Human money energy: how to attract money. The energy of money and its laws


The secret of how to manage monetary energy and get maximum benefit and wealth from its flows is revealed. This method was hidden from people for a long time, but recently became known thanks to one person.

Out of 100% of the world's population, only 10% have unlimited power to receive money. Only the chosen ones are given the opportunity to change the flow of their monetary energy and direct it in the right direction - to prosperity and prosperity. In the past, only the elite were able to do this, who had their own personal formula for attracting money. And now, by a happy coincidence, you can touch the secret knowledge forever.

money energy

How often have you noticed that many people are lucky in money? They literally fall from the sky to them, while some try in vain to earn overwork. These processes depend on monetary energy, which resembles the water element.

Monetary energy is like water: it can flow in a thin stream, or it can beat in a powerful stream. For many, monetary energy seeps through their fingers, depriving them of prosperity. And some create energy dams that are able to retain and increase income.

It usually looks like luck or bad luck with money. Some people can find, walking along the road, a large bill, while others are constantly surrounded by unnecessary spending and small incomes. As it turned out, this does not depend on fortune at all: you yourself are able to unintentionally put blocks and lose the flow of monetary energy. Fortunately, this problem has long been subject to change. Viktor Nikolaevich will share with you.

The Secret Formula of Freemasons

Freemasons possessed secret knowledge that could improve human life. They taught their followers that the acquisition of money is the result of influencing the universe. Faith, opportunities and desires are able to manage monetary luck. Freemasons believed that in order to obtain wealth, the ability to correctly receive monetary energy is necessary. To do this, each of them had their own personal secret amulet, which freed them from energy blocks and brought prosperity.

In the early 90s, Viktor Nikolaevich accidentally got an old book that was marked "Secret". The translation of scriptures changed his life forever. As it turned out, the book belonged to Freemason Pascal Beverly Randolph, where he described by hand a secret study that was not included in any of his works, which described the creation.

What is the use of such an amulet

The amulet is made from a one-dollar bill, endowed with a powerful force that can change a person's energy and harmonize relations with the Universe. Secret signs are applied to the banknote according to the Masonic formula: for each person they are individual.

Viktor Nikolaevich, depending on your problem, lifestyle, character. It is possible to write a Masonic formula only after analyzing your horoscope and the layout of the Tarot cards. Otherwise, it will be simply impossible to feel compassion for your problem and find out which signs are able to attract monetary energy into your life.

With the help you will be able to attract success, prosperity, enrichment into your life. Your money channels will begin to work, new opportunities will appear that were previously hidden from you. Inner instinct will suggest how profitable it is to put money into circulation. You will learn how to spend money correctly and feel cash flows, forever forgetting about laziness and apathy.

However, the teaching of the Freemasons says that nothing can be received for free - only by spending your own strength and means, you will be able to increase them. Therefore, Viktor Nikolaevich has to take for his work, not out of need, but only so that you can get more.

Do not miss the opportunity to use the ancient and effective teachings of the Masons to your advantage. Rich people do not reveal the secret of getting money, although it is known that each of them has his own amulet. But with the help of Viktor Nikolaevich, you can, charged with your bioenergy, which is able to attract and save your cash flows. Be rich and happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.04.2017 03:44

Financial problems are familiar to everyone. Often they are the main obstacle to happiness, ...

money energy- this concept has long and powerfully rooted in our reality. It would seem, where does the energy? Money is money, and energy is something from the category of physics or metaphysics. We are accustomed to consider money as a kind of physical object, such as a table or cabinet. Here they are, dear, paper and metal. So why is everyone talking about some mysterious money energy?

… Huge topic! But, the road will be mastered by the walking one, and we will slowly overcome this block as well. So, let's first define money and start from it in our reasoning. In one of the articles, we considered what all the physical bodies of our Universe consist of. There they found out that everything is made of energy. Absolutely everything in the Universe consists of positively, negatively and neutrally charged energy particles. Money, in the physical sense, is no exception. And banknotes and coins in the same way consist of energy particles of different charges. That is, already at this level we understand that money is energy. But in the matter of money, not everything is so simple. If money were just pieces of paper and coins, then we could exchange them for those things that in themselves are worth no more than this piece of paper or coin. Take the money that was in the Soviet Union. The salary for a month of work was 100 rubles, and this is in good hands. Then for these 100 rubles a person plowed for a month and could afford to buy a lot. What can we buy now for those 100 Soviet rubles? Nothing! It's just a piece of paper. So it made sense then, but it doesn't now. What changed? And that metaphysical component has changed, which is called monetary energy. money energy- this is a kind of energy substance that carries the meaning of wealth, prosperity, a better life, a lot of opportunities. We found out that everything in the Universe consists of energy and is surrounded by it. We are no exception. We are made of energy and surrounded by it. And in our life all those things and events are manifested, the meaning of which is carried by the energy that is in us and around us. If the energy of illness is around us, we get sick, if the energy of happiness is around us, we are happy. The same can be said about money energy.If the energy of money is around us, we are rich!

What affects the quality of energy?

Information makes us rich

It is information that is the lever that can change the quality of energy. Information about poverty brought into the energy-information space of a person will make him poor, information about wealth will make him rich. In our life we ​​see the imprint of all the information that enters our field. Simply put, the quality of information that surrounds us is the quality of life we ​​live. Think about it and clearly analyze where and what information you are letting in. Now, understanding all of the above, we can easily diagnose where our lack of money comes from. Installations from the times of grandparents can work: "Poor but Honest", "The rich also cry", "Money is Evil" and so on. Our constant phrases show themselves very well, such as: "No money left", "I can't afford it" and so on. What we see on TV, in newspapers, on the Internet matters and affects our lives. We will talk about the attitudes of poverty and the fight against them in the next article. Here we must recognize and accept the definition money energy:

Monetary energy is an energy-informational field around the concept of "money". This field affects everything that is somehow connected with money. The same goes for every person who comes into contact with money. If the energy-informational space of a person is similar in vibrations to the vibrations of money, they find mutual understanding easier and come into a person’s life more easily. If the human field carries information that is hostile to monetary energy, then they do not touch. And, therefore, the money of such a person is bypassed. The Law of Attraction works. Like attracts like. By changing his vibrations to those that are closer in range to money, a person will gain wealth.

There are many ways to change vibrations and we will consider them. In this article, we will analyze another quality energy, including monetary.

Energy is always in motion. Stagnation is destruction

Energy does not stand still. You can't create stagnation. Energy is always movement. Money folded in a stocking or under a pillow is stagnation and decay. If you collect them and hide them just like that without a purpose, they will stop coming. Money must be saved either for a positive definite purpose, or in the form of capital accumulation - 10% of the income should be put into an account at interest. If you are investing money somewhere that will bring potential development in any area, the money is invested correctly. If stagnation and evil - not right. If correct, wait for more arrival, if not, restrictions.

On the other hand, they should not be wasted. In general, there is (and proven by the most successful people) an ideal distribution of the money received.

Let's take a certain income - 100%.

10% - capital creation. We put it in the bank at interest and never touch it. This is our subcutaneous fat, capital, financial security.

10% - charity. We are always given 10% more than we need in order for this money to come through us to needy children, the elderly, the disabled, and animals. The Universe strictly notes this. And, if this order is not followed, the arrival is cut down as work on the bugs. Charity is a separate big topic and we will consider it in the following articles. In the meantime, take our word for it - you won't regret it!

10% - development. We must grow. The more correct information we receive, the more energetically we become, the more energetically we are, the more money "fits in us." As a result, revenues are increasing. Invest in your development! It always pays off!

10% - rest, recovery. This is all about restoring yourself physically and mentally. Travel, sanatoriums, subscriptions to a sports club, entertainment. To feel that you live, you must live to the fullest! And this is everything that you have long dreamed of doing, but have not done so far. So do it! Let new energy into your life and see what it will bring you new and pleasant. Jump with a parachute, swim in a kayak, but you never know what ...

10% - long-term savings. If you need something, but you can’t immediately buy it, save up. That's what those 10% are for.

50% - live today! You can spend this money anywhere, moreover, with a clear conscience, and not thinking that I will spend it and tomorrow there will be nothing to buy bread. Will! You can add this money to the previous five points as needed.

I can say one thing: the system works. If you only make it clear to the controllers from above that you are doing the right thing, you will immediately begin to throw up additional income in various forms and you will only have time to wonder: Where from?

In this article, we have analyzed and defined such a term as money energy. It was determined that positive information about money and the correct movement of money will ensure a constant flow of abundance into the life of any person. After all, energy does not look at skin color, rank or gender. Energy information fields are attracted to each other only if their vibrations are similar. Arm yourself with this understanding, live in harmony with monetary energy.

More big incomes and most pleasant expenses for you!

According to statistics, the energy of money is attracted by people of a non-standard type - strong, smart, practical. There is such a pattern: the financial security of a person depends on his internal capabilities, his strength. The better your condition, the more successful your work, life, and the greater the financial reward. If people are pursued by periods of decline in strength, this will certainly affect their financial viability.
Money, like people, has not only a physical, but also an emotional essence, as well as a mental component. The physical basis of money is bills and coins. They love when favorable conditions are created for them, they store them neatly, keep them in a beautiful wallet, and not in their pocket. Money must have its own house, it must not be allowed that banknotes are crumpled, or even worse, torn. A bundle of banknotes, which is tied with an elastic band, like a "noose" - a dead bundle, in this form, money tends to quickly disappear.
The emotional body of money feels our attitude towards them. Like other entities, money "sticks" to those who treat them with respect, appreciate them. In addition, all money loves an account, and therefore it is recommended to recount them from time to time.
Money knows about our thoughts. This is due to their mental body.
How to create powerful energy of money?

Depending on the length of the period during which you maintain the correct energy attitude towards money, they will quickly or gradually come to you. The energy of money and how you think about money are connected. Develop the mindset that you love and deserve money, and that money loves you. Your thoughts form the very energy that accumulates around you. From the outside world, what we are ready to accept, what is inside of us, is attracted to us.

How to set your mind to attract money?

Money password

One of the most effective ways to attract money can be a daily ritual. What password do you have for authorization in the computer? Perhaps he has no connection with monetary concepts. Think about creating a password to attract material well-being. For example, translate the word "wealth" into English and enter it as a password, thereby setting your brain for an influx of money.

Visiting places of wealth

Another way to attract money is to visit places of wealth. Such places seem to be shrouded in luxury, which is gaining strength under the influence of monetary energy. By visiting these kinds of places, people bring the energy of money along with their presence. Allow yourself to be surrounded by rich people, absorb the atmosphere of prosperity, abundance, let it become part of you. Breathe in the smell of money, let it penetrate inside you, thereby increasing your own monetary energy. Embrace the symbols of wealth by staying in places where rich people congregate.

Gratitude for money

A minimal gratitude in relation to money will provide you with an even greater influx of money. Someone will become a new client, a deal will please you, you will find lost money, you will receive an unexpected surprise - for all this, be grateful to the Universe, rejoice at every little thing, like a small child, in whatever form money comes into your life and into your home. As your money energy increases, your energy field will become more intense in attracting money to you.

money affirmations

To take place in relation to money at the energy level, say affirmations every day to attract material wealth. Through such methods, your mind will learn money thinking. If you happen to travel by subway or car every day, use that time to make positive affirmations. After a while, this will happen more and more naturally. The subconscious mind will perceive your wish and begin to realize it in your life. You can try the following affirmations in practice:

I am the air of abundance
I am the ocean of wealth
I am money light

How to influence income?

Money will linger where a "dwelling" is prepared for them, that is, a special place or wallet. The more attractive this house looks, the more money it will accumulate. It is best to prepare different containers for storing money for different purposes. For current expenses - one house, for vacation expenses - another, for business development - the third. In this case, your income will accumulate more efficiently, and your income will grow.
An important point: if you take funds from one house for other purposes, then borrow! Negotiate with the money, for how long you will take it, what percentage you undertake to repay, and then repay the debt on time. Become a banker for yourself.
This way of attracting money is easy to explain. If we use some amount of money that is not intended for purchase, then we break the promise we made to ourselves. This has a devastating effect on the energy of money. An energy hole is formed through which our cash flows go.
In the case when we borrow money from ourselves at interest (the more they are, the better), by doing this we do not destroy, but strengthen our monetary energy. The best percentage is 100! Try it and you will see the increase in money with your own eyes.
If you are unable to get your money back on time, negotiate with your money from the house again, acting in accordance with the bank's notions and enrichment schemes - raise the rate.
Banking is a proven and effective way to increase capital. Keep a record of the money you put aside, regardless of the need for it. Do not let other people do this, because they will take away part of your monetary energy. A person who counts any money, his or someone else's, strengthens his own monetary energy. One who does not neglect the count of money is usually a good banker!

Ritual for the money path:

You need to start it only on the 1st of any month. So: on the 1st we set aside 1 ruble, on the 2nd - 2 rubles, on the 3rd - 3 rubles, etc., that is, the number of rubles, which is the number on the calendar on that day. For example, on the 25th - 25 rubles, on the 31st - 31 rubles. And so on throughout the month. The main condition - do not miss a single day and put strictly according to the calendar number - no more, no less! As soon as you accumulate 10 rubles per ruble, they must be exchanged for a ten-ruble bill, accumulate 10 tens - exchange for one hundred rubles with one bill. By the end of the month, out of 30 days, you will have 465 rubles. If you add these numbers: 4 + 6 + 5, then you get 15, and reduce to a prime number, it will be; 1 + 5 = 6. According to the science of numbers (numerology), six will be the number of money in the family. If you are laying a money path not for your family, but for yourself, then you need to add 35 rubles to 465 rubles on the last day of the month to get 500. (Five is the number of the winner). All the money accumulated during the month should be put aside in a special place and never spend! This money will be a beacon that will lead its fellows to you. Important point! You can’t immediately postpone 500 rubles in one fell swoop and forget for a month. This does not work. This is because, by putting it off every day, you daily give a signal to the money egregor that you need his services. Collecting the required amount every day (for example, 15 rubles), you involuntarily think all day about the formation of a money path. This is not only a connection to money, but also friendship with money. She will bring you money.

Magic ritual to attract money:

Perform a magic ritual to attract money. Place white and green candles on the table at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Imagine that the white candle is you, and the green one is money and prosperity. Light the candles from one match: starting with the white one. After a while, extinguish the candles and put them in a secret place. Repeat this action for 10 days in a row, each day bringing the candles closer to each other by 2 cm. When the candles touch each other, perform your secret action for the last time, then tie the candles with a golden ribbon and keep them as a money talisman. (Done on the new moon, on the growing moon)

Popular way to raise money:

In order for the money you earn to love your home, do not spend money on payday, the entire amount must “spend the night” at home.

Don't keep your wallet empty. Let there be at least a coin in it. In the same way, do not leave empty pockets of clothes (coats, jackets, jackets), which you hide in closets for the season. Leave small bills or coins in them. One coin will attract another - this is the "magic of money", when wealth attracts even more wealth. Money also does not like torn pockets.

Keep a few bills on the table under the tablecloth. Then in the house they will not be transferred, there will be no loss and theft.

Horseshoe for wealth

Inside the dwelling, above the front door, a horseshoe must be nailed with the ends up, thereby forming a “full bowl”. In this case, you need to pronounce these words:

"How full is this cup,
So my house may always be full of prosperity and happiness.

Ritual to attract money for the new moon:

It is held on the days of the full moon and new moon.

There are many more ways to attract money, for example, New Year's or money rituals performed on Christmas, as well as on the corresponding Moon. So, watching the lunar calendar can also get rich well. On every full moon, lay out a completely empty wallet on the window open. Ideally, moonlight should fall on this same wallet. This should be done during the three nights of the full moon. The same ritual is repeated on the three nights of the new moon, but put the wallet with the money.

Money bag:

In a small bag, put coins of various denominations that are in circulation in your country - from kopecks to rubles, if they are iron. Lubricate each coin with eucalyptus oil while saying the plot:

"Penny to penny, nickel to nickel,
Fifty to fifty, ruble to ruble,
Chervonets to chervonets, all to the court.

Hide the bag in the northern part of your house.

Ritual to attract money:

It lies in a special way of making tea. For money tea, you should take black tea, natural honey and a set of additional elements (a transparent mug, a new pencil and a clean sheet of green paper). Brew tea, add a spoonful of honey, the cup is set on a piece of paper. Now stir the tea with a pencil for one minute. At the same time, you must definitely think about the amount of money you want to receive. Next, drink tea, and hide a piece of paper in your wallet and leave it there for exactly a year.

We breathe "money energy"

Choose some attribute of wealth - jewelry, antiques, banknotes - and energetically connect with it.

Imagine that your biofield opens up towards this object and concludes, captures it in itself.

You will have the feeling that you and the object are one, that a connection has been established between you - invisible, but felt.

Now imagine that this object is shrouded in a light golden haze.

Close your eyes for a second and take a deep breath, while imagining that you are inhaling, drawing this haze into the area between the eyebrows (the energy center Ajna Chakra).

As you exhale, mentally lower it to the center of the chest, to the level of the heart (Anahata Chakra) and leave it there.

After exhaling, take a short pause, visualizing the golden monetary energy accumulating in the center of the chest.

Breathe in this rhythm for several minutes until you feel an influx of energy to Anahata – it can be warmth, a pleasant chill, tingling, a sensation of an energy ball, waves, a spinning whirlwind.

This exercise is very beneficial - it will make you available to the energy of abundance. Moreover, attractive to her!

Do it as often as possible, as soon as you have a free minute. Join the energy of money!

Hello, dear readers of the site. Today we will talk about the energy of money.

“He who does not work, he eats,” Fyodor's partner told Shurik, who worked hard at the construction site. If financial well-being really depended only on hard work, then we would have much fewer questions to the Universe.

The energy of money and the laws of the universe

The laws of the physical world cannot contradict the laws of the Universe, and the law of money is always a special case of a law of a more general scale. Therefore, the distribution of material wealth on Earth largely depends on the flow of very subtle energies.

Physics and metaphysics of money

The world has two sides physical And sacred. Any object is both a focus of atoms and a clot of energy.

A physically felt banknote or coin is a materialized monetary energy.

If there is a certain relationship between physical and ideal nature, the ideal is able to generate or tangibly influence the material. The Laws of Attraction of Money are a great example of transforming physical reality through energy management.

How to drink from a cornucopia

The world is nothing but a full bowl. The riches of this world are enough for all who are ready to possess them.

Imagine that you have a bowl with an infinite amount of water in your hands.

Your mind will immediately begin to actively resist, because it cannot imagine infinity in any of its forms. But the limitedness of the mind does not affect the boundaries of the Universe in any way, so for the purity of the experiment it is better to digress from antinomies.

In this bowl, you can create vortex currents and streams, tilt, shifting the water level relative to its edges, drink endlessly, giving life to new moisture. The cup is in your hands, but this abundance is both yours and not yours. If you really want to drink from a cornucopia, you will have to believe in what you are doing.

pendulum law

The universe is a perfect pendulum. Any energy message that arises in a person has its own invisible equivalent - a kind of "response" of the Universe.

Any loss or gain is just a step in maintaining the overall balance. This is how the great principle of compensation works, the regulative principle of the exchange of things and energies.

When you lose something, somewhere in the Universe an excess of energy is formed, which will subsequently return to you in one form or another.

Lost money will be returned with energy, lost energy may well be returned with money. If the lost money had bad energy, your well-being will noticeably improve.

pendulum law adjusts the distribution of positive and negative energies. Positive energy can be balanced by negative energy, but it attracts only positive energy, and vice versa.

Accordingly, the principle “give in joy to receive in joy” means that it is possible to attract money only with a pure heart, radiating positive energy and sending a positive signal to the Universe.

Law of the Observer

So, a person is able to attract the energy of money. He influences the events that take place, exchanges things and energies with the outside world, and therefore already has sufficient strength on the physical and mental level.

However, the strength of a person is determined by himself. For one, the Universe will be soft and pliable, and for another, it will be a powerful elemental force, which cannot be controlled even within the limits of one's own life.

Law of the Observer says that the universe always corresponds to our idea of ​​​​it. A person is always inclined to notice only what he is internally tuned to. He usually believes what he personally sees and feels.

Mental templates severely limit and narrow his horizons. The poverty minded will always look for confirmation that it is okay to live in limitation and lack. If the mortgage taker thinks that being in debt is the norm, then it is.

Therefore, if someone does not have a million, then this is because in his Universe this is not considered the norm. This someone simply does not want, or is not ready to have it.

Desires are crucial to any change. At the stage of formation, they are bundles of energy. The information they carry is the signal to the Universe.

Movement and transformation of monetary energy

Movement and change is the natural state of both matter and energy.

Unfulfilled desires is stagnant energy. Like a blood clot that forms in blood vessels, unfulfilled desires interfere with the normal flow of energy.

Stage number 1. Activation

The activation of desire, as well as the path to its embodiment, occurs in the human energy centers, called chakras. Proper work with desires will help to open the necessary chakras within yourself and feel the flow of monetary energy. Here it is necessary to know the principle of movement and transformation of monetary energy.

Stage number 2. Formation

At the stage of formation, desire acquires a certain image. The success of the next step will depend on the clarity of this image - the search for correspondences to what is desired in the surrounding world. If you want a car but have only a vague idea of ​​what it looks like, the universe probably won't recognize that signal.

A clear representation of the characteristics will allow you to notice the incoming response signals. You find what you want in a magazine or on a website, go to a car dealership and test different models, rent a car. If a match occurs, the image is completed, and the energy is ready to continue its journey.

Stage number 3. Choice

Next comes the selection step. This is the most important stage, it is here that desire turns into intention. The difference between desire and intention is the absence of doubt and hesitation. It is the willingness to have, the determination to act. Intention has a greater energy weight than desire, and is a powerful signal to the Universe.

The embodiment of desire occurs on two levels. On the one hand, there is the realization of inner intention, where your own activity is important. On the other hand, thanks to the action of external intention, the Universe selects a certain scenario or option for you.

How to get into the flow and overcome barriers

It is important to understand that any object, any living soul, any phenomenon is connected with the very essence of money. The essence of money is to be a medium of exchange, a measure of value, a universal equivalent. The Aztecs had exactly the same essence as cocoa beans. Since time immemorial, the energy of money has been a very powerful egregore.

Imagine that you are in the center of the largest city. The endless movement of the flow of people and cars is the circulation of monetary energy. Enter any supermarket and feel the energy of money connecting millions of people, all parts of the world. Imagine how its invisible threads entangle the entire planet.

Open the flow of money energy means to recognize one's desires as fundamentally realizable.

This work takes place at several energy frequencies at once. Incorporating into the cash flow and managing the flow of this strong energy is the most important strategic task on the path to a life of abundance and wealth.

The process of inclusion in the cash flow is hindered by various barriers that narrow the channel, preventing the circulation of energy.

barriers- these are negative attitudes and psychological blocks, bad associations associated with money, personal rejection of the energy of wealth, emotional discomfort, uncertainty and confusion when making financial decisions, fear of losing money, etc.

You can get rid of barriers with the help of special techniques: NLP, psychological assistance sessions, psychotherapy, meditation, yoga. You can work on yourself on your own, changing the initially negative attitudes, closing energy gaps.

To attract money into your life, you need to know what contributes to the expansion of cash flow. The energy of money becomes more powerful on fertile ground. Where the cash flow circulates, the world changes very quickly: decisions are made, intentions are embodied, desires materialize.

What inexorably attracts money

Some achieve financial well-being by doing what they love. At the same time, they have time for traveling, hobbies and learning something new. Others work by the sweat of their brow to provide themselves with housing and food. There is not enough time even for a good sleep.

For some, money flows like a river, while others, even suddenly rich, soon again fall into the rut of poverty. It turns out that all this is no accident.

Rich mindset

People of any wealth are mentally programmed for wealth or poverty. The psychology of the poor prevents people from living a full life, enjoying it and seeing new opportunities.

Rich mindset always resonates with the energy of money, and therefore attracts and attracts it. The Inner Rich does not skimp on food, trying to cut costs by lowering the quality of the food. He knows that the best way to reduce costs is to increase income.

Well-known business coach Natalia Grace at one of her seminars told a story about a mother who raised a child alone. The family was severely limited in finances. But it was important for the mother to send the child to a good commercial kindergarten. It all turned out that she enrolled the child in a pleasant, but very expensive institution.

As a result, all her money had to go to pay for the kindergarten. She intensively looked for options for a part-time job so that there would be funds for food. Soon she was fired from her old job, but she quickly found a new one with a salary twice as high.

If not for the desire of this woman, she would not even dare to think about such a high salary. The universe picks up a signal: this person needs more. And if a person needs more, he most often moves to a new level of life.

Money Energy Management

To pump your ability to attract money, you need to learn how to manage their energy. There is one secret, without knowing which it will be almost impossible to do this.

The most important thing is the right attitude. Anyone who wants to feel the energy of money must get rid of negative attitudes. The attitude towards money should change radically: it is important to feel love and a positive charge.

Creating a positive aura is the first step to starting to resonate with money energy.

Term! Money egregor is a powerful energy structure that operates at different levels, from individual to global.

Active action with the money egregore triggers all the necessary changes. An example of independent active actions can be: raising prices for your services, talking with your boss about your own prospects, studying various financial instruments, investing.

In a positive way, spiritual and energy practices will affect resonation with the money egregor. If you want to manage cash flow, be prepared for the fact that your energy will need to be strengthened. Meditation to strengthen or restore vital energy will help here.

It will not be superfluous to work with the chakras - the energy centers of the human body. Sound is also a form of energy that in a certain way affects the energy, psyche and work of the chakras. Listening and reciting mantras can be helpful.

Use various techniques to send the right signals to the universe. The visualization and affirmation techniques from the author of Reality Transurfing are a really powerful tool.

Term! Visualization- this is a mental scrolling of the image of the desired, presenting it in detail and detail.

When performing this exercise, it is important to feel your own emotions arising from mental contact with a dream.

Term! affirmation is a verbal formula, the repetition of which in a calm and relaxed atmosphere contributes to the affirmation of its meaning in reality.

For example: “Since I think and feel that money is good, more and more money begins to flow to me” (Vadim Zeland).

  1. Make money move. This should become the main rule of your life. Wealthy people use their assets very intelligently, turning them into opportunities to earn even more. You can start by setting aside some of your free money for training, advanced training, or for a purchase that will lead to an increase in income in the future.
  2. Evaluate the rationality of your work. The law of money obeys neither mathematics nor logic: with properly organized labor, less effort is spent and more is earned. This simple truth can change your life.
  3. Constantly look for opportunities, even if everything suits you. So you let the Universe know that you are ready to consider all its proposals.
  4. Pay attention to your posture when making financial decisions. Keep your spine straight, this will ensure the correct flow of energy. The advice is also good for those who work while sitting.
  5. Keep your money in order. Carelessness in relation to money can weaken the flow of monetary energy. Do not crease, and do not hide bills in the secret pockets of your wallet. Sort them according to their value and fold them in a straightened form facing you.
  6. Don't neglect the little things. Feel free to involve coins in circulation or buy a beautiful piggy bank. Otherwise, their energy may stagnate.
  7. Give a small amount to charity regularly. Choose the area that you like. This creates positive energy, will energize you and your money. Charity is well treated "poor man's complex."
  8. Get your budget right. The expenditure item should include not only mandatory payments, but also all current needs. Based on this amount, income is calculated. When calculating, always take into account the increase in income.
  9. Don't talk about your earnings. Rich people don't like to do this, follow their example.
  10. Connect with successful people. Next to them, the energy of money is many times more powerful. You can feel it and get a powerful positive charge. Fence off whiners and losers, focus on prospects.
  11. Invest in yourself. Training in the gym, appearance, decent clothes. Translated into the language of the rich, this is not a luxury, but an investment. By investing in yourself, you increase your chances of becoming more successful.
  12. Don't make saving an end in itself. Irrational savings lead to the establishment of impenetrable blocks that impede the circulation of monetary energy. Keep value for money, and give your money for a product that is worth it.
  13. Do not transfer money from hand to hand. In the store, use the cash plate to transfer money and receive change. In the circle of households, leave money in a specially agreed place.
  14. Install a money magnet in your apartment attracting the energy of abundance and wealth. It will help to catch, lure and retain monetary energy. The talisman should be located according to the principles of Feng Shui, in the southeastern part of the home.
  15. Get rid of the trash He has very bad energy. Storing old and unnecessary things not only takes up space, but also interferes with the acquisition of a new one. Lively and active, monetary energy does not tolerate stagnation. She will never come to a house where there is no room for change.


The universe may seem large and indifferent to many. But in fact, reality exists independently of you as long as you yourself agree with it. The world of subtle energies is not magic, and money and wealth do not appear with a wave of a magic wand. Money, like any physical and energy objects, obeys the general laws of the Universe. That is why everyone has a chance to change their life.

Almost everyone already knows that money at the quantum level is energy. And with the laws by which money energy works, they are familiar firsthand.

The topic of money is not simple and affects many aspects of life (realizing your own value, building relationships, building expertise, and much more).

It often happens that a person already knows everything about money, both from a physical point of view and from a metaphysical one, but in real life, material abundance is still far away.

If you belong to this category of people, then in this article you will find answers to your own: “Why so?” and get recommendations for expanding your cash flow.

Laws of Money

What you need to do to move to a higher level of income

What is the relationship between your value and money

→ How to activate your cash flow

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Moreover, we will consider specific examples, but with a slight reminder of theoretical points.

What is money energy?

Any energy, like money, is a constantly moving substance that does not endure obstacles in its path.

If there is something in her way that impedes the flow, she will find an opportunity without options:

  • change the direction of your movement,
  • demolish the barrier, having accumulated a certain mass.

A simple example is with water, which is also energy: it will always find where to leak, and if not, it transforms into another energy - a swamp.

If you try to consciously or following your settings, hold up the money, then they will flow away irrevocably.

It is better to let them go of your own free will, while skillfully paving the way for them so that they strive to return to you.

You must clearly understand that energy moves according to its own universal laws and you can manage it here, in the physical world, only in accordance with these postulates (it's like driving a car according to traffic rules).

For only in this way the movement takes place in an ecological way for the universe as a whole and for humanity in particular.

If you suddenly decide that you can observe something, but something is not necessary, and you will still have money, then I want to assure you right away that this is an illusion.

If you still have them, it is only because they still have somewhere to flow, but the “channel” is already narrowing. So draw your own conclusions!

In addition, there are rules in physical life, which are fully consistent with higher laws. For example:

  • Perform actions, share your creativity (services, physical objects) with the world - you receive rewards from the universe through specific people (employers, clients) - Energy exchange law.
  • Do what you want and work where you want, provided that the employer accepted it there - The Law of Free Will and Choice.

Our physical life is a synergy of spiritual and human laws. Therefore, in everyday life, money must be managed consciously.

You will learn more about the laws of the universe from the article.

How is the process of movement of money energy

Let's use a specific example to analyze how the movement of money energy begins on the metaphysical plane of your life and then manifests itself in physical reality.

Now many women dream of freeing themselves from annoying washing dishes. So we will consider this process using the example of a dishwasher.

But you can come up with your own, understandable to you, example.

Stage number 1. The emergence of desire

There was an idea (dream, desire) to have an assistant. A clot of energy immediately formed in the universe to realize this fantasy and came to you in crown chakra.

Remember, if the desire was strong, and you do nothing further, then the energy will remain hanging in the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour head and will periodically excite your brain.

The more such unrealized ideas, the more clots-blocks are formed, which will prevent the emergence of other desires, since the energy simply has nowhere to flow.

And then you wonder why you stopped dreaming!? And so by analogy in each energy center.

Stage number 2. Formation of an image of a dream on a mental level

You begin to imagine what it is, this dishwasher, where to put it, how it works. How do you use the freed up time to take care of yourself.

A bunch of energy descended into third eye chakra.

Do you want to know what area in your life each chakra is responsible for? Download the booklet.

Stage number 3. Searching for a dream match in the outside world

Use common sense, not your own monetary restrictions.

Stage number 4. Choice of the desired from the whole variety

You liked a particular model, you fell in love with it and felt: “This is what I would buy for myself!”. You have allowed your dream to settle in your main center - heart chakra.

Congratulations! Just completed half the distance. From here begins the way to move from desire to intention have it in physical reality.

Stage number 5. Making a purchase decision

Decided to buy, act - the solar plexus.

Most often, this is followed by a stop and a very long one. Some understand that they now have no money, and no prospects, while others cannot make a decision (express an intention - I take it, I do it).

Below we will consider how not to hang in this place.

If you have difficulty making decisions, open your solar plexus chakra.

Stage number 6. Building Intention

In the next step, you think through the small details:

  • in which store to make a purchase;
  • how to deliver;
  • where to install;
  • who will take care of it.

Turns on creative process- sacral chakra.

Stage number 7. Turning dreams into reality

At the last stage, you turn your dream into reality - the root chakra. All planned activities have been completed.

You have a dishwasher. And at this time you are glad that your dream has come true and enjoy aromatic coffee and others like it.

Money energy has passed down freely, it is ready to flow and flow along this beautiful channel, bringing you joy.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that the speed of movement between energy centers is always different.

It depends on many factors, and above all, the balance of the energy system, and as a result, a sufficient amount of money.

Now let's go back to step #5. How in this place not to frighten off our precious money?

After all, here physical realities come into their own: Where can I get the money!?

The family budget needs to be drawn up. Dot. The universe must see your needs.

The main mistake in budgeting is to allocate your income to what is enough, starting with the most necessary payments (food, utilities, clothes for children).

Successful organizations and people budget differently.

First of all, ALL needs are determined, then they plan the amount for the realization of their intentions (see stage No. 5), lay 10% of the total amount or more for the increase in funds.

The result obtained is the total planned amount of income.

And only then an income plan is drawn up (where, how much, how the money will come).

First, all payments, expenses and investments (don't forget about entertainment and care), plus the cost of a dishwasher, as in our example, plus a minimum of 10% to income.

Necessarily consider income growth(10%), so you train yourself to believe that your income is growing. And be ready to catch new opportunities.

We do NOT consider taking out a loan.

If you have worked through everything that stands in the way of your cash flow, in particular your limiting beliefs, then there will be no difficulties.

Please note this is a model. cash flow expansion, and if you act in the opposite direction - narrowing.

If you have a significant intention in terms of money, break this amount into the number of months during which you will accumulate funds to make your dreams come true on the physical plane, and add this part to the expenses calculated earlier.

Don't rush, but don't delay in moving the energy to make your dreams come true. After all, the universe is generous, it wants to please and delight every day.

And you just need to skillfully manage these processes for the highest good of all at once.

I hope you were interested in this approach to cash flow management. And I'll be lucky enough to see your comments on this article soon enough.