How and with what to remove black hair color at home and in the salon. How to remove hair dye at home without harming your health


The desire to look stylish, to change familiar image leads to many women experimenting with hair coloring. And if it’s easy to get rid of makeup, then with colored curls things are more complicated.

Of course, it is possible to dye your hair a different color, but this is far from a harmless process, frequent staining weaken the strands, giving them an unhealthy and unattractive appearance.

How to remove paint at home: natural methods

Have you dyed your hair but were disappointed with the result? You can get rid of coloring pigments and return your curls to their natural color. For this procedure, you can use special chemical substances, professional products developed by cosmetic companies or use traditional medicine recipes.

Oil masks

Various oils and natural fats have long been used to restore hair color after dyeing.

You will need: sunflower, burdock or – 250 ml; solid fat – 30 g.

  1. Pour oil into a saucepan, put a piece of solid fat in it. This could be butter, lard or quality margarine.
  2. Heat over low heat. It is necessary to stir so that the solid ingredient dissolves faster and the mixture acquires a homogeneous structure.
  3. Distribute the oil mask evenly over the strands, carefully wrap with polymer film, then with a towel or scarf. Keep the product for two hours.
  4. It is advisable to leave the mixture for as long as possible greater effect. The procedure can be done before bed and leave the mask on all night.
  5. Wash your hair well. For this you will need a quality product.

Olive oil can be used to restore color without additional additives.

Oil masks are very useful, they nourish, soften, and protect both the scalp and hair.


Kefir and yogurt work the same as industrial acid agents for washing. Lactic acid successfully destroys dye components.

You will need: curdled milk / kefir – liter.

Fermented milk products must be fresh and high in fat.

  1. Stir and apply to hair. Wrap in plastic and a towel. Keep the mask on for one to two hours. .
  2. such a mask is no more than one tone. This procedure is repeated several times with an interval of 2-3 days.

To enhance the effect, you can add 1/2 cup of oil (sunflower or olive) or two tablespoons baking soda.

Baking soda

Another natural remedy To remove dye - regular soda.

You will need: soda - about a glass.

Dilute the soda warm water to a mushy consistency.

Distribute the finished pulp on your hair. To do this, you can use hair dye brushes.

Wrap up your head. Leave for about forty minutes (but no more than an hour). Rinse your hair well under warm running water to remove the baking soda. Wash with nutritious.

Important: baking soda intensely dries out the skin and hair; this method should not be used on split ends, thin, weakened strands or if you are prone to dandruff.


An easy, affordable and quite effective method.

You will need: Soap (laundry or tar).

Wet the hair, lather thoroughly, after half an hour soap suds wash off.

It is advisable to use a balm or nourishing application with a moisturizing effect after washing.

This method is not suitable for dry and weak hair.


An excellent product for dry, brittle, weakened hair, which will not only restore color, but also improve the health of the scalp and strands.

You will need: m food (preferably liquid).

The honey mask is applied to freshly washed hair, which must be rinsed with warm water and soda (1-2 teaspoons per liter).

Distribute honey evenly over damp hair. There is no need to wrap it up, just tie a cotton scarf. Leave for 8-10 hours (can be overnight).

Honey acts very gently and gives the strands a delicate golden hue.


Juice – excellent natural remedy to lighten strands.

You will need: lemon juice(freshly squeezed) – ½ cup; water – 1 liter.

Mix the ingredients. You should rinse your hair with lemon water after washing your hair. The color changes slightly, but regular rinsing will restore the natural shade.


The recipe of this popular culinary masterpiece contains vegetable oil(sunflower or olive), yolks, acids. This useful set of products is an excellent complex for nourishing hair and restoring it. natural color.

If it was in the refrigerator, then before using it as a hair mask, its temperature should be brought closer to room temperature.

The mayonnaise mask is generously applied to the strands. Wash off after three hours. This procedure will not only help get rid of the dye, but will give the strands silkiness and shine.

How to wash off black color

Often there is a need to change the color of curls that are dyed deep black. Paint more light shades they won't give it desired result on black hair. In this case, they often resort to preliminary bleaching, but this procedure harms the hair, making it lifeless.

You will need: hydroperite (3%), brightening powder (“Supra”, “Blondoran”).

  1. Mix powder and hydrogen peroxide (1:1).
  2. Apply the mixture to the strands and wrap them in foil. Keep the mixture for 45 minutes.
  3. Wash your hair soft nourishing shampoo. The procedure will most likely have to be repeated 2-3 times to achieve the desired effect.

Professional washes are also a lot of stress for the hair, especially considering that you can’t wash off the black color in one go.

Therefore, before painting, it is better to remove the dark pigment using the most gentle natural methods. For example, use a mixture of soda and salt.

You will need (for medium length strands):

  • soda 150 g;
  • salt (“Extra”) – 1 teaspoon;
  • water (warm) – 250 ml.

Mix all components, thoroughly soak the strands with the solution using a cotton swab. Wrap your head in cellophane film for 60 minutes. Rinse with running water and treat with conditioner to soften hair.

On long strands You will have to double the amount of each ingredient.

Professional cosmetics for dye removal

The procedure for washing off coloring pigments with industrial products is stressful for the hair, since they are made on the basis of chemicals.

Professionals offer two ways to rid them of paint:

  • paint removal - pickling;
  • bleaching.

Now many presenters cosmetic companies offer various means for removing hair dye. When choosing a remover, you should give preference to leading brands that provide minimal trauma and preserve their natural color, for example, Hair Light Remake Color corrector.

Errors in home cosmetology problems are inevitable and most often arise during experiments with hair. Women are fickle natures - they are constantly looking for new image, try to express their inner self by coloring their hair, which ends either bad color curls, or dull/lifeless strands. There is a need to correct the mistake: return the color to the hair, strengthen its roots, restore the shine and thickness of the strands. This can be done in a hairdresser with the help of professionals (effective, aggressive and expensive) or at home (not very effective, but absolutely harmless and inexpensive).

Removing unwanted hair color at the hairdresser

Eliminating unwanted hair color in a hairdresser is called decapitation by professionals. To carry out this procedure, a special solution is applied to the hair, then it is washed off with water. After a certain period of time, you can correct the color of unsuccessfully dyed hair by 3-5 tones. Naturally, pickling is carried out using aggressive chemicals - they penetrate deeply into the hair structure, disrupt its integrity and negatively affect health. Therefore, after decapitation, professionals always conduct sessions for restoring and strengthening curls for their clients.

There are several types of pickling in the “arsenal” of hairdressers:

  • surface (acid): carried out using solutions that do not contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, it is possible to change the color by 2-3 tones;
  • deep (bleaching): hair is lightened by 4-5 tones, used only in exceptional cases– for example, if you need to get rid of black dye on your hair quickly and reliably;
  • homemade (natural): absolutely safe rinse, has a weak effect, changes color by only 1 tone, but takes excellent care of hair.

Masters in hairdressing salons usually suggest that their clients first use surface pickling, which is more gentle. If the desired result is not observed, then you can proceed to deep pickling. If there is no trust in aggressive, chemical pickling agents, then you can use conventional products to eliminate unsuccessful staining results.

How to remove paint at home

It won’t be easy to remove hair dye at home, but regular procedures will be absolutely safe for hair health.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Finding a recipe. It must be selected taking into account the type and color of curls. There are products that do a good job of removing black dye from hair, but there are also those that are effective only for fair-haired women.
  2. Preparing the remedy. This must be done in strict accordance with the instructions, since even a slight deviation can provoke an unexpected reaction from the hair. If the recipe specifies water, then tap water will absolutely not work; you will have to use either mineral water without gas or filtered water. If the mask contains vegetable oil, then the best choice would be burdock, olive or castor oil.
  3. We carry out the procedure. The product must be applied to dry and dirty head. It is strictly not recommended to touch the scalp when applying the mask, much less rub it into the roots of the hair. We cover the top of the head with polyethylene and wrap it in a towel; the procedure takes 60 minutes.
  4. Final Steps. The product applied to the hair is washed off with warm water and shampoo, the procedure lasts until clear water flows from the head. Then you need to dry your hair naturally (without a hair dryer!).

Note: desired effect You won’t be able to get immediate results from a homemade wash, so you will definitely need to carry out repeated procedures. It is recommended to carry out this “event” of removing dye from hair 1-2 times a week. The duration of such procedures is not limited. After the final wash off of the dye, you cannot dye your hair again for 3-4 days.

Yes, the pickling process requires some knowledge and a lot of patience, but if you have confidence in own strength, then all that remains is to choose the appropriate recipe.

How to get your hair color back: homemade recipes

Not all substances are capable of penetrating deep into the hair and breaking down foreign pigments. That is why the list of products that are useful for removing hair dye is quite limited.

Homemade kefir

Let’s immediately make a reservation that ready-made store-bought kefir is not suitable for pickling, so you will need to prepare it yourself. It can be safely replaced with curdled milk - the milk is placed in a warm place and fermented (becomes sour).

Kefir is applied to the hair without any additives and perfectly removes light and red hair dyes.

Homemade kefir and chicken eggs

Only homemade kefir is also suitable for this recipe. To prepare this mask, you need to take 100 ml of homemade kefir or yogurt, add to fermented milk product two raw chicken eggs, 50 ml of vodka, a tablespoon of lemon juice and two tablespoons of shampoo for oily hair. Mix everything thoroughly.

This recipe is not suitable for hair dyed dark colors, but it will quickly get rid of red and light shades.

Laundry soap

It is enough to wash your hair with simple laundry soap. Just don’t need to lather your hair for an hour; leaving the resulting foam for 5-7 minutes will be enough. Then the hair is thoroughly rinsed with warm water.

Women who have dry hair should not use this method. laundry soap It is very drying and can lead to severe thinning of the hair shafts.

Note:After washing off the paint with laundry soap, you must use a special conditioner or conditioner.

Baking soda

You need to take 5 tablespoons of regular baking soda, dilute in a liter warm water until completely dissolved. Ready product Apply to hair and leave for 20 minutes.

Picking procedures using baking soda are strictly prohibited for women whose scalp has damage (wounds, scratches). The product in question has a somewhat aggressive effect on curls, so those with dry hair need to test the already prepared wash on the skin behind the ear, or moisten one strand and see the result. In case of even greater drying (the skin will immediately begin to peel off, and the strand will hang lifeless after drying), a baking soda solution should absolutely not be used as a paint remover.

Vegetable oil

To remove hair dye, the best choice is burdock, castor or olive vegetable oils. But you shouldn’t mix them together; it’s better to use one or the other. Immediately before use, the selected vegetable oil must be heated in a water bath.

Procedures involving the application of the listed types of oils to the hair not only allow you to get rid of the unwanted shade of curls, but also make them thick, shiny and voluminous.


Can only be used classic type of this product, without added lemon juice, quail eggs And olive oil. It's simple: mayonnaise is applied to the entire length of the hair, then the head is covered with polyethylene and a towel, after an hour the curls are rinsed with warm water and shampoo.

This wash is suitable for absolutely all hair types. If a woman has dry strands, they will become more moist, and if the work is disrupted sebaceous glands on the scalp will relieve hair from oily shine.


The simplest and the right way wash off paint s is to use a wash. It is sold in almost any perfume or cosmetic store, and can also be purchased for beauty or. It is best to use a trusted brand to avoid getting into trouble. Cheap ones are of questionable quality and are unlikely to allow you to achieve the desired result. During use, strictly follow the instructions in order to cause as little harm as possible to your hair am.

If you hair If you have a dark color and want to wash them off, then all you have to do is use a special lightening remover. Remember that it is almost impossible to achieve the desired result the first time. You can lighten the black color by 3-4 tones, which is unlikely to suit you. Therefore, the procedure should be repeated. Observe the frequency, do not use the wash more than once a week.

When washed with hair You may also find improvised means useful. For example, laundry soap. With its help you can lighten your hair s by 1-2 tones. Laundry soap is very easy to use. Just apply it to your hair s, forming soap foam. After this, leave it on for a few minutes and rinse off. The result will be noticeable from the first time. Soap is very drying hair s and scalp, so after each procedure apply nourishing mask on hair s. Rinsing hair in water with the addition of lemon juice or chamomile will gradually rinse off paint, and hair s shiny and silky.


Washing procedure by professional means in hairdressing salons it is called decapitation. To carry it out, a bleaching, acidic or natural remover is used. At the same time, neither manufacturers of removers nor professional specialists give a 100% guarantee that they will completely remove dye from hair.

Helpful advice

When removing dye from hair with bleaching agents, its structure is greatly deteriorated and appearance, sometimes even the ends fall off, so after applying such radical “rescue” measures, it is imperative to engage in comprehensive treatment and strengthening of the hair with nourishing and restorative masks, serums and balms. How to quickly remove hair dye at home.


  • how to quickly remove hair dye

In my desire to change my image and transform myself, girls sometimes don’t know how to stop. For example, an unwise choice of tone for hair coloring can lead to the coloring result being completely different from what was intended. In this case, you can try washing the dye off your hair.


One way to remove hair dye is with heat. You will need any cosmetic oil- peach, burdock, grape seed, apricot or almond. Lubricate your hair generously with warm oil from roots to ends, wrap it in a bag and tie it terry towel. You can keep this mask for up to 2 hours, from time to time heating the towel on the radiator and tying it around your head again. The oil, penetrating the hair structure, frees it from the chemical dye pigment. If you do oil wraps 1-2 times a week, the dye will gradually wash out of the hair. Oil masks are useful for dry and damaged hair, they moisturize and nourish them.

The second way to remove dye from hair is by washing with laundry soap. Right after unsuccessful coloring Hair should be washed 3-4 times with laundry soap: generously soaping and massaging for 2-3 minutes. Then wash off hot water. After several such procedures, the color should become less intense. Laundry soap dries your hair, so at the end of the procedure you need to generously apply conditioner to all your hair, leave it for 3-4 minutes and rinse.

A kefir mask can make the color a little lighter. Apply kefir to dry hair along the entire length and leave for one hour, wrapping your head in plastic wrap. After this, rinse your hair with water. To get rid of an unwanted shade, you need to do this procedure 1-2 times a week. Kefir mask especially suitable for oily hair, as it normalizes hair production sebum.

Most effective method removing dye from hair - using a chemical acid remover. This is the remedy different manufacturers sold in specialized stores for hairdressers. The wash effectively removes even black color from hair, while it does not bleach the hair - its own color pigment is not destroyed. But if the technology of applying the remover to the hair is incorrect, the color may become the same the next day. Therefore this difficult step by step procedure, which should end with hair dyeing, is best done by an experienced specialist who has everything at hand necessary medications for better color removal.

Modern young ladies, running after fashion and beauty, are not afraid of even the most daring experiments, including with hair. But the result does not always correspond to what they expected to see. But if you can give a bag or dress to a friend, then what to do with the unfortunate shade of the strands? Removing hair dye at home will quickly solve this problem.

Masks that remove ammonia paint

Many girls who have changed their hair color not very successfully will immediately rush to the salon. In this case, they will have to part with a considerable amount, and the paint removal itself does not take place without the participation of aggressive chemicals. As you can see, it’s not very pleasant. We offer absolutely new approach– wash off the paint using homemade masks. Here are the best recipes.

Washing paint with kefir

  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Kefir – 1 l.

How to cook:

  1. Pour kefir into a container.
  2. Add vegetable oil and salt.
  3. We soak dry hair with this mask.
  4. Wrap your head in a bag.
  5. After an hour, wash off the kefir with warm water. If desired, repeat the session again.

Mayonnaise wash

  • Mayonnaise – 200 ml;
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. spoons.

How to cook:

  1. Mix mayonnaise with vegetable oil.
  2. Distribute the mask evenly throughout the hair.
  3. Wrap your head in a plastic cap.
  4. Wash off after 3 hours.

Oils for removing bad colors

Removing hair dye at home using various vegetable oils can significantly improve an unsuccessful option. Experts believe this method the softest and most harmless. Unfortunately, it is completely unsuitable for oily types.

For removing paint and additional care The following oils are responsible for hair:

  • and – accelerate hair growth;
  • , coconut, flaxseed – have a restorative effect;
  • – eliminates dandruff and adds shine to strands;
  • Olive – strengthens the hair and gives it whole line vitamins;
  • – does not allow strands to fall out.
  • Any vegetable oil – 200 ml;
  • Margarine or pork fat – 20-30 grams.

How to cook:

  1. Mix margarine with vegetable oil.
  2. Heats the mixture using steam.
  3. Using a brush, apply the mask to the strands.
  4. Put on a cap and wait for at least half an hour, but ideally it should be left on all night. Don’t forget to wrap your head in a thick towel, because activity oil mask directly depends on its temperature.
  5. Wash your hair several times with shampoo.

Change color with lemon juice

  • Apple – 1 pc.;
  • Olive or some other oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Honey – 2 teaspoons.

How to cook:

  1. Three apples on a grater.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  3. Combine applesauce with lemon juice.
  4. Add honey and oil.
  5. Apply the mask for an hour and a half.
  6. Wash off with water.

Removing paint with a honey mask

To remove from hair bad shade, soak them thickly with liquid honey, wrap your head in plastic and go to bed peacefully. In the morning, wash your hair with shampoo. Repeat the procedure for at least a week, the paint should be noticeably washed off.

Paint remover soda

  • Water – 200 ml;
  • Soda – 10-20 tbsp. spoons (depending on the length of the strands).

How to cook:

  1. Pour water (not too hot) into the baking soda.
  2. Soak in liquid cotton pad and run it through your hair.
  3. In this way we treat the entire head with a soda mask.
  4. We twist the strands into a bundle and wait 40 minutes. This time cannot be exceeded, because soda makes the hair hard.
  5. Wash off the mask with running water and shampoo.

Yolk and castor oil for removing paint

  • Yolk – 1 pc.;
  • Castor oil – 1 tbsp. spoon.

How to cook:

  1. Beat the yolk with castor oil.
  2. Rub the mixture into the colored strands.
  3. Wash off after 2-3 hours with cool water (the hot water will curdle the yolk).

Aspirin mask kills hair color

This method will certainly help those who want to remove the green tint.

  • Water – 200 ml;
  • Aspirin - tablets.

How to cook:

  1. Fill the aspirin with warm water.
  2. We saturate the strands with the mixture.
  3. Wash off after a couple of hours.

Lemon rinse for bleaching strands

  • Lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Water – 1 l.

How to cook:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  2. We combine it with water.
  3. Rinse the strands after each wash.

The color will change by about a half tone or tone.

How to wash off black color?

Having bought “bitter chocolate”, for some reason you turned into a blue-black brunette? Well, this case is quite difficult, because dark colors have the ability to penetrate deeply into the hairs and remain there for a long time. All the previous methods, unfortunately, will not help here. The only chance is given by laundry soap. Replace your shampoo with it for a while. Just remember that alkali can dry out the strands greatly, so this type of shampoo should be alternated with a kefir or oil mask.

It happens that you don’t like the final color after dyeing at all. There is a solution - to wash off the color using various procedures and compositions. You can use the recipes of our grandmothers or turn to special chemical compositions.

It is important to know that dark colors, especially black, can be quite difficult to change to another. Help here traditional methods, since they will not only lighten the curls, but will also provide beneficial influence on their general condition.

Traditional methods


The most effective and in a gentle way Oil is used to restore the original tone of curls or its shade. To prepare the composition, you can take any oil - sunflower, olive, castor or burdock. You will also need butter, margarine and lard as ingredients. Recipes for making masks are quite easy to make at home.

You need to take 1 glass of any oil and add 20 to 30 grams of solid fat into it. You will need to slightly heat the mixture to completely dissolve the solid fat.

Important – the temperature of the product should be comfortable for application to the strands. The mixture should be evenly distributed along the entire length of the curls and create a “bath effect” - first wrap your head in polyethylene and wrap it with a bath towel on top.

The duration of action is from 2 to 3 hours. The mixture must be removed using. Important - to completely remove the composition from the strands, you will need several soapings.

There are several more simple recipes to prepare the paint remover:

  • It is necessary to mix sunflower, olive and. All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions.
  • Should be from 3 to 4 tbsp. spoons castor oil mix with 3 egg yolks.
  • You can only use one oil - olive.

The use of this product has a number of advantages, since such compositions not only help remove dye, but also actively restore strands. The result after use - the hair becomes glossy shine, the curls are soft and manageable when styled.


One more effective means is kefir. The principle of operation of this product is similar to the action of special acid-based washes. The acid that is contained in fermented milk products, neutralizes chemicals in coloring products.

You will need 1 liter of kefir; you can replace it with high-fat yogurt. Kefir should be distributed throughout the curls. The duration of action is from an hour to an hour and a half. The mixture is removed using regular shampoo. If desired, after a while, you can repeat the procedure. The final result is lightening from 12 to one tone.

To increase efficiency, you can add 12 cups of vegetable oil. It can be replaced - 2 tbsp. spoons of soda or 50 grams of vodka.


Is time-tested means.

To remove dye from curls, you need to dilute 1 glass of baking soda with warm water to a paste consistency. Important - the water should not be boiling water. The resulting composition should be evenly distributed over all strands using a brush or comb with fine teeth.

Afterwards you need to create a “bath effect”. The action time is approximately 40 minutes, but the time should not exceed 1 hour. Remove the mixture with plain water and use shampoo at the final stage.

You can also prepare a cool solution based on soda - 5 tbsp. spoons dissolve in 1 liter of liquid. You will need to dip the strands into the resulting composition. Action time is about 40 minutes.

One should take into account the fact that soda has a drying effect not only on skin heads, but also on the curls themselves. Should not be used this recipe if the strands are overdried and the scalp is prone to dandruff.


Affordable and effective option– laundry or tar soap.

To remove the coloring composition from your hair, you will need to soap your curls well and leave for about half an hour. After a while, you need to rinse your hair thoroughly.

Important point– soap is characterized by a strong drying effect, so at the final stage it is best to use a special one.

Girls with dry strands should choose a different option for removing paint to avoid negative impact not only on the hair, but also on the scalp.


It will help remove dye from dried and weakened strands. Honey on wet hair acts in a similar way to hydrogen peroxide, but it works quite gently and gives the hair a faint golden tint.

It is recommended to wash your hair and rinse your hair with a weak soda solution before applying honey. Proportions – from 1 to 2 teaspoons per 1 liter of liquid. The product should be applied evenly to the strands. The duration of action is from 8 to 10 hours. The most optimal time– make a mask at night. An important point - do not wrap your head tightly.

Advantage - this recipe will help restore your hair to its original color and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the strands.


It is a well-known fact that lemon can lighten hair, so it will also help restore the original color of your hair.

Each time after washing your hair, you will need to rinse it with water and lemon. Proportions – lemon juice of 1 citrus per 1 liter of liquid.

The result is that the color will “fall off” slightly – from 12 to one tone.

An important point is that with regular use of this recipe, it is possible to achieve visible results.


This product contains egg yolks, vegetable oil and acid, which together provide beneficial influence on the hair. An important point is that it should be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes room temperature.

You should apply mayonnaise liberally to your curls and create a “bath effect”. The duration of action is no more than 3 hours. It should be removed using shampoo for oily hair.

The positive aspect is that the curls will not only become lighter, but will also be noticeably transformed, will be softer to the touch and more manageable, and will acquire a natural shine.

Radical ways


If the existing one is too dark color curls, if you want to lighten them, you can do this with the help of bleaching compounds for rinsing. The final result is lightening by about 4 tones. It is not uncommon for strands to acquire a slightly red tint after this procedure. If you wish, you can repeat the procedure after 2 weeks. Important - you must wait until the end of the two-week period. The best option– paint over the reddish tone with a different shade.

An important point - a similar procedure in mandatory should be carried out in a specialized hair salon from an experienced specialist.

The negative aspect is that after using such compositions, the hair “suffers” greatly, so it will require comprehensive treatment with nutrients.

The degree of difficulty in “removing” the unwanted color from the hair will depend on the degree of tone saturation. Several procedures may be required to remove blackness.


Now on the market there are many compositions for washing away persistent dyes from the hair structure. These are acidic removers without ammonia and bleaching ingredients. Despite manufacturers' assurances that such products are harmless, it will still be necessary to pay attention to the restoration of strands.

Due to the absence of ammonia, the compositions do not bleach the hair itself, but only remove artificial coloring pigments from it.

An important point is that natural color The product has no effect on curls.

The positive thing is that the washes practically do not affect the roots that the industry has natural tone. The composition acts exclusively on oxidized areas of curls that have been painted with permanent paint.

The final result is that the hair becomes soft thanks to the caring ingredients of the composition.

After one procedure, the strands will lighten from 2 to 3 tones. “Unnecessary” color can be washed off in one or two procedures.