Preparing your skin for summer together: the best cosmetic procedures. You need to prepare your skin for summer now. Choose slightly more acidic cleansers.

Choice of colors

The summer season is perhaps the most long-awaited period, when you don’t want anything other than hair blowing in the warm wind and a velvety tan. But the skin needs everything and even more at this time! We tell you how to prepare your facial skin for summer.


After a long and protracted winter, the skin needs proper cleansing more than ever. But this does not mean at all that you need to rush for scrubs and do the most nuclear peels; on the contrary, the skin becomes very sensitive, so various manipulations with the face must be done with maximum trepidation. During bright sun and heat, it is better not to resort to laser procedures. Opt for enzymatic, light acid peels (based on 8–12% acid solutions with a high pH of 4.9–5), microcurrent care and manual pore cleaning with massage elements. It is also worth shelving all products with salt particles, crystals and other small details - so as not to irritate the skin too much.


Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the most important point in facial skin care - moisturizing. Intensive skin nutrition and deep care lie in long-lasting youth and facial health. During the summer, we advise you to pay special attention to freshly squeezed juices, fruits and water - fortunately the season allows it. Use light creams that do not clog pores, based on grape oil, for example. All the most important things are so simple!


Any nourishing creams are welcome for use in the heat of the day. But we repeat - light and completely non-greasy. Apply your favorite products at night after thoroughly cleansing your face with alcohol-free toners to ensure the nutrients penetrate deep into the skin. In summer, “food” is the most important thing for the skin!


Of course, in summer (and sometimes in winter) you cannot do without a cream with SPF protection. Hot air and bright rays of the sun adversely affect even the most well-groomed skin, so you can do everything you can to protect your face. It is advisable to use sun protection cream at the final stage of creating makeup - 15 minutes before going out. Those with white skin should choose products with an SPF level of 30 or more, darker-skinned women should choose 15.


Needless to say, in the summer you don’t want to feel almost anything on your face except the touch of the sun’s rays and gentle breezes from the seashore? But if, due to some circumstances, you cannot afford to leave the house with an uneven complexion, there is a way out. Instead of thick foundation, choose mineral powders - they will not clog your pores and, if you sweat, they will not create an unpleasant appearance for your entire face. Instead of lipsticks, use light tints or rich lip glosses, and apply trendy gold or brown shadows to your eyes. For the final touch, apply a light liquid bronzer to the bridge of the nose, cheekbones and forehead to create a natural tan effect.

The year is coming to an end and it seems to us that our strength is already running out, and we no longer want to look in the mirror: that’s how tired we are. But ahead are the New Year holidays, holidays at work, with friends, and the New Year itself. You need to look great - cheerful, cheerful and young.

Is it possible to achieve this in these few days left before the New Year?

Yes!!! We will tell you today how to quickly remove signs of fatigue from your face in 3 days, make it fresh, fit and more youthful. And all this - at home. To do this, we will use the “egg” method of the famous Spanish cosmetologist Maria Carmen Fernandez, who in recent years has devoted herself to developing cosmetological techniques based on natural products and available for use at home. Any woman can use these techniques.

So, if you only have 3 days before an important event- this means that you have enough time to get your face in complete order.

What do you need for this? In order to look fresh and rejuvenated, we need to take 3 simple steps.

Attention! All home cosmetic procedures are done in the evening before bed. Masks are applied to a face cleansed of cosmetics; After removing the mask, be sure to use your regular moisturizer. All masks are based on the amazing properties of eggs. An additional condition for success is washing with chamomile infusion. To prepare it, you need to brew 2 sachets of chamomile in 200 grams of water 1 hour before the procedure. Let it brew, then before the procedure dilute the infusion with boiled water to a volume of 1 liter.

The first day. Cleanses and soothes the skin.

A mask based on egg whites, lemon juice and sea salt is one of the best peeling masks designed to remove dead skin, cleanse pores and relieve inflammation.
Take 1 egg white and beat it until white foam with a pinch of sea salt (pre-crushed). Add a full teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Stir. Apply to face and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse off the mask with warm water and wash with chamomile infusion. Without wiping your face, let your skin dry.

Second day. Nourish, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.
A mask based on yolk, honey and lemon contains everything our skin needs to nourish it and give it vitality, so necessary in the depths of winter.
Take 1 egg yolk and juice of half a lemon. Mix them and add 1 teaspoon of vegetable (olive) oil. Apply the mask to your face and neck and leave for 30 minutes. After 20 minutes, remove the mask with a swab dipped in warm milk. After another 20 minutes, wash thoroughly with chamomile infusion.

Day three. Tones, tightens and gives freshness to the skin.
Mask based on egg white and oatmeal. This is a very effective tightening and toning mask.
Take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (pre-grind the flakes in a coffee grinder), dilute the flour with hot water until it becomes very thick sour cream, leave for 15 minutes. Beat the egg white into a thick foam and mix with the pre-soaked oatmeal. Apply to face and neck and leave for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, remove the mask and wash thoroughly with chamomile decoction.

These procedures will help you restore freshness and tone to your skin. They need to be done on the eve of an important event, that is, you need to start 4 days in advance.

On the day of the event You can also make another express mask a few hours before it starts to relieve skin fatigue and transform your face.

To keep your skin healthy and looking good in summer, you need to take care of it both from the inside (water saturation and proper nutrition) and from the outside (creams and lotions used at home, as well as peeling and masks).

If at home we can do skin care at any free time, then it is much more difficult to find a good cosmetologist who offers the services that interest us at a time that suits us.

In winter, our skin is exposed to strong winds and low temperatures, all of which leads to the skin becoming dry, losing its elasticity and attractive color. With summer just around the corner, we should make the most of the time we still have to prepare our skin for higher temperatures and intense sunlight.

Where to begin

Taking care of the deeper layers of the skin consists mainly of saturating our body with moisture, this requires at least 8 glasses of water per day. It should be noted that throughout the year, water consumption should not be lower than this norm, and in the summer we should drink even more water!

The next important recommendation is to provide the body with all the necessary microelements and vitamins, or, to put it simply, you need to eat right. As for home treatments, you need to remember to regularly use creams and lotions that mainly affect the superficial layers of the skin.

Do we do peeling at home or in a beauty salon?

In order for the skin to respond better to the effects of a cream or mask, it should be cleansed of dead epidermal cells by peeling in a beauty salon. This procedure has therapeutic value as it improves the functioning of skin that is affected by acne or is too oily. In addition, the procedure improves the regeneration of aging skin, increases elasticity and firmness, and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Cosmetology salons offer many types of peeling, one of the main ones is mechanical peeling, we are talking, for example, about microdermabrasion, that is, cleansing the epidermis with a special head with a diamond coating, or cleansing using cavitation (which is called painless peeling), it involves cleansing the skin air bubbles.

Another type is chemical peeling (chemical peeling using acids) and physical peeling (using laser). Despite the fact that peeling can be done at home, we recommend visiting a beauty salon, since too intense exposure to the skin, due to inexperience, can lead to skin discoloration, inflammation and redness.

Cleansing and nourishing masks

To take care of the condition of our facial skin, we must also regularly use masks. To do this, you can contact a cosmetologist or use homemade masks: there are two main types, cleansing and nourishing, they should be used in that order. The first type of mask not only removes dirt and excess sebum, but also exfoliates and removes dead cells, smoothing the surface of the skin.

In turn, nourishing masks should be used only after you have cleansed the skin. They contain more active substances than face creams, so they have a more intense effect on the skin. It is worth noting that beauty salons use special products that help the active substances penetrate deeper than with regular rubbing. We are talking about the use of ultrasound (sonophoresis) or weak currents (galvanization method).

In any case, it is up to you to decide what to give preference to - home care methods or professional cosmetology procedures. It is only important to make every effort to ensure that your skin is well prepared for summer. By the way, already now the bright spring sun has a very intense effect on the skin, so urgent measures are needed right now.

Although formally there is still a week left before the start of calendar summer, in fact the hottest season is already in full swing. We didn't even have to wait until June 1st to start walking the main ones (ultra-short and translucent). I would like to spend as much time outdoors as possible and arrange an audit of all the fashionable terraces in the city with my friends. And finally, change “aristocratic pallor” to. We’re not sure, though, that these are really a good idea for your defenseless skin. What needs to be done right now to enjoy the first rays of the sun, and not suffer from their consequences later?

Even if you've tried hard to live a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet all year, it's time to make a few changes to your diet. As long as your goal is to take care of your skin and prepare it for prolonged exposure to the sun. First of all, it is necessary to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants (beta-carotene and vitamin C), which (apparently it is no coincidence that this berry appears on sale first), kiwi, carrots, etc. But your favorite pink tomatoes, on the contrary, will have to be limited - and they increase inflammation on the skin.

Do a light exfoliation

The first place to start with global skin care is. This way, you will remove all impurities and dead particles that remain on the surface of the epidermis. Renewed skin = even bronze tan. No chemical treatments in the salon (the sun is too active for them, severe pigmentation may begin)! will cope with this mission perfectly and will not leave any irritation.

Don't forget about hydration

Of course you've heard this advice, erase it time and time again! But if all spring you shied away from the required two liters of fluid per day, continuing to do so now is a crime against youth and health. Don't forget to drink more water, especially in hot weather! For example, without vitamin C in the body, it ceases to be absorbed. And by the way, we advise you to regularly refresh your face with thermal water, which instantly evaporates from its surface in the summer. Perfectly strengthens the protective properties of the skin!

Prepare your skin for the sun

The skin should gradually get used to the rapidly growing sun load. Therefore, during the first days in the heat (even if we are talking about 15 minutes on the street in the center of a metropolis), use a special protective spray that strengthens the barrier properties of the epidermis and increases its resistance to UV rays. I would like to remind you that the use of sunscreen is mandatory at any time of the year and in any outdoor situation, and not just when you are on the beach or by the pool. Just don’t expect that such a product will replace your moisturizer or serum - any skin care products should be applied to the skin first, and only then self-tanning (the right products won’t stain!) into your regular routine, so that a) it’s easier to undress on the beach (just remember this is a terrible feeling: everyone around is dark, and you are red); b) get a perfect tan.

Photo SPA Palestra

Making a face mask at home and in a salon is not the same thing. Now cosmetologists offer entire rituals: first they cleanse the skin, do peeling, apply nourishing serums, then a mask directly, and complete the treatment with a gentle cream. This is exactly the system offered at SPA Palestra.

The skin rejuvenation procedure is based on Alina Zanskar spa cosmetics products. This is a Russian brand, the ingredients for it are collected all over the world. Natural products contain naturally occurring preservatives.

The goal is to replenish hyaluronic acid reserves, because it is this that allows the skin to look young and radiant for as long as possible. Typically, a valuable component enters the skin through injections, for example during mesotherapy or biorevitalization. But at SPA Palestra there is a more humane way of skin rejuvenation.

So, to prepare for the procedure, a special tonic with hyaluronic acid and energetic thermal water, necessary for deeper penetration of cosmetic preparations, are applied to the skin. Then comes the turn of a gentle but highly effective glycolic peeling, which, in addition to the main deep cleansing effect, stimulates collagen synthesis and retains moisture in the cells.

And only now comes the turn of the mask. A gel mask with hyaluronic acid provides intense nutrition and saturates the skin with a valuable component. To consolidate the effect, a regenerating face cream with hyaluronic acid is applied to the skin. It will soothe the skin after the procedure and restore hydrolipid balance. Another pleasant point: during the procedure you can have a good rest, because it is performed within an hour.

SPA Palestra cosmetologist-dermatologist Tatyana Yadchenko recommends a procedure for aging skin: “To achieve a rejuvenation effect, a course of ten procedures is usually prescribed, during which the skin is moisturized, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and the oval of the face is tightened. The signs of irritation that are so typical of the skin in the spring season disappear.”

How to restore slimness to your body and elasticity to your skin in just six days?

Body modeling with LPG

Photo by Shutterstock

The CityChic salon offers massages using the new Cellu M6 Integral device. This is an updated series of LPG devices that promises a more accurate modeling effect and faster results. The most important thing is that during the procedure you get the feeling that you are being given a manual massage, which, by the way, is the most effective. To launch active processes that change the contours of the body, six sessions are enough.

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about proper nutrition and exercise, give up starchy foods and sweets, and within a month your cellulite will significantly decrease. Here’s what Alexey Danilov, a massage therapist and body esthetician at the CityChic beauty salon, said about this: “The LPG procedure without diets and fitness will give an effect, but it will not be maximum. Therefore, limit your consumption of fatty foods, oils, sweets and flour. Swim in the pool at least twice a week and move as much as possible - walk or attend workouts: Pilates, yoga, stretching, and so on.”

The best results with the LPG device can be obtained at the initial (first and second) stages of cellulite. The specialist will prescribe a minimum of 10, maximum of 24 procedures.

With the third or fourth degree of cellulite, the subcutaneous fatty tissue is already affected by fibrosis, so you should not start with hardware technologies. You need to start with soft lymphatic drainage massages, and then move on to machines. But if there is a tendency to varicose veins, then all vacuum technologies are canceled, leaving delicate massage, swimming and diets.

By the way, LPG technology not only fights cellulite. The device can be used to massage the face and neck, for example, to reduce a double chin.

Find out which lunar day is best for massage.

Body massage according to the lunar calendar

Photo by Shutterstock

An interesting technique of sculpting massage is offered at the Lanna Kamilina salon. The bottom line is that each session is calculated taking into account favorable lunar days and an individual calendar is created for each.

The method was developed in St. Petersburg, at the Research Institute of Physical Culture by Andrey Grebennikov. Its essence is to reduce or increase body volume in those places where it is necessary.

Salon massage therapist Evgeniy Nazarov said: “Despite the fact that the method was developed in Russia, it is better known in Europe than here. Meanwhile, this is a very effective procedure. It is carried out during periods of favorable metabolic orientation of processes in the body. That is, on those days when the body is easier to part with excess and reserves of subcutaneous fat.”

The procedure is performed gently enough so as not to damage the lymphatic and capillary vessels. Massage techniques cause dilation of capillaries in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which helps improve metabolism. Histamine and other substances, together with amino acids and polypeptides, are carried through the lymph and blood flow, causing an increase in adrenaline in the blood, due to which fatty acids are more actively released from adipose tissue. The massage therapist personally draws up a schedule and first prescribes four procedures every other day, and then four more procedures every day.

This massage allows you to quickly lose weight and gain a slim body like a star. And acupuncture will help maintain the beauty of your facial skin.

Acupuncture for beautiful skin

Amrita Photos

According to ancient Chinese philosophy, the vital energy qi moves through the human body through special channels - meridians, on which health depends. The concept of “yin-yang” summarizes the idea that all objects and phenomena in the world are interconnected and have a mutually opposite nature. There are acupuncture points located on the meridians, which have not only universal healing functions, but also a certain specificity. By influencing these points, specialists at the Amrita clinic restore health and beauty.

The acupuncture cosmetology procedure takes about half an hour. First, the skin is cleaned, treated with a special solution, then with ice. After which the doctor installs special needles and simultaneously gives recommendations on skin care after the procedure. The fact is that the needle causes microtrauma to the skin, and it must be protected from pollution and other external factors. Be sure to use moisturizer.

Director of the Amrita network of medical centers, Dr. Choi Yong Jun knows almost everything about acupuncture. He recommends undergoing procedures not only for treatment, but also for prevention and maintaining health and beauty. For cosmetic purposes, acupuncture helps to remove a double chin, smooth out wrinkles (including facial wrinkles) and nasolabial folds, improve complexion, restore firmness and elasticity to the skin, normalize capillary blood flow and simply relax the facial muscles.

The best part is that regardless of the purpose of the procedure, acupuncture restores energy balance, relieves tension, relaxes and makes you feel better and better with each procedure. No wonder this technique has been popular for several millennia!

All products used in care are based on lavender and mint, and even regular hair washing turns into aromatherapy. However, it really all starts with cleansing.

At the first stage, the master performs a deep cleansing of the hair. Unlike regular shampoo, a product designed for deep cleansing penetrates the hair scales and completely frees the hair from dirt and chlorine.

This is followed by additional cleansing and moisturizing using Lavender Mint mild shampoo. Due to the high concentration of plant extracts, the product has a beneficial effect on the scalp - stimulates blood circulation, improves metabolic processes, soothes, and has an antiseptic effect.

At the third stage, it’s time for the Instant Moisture Daily Treatment mask. It contains a unique composition of seaweed, panthenol, jojoba oil and natural extracts (tallow fruit, Aloe Barbadensis, rosemary, lavzonia). The mask deeply moisturizes the hair, fills damaged areas and, most importantly, retains water molecules in the hair structure for a long time. By the way, this is an excellent remedy for split ends.

And finally, after all procedures, conditioner is applied to the hair. Light moisturizer Lavender Mint covers flakes and evens out hair after intensive care. To cope with the task, the air conditioner only needs a few minutes. After the specialist rinses off the product and dries the hair, it will be possible to fully evaluate the result. Your hair will become shiny, healthy and easy to comb.