How to use the eyelash curler. How to curl eyelashes with curlers and choose the right curler


Old good way- This is curling eyelashes with a spoon. The method is, of course, simple and correct use Eyelashes can be given any shape, unlike curlers.

Long, thick and curled eyelashes are the dream of every woman. They offer us huge selection mascara, from the simplest in form to complex inventions that not only lengthen but also make them thicker, curled, attractive, waterproof, etc.
Frequently purchased mascara does not always please us with its results, and it is especially offensive when women buy it in expensive boutiques for decent money.
Many professional makeup artists recommend their clients to combine mascara that perfectly lengthens eyelashes with mechanical curling. Using this method you will be able to truly beautiful eyelashes which at the same time keep their shape for a long time.

So let's figure out how to curl eyelashes correctly and with the help of what devices?

The most accessible and the easy way is well known to many eyelash curler. The shape of this device is very similar to scissors, only at the end of the tweezers there is not a blade, but two concave plates between which the eyelashes are placed and clamped.

note that they must be used correctly, otherwise you may damage your eyelashes. To do this, choose high-quality tweezers that have a rubber plate and open easily.

Holding the curling iron vertically, place the eyelash between the plates with the handle down, press them lightly and then return them to their original position.

Some women heat the tongs in hot water before curling begins. Keep them in water, then wipe them dry to remove the water so that the mascara does not smudge. The result of this method makes the eyelashes more beautiful.

The second way is using a spoon. Let's look at how to curl your eyelashes with a spoon? This method is more complicated, but it is safer than using forceps.
To do this, you will need a teaspoon, which you need to hold with the handle facing up, with the convex side facing out.
Actually, to be honest, any spoon won't do. You need one with fairly thin edges:

Let's compare:

The thick edge of a spoon will not cope with the task, so if you decide to use this method, approach the issue of choosing a tool responsibly!

After this, we proceed to curling, the process will take no more than 15 seconds, and the result will last all day.

You need to hold the spoon like this: with your thumb, pinch the space between the handle and the spoon, and with your index finger on the outer convex side.

We will curl the upper eyelashes, so thumb with the same hand we trample them from below in this way:

And then, with the edge of a spoon (the scoop itself), run along the eyelashes from above, from roots to tips, with light pressure, but without fanaticism:

Make it look like you're running a scissor blade across long stripe paper to twist it into a spiral - you probably know how to do this. And don't be afraid, it just sounds scary. Varya from “Children of the Arbat” actually did it with a knife, but here it’s just a spoon!

Each eye will require several movements - along the entire growth line. Here's what happens:

The bend is smooth and natural.
With two to three layers of mascara, the curl stays tight all day until you wash your face ()

The spoon can also be heated to obtain best result. This method takes longer than curling, but when curling with a spoon, you can give your eyelashes any shape.

After curling your eyelashes using one device or another, you need to secure the shape so that they do not soon return to their original place.

The videos presented to your attention show how this is done in practice.

Important: right hand curl the eyelashes of your left eye. And vice versa. Use your left hand to curl your eyelashes on your right eye. This is what the author of the first video says.

Well, in this video, an Asian girl actually works wonders with a teaspoon:

Experiment, try new methods and always be attractive.

We watch, learn... and apply as necessary!

When communicating, people usually look into each other's eyes. Therefore, many girls try in every possible way to highlight, often using a lot of cosmetics for this.

But what should those who love natural beauty, but does not have beautiful curled eyelashes, without which the eyes do not attract attention at all? The answer is simple - curl your eyelashes at home.

What to use?

How to make eyelashes curl? How can you curl your eyelashes at home? At home, you can use a device such as an eyelash curler specially designed for curling eyelashes. If there are none, you can find them at your nearest cosmetic store.

Those who love natural curled eyelashes should definitely purchase this tool because it's inexpensive and will soon prove irreplaceable.

Plus, you won’t have to worry about searching other devices. But it happens when they become necessary: ​​the tongs break, the store is closed, etc.

Then an ordinary spoon, mascara or Toothbrush. If you don’t have any of these items, you can use your own hands, which can also play role of the twisting tool.

With tweezers

How to curl eyelashes correctly with curling iron? Some people have never used tongs in their life, so they may not be aware of their appearance. They look like scissors with two concave blades at the end instead of cutting blades.

Between them there is a layer of soft material so that you cannot accidentally burn or injure your eyelashes.

To curl your eyelashes with a curling iron, you need:

If there is no hot water, you can replace it hairdryer. To do this, the tongs are first applied to the desired location, fixed, and then a stream of warm air from a hair dryer is directed at them. This way they will heat up during the curling process and will not be able to cool down, unlike the option with water.

If you only have tweezers at hand, the water and electricity have been turned off, and in a few minutes you need to go to work, then you can have time to curl your eyelashes without heating. To do this, you need to use tongs as usual, without heating them.

The eyelashes will not curl as much as you would like, but the effect will still be visible.

But it happens when the tongs are missing, broken or lost. And there is a way out of this situation.

Important tip from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Mascara and cotton swab

If you don’t have tongs at home, mascara will come to the rescue. It’s better to buy one with a curling effect in advance, but a regular one will do. You will also need a cotton swab.

To curl your eyelashes without tweezers, you need:

  • take mascara, paint eyelashes in one layer from roots to ends and fix, keeping the ends curled with it;
  • at the same time attach a cotton swab to the roots of the eyelashes, lifting them;
  • wait a few seconds;
  • paint over the eyelashes again, stopping at the ends;
  • wait, applying a cotton swab to the roots.

You can repeat the process until the eyelashes become desired shape. If you don’t have a cotton swab, you can hold them at the roots with your finger.

Another option with mascara is to use it more intensely, holding the ends in a curled position.

If eyelashes painted with mascara seem unnatural, too catchy, then regular eyelashes are suitable for curling instead. spoon.


You need to take a spoon tea room, not flat, but well curved. To curl eyelashes with a spoon you need:

You can perm in three stages: roots, middle, ends. Curling with a spoon takes longer, but is a great help in some circumstances.

There are other methods of curling.

other methods

A tool that can replace mascara and a spoon is Toothbrush. It is also heated in hot water, the moisture is removed with a towel and the eyelashes are painted over, imagining that they are working with mascara. You can hold it at the ends for a few seconds with each twist. If necessary, the brush is heated again and the procedure is repeated.

If you don’t have any of the above at home, you can curl your eyelashes with your fingers.

They are also heated in water, blotted and, giving the eyelashes the required form, hold for a few seconds. After this, heat again, etc., until desired result.

In case you have time and money, it is better to buy good remedy for curling. It is preferable because it gives a long-lasting effect - up to three months in one application. Typically, such products are presented with a roller on which to curl the eyelashes.

They also come with special solutions that fix and curl the eyelashes.

It will not be difficult to do this at home, since the kit always includes instructions, where all stages are described in detail.

Of course, all methods work in their own way, but will the eyelashes really be kept in one position by simple heat?

Yes, it is, although to get more long lasting effect You can use a homemade fixative.

Recording the result

What product can I use to fix curled eyelashes? Perfect for fixing aloe juice. This plant is indispensable not only in folk medicine, but also in cosmetology.

It will fix the eyelashes and will have a beneficial effect on them due to its beneficial properties.

In order to fix eyelashes with aloe juice, need to:

  • curl them in any of the presented ways;
  • take a few drops of aloe juice and apply to eyelashes with a brush;
  • let dry and repeat the process if necessary.

In the case of aloe, its juice can give shape to eyelashes and without preheating. To do this, apply the juice to your fingers or a clean mascara brush, and then apply it to your eyelashes with your fingers or a brush.

After fixing them in a twisted position, you need to wait until the juice will dry out and repeat if necessary.

All the methods seem not so complicated, but before using them, you need to familiarize yourself with the safety precautions.

Regarding tongs, it is better to buy them at a cosmetic store and check their integrity. All items must fit tightly together, do not shake or fall out. You need to check how the layer between the arcs adheres to them. It should be well attached and not unglued anywhere. The material should be soft, but quite dense.

Both the tongs and the spoon should not be heated too much. This can only damage the eyelashes, which will become brittle and begin to fall out. You need to use tools carefully, without accidentally getting into your eye, so as not to burn it.

You need to apply them slightly backing from the beginning of the eyelashes at the roots, not at the eyelid itself. Also Do not perm eyelashes that are painted on– this will only ruin your makeup and can make your eyelashes brittle.

Remedy for perm you need to buy from trusted cosmetics stores. It is advisable to talk to a consultant before this, who will tell you about the composition of the product.

Not worth trusting dubious products at low prices with instructions not in Russian, they still contain components that can harm the eyes.

If the question arises about the dangers of such curling methods, then the answer is simple.

The procedure is practically harmless unless the eyelashes prove otherwise.

In the case when, after curling, the eyelashes begin to fall out, thin out and deteriorate, the procedures should be stopped.

This means that the instruments were either too hot, or of poor quality, or the skin of the eyelids is very sensitive, etc. There are many more reasons, but most of them come down to violation of curling technique.

Moreover, when sensitive skin You can use special tongs that do not involve heating.

There are many ways to curl eyelashes at home, but each of them should be used with caution, following all recommendations. Then the eyelashes will acquire the desired shape, which can be maintained by curling them regularly.

How to curl your eyelashes at home using forceps, you can learn from this video:

If during the process of care your eyelashes have become long, but you want to make your eyes even more emphasized and expressive, it will be useful to know that how to curl eyelashes at home.

How to curl eyelashes with a curler?

Special eyelash curlers were invented in the 50s of the last century, but few people still know how to use them correctly. We will introduce you to existing rules curling eyelashes with curling iron at home:

  • The curling iron can only be used on undyed eyelashes. Mascara “cements” the eyelashes, making the curling process risky, because the structure of the eyelashes may be damaged, and they will break and fall out;
  • Before curling, soak the curling iron in hot water. The metal will heat up, which will provide best effect. You can also direct a stream of hot air onto the curling iron during the curling process;
  • Curling should be carried out in three stages: in the first - pinch the eyelashes at the very base, in the second - in the middle, in the third - at the tips.

When choosing tongs, pay attention to the manufacturer's brand. Cheap curlers, which can be purchased at every stall, will harm the eyelashes and will not create any positive effect.

For this method There is one significant drawback - moisture. In damp and humid weather, the effect may last only a few minutes.

How to curl eyelashes with mascara?

It would seem that everything is very simple - you just need to apply mascara to your eyes. However, this procedure also has little secrets that will be useful to know:

  • Choose a mascara with a curling brush that has a noticeable curve;
  • When applying mascara, twist the brush upwards. You can squint your eye so that the curl is as large as possible;
  • Apply several layers of mascara.

Eyelash perm at home

Thanks to modern cosmetics, eyelash perm can be done at home. An eyelash curler kit is relatively inexpensive and includes everything necessary funds for care and curling. It is also important that the effect will last for a very long time - up to two months, which means that you will have curled eyelashes every day without much difficulty.

Using a special roller, you can curl your eyelashes yourself and treat them with two chemical compounds. The first is necessary to create a curl, and the second is for its secure fixation. The procedure will be completed by applying the nutritional composition.

  • If you decide to do this procedure, remember that after it the eyelashes become discolored, losing their original appearance. Chemistry is also not safe because it destroys the structure of the eyelashes, and the newly growing eyelashes look careless and require correction.

How to curl your eyelashes at home is up to you to decide. If you want to reduce risks to zero, pick them up in the store good mascara. If you are interested in maintaining the effect for a long time, then you cannot do without a perm.

The content of the article:

Every woman strives to look well-groomed and beautiful, so you always need to be aware of the latest innovations in the fashion industry. Today, beauty salons offer a wide range of various cosmetic procedures to improve the natural condition of the skin of the face, lips, hair, and of course, eyelashes. IN Lately The most popular procedure is eyelash perm. It is thanks to this procedure that you can quickly and completely painlessly get lush, beautiful and curled eyelashes.

Eyelash perm is ideal for getting well-groomed and gorgeous eyelashes, besides, the resulting effect will remain for quite some time. long period time. At the same time, there is no need to constantly resort to permanent curling and the use of curling irons.

One of the advantages of this procedure is that it can be carried out not only in a beauty salon, but also independently at home. To do this, it is enough to know all the intricacies and features of eyelash perm, as well as purchase a special cosmetic set.

Eyelash perm price

Eyelash perm - simple and safe way add zest and piquancy to your look. To carry out this procedure, use various means. Popular cosmetic products from such manufacturers - YRE, Lady Victory, Kodi, Comair, Meisheng. The cost of the service, as a rule, does not depend on the curling mixture used.

Usually the price is higher if the procedure is performed by a highly qualified experienced master. The level of the beauty salon also influences pricing.

In Russia, eyelash perm can be done for a price ranging from 1000 to 2500 rubles. In Moscow, the cost of this service is usually higher than in the regions.

Eyelash perm is also done in Ukraine. Here the procedure costs between 200-700 hryvnia. In Kyiv, cosmetic services are usually more expensive, including eyelash curling.

Many salons have promotional offers and, along with perm, they offer keratinization, lamination, eyelash coloring and other services, which together are cheaper.

What is eyelash perm?

Every girl dreams of having lush and beautiful eyelashes, but nature has not blessed everyone with such a gift. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex resort to a variety of salon procedures. The most popular is eyelash perm, after which the eyelashes become longer, more beautiful and thicker, acquiring additional volume.

Eyelash perm is a salon cosmetic procedure during which special compounds are used to give the hairs thickness, volume and a slight bend.

This procedure is completely safe and allows you to quickly correct the natural shape of your eyelashes, restoring them beautiful and well-groomed appearance. During the procedure, special compounds are used that are ideal not only for long but also short eyelashes. A perm can also be done when eyelashes grow unevenly or look unattractive. It is worth remembering that after this procedure the shape of the eyes visually changes slightly. To make your look brighter and more expressive or to remove drooping eyelids, it is recommended to curl your eyelashes at 45 degrees.

Types of eyelash perm

According to the principle of action, eyelash perm is reminiscent of a simple hair perm or bioperm that is familiar to many. These procedures differ only in the tools and compositions used.

In a beauty salon, eyelash perm is performed in several ways, which are selected by the artist, taking into account the condition of the eyelashes and the result that should be obtained:

  1. Basal- This method is recommended for use by owners of long eyelashes. In this case, special curlers or a roller are located as close as possible to the eyelash edge. This procedure allows you to get voluminous eyelashes with an elegant and smooth curve.
  2. Combined- this option combines both root and perm eyelash perm. This method makes it possible to lift the eyelashes at the very base and curl them at the tips. The result is very impressive, and the eyes become more expressive. This method is most popular among the fairer sex, and it is recommended to be used by girls with wide-set and narrow eyes.
  3. "On a curl"- when using this method, a special roller is placed at the very tips of the eyelashes. The result is a beautiful curve and maximally open eyelashes.

The specific choice of curling method directly depends on the length and condition of the eyelashes. Before the procedure, the cosmetologist can give some recommendations.

Advantages of eyelash perm

Like any other modern cosmetic procedure, eyelash perm has not only positive, but also negative sides.

The advantages of the procedure include:

  1. Eyelash perm allows you to get a beautiful curl of your eyelashes, the degree of which you can control yourself. For this purpose they are used various techniques curling, allowing you to get a deep, medium or slightly noticeable curl of the eyelashes.
  2. This procedure is completely safe, so there is no negative action on the eyelashes, and they will not break or fall out. These are the problems that women who use curling irons often face.
  3. Cosmetologists often recommend doing this procedure before eyelash extensions. Thanks to this, you can get beautiful and lush eyelashes.
  4. After perming, it is not necessary to use mascara, because the eyelashes will already have a beautiful and slight curve that does not need additional emphasis.
  5. One of the advantages of the procedure is that eyelashes of any length can be curled. The effect is most pronounced on long eyelashes.
  6. The result will last quite a long time for a long time. Eyelashes retain their attractive appearance for 2–3 months, and sometimes longer. This depends not only on the speed of eyelash growth and their length, but also on the correct care for them.

Disadvantages of eyelash perm

This procedure is completely safe, but it has several disadvantages:
  1. This method of eyelash curling is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to individual components included in the preparations used during the procedure.
  2. This method is not suitable for those with sensitive eyes, since even the slightest contact of the product with the mucous membrane can provoke a severe allergic reaction.
  3. If the technician is not experienced, there is a risk of getting it in the eyes. chemical agent, which causes a feeling of itching and burning.
  4. After the procedure, eyelashes may discolor by several tones. In this case, you can tint your eyelashes a couple of days after curling.
Many girls don't know whether this procedure safe for eye and eyelash health. During perm of eyelashes, a gentle and soft composition is used, which does not cause strong impact by a hair's breadth. That is why you should not be afraid that after the procedure your eyelashes will begin to break or fall out.

The cosmetologist must coat the eyelashes with a special composition that prevents eyelash fragility. Therefore, a perm will not only help make eyelashes beautiful, but also have a healing effect.

Do not worry that during the procedure the special composition will get into your eyes, since it is applied only in the central part of the eyelashes and does not affect the base of the hairs. It is also allowed to wear contact lenses, take a bath, visit the pool or sauna, use cosmetics. The shape of the eyelashes will not change, and they will maintain a beautiful curve.

In order for the procedure to be completely safe, you need to be very careful in choosing not only the artist, but also the products that will be used to perm your eyelashes. The beauty and duration of the result depends on the professionalism of the master. It is worth choosing only those salons where they require an allergy test.

How is eyelash perm performed in a beauty salon?

Eyelash perm can be done both in a salon and at home. But for the first time, it is best to use the services of a professional technician who will help you choose the right medications:
  1. First, you must consult a cosmetologist, and at this stage an allergy test is carried out using a special composition.
  2. Then the specialist selects the tools that will be needed during the procedure.
  3. When perming eyelashes, the choice of curlers is important, which are divided into several groups, taking into account their diameter.
  4. Then the cosmetologist applies a special composition to the central part of the eyelashes to promote their curling. As a rule, such products contain thioglycolic acid, monoethanolamine, propinglecol, etc.
  5. A clean cotton swab is placed on the lower eyelid to protect the eyes from contact with the reagent.
  6. Next, the fixing composition is applied, because it determines how long the result will be. As a rule, the composition of this product includes atolein, glycerol monostearate, sodium bromate, glycerol, sodium phosphate, hydroxyethylcellulose, methylisothiazolinone, sodium carbonate. It is these substances that ensure the fixation of eyelashes in a certain position and consolidate the result for several months.
  7. During perm, another product is used - a neutralizer, which has a soft effect on the eyelashes. In this case, each hair receives good nutrition and their accelerated recovery occurs.
  8. At the end of the procedure, the master must treat the eyelashes with a special cleaner. It is this product that removes residues from the surface of hairs. chemical composition.

Features of eyelash perm at home?

This procedure can be carried out independently at home, just select quality set for perming eyelashes and adhere to the following recommendations:
  1. First remove makeup using cosmetic milk, then the eyelashes are wiped with a non-greasy tonic.
  2. Eyelashes must be blotted with a dry cloth to remove any remaining toner.
  3. A thin strip of glue is carefully applied at the root of the eyelashes and left for 30 seconds, after which a roller is applied and fixed. It is important to bend the roller into a U shape.
  4. Then glue is applied again on top of the roller and left for 30 seconds until it sets.
  5. Next, onto the roller, curl the eyelashes one at a time using a wooden stick.
  6. It is important to carefully check that all eyelashes are curled onto the roller.
  7. Apply to lower eyelashes a small amount of Vaseline, and they are covered with a cotton pad, but you can also use a special silicone pad. It is important to ensure that the lower eyelashes do not stick to the roller.
  8. Then cotton swab The main curling composition is applied to the eyelashes directly in the area of ​​fixation with a roller.
  9. You need to wait the time specified in the instructions - usually about 10–15 minutes.
  10. After the specified time, a fixing composition is applied, which will secure the eyelashes in the desired position.
  11. The remaining composition is carefully removed.
  12. A special neutralizer is applied and left for about 10 minutes. It is this composition that restores and strengthens eyelashes.
  13. The remains of the neutralizer and glue are removed with a special compound, then the roller is carefully removed.
  14. The eyelashes are dried and the perm procedure is completed.

How to care for eyelashes after curling?

Eyelash perm is one of the most comfortable and simple procedures, since after its completion practically no special care. During the first 24 hours after visiting the salon, it is not recommended to wet your eyes with water or use decorative cosmetics. After 24 hours, you can not only do your makeup in peace, but also wash your face, visit the solarium, pool or sauna.

The resulting effect will last no more than three months, after which the eyelashes simply fall off, and new ones appear in their place. But don’t worry that all your eyelashes will fall out at the same time, as this process happens gradually.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is worth remembering that in each case an individual reaction may occur, so even an experienced technician will not be able to say exactly how the eyelashes will behave after a perm. You need to treat them with care and try not to rub them with your hands. Useful to use periodically Castor oil- the oil is heated in a water bath, in which it is wetted cotton pad and applied to the eyelashes for 2 hours.

Real reviews about eyelash perm procedure

Eyelash perm is popular among women. It helps eliminate the need to apply every morning. decorative cosmetics. Reviews about the service can be found on the Internet.

Valeria, 27 years old

I’ve been reading about eyelash perm for a long time, but for a long time I didn’t dare to manipulate my eyes. Before the vacation, I finally decided. My eyelashes are long, but have insufficient curl. And on vacation I didn’t want to bother with constant use of mascara. The curling procedure is quite fast - about 45 minutes. First, a roller was glued onto the eyelids, eyelashes were glued onto it and smeared with some substance. Removing the roller was unpleasant, but tolerable. The effect was noticeable immediately, but I also additionally colored my eyelashes with permanent dye. After this, the result was absolutely stunning - I couldn’t look at myself enough in the mirror. Very beautiful curve and thickness of eyelashes. I believe that the most important thing in this matter is the firm hand of the master, so it is better not to save money and not to do it with hacks. My curling effect lasted for three months. I will do more!

Tatyana, 30 years old

I learned about the eyelash perm procedure from the Internet and was immediately hooked - I love experimenting with my appearance. Moreover, my eyelashes are soft and long, but not very curled, they grow as if downward. In addition, they are light, so you have to constantly paint them. On the day of the curl, I also dyed them black. The curl itself lasted about an hour. I was asked to choose a curve that suited me - gentle or sharp. I opted for a strong bend to make the effect more noticeable. Also, during the perm, the hairdresser warned me about elementary rules care for eyelashes after the procedure - do not sleep “on the pillow”, do not touch them with your hands without reason and do not get them wet for 24 hours. I was very pleased with the result. My eyelashes curved, my look completely changed, it became sexy and seductive. Since then I have been a fan of this procedure and do it regularly.

Nadezhda, 34 years old

My eyelashes are long and lush, but lack curl. In addition, the hairs are unruly and do not curl well with curling irons. So I decided to take a risk and get my eyelashes permed. I went to nice salon, the master had good reviews. The whole procedure lasted about an hour. During this time, the master applied the composition to the eyelashes four times! She said that I have hard hairs and need to soften them this way. During the procedure, I began to feel a burning sensation on one eyelid. In response to my remark, the master said that this was normal. After finishing all the manipulations, I really had beautiful curled eyelashes. I was pleasantly surprised. But the joy was short-lived. After drying, the eyelashes curled into spirals. The eyelid, which burned during the procedure, became swollen, and a trace of chemical burn. In general, just terrible! The master began to redo everything, again glued the roller, eyelashes... She conjured them for about 10 minutes. As a result, the eyelashes no longer curled into spirals, but simply began to stick out upward from the growth line. The burn disappeared from the eyelid in about 10 days. The eyelashes that stick out like a poker took 2 months to grow. I will never do this procedure again. I don’t rule out that I just came across a crooked master, but the desire to experiment with eyelashes has disappeared forever!

Photos before and after eyelash curling

For more information about the eyelash perm procedure, watch the following video:

Text: Irina Sergeeva

Some women are lucky and their eyelashes are naturally beautiful, charming and attract the gaze of men. But others are less fortunate, and the question arises of how to curl eyelashes. There are many options to choose from!

How to curl eyelashes: curling and curling

How to curl eyelashes? There are several ways! Some are suitable for everyone, some are not. So, you can curl your eyelashes:

  • using mascara;

  • using forceps;

  • using perm;

  • using heat treatment.

Mascara should not be discounted. This is the easiest way to curl eyelashes. The main thing is to be able to apply mascara correctly, in several layers, curling the eyelashes upward with a brush. Today this is the most popular method of curling eyelashes.

Tongs - great choice, you just need to choose them wisely, don’t buy too cheap ones, from a trustworthy store. Otherwise, you can simply injure your eyelashes. The advantages of eyelash curlers are significant - they are very convenient, mobile, quick way curling and, moreover, the most gentle way to curl eyelashes.

However, there are also disadvantages. First of all, they are not for daily use, because curling your eyelashes with eyelash curlers every day can injure them. Over time they will become thin and brittle. Secondly, excessively humid, damp weather will quickly return curled eyelashes to their original appearance.

As in the case of hair, you can rely on eyelash perm. How does this happen? The eyelashes are rolled onto a special roller (its thickness depends on the length of your eyelashes - the shorter they are, the thinner the roller), then they are treated twice with special compounds (the first creates a curl, the second fixes it). The last stage: applying a nourishing composition to the eyelashes. Duration of the procedure: 40-50 minutes.

However, it is worth remembering that after a perm the eyelashes become lighter, there is a risk of the chemical composition getting into the eyes. After the perm, a couple more procedures should be carried out to restore the eyelashes, after certain period against the background of processed chemicals new, straight eyelashes begin to grow, which looks a little untidy. Correction will help improve the situation.

The essence of thermal curling is simple - eyelashes are treated with a special device for a few seconds. Under influence safe temperatures the eyelashes change their shape and begin to curl. There is only one drawback - the eyelashes do not hold the curl for as long as we would like.

How to curl eyelashes: home methods

Don't have the courage to be aggressive? It's worth paying attention to... the spoon. First, apply a little talcum powder or baby powder to your eyelashes to prevent them from sticking together. Then apply mascara. Take a clean spoon, heat it in warm water and wipe dry with a towel. Touch the spoon - it should not burn (it is better to place it on your cheek - the sensitivity threshold of the skin of the face is much lower than that of the hands). Holding your eyelashes at one corner of your eye between the pad of your thumb and the edge of the spoon, slowly curl your eyelashes from root to tip for about 10 seconds. Repeat until the eyelashes have the desired curl. Be careful: you should only move thumb- it turns, but the spoon remains motionless relative to the finger, otherwise you can break or even tear out several eyelashes.

Easier than curling with a spoon, curling... with your fingers. First, apply a coat of mascara. When applying color to your lashes, slowly rotate the brush to lift them. Now apply a second coat of mascara. Before it dries, warm your fingers by rubbing them together. Then lift your eyelashes with your fingertips, curling them upward. Repeat until you achieve the desired result. If necessary, warm your fingers several times. Instead of rubbing them against each other, you can warm them up with warm water or hairdryer.