After greetings, letters used to contain news, weather or something interesting. So are you. Write to your beloved man that you recently were left without him a little longer than usual and realized how madly you missed him. And it doesn't matter what last days your maximum distance between each other was like from an apartment to a store around the corner. Write that you were the only one who was terribly cold and chilly. Write about how you wanted him to warm you, hug you and not let you freeze.

Write, for example, that you wanted to warm up and while you were looking for a blanket, you remembered what you did together on it last time. Maybe it will even be a story about how you put the kettle on for the same purpose, and the thought of sex in the kitchen came to your mind. Ask if he minds. Let this be a rhetorical question.

If your relationship has not yet reached sex, then remember another moment in life when your man could excite you, even if it was the touch of his hand or his good-night text. Well, if you can’t surprise your man with sex in the kitchen, then you can write that you warmed up without him in a hot bath. And you really missed him there. Such options spicy stories you can come up with countless numbers. I'm sure you can come up with a lot of similar options if you want.

The main thing in this part of the letter is to let your loved one know that you missed him, that you needed him. Thus, the man will delve into your letter with even greater interest and delight.

In the second part of the letter, they usually ask the addressee about his affairs, news and other aspects of life. You can also ask a man something.

Ask, for example, if he remembers that sex in the kitchen that you mentioned above. Ask if he would like to repeat it. Write down what you would like and don't forget to mention something specific and special, for example, the way he kissed your back or how dominant he acted and you felt completely defenseless.

If this is too much for you, write something more decent. Maybe it will be a story about how you like it when he kisses your hands. Ask him to repeat.

It is very important that you are able to hook his memory and make him feel the passion and excitement that he once felt with you.

Next, ask him in a letter whether he likes it when you, for example, take off his shirt or lick your lips. Don’t be afraid to go too far, your person will understand you correctly. You can ask if he wants you to moan loudly or bite his earlobe. Let your man’s imagination begin to draw pictures and images in his head.

Just don’t stretch the poem to 10 pages. Let it be just a page and a half essay about how you want it. Write in clear and accessible words.

How to end a letter?

When finishing the letter, write that you love him very much, write that you need him. After the man gets a little excited, remind him that you need him. This will be an incredibly nice line.

At the end erotic message write to your loved one “thank you” for having him. So reliable, dear and the best. If you are in a hurry to write up the entire page, do not rush, this is not the end.

There should be a line with your name here. Write something simple, like “Your Tanya.” Add “Kisses.”

And the most interesting thing is the “postscript” section. Remember that you recently bought new lingerie and ask your loved one to let you know if he wants to see it. Or that he has a “nice ass.” In short, this should be a line for which he will re-read the letter over and over again.

When you finish writing the letter, re-read it and put it in an envelope. For effect, you can sprinkle the leaf with your perfume or kiss it with painted lips.

All that remains is to sign the envelope, seal it, put a stamp on it, and send it. If you live together or nearby, put the letter in the mailbox yourself, so it will definitely not be lost.

This is all you need to please your loved one with an erotic message. After he reads it and appreciates it, bring the fantasy from the letter to life. He must know that you pleasant surprises ends even better.

A beautiful erotic letter to him - his beloved guy, man.

Mail of an erotic nature.

L darling, hello! I am writing to you because emotions overwhelm and overwhelm me.

Please read everything from beginning to end. This is important to me because you will read a lot of “greatness.”

When I first saw you, I started going crazy. From your appearance. You are so sexy... From the ends of your hair to your toes! Yes, there are no people like you... No, because…. I'll tell you now why.

I want to touch you, gently, gently, stroking every centimeter of your body. Touch with fingers, hands, tongue. Which one do you like best? I really love touching your baby. Do you remember which part of your body I call that and why? Not in order to humiliate your dignity, but in order to express my love and passion for you.

I remember how you undressed me, quietly, carefully, as if you were afraid of something. But I was afraid in vain. I'm yours! I'm completely yours! I'm so annoyed by the way you undress me... I'm ready to kiss your hands. Can. First – arms, then – neck, chest, tummy, and lower, lower, lower…. You love to kiss me in this order. I learned this from you. I also learned to search and find erogenous zones. Your whole body is covered with them! I'm proud of it, but surprised. I have never met anyone like you anywhere or ever. With what pleasure I enjoy you, dreaming of drinking you to the bottom, my angel...

Your divine body- my talisman. I love it when your body touches mine. I love it when your body touches mine. I love it when our bodies touch. The most beautiful moment... When you enter me, caressing me first, without ceasing…. You can do it! You can caress so sweetly that I could never say “no” to you. I am ready to give myself to you at any time (night and day). I remember how excited you get when I tell you “take me, my love...”. You're getting horny, and that's all I love to say. Talk and repeat…. Almost every second! I love it when you get turned on. I love feeling your baby swell…. I love holding it in my hands and playing with it with my manicured nails. I know how to do this without hurting you. You should have seen your eyes in these moments! In their brilliance there is a thrill of peace. I can read in your eyes that you want more and more, that you want all these games to never end. And I’m ready to continue them ad infinitum myself!

I get excited when I see that you enjoy being with me. It seems that at such a moment you are capable of anything for me. But I don't like to use you. All I need is your body. The whole body is yours! I can’t live without him anymore! You will say that I am the most vulgar vulgarity in the Universe, but I will not pay any attention to it. I will undress you again, abruptly throwing every attribute of clothing far outside our room. As long as you do the same with my clothes…. I will kiss you tirelessly. Kissing you is something magical. I'm sorry that sometimes I bite and you feel pain. I don't do this on purpose, honestly. My love just overwhelms me, I stop controlling myself completely. Why should I explain when you understand everything yourself. I'm sure you feel the same. But you don’t say it, but give it away with hugs….

I remember our first time. It had everything. First - the moon, champagne, stars, music, night. Then - confessions, the silkiness of the sheets, the fiery passions... Your moans, which burst out as if to freedom from the depths of your soul, suddenly... You yourself were scared then and didn’t expect it. I even felt ashamed, even though there was absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. You heard my moans too. They have always (were and are) real, and not some kind of arrogant, not artificial.

You love my moans so much! You compare them with romantic music. You do everything to make the moans flow like a river. Oh, how you can do it! I remember how you whispered my name. And I whispered yours in response, like the most dear words in the world. Then she whispered something like “more…. more…. more….". Yes, I don’t even remember if these were the words. The main thing is how we felt when our bodies and hearts flew away from the feelings. By the way, about flights of feelings... Do you know what I want when we meet again? I want you to enter me, and after sex, not try to get it out of me. I want to feel and sense you inside me. Strange desire some kind, right? And we, women, all have some oddities...

I also want us not to waste (waste) every minute of ours. I want, like then, in the hotel... Do you remember how we made love without stopping? We forgot about food, and time, and fatigue... We lived in each other! We just drank grapefruit juice during breaks and ran to the shower. After the shower - intimate again... So - for several days on end. If you told your friends, they would definitely be jealous! By the way, you asked if I’m satisfied with the size of your baby? He is better than I expected! And how much can he do... Amazing! The main thing is that he can do a lot without getting tired. Sexual giant! I hope you are not offended by my compliment? I have never given such a compliment to anyone! Your baby is the most tender. Because when it was our first time, I didn’t feel any pain during the first intimacy. Oh, how confusing the phrases are! These are all emotions, emotions...

I hope no one reads my letter except you? I don’t consider our telephone conversations that we “met” when you were on business trips to be vulgar. We missed each other so much! I wonder if the operators were listening to us? We should have heard enough of this! It all started, of course, with trivial questions... “What are you wearing now?”, “what panties are you wearing?”, “what color are your panties?” I liked it all so much... I just couldn’t sleep afterwards. I really wanted to feel you so much... I know that I won’t let you go anywhere else! I can’t live without your body, I already wrote this. Handsome you are my sexy... Please take care of yourself. And take care of your strength so that we can enjoy each other like this for a long time. I want you, I love you... Take me, dear! I'm already waiting for you... When you see me, you will understand what a gift you got! I kiss you in all your places!

E rhotic writing is a message, a mental touch of the body and soul to the desired and beloved erotic image of one’s chosen one.

Erotic Poems for a man, a guy.—, To the Beloved about Love frankly.

Tell him this. —, Phrases and words that excite men.

What else can you write to your loved one? —, Love letter.

Love disability. —, How to drive a man crazy with Love?

Another means of reviving sexual feelings is writing a sexy letter to your partner. As soon as you find that you get aroused when you are away from your partner, but when you get home the arousal disappears as if by hand, try to describe your sexual feelings at the moment when you experience them. As I said before, stress at home can easily overwhelm and weaken sexual feelings. Sexual feelings can live inside us, but they require a little help from the outside so that they can express themselves in the home environment.

When you feel aroused when you are apart from your partner, imagine a love scene with your partner, letting loose your feelings. sexual sensations. In a letter to your partner, outline what you want to do, then describe the love scene and your feelings as if it were really happening. Here is an example of a letter from a man to his wife.

"Expensive. How I miss you. I feel so excited, but I can't see you to touch you. How I love touching your beautiful naked body. His graceful curves, yours beautiful breasts give me pleasure and drive me crazy with desire. I love touching your hard nipples and sucking them.

At this moment I imagine how I hold you in my arms. I feel your warm soft body pressing against mine. I like to hold you tightly to me. I inhale your delicate aroma, and my love for you becomes stronger. I kiss yours gentle lips, and my whole body trembles. Gradually our kiss becomes more and more passionate, and you open your lips for me. My tongue enters your mouth and its wetness excites me even more.

I hold your head in my hands and stroke yours beautiful hair. I love running my fingers over your body, knowing how much it turns you on. I love light touch your fingers to my body. Just as you give me pleasure with every touch, I know that you also enjoy my caresses.

I like to take off your bra and feel the softness of your breasts and the hardness of your nipples. I know that you want me just as much as I want you. I submit my love to you. You are all I want. I am burning with the desire to connect with you, to merge with you, to enter your warm and wet womb.

As soon as my fingers touch your wet womb, my body is filled with even greater excitement. Slowly and rhythmically, I move my finger in a circle until it touches my clitoris. I speed up the pace, you start breathing heavily, I increase the speed and pressure.

I can feel that you, like me, want more. Everywhere I touch you, I hear your gentle sounds in response. My hard, excited penis, eager to enter you, finally got what it wanted. What heavenly bliss it is to enter your sacred chamber, what love fills my heart, what passion arises in me. I slowly begin to go deeper.

Time stopped. Finally we are one. I move forward and fill you, I hear your loud cry and feel you submit to my presence. I keep moving back and forth, back and forth, my cock getting harder and harder. Every movement inside you soothes the most tender strings of my soul. I feel like I'm about to explode, but my tension eases when I hear your delicious moans of pleasure.

Together we immerse ourselves in feelings of love, pleasure and ecstasy. All my love flows towards you when you reach orgasm. Your breathless moans of pleasure reach their peak, and a brilliant flash of pleasure explodes inside me as I reach release. And we plunge into rapturous unity, clinging to each other, our naked bodies intertwined, I find peace. My life is at peace and I feel so complete again. I thank God for you and for the special gift given to me from above - to love you and be loved by you.

Then we lie next to each other, I gently run my hand through your hair and look into your beautiful eyes. I say, “That was great,” and you smile tenderly at me. And again I remember how lucky I am.

I will always love you, (place your name)

Congratulations > Congratulations on mobile

Erotic funny SMS to mobile phone

If you want easy sex, then press 1, violent - 2, oral - 3, anal - 4, 69 position - 5, but if you want a full package of services, then... dial my number.

Listen, what's wrong with your phone? I call you, and they tell me: “The subscriber is in currently is having sex, wait your turn."

I want to caress you with my hands
And kiss your lips
And indulge in stormy caresses...
I want to give myself to you!

Because there's something between us
I want to tell you without pressure...
The sage said: "Love is a disease,
Which requires bed rest."

Hands caress my body
Tormenting trembling flesh,
So hot and so skillful
Crotch, chest, then belly!

Foreplay with almost orgasm
Come on, my love, come on,
It became humid in the cave of passion,
And don’t finish until the morning!

I would like to sleep with you.
Gently, gently hug
And bury your nose in your neck,
Dragging you into bed.

I would like to kiss
To put my lips on you and caress you,
And then hold you close
And stroke it in your sleep.

Tonight to catch up
University debt
My "leg" will wrinkle for a long time
Your "hypotenuse"!

Do you really want it?... I'm just burning... yes, of course... yes-ah-ah... more... mmmm... Super!!! We had some great SMS sex.

Love is electricity, which goes from head to toe. And it gets to the point where a son or daughter is born.

I'll tell you without false modesty -
We are very similar in charisma
Let's throw away conventions
And we will be friends with organisms!

As Jamshut correctly said:
“I don’t have enough sex”...
Your ass is just gutted
And now I'm dreaming about her...

The thirst for sex is not a vice,
All it takes is one call.
If you're interested,
SMS came instantly.

You look like you're from a magazine cover...
And let me especially note, beauty.
What cute legs you have...
What time do they open?

I really wanted water and asked for a sip and was given a glass. When I wanted a stem, they gave me a glass. I really want to give you a blowjob - they give you your number.

Virginity is a female defect, eliminated by male dignity.

I code from masturbation for one day! EXPENSIVE!!! Tanya.

What a juicy Diana
You caught me in a trap,
Tied tightly to the bed,
And she threw off her sundress.

Body pattern - like a guitar,
And the nerve is a stretched string,
You are burning in insane ecstasy,
I'm smoldering next to you!

Just for you, [name],
I want to confess.
What at random
I treat frigidity.

Darling, when you come home, don’t knock down our chandelier with your horns.

I love a donut, but I put on a bagel...

Love, like the arrows of Cupid, struck us down on the spot, terribly moaning and kicking, we climbed into the hayloft, and then it was very, very indecent...

You are my dear, there is no dearer to me!
But now another one says “hello” to me!
But the other one doesn’t let me in my ear!
Which one of you is dearer? Horseradish will sort you out!

Look to the left, look to the right, look around you to see if anyone is you!

Life is a game of golf, hole by hole...

Well, at least fear God a little!
Fourth hour: "A little more!"
And stop swearing,
I'm a person, not a vibrator!

What are they for? tender words? For lubrication!

Darling, yesterday, when you paid for me in a restaurant, you were counting on sex. Can I, by paying for you today, count on marriage?

He hits with his hoof, digs the ground,
Young sperm.

The eyes want the same thing as the hands: to undress you!

My baby is growing beyond his years
And already confuses adult ladies,
When you take it in your hands,
You won't find a more powerful club....

A tangle of hands, a tangle of bodies,
In the Kama Sutra drawings,
And I thought that I could do everything,
Now I get to the point!

The cave of passion beckons me,
My spear is flying at her,
Fills the entire cavity at once,
The larynx is ringing with screams!

I'm lying in handcuffs, naked,
I moan, I cry only because
Which is not chained by feet,
And I’ll hit you in the groin with my heel.

My beloved one, just one more time,
I want you passionately, furiously
I want the time of night not to end,
My friend, get up, otherwise I’ll scream!

Are you sour at work, dear?
Spare yourself, come with me!
My hugs will be sweet
On a smooth silk bed!
You don't want to say "No" -
I'll give you a blowjob!!!

This is the love bunny. If you don’t send it to another subscriber, he will fuck you to death.

I am very sorry that we rarely see each other.
But, forgetting about conscience, intelligence and honor,
I dream of you, my sweetie.
Unwrap and eat often!

Today they reported on the radio: they found the corpse of a man without brains and with a small penis... Call me back, I'm worried.

I suspect you've been around for a long time
My dear, you dream of bliss.
I know English bad,
But I speak the language perfectly...

Come to me, my love,
The sex will be unique.
Yes, the idea is good
I can’t live without my “baby”.

ABOUT, your beautiful tender body,
Firm ass, same breasts...
I'm so excited that my hands are sweating!
Damn, now I can’t zip up my fly...

I want to give myself completely with passion,
I’ve already put on my underwear - I’m waiting,
You play with me in the night and dominate me,
I'm going to bed as a slave!

My mind is inflamed,
And, not wanting to hide my feelings,
I will tell you quite definitely:
You and I have something to dance about!

So the sun shone.
The east is turning red...
Straight from under the blanket
A sprout is breaking through.
It's okay, it's okay -
The hidden is alive!
All that's missing is a garden bed
Hit him once or twice.

Throw flowers at you
Tire you with poetry
Without hinting at anything,
Invite for a cup of tea
Treat yourself to a vanilla cupcake,
And then get busy...

I'm shaking in bed with you,
And I’m occupied with one thought,
So that together we reach the goal,
- More, more, my dear!

All! Since you left me, I’m going to a monastery, I can’t live like this anymore!.. To a men’s monastery.

I love and adore
I almost give birth in your bed,
If you love me,
I promise I will shave my legs more often!

My beloved, wait for me, and I will trustingly put my legs on your shoulders...

I want you, but what can I do, I can’t forget you, send an SMS, tell me that you love, that you are waiting.

Who has ever been in the arms of passion,
Loved, caressed furiously,
And the softness of the lips and the tenderness of the skin,
I felt the charms of the beauties...

And like lightning someone entered the bosom,
Who kissed soft breasts,
He wants it again, again,
May he fly away to heaven!

The philosopher must always take a position from above.

If mermaids have no legs, but only a solid tail, then how do they reproduce?

First I you, then you me, and then the two of us...

Erotic, exotic, I will bewitch you, you will be with me, my beloved and dear!

I'll grab you by the legs and drag you into the bushes; you can't love a beauty queen on the road.

A man has two heads: with one he thinks, the other on his shoulders.

Frequent breathing - soon removal...

This program will automatically enlarge your penis! Launch... 6, 5, 4... Beep! 3, 2, 1... Sorry, member not found!

The gymnast sat on the splits, stretching out her pleasure.

When will I see Marinka?
My heart is beating against my fly!

- Why are girls so funny?
- Because they are modest and, unlike guys, they are embarrassed to scratch where it tickles.

Have you ever wondered why, as a child, boys lick their lips and girls suck their fingers?!

A quick guide to sex: "Insert. Pull out. Repeat if necessary."

You are on the waves of aquaperina,
You lie like a languid mermaid,
I am a powerful tide upon you,
You're already trembling in the arms of passion!

With a wonderful cue
I'll pocket the winning ball,
I won't be cruel to you
And I’ll repeat the blow for an encore!

I'm approaching you lying there,
I'm all in belts and a whip in my hand,
Cry, daring one, make sobs,
And in torment, tremble sweetly!

And the velvet of skin under your hand,
And your bust worries me,
The cave of passion moans sweetly,
Calling me to a passionate fight!

"Congratulations! Your profile has been successfully posted on the website! You will definitely find your gay soul mate! You won't have long to wait, little naughty girl!"
Administration of

Your finger rushes there in an impulse... you always do it with love and, smoothly entering, you remember me, in a passionate impulse... you pick your nose!

I'll come to you at night and crawl under the covers. I will find your sweetest spot and suck it for a long time. Your nasty mosquito.

My mischievous tongue wants to play with you. He wants to enter your mouth and turn it on a little.

I undress you with a timid hand,
I wish I could see the body I want as soon as possible.
You are the most beautiful, the only one in the world,
My favorite jacket potatoes.

What beautiful eyes, what passionate lips!!! Which beautiful gait, and this body... this ass... mm-mm-mm-mm-mm! Okay, enough about me, how are you doing?

I want to come to you
Well, right after lunch,
You undress, lie down and wait,
So let's start the conversation!

I want you! I want to turn your head, drag you into bed and make you feel hot and moan for a whole week! Your flu.

I'm waiting, but you still don't come.
I'm waiting, you're driving me crazy.
Arms, legs, body go numb.
I wanted to ENTER you so much!
But ahead is only the door of dreams.
Oh elevator, when will you arrive?

I look at you often, you are beloved and beautiful, I can’t live without you, I want to look at you. You attract my attention, my favorite monitor.

Close your eyes and imagine how, far from everything, we listen to the singing of birds, the sound of the river, the sun bakes our naked bodies... and we dig POTATOES.

We were so tired... we were puffing so much... we were both drenched in sweat, our bodies were sticky... when we carried the old sofa to the basement.

Where are you this night? Where are you when I need you? Where are you, I want to feel you, your gentle touch on my naked body? Where are you, my damn pajamas?!

I want to lie on you all night, warm you and hug you tenderly. May you feel cozy and hot with me, my blanket!

It's so slippery when you squeeze it, pink like my body, so soft in my hand! No, it's not what you think! This FA soap stays with me in the shower!

He came to me one night, had my body, licked, sucked, drilled and made me feel him, and when he was satisfied, he simply disappeared... the impudent mosquito!

We sat talking... And I was already imagining how he would start kissing me, undressing me... But he only drank tea and didn’t leave until he had eaten the whole cake!

You're like a delicious peach. I always stick out from you and, lifting off the ground, I want you like a popsicle... I want you like Coca-Cola, I always have fun with you!!!

If you want what I want, call me.

I love to hug you, kiss you and lick you, because I have nothing else to do when I freeze my tongue to the post.

They stuck something into me... It hurts... AAA... This is my first time... Come on... Finally they pulled it out... I'm covered in blood... God, it hurts! . Pull out the tooth!

Your shape is perfect, your skin is soft, and your smell drives me crazy.
One touch turns you on, my beloved... Ferrari F50!

One, two, three, four, lie down on the floor, legs wider... don’t think anything bad, you need to do sports.

Everyone has children: butterflies have children, fish, birds and even dogs. Only the pencil has no children, because it has a rubber band at the end!

Congratulations, you have won a prize! Starting tonight, you will be entertained for free by the authors of the Blue Evenings tariff! Good evening to you!

Darling, be careful
Do yourself a favor and go broke
For me a pack of pills,
If you don't want kids.

[Female name]!
I just adore you, love you, adore your tomatoes!

I'm in awe of you, Nadya,
- I'm glad, but I'm not Nadya!
- So, broom, you were silent,
When they took off your panties!

Two friends took a swim
In the Pripyat river,
Before that they got drunk
Mursula in the village.

Their wives kicked them out
The very next day,
Immediately their limbs fell,
This is such crap!

You won’t understand, Ensky limiters,
Your body is so good at being friends,
But suddenly we’ll meet some villagers,
I don’t dare offer my hand!

Doesn't go out, doesn't drink,
What exactly is going on?
And she still laughs
I'm glad I didn't give it at night!

In bed for the first time with a girl,
I don’t understand what to do with her!
I'm shaking like a leaf, here I am with fear,
I'll probably take it and run away!

Itchy my shoulder
Rip my vest,
Give it a kick so it's hot
Revelry, cutie!

So I asked - well, give it, honey,
And she’s still rude,
My shirt is already covered in sweat,
Butterflies dance in the eyes!

I'll probably get angry
I'll tear it all into rags,
This is what cholera is waiting for!
Certainly not a sweetheart!

I met a girl on the street.
Blonde, slightly plump lips
She decorated the bench with herself
In a short, tight skirt.

She smiled at me with her eyes.
I invited you to a barbecue.
Then I wanted affection.
I took off my skirt and there was a man there.

I’ll tell you, I won’t keep silent, I always want this. I want it at least in the field, at least on the road, I want it at least in the tundra, at least in a den. I want it everywhere and wherever I have to. Let the sun shine, let the rain pour. I want it when I go to bed, and in the morning before I get up. On the nightstand and on the sofa, squatting and upside down, on land, in the air, in the water. I want to go to Moscow and Vologda. Both in the cold and in summer heat. I always want to... chat with you!!!

I've already started talking to the chair, flirting with the TV, eating breakfast with the toaster... call before I enter into serious relationship with a vacuum cleaner!

Every day you put it in your mouth,
Drive gently back and forth
And my mouth burns in orgasm,
White liquid flows.
Really cool find
That's yours Toothbrush? :))

Take off my dress, take off my bra, take off my panties... And never wear my clothes again!

If you become a bird, fly!
If you become a fish, swim!
If you become a cat, come running!
If you become cancer - call!!!

I want you again and again... As I imagine that I light you up and you and I merge into one... I get high... I will never... I will never quit... SMOKING!!!

Do you want to cuddle with the body? Feel the hot breath on your face? Sweating from exhaustion? In, out, moving back and forth? What's the matter, get on the bus at rush hour!

Change position. Spread your legs. Stand up. Pull it out. To the left. To the right. Higher. Below. Fine. Do not rush. Well, I ruined everything again! I'm also a man - you can't adjust the antenna!

You stroke me and caress me
All intimate parts you know mine
You hug me erotically
You give me pleasure.
I'm drowning in your foam,
I call you a washcloth.

You have eyes like a cat; figure like a cat; you are as gentle as a cat and your name is even like a cat - Masha!

I wanted to send you something beautiful, tender, erotic, smart and funny, but I don’t fit on the screen.

I squeeze it in my hands, it gets hard, I want to move up and down, I see how good it feels, he squirts white liquid. And how cool it is to milk a cow!

Take it in your hands
Touch your lips
He's hard as a rock
Taste it and press your bare cheek,
My favorite glass of Coca-Cola!

Today I will come to you and strip naked
And I will spend the night with you in bliss until the morning. It's so good to be with you,
My favorite bed.

You are so cool, gentle, warm, you are always there when I need you, you always warm me with your warmth. I love you so much, my soul!

I see you from afar, I see you up close. Watching you naked while you lie here. I see you in my dreams every night. I hug you tenderly. Oh my pillow, how I adore you!

First I took off her skirt, then I pulled down her blouse, unclasped her bra and I slowly fell at her feet and then took off her panties. Now there is a bare clothesline in front of me.

Night and silence comes, and where is your hand now? What are the thoughts in your head, what do you want in the dark? Don't hold it so tightly, it's your phone, baby!!!

I feel bad without you, I’m burning and I’m on fire, I only dream about you. I want you, I want to drink and quench the thirst of the body. Come to me, because I'm on the edge. You are my favorite juice in a glass.

I want to lie on you all night, warm you and hug you tenderly. May you feel comfortable and hot with me. My favorite blanket!

Spring is coming.
Birds do it
Bees do it
And even butterflies do this.

Night fell, silence.
And where is your hand now?
And what are the thoughts in your head?
What do you want in the dark?
Don't hold him so tight
After all, this is your PHONE, Baby!

I’ll come running to you at midnight and crawl under the covers. I’ll find your most delicious spot and start sucking it for a long time.
Your little mosquito!

Night. Street. Flashlight. Pharmacy. I buy Vaseline. There are two more people with me. One is Armenian, the other is Georgian.

Katyusha bought Tampax at the pharmacy.
Placed it where it needed to be.
You pulled the string, simpleton.
T-ra-ba-h-ta-ra-ra-h... oh... FLAPPER!!!

We read together: “Roproka la bouvet talana lampra tampre”, now you can sleep peacefully, you have just managed to activate an ancient permanent spell against sexual intercourse, and, by the way, the second part of the spell has not yet been found, it is lost, so good night!

A man is like a helicopter: he accelerates quickly and flies, he flies... And a girl is like an airplane: she accelerates slowly and then takes off... But she can take on more people.

You are my most beloved friend,
Oh how hot, beautiful and elastic you are!
We will do THIS together -
There is a delicious sausage in dough!

Number three breasts, steep hips,
Feet and ears are on par
You can't see your eyes behind the black mascara,
A miracle is coming my way...

Hold your wallets, men,
They are emptying before our eyes,
The reason is rubbing in the crotch,
Just a python, neither give nor take!

Chickens were racing along the road,
A colorful rooster was chasing
- And then they cackle, the fools,
That I can’t trample everyone!

In the dark I hugged Marukha,
I dented all the places on it,
I'm tired, whispering in my ear...
Crap! He grabbed the wrong one by the tit!

A gypsy woman went on a spree with a guy,
Gave him all the heat of love,
And swaddled her with spells,
On the other hand, he wants it - his penis is bleeding!

I love your hills and valleys
I will decorate them with sweet cream,
Then I’ll arrange the intoxicating cherries,
I'll lick it all - my sweetie!

And then I'll lay out the beef stroganoff,
I’ll water them with nice mustard,
The umbilical cord will be like a salt shaker for me,
I can’t imagine anything more erotic!

We need to make it progressive
In my personal life, a turn,
New - in bed with a sweetheart,
He doesn't expect this!

I'll tie you up with belts
I'll teach you a little lesson with a whip,
He will give me an orgasm,
He will do as I want!

The best words and phrases that will help you turn on a man from a distance.

Most women believe that only the man should take the initiative in a relationship, which is why most often they behave like snow queens, trying not to show his real emotions. In fact, any man will be pleased if his beloved flirts with him.

Moreover, a woman who knows how to seduce becomes many times more desirable to a representative of the stronger sex. In view of this, if you want to surprise your soulmate, then try to turn on and seduce her from a distance, for example, through telephone correspondence.

Sample of Internet correspondence, examples of SMS exciting guys and men

SMS correspondence

As practice shows, a huge number of women seducing their loved one via SMS for the first time make the same mistake. As a rule, they immediately begin to bombard him with vulgar phrases, thinking that this will turn him on. Undoubtedly, there is a category of guys who will definitely like this behavior. But still, most of the stronger sex like to be intrigued.

Therefore, it will be better if you start your correspondence with an unobtrusive declaration of love or tell him that you had an erotic dream that you would like to bring to life. If you see that a man is interested in what you wrote to him, you can safely move on to more intimate messages, and, if desired, support them with relevant photographs.

SMS exciting guys and men:

  • I think about you all day! I want you to be next to me right now, touch me and kiss me tenderly.
  • I miss you so much that I think I can smell you in the apartment.
  • Darling, it’s only morning, and I’m already looking forward to the evening... I hope you can relax me the same way you did yesterday?
  • I’m getting ready to go to bed and don’t know whether to take off your favorite stockings or leave them on. Maybe you can come and help me do this?
  • I'm trying to sleep, but I can't. As soon as I close my eyes, I see your beautiful and muscular body and all sorts of vulgarities immediately appear in my head.

A list of pleasant words and phrases that turn on and excite men

Scroll nice words and phrases that turn on

I would like to say right away that there are no template phrases that will help you seduce a man. Since representatives of the stronger sex, just like women, have different temperaments, one can be turned on by affectionate nickname, which only you know, and another must read frivolous phrases with erotic overtones.

In view of this, before sending an SMS to your chosen one, you should definitely think about whether he will like it. If your significant other is very calm and shy, then it will be better if you start to turn him on with relaxing romantic phrases, for example, write to him that only he makes you laugh and rejoice. If your guy is one of those who loves directness, then feel free to start the correspondence with memories of the previous night together.

A list of pleasant words and phrases that will help you find your loved one:

  • You were so sexy this morning that I've been thinking about you all day.
  • I remember our morning sex, and my skin breaks out in goosebumps. Maybe we can do it again tonight?
  • I dream of caressing your body again and enjoying the beating of your heart.
  • If you want to see the most beautiful and mesmerizing striptease, then come tonight
  • Tonight I need a handsome and sexy man to help me relax... I hope you are not busy?
  • I want to give you a night that you will never forget... I’m waiting for you today at eight
  • Honey, can we take a shower together tonight? Just you and me, and, of course, without clothes
  • I want to handcuff you to the bed and do everything I’ve been dreaming about for a long time.

Exciting SMS for a guy or a man when he is at work

Exciting SMS for a guy

If you plan to write a couple of exciting SMS to your lover while he is at work, then be prepared for the fact that he will not be able to answer you very quickly. Therefore, if you see that there is no answer after 5 or 10 minutes, then you should not start writing the next one. Be patient and wait until he can give you an answer.

In case you start in unilaterally bombard him with erotic phrases, then your persistence may not give the result that you wanted. As practice shows, in order for a man to get excited and think about his partner all day long, he needs to constantly feel her desire. This means that you will have to play erotic verbal ping-pong the entire time he is at work.

Exciting SMS for a guy:

  • I want to see your naked body on my bed again
  • Dear, should you warm up dinner or bed in the evening?
  • I really want to know if I can count on us getting a little naughty tonight
  • Darling, get ready, an unforgettable experience awaits you tonight. Erotic massage with a pleasant continuation
  • Darling, close your eyes and imagine me in your favorite red lingerie. In the evening I will meet you only in it...
  • If you think about me then come and do everything you dream of
  • How about tonight? Wine, candles and unforgettable sex guaranteed

Affectionate words for SMS that excite men with your own words

Kind words for SMS

There is an opinion among women that men do not like sweet words and only vulgar phrases are acceptable for them. In fact, men also love when they are called affectionately, it just needs to be done not in public, but, for example, in personal correspondence. Correct words will help you relax your significant other and contribute to the fact that your closest the night will pass unforgettably.

Therefore, do not be shy and give your loved one a couple of compliments that will definitely melt his heart. But remember, too sweet speeches or poems in this case are still unacceptable. Therefore, telling him that he is divinely beautiful, like a rosebud, is still not worth it. It will be better if you tell your loved one words that will definitely raise his self-esteem.


  • Darling, you are so sweet everywhere!
  • Darling, I feel so good with you that sometimes it seems that you are unreal
  • I love you so much that I can't wait for you to ring my doorbell.
  • My only one, no one has ever given me as much pleasure as you
  • Every minute spent with you makes me very happy
  • I love it when you kiss and hug me... And your hands caressing my body make me lose my mind
  • When you leave the bed of our love, I feel very sad
  • I want you so much that I think I'll go crazy
  • Darling, how would you like to continue in the evening what we started in the morning?
  • How I want your lips to caress my body right now

Intimate stimulating SMS and phrases for correspondence with a guy, a man

Intimate stimulating SMS

As you probably already understood, SMS correspondence can be a wonderful prelude to a stormy night. But still, when deciding on this method of arousing your chosen one, you must remember that the phone cannot convey your emotions. In view of this, it will be better if you try to do this using punctuation marks and emoticons. For example, you can write, darling, I want you very much, and instead of a period, put an emoticon in the form of beautiful scarlet lips at the end of the sentence.

In general, do not spare emoticons, put them in the middle of a sentence or after every word. As practice shows, the less formally a proposal is written, the more emotions it evokes in the person who reads it. Remember, intimate SMS does not have to be vulgar. In order to excite a man, it is not necessary to write to him all the time about his manhood. You can tell him how beautiful, gentle and sexy he is.

An example of intimate stimulating SMS:

  • If you liked last night, then I'm ready to repeat it today
  • My beloved fireman, today I want you to put out the fire that is raging inside me.
  • Maybe you will come to me tonight and I will tell you about all my erotic fantasies
  • I dream of how tonight you will lift me again to the very pinnacle of bliss
  • Honey, maybe we can go to bed this weekend?
  • In half an hour I will take off all my underwear... Be careful not to be late, otherwise you will be left without sweets
  • My body yearns for your hugs and kisses...

An example of a beautiful erotic letter to excite a man, a guy from a distance

An example of beautiful erotic writing

If you want to really surprise your soulmate, then write her a short erotic letter. Usually men react very violently to such messages and literally immediately after receiving them enter into a very warm and intimate correspondence with the person who sent them.

But still remember that you are not writing a completely standard letter, so in this case you can move away from the welcome introductions and immediately start writing about your desires.


Honey, you have no idea how much I miss you! Every evening, going to bed without you, I remember our hot nights, and my body begins to ache with desire. I'm counting down the minutes until we can spend our days and nights together again. Just imagine how good it will be to fall asleep and wake up together, and love each other until exhaustion. I can already imagine you walking through the door, picking me up and carrying me into our bedroom, while covering my face and neck with kisses.

Oh God, you can’t even imagine how much I want to quickly feel how your Strong arms pressing my body to themselves. Beloved, how I want to feel your smell, hear your voice... You may think that I have gone crazy, but in fact I am an ordinary woman who wants her beloved person to fill her body with his body and love again. Come soon, my dear, and you will know how much I miss you!

Sexy SMS, phrases to excite a guy, a man

Sexual SMS

If you decide to surprise your loved one with sexy phrases, then don’t be shy and try to beautifully tell him about your feelings and sensations while having sex with him. Believe me, if you do this correctly, the man will have a desire to give you even more pleasure. But don’t overdo it, if you see that a man responds quite calmly to your frank messages, then try to use less frivolous phrases.

It is likely that he is uncomfortable this moment conduct frank correspondence or he is simply busy with work. If you want your SMS of a sexual nature to become a prelude to the evening, then wait until the guy makes contact and only after that start telling him about your secret desires.


  • I want to feel the heaviness of your body and the tenderness of your hands...
  • As soon as you return home, we will immediately have rough sex in the hallway
  • Just the thought of feeling you inside my body tonight is driving me crazy.
  • I lie there and remember how your tongue wandered along my thighs
  • I've already been waiting for you, my sweet candy. How I love the taste of your body
  • I want to touch your tight ass with my hands right now
  • I bought sheer underwear and I want you to help me take it off

What should I write or say to a guy, a man, my husband at night, to wish him good night, to turn him on, to excite him from a distance?

Good Night Wishes to Turn Him On from a Distance

If you want your loved one to burn with desire for you even at night, then instead of a banal wish for good night, write him a couple of intriguing phrases. But remember, such an SMS should be short. In this case, it is unacceptable to write long messages with a bunch of questions and clarifications.

Men don't really like to read long messages, especially before bed. Therefore, if you start wishing good night, as they say, from afar, then it is likely that your loved one will not read the message to the end and, as a result, will not understand what you wanted to tell him. Therefore, whenever possible, limit yourself to short sentences that accurately express your feelings.


  • Good night to you, my beloved and desired one, I fall asleep with the thought that soon you will hug me in our bed.
  • Sweet dreams! I hope you will dream of our passionate nights, full of bliss and love.
  • Rest my tiger, because when you return home I will not let you sleep for a whole week.
  • I mentally cuddle up to your naked body and even feel your warmth... Good night Darling.
  • My dear, I cover your entire body with kisses, without missing a single millimeter. Fall asleep my beloved with thoughts of me.

How to excite a guy by talking on the phone or Skype: an example of a conversation

It's much easier to excite a guy over the phone than via SMS. Since in this case you have the opportunity to show emotions more clearly, you can achieve desired result you can do it much faster. Just to make your conversation meaningful required action Try not to talk to your loved one for a couple of days beforehand.

Since he misses you, he will perceive everything you say much more acutely. And remember, an exciting conversation should be as intelligible as possible, which means that in this case it is absolutely forbidden to post information very quickly, clumping up the endings of words. It will be better if you pronounce phrases in a languid voice, sometimes allowing yourself a little playfulness.

Phrases that will help excite your loved one:

  • I was looking at our joint photos and I was so excited that all my thoughts were only about sex with you
  • As soon as you're in my arms, I'll kiss you until you're exhausted.
  • Let's stay in bed for ages
  • I love looking at your body when you walk around naked
  • I want you to take off my clothes right now and take me to bed

Poems that excite men

Poems that excite men

Poem for a loved one

If you want to tickle your soulmate's nerves more seriously, then send her erotic poems. If you have the skills, you can try to put them together yourself and try to use them to show how desirable your chosen one is to you. If you are not good with rhyme, then choose one of the poems that we have selected for you.

Yes, and if you send a poem via SMS, then be sure to add emotions to it with emoticons. Well, if you have the opportunity to say the cherished words over the phone, then remember when reading an erotic poem, laughter and embarrassment are inappropriate. Pronounce all words as correctly as possible, trying to convey your feelings with intonation.

What should you not write to a guy or a man?

Words that are inappropriate in SMS correspondence

If you want your man’s feelings for you to grow stronger every day, then try not to turn SMS flirting into something ordinary. This means that such correspondence should not contain even the slightest hint of a showdown. In addition, such correspondence cannot contain any caustic jokes related to appearance.

Believe me, even if you are in a comic form If you start discussing, for example, your significant other’s belly, she will not react very well to this. In view of this, if you want to make some kind of joke at the address of your chosen one, then do it in person so that you have the opportunity to tactilely show him that you like him.

Another taboo in this case is SMS, which will cause jealousy. If you try to tell a guy in this way that you like someone, then with a high probability you can say that he will become very angry.

Video: How to make a man think about you?