What does it mean to have a neutral attitude towards alcohol and smoking? Attitude to alcohol in your resume

March 8

Drinking alcohol is one of the most dangerous bad habits. Ethyl alcohol in excessive quantities can cause enormous harm to the body - from various pathologies to such a serious disease as alcoholism. More recently, a type of people has emerged who talk about their compromising attitude towards alcohol. This concept is often found in social networks and questionnaires that are asked to be filled out when applying for a job.

Meaning of the concept

Compromise is a way of resolving a controversial or conflicting issue to which both conflicting parties agree. Both parties make concessions in such a way as to satisfy the interests of the opposite party and not infringe on their rights. What does it mean to have a compromise attitude towards alcohol? Most people at parties and celebrations make decisions for themselves about whether they should drink alcohol or not. Only those for whom ethyl alcohol is contraindicated for health reasons do not face this dilemma. Such an attitude towards alcohol means that a person does not completely give up drinking strong drinks, but does not abuse it either.

Features of a compromise attitude towards alcohol:

  • adherents of such views cannot be condemned by those who have completely eliminated alcohol from their diet, or by avid alcoholics;
  • a person controls his behavior, since he will not drink more than the prescribed norm, and accordingly, will not go to extremes;
  • a compromise attitude is observed not only towards alcohol, but also towards other bad habits;
  • Knowing his dose, a person will never bring himself to an unconscious state by drinking large amounts of alcohol.

Since standards for the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed have not been established, Each person individually determines an acceptable dose for themselves. But it must be remembered that frequent use ethyl alcohol even in small quantities it is addictive and addictive. The quality of strong drinks also determines the consequences of their consumption.

Alcoholic drinks appear in a person’s life most often during adolescence. First experience may vary. Teenagers may try alcohol under the influence of friends, in order to stand out from the crowd or to feel like an adult. As you get older, your attitude may change.

A neutral position allows you to ignore established rules and increase the dose of drinks consumed, while with compromise views you can firmly adhere to your principles. Sharp negative attitude may manifest itself against the background of physical intolerance to alcohol, as well as in those who have previously encountered alcohol addiction. Problems with alcohol in the family significantly influence the child’s attitude towards strong drinks.

How to develop a compromise attitude

Any bad habit, including drinking alcohol, negatively affects human health. Adherents of completely eliminating alcohol from the diet usually try to wean others from this habit. Neutral-minded people sometimes succumb to the temptation to drink an extra glass of wine or bottle of beer. Compromise attitude - perfect option for those who want to always keep their condition under control and not be considered a prude in the team. How does he behave? compromising person To? He understands the seriousness of the effect of alcohol on the body and knows exactly the norm that he should not exceed.

Ways to achieve compromise views on alcohol:

  • a drinker is aware of how harmful alcohol can affect health, and also that excessive consumption negatively affects relationships with family and friends and interferes with full-time work;
  • then the rate and types of alcohol that can be consumed are determined.
  • The position is explained to friends and acquaintances, since they are the ones who are trying to persuade the person to “drink another glass.”
  • A certain dose must be strictly adhered to, otherwise there is a risk of slipping and drinking until you pass out.

Other bad habits

Smokers may feel differently about their habit. Some people think that cigarettes do not harm their health and those around them. But others understand that smoking can cause serious harm to the body and to those who are constantly around the smoker.

What does it mean to have a compromise attitude towards smoking? In this case, the person realizes the harmfulness of the habit and the discomfort that it can cause to others. He also understands that he will not be able to eliminate smoking from his life immediately. The smoker tries to take action and reduces the number of cigarettes smoked per day or purchases lighter cigarettes. This will allow him to get rid of this habit over time or reduce the harm from it.

In some cases, the desire to smoke less arises due to the following problems:

  • illness or poor health in men;
  • pregnancy and diseases in women;
  • in a smoking group, a person who is independent of nicotine can smoke along with everyone else in order not to stand out. Internal compromise implies that the non-smoker should feel comfortable among such friends.
  • When small children appear in the house;
  • if in family or circle of friends smoking man there are allergy sufferers.

Compromise is the first step to quitting cigarettes. After all, it is quite difficult to radically quit smoking right away, so the smoker makes a compromise with himself. This can be expressed in the following actions of the smoker:

  • a smoker tries not to smoke in the presence of strangers or those who do not smoke.
  • When taking out a cigarette, the smoker looks for a place to smoke where he will not cause disturbance to other people.

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A compromise attitude towards alcohol is normal attitude to strong drinks, its moderate use, i.e., the absence of extremes. People with this position allow themselves to drink from time to time in moderate doses. They do not suffer from alcoholism, but they do not categorically deny alcohol-containing drinks.

Compromise attitude towards alcoholic beverages

People with a neutral attitude towards alcohol choose whether to drink or abstain, depending on their desire. They are not worried about the persuasion of their friends, they are not afraid to look like a “black sheep” against the backdrop of a drinking environment, they know when to stop, and do not fall into a state of binge drinking. Alcohol is present in the lives of such people, but does not play any role in it.

A person with compromising views on alcohol will not raise a glass for the purpose of:

  • stress relief;
  • follow the lead of friends;
  • getting rid of boredom;
  • imitation of parents;
  • maintaining tradition.

People who drink alcohol for the above reasons will never find a common language with a person who is not dependent on alcohol.

Achieving Understanding

The majority of the world's inhabitants are not dependent on alcohol. These are ordinary citizens with a normal worldview, that is, they have a compromise attitude towards alcoholic beverages. They understand that systematic drinking can lead to irreversible consequences in life and health.

Often an individual changes his life principles, and the compromise approach to intoxicating drinks changes in a direction favorable to alcoholism. Once you succumb to the influence of your environment several times and take the path of negative destruction, it is not always possible to return to a neutral position.

Compromise and alcohol are the right position that will help you get out of the current situation with virtually no losses. It is important to remember this, not to be led, not to give in to pressure. This is the only way to maintain health, inner harmony, and the ability to manage your life.

Every person has the freedom to choose between compromise and dependence; it is undoubtedly more correct to give preference to the first.

To develop a compromise attitude towards alcohol, you need to take responsibility for your life. A glass helps you temporarily escape from reality and forget about your problems. After the effect of alcohol on the body ends, a hangover is added to the previous worries.

What does alcohol do to a person?

When new difficulties arise, a person needs to adjust his usual behavior, that is, remove obstacles without the help of intoxicating drinks. It is better to replace a trip to the store for a bottle with a walk, communication with children, and doing something useful. The goal is to change patterned behavior and break the vicious circle.

The second step in overcoming addiction is getting rid of the opinions of others. Drinking in company is often standard procedure. Over time, friends begin to gather only to drink alcohol. It is important not to give in to attraction.

The main sign of a person who has control over himself is the ability not to get drunk, to know when to stop, and to stop in time. In the absence of such abilities, you should completely abstain from alcohol.

A compromise attitude towards alcoholic beverages does not prevent a citizen from occasionally drinking moderately, but it also does not cause harm to health and allows one to lead a normal lifestyle.

Compromise is not sacrificing one's interests for the benefit of another person, as many people think. concessions, the ability to find a solution that suits both. A compromise attitude is an opportunity to preserve your freedom, to defend your principles without creating But are mutual concessions always beneficial?

To a person with early childhood They suggest that any situation can be resolved through conversation. Now you will concede to your opponent, then he will concede to you in something. Of course, this judgment is correct, but not everyone knows how to negotiate in such a way as to satisfy all interested parties. And those who master this skill can get out of almost any situation with minimal losses.

Compromise or weakness

A compromise attitude does not mean giving up your own ideas to please another person. Let's consider this situation as an example. Let's say two friends decide to go somewhere together. But their taste preferences do not coincide, one loves cinema, the other theater. And so one of them, having decided not to create a controversial situation, instead of going to watch a new film, agrees to visit the theater. What is the result? One of the friends will spend her time in a completely different way than she would like, that is, her interests will not be satisfied. Therefore, in in this case we should talk about a concession, not a compromise. A compromise relationship is when all parties are satisfied. That is, if the friends decided to go to a cafe or a museum (which both of them like), then the evening would be wonderful for both parties, and no one would be offended.

When is it worth making a compromise?

What does a compromise attitude mean? This is when the needs of all opponents are taken into account. But does it always make sense to look for a solution that suits everyone? There are situations when the issue being resolved is not important to you. And in this case, you can make concessions. But you shouldn’t give in if decision may affect future events or change you as a person. You should not compromise as a result of pressure, in the event that a person does not sacrifice his interests, but demands any concessions from you. A compromise attitude is a mutually beneficial solution to the issue, and the previous situation is simply an attempt to manipulate you.

Trade-offs regarding alcohol and smoking

A large number of people face the question of whether to drink or not to drink every day. There are many reasons to drink. But if a person does not drink at all, then no holidays or dates will lead him astray. That is, everything depends on the principles that he developed during his life. The same can be said for smoking. Compromise attitude towards smoking - This conscious choice whether each person smokes or not. The same as with alcohol: everyone decides for themselves whether to drink or not to drink. The question arises as to how a compromise solution differs from a deliberate one. In this case, the choice is determined by the stresses that exist in every person’s life. Unmet needs and desires corrode our psyche from the inside, and a person tries to dull the feeling of stress and relax with the help of alcohol or smoking. If we talk about a compromise attitude, then in stressful situation it gives us the right to decide what to do: the way we want, or the way circumstances require or the people around us expect.

Alcohol is a drink that ruins human life. Regular intake of ethyl alcohol into the body results in dire consequences: from the development of an irreversible disease to the appearance of persistent alcohol dependence. Due to strong passion alcoholic drinks Some people have developed a persistent negative attitude towards all alcoholic beverages. Some people follow a compromise point of view.

Compromise is a solution that helps the office find a way out of the current situation. difficult situation . With the help of such an action, in most cases, it is possible to resolve misunderstandings between two people and resolve a dispute without much worry and omissions.

To come to a compromise, you need to learn to look at the situation from different angles, as well as put yourself in the place of your interlocutor, be able to understand his position and views.

Achieving a common understanding

Not everyone can be proud of their talent for finding a compromise. This worldview is not fully considered by maximalists - those people who are accustomed to constantly and in all things clearly stand on their point of view. They never deviate from their beliefs.

A compromise in this case may be a certain intermediate solution. Such a solution will help to get out of the dispute competently only partially, but at the same time it does not make people who follow different views, evil rivals. To find a compromise you need:

  • be able to partially acknowledge your partner’s point of view;
  • be able not only to defend your point of view, but also not to neglect someone else’s;
  • In order to develop the ability to look at the overall situation through the eyes of a second person, it is very important to have flexibility of thinking.

Those people who can configure well - see and consider the problem from many perspectives - can come to a compromise. different sides. Such individuals can easily admit their mistakes and the rightness of their interlocutor, but without losing their views.

Features of Beliefs

Any person should be able to find a compromise. This skill is very important for modern society, especially for establishing strong relationships. Representatives of different cultures define this skill in their own way:

  1. Representatives of Manichaeism (a religion from the East) prohibit compromise. For them, such a skill is considered real harm, which negatively affects all personal manifestations.
  2. In other countries, whose residents are subject to a liberal outlook, compromise is treated as an integral part of the culture. For such people, they need to be able to find a compromise in many situations, since this property helps to understand the people around them and have a positive attitude towards life itself.

In our society, finding a compromise is a rather valuable and important skill. Mutual concessions in this case are very important for the comfortable existence of all people. But there are other situations when trying to compromise is not worth it:

  • if such a decision strongly contradicts own principles and views;
  • if there is a more advantageous alternative to resolve the existing conflict;
  • if the second interlocutor puts pressure on you, does not even consider your point of view and does not think of giving in, but only follows his own goals;
  • in the case when a person says that he is interested in a positive outcome of the dispute for each side, but he himself does not take any appropriate steps for this.

In this case, it is very important to listen to your own voice. If there are at least some of the described signs during a conflict, there is no need to start looking for mutually beneficial solutions.

Compromise always has a neutral result - an outcome. Such a position will only be considered as a refusal by the two parties to adhere to strong principles and opinions in the dispute. But such a decision should not be made by only one interlocutor and should not benefit only one side of the conflict.

Opposing points of view can never lead to a general agreement, which is why it is necessary to find a line that will help reconcile the conflicting parties and avoid expressed conflict.

Compromise for alcohol

Many people are faced with the question of whether to drink alcohol or not. To relax with the help of alcoholic beverages, an addict can always find an appropriate reason. But if a person does not drink alcohol at all (due to his beliefs or problems in the body), no, even the most compelling reasons to drink or outside beliefs will be able to sway his opinion.

To drink alcohol or not is a conscious choice of everyone, just as in the case of smoking.

Currently, when applying for a job or filling out a page in social network you have to fill out specific forms and resumes. They also often contain questions that relate to a particular person’s attitude towards alcohol products. And almost always the person writes about a compromise attitude.

General attitude towards alcohol

Among a wide segment of the population, a strong belief has strengthened that alcoholism is a problem of people without a fixed place of residence or completely degenerate people, although everyday drunkenness in its various forms and manifestations is widespread throughout the world. social groups. Even with the most obvious sign addiction is usually not clearly recognized and not limited: they drink in the company of people or alone, hide alcohol from loved ones, hide their binges under various pretexts.

For some reason, many in this case believe that help from relevant organizations or coding in medical institution- a sign of weakness of character, as well as interference in life. Alcohol products can be a good antidepressant, but only in homeopathic quantities and when prescribed by a doctor. On the territory of our country, there is a predominantly lenient attitude towards people who drink.

A person who has a compromise attitude towards alcohol consumption does not abuse alcohol, but can sometimes drink in honor of a feast or some kind of holiday. That is, one who does not have any alcohol addiction, but also does not have a negative attitude towards people who drink. Why do this, since such a person can sometimes drink himself. In the general mass of the world's inhabitants, many have compromise beliefs regarding alcoholic products.

Pros of the compromise point of view

This position, when a person has a neutral attitude towards alcoholic beverages, is convenient and very important. Such a person receives much more benefits than someone who does not drink at all:

  1. A person with such a worldview is not condemned by those people who have completely given up alcohol. Also, there is no negative attitude drinking people. Because they are treated with understanding and neutrality.
  2. By drinking a certain dose of alcohol, such people remain completely adequate. They know their own dose well and don’t get too drunk. As a result, being in a tipsy state, they do not go to negative extremes and do not behave indecently.
  3. It is much easier for them to find contact with people around them. Since having flexibility in making certain decisions, you can understand any deviation from general norm. This means that such people have many more loyal friends and people around them who are friendly to them. This is very important for the conditions of modern life.

But, no matter how correctly a person treats alcoholic products, one must always remember the harm that alcohol brings. Regular consumption of alcohol in large quantities as a result leads to the development dangerous diseases And mental disorders. This route can be fatal in some cases.

Impact on the look

An adult's attitude towards alcohol can change throughout his life. Compromise is also an unstable phenomenon. Under the influence of circumstances, a compromise position can quickly turn into a neutral or negative one.

This case also has its own characteristics. Since a neutral attitude towards alcohol is a kind of straw. From a neutral attitude, a person more often moves into a position that can ultimately lead to the development of alcoholism.

A person with a neutral relationship does not have to look for common ground and at the same time maintain his beliefs, as happens with a persistent compromise.

According to sociologists' surveys, it is the neutral attitude that often turns into a position that implies regular alcohol consumption. Such individuals tend to follow the views of those around them, without maintaining their own.

Physiological difficulties also sometimes influence the formation of attitudes towards people who drink alcohol. In this case, the individual may develop a severe intolerance to alcohol. This reaction occurs when:

  • a sharp negative attitude towards alcohol, especially if the person was previously committed to drinking;
  • a neutral attitude when previously a person took doses of alcohol extremely rarely.

A person’s negative attitude and rejection of drinkers may arise due to sad experience. When in childhood the child had to regularly see drinking parents or at a young age deal with chronic alcoholics.

The right attitude towards addiction

The correct attitude towards alcohol addiction will help you drink alcohol exactly how food products, and not as a psychotropic or narcotic drug. At correct use Alcohol does not cause any hangover. The behavior remains the same, there is no aggression, there are no violations in emotional background. A compromise attitude towards alcohol means that the individual does not have any addiction, since in this case alcohol abuse is completely excluded.

Alcoholism and rejection

Dependence on alcoholic products, both psychological and physiological in nature, is complex illness, without alcohol such a person cannot live fully. In this case, all hobbies, life aspirations and will completely collapse, which leads to spiritual and physical degradation. The position of the diametrical type results in a complete rejection of alcohol and an aggressive attitude towards those who take it. Very often this leads to conflict situations, which in some cases reach the point of direct aggression, which means a sharply negative attitude towards drinking.

The harm and benefits of alcohol

Alcohol is not a prohibited product; it is freely sold and available to all people over eighteen years of age. IN small quantity It is recommended to use it as a general tonic and medicinal drug. The anti-sclerotic and vasodilating effects of high-quality cognac are widely known; dry red wine is classified as an antioxidant. But positive effect from such drugs it manifests itself only at a minimum dosage. Even a small overdose of alcohol can result in headaches, increased blood pressure and pain in the stomach.

Since strong drinks have antidepressant properties, their regular use during stress and nervous experiences As a result, it leads to persistent addiction. The development of alcoholism is not accompanied by psychological disorders, and strong changes at work internal organs body.

Compromise on smoking

Many people ask, which means a compromise attitude towards smoking. Smoking is more prevalent in society than alcohol. This habit negatively affects the people around them, as it forces them to be in the role of a passive smoker. In this case, it is very difficult to understand the smoker and treat him normally, since this causes direct harm to your health.

Many people are also interested in what a neutral attitude towards smoking means.. You can achieve neutrality here too. To do this, you just need to calmly and politely ask the smoking person to move to a more accessible smoking area. You need to openly talk about your rejection of second-hand smoke so that others can accept your point of view.

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When filling out various questionnaires, including when applying for a job, they are often asked to indicate the degree of involvement in bad habits - alcoholic beverages and smoking. Among the answer options you can find not only negative and positive views, but also items such as “sharply negative”, “compromise” and “neutral” attitudes towards alcohol and cigarettes. Knowing the exact meaning of the above concepts will help a person not get into an awkward situation.

What positions indicate that a person will not drink or smoke under any circumstances?

There are positions in which people make it clear to others that they not only do not suffer from alcohol or nicotine addiction, but even occasionally do not allow themselves to drink alcohol or smoke a cigarette. These include the following bad habits:

  • Strongly negative. This attitude towards alcohol and smoking implies that a person not only is not into it himself, but also avoids communicating with smokers and drinkers in every possible way. He does not understand the addiction to cigarettes and drinking, perceives it as a disease and feels extremely uncomfortable in such company. If one of your relatives is addicted to alcohol or cigarettes, then a person with such a life position will accept everything possible measures to help a loved one get rid of alcohol or nicotine addiction.
  • Negative. This approach is similar to the previous point of view: a person does not drink or smoke, but is able to communicate with those who are addicted to bad habits, although such communication is unpleasant for him.
  • Compromise. This opinion is also called tolerance: it says that a person reacts absolutely calmly to how others behave. Such a person does not care whether his acquaintances, colleagues, friends and relatives smoke or drink. But he himself, if offered a drink or a cigarette, will under no circumstances agree. This is the position most people take when applying for a job, and this choice allows them to avoid many problems in the future.

Thus, choosing any of the above points means that the individual himself will never drink strong drinks or smoke.

At what point can a person drink or smoke?

Among the positions that indicate that a person does not dislike bad habits are the following types relations:

  • Neutral. This position means: “I am neither for nor against.” With this approach to bad habits, the person is not a heavy smoker or alcoholic, but if offered a drink or a cigarette, then, depending on his mood and current circumstances, he can support the company. Often men and women indicate that they are neutral about bad habits if they do not want to tell the truth or if they smoke or drink, but believe that they are not addicted.
  • Positive. This point of view is shared by people suffering from alcohol addiction and heavy smokers. If a person smokes every day or regularly (more than 2-3 times a week) drinks alcohol, then this is a positive disposition towards bad habits. Most often, they need the help of a narcologist, since they are unable to fight addiction on their own.